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tv   Pesni ot vsei dushi  RUSSIA1  April 21, 2024 5:50pm-7:54pm MSK

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ru, see you later, ordinary shovels do not do their job well in the garden, we present the hammer smith razer shovel, the ideal tool. for digging, clearing and cutting for maximum results. the sharp edges of the saw make it very easy to dig through roots. and thanks to the incredibly sharp tip of the shovel, everything will go like clockwork. the hammer smith razer can handle any challenge in your garden. now you can chop, dig, cut, loosen and uproot. remove even the thickest roots, plants, shrubs and weeds as never, quickly and... effortlessly. the hammer smith
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razer is the perfect all-around shovel for your garden. regular shovels do not cope well with hard compacted soil. but the razer shovel, with its unique inverted v design, featuring razor-sharp teeth and a carbon steel blade, allows you to cut through the toughest root systems like butter and easily remove roots one by one. you can easily spend hundreds. euros for special shovels, saws, hatchets and other tools, but why, if you can complete even the toughest gardening jobs with just one tool. call to order a universal hammer smith razer shovel, with razor-sharp edges on both sides, a sharpened wa-shaped blade made of carbon steel, making it the strongest shovel for working even in the hardest soil without... extra effort, with a soft
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handle, with which the gripping area is quadrupled and only if you call now, the incredible hammersmith razer will get you at an incredible price for only 49.95, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited and only available for a short time. you're bored with your old fence, you want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repair or replacement will hit your budget hard, we offer it to you. attention, a universal photo facade for a fence - bright life. with its help, you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition. a fence, terrace, gazebo will be instantly updated without expensive painting repairs. four bright beautiful colors to choose from. everything, that you need to do - fix the photo facade in a way convenient for you. this is a ready-made solution. the bright life photo facade is suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone
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or metal, if it gets dirty , just rinse it with water, it’s beautiful, fast, convenient and easy, call and order a universal bright life photo facade for the fence at a special price, from only 9.95, just choose the appropriate design and create a unique look for your suburban area. premiere so stop alexander pankratov black next time i won’t miss alexander rupok, comrade, take off the handcuffs , let’s take off the handcuffs tomorrow under escort to apartment number 20. clearly, anna mikhalkova has assigned one to the police, the other to the clinic, i’m working for you all myself, he’ll kill or beat you up, maybe fyodor lavrov, well, look. what a beauty! what
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a woman! where others give up, they grow wings! so that’s it, i won’t accept this! angels area! from monday on rtr. good sunday evening everyone, your favorite folk show is on the air, songs from the heart, and this means that at our round table people have gathered who sing from the bottom of their hearts, they are ready to tell their life stories about how music changed their destiny. well, our evening opens with our guest from the samara region, valery tikhonov, performing his original song. ramaska.
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the phone is silent, there is no light in the window, your door is locked. what happened suddenly, maybe you are in trouble, i couldn’t reach you, the rain is drizzling lightly outside, clouding my eyes, fog, the wind is whispering, she
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will forgive everything, don’t rush to go to the restaurant, my chamomile was blooming in the field, i found it. i forgot the grievances i’ve passed barriers in love, i’m going crazy, i’m away from you again, and legs, i pray to god for our love with you, times will pass, we will remember how our fate is. i connected with you, on that spring night i remained waiting, despite the pouring rain, the years fly into endless distances, the globe of the earth cannot be stopped, may
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the star of love always burn, i cannot live on earth without it, my daisy bloomed in the field. i found her, i forgot the insults, i went through the barriers in love, i’m going crazy, i’m from you again, again, again, i pray to god for our love with you,
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my frame. it was blooming in the field, i found it, i forgot the insults, i went through the barriers in love, i’m going crazy, i’m from you again, again, again, i pray to god for our love with you, to god.
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fashionable leather pants, in general, my dream would be the nineties for such just in general, tell me how old you are first, so that everyone would still jump, on january 17 i turned 74 years old, how old, yes, yes, yes, and how long have you been write songs, tell me, i’ve been writing songs for a long time, i was born in kazakhstan, lived there for 4 months, and everyone sings there. there ask, what are you singing? that’s what i see, i sing, and i’m the same, in the same way i began to write songs little by little, i even wrote the first song once, a girl says to me: you ’re like dobrynin, she says, i say, how
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kind i am, i’m tikhonov , my last name, not dobrine, but by the way, valery vitalievich is a lieutenant colonel, friends, so you understand, but what about a lieutenant colonel, a police lieutenant colonel, wow, even... and i worked for 27 years in the criminal investigation department, can you imagine, and my fate our hero is very difficult, let's see we we visited you and... i think now everyone will understand what we are talking about, attention, this is my security, german shepherd, matrix, sit, lie down, smart girl, small house, 340 km, did everything to live and don’t go anywhere, i have a hall in which i’m proud, as if abroad. i came up with the whole design, all these statues, it’s all from china, i found these
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women, they are ordinary, i decorated it all, i did it all myself, all this furniture is italian, i sold furniture and brought it and also bought it for myself, all the means from businesses have invested everything here in this house, here i have a bathhouse, so i can look like this for 74 years, here the pool is warmed up here, i have 25-30° once a week without fail. now , of course, my life is full. before, of course, there were a lot of shocks, my first wife, lyudmila, was taken away by oncology, my daughter was then 16 years old, i began to raise her alone, then i met svetlana, she is very beautiful, but she was 25 years younger than me, we moved to sochi to live, but a year later trouble happened, i have it a little i sinned with alcohol, let's go. swim at sea at night, she drowned almost before my eyes, i, of course, was in shock, how can i continue to live,
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after all these tragedies of mine, and i never even thought that such love could happen to me, and that i i will meet a woman like lyubasha, she is of course younger than me, also at a significant age by 22 years, but we live in perfect harmony, here is my beloved wife, lyubasha, preparing fish for smoking, volga perch caught by valery vitalievich, valera and i met on dating site, someone suggested that there are such sites, i think what it is, i’ll go and try, there were many requests for other purposes, that is, not serious intentions, i already gave up the whole thing there, then at some point valera appeared and wrote, it turns out here , too, there are normal people who are looking for relationships, for a long time i did not agree to meet on... some, on some of his conditions, he was so persistent, we decided to meet after all, we never
