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tv   Vesti nedeli  RUSSIA1  April 21, 2024 8:00pm-10:00pm MSK

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we are waiting for your letters and emails. only everything in the world. the unnoticed anniversary of allagacheva, why everything turned out so sad, this is not news.
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arrange a peaceful life. the explorers came across the ancient bed of the angarakan river. 50 years of construction of the century. the siberian land meets the first all-union shock komsomol detachment, as straight from the congress komsomol members went to the impenetrable taiga, where ukrainian saboteurs tried to blow up the bam and what the local signature cocktail, the northern lights, is made of. salaam alaikum.
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both life and agency in the investigation of arkady mamontova. victory for ukraine, freedom for russia. being declared a foreign agent was the beginning of very difficult changes in our lives. the journalist was killed on purpose. our colleague, izvestia military correspondent semyon eremin, was killed by a ukrainian drone strike. maxim
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kiselyov, unknown, what is the secret of local cheese? the laganaki plateau is the brightest part of the thirty, where the legendary thirty, the main tourist route of the ussr, passes, and what secrets does the unique cave temple keep? on tuesday, vladimir putin was presented with a certificate of election.
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lyubimovka in the suburbs, where three enemy mig-29 fighters and the s-300 air defense system were destroyed at once. in response to the attempts of the kiev regime to cause damage to energy and industrial facilities in russia, 34 group strikes were carried out using high-precision long-range air and sea-based weapons, as well as
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unmanned aerial vehicles, as a result of which energy industry facilities, enterprises of the military-industrial complex and railways were hit. arsenals and fuel storage for military equipment. and it's aiming fire after such a hit in chernigov. the ukrainian media began to say that a peaceful hotel had been destroyed, but in their own video, all the victims were in military uniform, and bunk army beds were visible in the windows. i had to admit that the location of part of the ukrainian armed forces was destroyed. the military who were stationed at the desnyansk hotel, and died.
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and it is from this flank that russian troops are now trying to encircle the city so as not to storm it head-on. they are also moving further south through kleshcheevka, so chasov yar is already almost in a semicircle. here are the shots from the sentry yara: the russian su-34 drops four or five heavy high-explosive bombs almost every 10 minutes. an artillery ring has been built around the city and russian howitzers are firing almost continuously at enemy fortifications. when the t-80 is shot, replaces each other, drives quickly, creeps up quietly, a pretty good machine, this russian tsar-tank or tsar-barbecue, all
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surrounded by homemade anti-drone gratings, was noticed during the assault on krasnogorovka, at first it even caused ridicule from the outside enemy who however, they quickly gave way to admiration. tanks should be equipped with something similar already in production, the minister of defense spoke about this last fall at a plant in omsk, now i came to check how the wishes came true, they said that the people’s cars are all here, the captain is here and new cars, we have must be included in the kit, the last time we were here... so the vehicles were carried out using our own forces and means, sat down so that the tankers would not have to bring them home , drove off without fear of attack either from the ground or from the air, everything that we said on retrofitting tanks with additional protection, armor protection, protection against unmanned
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aerial vehicles of various levels, additional systems for protecting sighting systems; these tasks have also been completed; heavy flamethrower systems are also assembled here. their release since the beginning of the special operation has increased by 2 and a half times. and this is how they are used at the donetsk front. available on screens in both black and white and color . on the avdiivka front, an fpv drone knocks out another american bradley. and here nearby they managed to drown ukrainian tank. they tried to counterattack our positions near bogdanovka, but after being hit by an anti-tank gun, the vehicle lost control and rolled into a pond, the crew jumped out while moving. after the liberation of may day , the russians. the troops advanced immediately to the villages of nevelskoye, netaylovo and umanskoye. there are quite significant successes everywhere. they managed to gain a foothold on the outskirts of populated areas. there is information that the ukrainian armed forces sent additional forces from two reserve mechanized brigades here. wow, great.
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an example of coordinated interaction on this direction of drone assault squads. they drop grenades and mines from the air, destroying the enemy, and then also coordinate the advance of our advanced units. on the left, if anything, go around, on the left, you can go through the house. unique footage taken through a night vision device on the front line. our sniper couple takes an entire squad prisoner. enemy, the first one comes out of the trench, holding a machine gun in his raised hands, followed by the second, third, fourth, takes off his body armor and helmets, showing that he is not armed with anything, we had intelligence data received, but we ourselves were lying there, we were waiting for them, we had already been waiting for them there for 5 days, from the air we can see how the enemy positions are burning, they are occupied by russian troops, everyone united, all the crews worked harmoniously, everything worked out great for everyone , a mortar battery disrupts the rotation of the armed forces of ukraine for work. the trio can be seen running from an approaching ukrainian armored personnel carrier to a damaged
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tank, obviously to evacuate it, but another mine and behind the front lines one continuous flame, most likely it also detonated ammunition andrey grigoriev, news of the week. the pig flies at an extremely low altitude above the very tops of the trees, this allows helicopters to remain undetected by enemy radars. army aviation. groups of troops south are processing the positions of ukrainian militants in the yar hours area. our troops have already come close to the city, but they are still far from encirclement. rockets are landing on the area where enemy equipment is concentrated. aircraft controllers using a drone detect numerous fires in the ammunition of enemy vehicles. a flight of helicopters leaves at maximum speed as far as possible from the forward positions. the enemy's is quite good. weapons, we try not to go close to the line of combat contact. according to the hours of the yar, where
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the militants have dug in, army, attack and tactical aviation are working around the clock, here are the hits of planning aerial bombs in places where the enemy was spotted. they are hitting from the ground hourly with everything they can get; now a tank of the volunteer corps is working as part of the southern group of troops. now they work as high-precision artillery with 24 -letter projectiles.
