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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  April 22, 2024 5:00am-9:00am MSK

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mother, it's me, your door is open. elena vladimirovna no, as you see, maybe invite me to sit down, sit down, why are you silent? "ask me about my health,
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how is your health? great, i'm perfectly healthy, ask how i'm doing with my dissertation, how are you doing with your dissertation? great, i finished the second chapter, now tell me, how are you doing at work, great, i was offered the post of deputy minister, i hope you agreed, no, i decided to become a minister, but you know..." you are very unpleasant to me, everything about you is unpleasant to me, your voice, and your hairstyle, that’s it, merci, and you, i also find you terribly cute, all the best.
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shurik, something happened, something happened, it seems i... just did something mean, just mom, please don’t ask me about anything, where is anna, where is anna, dona, why didn’t she come, what is she doing, probably , tears up his art, i’m very happy about this, are you, are you crazy?
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anya, annushka!
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anka, wait, hello, what are you doing, i’m going, and you, i’m sowing, reasonable, kind, eternal, i’m teaching, my students are working hard, you know, i’m really carried away, there are capable guys. "all students, don’t be afraid, they’re head over heels in love with you, of course, yes, and you remember how i spent the whole course running after you, i remember that i’m all about myself, as they say, you’re taking part in a competition, but i’m not taking part anymore , didn’t come out, as if you didn’t come out, what are you, you’re a capable woman, a universal delusion, everyone should weigh their plans with their capabilities, what kind of nonsense”?
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i can’t, i’m rushing home, where did you go, you ’re in the other direction , but i like the long road to the house, anh, maybe we’ll go somewhere, let’s go to the theater, maybe to the theater, or maybe to the theater. restaurant, let’s have dinner, dance, let’s go, come on , i just don’t feel like changing my clothes, well , look,
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is it somehow sluggish? “i didn’t do anything, everything is fine with us now, of course it’s fine, really, why should we go somewhere, we’ll sit at home together, we’ll sit, i ’ll cook dinner, like in the old days.”
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why did you invite so many? i had five people after my doctorate, two of them were dad and mom, really, anushka is too much, half of them might not have been invited, but shurik needs it, today is his day, his proposal was implemented, well, nothing, okay, let’s sit down sometime, how do you like the dress i made for myself? i think it’s too closed, but are they open? oh, how i always forgot the bread, anya,
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seryozha, you’re in leningrad, as you can see? and you have changed, though a lot of water has passed under the bridge since then, you are happy, yes, happy, but you, not very much, why, are you confused in your 15th century, i figured it out, but this one arose, you live there same, in an old house near moscow, yes, i’m still the same. to college, you thought about me, yes, you did, but you
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didn’t remember often, let’s go to the store in bulyshnuyu, i needed it. collided with a raster column, well , the column is intact, ruins, don’t worry, shurik, there’s still an hour and a half before the first guest arrives, mother, i’m calm, where are you working, in the workshop,
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making backgrounds for mosaics, but as with the windbreakers, everything is in the past forgotten, abandoned. it’s in vain, you had talent, real talent, you can’t throw it away, you know, not everything in life goes according to schedule, you. lonely, why? maybe because i once loved you too much, because you loved me too, yes, you loved me, and then you stopped loving me, that’s for me it wasn't easy. anna, if things get really bad, come. life is done, i went, bye, yes,
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i forgot, my wife, it’s very nice, we finally met, defended myself, no, not yet, i’m just lucky, getting older, oh, this is... tatyana, my friend wife, a very strict lady, chattering, so i’m going to get barjon, let’s go, i ’ll help, come on, good afternoon, hello tetrovich.
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he asked about you, yes, i know, so what, i met him, and where by chance on the street, so what, nothing, we talked, well, we talked about what, well, we talked about nothing. well, how about it? about nothing, about nothing, leave me, that's it
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, that's it, leave me, well, well, everyone of me, well , forgive me, tanya, there are guests, please, hello,
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for the whole evening i still couldn’t understand, what exactly are you doing, i’m a professor, who’s a professor, listen, this is very helpful, my nerves are completely out of whack, undress, from the waist down. breathe, sit down, you can, get up, i can’t cure you, that’s another reason, because i’m not a professor of medicine, but of the department of rare metals, and you’re not wasting time, friends, but you’re chilly, not without it, not be nervous patient, i am prescribing positive emotions for you, thank you, sing so that you can dance with pleasure,
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okay, where are you giving lectures, professor tanya, at the institute of steel, comrade pilot, but outsiders are allowed there, no, students will have to take an exam, i’ll cut it off, and to introduce myself, i cut, hey, you’re having a ball here. and you are a witch, professor, tanya, what are you, what are you, i’m sweet, kind, generous! well, are you happy with the evening? uh-huh, very much, you were magnificent, you were a queen, we all really liked it, you were tired, yes, something like that,
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a little bit, well, go and rest. stop, devils, listen, yesterday the results of the all-union competition of decorative and applied arts were summed up. the jury awarded the gabilena nina baidachnaya feodosia prize, suren agovarenyan's service, yerevan, the highest prize was awarded to the stained glass sketches of leningradka. anna yakusheva under the code name sails, it was decided to implement anna yakusheva’s sketches for the construction of a new theater. what nonsense? how did this get into the competition? i sent sketches there, i and egorova,
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but... i’m painting, i have every right, the premiere, you’ve become old, yes, but you’re like a little agurg with us, you know, i’d marry you, well, you’re with us, hello, hello, what’s next, mikhail andreevich, buyer of flowers, angels of the area from monday on rtr. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes, tomorrow on rtl. my name is leonid viktorovich, what is your name? elsa genrikhovna. well, you have an unusual name.
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come visit me, but it’s inconvenient, i’m a widow. “i’m not calling you on a date, irina pechernikova, i want something like that on a heel, i’m completely out of my mind, veniam smekhov, who are we hiding from, mom, what have you done, the whole village is discussing how you kiss around the police stations, and go on visits, konstantinov’s love, and what’s wrong, well, you fell in love, anna ukolova, mom, what are you doing? , and dad did everything for you." i think so, i didn’t have time to save my husband at the party , but why at the party? let’s get married, as we get married, elsa’s land, on friday on rtr, i said, i want a white cat, here it comes oh you're good, he likes
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to grab the forehead there, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, the stars are ready to do anything for their own! beloved pets. where are you flying after the performance, you guys are in a hurry, i need to feed the hamster, you are among friends. with friends. program for the whole family on saturday. on rtr. well, great, great, well thought out
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the color in different lighting conditions, there is energy in the materials, listen up, you! well done, congratulations, well, who pushed you to do this, and you, mish, you, you can’t even imagine how glad i am that you liked it, not everything, my dear, not everything, look, there could be a drawing be a little sharper, you know, here, yes. you were scared in vain, it could have been better, in general, it’s normal, normal. what, you just told me this word once already, it’s not the best word in the world, yes, okay, what are you
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talking about, i’m not a linguist, well, it’s like a new order, things are going well, no, there’s not a single thought. hello, yes, this is yakovsheva’s apartment, unfortunately, she is not at home, with her husband, from which editorial office, i’m listening to you, and she is now working on sketches for a new stained glass window, yes, for the institute of the academy of sciences. interview? yes, of course, i will pass it on. i remember, girl, the magazine was changed, yes, on the twenty-second, okay?
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yes. definitely. thank you, too. yes. all the best, goodbye. me now. oh, finally, anna alekseevna, soon. they are working dmitry nikolaevich, yes, yes, a good place for windage, isn’t it, southwest, soft light, complete unobstructedness, dmitry nikolaevich, hurry up, hurry up, the object must be delivered on time, well, sash, they brought it,
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oh, it’s whining again , it would seem, success, applause, shurik, beautiful life, yes, but these tossing, these doubts, hesitations, insomnia, listen, but i thought that you fell in love art, yes, of course. well, you need to be quieter, calmer, recently i was in an artists’ club, cozy, fun, no arguments, normal people, but are you sure, that they are artists?
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i'll put some tea on, don't go. did something happen, did you have a fight? no, everything is fine with us, why are you like this, what’s wrong with you, at least smile, well, i’m smiling, how’s your new job? no way, why? i can't do anything today. well, in the wrong place, everything is rude, incoherent, disgusting, but it was the first time with you then, no, it wasn’t then
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ok, then absolutely. it wasn’t like that, sometimes it seems to me that everything is already in my head, and then again such melancholy, where are you going, home, just wait, i’ll take you, don’t, i myself, i beg you, don’t. well, fool, what do you want to say, they say that old people are wise, that’s nonsense, i’ve lived my whole life, and what do i know how to help a person.
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i don’t know how to make him happy, i don’t know, i don’t know anything.