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parted again, we were on the same wavelength with him, he already plays the guitar, and besides, i pressed some kind of string that it penetrated into my soul, for the sake of my love, i am ready to do everything, just so that she lives and rejoices with me, where are you hiding, where on this sinner. earth, tell me love, why have i been looking for myself for so long, well done, well done, listen to how cozy, beautiful it is, just like that, you know, i want every person to live like this, and you would do the furniture, they told me, yes, i sold furniture, i traveled practically all over the world, yeah, but i sold retail, do you have a large pool? the pool is five by 2 and it was my wife who stood there, me i didn’t want to when we met, i said
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that i lowered my age by 12 years, but no one understood anything, that’s who i talked to, yes, and they say, yes, he really is the same age, yes, you can do that now calm down, now the train has left, i can’t anymore, when she found out, she found out, well, literally through a taxi. no, a month later she found out when i met, i was in sochi, she was in talya, this was after the tragedy, so to speak, i could barely come to my senses, and they persuaded me, guys, come on, come out, stop dying, that’s enough, screamed, it hurt, it was so difficult and difficult, we keep meeting, love at first sight, wow, this is great, at first sight, do you take her fishing? oh, unfortunately, she’s not a fisherman, i’m, of course, a sucker for fishing,
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i have a small boat, everyone is surprised, they say, how do you carry a boat, you seem so not strong, strong, i say, live force me, just because of this, but at least you have your own smokehouse, i still want to get hold of it somehow, i can’t get my hands on everything, smoking fish is not so simple business, because you need to be able to, right. firstly, you need alhu, this is no chemistry, there is no chemistry there, then into the smokehouse, how long into the smokehouse, 20 minutes, 20 minutes 20 minutes.
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there are things to do, this is what i collect with my wife, it ’s only in the samara region, initial letter, what kind of herb is this, what is it for, this is an herb for coughs, i looked, you coughed, and i think, if i suddenly get there, this is a dream came true, i ’m still in shock, i just can’t understand that i’m sitting on this program, i and i think you and i will sing the song of my idol oleg mityaev together, how since i got here, i want to say
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it’s great that we all gathered here today . the bend of a yellow guitar you will hug tenderly the string of a fragment of fur transit tautly sway the dome of the sky is large and starry and snowy how great it is that everyone is here. today we have gathered, the dome of the sky is shaking, large and starry, how great it is that you are all here, today we have gathered, just from the sunset,
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the fire is not touching the pine trees, what are you loading, tramp. come on, smile, someone very close will quietly tell you how great it is that we are all here, gathered today, someone very close, now he will quietly say how great it is that we are all here. today we gathered, how are we going to attend the grushinsky festival, and have you been to the grushinsky festival? i sang in grushinsky, it was the ninety-fifth year, and i got there with my songs, congratulations, well, our musical evening continues, now a duo
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of twins from vologda with a folk song go with the guys to meet. the bird cherry tree is thick, but i have never met you, my fellow-eyed one, you bypass the cherry tree , but
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i have never met you, my fellow-eyed one, you bypass the cherry tree. side, why don’t you have fun with me, why do you turn your eyes away, because the hallway is with you, not offended by fate, that’s what people say all over the area. after all, i’m good with you, not hurt by fate, that’s what people say all over the area. the girl’s song, fly to him faster, and don’t hit the one you desire, that i won’t
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hide my love, about it only across the river, the nightingale keeps singing about it at dawn. i won’t hide my request, i’m singing about it all the time, it’s not the nightingale zuriki, the girls are walking with the guys, there ’s a thick cherry tree near the river, and you’re my grig-eyed one. i've never met you, you you go around the old fly, but my
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brown eyes have never met you, i’ve never met you, you go around the corner, wounded! people sang, they didn’t perform, but they sang to make their souls sing, it turns out that this is rare in my life as a phenomenon, thank you very much, i received it, thank you, thank you, come to us more often, who is older, who is older from you ,
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tell us, i’m older, hope, by how much, by three hours, what did you do there for so long, we have a lot of history, lyuba, let’s get started, but you know, we were born on totem land, so i’m always proud. this where we were born was in the village of sovetsky, pyatovka, she is still alive and well, that’s where we had a house, our mother already gave birth to three and two daughters before us, and we are already the last, you are so funny in these, look , they didn’t change, but my mother went, they didn’t even know that when she would give birth there, and my mother loved the forest very much, she went to the swamps to pick berries. behind cranberries and fell asleep on a mound, and she says, oh, nadya, i had such dreams, she says, she says, i slept there for 3 hours, i was cold, she says, it turned out, it’s dark, she says, it’s already
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in the swamp, she came, she said, leaned against the stove to warm up, and the water began to recede, here is our grandmother, anna lavrentievna, well, she says, dear, let’s go, she says, this is to give birth, well, then it was a long time ago, the sixty-first year, then there were still tractors and they took her on a tractor until the darkness,
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we are very glad that today we are here on our native land, our village, our dear lyubovchikha and we are next to our home, with our family home, the weather today is wonderful, frosty, sunny, a wonderful day, we will collect the purest white snow and drown it for tea, no one lives there now, it’s frozen, the healthiest water, crystallization, hello, was under the window, a snow-white cherry,
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far away because of a cloud. the moon appeared in heaven, the stove is from our mother, a russian stove, it literally does everything in its own juice, if someone is building new houses, be sure to install russian stoves, my mother was very happy when lyuba and i came on vacation together, it was a big, big holiday for her, together with my mother we cooked, this is our original dish, rabbit with potatoes, this is a family recipe, that’s it now we pour water and snow water, now the last ingredient, the most important ingredient, so please, nadezhda valerievna, this will be an amazing dish, everything, oh, all the photographs here remind me of my mother, it reminds me of this beautiful scarf
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that she loved. dress, she wore it on holidays, went to church, in this scarf, now it’s all love, it’s hard to say, if she were alive, it would be a great happiness, my mother spent her last years here because she wasn’t feeling very well i already felt it, i had little strength, i sat down on this bench, the stove was burning, looking at the fire, of course, we talked heartily, sang songs, a rib leaf, the wind was blowing, a ladder was leading us into the distance, someone else,
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someone else. you don’t take your eyes off the trapina, someone else, someone else, you don’t take your eyes off the pathina, you drink lard water, yes, yes, but generally from the sukhana, when we have it, of course.