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food, decided that it was necessary to build a new road, a new path, to go around them, so to speak, from the rear, as if the militants did not want to surrender and were destroyed in full force, the volunteers got telephones with intelligence data and weapons of ukrainian soldiers, throughout operations our fighters were monitored, directed and cut off the enemy, a whole flock of drones of the volunteer corps, which operate as part of the group of troops south, we decided that we would have one bird to cover, one bird to cover. work with resets, second the artillery bird will - make adjustments, the third will lead the group,
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they worked, they worked, i think, effectively, uh, they quickly brought it in with the help of a drone, they discovered the eyes that they had - lay in position, observed, their artillery worked quickly, our group worked quickly , they came in, quickly worked and were able to leave, although our guys got shell shock, well, thank god. we had to do this without losses, in solidarity with the anomalous activity of enemy drones, so we return from the task in this way, setting up a means electronic warfare through the window. thousands of different jamming devices work on both sides. we turn it on when an enemy drone is flying, there is a reconnaissance drone there, for example, there is a hedgehog grandmother flying, we turn it off only when our blowguns fly out to work. here we have a gun, we have created mobile groups, for example, our attack aircraft went
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to attack, we cover them so that their drones, well, don’t get shot down along the way. at the same time , the fighters of the volunteer corps as part of the southern group of troops pay great attention to attention to cutting off the enemy’s communications, this is also a kind of electronic warfare. every day, the quadcopter operator of the nevsky brigade manages to destroy several starling satellite communication terminals, and therefore disrupt. we were very lucky, the kamikaze drone passed by, perhaps did not notice the car in the twilight or found another target, we drive further, relying on luck, the skill of the driver with the call sign zhorik on this strange-looking device, this is an arem, such a small hand-held one, the road is in aleshka, now it’s like a lottery, we’re rushing by
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burnt out cars, drone operators of the armed forces of ukraine do not show mercy, they hit everything that moves, they enter at dawn. in a front-line city, early in the morning a ukrainian tank worked in the center, now it has become quiet, but all the silence is changeable, the bombing can start again at any moment, in oleshki there is no such thing as a safe area, this small city is completely under fire, our guide, a marine with the call sign fox, explains , the distance between the banks of the dnieper here is less than 2 km, and the right bank is much higher, from the position of the ukrainian armed forces, oleshki as in palm, in this house one drone broke the glass, the second drone flew with a cumulative lighter at the end of the house...
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well, no need for gasoline, no need for anything. it is more difficult for a kamikaze drone to hit a bicycle than a car, and the chance of hearing the noise of the propellers in time is much higher. for those who, due to age, cannot pedal, there is a city bus, free, but only one, the rest have been destroyed. i was standing in the park at night and it flew by and hit me with something. the entire
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windshield is covered in a web of cracks, the rear window is missing at all, but most importantly, the wheel motors. in an hour the bus goes around the whole city, we get off in the center near the park, a once lively place, now almost deserted. having given your life for our freedom, you live forever in our hearts. this phrase was apparently forgotten on the right bank of the dnieper. the day before the eternal flame in olezhki went out, there were granite fragments everywhere. if it had been a tank or artillery, one could have written it off as an accident, but this was a vidron strike, meaning the operator knew until the very end. where to aim? the operator of the kamikaze drone also saw clearly the disabled wheelchair user sergei sidorov. this is an orange t-shirt was on it that day. i was at the market, buying, at that time a drone flew in, a fountain of blood, i was also surprised, apparently an artery was broken, but the bone remained intact, so at least thanks for that. during elections, the soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces
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were never guided by the standards of morality or honor. here in the oleshki. first of all , they destroyed a school, a fire department, even a church took a beating, a shot, the whistle of a flying shell, then an explosion, a ukrainian tank rolled out to the firing line again, hitting both the city and the positions of the black sea fleet marines, they were the ones who dug in the very bank of the dnieper and stop all landing operations of the enemy, if he passes here, that is, there it’s already a stone’s throw away from the crimea, which is why oleshki will suffer.
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we are rolling the eighth second mine, so we can come closer, move further, strike from different positions, this is how we work every day. these marines of the black sea fleet are well known to the command of the armed forces of ukraine, they took mariupol, fought in rabotino, and now here under oleshki they hold the hottest section of the front. ags and mortars work at the very forefront defense, but behind the marines, there, far from the dnieper, there is more crushing power.
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slow down, what else, see you in washington, but this is all that is called air, the meat is that a real civil
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war is breaking out in the country, the rebels are marching on washington. today's hatred has come out and turned into ruthlessness. i 'll shoot him right now. the president, a republican, with his pathos.
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meanwhile, in the united states, the intrigue with the allocation of money for ukraine was resolved. ahead of the senate vote, president biden published a newspaper article under his signature the wall street journal, where it reassured everyone with only one thesis: there will be money left for ukraine and israel. in usa. if congress approves military aid for ukraine and israel, we will not write blank checks. we will send them military equipment from our reserves,
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and then replenish them with money allocated by congress by purchasing weapons from american suppliers. this applies to the patriot missiles made in arizona, the jevillin missiles made in alabama, the artillery shells made businesses in pennsylvania, ohio and texas. we will invest. six months of clownery on the capital's hill with the shuffling of foreign aid bills drove ukraine to despair, frightened europe and destroyed faith
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in... the power of the united states, but now in the house of representatives meeting room they are waving yellow flags and celebrating victory. 310 for 112 against, while the republican factions, those who stood in the way of the adoption of the bill all this time, are split in half, the majority of the speaker’s party members johnson was voted against, cunning multi-move. russia, iran and china, working together, they are aggressors around the world and pose a global threat to our prosperity and security, their advance threatens the free world. if we turn away now, the consequences could be devastating. and commenting on the allocation
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of aid to ukraine, johnson assures that this is the best way not to send american soldiers to war. by the way, johnson’s own son is entering the naval academy this year. there is an old military proverb, it is better to send ammunition to someone else’s war than to send our own guys, our soldiers. and i think it's yours. the united states tied the adoption of the bill on financing the war in ukraine to the mobilization announced by kiev. ukraine supplies people, america provides weapons. opening the meeting, the chairman of the committee on foreign affairs, makol, came to the podium with a poster, the language of comics that any american could understand from childhood. this is the very axis of evil that the united states is fighting against.
