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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 21, 2024 5:00pm-5:51pm MSK

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i want to sell you exclusive information. thank you, your setup with the documents was enough for me. this time everything is fair. i have an exclusive, the wife of an oligarch left her husband to find her feminine happiness. well, shall we discuss? you haven't had breakfast yet, have you? hello to the tv channel. russia to be conducted in
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the studio by irina rossius and the main topic for this hour. bogdanovka is completely liberated. in dnepropetrovsk, the mik-29 was destroyed , the ammunition detonated in iisu, and the zrks-300 and another leopard were also lost. the usa will allocate 61 billion dollars to ukraine, newspapers no longer predict defeat for kiev. the eu, meanwhile, is not ready to follow the lead of the united states and confiscate russia’s frozen assets. the flood is expected to reach its peak today, rescuers have built another dam, another district is under threat of flooding in the kurgan region, all residents have been asked to evacuate. the israeli air force carried out a series of attacks on rafah in the gaza strip, killing at least 18 people, almost all of them children. they are clearing away the rubble on the western bank, where refugees used bulldozers to destroy residential buildings. and 26 months, three a grueling expedition in extreme wild conditions. nature film fire fox
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opened the competition program of the forty-sixth moscow film festival. russian troops completely liberated bogdanovka in the dpr. during the fierce battles on this section of the front, kiev lost 440 of its soldiers per day. another 400 were eliminated by groups of troops from the center and the west. our sanitary workers gave the militants a hellish night in the rabotin area. the ministry of defense reports successful efforts to free him. and so under the cover of night, tula paratroopers ensured the passage of the airborne armored group. the soldiers cleared the enemy's minefields. mig-29 was destroyed in one targeted strike at the dnepropetrovsk airport. due to the force of the explosion , detonation increased. kit and full fuel tanks
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of the ukrainian fighter; the control center, radar and launcher of the s-300 complex were also blown up there. over the past 24 hours , in various sectors of the front, our military has destroyed at least six warehouses with ammunition, weapons and fuel, and disabled more than 100 units of enemy equipment. including american, czech and polish. and this is one of our trophies, fighters of the dnepr group evacuated a german leopard tank to the rear. the cossacks of the dnieper brigade tore down...
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the measure is not superfluous at all, it is a long section of open area, it must be overcome as quickly as possible, and additional protection will not hurt. somewhere ahead is artyomovsk, the tankers of the southern group of troops are working even further behind it, firing from a closed position so as not to declassify it. we have to remove everything unnecessary from the frame. the t-72 supports our attack aircraft with fire. a cool, calibrated action by the crew, and this despite the fact that the tank itself is now more likely to be in the enemy’s sights. the most intense moment is getting there, shooting, and then it all comes back to normal on the way back. yes, now drones, comics, are the most dangerous. here, the armor is holding up fine. air combat from the first person, yes. the copter in the night sky went to ram
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, shot down the enemy woman, and he himself remained unharmed, the trench ingenuity of our aviators, special iron ones were wound around the legs tubes, yeah. it flies up and lands not completely, but with these pure iron tubes it turns out to be a tube, the woman yoke falls, the mavik remains intact. the photo of the downed baba yaga shows that she was equipped with wogs, shells for grenade launchers, which have long been suspended like this by a copter, you can land enemy birds not only with a ram, our soldiers assembled this device on their knees, it peels the approaching drone, it gets lost in space, a fairly primitive device assembled from spare parts.