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home, they sang here with all their hearts, songs sounded, thank you, thank you, i also want to add, there is also a zest here, this is currant juice, and he is with his lover, currant juice, this is what it is, this is from vologda variety, our mother also planted this currant, it is so large, sweet, this is also a piece of our favorite
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currant juice from there, we collect three at a time. our mother loved, my mother loved the song, the way you are . well, today we will sing a song that also was, remains so, this is such a song, one might say, strong, and gives strength and joy and energy, which gives us today. as
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you were, so you remain, steppe eagle, cossack ! why, why did you meet again, why did you disturb my peace, why, why did you meet again, why did you disturb my peace, why fate, let it be your fate. i couldn’t make you mad, but i lived, i lived only for you, i waited for you all the war, but i lived, i lived for
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you, i sleep, i gave the war to you. 40 years ago , the tv series tas is authorized to say that it was based on the real story of alexander ogorodnik, an employee of the soviet foreign ministry, aka trianon spy, who was recruited by cia agents. in our program, kgb officers who will tell new details of this high-profile case, as well as the illegitimate daughter of alexander ogorodnik, who dreams of finding relatives in russia. malakhov, on monday on rtr. they say that you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax where there is
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sun and sea, on the first coastline, where everything is included, except for your head, we know about... stellar group. cognac monte chococa is a product of the stellar group.
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titanic luxury collection cognac old barrel productlar group.
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gin cnop is a product of stellar group, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent being in our family. orientalism is a photoparallel agenda. continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen and watch on the media platform let's watch. the first podcasts we watch. the tests are perfect, but there is still no pregnancy. you and your husband go to... the sea on saturday, i’ll come to the institute and give him a surprise, this is my passion, how can you not understand this, passion, any problem can be cured
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by the sea, you need to unwind, take a ride on yacht, sea, sun, vitamin d, you are a very beautiful girl, you dream of having a romantic romance, forget it, i’m not like that, what kind? at the hotel, i want to save our family, he came with her and his mistress, make lena jealous, what do you have with my wife, it’s your marriage, you’re at the seams, fruit drink. on saturday on rtr, those who want to stay in the know, watch the program for the week, the program for advanced people, the program for the week with dmitry kiselyov, today on rtr, once again good evening everyone, unique destinies, amazing... stories and the most heartfelt songs at this time on russia tv channel,
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thank you for being with us, now on our folk stage i want to invite the youngest participant in our program today, she flew to us from krasnodar, eva tkacheva, with her grandmother tatyana tarasenko, they will perform the song “sunny bunny”. i dreamed of seas and corals, i dreamed of eating turtle soup, i stepped onto a ship, and the boat turned out to be from yesterday’s newspaper, i stepped onto the ship, and the ship. from yesterday's newspaper, then one winter comes, then another, and
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the snowstorms outside the window are forgotten, only parrots speak in cages, in the forest they forget their language, only in cages do parrots speak; in the forest they forget their language, at the foot of the mountain. the mountains have become huge, i fall to the foot of the mountain, but the daisy on which i tell my fortune has not yet grown, but the daisy on which i tell my fortune has not yet grown, in the spring i don’t believe in misfortunes, and i’m not afraid of the mine. let
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different animals moult in the drizzly spring, only the sunbeam does not shed, in the spring different animals shed, only the sunbeam does not shed. show a video from five years ago, when eva
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was 3 years old, and you will immediately understand that each of you, who went on the internet, saw, of course, this girl with a song fell in love with a crocodile, attention, 1, 2, 3, 4, i’m walking along the fire, i’m walking in the apalka pose, i’m walking along the fire, the sun is shining in my eyes, i walked everywhere . i wanted to come here, the crocodile won’t buy me, because i’m not allowed, but i fell in love with the crocodile, listen, how clean, 3 years old, and camilla fell in love, didn’t appreciate it, so go.
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i’m walking through the zoo, i’m walking through the zoo, the sun is shining in my eyes, i shouldn’t have been coming here for a year, i shouldn’t have been coming here for berries, they won’t buy me a crocodile, because i can’t, but i’m in love, i visited and fed, but i didn’t appreciate the love. stupid crocodile, bravo, tell me, what class are you in now? in the second, so what are your hobbies? i ’m interested in drawing, swimming, music, and at the same time, you sing, i was told only
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soviet songs, well done, that’s how it should be, who teaches you that?