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president of russia. heads of belarus, china and iran. these dictators, including north korea, are all tied together, they are all connected, we cannot separate them, we do not choose our enemies, they choose us. visual propaganda at this meeting was used by many, and $95 billion, the total volume of the package, is intended to fight not only russia, but also china, iran and north korea in the sights of american weapons. financing of current and future conflicts around the world are competing in populism. we support those who are for freedom, we call to account those who are against freedom. this law supports our allies, this law condemns our rivals our enemies. vote for this law. russia is not our friend, the chinese communist party is not our friend, iran is not our friend. we can choose freedom or
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tyrony, we can choose zelensky or putin. this is the time of choice. one of the main arguments of those who campaigned for the allocation of money was that russia’s victory would show america’s weakness, and the russian army would move further into europe. phantom fears of the cold war have not left the walls of congress all these years. a russian victory would seriously undermine trust in america and will also leave our allies defenseless. russia's victory will inspire kim xi to take control of taiwan, south korea and ultimately the united states. “i am afraid that putin will use the victory in ukraine to invade eastern europe, we cannot allow this. as a result, israel will receive 26 billion, 8 billion, us allies, in the indo-pacific region, including taiwan, the largest piece of the american military pie , almost 61 billion for ukraine, with more than a third, that is, 23 billion dollars, going to replenish us army arsenals, that is, what
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has already been transferred to kiev, 13.8 billion will be spent on the purchase of new weapons for ukraine from american manufacturers, another 11 billion will be spent on the current activities of the american military in the region, training of the armed forces of ukraine and military presence on the eastern borders nato. almost 8 billion are earmarked to cover the ukrainian budget deficit, the latter amount being provided in the form of a loan. for the first time , this bill requires funding to be provided to ukraine for economic assistance. was returned to the united states america. assistance to kiev in debt is a separate condition of the republicans. trump has also insisted on this over the past week. 2 months after the law comes into force, washington will have to enter into an agreement with the ukrainian government on the return of these funds. however, the law specifically states that 50% of debts can be written off after the november elections. and in the twenty-sixth year the law allows you to forgive everything. however, out of 60-odd
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billion. the americans essentially gave 48 to themselves, the main beneficiaries of the ukrainian package - us military-industrial corporations, they are also traditional sponsors of the republicans. this package provides critical investment in our defense capabilities to deter this aggression. therefore, today's vote seems quite simple to me: we choose between strength and weakness, between freedom and repression, between prosperity and decline. a blatant example of lobbying, as ordinary corruption is called in the usa, a separate article in the law, which orders the transfer of atacoms missiles to kiev, apparently included in the document at the request of the manufacturing company martin. an ardent opponent of the bill, marjarie taylor greene, tried to speak out against such a blood business during the hearings. if congress were what it says it is, each of us would demand peace in ukraine
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so that no one else would die. but you have never heard anyone demand peace. no, peace is the last thing washington wants because it doesn't fit a business model that the american people don't support. they do not support a business model based on blood, murder and warriors in foreign countries, while this very government does nothing to protect our borders. instead, the law requires the state department and the pentagon to present the united states strategy on ukraine within 45 days, that is, how official washington sees victory over russia. this strategy should be designed for several years, set specific and achievable goals, identify and prioritize the interests of the nation. us security, and also include indicators that will be used to measuring progress towards such goals. the strategy must include an assessment for each fiscal year of the resources needed by the united states to achieve such goals, including accelerating
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ukraine's victory over russia, in a manner most favorable to the united states. the white house has already hastened to announce its readiness to support the package of financial assistance to kiev adopted by congress. this 6-month battle has turned ugly for the biden administration. long-awaited victory. back in october, when we proposed the initial draft of the addition to national security, it was clear how important it was for ukraine to receive assistance. we want this bill to go to the president's desk after passing the house of representatives and the senate, and he will sign it immediately. already next week on monday, at the latest on tuesday, the aid package for ukraine is going to be approved by the senate, after which it will be signed by the white house. however, as i assure...
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kiev, a week after the law is signed by joe biden, joyful exclamations are heard from kiev; it seems they have already begun note. thank you, america, thank you. approved by a majority vote, called the world fourth law, which congress also through force in the 20th century and it concerns the confiscation of russian
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assets frozen in the west, out of 300 billion dollars in the united states , about 5 billion are blocked, but the signal that washington is giving to europe is quite unambiguous, it will be announced this week voiced by us treasury secretary janet yelin. we are focused on finding a way to unlock and economically value the flow of resources from russian sovereign assets, approximately 285 billion that were frozen. the g7 leaders asked us to present them with a range of options. we are considering a number of options that range from actual asset confiscation to using them as collateral. at the same time, according to elen, the united states allows russia to respond in kind. russian assets violate international law, but the united states is ready to steal from china; the same law
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requires chinese owners to sell the otherwise popular social network tiktok to americans joe biden can simply block the internet platform. and these are american voters. with biden on their social networks, this is how the president was greeted by residents of his hometown of scranton; for some reason, biden is not welcome in his small homeland, however, according to him, this is not the first time this has happened to him. instead of democracy or vice versa, for
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the republican candidate, whose criminal trial began this week, the choice is obvious, for his freedom and against the democrats, donald trump begins to fight in new york. never in history has a former head of the white house entered to court as a defendant in a criminal case. this is an attack on america. nothing like this has ever happened. any lawyer will tell you, this is political persecution. i'm very proud to be here. in new york, trump faces 34 charges related to falsifying documents in the payment of $130,000 to porn actress stormy daniels for keeping silent about an alleged intimate relationship with the former president. the court spent the week selecting a jury for new york, where more than 80% of voters voted against trump in the last election. the task is, to put it mildly, delicate, because according to the totality of the sentences, he could face up to 130 years in prison. trump supporters remember.
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the unfortunate man wrote about the motives for the burning in his blog: he wanted to draw attention to the victims of some totalitarian scam, what exactly azarrell wanted to warn about will no longer be possible to find out; he died from the burns he received in the hospital. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, reporting for the week from washington. this week , german chancellor olaf scholz paid a three-day visit to china. he was accompanied on the trip about 10 top managers.