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republic. military aid to ukraine will be a lifeline for the zelensky regime. in the usa. the press today has sharply changed its tone. now , according to journalists, kiev does not suffer defeat and will be able to avoid it at the last moment. and all thanks to the congressmen from the house of representatives, who finally allocated the money. the document is set to be approved by the senate on tuesday and then signed by biden. at the same time , ukraine will not see most of the 60 billion dollars. it will be used to replenish us military reserves and pentagon activities in the region. according to the publication, the politician washington is going to send new military advisers to kiev, they will oversee the use of american weapons. according to pentagon representatives, up to 60 people can be sent to kiev, but despite the decision of the house of representatives, the united states faces a protracted battle for financing
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ukraine, writes the washington post. the newspaper notes that the white house's desire to use frozen russian assets is causing discontent in europe. the eu does not want to destroy international law or fight back. investor's confidence in the euro trigger moscow's response. the european regulator warned brussels on friday: the eu will face an energy shock if supplies of russian liquefied gas are stopped. about the results of the vote in washington and the prospects for the development of this decision, report by denis davidov. the american congressmen, who in the ukrainian frenzy had forgotten where they were and whom they served, had to be called to order. ukraine is shouting, they are shaking yellow-blue flags, not the stars and stripes, this misplaced delight is the very fact of adoption sixty billion dollars in aid for kiev was called a disgrace by many on the capitalist hill. today, america has been sold out, when members
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of congress wave ukrainian flags in the us house of representatives but do nothing to secure our borders, i think every american in this country should be furious. senator rant paul writes about flags. about the money of american taxpayers, which will again go to help the corrupt regime, out of 60 billion 23 for replenishing american arsenals, almost 14 for the purchase of weapons for the armed forces of ukraine, another 11 with extra for us operations in europe, billions were approved to help israel, taiwan, to protect their own borders, nicent. our three main adversaries, russia, iran and china, are working together and are threatened by their advance.
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porn fought passed, thank you to everyone who supported this life-saving decision, i express my gratitude to speaker mike johnson. they just don’t say thank you to mike johnson. the majority of party members voted against the next package. 60 billion are allocated, although the previous 100-odd have gone unclear for what. for a republican speaker, a decision to follow democrats' lead could cost him his job. we want mike johnson to announce.
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first we need to sort out our border, but the border between ukraine and russia is our border. the bill on financial support for ukraine is moving from the lower house to the upper house, where voting is scheduled for tuesday. and there is no doubt about his results. democrats control the senate. after making a decision, the senate will send it to the white house for the president to sign. and the president, of course, is already stands ready with a pen in his hands to sign this law. neither congress, nor the white house, nor the opinions of ordinary americans, of course, will be asked; they do not have the unconditional support of the people on the ukrainian issue. more and more us residents are against helping kiev, they don’t see the point in multi-billion dollar spending and... experts, even if we imagine that 61 billion dollars will simply be given to zelensky and will not
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allow him to buy cocaine with this money, but will force him to spend it on the army, on the battlefield, it will not change anything. people also argue that billions are being wasted on ukraine senselessly. those who know how to make money. american billionaire david sachs criticized congressmen jumping for joy. according to him, these scenes will look especially stupid when ukraine collapses - he joined the discussion and... there is no exit strategy, it’s just endless . the biggest fear is that the war, during which children die in trenches, from artillery , machine gun fire or from sniper bullets in minefields. the american war machine does not stop; they are investing not only money, but also sending people. the pentagon is going to increase the number of its military advisers in ukraine. denis davidov and maria bolatvina, news. more than 15 thousand houses were flooded. russia for the most powerful flood in recent years. tonight the peak of the flood is expected in the tyumen city of eshime,
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where rescuers have additionally built a twelve-kilometer dam. in the tomsk region, a threat of drowning has been declared in four settlements on the banks of the ob. the arrival of big water is predicted tomorrow. in the kemerovo region, the tum river in novokuznetsk added 80 cm per day and has already reached dangerous level. in the kurgan region , colossal masses of water are moving downstream of the tabola. the authorities are asking residents of belozerskoye. district to evacuate, but in the mound itself all attention is now focused on the dam from under which water has begun to seep. experts check the strength of the structure. rescuers patrol the flooded streets several hours ago. rescuers found a man who tried to pull the cat out but punctured the fishing boat and nearly drowned. in the orenburg region , power engineers are inspecting transformer substations and flooded networks. repair materials have to be transported by boat. they work in ursk and orenburg. there is a squall, more than 3,000 tons of water pass through them per day, which are pumped out by the streets. in the tyumen