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naturally everyone will want to be friends with you, in the end they are afraid that friendship begins with a smile, share your smile, share over kindness. eva and i are often told that we are very similar, this is probably true so, here they are two girls, i love my granddaughter eva, although she is not related to me by blood, my daughter and her husband wanted children for a very long time, and my grandfather and i also wanted grandchildren, but it didn’t work out. and then my daughter zhenya and her husband decided to have a daughter. and that’s how eve appeared in our lives. evochka, our girl. we waited for a very long time, but when they brought her so small and defenseless, we probably all felt it. and you know that the most amazing thing is that when eva appeared in our
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family, my daughter found out that she was expecting a child. i think it was god who blessed her. they turned out just like us. and just like that. here together, you can never say that eva and styopa are not relatives, they stand for each other so much, eva will defend her, eva is a brother, she’s such a militant girl, when she was only 4-5 years old, she’s already i knew that this happens, that she is not our own, so it will never be a shock for her that she came to our family, in general she will not think about it, she feels that she is ours, hers, so dear, you you know, from her there is also some kind of giving, this is also felt, the girl is kind, she is grateful, my family is the best, i love them very much, the most fabulous and unprecedented, the most magical flower,
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bright fiery like the dawn, the sunniest and unprecedented, it it’s not called a dream for nothing, maybe behind the seventh pass the most fabulous and... unprecedented , most magical flower will flare up there, fresh as a windswallow,
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listen, this is a song from my childhood, you haven’t heard this one, we’re just in a pioneer camp in an eaglet, when i was in front of this song, she for the rest of my life, she’s really beautiful, thank you for... thank you very much, thank you, but in general you are really similar in appearance, that is, you are really similar now, they write a lot in the comments, you turned out amazing, thank you, we need to perform together further, thank you, they told me that you also really love books about wizards, yes, and if you met a wizard, what would you ask him for? well, i, i would ask him for one wish, but it’s a secret, otherwise it won’t come true, well done, but how can the wizard guess, well, i’ll tell him, in others it’s better don’t speak, otherwise it won’t come true, that’s how the story goes for you, yes you did a good deed, yes you saved someone’s life, but the universe immediately... gives you a long-awaited child, it seems to me that this is very, you know, this with us, as it appears, we hope for some kind of
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justice, there is balance in nature, it should be so, maiden, that we will sing today, come on, lead our table, before we sing the song, i want to give you a gift, oh, also with a gift, lead, who drew this? look, very beautiful, thank you very much, thank you so much for the gift, my princess, let’s sing, let’s be, it was, it was, today is a holiday, today. it’s a holiday for the girls, today there will be dancing, caves, the girls are burning,
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their blushes are burning in the morning, it’s refreshing, the girls are standing, with their caps, handkerchiefs in their hands, you, because there are ten girls, according to statistics there are nine guys, because there are ten girls. according to statistics, there are nine guys, well, now our guest from the zaporozhye region is appearing on our national stage, sergei helko will perform his original song, a letter from the front. today was hard again. oh, not all the boys returned, but i suddenly remembered how
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you and i walked in our park before the war, fountain splashes in the sun’s rays, a pair of swan in the ore, short. rest now with the guys who survived today's storm, my beloved, dear, gentle, the snowstorm is blowing in the snow, you are waiting for me in this snowy south, my feelings for you make my soul feel warm.
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there are many such battles ahead, fate tests our strength, but i will return to you, just wait until the victorious trumpet sounds, but for now we have and... here are the gods, a shell is heard, a wild battle, i can dream of your eyes at night, my angel so wants to be with you, my beloved, dear, tender, the steppe is covered in a blizzard, you. eat me in this snowy south, i will give you warmth to my soul, you are waiting for me in this
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snowy south, my feelings make you feel warm in my soul, thank you. a very beautiful song, very soulful, thank you for this performance, how did you come up with these lines, i was told that you are a professional musician, i have always liked such soulful songs from the patriotic war, about the patriotic war, like... in a dugout, dark night, i also wanted to write something like this
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, but what is this lying next to the microphone, is it?
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you have an amazing family history, let’s go to your village in the zaporozhye region , please, i made this sopilka with my own hands from bamboo, just outside the outskirts. a village
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called mardvinovka, spring meadows spread out like a tablecloth, in my native mardvinovka i was born, baptized, this is my father’s home, as a child i loved horses very much, now i breed rabbits, my beauties, my goldenroos the breed here is simple, super thoroughbred, it is less tenacious, rabbits sooner or... later go for meat, every time you put off this moment, but you have to do something, everything that we grow in the garden, we keep all this in this cellar, i fried potatoes in the winter, cucumbers and tomatoes with them, about 50, great,
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i was torn to sell this house many times, but... i have a new owner, so, of course, i ’m not going anywhere now. sergei alexandrovich and i met in bertyanski, 40 years ago. i studied at the institute, and he came on vacation. natalya and i had such a holiday romance. i liked it, of course, right away. well, he was young, charming, sociable. when he picked up the guitar, sang, he was blown away. spent one evening, he left and after 2 months i found out that i was pregnant, i decided not to tell him anything, because i found out that he was married, i didn’t want to destroy his family, i lived in ignorance for 26 years, one day he came to me a friend found me, she told me that you have a daughter there
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and gave me a phone number, the next day he called, 15 years old. we just talked, congratulated each other on holidays, called each other, he came when my daughter came to visit me, my daughter received me well, it’s a pity that i didn’t see the first steps, in the future, i completely perceive as a daughter, i believed that i i’ll wait, it can’t be otherwise, at one point he arrived and said, let’s go to mordvinovka, when we decided to live together, our daughter was... 38 years old, i decided to spend this life with sergei, yes, because he is not a stranger to me man, am i happy, of course i’m happy, i waited, photos in love, like a family in a home where it’s always cozy, quiet and warm, dad, mom and sister, and
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friends who have left, faces like children... suddenly it came to me again, when you first saw your daughter, there was no doubt that it’s not her, that no, no, well, you see. it seems that this is the case when everything is clear, everything is clear, wow, now you and your daughter are communicating, and you still have an excellent relationship, how amazing it is, life eventually puts everything in its place, though in some way the moment when we are in the moment, something happens to us it seems that this is wrong, and then everything unfolds, in the end it comes, like this , at the right time and we find this happiness when we need it. it turned out to be such a smooth transition, i didn’t even notice it myself, you know,
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i haven’t forgotten yet, i would also like a little gifts for the studio, and even from my knees on the go , such an accompanying quatrain, my sorceress natasha, arranged for you in the world the most delicious beauty , i’m handing it to you now, watermelon, challon watermelon, so pickled, you’ll be stunned, if you want a watermelon, let’s try it, i won’t refuse, of course, we will open it now; on the second day after the holiday, it is generally an irreplaceable thing, especially pickle, pickle. what will we sing today alexandrovich? let's go for a ride, beauty.