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to begin with, so that scholz would not think too much about himself, the german chancellors allowed only the deputy mayor to come to meet him at the chongqing airport, not even the mayor or an official from the chinese foreign ministry, but the deputy mayor of a provincial city. when the meeting with siy zenpin did take place, scholz heard wise advice, including on the topic of ukraine. do not pursue your own interests,
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cool the situation and do not add fuel to the fire, create conditions for the restoration of peace, do not aggravate this further conflict, reduce the negative impact on the world economy, china is not a country in the ukrainian crisis, but in its own way it is seeking peace and promoting negotiations. china supports all efforts that promote a peaceful settlement and advocates the convening of an international peace conference.
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to a large extent, this informational and political show was intended for american congressmen for their saturday vote on the aid package for kiev. ukraine is fulfilling its part of the deal. she's ready.
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- this is 7 billion euros, not counting the cost ammunition from 3 to 8 million euros per missile, depending on the modification. mark ryuta, six will be found within nato. 7 batteries , who, due to the difficulty of forming a new government in the netherlands , overstayed his welcome as prime minister, is eager to take the place of nato secretary general, finally decided to show unprecedented generosity at public expense. he says we have money for patriot for ukraine, 4 billion euros.
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your sky. since france has nuclear weapons, it has far fewer systems at its disposal that it can borrow. not really it is clear whether this means that france, in any incomprehensible situation, is ready to wipe the world into dust. but that seems to be the point. macron remains within the framework of a policy of his own invention, the same strategic uncertainty that makes enemies and allies doubt whether he is sane. the berliner newspaper, meanwhile, directly points out the double game of paris. turns out. france has become a leader in the purchase of russian liquefied gas; in general, europe has increased the volume of purchases of incorrect lng compared to the same period last year of the year. the financial times writes that the european union has been sitting on the needle of russian hydrocarbons, the refusal of which threatens another energy shock, then
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we can simply forget about transferring industry to a war footing. in short, the west continues to replenish the russian budget. and awareness of this fact makes it even more so. they have a lot of options on the table. withdrawing income is only one of them. during the week there was information that the g7 countries would keep russian assets frozen until they obtain payment from moscow for damages, inflicted on ukraine during military operations. but in parallel with this, the united states and great britain are pushing europe to immediately use the 260 billion russian euros that are in
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the belgian euroclear depository, to use them as collateral for ukrainian loan bonds. who cares, the european monetary institute, represented by the head of the central bank, christina lagarthe, does not like such creativity. lagarte poured cold water on the us-backed proposal to use frozen russian assets worth more than 260 billion euros. the move from freezing assets to confiscating them to disposing of them is something that needs to be viewed with great caution, lagarde said, warning it could lead to disruption. a popular order that you want to protect, that you would like russia to respect. the robbery of russia would not be such an urgent task for europe if europe itself were not robbed by the united states, therefore. about this, even the undisputed leader of the american clientele on the continent, fondelein, demonstrates displeasure, they say, every year
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the outflow of european capital mainly to north america amounts to 300 billion euros. disorder. however, this concern about her own people is pre-election in nature. once they vote for the new european parliament, the anxiety will pass. although the problem will remain. and her name is just fondern. hungarian prime minister orban is rocking the boat. we have the eu leadership with their own big projects, such as the green transition, sustainable development policy, migration, military, sanctions policy, all these projects have failed, the current leadership the european union must go, we need new leaders, the breath of the big european elections is getting closer, right-wing eurosceptics claim victory in nine countries, and in another nine, they must enter the top three.
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to prevent the french and europeans, belgium was once a free country where victor hugo was accepted in exile, today i see that this country is between sharia and a dictatorship. this is how things are now; the video communication of the head of the bundestag defense committee with voters received a large number of views for weeks. in in ravensburg, mrs. strack zimmermann encountered a misunderstanding. it’s about arms supplies to ukraine, and in response they whistle and shout about...
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moscow can purposefully target russian germans in order to radicalize them and recruit them as spies and saboteurs. according to official data , about 2.5 million russian-speaking immigrants from the former ussr live in germany. on april 18 , russian ambassador sergei nichaev was summoned to the german foreign ministry to protest the detention in bayreuth.
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our diplomats in berlin received, namely a notice that the presence of russian representatives at events on the day of remembrance of the victims of national socialism is absolutely undesirable. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, denis lesitsin and andrey putro, vesti nedeli, germany. this is the news of the week, next in the program. why and how did we celebrate
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allagacheva’s anniversary in russia, who congratulated her? both life and agency in the investigation of arkady’s mother. the journalist was killed on purpose, our colleague, war correspondent of lime semyon eremin, was killed by a ukrainian drone strike. republic of donbass they are approaching their first big anniversary, as in the lugansk region, they are already building a peaceful life at the front line. alyonka, don’t you recognize me or something, but this is transportation, well, your neighbor, vanka, angels of the area from monday on rtr, rest, this.
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leave yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. kalinan beleg is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence, making dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale.
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titanic luxury collection. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline, titan. luxury collection bodrum, exceptional service, incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic lakshary collection bodrum. provocation is
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treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism is a photo parallel agenda. continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen and watch on the media platform. let's see. the first podcasts we watch. the tests are perfect, but there is still no pregnancy. go ahead, you and your husband. at the sea on saturday, i’ll come and visit the institute and give him a surprise, this is my passion, how can you not understand this, passion, any problem is cured by the sea, you need to unwind, go on a yacht, sea, sun, vitamin d, you are a very beautiful girl,
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you dream of having a holiday romance, forget, i’m not like that. what hotel is she in? i want to save our family. he came with her, with his mistress. make everything lena jealous. what 's going on with my wife? your marriage is bursting at the seams. sea overseas. premiere. our lives can’t just fall apart like that? no need to think. on saturday on rtr. where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, whom you serve, former friend, tear off everything that is ours, which was together, what will remain with you, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression it makes, russia comes and the city lives,
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the program of boris kopchevnik. life and destiny from monday to friday on rtr, a big film premiere, if you get the jews out of here, we will introduce you to the title. this is a device that helps you find your way. comrades jews, we need to get as far away from the camp as possible. film by sergei ursulyak. glad, that we broke away. gone. we have not left them, they are following us. righteous. may 9 on rtr.