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region, river levels are monitored from the air; every day, drone footage is taken in the same places to assess the scale of the disaster, from the flood zone, reporting by albert musin. for more than a week, the mound lives to the constant accompaniment of an alarm siren, aka demand. turn it on every 2 hours until the water reaches the city. by throughout the region, two dozen settlements out of hundreds of snt are now flooded. the tobol river turned into the huge tobolsk sea with small islands in the form of rooftop houses. nothing else is visible here; everything is hidden by the water. in some houses there are still people who are being taken out by rescuers, entire families, sometimes seriously ill, are being evacuated. the day before , a man with a heart attack was returned to the mainland. he was waiting for the ministry of emergency situations employees on the roof of the house. barely able to stand on their feet, they quickly reacted, well, of course, we’ve already been here more than once, so we’re all already on our way
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we know, but we quickly got to the house where this man lived, rescuers always have heavy transporters ready, more than a dozen boats throughout the city, in order to promptly respond to requests for help, as a rule, they arrive at a single number 112, people understand that the water applications are still arriving, and there are more in this area... i can emphasize from people that there are a lot of abandoned domestic animals, a special part of the work is rescuing animals abandoned on roofs and attics, there are hundreds of them left in flooded snt, to some have to literally fight their way. burbosik, tuzik, ball, yes, evacuate, hell, come out, come to us. abandoned villages are regularly patrolled by police officers to prevent looting. in addition to gardens and dachas , a major city highway, as well as garages and an office building, are still flooded on the right bank of the tabola. local water utility office. ensuring water security of kurgan today itself is drowning in a huge overflowing lake, but even in such
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conditions it does not stop working, and so that employees can get to work, for them they built this concrete bridge. on the ground they are working in emergency mode, the day before the bypass group discovered strong cracks on the dam in voronovka, if the embankment had collapsed, dozens of houses on the other side would have been under water, with hard work they managed to get rid of the barrier in two days. it’s as if we work in our free time here, as it turns out, just like when we travel from work, we are voluntarily asked to do so if anyone can. those who don’t go, for example, they work at a factory, the water in the mound has reached its peak and in some places it has already begun to subside, but unfortunately this process will not be quick; until mid-may , the right bank part of the city will remain flooded until the water returns to its channel. along with the water, anxiety in the city seems to be disappearing; people on the left bank, covered by a dam, are trying to live as before, and the only thing that
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reminds of the still-lingering danger is the regular loud sounds of sirens. news from the kurgan region. the opposition of moldova signed an agreement on the creation of the political bloc pobeda. this congress took place, which representatives of moldovan politics were forced to spend time in moscow. and the persecution of them by the authorities in their own country. the head of gagauzia, evgenia gutsul, was proposed for the post of executive secretary of the new bloc. she is also in the russian capital today. the moldovan government has already called the politicians who came to moscow traitors. report by olga armyakova. five political forces unite into one. moldovan parties will now work as a united front in the new political bloc of victoria, which means victory. they meet in moscow, because in moldova they wouldn’t even let
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us gather. the opposition is outlawed there. before the upcoming presidential elections, maia sandu is cleaning up the information. russian-language tv channels and opposition portals are closed, criminal cases have been opened against the leaders of pro-russian political parties. the sovereignty of our country was handed over to foreign partners, as they say in our country, yes, who over the past 3 years have completely turned the country into their vassal. despite this, despite the closure of all tv channels, you see a huge number of people who we arrived today, that’s what we were going to do. and this is almost a billion dollars, the path to europe is expensive for the population, gas prices have increased 10 times, electricity prices have almost tripled, in moldova there is still an adult,
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wise opposition that understands that it is necessary... to unite before the enemy and who wants to save, i’m not afraid of this word, this is not a pretentious word, our country from destruction, because today the regime of maisdu and paz is literally destroying our country from all points of view, from legal, from economic, ours is being destroyed individuality, the referendum on joining the european union, which sandu appointed on the day of the presidential elections, october 20 , will result in the loss of statehood for moldova. autonomous gagauzia, which traditionally advocates rapprochement with russia, will not follow the european dream with chisinau. if the republic of moldova loses its independence, that is, unites with romania or joins the european union, then gagulusia reserves the right to external self-determination. the new political bloc