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seryozha, i’m sorry, i misspoke, i’m very sorry. anna alekseevna, everything you said is interesting, but in our business, you yourself know maybe you could show something, some sketches, but i have nothing to show yet. the second job is often more difficult
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than the first. how i suffered over the second book, but still i wrote it, and we expect a lot from you, thank you, hello, good day, hello, hello, are you discussing the exhibition, how do you like timoshov, talented, and original, i would say, isn’t it, yes, i liked it, and now you’re an expert, if a man has such a wife, you have to be on something like this, yes, i ’ve already been to you once at your request... potapava i also wanted to see the sketches, but i didn’t find you at home, yes, of course, it was on that memorable day when you categorically didn’t like everything, why didn’t you like it, i didn’t see anything, like we didn’t see anything, at all, naturally, your husband told me didn’t show anything, you banned it completely in vain, i think that in this case your work could have been
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carried out much earlier, perhaps, but what exactly happened, well, a little later, but it happened, because a real talent is always in pain, with difficulties goes to success, but now this is true success, nevertheless, yesterday i read the newspaper, the artists of the city said not a word to everyone about the ban, here in the first place, as always, is your beloved dudesarov, listen, cheboksarov is a talented artist, your wife doesn’t need to be counted either who is mentioned how many times? arithmetic has nothing to do with it, i wish you success, anna alekseevna, i’m waiting for the call, goodbye, i ’ll see you off, now, you’ll say that i’m a scoundrel, yes, you’re
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a scoundrel. so, then you didn’t show her anything, and you lied to me that she saw everything. this is true? yes, then i was in despair. this work, it was eating you up. i hated her, i cursed her. you could become a psychopath, you know? you could have been a failure. my god, my god, why did you take the right to judge yourself? who are you? i'm a man, you know, a man. i want us to be happy. well , yes, but i didn't believe in you. well, i was wrong, it happens to everyone. well, man?
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well, what happened, tell me, what happened? i have forgotten how to see only everything. what nonsense, it took me too long to get to my brushes, and now i sit in the studio for hours and nothing, before, when i saw a person, i felt something, some essence of him, but now i only see the ears, i walk around the city for hours, hours and nothing, some walls, walls, walls, well, calm down , calm down, you are just hysterical now, stop it, everything is fine with you now, you have everything, talent, what a workshop, people are waiting for your work, calm down and work. that’s it, i can’t, pull yourself together, i’ll help you, ah, creative crisis happens to everyone, gogol burned dead souls, gauguin fled to taita,
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wangok actually cut his throat, that means i weaker than them, i cannot cut my head.
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it’s you, yes, you came, you told me to come when, when it’s really bad.
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posters on the tv channel culture. theater, music, visual arts april 22. an amateur exhibition is taking place in the moscow kremlin museums.
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and the st. petersburg institute of film and television is showing its version of the production based on the novel “war and peace” as part of the “your chance” gitis fest festival, directed by anna aleksakhina and sergey korgin. the donetsk youth theater tours the stage of the russian youth theater maxim zhdanovich's play miner's daughter based on the works of anna revyakina. the vrubel museum continues an exhibition project inspired by russian impressionism for the 12th anniversary of the creation of the union of russian artists. the exhibition includes paintings by abram arkhipov, philip malyavin, leonard turzhansky, igor grobar, konstantin ion, apaliny vasnetsov, stanislav zhukovsky and other masters; in total there are more than 100 works from museum collections in omsk, yekaterinburg, perm and tyumen. rubel will give the idea of ​​​​creating a society, he will name this society, then he will later be a founding member of the union of russian artists, which will begin their activities in 1903, he will give to the union. titles, everyone will accept this joyful name, he
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will welcome freedom, the ideas were that the jury would not exist, each artist would exhibit only those works that he himself considered necessary. vrubel will create the emblem of the unification, this is st. george the victorious on a horse beating a snake, this is generally a symbol of moscow, and thus vrubel approved moscow and the moscow art school as dominant. history, so mikhail alexandrovich rubel was of utmost importance for the union of russian artists. the bashkir drama theater named after mazhit gafuri shows aerat abushakhmanov's play chernoliks on the stage of the national theater of hungary as part of the madocs international theater meeting festival. at the paris philharmonic , the london symphony orchestra gives a concert in memory of claudio bada. works by schumann and rachmaninov will be performed. soloist martha argerich conducted by antonio popan. the royal ballet is broadcasting pyotr ilyech tchaikovsky's ballet swan lake,
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choreographed by liam scarlett and designed by john mcfarlin, based on the classical choreography of marius petipa and ivanov. the main part in the 2018 recording is danced by marianella nunez and vadim montagirov. the national art gallery of denmark is hosting an exhibition of albert jekomti, something that catches the eye, which presents not only the sculptures with elongated body proportions that made the artist famous, but also his paintings. and graphic works.
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surprisingly, in this country one wants to repeat this word again, and sometimes in completely opposite circumstances. it can be surprising from delight, surprising from shock, and what’s there, sometimes even from horror, or, as it is now, from beauty and greatness. this is a luxurious amberfort in the city of jaipur. i'm in india. jaipur steel. it is called the pink city because of the pink stone that was used in the construction of many buildings. and although in the scale of history the city was founded recently, in 1727. there is a feeling that he has always stood here. all its palaces and forts are so monumental. this place is called mirror the palace, they say, can be illuminated with the help of.
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three local religions: hinduism, jaanism and buddhism. what do you think this is? no, not an intricate find of architects, although this, of course, is also the case, but the reason for its appearance is ordinary, and even a little banal. the fact is that these places are extremely dry, and local residents had to look for ways to conserve rainwater, this is one of them. such a system of underground wells was invented
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around the 6th century; among other things, they were connected by channels, so the water level was everywhere the same. and this is the temple of hanuman, aka the monkey temple, because together with about 40 monks, 2,000 primates live here. it is believed that god hanuman himself appeared in the form of a monkey, and these are his many followers. they are so pretty, cute, their facial expressions are just like people’s. hold, please , hold, hold, baby, yes, baby, hold, you too, how good you are, no, you already have you, you already have, another one needs it, oh, that's it,
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i got it, that's it, bon appetit , for me, by the way, it was a discovery that monkeys in india along with cows, they are considered sacred animals; snakes, rats, and, of course, those who once looked at us from every package of indian tea are also worshiped here. wow, what a huge elephant, this is my first time petting an elephant. slanikhu, her name is rangoli beauty, hello, very nice, my name is.
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that one of the most revered gods in hinduism is ganesha, the god with the head of an elephant, so these animals are held in high esteem, which is why many people order elephants from us for their holidays, weddings, the birth of a child, the appearance of an elephant there is tantamount blessing, but how in general, to what extent can you tame an elephant, look, we don’t take elephants from the jungle, we won’t even try to tame them, all the elephants that live here are the descendants of elephants that have been domesticated for a long time. from childhood, one might say, they adopt the behavior of their parents, who have good relationships with people, they know that we will not harm them, elephants simply do not know how to sweat, so they throw out the fetters through their trunk like this, wow, wow he threw it out of his body onto my
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clothes, beauty.
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what decorations, royal patterns, these are wedding patterns, she was a guest at her wedding a few days ago, so they painted a lotus here for her, our sacred flower. elephants have incredible eyes, almost like human eyes. yes it's true. here's another interesting fact about elephant skin. many people think that their skin is rough, like armor, but it is actually very thin. yeah, that’s why the elephant feels every touch, loves to be stroked, caressed, and during bathing, there is no limit to happiness, oh, she loves it, now i’ll wash your hair,
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now, i just don’t have shampoo, my ear, she raises her trunk like that, what is she asking for? they ask you to pour more water into her basin, oh, she pours it directly from herself, yes, self-service, listen, what smart animals elephants are, i’m amazed, they still have a good memory, if you come to this elephant in 3 years, she recognizes you, well, enjoy your bath, madam elephant? hehehehey! in our country, indian films have always been loved, for their funny songs, for their spectacular scenes.
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just wonderful. thank you, we really appreciate it nice. i create clothes in a classic style. india is a large country, clothing varies from region to region. specifically, my style is closer to the northern regions of the country. i use a lot of hand embroidery, beads, and small details. this is a traditional indian sari. the same one that we wrap around ourselves. but this is only one of the three main types of indian attire. the second is a salwar kamis, which is what we are wearing now, pants, a shirt and a scarf, the third is a set with a skirt - lehnga, for example, a traditional wedding
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sari, in india it is customary to wear red on this day, but not because in russia we wear white, yes, i know, in india they don’t wear white, but why? for us it is the color of mourning, yes, what are you talking about, i travel all over the world, india is perhaps the first country where i see, well, not just. there are beautiful national clothes there, and i see that people wear them, it looks very cool, it is actually very practical, in the intense indian heat, the cotton salwar kamis is my main salvation, well, in the end, traditional indian clothes are just very beautiful, do you always work together? no, i create outfits, and my sister is my muse. in general, i started creating clothes after i got married and returned to india.
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this is all, uh-huh, uh-huh, they are diamonds, listen, beauty, so many national indian dresses, suddenly a russian icon, tell me, the fact is that our father lived and worked in moscow for 25 years. wow, well, i received higher education in moscow, graduated from stroganov university, so we have such a strong connection with russia and its culture, this is a huge part of my heart, and moscow is one of my favorite cities, so that’s why you know so many words and phrases in russian, i thought you had learned a few phrases, but you clearly understand what i’m saying, yes, i understand, a little, oh, how beautiful, i’ve always felt a special connection between the people of india and russia, it seems to me that we are actually very similar, in relation to family and loved ones, in culture and
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art. listen, it’s true, in general, many generations of us were literally brought up on bollywood films, they know a lot about indian culture, about people, and it’s true we are very close, after all, i really wanted to try on indian outfits, so... what a choice, wow, what is fashionable now, this, oh, how i look, normal, size, good size,
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outfits are outfits, but you understand , for which i personally loved and love indian films most of all, but of course.
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hello, freemy, nice to meet you, i’m very glad to meet you, you know , i’ve probably tried all the dance styles in the world, but somehow indian dances passed me by, although it’s strange, because in russia they really love indian dances dances, indian films, every indian dance is a book, i really want to learn how to read, teach me. sure, with pleasure. in general, we have seven classical types of dances, but today i will teach you the traditional dance of the state, uter proddesh (kadhak). this is probably one of our most important styles, and we take it very seriously. people study it for 6 years, even write ph.d. theses and become doctors of science. we dance first of all for our gods, therefore we dance with great feeling,
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telling whole stories to the dances. well it somehow. and now you, as it were, pick a flower and lay it at the feet of god. so, times 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 this is the first basic connective.
