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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 21, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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you watched 100 to one, this is a fun, educational quiz, every morning on weekends on the russia channel, we meet and see you again. hello, on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the irina rossius studio and the main topics for this hour. the battle did not stop for 3 days,
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it goes on and on and on. attack aircraft of the west group captured enemy positions, and today an enemy mik-29 s-300 installation was also destroyed. european authorities refuse to confiscate russia's frozen assets, which is where most of them are located. and who does it help? usa, itself or ukraine, allocating $61 billion? what will this money be used for? 7 am, the water is still rising, the neighbors downstairs already have water in their windows. the sakmara river in orenburg drowns garden plots. in the kurgan region , 15,000 people have already been evacuated. the water level in tobula is still above 10 m. thousands of people protest in the canary islands. residents of the popular resort are demanding an urgent review of the tourism strategy, which they are unhappy with. and 26 months, three grueling expeditions in
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extreme wilderness conditions. movie the fiery fox opened the competition program of the forty-sixth moscow film festival. a series of explosions last night and early in the morning occurred in kharkov and kherson, controlled by the kiev regime. however, both times the air raid warning was not announced in these territories. light schedules in the kharkov region are not maintained, the city mayor said. a ukrainian mig-29 was destroyed in the dnepropetrovsk region. these are operational control personnel. missile attacks on the aviatorskaya airbase. well, besides the fighter , the s-300 and the radar station were disabled pelican. they provided cover for the base. here, in just a week, our military destroyed seven enemy aircraft and four s-300 launchers. russian marines unloaded the flag at the mass grave to the west.
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showed how they were moving deeper into the village. for zelensky’s militants, this is one of the most important strongholds. the battle for it has been going on for many months. our kamikaze drones work as accurately as possible on the positions and equipment of the ukrainian armed forces. in the chasovo yar area, the militants are found to be destroyed in the trenches, among residential buildings. and in these frames it was discovered in the forest belt american howitzer m77, 777. after an accurate hit, it literally shattered. attack aircraft of the west group captured yet another enemy position on the kupinsky sector of the front. the battle lasted 3 days. as a result , the surviving militants chose to surrender. it comes out, it comes out, it comes out. our assault units are receiving powerful fire support. t-72.
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a long stretch of open terrain, it needs to be covered as quickly as possible, and additional protection won’t hurt. somewhere ahead is artyomovsk. tankers of the southern group troops are working even further behind him. shooting from a closed position, in order not to declassify it, we have to remove everything unnecessary. frame of the t-72 supporting our attack aircraft with fire, the crew’s cold-blooded, calibrated actions, and this despite the fact that the tank itself is now most likely in the enemy’s sights, the very moment is to get there and shoot back, and then everything is back to normal , yes, now drones, comics, the most dangerous thing was felt, the armor was holding up fine, air combat in the first person, so our copter in the night sky went... to ram
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beat up an enemy woman and remained unharmed, the trench savvy of our aviators. normally, a special iron tube is wound around the legs, that is, it flies up and sits down not completely, but with these. grenade shells, which have long been suspended like this by a copter, you can land enemy birds not only with a ram, our fighters assembled this device on their knees, it peels the approaching drone, it loses space, a rather primitive device assembled from spare parts and drones that we... .