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victoria advocates moldova’s entry into eurasian economic union establishing relations with partners in the cis. both the eu and the cis are our platforms where we must develop our country, only on these platforms our interests in the economy, our interests, our values, our foreign policy interests are truly represented, that is, today, today we clearly understand that the eu, they are simply occupying moldova without limit, they need moldova as a territory, as a territory where they will create a military training ground. having signed an agreement on cooperation, the leaders of five opposition parties are now in one bloc. will prepare for the election campaign, the victorian electoral bloc expects victory in the upcoming elections. olga armyakova, andrey sorokin, alexey karpukhin and daria blinova, lead. the sowing season is taking place in difficult conditions in the belgorod region; all agricultural equipment goes into the field only equipped with protection from drones. despite the difficulties, local
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farmers are trying to meet deadlines in order to complete the seed farming on time. report from the region alexandra revunova. a metal frame is fixed above the tractor cabin, then chains are tightened and a nylon net is thrown over it. this is how farmers in the belgorod region prepare for field work. insurance in case of attack by ukrainian drones. gradually, anti-drone nets will be installed on all sowing and harvesting equipment in border agricultural enterprises in the region. this is just one of the many abominations of combine tractor drivers. helmet and body armor, now this equipment is required for the work of border machine operators. strip, there is also a first aid kit in the cabin with a set of tourniquets of hemostatic agents, all employees of this enterprise took medical self-help courses, two shells flew over us directly exploding
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across the line, we work only one shift, and we coordinate any type of work, any equipment with military personnel, with border guards and military personnel stationed here. now the ukrainian armed forces are saving shells, the artillery cannonade is almost inaudible, but there is a threat from the air. enemy drones drop ammunition on farms and grain elevators and carry out raids on civilian infrastructure, but most often they attack agricultural machinery. oh, yes! this. there was a strength test of the mesh with the drone, and now in the hangars of the agricultural enterprise, local welders are assembling frames for standard equipment, the cost of the entire structure
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is 20,000 rubles. we gathered all the smart heads there and started thinking about it, so we came up with the idea, we did the first experiment, then everything turned out fine, the military said everything was fine and now we are doing everything according to those drawings, despite the difficult operational situation, plant growers in the belgorod region are trying not to miss deadlines and...
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the authors went on expeditions several times to study the life of wild animals, and anastasia litvinova saw what came of it. when i came out of the hole for the first time, i was almost blown away by the wind, they called me the wind. the wind fox was born the smallest and weakest, but he was the only one who survived the attack. nature itself wrote, then the project had producers, a film crew, and we have news, i became a dad, my two deprived children, wait, six, there were two, but this is not
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a popular science film, but rather an adventure drama based on real events. he came again, i understood that i had to protect my people, as my dad did, in the fiery fox all the footage is documentary, that is, there are no staged shots, computer graphics, everything is real, for the sake of this... the film crew went on expeditions for 3 years to kamchatka , they lived in the taiga for a total of 26 months, thousands of hours of video were filmed, thanks to the fact that we filmed for 3 years, we didn’t try to make a very popular film, yes, when 3-4-5 months is enough there, we managed here's one hero, exactly from a downtrodden fox cub who is simply afraid of everything, to film his transformation into the king of the tundra, what remains behind the scenes is worthy of a separate film adaptation.
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because we will lose contact, alice is very distrustful. bears played an important dramatic role, but the main thing here was not to be afraid. how they were filmed, i don’t see anything, i don’t hear anything, because i record the sound on one side, and on the other side i see a very small area. and she says to me: a bear, and i say: oh, great, and i see a running bear, i think it’s beautiful frame. anna, seeing that i am calm, is also calm herself, and the bear sees that he is a predator, it seems so to you, in fact i am depressed, on the fire fox project, anna
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tried herself for the first time. as a documentary film writer, they did not know dmitry before, but in the end, after the difficult work of three joint expeditions, they became husband and wife, but that’s a completely different story. the premiere of the film fiery fox opened the competition program of the forty-sixth moscow film festival, and on may 18 the film will be released, and viewers will be able to see it in cinemas across the country. anastasia letvinova, alexander merkuryev, lead. this is the news, this is what will happen next in our program. the israeli air force struck. a series of attacks on rafah in the gas sector, a scandal is brewing between the eu and the us over russian frozen assets. how to resist employees of territorial acquisition centers. such leaflets are now all over ukraine. in the canary islands, locals are tired of tourists.