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the month of the crimson was painted, where the volds plagued the city. just go for a ride, i’ve been waiting for you for a long time, let’s go for a ride, beauty, i got you drunk a long time ago, i’m going with you willingly, i’m plucking the waves of the easter, let the sail be full.
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friends, you have a few minutes to run to the kitchen, bring some hot tea and come back to continue singing soulful songs. premiere so stop alexander pankratov black next time i won’t miss alexander robok comrade’s handcuffs to take off tomorrow under escort to apartment number 20 clear anna mikhalkova one another to the clinic, i’m working for you all myself, it’s a joke, maybe fyodor lavrov, well, look what a beauty, and
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what a woman there , where others give up, their wings grow, that means, i won’t accept this, angels of the area. from monday on rtr. you're bored with your old fence, you want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repair or replacement will hit your budget hard. we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for the fence, bright life. with its help, you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition. fence, terrace, gazebo, in an instant. updated without expensive repairs and painting, four bright beautiful colors to choose from, all you need to do is secure the photo facade in a way convenient for you, this is a ready-made solution, the bright life photo facade is suitable for
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the breathable anatomically shaped insole provides a comfortable fit, garden shoes are suitable for rainy and slushy weather, thanks to their modern design, garden shoes will fit perfectly into any wardrobe, with them you will remain stylish even in the garden or garden . provide yourself with comfort and convenience right now. call to order durable, versatile and lightweight garden shoes for only 24.95. my name is leonid viktorovich, but what? your name is elsa genrikhovna, well, you have an extraordinary name, come visit me, and this is inconvenient, i’m a widow, i’m not a date , your name is irina pechernikova, i want something like that on a heel, i’m completely out of my mind, veniam smekhov, who are we hiding from, mom, what have you done, he’s discussing the whole village, how did you get caught? not like you kiss,
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but you go to visit, lyubov konstantinova, what’s wrong, well, you fell in love, anna ukolova, mom, what are you doing, and dad did everything for you, everyone thinks so, before she had time to save her husband, she ran to the party, why on a party, let's get married, like we get married, elsa's land, in friday on rtr. closed footage of how not only russian, but also world politics is done. now they spoke in putin's words. but how long has it been? this is exactly what i warned about; such cases have happened. stop swallowing the dust of putin’s forecasts, which have now come true, otherwise we will end up in chaos. with one hundred percent accuracy, do you at least
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understand now what you have done, the solution of the 2000s, china is our traditional partner, who today determine the life of the planet. tell me who your friend is, and i ’ll tell you who you are, and also about sanctions for another 10 years ago, but it will be mutual damage, and what now, is putin’s price jump, in the new episode of our program the answer to the question, well , this is how it will be, how did he know all this, moscow, the kremlin. we look at putin today on rtr. once again we welcome everyone who gathered around the screens and televisions this sunday evening. unique voices, destinies and melodies that changed the lives of our guests. all this is in the program songs from the bottom of my heart and our evening continues, our guest from novosibirsk.
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the sun sank into the sea, clouds moved south, palm trees
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above your head, hovered as if in paradise, a woman without reserve, a woman for love, melted like a cloud. my marjanja, marjanja where you live, the waves are lapping, the tired rocks, marjanja, marjanja, where to live and where, pushing the glare on the water, intertwined walls, women of their men, pakhnakagarhita.
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you are great, your body is in the rays of the sunset, bronze skin color, the air of love mixed with... the smell of cigarettes, the white shaft is strong, heavy white color, i will kiss the taste in the perks, southern love is the answer, majanja, majanja, where to live, where, the waves
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caress, tired rocks, where to live, somewhere, sense glare on... the monts are caressing tired steel, where a hundred glares are on the water, here you are, healthy, like andrei
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misanovich miron signed up for this music, yes, yes, yes, he is just perfect, just perfect. abdukavi, good evening, how are you? good evening, good evening, well , thank allah, everything is so wonderful. from excitement, as they say, from joy, it’s completely imperceptible, it seems that you are very confident in yourself, seriously, or what? yes, that means i’m such a strong man, he’s small, you always understood, tell us about yourself, where did you come to us from? as they say, i was born in tajikistan, but came from the city of novosibirsk, so i thought, i heard. our guests are from novosibirsk, really from novosibirsk. you live in novosibirsk, you live there, but this, as they say, mom is sacred, i promised my mom, this little girl, mom sat down, especially for you, i said that i ’ll go a little, she said, so that i personally
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bring the department to you, i will dress you, thank you very much, dear mother, what are you doing in novosibirsk? in novosibirsk i am currently engaged in the processing of plastics, plastics, plastics, can you imagine, yes, very difficult, but very necessary work, how many hours a day are you working on this crusher like this for processing, this crusher from nine to six, it turns out that you have children... in tajikistan, yes, yes, my children are in tajikistan, i myself was born in tajikistan, the city of isvari, they are adults, probably already , yes, no, they are small, my son is six, and my daughter is 2 months old, and you are not...