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in the kurgan region , 15 thousand people have already been evacuated by floodwaters, despite a slight decrease in recent hours, the water level in tobul is still above 10 m. 5,500 residential buildings and cottages are flooded. at night, the elements destroyed a bridge in one of the villages near kurgan. rescuers are patrolling flooded areas and removing pets remaining in the danger zone . april 21, 7 am, the water is still rising, the neighbors downstairs already have water in their windows. well , this is orenburg, where the sakmara river drowns garden plots. there are complexes in the city squall. more than 30 thousand tons of water pass through them per day and are pumped out from the streets. as soon as the flood wave recedes, disinfection begins immediately. in the tyumen region , the water level is monitored from the air; every day
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, drone footage is taken in the same places to assess the scale of the disaster. the ishimsky district suffered the most. to protect the city, emergencies ministry employees are volunteers. and albert musin. the village of plodopitomnik, ishimsky district. the water came just before our eyes, very quickly in a large stream, if you notice, this house was literally tilted by this strong current. now, of course, almost everything at home is already under water, right down to... the fact that almost the roofs are no longer visible in some places, the water continues to rise, people are returning to their plots, they can now only be reached by boats, i have a dacha there plot and house, i’ll go and swim there, i’ll see that the second floor is flooded, no, within 24 hours the water has risen by another 140 cm, exceeding the level of 10.5 m, the historical
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record on the ishim river has been broken, the ministry of emergency situations of russia continues to work on flooded territories, in 17 settlements and four snt, almost 100 houses, 400 country houses and 646 household plots were flooded. flooding began already within the city; as local residents say, water came to snt and shimselmash overnight. now you can see the roofs of farm buildings there. according to the ministry of emergency situations , more than 3,000 people have already been evacuated. the day before , another group was transferred to the village of sinitsina, cut off by water. they continue to strengthen the dam there. the water cut off the message. governor alexander mor also visited there. the level is growing, no, slowly. but calculation, the elements force animals to escape, people in the flooded areas are sending necessary things to their relatives, the electricity has been turned off, now we are delivering a generator, the boat is approaching, well, that is, there is a message there now - along the road, the flooding of the ishim river continues, huge bodies of water
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are moving at high speed , hundreds of people are strengthening protective structures, as you can see, the water is already very close and we have sent all the forces that we have. to strengthen the dam so that it does not break, to save all the houses that are here are located. people in flooded areas are being urged to urgently leave their homes; the peak of the flood and the shimsky district has not yet passed. ksenia usoltseva, maxim marchenko, vesti tyumen. for more than a week, kurgan has been living under the constant accompaniment of an alarm siren, also known as an evacuation requirement, which is turned on every 2 hours. while the water is approaching the city. throughout the region, two dozen settlements of hundreds of snt are now flooded. the tobol river turned into the huge tobolsk sea with small islands in the form of rooftop houses. nothing else is visible here, everything is hidden water. in some houses there are still people
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who are being taken out by rescuers, entire families, sometimes seriously ill, are being evacuated. the day before , a man with a heart attack was returned to the mainland. he waited for the ministry of emergency situations employees on the roof of the house, barely able to stand on his feet. we all already know the ways, but quickly enough we got to the house where this man lived, carefully placed him in the boat, and of course it was already twilight, we tried to be more gentle. rescuers always have a heavy transporter of more than a dozen boats at the ready throughout the city in order to quickly respond to requests for help usually come to a single number 112. people understand that the water is still rising. applications are starting, and in this area i can focus more on the people that there are a lot of
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abandoned domestic animals, this also adds to our work, well, in general we are coping, a special part of the work is rescuing animals abandoned on roofs and attics, such as in flooded hundreds of snt remain, some of them literally have to fight their way to, barbosik, tuzik, ball, evacuate, come out, come to us, abandoned villages regularly. overflowing lake, but even in such conditions it does not stop working, and so that employees could get to work, this concrete bridge was built for them. on the ground they work in an oval mode, on the eve.
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celebrated in russia, the date refers to the events of 1785, then empress catherine ii issued a charter granting rights and benefits to the cities of the russian empire. vladimir putin congratulated all local government employees on their professional holiday. the head of state emphasized from the professionalism and concern of representatives of municipal authorities depends on the development of cities and villages and the solution of people’s everyday problems. the president called on local officials to actively support significant public initiatives. the sowing season is taking place in difficult conditions in the belgorod region; all
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agricultural equipment goes into the field only equipped with protection from drones. despite the difficulties, local farmers are trying to meet deadlines to complete sowing on time. report from the region by alexander revunov. a metal the frame, later the chains will be stretched, a nylon net will be thrown. thus, farmers of the belgorod region are preparing for field work, insurance. in the event of an attack by ukrainian drones. gradually, anti-drone nets will be installed on all sowing and harvesting equipment in border agricultural enterprises in the region. this is just one of the many abominations of combine tractor drivers. helmet body armor. now this ammunition is mandatory for machine operators working in the border zone. there is also a first aid kit in the cabin with a set of hemostatic tourniquets funds. all employees of this enterprise have completed medical self-help courses. two shells flew directly above us. and there were explosions of about 500 meters, it was
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some kind of artillery, but you have nothing special here nearby and there are no military facilities, as i understand it, there are no facilities, we don’t have any, that is, it’s just terrible, and the life and health of the workers are insured in the field, it comes out according to the operational situation part of the cultivated areas of this farm are located adjacent to the demarcation line to ukraine; from here, about 6 km, behind concrete fortifications, the red line begins zone and there is also work going on with a special one. when we go beyond the security line, we work only in one shift, and any type of work, any equipment, we agree with the military personnel, with the border guards and with the military personnel who are here... the armed forces of ukraine are now saving shells, the artillery cannonade is almost inaudible, but there is a threat from the air, enemy drones drop ammunition on farms and elevators, stage raids on civilian infrastructure, but most often attack agricultural machinery, and this was a test of strength, the mesh with the drone coped, now in in the hangars of agricultural enterprises, local welders