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yes, egorova, i paint my nails, i have every right. the premiere has become old, yes, but you are like us cucumber, you know, i would marry you, well, you’re here with us, hello, hello, what’s next, mikhail andreevich, flower buyer, angels of the district from monday on rtr. kalinon belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel. where life turns into
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a fairy tale, indulge yourself in a first-class relaxation holiday, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, golden beach and azure waves. lio-rezards, we are here for you. titanic deluxe kol hotel in belek, where every moment is exceptional. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is
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your rules. the titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues. place nuclear weapons. i would already demand that nuclear weapons be returned to me. how are things on the front? the weather is cloudy, hail in places. the guys act confidently, the commanders act.
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everything is a fact, watch twice a day, see you, i’ll steal you away, let’s go travel, when we discover some new land, i’ll... i call it in honor of you. elsa's land. elsa's land. on friday on rtr. every time i cry. it's very hard to remember. she went into her house, sat down in the hallway on the floor and said: i’ll stay here. the military had to be made aware of what was there animals simply die. danets was heavily shelled, but we decided to be at the wedding. the main thing is that we are ours together. ours don’t abandon our own, from monday to thursday on rtr. in the recent past, you
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were a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist, kill me, why did you provoke him, you wanted to. look into his head, look in the app or on the website, today he will be with the guys , meeting each other, going through life together.
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about the fuss in the gas sector. what exactly happened target in a city overcrowded with palestinian refugees. unknown local authorities report the death of at least 18 people, including 14 children. they are breaking up the rubble on the western bank. last night, idf units burst into the nurshamsy refugee camp and began demolishing residential buildings with bulldozers. rescuers found the bodies of fourteen dead. telyaviev announced the liquidation of terrorists. according to information. the us is preparing to impose sanctions on one of the idf battalions for war crimes in the west bank. netanyahu's example called the decision the height of absurdity. opposition party leader awada , on the contrary, called for the immediate disbandment
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of the units. the politician calls tomorrow's meeting of eu foreign ministers a decisive test for the european union. european media quote the words of the main european winged hawks. the united states is providing military assistance to ukraine, but one of washington’s decisions to confiscate frozen russian assets does not arouse enthusiasm. the kremlin said that the states will have to answer for their actions. positions of the head of the european central bank lagarte is unequivocal. the us plan to transfer russian assets to the kiev regime carries legal risks. according to the washington times, such comments indicate a transatlantic rift. there are only about 5 billion dollars of russian assets in the united states, 200.10 billion are frozen in belgium alone. and the problems that confiscation will cause are incomparable for brussels and washington. the united states is pumping kiev with weapons for the sake of war until the last ukrainian, the russian foreign ministry announced today. the department noted that the goal of the white house
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no longer a mythical victory for the kiev regime, preserving biden’s image before the presidential election. for this reason , zelensky’s agony is prolonged, and ordinary ukrainians are forcibly driven to slaughter like cannon fodder. leaders. nato countries are suffering from war psychosis, their actions create the danger of a world war, said the head of the hungarian foreign ministry. peter szijjarta stressed that budapest will not submit its territory to the alliance’s operation to support ukraine. nato's previous position was that everything must be done to avoid conflict between nato and russia. now several nato member countries have begun to change this and are imposing a coordinating role for the alliance in the supply of weapons to ukraine and military training of the armed forces of ukraine. we believe that what is happening in ukraine is not our war. this is the biggest difference between hungarian and north atlantic politicians. the zelensky regime adopted a new, tough law on mobilization at the request of its western handlers. diplomatic source taz brusselli said today that
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only if the ukrainian armed forces’ losses in manpower are replenished, nato countries will be ready supply kyiv with new weapons. however, among the residents of ukraine there are no longer those who are ready to sacrifice themselves voluntarily. they are spreading all over the country. from the front line produces documentaries, as he himself said at the opening of the exhibition via
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video link, during this time he has never seen representatives of the western media, since they all work exclusively in the country of kiev. the exhibition opened in veneto, a region that has always supported russia and demanded the recognition of crimea and the lifting of sanctions. we must not forget that veneto was the first region of italy to recognize crimea is russian territory. this demonstrates that the population, the people, are on the side of russia, the russians.