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say, i really want to learn correctly, it’s really not easy, if something is wrong, okay, okay, and this is the last movement, we are portraying someone now, this is an invitation to dance, literal translation, come to me and start dancing, ladies, i invite you to ta. you know, i didn’t expect
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it to be so difficult, it’s not for nothing that doctoral dissertations are defended on this dance, i, of course, didn’t even apply for this, but i tried to defend my course work, but i don’t have time at all, india is a colorful whirlpool, here you don’t have time to keep track of the lively monkeys and you can’t stop admiring the stately elephants, here women dress every day as if for a holiday, and men are not inferior to them, here
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a lot remains incomprehensible, but from this... it’s only getting more interesting, i’m taking this with me, you’ll be a banana, i mean, i’m on... you will find all our releases on the media platform watch, download the application or go to the website
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you are watching the news on the russia channel, good! the water level has exceeded the critical level by almost 3 m. today, peak flooding is expected in the tyumen city of ishim. the artillery delivered
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a powerful blow in the northern direction. under solidarity, stormtroopers from primorye took the fortified area. at least 22 civilians. more than 1,500 houses are flooded in russia due to the most powerful flood in recent years. today the peak of the flood is expected in the tyumen city of ishim. the water level there exceeded the critical level by almost 3 m. several settlements are still cut off from the mainland. of them more than a thousand residents were evacuated. to protect villages in the region, in addition to the dam, 12 km of embankment were built. rescuers and emergency services personnel work around the clock to monitor the condition of hydraulic structures. and in the kurgan region
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, the flood situation is stabilizing; overnight the water level in the tabol river dropped by 6 cm, but the state of emergency remains in the region. the flood is expected to peak there in the middle of the week. now hunting for special operations, calculating the rocket system. volley fire, hail from the southern group of troops hit one of the enemy strongholds in the northern direction. having received the coordinates of the target from the reconnaissance officers, the artillery quickly deployed the installation into a combat position and attacked enemy positions with rockets from a distance of more than 12 km. inflicting massive strikes on areas where nationalists are concentrated makes it possible to support the assault operations of the group’s units. at strong points, mainly at hidden enemy positions.
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after completing the task, having received confirmation of the destruction of important objects, the crew returned to the departure airfield. russian units are acting as a united front, artillery, drones, aviation, and, of course, assault groups. from an editorial report by eduard punigov. south donetsk direction, outskirts of volnovakha. the 394th regiment of the fifth army from
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primorye works here on the front line. in this footage, an assault unit conducts reconnaissance in force. soldiers consistently clear out fortified enemy positions. the group is led by the famous commander saval. there are only two attack aircraft on our side in this battle. the enemy has eight soldier. we always try to work in small quantities. when we come in, their props are not really visible, they hid behind the board. the soldiers arrive and there is heavy fire. one of the participants in this battle is an attack aircraft with the call sign greek. according to him, he had to work under heavy enemy fire. the greek then received a shrapnel wound in the leg, but still continued to carry out the assigned task. the commander prepares us very well for the battle, creates an imitation of the battle, almost the same as what happened there. well, in principle, we were already prepared for this. another participant in the battle was an attack aircraft with the call sign zem. movement, ground, inconvenience, because. there are craters, boards, sticks everywhere,
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you stumble, this was the main difficulty, that there was no particular time to stand, the soldiers captured several ukrainian armed forces soldiers, interrogated them, fed them, they were really so hungry here, damn it, eat, eat, don’t pay attention, our prisoners, according to the admission of one of the ukrainian soldiers , are treated much worse, our prisoners of russian soldiers, whom you catch, you just drag the scum, you kill, that’s right, yes, stormtroopers. they are now recuperating in training camp. assault squads are always in full combat readiness, even during breaks between missions; they conduct training every day, working out a variety of scenarios that can be useful in real combat. soval's group is preparing for the next assault operation; in a couple of days the fighters will again go to the front line. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. at least 22 civilians, 18 of whom were children, were killed in the israeli strike on rafah. about it
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reported the ministry of health of the gas sector. at least one explosion occurred in a refugee camp. earlier, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyago said that the army would increase pressure on the militants in the coming days. according to him, this is the only opportunity to move forward on the issue of releasing the hostages. israeli publications, meanwhile, write that the united states is considering the possibility of imposing sanctions against some idf units, which, according to washington, have violated human rights against the palestinians. a major fire occurred at a giant landfill ghazipur, which is located in the east of newdelhi in india, what exactly caused the fire is still unknown. several fire engines were sent to the scene, and excavators had to be used to localize the fire. extinguishing is complicated by hot gases that release waste. there were no casualties, but the smoke from the rubble in the nearest residential areas was acrid. this landfill is called the largest in india, it covers an area of ​​approximately 40 football fields, and... its height is
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about 54 m. seven people, including a child , were victims of an accident that occurred during auto racing time in sri lanka. during the race , one of the drivers lost control, the car flew off the track and crashed into a crowd of spectators, who, judging by the available footage, were separated from the car flying towards them only by fragile barriers. 21 people were injured, four of them are in serious condition. this year at the race, more than 100 thousand people watched. next regional news, stay with us. now news from the capital region: today in moscow and the region the thermometer will rise to 15°, it will be cloudy with clearings, by the evening at in some areas, short-term rain is possible, the atmospheric pressure is slightly higher than
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normal at 747 mmhg. according to forecasters, this weather pattern will continue throughout the week. the city bike rental will fine users for illegally parked bikes. collection amount 1.00 rub. to complete the rental correctly , you need to find parking on the application map, leave the vehicles at a station with an orange stripe or in the city parking lot for personal mobility equipment, complete the rental, fasten the bike rope, and also take a photograph of it. thousands of books were collected by residents of the krasnoarmeisk region near moscow for the nursery. libraries of donetsk. all publications are divided by age for junior and senior schoolchildren. adult children brought from home fiction, fairy tales of the peoples of the world, as well as educational publications. in the coming days , volunteers will take all the collected books to the donetsk library. our news is always available on
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the media platform. we look in the application or on the website, see you in almost 20 minutes. ideal tests for pregnancy. today, you and your husband go to the sea, on saturday, i’ll come to the institute and give him a surprise, this is my passion, how can you not understand it, passion, any problem can be cured by the sea, you need to unwind, take a ride on a yacht, the sea, sun, vitamin d, you are a very beautiful girl, dream of having a prourna. romanchik, forget it, i’m not like that, what hotel is she in, i want to save our family, he came with her, with his mistress, make lena jealous, what do you have with my wife, your marriage is shaking at the seams, sea overseas, premiere,
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our life can’t just fall apart like that, don’t think about it, on saturday on rtr. era on saturday on rtr. good morning everyone. good morning. on the calendar is monday april 22. on your screens this morning are vladislav
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zavelov and vera krasova, and we are also on your smartphones every day. if you subscribe to our telegram channel on any day, in any weather, yes. yes, come in. but the winter season was closed. more than a thousand skiers made a mass descent in swimsuits and shorts down the slopes of the sheregezh resort, as well as riders from the keimerovo region and tourists from other russian regions have completed the grelkafest, a fun race that is cold to watch and is held in april to say goodbye to the snow and spend the winter. the organizers prepared 10 thematic descents, the most popular were the carnival and red carpet, after such a ride, it would be nice to go straight to a warm place...
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in places the bike paths go, go and go. in conditions of a shortage of own roads, cyclists are built into unexpectedly ending either with a fence or existing infrastructure, and this is where a conflict of interests begins. in big it is difficult to find infrastructure designed only for cyclists in the city. most often it is combined with other flows, for example, a pedestrian sidewalk smoothly crosses a bicycle path, and of course, not everyone likes such a neighborhood. i'm sorry, is everything okay? everything is fine. accidents and collisions with pedestrians on sidewalks force cyclists onto the road, but there motorists no longer consider them equal traffic participants. hit. he damaged himself a little, read him a lecture and naturally released the goyim, they didn’t
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call. instead of the european protocol - a strict conversation. the cyclist drove into alexander’s door because he didn’t notice. experts believe that many owners of two-wheelers generally ignore traffic rules. they violate those points that are prescribed in the traffic rules, for example, a pedestrian crossing, they cross without dismounting, but simply cross on a bicycle. precisely because of this. cyclists end up on the hood of a car, but motorists also often violate the rules; the inattention of drivers from st. petersburg cost a cyclist his life, he crashed into when the door of a parked mercedes suddenly opened, the impact threw the cyclist into the middle of the roadway, where he was hit by a volvo car. in general, several hundred cyclists died in the country over the past year; experts are confident that this figure will increase if measures are not taken. there are mountain bikes that don't need roads at all, so it's tempting. as if not to create anything for them, well, superfluous or from some special one, saving
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money for this, but in this case we get conflicts. in many cities, the infrastructure for cyclists is modest, it seems that it is only for the sake of reporting. the routes are illogical, there are no bicycle parking areas, and you can only ride in parks with your family on weekends. we are talking about dedicated routes for cyclists. this infrastructure should.