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on monday, people's artist of the ussr, once the prima donna of our stage, alli pugacheva , turned 75. the figure itself is a 100 percent anniversary, but in russia they somehow didn’t notice it, they passed almost in silence. alla had a bright past, popular love and gratitude for this slightly cracked voice. for musical flight and new, previously unthinkable, reckless words about love, devotion, partings - the warmest, feminine things remained in people of the older generation
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so far, of course, my pigeon has been closed, a sad question mark, my pigeon has all been closed. pecks at someone else's millet, my head is all closed, does not do everything, by the way, my dove is closed, does not know about the reckoning, now passing this anniversary, the country seems to have lowered its eyes, because... such a difficult moment for everyone, from somewhere far away, alla showers us as slaves and serfs, and also adds that normal people who left are not going
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to return, so it turns out that we retain love for alla in ourselves as a dear past, after all, today’s voice, the same beloved in the past, works against the artistic image that... is still dear to us. in russia, it is customary to celebrate the anniversaries of popular artists with large concerts. in this case , this somehow did not suggest itself, but it could not have happened without music. a discordant chorus of foreign agents, from pavel lobkov, anna mangait, natalia sendeeva, and someone else, also sounded hackneyed online about the fact that. after that nothing can be corrected, the record is five years ago for the last anniversary, for the fact that only once in every year it happens in may, the faded dawn of a bad
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day, you blame anyone in the world, but not me, please, not me, it was not invented by me, what rushes day after day. sometimes joy, sometimes sadness, bringing someone, and the world is structured in such a way that everything is possible in it, but after that nothing can be corrected, this world was invented for me by us, this world was not invented by me, and after that nothing can be corrected. alla pugacheva plunged into the world of vulgarity that maxim galkin spreads around her. at first he drunkenly, as he says, wished good luck to the iranian missiles launched at israel, then he erased everything and i began to apologize in slurred language, in short,
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i deleted the previous video, either i drank too much whiskey or something, but i mixed up, i wanted to say, not mazeltov, but beaslaha, to our air defense, good luck. i changed my hands while waiting, can you imagine, like this.
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in my opinion, the film is a great journalistic success, we have not looked so deeply into this abomination yet, i offer a fragment right now. the five-star hotel pullmann, near the zoological gardens in berlin, is the city center. former prime minister of the russian federation mikhail kasyanov, former chapter. dorkovsky, gallery owner marat gelman, lawyer mark feigin with his guards, former state duma deputy panomariov, wine merchant from london evgeny chichvarkin and many, many others who fled russia recently. today is the birthday of all foreign agents; friday is the foreign agent's birthday. we are all real certified opponents of this government, enemies of this government. and in
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this context, they gave us such, such a nickname: “traitors, foreign agents.” we are not ashamed to look into the eyes of our loved ones, although we have suffered immensely, made their life difficult, terribly complicated. we are not ashamed to look in the mirror. by the way, thank you for taking lgbt organizations into account when inviting you to the conference.
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they allegedly just arrived from russia and could suffer from the russian authorities. the spark of rebellion, from abroad. according to the law, persons and organizations that are under foreign influence and receive support from abroad can be recognized as foreign agents in russia. you see a table compiled on the basis of information received from the ministry of justice. russian federation and others public sources, which talk about organizations and individuals who are foreign agents. today, the register of foreign agents includes 579 individuals and legal entities, some of whom we will talk about in our investigative film. evgenia chirikova.
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in khimki, at one time she organized riots, allegedly in defense of the khinkinsky forest, when a big road was being built. i just flew in from france, we met with europeans.
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what is your name? come on, tell me. and now she is speaking at the congress of foreigners in berlin. we are concentrated and angry. and finally we have you have your own army, our army, which fights this regime every day. this army is called the ukrainian armed forces. open yours right now. donate these phone numbers already, and let’s really help with deeds. well, at the end of my speech, i want to say that we are all smart people, and i am sure. that we will find the words, how to convert, how to switch the brains of those soldiers of the imperialist army who are simply stupefied and poisoned by putin’s propaganda, who are now on the wrong side, we have something with you
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to do, and i am sure that you and i are all so talented and smart, we will definitely completely defeat this filthy regime, victory.
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without even really knowing how life is organized in some other states that seem like idols to them, they now offer...
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the cathedral of christ the savior. we will use all legal mechanisms that allow us to change the fate of our clients. samutsevich alyokhin was accused of hooliganism. in general , i hope that those who are present here are
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a prototype of some part of the future government there, future elite and so on. basically, for me, like everyone else, maybe many.
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here they helped establish a new order in the administration; by the way, they also organized cultural institutions, published newspapers, and wrote poetry.
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to believe him, and then decided to check, so we listened to leonid gozman for some reason, could it be hard for him, how much has he lost his savings, is he destitute in europe? conduct a small investigation about the life and fate of the current relocant agent leonid
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gozman. berlin, charlottenburg district, welmersdorf. mostly germans live here, there are few immigrants, and the metro is nearby. the house with history has been restored.