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there is probably work not very noisy, but noisy, you need to wear headphones all the time, so you are always with a song, always singing at national weddings, we must say, also something from your repertoire, even today women cannot resist, let’s go, the restaurant hall. and deception, the haven of a poet on a spree, near the table
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opposite, you are sitting on the other side, still in the early light, the dachshund knocked , got instructions, loaded. i bow my head, oh , such a woman, what a woman, give me one, oh , what a woman, what a woman, give me one!
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but if we talk about women, inna chudikova is next to me from the stavropol region, now ready to take our musical baton, she will perform a song about her native village, wondrous, let’s inochka, wondrous, wondrous, wondrous village. tapolin fluff, apple blossom, all the dust,
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the attack spirit, tulips, like the dawn of the ancient distance, proud, border, streets, beauty, strong winds, the cover of the skies, bathed churches, this is a marvel. the birds sing their nightingale songs, the winds carry you into a sea of ​​flowers, into wondrous fields, the steppe grass gives you its song, bloom, blossom. our marvelous, reserved land,
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bird voices, free song, manycha wave, the smell of thyme, a free life, a military graveyard, a grateful memory of the war. a toast to the victory, an orthodox wedding in the courtyard. the birds sing their songs with the nightingales, the winds flow into the sea of ​​flowers, into the wondrous fields, the steppe feather grass gives its song to you. blossom our
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marvelous one. a corner of dew, golden fields, grain-bearing fields, all the people are beautiful, honest, not evil, noble, old age is caring, youth, work, childhood, holidays, flight altitude, pride, honor and a feeling of joy. the tapolins are booming, the apple trees are the color of the dust, the attacking spirit, the tsurpans are like the dawn, the distance ancient, gardach border, street, beauty, strong winds, cover of the skies, bathed churches,
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this is a virgin. let the birds sing their songs, the straw ones, the winds draw you into a sea of ​​flowers, into wondrous fields, the glassy one gives you its song, bloom, blossom.
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it was very cool, come visit us, you’re always welcome, in general, inna is the artistic director at the local cultural center, yes, yes, we are colleagues, yes, it’s great, but we didn’t start right away, but no, not right away, unfortunately, life sometimes doesn’t turn out the way we want, i worked in trade, then i was born son, because my son needs to be fed, clothed, killed, raised, raised, put on his feet, my son and i live together, today he came with me, this is my support, support, protection, danya is inna’s main defender, so let’s see, how they live, we visited your homeland, this is my small homeland, my native beloved village, marvelous,
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here i was born, raised, i live here with my son danila, we manage the farm together, plant a vegetable garden. mom in my life is the most important person, the dearest, i i consider myself the only man in the family, because my father and mother do not live, i always take on men’s work, i do powerlifting, i want to achieve body relief and good achievements in sports, i feel like the support of the family, i also have a dog, bobse, he is very loves to eat, sleep, run, it’s like the beromudian triangle, that’s his... i feed the cats every day, they always make the day brighter, the squad can start eating, can we? tolya, just don’t get angry, i have witnesses. my grandmother and great-grandmother they live on the same street next door to us, so i often go to visit them. hello,
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hello, we are grandson, note, hello. my grandmother works as a plant breeder on a collective farm. she's been there all her life. i was breeding sheep, when i come to my grandmother, i try to help her with everything she asks, and she feeds me delicious cutlets and pancakes, my mother doesn’t bake those, however, my grandmother’s still tastes better, but it’s very tasty, i would eat it, until the tragedy happened, and i also have a great-grandmother, i love her very much and help her with the housework home, oh, well, hi, how are you doing, i’m doing well. i need to feed the chickens, my great-grandmother was a typist at a newspaper, she is the eldest in our family, i try to visit her more often, i feed the chickens, clean the house, i can clean the beds, chick chick, chick chick chick chick, i have a good grandson, he helps me with everything, he takes care of me, i
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love him very, very much, our grandmother is already old, so not only do i come to her, but also... my mother and grandmother, this is how we get together in the evenings with our whole family, well, mom, let's sing, it's dawn currants in the city garden. i won’t hide it, i won’t pass by, well, that is, under your protection, hello, there are three women at once, and not just one, you know, that’s why i, of course, everyone wants to feed you, as i understand it, too, yes, of course, appetites are always big, big appetites, at the same time you also lift, and you have a horizontal bar, how many times do you do pull-ups? so far three, well, i’m just starting, but that’s all, well done, well done, everything will go, tell me - your plans, do you also want to stay in your wonderful place or, well,
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in general i would like to move to the city, i would like to get used to the new living environment, and what do you want to become, an architect, oh, and mom , look what you brought here, i see, yes, we did not come empty-handed, since we are from the stavropol region, the stavropol region is a hospitable region, wow here's a gift. sing, come on, sing, three, borrowed, borrowed, turned your head, and it
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took her a while to get you back, but trouble happened to me, i served in the gray service myself. i fell in love with you myself, i fell in love, i forgot that i married you, yes egorova, i paint my nails, i have every right, the premiere, i’ve become old, but you’re like... yes, little purr, you know, i would marry you, well, you’re here, hello, hello, what
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steersman bourbon. product of stellor group, we go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed, any remedy has a reverse the side with the most necessary knowledge - health, we dispel myths, help you find out the truth, how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up before that, what should you pay attention to? attention to each risk factor should have its own pill, where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, so the whole family must be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take care of yours complex organism. take care of yourself and be healthy. about the most important thing, from monday. on
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friday on rtr watching love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's look, look, he look at the screen, look at me, take it out, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time on time23, sign up, look, look, maybe we can go to my place? just watch a movie, good sunday evening again everyone, your favorite folk show sings from the bottom of your heart on the air, continues our program, our guests from the republic of mariel, twin brothers, alyosha, ilya and nikita shabdarov, will perform a national dance for us, perky guys!