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assemble frames for standard equipment, the cost of its construction is 20,000 rubles. we gathered all the smart heads there and started to figure things out , so we came up with the idea, did the first experiment , then everything turned out fine, the military said everything was fine and now we are doing everything according to those drawings. despite the difficult operational situation, plant growers in the belgorod region are trying not to miss deadlines to complete sowing work on time. the weather now is ideal for this, the ground is dry, the tractor will pass, but the sky is cloudy, the drone will not will fly, but just in case. in this case, the farm is going to purchase and install electronic warfare systems on tractor combines in order to scare away drones on approach. alexander ivanov, andrey kutsov and mikhail shum. news belgorod region. military assistance to ukraine will become a lifeline for the zelensky regime. in the united states, the press today has sharply changed its tone. now, according to journalists, kiev does not tolerate defeat and
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will be able to avoid it at the last moment. and all thanks to the congressmen from the house of representatives, who finally allocated money. the document is set to be approved by the senate on tuesday and then signed by biden. at the same time , ukraine will not see most of the 60 billion dollars. it will be used to replenish us military reserves and pentagon activities in the region. according to the political publication , washington is going to send new military advisers to kiev. they will be responsible for the delivery and supervision of the use of american weapons. according to a pentagon spokesman, up to 60 people could be sent to kiev. but despite the house decision , states face a protracted battle. the battle for financing ukraine - writes the washington post. the newspaper notes that the white house's desire to use frozen russian assets is causing discontent in europe. the eu does not want to destroy international law, discourage investors from trusting the euro , or cause retaliatory measures from moscow. the european regulator warned brussels on friday. the eu faces an energy shock if supplies of russian liquefied gas are stopped. about
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the results of the vote in washington and the prospects for the development of this decision. report by denis davidov. had to call to order american congressmen, who in the ukrainian frenzy forgot where they are and who they serve, shout ukraine, shake yellow-blue, not stars-and-stripes flags, this misplaced delight, the very fact of accepting sixty billion dollars in aid for kiev, many on capitol hill called it a disgrace, today america was sold out , as members of congress wave. with ukrainian flags in the us house of representatives but doing nothing to secure our borders, i think every american in this country should be furious. senator rant paul writes about flags american taxpayers' money, which will again go to help the corrupt regime, out of 60 billion, 23 are for replenishing american arsenals, almost 14 for the purchase of weapons for the armed forces of ukraine, more than 11 more
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for us operations in europe, billions have been approved.
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they left for something unknown, the speaker, the republican , the decision to follow the democrats’ lead could cost him his job. we want mike johnson to announce his resignation, the noblest thing for him to do is to step down now. without border security, i can't get back to the voters i i can imagine saying, and we are not doing anything for you, for our border, but we are finding the next tens of billions of dollars for foreign aid. i can't support.
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ordinary americans, of course, will not be asked, they do not have the unconditional support of the people on the ukrainian issue, more and more us residents are against helping kiev, they do not see the point in multi-billion-dollar spending, and experts. even if we imagine that 61 billion dollars will simply be given to zelensky and will not allow him to buy cocaine with this money, but will force him to spend it on the army, on the battlefield, this is nothing won't change. those who know how to make money argue that billions are being wasted on ukraine senselessly. elon musk also joined the discussion. my biggest fear is that there is no exit strategy. this is just an endless war during which children die in trenches from artillery,
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machine-gun fire or from sniper bullets in minefields. the american war machine does not stop; they are investing not only money, but also sending people. the pentagon is planning to increase the number of its military advisers by ukraine. denis davidov and maria bolatvina, news. young members of the russian programming team , winners of the world championship, have returned to moscow. all students of the faculty of computer science of the higher school of economics. at the championship in egypt, one of the most prestigious in the it field, our champions beat 800 of the strongest participants from fifty countries around the world. each championship competition lasts 5 hours. during this time, teams must solve the largest number of problems using one of the programming languages. well actually we have another little secret. just before the final, we sent them to a sanatorium, where there was absolutely nothing to do except train, it was in the moscow region, very soviet, in my opinion, everything there remained from those times,
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and there the guys had absolutely nothing to do except write training, they wrote they won, probably the specific thing was that we trained for a long time, everyone understood each other, when you read the conditions, you understand which person you can give this task to, so that he can solve it, you know who in what understands the topics and who will be easier to solve this problem, to be honest, i was shocked, there were very strong competitors, and it could have been, the result could have been anything, it was very lucky that it turned out exactly the way we were first. the strongest school basketball teams in the country were determined at the championship in saratov; among girls, the fight for first place took place between representatives of moscow and yekaterinburg. the ural youths also reached the super final; their opponents were athletes from the kemerovo region. anna golovchinskaya found out who got the cup. emotions are running high in the stands on the court, in the proton arena sports center, the strongest school basketball teams are fighting for first place and the right to participate in the second
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international kes basket super cup. to get onto this floor today, the guys, who are far from professionals, have come a long, difficult way. only 40 teams reached the final decisive games, 17 started. and even more, the 2023 season. 24 became the largest in the history of the school basketball league, if 800 took part in the competition in the first year small teams from the perm region, today there are already 17,900 from 80 regions of russia; schoolchildren from the lipetsk, novgorod, zaporozhye and kherson regions, lugansk and donetsk people's republics, dagestan and crimea have joined the es-basket. we have schoolchildren playing, just a general education school, we don’t have a sports school.