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streets, each road is considered individually, in general, is there any demand for movement, where do cyclists go here, who is a priority, including, of course, what if the cycling infrastructure is completely separate and it does not interfere with pedestrians, transport infrastructure, or cars themselves, of course, this is the safest story, but it is not possible to do this everywhere, indeed, for example, in moscow, it is difficult for me to imagine how i can get from home to work on a bicycle, well, as if along the third transport ring to... cycling there in the old city,
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but how should the historical center be organized correctly, is it necessary to use so-called delineators, artificial are there fences or posts or is there some way to highlight this area? if this is possible, then of course we actually have examples. in the city center, which are simply considered not very safe even by cyclists, they don’t ride on them, but pedestrians love them very much, because there are no tiles there, heels won’t hurt you, well, that’s if we’re talking about the connection with the pedestrian infrastructure, but it’s true, but if there is a roadway, there are examples in the center with a roadway, i think there are those who use a bicycle and pass by, that’s enough a narrow bicycle lane that goes along with the flow of the wheel ends up in a storm drain, because it does not lie across, but longitudinally, often appears. which also certainly reduces the overall attractiveness of using this bike lane for a bicycle, well
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, not to mention what i said in the story earlier, these are really parked cars, garbage cans appearing, which , of course, block it and people don’t move, ponies move together pedestrians, but it turns out that in addition to what needs to be integrated and equipped space for cyclists in the city, we still need to introduce a level of a certain transport culture of the townspeople, that’s who should be involved in all this, well
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, use the bicycle for your constant transportation to work as transport, yes indeed, well, we still have, well, let’s call them commercial groups , these are various kinds of couriers and other users who also need their own infrastructure, because well, we see that indeed they, too, can often become the causes of road accidents, which need to be addressed separate conversation, i think, thank you, thank you, development. 60 minutes today at 11:30 and 17:30 on the
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russia channel, there is no limit to barbecue, more than a third of russians, honestly. that they are ready to eat half a kilo at a time, even more, the appetites of every fourth person are more modest, 360 grams maximum, and every fifth person has enough of 200 grams . we are preparing for the may holidays: pork kebab is in first place, chicken and turkey are in second place, lamb is in third place, also in the top are beef and fish, and the vast majority do not trust anyone to prepare the main dish of the may holidays, besides themselves or trusted loved ones, every fifth person buys for... meat, and 10% is a ready-made option, so as not to bother at all, well, for the may and summer season , one of the recent trends opens - outdoor heaters, so that you can sit comfortably in the air, dari tiunov will tell you what characteristics to choose such equipment for, how much it will cost. the thermometer is getting higher every day, but spending evenings in suburban areas in the open air is still
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quite cool, it is not surprising that there is a demand for outdoor heaters for verandas and terraces among russian summer residents has grown significantly. if you look at sales of outdoor heaters in the first quarter of 2024, the number of purchases increased by 22% compared to last year. the average bill is 14% higher than last year. the price of such equipment depends primarily on the country of manufacture, the type of device, its power and heating area. the most popular outdoor heaters are gas infrared. according to the type of construction, they come in two types: a gas mushroom, also called a gas umbrella, and gas pyramid. the most budget option is a heater. chinese-made fungus can be purchased for an average of 10-15,000 rubles. such equipment, although in 90% of cases is made of aluminum, with a service life of up to 3 years, has a small canopy, that is, a small heating area of ​​​​about 10-15 m2 and does not have a mobile chassis. higher quality outdoor heaters and mushrooms produced domestically or in europe will cost from 20,000 rubles and more. these are created, as a rule, from stainless steel, will last
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about 10 years and have the largest of all outdoor heaters heating area. the so-called hat, yes, a hat, a fungus, that’s what it is. the larger the surface, accordingly, the speed of the heat flow covers the heating zone, it will be higher, they are the most powerful, they heat up to 25 km. of the minuses, being close to a gas mushroom less than one meter is uncomfortable, it is very hot, and if the burner is not protected from the flask wind, the flame can blow out, these are the problems that pyramid heaters do not have, the price of such is 30-4000 rubles. after all, their main difference from the flame mushroom is located in a special glass flask, a glass tube in which combustion occurs, from which infrared radiation occurs. it is important what material it is made of, what temperature changes it can withstand, it must be made of silicate fireproof glass, because the device is located outside, it can rain at any moment, it must withstand this temperature difference. the heating area will be slightly smaller than that of a gas mushroom, about 20 km, but the pyramid looks more aesthetically pleasing, the flame is inside the flask creates a special coziness in the evening. in addition, they
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have a high degree of fire safety. it was for this parameter that i luckily chose a heater in a hardware store in moscow today. vladimir and the price the men calculate is quite favorable. the price of this device for me was 41.00 rubles. the service life, as stated in the document, is 10 years, subject to a 2-year warranty. this device is absolutely safe. in general, there are plenty of options to warm yourself up on cool spring evenings in your suburban area. you can choose an outdoor heater for any budget for any area of ​​veranda, terrace or gazebo. everyone is wondering whether such a heater will be needed in the coming days. where only the warmth of the sun will be enough, we will find out everything soon from our weather forecaster, don’t switch, they say you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest, you need to rest beautifully, but
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you need to rest where the sun and sea are. on the first coast, where everything is inclusive, except for the head, we know everything about vacation, relax, eh... welcome to the newest hotel pixos in sharmelsheikh. rixas rodomis sharmelsheikh. an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday. riksas radomis sharmelshe. on saturday, you have a phone there,
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please give it to me, he is haunting me, and you saved me, every girl dreams of a prince on a white horse, i met you, my princess, you will be my wife, yes, but.. . on rtr, please, introduction and roll call,
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it’s possible without formation, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was bold in white smoke, and i’m starting, here’s groot walking. mark anatolyevich zakharov, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i, as a man, a hunter of women, i like to attack, my dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how many more things were there, i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i’m still giving up with joy, let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on... premiere, stop it, alexander
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pankratov, black, next time, i won't miss, alexander ropok, comradely, take off the handcuffs, come on, tomorrow under escort in the twentieth apartment, clearly, anna mikhalkova, assigned one to the police, the other to the clinic, kusama. all the animals come to visit us; in one of the villages of the koma republic there is a unique shelter for
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animals. at first, its owners, a family of regional residents, rescued feral sick horses. but then other doomed living creatures began to appear. mixed husky, tibetan bridge, other dogs, two dozen cats. now there is one more tenant, a little gray raven. phillya was tired of his previous owners with his excessive talkativeness, many diseases are treated here themselves, a sick goat, and three cheerful geese, and even a swan recovered, but the main thing is that this noah’s ark is helped by caring people, without them it cannot survive. well, with the help of the shatalov family, a whole district lives, the mother of the family, the head of the management company, the father, a genius doctor, district police son, how to help everyone and not go crazy, watch ours today at 21:20. channel of the first episode of the comedy melodrama angels of the district have gone crazy or something, do you understand that on his seventeenth accident people there have been without hot water for two days,
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meet ordinary angels, or rather quite extraordinary ones, the shatalov family in this provincial city plays the role of a district-forming enterprise, after all you can say that everything revolves around them, each resident comes with their own problems and hopes, in fact they are all good people everyone in the city knows how... companies are forced to communicate with not the most pleasant officials, well, the residents are always unhappy, but you and i have never had any problems, no, well, why create them, although who are we kidding, the problem is still the same will be, a nasty neighbor decides to open a dubious hotel for newlyweds, then the local janitor will suddenly become inflamed with love for the foreign way of life, you need to clean, like in amsterdam, that you were in amsterdam, no, you saw it on tv, if your wife brilliantly
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solves all the problems of housing and communal services, then... husband no less he brilliantly cares about the health of the residents of the area in his area; he knows everyone like a flaky, who has what diagnosis, problems with nerves, heart, and sometimes with adultery. hello, doctor, hello, i’m so uncomfortable, you can’t even imagine how, in general, this is at the same time a very simple, at the same time very complex story, like everything that happens in the lives of ordinary people, only in the movies it’s always a little more funny or sad, well, of course, most of all i want the viewer to like it, so that people smiled so that people somewhere might be sad with him, and the shottalovas themselves would be the first to experience various emotions, because after a twenty-year absence , a former neighbor comes to their once communal apartment and demands the return of his rightful room, which has been locked all these years, he i went through many professions during my absence from my homeland, but i still returned here and somehow tried to build my life and my daughter’s life. against
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the backdrop of the famous nizhny novgorod embankments landscapes of sunsets, mesmerizing with their beauty, but we can find out if the angels can maintain peace in the family and order in the whole area today, don’t miss the first episodes at 21:20 only on our channel, then with the super prefix, the next one, doctor, what are you complaining about, i have a superpower , well , better show you for... oh, i also have a superpower, what do you use to brush your teeth? paste, the dentist prescribed it, change the paste, but no, the dentist, we’ll tell you about proper teeth whitening very soon, but i wanted amazing people, put on a mask, well then you, well... the news continues to work live
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. in the studio andrey shevtsov. hello. more than 15 thousand houses are flooded in russia due to the most powerful flood in recent years. today the peak of the flood is expected in the tyumen city of ishim. the water level there exceeded the critical level by almost 3 m. several settlements are still cut off from the mainland, more than a thousand residents were evacuated from them. to protect villages in the region , in addition to the dam, 12 km of embankments were built. rescuers and emergency workers. services work around the clock, monitoring the condition of hydraulic structures, in the kurgan region the flood situation is stabilizing, overnight the water level in the tabol river dropped by 6 cm, however , the state of emergency will remain in the region, the peak of the flood is expected there in the middle of the week. now about the events in the special operation zone in the avdeevsky direction , tankers from the center group of troops destroyed a stronghold of nationalist armored vehicles.