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alexander ivanov is at the instrument.
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in general, well, let’s get acquainted, who ’s name is, tell us, three from the casket, identical in appearance, we are sabdarov brothers, triplets, my name is nikita, i’m ilya. me alyosha, in theory you are like three gods, you change places in order to remember, in theory like three heroes, ilya muryts, alyosha popovich only dobrynya nikitivich, nikita, but i don’t know how you are distinguished, in kindergarten, at school,
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your parents make a difference in you, in kindergarten we were allowed to use ropes, like ropes, but where were they tied? tied on your hand so that they don’t confuse us, but tell me, tell me, please, i’m very interested, but you never changed the ropes, you didn’t cheat, you didn’t get confused, you don’t use this at school, maybe, maybe you didn’t smile, they said , because the earth will already be watching this, they can’t, but you have a big family, they told me, yes, we have a big family, how many of you are there, our family consists of nine people, four daughters, and the three of us, that is, you have four older sisters, yes, well, let's move to you in mariel and see how you live, this is where we grew up, this is our room, and this is
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the bed on which all three of us sleep, each our morning starts with sports, we are compared to the three heroes, this is our symbol in childhood. when we sent them to kindergarten, i looked at them so carefully, they kept dancing, dancing, i think let’s try to choreograph a dance for them, first go there, no matter what profession we connect our lives with, we will continue watch bees, because we like it,
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the most important thing is that we are always together, that we can help each other, boys, today we will make gogole cake, this is a national dish, in russian, it is called varenniki, we love to cook, don’t twist it like that , on the contrary, can i say, andry, i just have a very strong connection with yashkara, when i served in the army, they went there, in general, amazing people, everyone is so cheerful, smiling , cheerful, and their accordion players, their playing technique, that as you noticed, these are furs, they were shaking furs, here they are with fur back and forth, and accordingly, national costumes, i don’t know how it is with the men, but already...
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success, he chooses from those who can be the first to laugh at themselves, oh, quietly, forget everything, forget everything, what has passed, everything , what fell is gone, everything that went back cannot be returned, only there and not, calmly forgive me, well now i want to introduce my charming neighbor vlada miravi, who wrote the song. in a few weeks
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this composition gained 5 million views on the internet, the song is the will of vlad miravi and her, i i’ll leave all the bitterness in the past, i’m so sad, i’m so free, i’ll spread my wings , i’ll fly into the sky with light. my will, dirty hands touched a clean body, i didn’t want to, i wasn’t there, somehow you were free, i didn’t know you, i ’ll cover your scars with love, and i’ll step into god.
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i’ll find fire with you, it’s you, i’ll spread my wings, i’ll fly into the sky with the light, i’ll fly into the sky, i’ll leave all the bitterness in the past, don’t bother me, so i’m so free, i’ll spread my wings with the wind, i’ll fly into the sky, really.
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very often we live with a burden in our souls, we carry in our life we ​​have made some mistakes, we think, how could i or could have acted differently in a certain situation, and over the years this burden accumulates on my soul, and this song is about how you can leave all this in the past, you can you can love, you can forgive yourself, and the most important thing is that... yes, i was born in the city of bratsk, we have a large family, and my mother raised me from childhood in the cossack traditions, only girls, look, these are my sisters, and you can sing something from cossack songs, yes, of course, oh you steppe wide. “bravo, beauty,
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what do you sing when you get together at home, these are cossack songs, ancient songs that are not found anywhere, which are passed on from mouth to mouth, there’s just such wealth and traditions there, i thank my mother for the fact that she brings this culture to the world, and your mother is engaged in military training, my mother has her own, and you know, i can’t do the song otherwise”? no, without worries, not sleep, not a day, somewhere a pitiful woman is crying, you are for love, forgive me, i can’t do otherwise, i’m not afraid, upholstered, and there is no dock in the sky of love, such space, heart
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mine, not kame, you’ll get sick, i’ll come, i’ll spread my arms, don’t touch my heart, you. alyonka, don’t you recognize me or something, and this is a transport, well, your neighbor, he is a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then he left medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist, you killed me, why did you provoke him? “i wanted to help the guy, she’s
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digging under you, valera is in the most dangerous place for you, you’re a predator, what a predator, it will hurt, they say that you people are right in the head.” be able to look, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the app or, vodka veda, a product of stellor group. you sleeplessly toss and turn all night with your old pillows, and wake up completely stressed out, now that's over, introducing the dremaliina swan pillow. a comfortable lounging pillow that hugs your entire body to optimally align it so you... experience the best sleep of your life. uniquely shaped drimaline pillow, shoulders, head and neck, arms, hips, knees, ankles and feet. you remain in the most comfortable sleeping position without tossing and turning. unlike ordinary pillows, dremalina swan keeps the spine in an ideal position and the neck at an optimal height. your shoulders and arms will be
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the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselyov, look on sunday, the fruit. meets the first all-union shock komsomol detachment, as straight from the congress, the komsomol members went into the impenetrable taiga, where ukrainian saboteurs tried to undermine the bam, what the local signature cocktail, northern lights, salaam alaikum, sergei zenin went along the road
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of life to the south of afghanistan, those who say that afghanistan is under blockade are very mistaken, there have been no journalists from russia here for 35 years.