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germany and berlin were more convenient than any other country or city. do you have any property in germany? is there a big theatrical pause? yes, i have an apartment here. at one time, the homeland gave everything to mr. gozman. being a certified psychologist and working at moscow state university, he met anatoly chubaets and a golden age began for him. ya worked in a very high position in a russian energy company electric power industry in russia, where i received
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a very high salary. to destroy what was built by previous generations, this was called reform in the nineties, the unified energy system was broken into pieces, generating and transmission companies became different organisms, for this gozman received a bonus of 3.5 million us dollars. here is an excerpt from a letter that he sent to an austrian bank, where he explains the origin of his capital. the bank specialist, irina kramer, favorably accepted this message. ira, hello, i’m terribly embarrassed that you you spend so much energy on me. in this folder is a text document explaining the whole story and that i received a very large salary. it was like that with a golden parachute. the eu of russia, where i was a member of the board, was a huge corporation, more than a million employees, and it
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was a monopoly, it owned almost the entire electric power industry in russia and was like a monopoly. ineffective, our task was to restructure the company, highlighting a naturally monopoly sector in it, these are backbone networks and competitive energy production. this work took almost 10 years, as a result, by 2008 , competing companies of electric energy producers emerged in place of the monopoly. and ras russia itself ceased to exist, all its employees lost their jobs. as compensation, everyone received a golden parachute; this is world practice; everyone received the right to buy shares of new companies at a fixed price. naturally, the size of the package was determined by the person’s status in the company, since i was a member of the board, my package was large, and then all my the packages were sold, the difference was our
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premium, we paid taxes on it, i paid more than 500 thousand. i’m not an economist, but in general, as far as i understand, there is no other way except a normal market economy, well, there is no other way, moreover, we saw that when in russia under boris nikolaevich yeltsin, blessed memory to him, the institutions of a market economy were built, russia sharply i went ahead, here is
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an extract from gozman’s account in a bank in zurich, switzerland. as of november 17 , 2023, this reformer's capital is $5,344,667. but that is not all. we found a villa that leonid gozzman purchased in italy 100 km from.
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where does he live? and he bought me through me in the end, and then an expensive fork. he lives on viadelle sole, he lives up there, he comes mostly only in august, the rest of the time he lives in germany, and comes here in the summer. smoke quietly rises from the chimney, which indicates that there is someone in this villa, but the door was not opened to us. gozman and his wife share ownership of this ten-room house. and again berlin. the meeting of foreign agents continues.
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number 389. mikhail borisovich khadarkovsky, public figure. well, if we take the criteria that he applies, let’s, so to speak, move nato away from our borders. i don’t know, so to speak, why this senseless organization bothered him so much, but nevertheless, journalist, investigator, sergei sokolov, has been researching the activities of this agent number 389 for several years. khatorkovsky created such a legend that he is so kind and generous , wonderful, he finances everything, that’s all, everything is all up to him... in fact it depends on us we understand that he is essentially a ploy, he is essentially called the leader of the opposition, and that is what he is, because he
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simply participates in the distribution of money that he receives from the us state department through various funds and structures, if we imagine this structure, this pyramid, then it looks like this: on earth there are organizations reforum and the ark. they are in different countries, then above them there is a free rusha foundation, a kind of opposition foundation, but in fact we remember that in this opposition foundation of twelve members six boards are former employees of the us state department, and then all this is financed by the us state department, its various structures, for me, what shocked me is that -
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but because, for example, we found another grant, which i don’t know about he said that the bureau of energy resources received this grant, the bureau of energy resources also paid
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the foundation for $60,000, and the same and the same , in fact, this money was allocated for the fight, the information fight against nord stream ii. in a sense, a continuation topics about subversive actions against russia. here the other day a scandal erupted around the school named after the philosopher ivan ilyin at the russian state university for the humanities , russian state university for the humanities, headed by professor alexander dugin. with the publication of coordinated publications in the west, certain activists began to attack the school, involving students in the action. and when these. students are asked, you don’t like ilyin, the rector met with them and the management, they say, but we don’t know who wrote this to us, they said, go put up leaflets, but also actually
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some preacher called these krokos terrorists and said, go kill people, they went and killed them, and they say it’s like they were being bribed or something, also in this case, well , here we are talking about defamation, petitions immediately started pouring in, the company is huge , well, in principle, in response... supporters of the conservative view, who love ilin, who stand for traditional values, they joined on the other side, and so a gigantic... scandal began, but note that some kind of fuel is being added to the fire. then strangers, not left or right, and this is a typical, typical operation of western intelligence services, obviously taking into account the ukrainian factor, tsypso, who adds fuel to the fire, but fuel is added to the fire from israel, you will be surprised, and leonid nevzlin, former shareholder of yukos, associate
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of khodorkovsky . it turns out that leonid nevzlin’s resume includes such a line. 2003, rector of the russian state university of humanities, who does not have a humanities education, nezlin miraculously buys himself this post. well, those were the times. let us recall that on nevzlin the murder of the mayor of nefteyugansk petukhov. escaping from justice, nevzlin emigrated to israel. in russia, he was sentenced in absentia to life imprisonment for organizing murders. in rare and short periods of weakness of enduring obscurantism in universities, it was possible to teach how to do science, and this is how the rggu arose. in defiance of the old soviet university, which was mossy and stagnant in terms of the humanities, and exactly during such a period i had
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the honor of becoming. rector of the russian state university for humanities, but soon persecution of yukos began, so we did not have time to either carry out a serious reform of the university or build a new high-quality education system, to build a new high-quality education system, this is to educate a generation of unaffected people already in the russian state geographical society, it did not work out, and now, according to the classics, every runaway monk scolds his monastery, but the general meaning of the attacks on ilyan’s school in the russian geographical society is quite simple: there is no need to overcomplicate , and of course, they want to discredit the patriotic front, and they also clearly aim to destroy the unity of both right and left patriots, because in fact i can’t even define myself, right or left, yes i am a supporter of traditional values, but i perfectly understand the theses of social justice, i already share