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there were no surprises, the basketball players from yekaterinburg won first place for the fifth time, but the boys’ battles were hot, in the decisive game athletes from sverdlovsk and kemerovo met on the court regions, the urals confidently took the lead only 2 and a half minutes before the end... in the last quarter the siberians took the lead, the last decisive points for his team were brought by eleventh-grader daniil krosheninnikov, the match ended with a score of 61:56, we would have liked to win, we were sure , we believed all the way, we rode for 3 days on the train, we were sure that we would win, we worked, we worked to get here and win, all the boys were definitely great, at the very beginning. fewer mistakes became the winner in the 2023-2024 season
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school basketball league... almost 600 players from different regions of the country fought for victory, they were supported by 1,500 fans, including russian basketball stars, olympic champions, today they presented the main prize, tickets to the second international kasbaske super cup. among school teams. anna golovchinskaya maxim tsitsar, pavel kriklevets. news from saratov! big film premiere. the film "fire fox" was presented at the moscow film festival. the film is based on documentary filming. they passed on kamchatka, for 3 years. the authors went on expeditions several times to study the life of wild animals. anastasia letvinova saw what came of it. when i came out of
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the hole for the first time, i almost got killed. the wind was born the smallest and weakest, but he was the only one who survived the bear attack on his family. dad protected us to the last. the blood of the strongest and bravest fox flows in me. at this moment, director dmitry shpelinok began filming the young fox. on his first expedition to the kronovsky reserve in kamchatka, he went only planning a film about foxes on reconnaissance. this is my first winter, maybe at least this? if i'm lucky, her name was lava, the reddest in the whole wide world. at the beginning there was no script, it was eventually written by nature itself, then the project got producers, a film crew, and we have news, i became a dad, my two little ones, wait, six, there were two, but this is not a popular science film , but rather an adventure drama based on real events. he came again, i
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understood that... who should protect his own, as dad did? everything in the fiery face the footage is documentary, that is, there is no staged filming, no computer graphics, everything is real. for this purpose, the film crew went on expeditions to kamchatka for 3 years ; in total, they lived in the taiga for 26 months. thousands of hours of video were filmed. thanks to the fact that we filmed for 3 years, we didn’t try to make a very popular film, but when 3, 4, 5 months is enough. we managed to find one hero, namely from... anna and dmitry had to live in tents and light wooden houses, they took water in the summer from the river, in winter they melted snow, in such extreme conditions there was no time for hairstyles. they themselves, with a video camera, spent hours on duty
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near the wind and lava holes, so as not to frighten off the foxes, they disguised themselves as stones. we came to the conclusion that mosquitoes eat us, no matter what happens, bears are running, do not scare us in any case, because we will lose contact, the fox is very distrustful, bears played an important dramatic role, but the main thing here was not to be afraid ourselves how were they filmed? i don't see anything, i don't hear anything, because i'm recording sound from one side, on the other side i see a very small area, she says to me: a bear, i say: great, and i see a running bear, i think, a wonderful shot, anna, they see that i am calm, she is also calm, and the bear sees that he is a predator, it seems so to you, in fact, i ’m losing heart, on the project the fire fox, anna tried herself for the first time as a documentary film scriptwriter, with dmitry, they didn’t know each other before, but in the end, after the difficult work of three joint expeditions
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, they became husband and wife. but that's a completely different story. the premiere of the film fire fox opened competition program of the forty-sixth moscow film festival, and on may 18 the film will be released, and viewers will be able to see it in cinemas throughout the country. anastasia litvinova, alexander merkuryev, lead. on white snow. on the taimyr peninsula they celebrated the main holiday of the tundra - reindeer day with dancing, national dishes and, of course, the main inhabitants of these places, reindeer. and at the end of the day, a spectacle. sledding, one of the guests of the holiday was our correspondent, alexander usatenko. from dudinka to the village of tukhart it is 90 km. journalists and guests during the day, the reindeer are transported in special vehicles, the large wheels of which ensure high cross-country ability, and the low pressure does not spoil the soil. about 4 hours of travel along the winter road, the guests of the holiday are met by representatives
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of indigenous peoples in ethnic camps. original, national dishes are prepared in the tents and served to everyone. i am preparing a traditional national dish with ugudai. vasili kupski, it will be a fish without bones. the main secret why our fish is always delicious is because it is always fresh. they wander or, as the locals say, there are two argishats here once a year. in the summer they go north, where there are fewer insects and more comfortable weather for the deer; in the winter they return to the south of taimyr, carrying everything with them, including tents that need to be dismantled in heavy ones. northern conditions. unlike other indigenous small-membered peoples, the tays and the ranets, they prefer these bolki to the traditional chum. this home is more mobile, more convenient and does not need to be folded when moving. participants in this competition must