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the servicemen, having received the coordinates to... moved to a pre-prepared firing position, aimed their weapons, hit the t-90m tank with high-explosive fragmentation shells targets from a distance of 10 km. tank crews support the actions of the assault groups, pinning down the enemy, and also do not allow the nationalists to return fire. enemy strongholds, enemy manpower that was moving, we also had direct fire missions, and also hit armored groups. t-64 oplot and bradley bmp. the marine unit of the northern fleet of the dnepr group of troops confidently controls the islands of the dnieper delta in the kherson region. almost every day, mainly at night , the enemy tries to enter this territory, but unsuccessfully. marine posts on the islands are necessary in order to prevent and avoid the landing of ukrainian military personnel on the russian shore. two civilians, 18 of
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whom were children, died as a result of an israeli strike on rafah, the gaza ministry of health reported. at least one explosion occurred in a refugee camp. earlier , israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu said that the army would increase pressure on the militants in the coming days. according to him, this is the only opportunity to move forward on the issue of releasing the hostages. meanwhile in paris, amid tensions in the middle east, an action against racism was held. and islamophobia, as well as against police brutality. several thousand people took part in it. the capital's prefecture initially banned the rally, citing potential risks to society. security, but the organizers went to court, which overturned the government ban. and in colombia, tens of thousands of people took to anti-government rallies, mainly dissatisfied with the fact that the head of state is trying to reduce the role of private
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insurance companies to nationalize the largest of them. according to surveys, the majority of citizens note that this leads to problems with medical care and shortages of medications. the largest demonstration took place in the capital. in syria, a fiery fountain began to erupt from a non-wire while trying to steal fuel from it. unknown persons made a hole in the pipe, but the raw material suddenly ignited, one of the attackers died, the military is trying to stop the fire with the help of earthen and sand embankments, and there is a possibility that the fire will not succeed put it out quickly, because from the pipe you... have too much oil. the traditional kite festival has started in china, it is held in the city of weifang, in the east of the country. hundreds of kites of various shapes and colors were launched into the sky. there were
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traditional dragons, birds and dogs, rapids, corgis, and pink bears, whales and giant octopuses. this year the colorful festival is taking place for the forty-first time; every year it attracts hundreds of participants. thousands of viewers from all over the world, further news from your region by residents of moscow and the region, see you in in a matter of seconds. now news from the capital region. today in moscow and the region the thermometer will rise to 15°, it will be cloudy, there will be
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27 public transport routes, after the introduction of dedicated lanes, buses and electric buses will be able to travel through these areas two to three times faster. in total , more than 460 km of dedicated lanes are currently organized in moscow. in moscow , the national research and medical university named after pirogovo held an open day. this year it took place in a new format in within the framework of the festival "pirogov fest".
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scientists, opening new programs every year. in a hospital in the moscow region of voskresensk , a unique operation was performed using the davinci robot, thanks to this method there is a risk of development.
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cent. for the first time in russia, voskresensk hospital surgeon vladislav burdakov performed a robotic operation to correct a complex postoperative hernia. such a mesh implant is placed on it, it is inserted through the puncture in a twisted form, and then straightened into the cavity. this grid is like the reinforcing device will grow into the muscular aponeurotic frame of the anterior abdominal wall and will not allow it to diverge again. the robot uses the smallest surgical instruments. with its help , you can view the cavity in a 3d image. and it is quite deft to cut tissue, and when tired, like a person’s, the hands do not tremble, thanks to this the patient will receive fewer injuries, recovery time is significantly reduced, the robot is much more functional than...
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schoolchildren from serpukhov near moscow won a grant for filming a film. school number 10 took in the all-russian competition, second place was awarded to a grant for the implementation of the school-technopark project. the children film, voice and edit their work themselves. as part of the new competition, they are going to create a film about pushkin’s descendants for the poet’s 225th anniversary, which will be celebrated in june this year. all news is available on the media platform. application or on the website do not switch. sunday.
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for example, i told my daughter that she was adopted as soon as i took her from the orphanage . mom, dad, i adore you. hello, hi, i'm your mom is real. can meet? a test that not everyone can stand, who is she anyway, this is some kind of scam for money, can i hug you, katya is not a stranger to me, she is my mother, katya needs money, a test that not everyone dares to take, you don’t if you refuse to take a dna test, the result has arrived, honey, we will explain everything to you. fly a feather, sunday on rtr. 40 years ago,
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the series tas is authorized to declare on the screens of the country. it is based on the true story of alexander ogorodnik, an employee of the soviet mida, aka trianon spy, who was recruited by cia agents. in our program, kgb officers who... they will tell new details of this high-profile case, as well as the illegitimate daughter of alexander ogorodnik, who dreams of finding relatives in russia. malakhov, today on rtr. good morning, hello, this is your morning on the russia tv channel, vera krasova, vladislav zavyalov are here, and we offer you. a new day begins with us on april 22. nature, as
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you know, does not have bad weather, but the same cannot be said about the mood of people, which is still depends on the weather. statistics have shown that in the cold season, russians are more likely to get married, and in the warmer months, they are more inclined to flirt. so in the spring, right at the end of april, the audience of russian dating apps is growing sharply, in some regions up to 100%. who are people looking for, a partner, so... spend the may weekend together, go to barbecues, and the bravest ones will even go on a short trip, no one knows with whom, but in winter the majority, at least men, are committed to serious relationships, which is clearly stated in their profiles, that is, where in the end in april, winter showed up briefly, unions will most likely be stronger and more durable, are you ready to tell fortunes for your betrothed using weather maps, vadim zavodchenkov will help with this, good?
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st. petersburg residents will only flirt, only siberians will run to zaks, so let’s go tell you, in the southern regions of russia , under the influence of atmospheric fronts, there will be local showers, thunderstorms are not excluded in places, but along with the clouds , well-warmed air masses will begin to enter the region. as a result, in the second half of the period the daytime temperature here will increase to +26-31, only in crimea it will be cooler, in the afternoon + 20-25. in the middle volga, the work week starts with sunny , abnormally hot weather in the daytime hours of +24:29, but on tuesday and wednesday, rain is expected in the region, bringing temperatures down to +15-20, in the southern part to +.
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the weather in central russia will also be affected by the influence of the atlantic cyclone, and here too there will be local downpours. the daytime temperature here is +1419, in the black soil even up to +18-23. short-term. not expected on tuesday, with an average of 2-3°. working in the urals the week starts with abnormally warm weather. in the midday hours up to +18:23, but on tuesday-wednesday arctic air masses will break through here, as a result the daytime temperature will drop to +2-7°. and only on
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thursday-friday the weather will improve again and become 4-5° warmer. already now in southern siberia. there is an atmospheric front carrying arctic air masses, from tuesday the temperature here will drop to 0 +5°, so rain can turn into snow, only on thursday-friday precipitation will begin to acquire a local short-term character, and the sun will will be able to warm the air to +6:11, in the southern part of the far east the asian anticyclone dominates, so there is mostly no precipitation here, as a result, the daytime temperature in the primorye... in the continental regions of the primorye and amur region will rise to +18-23° only on the coast of japan the sea will be cool, but even here by the end of the working week the thermometer will reach +10.5. thank you vadim, thank you vadim for the relatively good news, it means it’s spring in
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st. petersburg too and even hire a horse, that’s good, isn’t it? vadim zavodchenkov said about the weather for the coming week. 40 years ago , the series tazh was released on the screens of the country , and it was based on the true story of alexander ogorodnik, an employee of the soviet foreign ministry, also known as trianon spy, who was recruited by cia agents. our program features kgb officers who will tell new details of this high-profile case, as well as the illegitimate daughter of alexander ogorodnik, who dreams of finding relatives in russia. malakhov, today at 16.30. safe, environmentally friendly, delicious. a dutch company conducted the first tasting of locally grown pork sausage laboratory. during production , animal stem cells are used, which are cultured and converted into fat cells. the resulting product consists of almost a third of grown meat, the rest of the ingredients are of plant origin. the tasters
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liked the fried sausage; they admitted that it was tender and juicy. the company expects to mass produce this in the future. will reduce the number of farms, and therefore the carbon footprint left by their inhabitants. the cost of producing artificial meat is about 5 euros per kilogram 500 rub. real meat or laboratory meat, it still has to live. this requires healthy teeth, but in the pursuit of their whiteness, many forget that some products can damage the enamel. alena kashtanova found out how to make teeth shine and at the same time healthy. personal care. concern for the appearance of teeth has been elevated to a cult and occupies a significant part of it. the girl's goal is to achieve a beautiful smile. i have been using the whitening paste for a month now and have noticed that my enamel has become much whiter. in pursuit of whiter teeth, many of you today go even further. on the internet you can find all sorts of ways to whiten at home