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uncontrolled tourism is destroying our island, residents believe. the canaries are one of the most popular regions of europe among tourists; between 12 and 15 million vacationers come to tenerife and other islands every year. tasteful residents of four serb- majority municipalities are voting to remove ethnic albanian mayors from office. they were elected in the last elections. which were boycotted by voters, which resulted in clashes in ethnic soil in which nato peacekeepers intervened. for prizhtina, which is fighting to join the european union, the aggravation of the situation became unprofitable, and the albanians ruling the region agreed to hold a referendum and allow the serbs to choose their municipal leadership. in the southwest of india, one of the largest holidays in the country, tresur puram, was celebrated on a grand scale. its most spectacular part is the procession of elephants. it's in the back. is invariably accompanied by loud
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music, well, the culmination of the celebrations comes after sunset, when the riders are in full the backs of the elephants rise in the darkness , illuminated images of various hindu deities begin to shine. in the primorye region , the salmon population is being restored; in the southern regions, natural reservoirs have released one and a half million fry. they were raised into whales at a local enterprise under special conditions so that the fish could easily adapt to salt water and strong currents. from the pool, the whole batch will fall into the river, then reach the sea of ​​japan, and then go to the pacific ocean. report by andrey kolesnikov. a fish farm engineer scatters feed containing fishmeal, vitamins, microelements, organic supplements, a hearty breakfast on the road, before the release of juvenile salmon from hatchery pools, a wild reservoir should be enough for the first time. it’s hard to believe, but in just a few years these fry, a few
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centimeters in size, will grow into full-fledged salmon weighing 5-7 kg. the fry arrived here in october last year in the form of fertilized kita eggs. all this time, all conditions were observed here in order to grow fish from eggs. most of the aging process takes place in almost complete darkness, water clean, flowing, cold. this is exactly what happens in the wild during spawning in the river. they walk along the river, like all juveniles, like wild ones, like normal ones, so there are no differences. before release , mandatory weighing is required; for this purpose , 10 fish are selected, the average weight of an individual is 0.6 g. the standards are met, which means that the valves in the tanks can be opened. but it seems that the fry are not very keen to leave the pools and even try to swim away from the release, and there is a scientific explanation for this. in fact, there are still young salmon in the fishery’s tanks. masters his first and main skill -
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the ability to move against the flow. in the future, it will help adult individuals return to their native reservoir for spawning. once in a wild reservoir, the fry do not spread out, they are still in shock, they must get used to the new conditions, learn to get their own food and avoid predators. it will take about a week for complete adaptation to river water; from here the juveniles will swim to the sea, where they will get used to salt water for some time. this. this is a batch of fry of about one and a half million individuals. the release took place with the support several large developing enterprises that are legally required to compensate for possible environmental damage from construction. other technogenic activities, of course, are very grateful that they perform their legislative functions in accordance with the requirements of the law to comply with and preserve aquatic and biological resources, including the biological diversity of the primorsky territory. in total, primorye fish farmers will release 19 million fry this season. after three, maximum 5
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years, adult salmon, having walked in cold the northern waters of the pacific ocean, will return here to spawn to give birth to new generations of whales. andrey kolesnikov. they teach how to cook kalmyt dishes. the gastronomic festival is only a small part of a large spring holiday, which is dedicated to the blooming steppe. it attracts people from all over our country to the republic. all the most interesting events were attended by maxim akhmetov. indescribable beauty, blooming steppe.