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jump over all the sleds in national shoes, first in one direction, then back. but most of all attention to the main character of itundra's holiday, the reindeer. thanks to these ungulates , the indigenous peoples live; for them, the deer is more than just. the animal drags the sled there , drags it, bites it, yes, this is one, in short, here it is saltine. the most spectacular part of the holiday was the reindeer sled race, the men start first, the task is to drive 10 km and stay on the sled while controlling the naughty animals. races are held in three categories, men, women and...
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salmon in sochi before the opening of the season, they clean the seabed, yes egorova, i paint my nails, i have you’re right, it’s a premiere, you’ve become old, yes, but you’re like a cucumber with us, you know, i would marry you, but you’re with us. hello, hello, what next? michal andreevich, buy flowers. angels of the area from monday on rtr.
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treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo reorts, elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts,
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we are here for you! discover a real pearl on the coast of bodrum, titanic luxury collection bodrum exceptional service! incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed at titanic lakshery collection bodrum. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat. the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism is a parallel agenda. continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. a so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen and watch on the media platform let's watch.
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the first podcasts we watch. we go to the doctor, take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go. forewarned is forearmed. any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge, health. we dispel myths and help you find out the truth. how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up beforehand, what to pay attention to, each risk factor there must be a pill where you can look for help, you only need five ingredients that will benefit the entire body, two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, so the whole family needs to be examined, the most important information is from the most competent sources. zme comprehensively, take care of yourself and be healthy, about
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the most important thing, from monday to friday on rtr, today, how good it is that i have you, your husband’s friend, judging by the photo, you know each other, you knew that your father has a child from your girlfriend, my family is you, but any the problem can be solved, either that child or our children, there will be no other way. from heaven to earth, today on rtr, closed footage about how not only russian, but also world politics is being done, now they are speaking in the words of putin, but how many times have i been warning about exactly this... there have been such cases, torture yourself to swallow dust,
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putin’s forecasts, and now brought to life, otherwise we will end up in chaos, with one hundred percent accuracy, do you at least understand now what you have done, the decision of the 2000s, china is our traditional partner, which today they determine the life of the planet, tell me who your friend is, and i will tell you who you are, and also about the sanctions 10 years ago, but this will be mutual damage, so what now? putin in the new episode of our program answers the question: well , this is how it will be, how did he know all this? moscow, the kremlin, putin, look at rtr today. this is news, we continue to issue a decisive test for the european union, the politician calls tomorrow's meeting of eu foreign ministers. european media quote the words of the main european hawks,
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encouraged by the us progress in providing military assistance to ukraine, but one of washington’s decisions - to confiscate frozen russian assets - does not cause enthusiasm. the kremlin said that the states will have to answer for their actions. the position of the head of the european central bank, lagarde , is clear: the us plan to transfer russian assets to the kiev regime carries a legal risk. according to the financial times, such comments indicate a transatlantic rift. located in the usa only. about $5 billion of russian assets in belgium alone 210 billion are frozen and the problems that confiscation will cause are not comparable for brussels and washington. the zelensky regime adopted a tough new mobilization law at the request of its western handlers. diplomatic source tas in brussels said today that only if losses in iisu are made up in manpower will nato countries be ready to supply kiev with new weapons. however, among the residents of ukraine there are no longer those who are ready to sacrifice themselves voluntarily;
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leaflets like these are being distributed throughout the country on how to resist to employees of territorial recruitment centers, this is what it looks like in practice: in uzhgorod, a crowd of women put up stiff resistance to a representative of the tcc and fought off a man who was about to be dragged away by force from the military registration and enlistment office. however, some ukrainian women began to use mobilization for personal reasons, this employee of the military registration and enlistment office said that their wives call them and hand over their unfaithful husbands, can you mobilize him? a photo exhibition “10 years of donbass” opened in verona, its author was the italian military correspondent vittoria rangellone, who talks about ukrainian aggression has already been added to the peacekeeper database three times since 2015. the military correspondent reports from the front lines, produces documentaries, and as he himself said at the opening of the exhibition via video link. during this time, i have never seen representatives of western media, since they all work exclusively in the country of kiev. the exhibition opened in veneto, a region that has always been.