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the anti-capitalist agenda, if you like, that is... in the fight against our civilizational enemy, we are on the same side of the barricades, this is the goal of this special network operation to blow up this unity, to set one against the other, that is, the point is not at all in the line, as philosophers have now decided to tie to it. then you can move on to someone else, although ivan ilyan’s warning is more relevant for us today than ever. we need vigilance to human falseness, sensitivity to other people's insincerity, an ear for lies, a sense of evil, conscientious impressionability, without this we will be deceived like stupid birds, caught like rabbits and crushed like flies on glass. i understand that there may be questions for ilyan. he
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was an opponent of soviet power, but right-wingers and conservatives, supporters of the orthodox-monarchist worldview may also have serious reasons and complaints about soviet power, but i repeat, but to soviet power, to a certain period of soviet power, supporters, for example, the conservative monarchical orthodox worldview may have very serious claims and accusations if we begin to collect these claims now. then a civil war that should end with consensus, namely with the patriotic unity of the warring parties, red and white, because we are all russian people, we are all patriots of our country, it’s just not that the civil war will not end, it will break out with renewed vigor, so for what, that’s the purpose of what, but i think that most people, firstly, are sane here, and secondly, they may be in such a bright and sharp form of ideological
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currents. i follow neither the right nor the left, and intuitively understand that unification is right and division is wrong. that 's all. you can only win by staying together. stop being a dog. the nwo zone still remains an extremely dangerous place for journalists. operation from the very beginning, he was 42 years old, also on friday it became known about the death of sputnik agency correspondent rasela bentley in donetsk, he disappeared on april 8, the american came to donbass 10 years ago, fought in
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side of the militia, received russian citizenship, got married, then began collaborating with a companion as a journalist; he was 64 years old. we are hurting the loved ones of our colleagues, journalists, they are heroes. if you hear this sound on the front lines, wow! this is his latest report on how russian units are conducting exercises to combat air attacks. a strike from a ukrainian fpv drone ended his life. he took risks, ending up where villages were stormed, heights were taken, neighborhoods were cleared. fine. yes, they warned that you need an ear, which closer to the shooter, cover. wags his finger seriously, we were just sitting and discussing how to understand that there are enemy drones above you, that artillery is preparing to attack you, in general, syoma always thought 10 steps ahead, his workplace is in the editorial office in
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moscow, such as in this photo, the news viewer saw him most often in a helmet, camouflage, unloading, a phrase that we have been hearing too often lately, our military correspondent is handed over to the front line, cassettes are torn behind his back, business card. each one's card his appearance in the frame was natural, he spoke and did not report, he was emotional and not cold, involved and not detached, no bravado, although he was a very brave man, without contempt for death, without contempt for circumstances, he described directly in the frame, what is happening around, observing the dramaturgy, observing the logic of the narrative, semyon was born in the village of prikumskoye. stavropol territory, graduated from a university there, received two diplomas, journalism and jurisprudence, chose the profession of a reporter, started in gtyrka, stavropol territory, then as a federal correspondent, covered events in nagorno- karabakh, this village of lachin, in syria and
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iraq. when the hour of prayer came , adhans began to sound over the city, and the americans fired at the mosques. report from iraq, saddam's palace, given over by allied forces to the looters. come on, come on.
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then everything turned out well, his next business trip to donetsk began a few days ago, he still had a very small daughter at home, one day i noticed a funny tattoo on his forearm, some, well, it seemed to me, some kind of scribbles and he told me what it was
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before one of his business trips, his daughter gave him such a drawing, semyon wanted to keep it so much that he got a tattoo, which, as he said, will always be with me; flowers are now being carried in the mitsisvestia building in moscow. not only fellow journalists, but also many caring people. semyon was definitely not indifferent. evgeny reshetnev, irina kharlamova, anastasia serikova, news of the week. and now a report from our military correspondent alexander sladkov about new military units, reserve regiments and battalions. so, what is this for? needed? we won't bother you. in the russian ministry of defense , interesting military units have appeared in each warring division or brigade: reserve regiments and battalions. wounded officers and soldiers after treatment. rehabilitation continues in such
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battalions, that is, wounded officers, soldiers, sergeants, distinguished themselves, left the hospital, went on leave, passed a military medical commission, returned to serve, but they are wounded, they cannot yet boast of a full recovery, also , here is the battalion commander here in the fifth brigade. reserve battalion, look, this is ours, this is our office, athletes, athletes, athletes, fifth brigade, some other athletes, tracks, everything is there, everything works, the guys study every day, we select the program almost individually for those diagnoses, with whom the guys are staying, today according to the schedule we have guys with blind people with wounded limbs who have been diagnosed with neuropathy.
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of course, i was surprised by all this, here
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we have a small cabin, here arriving military personnel receive civilian clothes, change house, but they receive civilian clothes for the sessor with everything they need, so that they can shave, wash themselves here in the hospital calmly, everything like who is arriving, and who is arriving, and who is leaving , those leaving for the unit immediately leave, who is leaving for the front, decreases so accurately with the form, as expected. absolutely everything is new, look , just pay attention, there is a medical center here, where there is always a duty paramedic and a nurse on duty, hit, yes, blind, on departure, fracture, well , that is, it flew by and broke, yes, well from grenades cut, and where they hit, it was still under trees, please note, we immediately plan routes for every day, who
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goes where to hospitals, to medical institutions, and that is, you have them from here, you take them, take them, show them to the doctors. such rehabilitation is interesting because this is not a sanatorium or hospital, where there are unfamiliar military personnel nearby, there are only colleagues around, it often happens that it’s the same combat group, they just come to me, you understand, in turn and everyone meets and receives . with open arms, showing: "here you are" you’ll sleep there next to me, here’s my friend, you’ll have this, that, that, that, that there, everything ’s fine, don’t worry, everything will be great. here in our battalion we have a prayer room, a corner of grief - these are our fallen comrades, here is a corner for health, that is , as it should be, so that they can come, pay, as they say, their last tribute to the dead, pray, light a candle for health, for those military personnel who are now..."