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. one of the most popular is using activated carbon. i am happy with the result, my teeth are smooth and a little lighter. they become due to the abrasive properties of activated carbon; a similar effect will be if you replace it with baking soda. yes, you can remove some stains there that cannot be removed with regular toothpaste, but you need to understand that both soda and activated carbon is a hard abrasive that can leave scratches on the surface of the enamel, and with regular use it erases the enamel, it becomes thinner, and this in the long run can ruin all efforts, the teeth will become not whiter, but darker, because their very color determined. not enamel, but dentin, which is located under it. the pigments will shine through more brightly from under the thin enamel in the dentin, and accordingly you will not receive whitening as such. in addition to mechanical abrasive methods, there are also chemical bleaching methods, for example, with using lemon juice. citric acid successfully destroys plaque, but it can also make the enamel thinner and teeth
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more sensitive. another common method is the use of hydrogen peroxide. when used, they release free radicals that penetrate the tooth enamel, which contributes to the oxidation of colored pigments. strictly speaking, hydrogen peroxide is included in professional teeth whitening products, but if used at home it is fraught. burns of the mucous membrane of poliosirt, then in the dentist’s office these risks tend to zero. for now, i ’m simply isolating the gestins from the effects of the bleaching composition. the hydrogen peroxide paste of the desired concentration is then activated using ultraviolet light or a laser. dentists began to use the latter relatively recently. with laser , less concentration of peroxide is used. because the laser itself has it. effect of pigment splitting. obviously, professional whitening is safer than home whitening, but it is not suitable for everyone. dentists do not recommend
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procedure for increased tooth sensitivity and in the presence of fillings and crowns in the front rows. unlike imali, they are not bleached during the process; they will have to be replaced, which will add cost to an already not the most budget-friendly procedure. and it’s worth considering that the boom in porcelain white teeth has long passed; perhaps you should focus on maintaining the natural whiteness of your teeth. and for this, careful homework is enough. care and professional cleaning in the dentist’s office at least twice every year. the russians have started enrolling their children in first grade, yes, yes, it’s time. the reception campaign has started and will last until the beginning of september. moreover, parents do not need to come to school to submit an application. this can be done through the state services portal, which is actively developing thanks to the digital economy national project. this is maxim’s room, we plan to put a corner for the schoolchild, a table, a closet here, so that he
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can study comfortably. maxim will go to first grade in the fall, the boy is really looking forward to this event, especially since he completely ready, able to read, count and write. for those who have not been able to write, or even read, for 6 years, a couple of letters together with put everything together, plasticine. so that maxim could show his talents to one of the best schools in blagoveshchensk, they said. his mother yulia is submitting it there today, especially since this can be done literally in a few clicks. the procedure itself took literally a few minutes, since our data was uploaded on the state services website in my personal account, i only needed to confirm it. applicants do not need to attach any documents at all, because that all information is taken from a personal record on the public service portal, and the educational organization has the opportunity to check these documents based on interdepartmental requests. it’s very convenient, they say in schools, and they also managed to get rid of... the moms and dads storming educational institutions. all parents, basically, the overwhelming majority, came here in person and
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lined up. we are glad that now through government services, now electronically, remotely, so to speak, you can register your child. and how happy the parents are not to put it in words, they use the convenient service with pleasure. in just the first 2 days of the admissions campaign, russians sent 500,000 applications through government services, for example, in adygea almost 90%. mothers and fathers of future first-graders preferred to enroll their children in school through the portal. at any possible or convenient time, yes, you can submit an application, even if it’s in the evening, even though you don’t need to take time off from work to rush to find out how to apply, what documents to bring you, 40 seconds, it was very fast, i i thought there was a need to create a whole application form, but no, i answered a couple of questions, created an application, sent it and the school received it instantly, all because thanks to... the national project, the digital economy portal of the state services is developing rapidly. this year, russians can enroll their child in first grade using the website from april to september. in the first wave, which will last
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until june 30, you can only submit an application to the school at the child’s place of registration or to the one where the older brother or sister of the future first-grader studies. select educational establishment in another area will be possible from july 6 to september 5. the sooner parents apply, the sooner they will receive a response. the school must send it within 3 days from the date of application. parents can change their status every time. you see in your personal account on the public services portal, the status changes when the application is accepted based on the results of its consideration, if the answer is positive, parents will need to bring the original documents to the educational institution and then wait for the exciting moment when the first bell rings for their first-grader school bell. kalinon belek is a place where time stands still,
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immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale. hotel for an unforgettable experience rixas sharma, only for adults 18+. entertainment awaits you here. throughout the day: year-round performances of the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixsus sharmasha - it's not easy relaxation is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic lakshery collection bodroom.
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exceptional service, incredible culinary. masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic lakshery collection to the cheerful. there is no need to register with him. joke. he will come to the house himself. we begin. always will help. let's train. walking on ice will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, pizza, that's how a child sleeps, but you i don’t
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recommend doing this, doctor. who you can trust 100%. and you will be happy. well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but i’ll definitely have more health. doctor misnyakov. on saturday on rtr. tai, gorovo, painting my nails. i have every right. premiere. you've become old, yes, but you're such a little girl among us. i would marry you, well, you ’re here, hello, hello, what’s next, mikhail andreevich, buy flowers, angels of the region, today on the rdr, all shades of spring,
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more than... forty bloomed in the baila jujaan national park in china types of azales. the area has turned into a fragrant and bright garden. impressive footage was taken from a drone; they, of course, cannot convey the aroma, but they perfectly demonstrate the picturesqueness of this place. flowering lasts no more than two weeks, during which time you can admire the sea of ​​colors in the reserve almost 5 million residents come as tourists. you can look at the red-white, purple slopes from the observation deck or walking along the alleys of the park, but not in the hall. allergic, well, it seems to me that they are more poisonous, but you can’t take your eyes off the works of artists who create mosaic canvases, this art is many thousands of years old, varvara ermakova studied the most original pono, dear, how much can you tinker with your pictures, you love puzzles, but come with me to the bath, i have one puzzle there, i haven’t been able to put it together for a month, for
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a real artist's bathroom is a testing ground for art experiments. especially for those who like to put together big pictures from small parts. instead of a dull tiled wall, craftsmen create real mosaic masterpieces here. now the last piece is glued, and we leave our panel for several days until the glue hardens. mosaic is a fairly ancient technique for creating images, which appeared in the east even before our era. this kind of art was popular in soviet times, and today artists amaze the internet with their unusual works and far they are not always placed in home interiors. paintings created using the mosaic technique always receive hundreds of thousands of views, because the work is painstakingly complex. first you need to sketch the drawing, and then lay it out from thousands of small details. most often , ceramics or stone are used, and the material is split into pieces with a special hammer. however, in
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order to create. any material will suit the bunny, beginners, for example, train on paper, don’t think it’s that simple. having gained experience, you can switch to the bat tiles or multi-colored glass, and especially creative ones create a mosaic from the caresses of fabric, it turns out very unusual, we give the master a well-deserved like. everyone who enters your room will all say, wow, what a bedspread. pala is not all about mosaics, you can decorate even the entire apartment, from the wall to the floor to the furniture, look at how beautiful the chairs are, however, everyday objects turn into a work of art.
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any robot will be taught to walk as if it were alive, but well, we’ll tell you how to teach a robot to walk very soon, oh, maybe i should get one for myself, well, come in in the evening, i’ll tell you all about the robots, let him tell you when he gets back from school, you’re watching the news on the russia channel, hello, in the andrey studio. the water level has exceeded the critical level by almost 3 m. today, the peak of the flood is expected in the tyumen city of ishim. the artillery delivered
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a powerful blow in the northern direction. under solidarity, stormtroopers from primorye took the fortified area. at least 22 civilians. 18 of whom were children died as a result of an israeli strike on rapaha. more than 15 thousand houses flooded in russia during the most powerful flood in recent years. today the peak of the leash is expected in the tyumen city of ishim. the water level there exceeded the critical level by almost 3 m. several settlements are still cut off from the mainland. more than a thousand residents were evacuated from them to protect the villages. in the region, in addition to the dam, 12 km of embankments were built. rescuers and emergency services personnel work around the clock to monitor the condition of hydraulic structures. and in the kurgan region, the flood situation is stabilizing.