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tourism more than 60,000 people took to the streets, demanding that the authorities urgently reconsider the tourism strategy of this spanish archipelago. residents are confident that it is necessary stop the increase in the number of arrivals.
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glass, all this is found by divers while examining the seabed in sochi, the cleaning of which began before the opening of the holiday season; city beaches are also preparing for an influx of tourists. report by olga shtopol. wetsuit, mask, oxygen cylinder. such equipment is sufficient for a scuba diver to work in sea water, the temperature of which is still only 12°. reaching the bottom is the goal of everyone who explores the beach area. the climbing group will have a lot to do in the coming days. fragments of metal reinforcement structures, rusty pieces of iron and broken glass are not a complete list of the catch this season. as you saw, today they took out metal pipes, all of this is taken down to a depth of 2 m, when the weather is good, in order to see all
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the dangerous objects that could be reached, it is done, well, calmly, preferably in sunny weather. beach employees are also responsible for the order on the shore; we have purchased new beach equipment, purchased cctv cameras, and we are engaged in landscaping the beach for the convenience of our guests, its landscaping, we bought new palm trees, it will be very beautiful here, the main task is to ensure the safety of guests on every meter of the beach at any time, those who are on the shore are also under close attention, new cameras are already being installed on the beaches , modern ones.
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we come here in april, closer to the sea, to breathe the sea breeze, to make a playground for the children. for now, tourists are just watching how the beaches are being prepared for the season, but they won’t have long to wait for their opening. it is planned to open about 170 beaches in territory of the resort city of sochi, of which 40 will be open until may 1, 2024, the remaining will be open until june 1, 2024. laboratory tests of water are carried out to ensure that permissible standards are not exceeded. the quality of preparation will be assessed by a special commission, and the season will be raised on the best beaches of sochek. blue flags. olga shtopol, vlas fotkuddinov, anna voichenko, vesti sochi. heavy rains have caused widespread flooding in southern china. in guangdong province, several cities and dozens of rural areas were flooded. rescuer residents trapped in their homes are being evacuated by boat, and roads and railroad tracks are under water.
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traffic has been disrupted in many places and dozens of trains have been delayed or cancelled. further heavy rainfall is forecast for affected areas on monday. in kosovo , residents of four serb- majority municipalities are voting to remove ethnic albanian mayors from office. they were elected in the last elections, which were boycotted by voters. as a result, ethnic clashes began the soil in which nato peacekeepers intervened. for pristina, which is fighting to join the european union, the aggravation of the situation became unprofitable, and the albanians ruling the region agreed to hold a referendum and give the serbs the opportunity to choose their municipal leadership. another shooting incident in the united states: two people were killed and at least fourteen were injured in memphis, tennessee. unidentified people opened fire at a street party attended by several hundred people. the police do not rule out that it was someone who did not like the noise from the entertainment participants. three victims are in serious condition in hospital. it is reported that
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there were at least two shooters. to date, they have not yet been detained. in southwest india, one of the largest holidays in the country was celebrated on a grand scale. tressur puram. its most spectacular part is the procession of elephants. it involves dozens of animals, decorated with golden headdresses, bells and blankets. the riders have bright umbrellas and apoha in their hands. the process is invariably accompanied by loud music. the culmination of the celebrations comes after sunset sun, when the riders stand up to their full height , sanalam's backs begin to shine in the darkness. images of various hindu deities are illuminated. the salmon population is being restored in primorye. in the south of the regions, natural reservoirs released one and a half. whales, they were raised at a local enterprise in special conditions so that the fish could easily adapt to salt water and strong currents, from the pool the whole
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batch will end up in the river, then reach the sea of ​​japan, then go to the pacific ocean. report by andrey kolesnikov. fish breeding engineer scatters food containing fish meal, vitamins, microelements, organic additives, a hearty breakfast on the trail, before the juvenile salmon leave the pools, hatcheries , wild reservoirs for the first time... should be enough. it’s hard to believe, but in just a few years these fry, a few centimeters in size, will grow into full-fledged salmon weighing 5-7 kg. the fry arrived here in october last year in the form of fertilized kita eggs. all this time, all conditions were observed here in order to grow fish from the erink. much of the aging process takes place in almost complete darkness, the water is clean, running, cold. this is exactly what happens in the wild during time. just before