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tulips, of course, bloom in other steppe regions, but perhaps only in kalmykia - this a real cultural event of a republican scale, with all its flavor. these days , in every region of the steppe republic they organize a big holiday, first of all, of course, for numerous guests. there is plenty of space in the steppe for horse racing and hound dog competitions. the steppe is a special energy, it’s a special flair of taste, i’m getting goosebumps , it’s amazing, the gastronomic festival in alista is a real celebration of the belly, national dishes are prepared exclusively over fire: fried meat, rich kalmyt soup, makhan and even pilaf, the dish is certainly not
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local, but all the products are local. we have everything here in russia, everything is fine here, we produce it ourselves, we cook it ourselves, the rice is also ours, the meat. once again, the big colorful holiday will last until the end of april. maxim akhmetov, dmitry shutos and dmitry belyansky, news from the republic of kalmykia. about the main events of the last seven days, news of the week with dmitry kiselyov, watch today at 20:00. this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev, watch on sunday.
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dense strikes throughout the entire depth of the territory ukraine. zvino approaches the missile launch site. our correspondents. they tried to blow up the bam and what the bypassed taiga consists of, where ukrainian saboteurs have a local signature cocktail, the northern lights. sergei zenin went along the road of life to the south of afghanistan; those who say that afghanistan is under blockade are very mistaken. journalists from russia have not
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been here for 35 years, where our sunflower oil was discovered there and how the afghans tamed the sun. maxim kiselev in unknown odegea, what is the secret of local cheese? laganaki plateau - the most the bright part of the thirty, where the legendary thirty, the main tourist one, takes place. route of the ussr and what secrets the unique cave temple keeps. news of the week, sunday,
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20:00. the strongest school basketball teams in the country were determined at the championship in saratov. among the girls, the fight for first place took place between representatives of moscow and yekaterinburg; ural youths also reached the super final; their opponents were athletes from the kemerovo region. emotions run high in the stands on the court at the proton arena sports center. school basketball teams are fighting for first place and the right to participate in the second kesket international super cup. to get onto this floor today, the guys, who are far from professionals, have come a long, difficult path; only 40 teams made it to the final, decisive games, 17 started. and even. more, the 2023-2024 season became the most massive in the history of the school basketball league, if in the first year of the competition
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more than 800 teams from the perm region took part, today it is already 17,900 from 80 regions of russia, es-basket has joined schoolchildren of the lipetsk, novgorod, zaporozhye and kherson regions, lugansk and donetsk people's republics, dagestan and crimea. we have schoolchildren playing from just a general education school. we don’t have kids from the sports school, but that’s why those who love basketball want to play, they play, this is a unique project, there is no such project in russia or in europe, i think, perhaps, i can say, probably even in world, no, in the super final there were no surprises for the girls, basketball players from yekaterinburg won first place for the fifth time, but for the boys the battles were hot, in the decisive game athletes from the sverdlovsk and kemerovo regions met on the court, the urals confidently led in...
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almost 600 players from different regions of the country fought, they were supported by 1,500 fans, including russian basketball stars,
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olympic champions, they are today were awarded the main prize, tickets to the second international cas basket super cup among school teams. anna golovchinskaya maxim tsitsar, pavel kriklevets, news saratov. we have all the information by this time, irina rossius was with you, my colleagues, all news is always available on the media platform, look in the app or on the website, see you. regular shovels don't do a good job in the garden, introducing the hammer smith razer shovel, the ideal tool for digging, clearing and cutting for maximum results. the sharp edges of the saw make it very easy to dig through the roots, and thanks to the incredibly sharp tip of the shovel, everything will go like clockwork. the hammer smith razer can handle any challenge in your garden. now you can chop, dig, cut, loosen and uproot. remove even
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the thickest roots, plants, shrubs and weeds faster than ever. the hammer smith razer is the perfect all-around shovel for your garden. ordinary shovels are bad.


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