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during this night, the water level in the tabol river dropped by 6 cm. however, the peak emergency mode remains in the region. floods are expected there in the middle of the week. now about the ongoing special operation , the crew of the grad southern group's multiple launch rocket system. troops hit one of the enemy strongholds in the northern direction. having received the coordinates of the targets from the reconnaissance officers, the artillery quickly deployed the installation into a combat position and attacked enemy positions with rockets from a distance of more than 12 km. delivering a massive strike on a concentration area allows you to support nationalists. the actions of the group's units at strongholds, mainly at hidden enemy positions, there is equipment, somewhere at the intersections we are trying to catch them, well, without
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artillery it’s not possible at all, until the artillery works, no one comes, yeah, so the artillery works constantly in support of the infantry, in the southern donetsk direction the nationalist positions are attacked by army aviation, crews of su-34 aircraft, and struck at the enemy’s strong point and manpower. targets hit with high explosives aviation bombs with a universal planning and correction module. this allows you to carry out successful attacks without entering the enemy’s air defense zone. after completing the mission, having received confirmation of the destruction of important objects, the crew returned to the departure airfield. russian units act as a united front. artillery, drones, aviation and of course, assault groups. from an editorial report by eduard punigov. south donetsk direction, outskirts of volnovakha, here the 394th regiment of the fifth army from primorye works on the front line. on in these shots, the assault unit conducts
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reconnaissance in force, the soldiers successively clear the enemy’s fortified positions. the group is led by the famous commander saval. in this battle, there are only two attack aircraft on our side, while the enemy has eight soldiers. all the time in small quantities. we’re trying to work, when we come in, their defenders, they’re not really visible, they’re hiding behind the board, my fighters are getting there, there’s heavy fire. one of the participants in this battle is an attack aircraft with the call sign greek. according to him, he had to work under heavy enemy fire. the greek then received a shrapnel wound in the leg, but still continued to carry out the assigned task. the commander prepares us very well for the battle, creates an imitation of the battle, almost the same as what was there. well, basically. we were already prepared for this, another participant in the battle was an attack aircraft with the call sign zema, movement, ground, inconvenience, because there were craters, boards, sticks everywhere, you stumbled, so there was. the main
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difficulty is to stand on your own feet, there is not much time, the fighters took several soldiers prisoner ukrainian armed forces, interrogated, fed, here he was really so hungry, but eat, eat, don’t pay attention, but our prisoners, according to the confession of one of the ukrainian soldiers, are treated much worse, our prisoners, the russian soldiers that you catch, you just drag the scum, you you're killing, that's right, the stormtroopers are now recuperating in the training camp, the assault troops are always in... full combat readiness, even in breaks between missions, they train every day, practice a variety of scenarios that may be useful in real battle. soval's group is preparing for the next assault operation; in a couple of days the fighters will again go to the front line. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. at least 22 civilians, 18 of whom were children, were killed in the israeli strike on rafah. this was reported by the ministry of health of the gas sector. at least one explosion occurred. according to him, this is
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the only opportunity to move forward on the issue of releasing the hostages. israeli publications, meanwhile, write that the united states is considering the possibility of imposing sanctions. against some idf units that, according to washington, have violated human rights against palestinians. a major fire occurred at the giant gazzipur landfill, which is located. in the east of new delhi in india. what exactly caused the fire is still unknown. several fire engines were sent to the site to contain the outbreak. we had to use excavators. extinguishing is complicated by burning gas that releases waste. there were no injuries, but acrid smoke blanketed nearby residential areas. this landfill is called the largest in india. she covers an area of ​​approximately 40 football fields, and its height is about 54 m. seven people. including a child, were
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victims of an accident that occurred during a car race in sri lanka. during the race, one of the drivers lost control, the car flew off the track and crashed into a crowd of spectators, who, judging by the available footage, were separated from the car flying at them only by a fragile fence. 21 people were injured, four of them are in serious condition, more than 100,000 people came to watch the race this year. further news. regions, stay with us, now news from the capital region: today in moscow and the region the thermometer rises to 15°, it will be cloudy with clearing in the evening, in some areas short-term rain is possible, atmospheric pressure is slightly above normal 740.7 mm
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hg. according to forecasters, this weather pattern will continue throughout the week. the city's bike share company will fine users for illegally parked bikes. the amount of recovery is 1.0 rub. to properly end your lease, you need to find parking on the map in the application, leave the vehicle at a station with an orange stripe or at a city parking lot for personal mobility equipment. complete the rental, secure the bike with a cable, and take a photo. his thousands of books were collected by residents of krasnoarmeisk near moscow for the children's library of donetsk. all publications were divided by age for junior high school students. adult children brought from home fiction, fairy tales of the peoples of the world, as well as educational publications. in the coming days, all collected books volunteers will take you to the donetsk library. all news is available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website. stay with us.
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rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about vacation. annex. titanic delluxe golf belek hotel, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here every number is a journey into comfort. comfort, your vacation - your
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rules, titanic deluxe, golf bellet - the best choice for an unforgettable vacation. i found myself a millionaire. on saturday, mikhail, the very friends i’m telling you about, i hope they have already accepted my invitation to a boat trip, maxim radugin, excavations are underway up there, and you leave your things here, ekaterina vulichenko, we need to unite now to catch him ourselves , and return what’s mine, i’m ready, the overseas sea premiere is on saturday on rtr. good morning, good morning, well then monday, april 22, a new day, a new work week, we welcome vladislav zavyalov and vera krasova with you. fraudsters
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are updating themselves, yes, now fake police officers have appeared for pseudo-noble purposes and are trying to steal your password from government services, but they have the same task using your account. apply for loans in microfinance organizations, keep this in mind, they may call you via video conference on instant messengers, present a false identity card, speak aggressively, their method of intimidating the victim, in general, on phones attackers can be recognized by their excessive persistence and impatience; if someone asks you for your bank card details, this is a criminal, and scammers have also begun to steal money using qr codes, this method of deception is called quish. we’ll figure out how to protect ourselves and why visual code technology turned out to be vulnerable right now. the advertisement was hanging on the door in this place. residents of house number five on bagardion street in smolensk were recently attacked by hackers. they acted through an advertisement at the entrance, in which stated that
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the intercom would be replaced at the expense of the management company. in order to receive the keys, you need to leave a request using the qr code. there it was necessary to enter data, street, house number, and... the meter, which, as stated on the website, needed to be urgently changed, a young man came, of course, he was a little embarrassed that he was without a water utility uniform, he also came with a child, i replaced the meters, after 20 minutes it turned out that the taps were not working, the kirovsky vodokanal even organized an entire campaign to warn the population about the scammers’ attack,
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who placed infected qr codes in all public places. a person can scan some qr code for payment, go to a fictitious website and make some kind of payment. in favor of completely third parties, there are more and more similar examples throughout the country every day, experts talk about a boom in the so-called quishing, fraud with qr codes, all graphic images that are in the public domain are at risk, attackers can top it, for example , a real qr code that leads to some trusted resource, paste your qr code, they may contain either some links to follow, or some kind of payment information, the second even more dangerous situation is then, using a qr code , a malicious program is automatically downloaded to your mobile phone, this may be a malicious file that gains access to our phone, and let’s say, gets remote control of this phone, and after that, if we launch a mobile bank, enter a login and password there, then the fraudster
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will gain access to this data, it turns out, experts continue, the qr code system itself discredited itself, it turned out to be very vulnerable on the one hand, on the other it is unprofitable as a payment instrument, the usual bonuses and loyalty programs with a qr code do not work, so unless the system is modernized, its security and convenience are improved, perhaps we will see its gradual fading , in the meantime, it is better to open qr codes with the help of antiviruses; modern programs have such a function; it first checks where the link leads, and if everything is safe, it allows access. there is something to discuss with an associate professor at the institute.
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with housing and communal services, let's remember, well, just a year or two ago, there were similar payments for housing and communal services with fake details, well, in fact , everyone was talking about this, yes, the only thing that we see here is that a qr code and, as it were, new means appear here. which doesn’t force you to type it all in manually, it’s the same classic phishing, only through qr codes, quishing, yes, but nothing really new has happened. why doesn't the app stop the fraudulent transaction? well, i wouldn't say that it doesn't stop the matter the fact is that every bank has a monitoring system, yes, that is, this is precisely the counteraction to fraudsters, and this means that there is a certain analysis, that is, relatively speaking, if someone in russia pays with a european card. the bank pays for services in southeast asia, well, it’s probably worth thinking about, yes, and if you don’t immediately understand
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that the operation is in the red zone, then let’s call the client to clarify. moreover, now there is a very strict tightening, because actually a year ago the law was adopted, now it is coming into force, now there is something already there worked out, yes, and banks are simply obliged to suspend these operations, even though it takes a fraction of a second to do this, it’s a quick payment, after all, it’s a good idea to return the money if there’s no money. insists the bank is obliged to carry out this operation, in this situation it is again not responsible for anything, but if in this situation it did not inform the client, and these funds need to be returned, the client must check the purpose of the payment in the line, if this payment is fraudulent , i use... arcades quite often, yes, but i'm always in within the framework of the fact that i have a scanner, security systems, i usually ask again, either
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the administrator, as if not the cashier, he is usually the administrator of the hall, but excuse me, this is the correct link that i follow, before that i also looked where i i’ll go if it’s a completely incomprehensible link, but i ’ll pause and prefer not to follow it, of course, if something is posted on the street, yes, but it’s scary, yes, is it possible to fine an organization, for example, a cafe or store, in which ... in general, they understand from their own experience that this must be done, but with the same camera it is possible to track who specifically came to a given
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place, especially if it is, say, a bank, if it is some kind of government organization, yes, that is, there is a normal identification that allows sooner or later this person to be found, well then, excuse me, we have there is corresponding legislation for fraud, for fraud, fraud in the field of information technology, which is quite effectively applied, in general it can be used for these purposes, you just need to take it up. warned, that means armed, thank you, thank you, about fraud with qr codes and methods of protection, we spoke with alexey gusev, an associate professor at the rudny institute of world economy and business, an expert in the field of cybersecurity. have a nice day, thank you. collection of green tea, azer tea is tenderness, subtlety of bright flavors and aromas. classic jasmine, thyme, ginger, start your day with...
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friday at 21:30. the steel penguin is now conquering the depths of the sea; in the water you cannot distinguish it from the real thing, except that the color gives it away. german technologists have designed have already tested a new autonomous underwater vehicle. it will collect data about the ocean, diving to depths of up to 150 m, and four engines allow the vehicle to reach speeds of more than 18 km/h. the main thing is that he inspires trust. sea ​​creatures have more than any botiskaw. well, russian engineers and programmers are teaching robots to walk
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like humans, a task that specialists around the world are working on and have already advanced to, andrei negrov observed. meet khariton, a full-size humanoid robot that can walk on two legs. legs, and does it faster than all other similar machines. chinese engineers created androids and invited the whole world to improve its gait. one russian copy was delivered just the other day. programmers, they gave the robot and had time to study the device. this robot has two computers, one is responsible for motion control and the other for computer vision processing. machine vision is provided. depth camera and lidar, movement is provided by 19 motors, four in each hand, five in each leg, one more here on the belt. in the future, this will help the humanoid to perform a variety of tasks, but for now walking is the most important of them, it may seem to some that there is nothing difficult in this, however, if you think about it, every step of a person is, in fact,
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a controlled fall, which is prevented by the creation of a new support, play this using a computer and drives through. floating lines of code in a computer terminal, when he actually takes the first step, doesn’t fall over, takes the second, and can also move or turn his hand at that moment body, this means that a tremendous amount of work has been done and it is very important, androids must work where humans live, there are too many obstacles for wheeled and tracked vehicles, plus psychologists have noticed that bipedal machines give us more confidence, unlike all the others robots with a humanoid... it is most pleasant for a person to communicate; if you wish, you can even hug him. in general, while people react to this android approximately the same way they looked at such robot dogs 5 years ago, it was interesting to watch their movements, but it's not clear how to use it. and today , experts have shown that robots, for example, can be trusted to monitor various objects, for example, equip them with a thermal imager and send them to a center where metal is smelted. the robot
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moved around the plant, taking temperature readings from certain points on tanks with molten metal in order to... identify cracks, and this data could help prevent the breakdown of these tanks in advance, and this robot was tested on construction sites where it monitored how the construction of the structure is progressing, with using lidar, he took constant measurements and passed them on to engineers, and also made sure that workers followed safety precautions, wore helmets and vests, well, then street heaters, how to choose equipment for...