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release there is a mandatory weighing, for this purpose 10 fish are selected, the average weight of an individual is 0.6 g, the standards are met, which means you can open the valves in the tanks, but it seems that the fry are not very keen to leave the pools and even try to swim away from the release, and there is a scientific explanation for this, in fact, even in swimming pools. hatchery young salmon masters its first and main skill is the ability to move against the current. in the future, it will help adult individuals return to their native reservoir for spawning. once in a wild reservoir, the fry do not spread out, they are still in shock, they must get used to the new conditions, learn to get their own food, and avoid predators. it will take about a week for complete adaptation to river water; from here the fish will swim to the sea, where it will get used to salt water for some time. this batch of fry, about one and a half million individuals. the release took place with the support of several large developing enterprises that
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are legally obligated to compensate for possible environmental damage from construction and other man-made activities. we are very grateful that they are fulfilling their legislative functions, the requirements of the law to comply with the conservation of aquatic and biological resources, including the biological diversity of the primorsky territory. in total, this season, fish farmers in primorye will release 19 million fry; in three, maximum 5 years, adult salmon, having fed up in the cold northern waters of the pacific ocean, will return here to spawn to give life to new generations whales. andrey kolesnikov, sergey svestilnikov, vadim telegin, news, far eastern bureau. a unique tram entered the route in pyatigorsk; it was developed by ural transmashi specialists, especially for the resort city with its narrow streets and complex hilly terrain. engineers. we have provided everything to make the trip comfortable: low speed, smooth ride, air conditioning, chargers for mobile devices and wi-fi. our correspondent bulat chakiev
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appreciated all the advantages of the new tram. you can come to pyatigorsk only for the sake of to ride on this tram, there are no others like it in our country or in the world. it was made to order by a rostec engineer, especially for the narrow-gauge railway in the resort city; this, by the way, is also a rarity; only one meter wide is available. kalininga and evpatoria. the new tram model 7141 passes through the cramped streets, which were formed during the time of mikhail yuryevich lermantov. he barely notices. constant elevation changes, ascents and descents are easy, while still providing comfort for passengers. so it’s comfortable, my knees are bad, i’m just happy to sit there. the car fully meets the requirements of the accessible environment program. in the low-floor part of the cabin there is space for... wheelchairs and even a wheelchair, where you can also contact the driver, however, he can see everything anyway. the tram has a lot of electronics, just take this corner,
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there is also a camera, there are eight of them in the car, a display, right here by the seats there are charging points, usb and type-c. to determine the location of the train, the glas system was introduced, in comparison with the old tatras built during soviet union, they still ply around pyatigorsk, the new model impresses even experienced drivers. among ours, yes. this is a foreign car, so to speak, one of the first to use the levers of the train in the village was kristina sotnikova, among her colleagues she is practically a test pilot, she figured out the controls quickly, unlike the old czech and german trains, everything here is in russian, almost all the details are domestic, in including those responsible for comfort, in the summer +40, when it is very hot in the cabin +60, and we hope that the air conditioner will save us, in there are two trams for the driver and passengers, plus there is an advanced system. it's crazy,
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well, in our city there is a speed limit of up to 10 km/h. you can’t really drive, perhaps these overly powerful engines will be replaced with more durable ones in the next batches, if the new tram performs well, the administration of the stavropol territory will repeat the order, by 2035 in pyatigorsk they plan to update the entire rolling stock. polcha kiev, evgenia radaev, andrey chestkov, news from the stavropol territory. a mass gathering has begun in the krasnoyarsk territory. harvest in this farmers are expecting riches this year, this will help increase the share of domestic strawberries in the russian market to 80%. report by anna sorokina. they collect strawberries in one movement from the garden into a basket, so that only two people hold them in their hands; whoever picked them will eat them. now the farms of the krasnodar territory are harvesting