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yes, senya, blackie, handsome, handsome,
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the best recovery program is when a person wants something and does it himself. donbass on wednesday, at a meeting between vladimir putin and members of the government, the main topic was
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eliminating the consequences of the massive floods that hit the regions of the urals and siberia this spring. position. very serious, the scale of the disaster is enormous, according to the current situation, the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, reported on the assessment of damage and future restoration work by the minister of construction, irek faizulin. the governors of orenburg, kurgan and tyumen spoke about how things are in the most affected regions regions. the situation is complex; such a flood, for example, has not occurred in the tyumen region since the late forties of the last century. so the president called on all ministers and governors to get together and pay maximum attention to the victims. you said that we were taking people out, but the most stubborn ones remained. don’t talk about people like that, sorry, sorry, no, listen to me, it’s not
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funny, i understand that you’re trying, you’re all tired, you’re working, you’re not getting enough sleep, you’re sincerely trying to help people. i see that you are working hard and i hope this will be the case until the issues related to the restoration of infrastructure and housing are resolved, we know that we will definitely return to this, of course, we must keep it under control, but a little later, when the waters recede, we will gather in an even
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broader format together with the heads of municipalities and discuss issues related to restoration. infrastructure and housing, there are subtle issues there, we will definitely return to them. in the meantime, how are we surviving the great flood? albert musin. more than a week the mound lives to the constant accompaniment of an alarm siren, which is turned on every 2 hours while the water approaches the city. throughout the region, two dozen settlements out of hundreds of snt are now flooded. tabol turned into the huge tobolsk sea with small islands in the form of house roofs, nothing else is visible here, everything was hidden by the water. in some houses there are still people who are being taken out by rescuers, entire families, sometimes seriously ill, are being evacuated. the day before , a man with a heart attack was returned to the mainland. he was waiting for emergency workers on the roof at home, barely able to stand. our crew
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reacted quickly, well, of course, we ’ve been here several times before and got home quite quickly. where this man lived, they carefully placed him in a boat, then handed him over to the ambulance. rescuers always have a heavy transporter of more than a dozen boats at the ready throughout the city in order to quickly respond to requests for help. as a rule, they arrive at a single number 112. people understand that the water is still flowing, applications begin, and in this area i can emphasize more pay attention to people that there are a lot of abandoned domestic animals, this also adds to our work, well. in general, we are coping, a special part of the work is rescuing animals abandoned on roofs and attics, there are hundreds of them left in flooded snt, some you have to literally fight your way to, barbosik, tuzik, ball, come on, evacuate, come out, come back to us, abandoned villages regularly police officers are patrolling to
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prevent looting; the multi-story mound was defended, although the water level exceeded the level of ninety-four, now the tobol rose to 1015 cm. the office of the local water utility, which ensures water security in kurgan, is today itself drowning in a huge overflowing lake, but even in such conditions it does not stop working, and so that employees can get to work, for them ... the whole city, who i’m not ready to pick up a shovel,
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but no one refused, the common misfortune has brought him together , he patrols the dam, brings hot meals to the workers and delivers humanitarian aid to the temporary detention center, for many this is counted towards training and working hours, maintaining their salary, i didn’t even expect it, they help with all the provisions, they bring hot lunches, dinners, breakfasts, gasoline are delivered, the situation is constantly monitored. good, there is a tv, in more than a week the minister inspected almost every meter of the seventeen-kilometer dam, he announced the results of the inspection at an operational
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government meeting, once again i want to praise the kurgan region for its good, well-coordinated work, the most important thing is that you divided it into groups very correctly, for reserves and as equipment of people, sandbags, soils and even concrete products that will be needed there. breakthrough case, the water in kurgan has reached its peak and in some places has already begun to subside; today its level has dropped below 10 m for the first time in these days. along with the water , anxiety seems to be leaving the city; here on the left bank, covered by a dam, people are trying to live an ordinary life , and the only thing that so far reminds us of the ongoing danger is the almost incessant sounds of the siren. albert musin, maksasopildy, gennady lugunov, elena goleeva, news of the week from the kurgan region, this is news of the week, yes. in a programme. bam, 50 years of construction of the century, how
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straight from the congress the komsomol members went to the impenetrable taiga, where ukrainian saboteurs tried to blow up the bam and what the local specialty cocktail, the northern lights, is made of. sergei zenin went along the road of life to the south of afghanistan. journalists from russia have not been here for 35 years, where our salt was discovered there. oil and how the afghans tamed the sun. the donbass republics are approaching their first big anniversary, and in the luhansk region, near the front line, they are already in full swing building a peaceful life. closed footage. about how not only russian, but also world politics is done, now they
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they spoke in the words of putin, but how many times already, this is exactly what i warned about, there have been such cases, torture yourself to swallow dust, putin’s forecasts, and now brought to life, otherwise we will come to chaos with one hundred percent accuracy, do you even understand now what you are will you do something wrong? solution of the 2000s china is our traditional partner, who today determine the life of the planet, tell me who your friend is, and i’ll tell you who you are, and also about the sanctions 10 years ago, but it will be mutual, and now what, this is a price jump putin, in the new episode of our program the answer to the question, well, this is how it will be, how did he know all this, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we look immediately after the news of the week on rtr. they say you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax,
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you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coastline, where everything is included, except for your head, we know about vacations in... that's it, relax. anex. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with
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elegant leorts. details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you! titanic delux hotel in belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort. by our swimming pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants, here each room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your holiday is your rules, titanic deluxe, golf bellet are the best choice for an unforgettable holiday.
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40 years ago, the tv series
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tas is authorized to declare that it was founded. the real story of alexander ogorodnik, an employee of the soviet foreign ministry, who is also a spy trianon, who was recruited by cia agents. our program features kgb officers who will tell new details of this high-profile case, as well as the illegitimate daughter of alexander ogorodnik, who dreams of finding relatives in russia. malakhov, on monday on rtr. premiere, so stop it, alexander pankratov, black, next time, i won’t miss it, alexander rubok, comrade, take off the handcuffs, come on, tomorrow under escort to the twentieth apartment, clearly, anna mikhalkova, she assigned one to the police, the other to the clinic, i’m pushing myself they will kill you all or maybe fyodor lavrov will make noise, just
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look. what a beauty, what a woman, and where others give up, they grow wings, so that’s it, i won’t accept this, angels of the region, from monday on rtr. on wednesday, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu made a very important admission about the state of the country. the internal division must disappear now because we are facing an existential threat. the existential threat to israel is, simply put, a threat to the very existence of the country. that is,
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when risk arises, no less. in such desperate words, not the hatred of the united arab world because of the actions in gas, this boiling seems quite manageable, an attack of despair. there was an iranian missile attack last week on the night of april 13-14, which is what so deeply shocked the militant israeli prime minister. this
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was a retaliatory strike, a reaction to the destruction of the iranian consulate in damascus and the ksir generals, when israel bombed a foreign... was it reasonable to bomb the sovereign territory of iran in damascus? look, it happened israeli sovereign decision, wait. answer: i fully share the indignation that the israelis felt towards the islamic revolutionary guard corps, because they did what they did.


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