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does the unique cave temple keep secrets? lead the main tourist route of the ussr, and what weeks with dmitry kiselev, today. on rtr. unique voices, soulful songs and destinies that will touch the heart of everyone. us a song from the next on the air continues to work now we are waiting for the premiere, the premiere of the song from our guest from nalchik, we meet alibek kazarov with the song “look”, look what you did to... to me, look, from you i am not myself, just know,
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this is the work of your hands, black eyes and hot scarlet lips, not a single stranger’s lady will heal my wounds, i’m getting used to you, i’m being away, alone in company. friend, we have lost each other, my heart echoes with pain in the night. ask me, i can’t forget you, don’t forgive me, i can’t stop loving you, and i wake up alone in
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silence, at night, my thoughts about you, not a single stranger’s lady will heal my wounds, i'm getting used to you, i'm away. loneliness, friend, we have lost each other, the pain in your heart resonates in the night. no stranger’s lady will heal my wounds,
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i’m getting used to you, i’m away, loneliness, friend, we lost each other, my heart echoes with pain in the night. i’m getting used to myself, i’m away, a friend of loneliness, we’ve lost each other, our hearts echo with pain at night, that alibeg came to us from kabardino-balkaria, let’s get to know how old you are, how long have you been singing, i’m 22 years old. i've been singing confidently since i was 12 years old, my grandfather told me you had star of one of the main national
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ensembles of kabardin, this is just him, yes on the screen, this is my grandfather, my grandmother, this is me, my grandfather, he sang - from the age of 12, from the age of 10 i began to get involved in his work, but first i didn’t understand the meaning of the songs he sang, he sang our old kabardian songs. before this horse, they were similar to us, our ancestors were such warlike men, keeping horses is part of our
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culture, after every ride it is necessary to wash and put things in order, my day always begins with the stables, here 30 horses, arabian, english, cambardian, the horse drinks for a day. 34 buckets, horses eat corn, hay, we also give fruits, allah forbid we see a horse in no mood, with illnesses, this is something unpleasant. very much to feed one horse a month 80, 100,000, this is actually my first horse, his name is arstan, he will soon be 3 years old, the horse’s age can be determined by his teeth, for example, he has no clumps, because he is still young, nastan is a rolls-royce in the world of horses, a real gambardine horse, i brush it every day, i sort out the hair, collect it, it’s important to clean
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hooves, so that it doesn’t get all clogged up... with this dirt, for me a horse is such a mercy from the almighty, they are all already members of our family, i often sing to the horses when i’m here, i watch how they react to it, someone jumps, someone lowers their head, if the songs are sad, then they are also sad with me, i’m ten years old, what’s wrong with her.
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they love to jump side by side side by side but because they are used to being in the mountains, always do you live with your parents? yes, yes, what do you sing when you get together? there are many songs, there is one so beautiful, this is my mother’s favorite song, let me sing, it’s beautiful.
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for her, well done, only this is all, only this is all, not mine, in a noisy city, this girl doesn’t live, the songs are sad and funny, she won’t sing, but why is she, why is she all alone. why is she, why is she heady, why is she, why is she all she, why is she, why is she hungry for me, people’s artist of russia vladislavich vetrov
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is with us today, friends, all evening! well, who touched you today, tell me more, you know, i actually thawed out so mentally, this is an amazing thing, simplicity and heartfelt generosity, they just heal, in fact this is so, here we have such humor, and characters in most cases are so in demand both in drama and in cinema, simple-minded characters, when a person loves to sing, sings when he expresses simple, completely simple, and he doesn’t need anything else, he doesn’t need anything else, it has an irresistible effect on those around him, and simply, thank you very much, andrey, they told me, now forgive me, you listen to contemporaries in the theater, yes, but i always remember, so you say, you thaw , i remember the kingdom heavenly galina borisovna volchik, always when he came to some performances, she
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treated her to her pies with apples in the private treats and it was right. in childhood, you know, when you were transported by these pies, i don’t know what i wanted more, contemporary performances or her pies, there’s another question, well, i think we’ve already experienced such a difficult, sufficient time, i invite everyone to contemporary theater, we try to preserve performances galina borisovna, recently we returned two on a swing to the repertoire, now tatyana bobenkova, yuri chersin, everyone are playing i invite you, this is the one. who else is the editor of the sixty-third year, vich, well, you play the guitar well, yes, what do you mean, i’ve never played it in my life, it’s all an illusion, like everything else. in theater and cinema, you know, after such brilliant voices, we call this groan a song, i’m even somehow embarrassed, you know, but i’ve always had a fairly musical family, if you look
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at my ancestors, at least in these ancient photographs and see what they were, who they were, these are stavropol cossacks and kuban cossacks, here this is propra. grandfather with a beard, who is below, but in the first row, above him in the light stands his great-grandfather, my great-grandfather matvey, whom, to your general surprise, i found, you know, where he worked, in the winter palace, in the cossack choir, here mom and dad, how beautiful your mother is, everyone sang, but these don folk songs, i’m in taganro. i practically spent my adult years, now becoming a teenager, i heard from under the table, because like ordinary children there were always under the table, i, of course, don’t sing, so i’m very
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i love doing this, excuse me, come on, vika cherentsova, it seems to me, is a truly popular author, somehow she has such an amazing warm intonation, she wrote... the song mirages, which i will try to sing now, frost is already playing in my temples , but i still didn’t say everything, i tore my soul apart, i was jealous of my luck, i didn’t give words. i was somewhere in the middle, blooming with a domino effect, i understood the words too late, they were not destined to be returned, life is not
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a movie, and as if i knew, i would know, everything in this bustle happens someday. even though i didn’t lie or betray, i still have something to show for it before god. repent, i kept running away from the evils, what i was wrong about then, tell me now, everything seems to me like a voice, as if you were nearby, but that’s all. mirages, friends, our musical evening is ending, thank you very much for being with us, have a good working week everyone,
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see you next week, we are waiting for your letters and emails. alla's unnoticed anniversary...
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