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early varieties of strawberries grown indoors in greenhouses. one of the popular varieties. the consumer loves it for its size, bright aroma and taste. in belorechensk, a city famous for its strawberry harvests , up to half a kilogram is harvested from one bush. there's nothing about her processed, it contains vitamins. belorechenskaya is immediately different, and the color is different, completely different, which is not ours, not local, it’s like glossy, it’s all shiny, it’s one to one, but here it’s completely different. farmers have united to create and maintain their base of varieties, because foreign strawberry seedlings, scientifically speaking, garden strawberries are under sanctions, to be supplied directly to russia. it’s impossible, our russian farmers have stepped far forward, if before we depended directly on foreign producers, now all production technologies have been mastered, even at the last exhibition when we were there, the italians themselves came up to us, looked at our seedlings and said, yes, the russians can do this, so we are safe, we will always have strawberries, so you don’t have to worry about it. kuban seedlings are supplied to farms from kaliningrad to berobidzhan, like strawberries themselves, they are awaited in dozens of
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regions. strawberries cannot be kept in the sun for a long time, so... cumpol they go into the refrigerator, there is a lot of space here, and this is not because there are few berries, the harvest is in this it’s a good year, but because it doesn’t stay here for long, it cools down for a couple of hours and goes to the market. so strawberries easily endure up to 5 days of travel; today in russia its production is growing, and the volume of imports is gradually decreasing. russians eat up to 300,000 tons of strawberries per year and 80% are domestic crops. many people expect only local food; they are not particularly interested in imported food, because... the qualities are not the same as local ones, and we trust our farmers, they produce it themselves, we see how it grows, how it blooms. farmers in the krasnodar region they sell a kilogram of strawberries to suppliers for an average of 500 rubles. the cost will decrease by may, when strawberries grown in open ground will be added to the greenhouse harvest. anna sorokin, valery pyatov, mikhail kirtoki, anna nekos, news: krasnodar region. about the main
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events of the last seven days, news of the week with dmitry kiselyov, watch today at 20:00. this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev, look on sunday, dense strikes throughout the entire depth of the territory of ukraine, the flight is approaching the missile launch site, our correspondents are watching behind the situation on the fronts of the special operation. the ukrainian project as a weapon against the russian world has backfired here. and how in the lugansk region, near the front line, they are already building a peaceful life with all their might. the explorers came across the ancient bed of the angarakan river. 50 years of construction of the century. the siberian land welcomes the first all-union shock komsomol detachment, as straight from the congress, komsomol members went into the impenetrable taiga, where ukrainian saboteurs tried to blow up the bam, which makes up the local signature cocktail, the northern lights.
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ussr and what secrets does the unique cave keep? temple? news of the week, sunday, 20:00. lamb stomach baked in the ground and stewed with vegetables and beef tails. in eleste, tourists are taught how to prepare kalmyt dishes. the gastronomic festival is only a small part of a large spring festival, which is dedicated to the blooming steppe. they attract people from all over our country to the republic. all the most interesting events were attended by maxim akhmetov. indescribable beauty, blooming. people come from far and wide to see these stunning landscapes. these days kalmykia is experiencing a real tourism boom, people from different regions of russia travel to the steppe republic for the tulip festival. this is the island
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of tulips in the protected area of ​​lake manych. on a small piece of land there is perhaps the largest concentration of these beautiful steppe flowers. i can’t tear myself away, take pictures and contemplate this beauty, i advise everyone to come to the count. tulips, of course, bloom in other steppe regions, but perhaps only in kalmykia - this is a real cultural event of a republican scale, with all its flavor. during these days in every region of the steppe republic they organize a big holiday, first of all, of course, for the numerous guests; there is a lot of space in the steppe, both for horse racing and for racing dog competitions. going to the steppe is a special energy, it’s a special flair of taste, i’m getting goosebumps, you’re filming, the gastronomic festival
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in alista is a real celebration of the belly, the national dish is prepared exclusively over fire: fried meat, rich kalmyt soup, makhan and even pilaf , the dish is of course not local, but all the products are our own, we have everything here in russia everything is fine here, we produce it ourselves, we cook it ourselves. ru,
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see you. in the spring of 1895, russian inventor alexander popov. invented and manufactured a device that was supposed to detect and record electrical vibrations of artificial origin. alexander stepanovich conducted the first tests in his own garden. but bad weather made its own
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adjustments. the device has registered proximity signals.


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