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this is news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev, dmitry kiselyov is 70. we were once joking in the studio, the director of photography said: my grandmother thinks that you live in the zamlevskaya star, he is a man of pushkin and dostoevsky, from
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the pushkin tradition he has this precision, this aristocracy, eh. .. dostoevsky, of course, passion. go, it’s bad form to drag a weakened tiger by the whiskers, dilute it with water, add sugar and put it on the pools to poison people. we'll screw it up and we'll regret it later. life will become more interesting, i don’t think. dima won’t say anything in vain, believe me, his phrases are verified. let’s also say that on the maidan they gave me a hero’s star for my body, simply because i’m russian, that’s enough. i really loved europe. now we have exchanged places, now we are in russia for freedom of opinion, but they are not, we are open to the world, but they are not, he is from the breed that did great russia. vladimirich says: i wish you success, you are now my employee, the same kiselyov, the premiere is on friday on rtr,
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maybe i’m on the left again, happily, happily. i'm happy sunday, for example, i told my daughter that she was adopted as soon as i took her from the orphanage, mom, dad, i adore you, hello, hello, i'm your mom, real, maybe we'll meet, test , which not everyone can stand, who is she anyway, this is some kind of scam for money, can i hug you, katya is not a stranger to me, she is my mother, katya needs money. a test that not everyone will dare to take. you won't refuse to take a dna test. the result has arrived. honey, we will explain everything to you. fly feather. on sunday on rtr, in the studio
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there are two wonderful teams presenting a fantastic film based on the story by kir boluchev, 100 years ago. they travel through a century. this is, of course, a russian folk kayak. to find the correct answers, i would really like to answer on saturday, but we’ll answer, perhaps, okroshka, mm, we need to be simpler, hut, who is guaranteed cosmic success, i’ll take responsibility for this answer, we have a powerful intrigue, 100 to one, 100 years ago, on sunday on rtr. next, let's continue in retro style, an unusual two-engine sports car was put up for auction in great britain,
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engineer tobias balard was inspired by racing cars of the twenties and thirties of the last century, he took as a basis an old aluminum body and two four-cylinder engines, modification of the engines allowed them to increase their power from 24 to 80 horsepower strength rub. but today drivers care not only about beauty and the speed of the car, but also the size, so as not to worry about parking space. a good option is subcompact crossovers. about new products in this subclass, ivan zenkevich. the subcompact crossover is almost ideal for the city. doesn't take up much space, maneuverable and nimble. affordable, let's see what 's new in this segment lately. nissan introduced the second generation of the kix suv. the exterior is made in the new
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corporate style of the brand with multi-storey front optics and rear lights in a single block. in addition, the model has noticeably increased dimensions both outside and inside. from now on, the kix can be equipped with an all-wheel drive system with a clutch on the rear axle. combined with a ground clearance of 213 mm, this gives. a significant increase in cross-country ability under the hood is a two-liter naturally aspirated gasoline engine with a capacity of 143 horsepower, paired with a v-belt variator; a hybrid version is also promised: the first car will appear overseas towards the end of summer, with access to other markets in the future. the brainchild of fav and volkswagen, the jetto brand entered our market last year. we present in our salons three models, including the vs5 suv, and recently an updated version was introduced in china. the new x-shaped radiator grille gives the crossover aggressive features. the bumpers have changed slightly, and
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jet's inscription appears on the tailgate instead of the brand emblem. the vs5 is still equipped with a 1.4-liter supercharged engine with a capacity of 150 horsepower, which can be combined with a five-speed manual or a six-speed automatic. very soon the updated vs5 will be available for order. we have. suv hyonda creeta in russian the market knows much better. and recently the manufacturer showed its pseudo-sports version nl. it is created on the basis of a restyled second-generation crossover. the sporty appearance of the car is given by body linings, different bumpers and radiator grille, as well as original wheels . the car is powered by a 1.5-liter gasoline turbo engine with 160 horsepower. box, six-speed manual or... seven-speed robot to choose from, front-wheel drive only. so far the new product has appeared in india, but will gradually reach other markets. by the way, hyonda
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creeta is being sold again in russia, only now under a new name , the solaris hc brand. look, don’t get it wrong, it’s being released in st. petersburg. the enline version is announced in the hubbub, so it will come to new products. and then there is another popular, but more dangerous type of transport. how to safely organize cycling in a modern city and separate pedestrian traffic flows, more on that later. the news continues to work live in andrey's studio. hello. houses, flooded in russia due to the most powerful flood in recent years, today the peak of the flood is expected in the tyumen city of ishimi, the water level there has exceeded the critical mark
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by almost 3 m. several settlements are still cut off from the mainland, more than a thousand residents have been evacuated from them. to protect villages in the region, in addition to the dam, 12 km of embankments were built. rescuers and emergency services personnel work around the clock to monitor the condition of hydraulic structures. and in the kurgan region the situation with the flood will stabilize overnight. the water level in the tabol river has dropped by 6 cm. however, a state of emergency remains in the region. everyone there is waiting for the peak of the flood. now about the events in the special operation zone in the avdeevka direction , the tankers of the center group of troops destroyed strongholds and armored vehicles of the nationalists. the servicemen, having received the coordinates, moved to a pre-prepared firing position. we adjusted the armament of the t-90m tank to break through with high-explosive fragmentation shells and hit targets from a distance of 10 km. tank crews support the actions of assault groups, pinning down the enemy, and also do not allow
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the nationalists to respond. fire, enemy strongholds, enemy manpower that was moving, we still had direct fire, and also hit enemy armored groups t-64 oplod and bradley infantry fighting vehicles. the marine unit of the northern fleet of the dnepr group of troops confidently controls the islands of the dnieper delta in the kherson region. almost every day, mainly at night, the enemy tries to enter this territory, but... to no avail, marine posts on the islands are necessary for in order to prevent and avoid the landing of ukrainian military personnel on the russian coast. at least 22 civilians, 18 of whom were children , were killed in the israeli strike on rafah. this was reported by the ministry of health of the gas sector. around the world, one explosion occurred in a refugee camp. earlier, israeli prime minister netanyahu said that the army
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would increase pressure on the militant in the coming days. according to him, this is the only opportunity to move forward on the issue of releasing the hostages. meanwhile in paris, amid tensions in the middle east, in the east, an action was held against racism and islamophobia, as well as against police brutality. several thousand people took part in it. the capital's prefecture initially banned the rally, citing potential risks to public safety, but the organizers went to court, which overturned the government's ban. and in... tens of thousands of people came out to anti-government rallies, mainly they are dissatisfied with the fact that the head of state is trying to reduce the role of private insurance companies and nationalize the largest of them. according to surveys , the majority of citizens note that this leads to problems with medical care and shortages of medications. the largest demonstration took place in the capital of the country , bogata; similar actions also took place in more than twenty other major cities. in syria
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, during an attempt to steal fuel from... an oil pipeline, a fiery fountain began to erupt. unknown people made a hole in the pipe, but the raw material suddenly ignited. one of the attackers died. the military is trying to stop the fire with earthenware. sand mounds. in this case, there is a possibility that the fire will not be extinguished quickly because too much oil has leaked from the pipe. the traditional kite festival has started in china. it is held in the city of waifang. in the east of the country, hundreds of kites of various shapes and colors were launched into the sky, there were traditional dragons, birds and dogs, breeds, corgis and pink bears, whales and giant octopuses. this year the colorful festival is being held for the forty-first time, annually, it attracts hundreds of participants and thousands of spectators from all over the world. next, news from your region with residents of moscow and the region. see you in a few seconds. now there is news from the capital
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region: today in moscow and the region the thermometer will rise to 15°, it will be cloudy with clearings, by the evening short-term rain is possible in some areas, the atmospheric pressure is slightly higher than normal - 747 mm hg. according to forecasters, this weather pattern will continue throughout the week. doctors at moscow clinics updated to the new standard conducted 45 million appointments, about this sergei sobyanin wrote today in his telegram channel. in total , more than 200 buildings were renovated in the capital, utility lines were completely replaced, ramps were installed, waiting areas were equipped, and the clinic became more comfortable for both patients and doctors. by the end of next year , about 140 more medical institutions will be repaired. it's day in moscow. open doors
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were held by the pirogov national research medical university. this year it took place in a new format as part of the pirogov fest festival. key the event was a panel. and this is very, very difficult, and people who are able to do this should also teach. pirogov university successfully solves the problem of training highly qualified doctors and scientists, opening new programs every year. last
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weekend in moscow, more than a million people took part in a citywide cleanup; residents helped utility workers clean lawns, arrange flower beds and plant trees and shrubs. igor roslavtsev supervised the work. with the rustling of leaves, parks wake up after winter, and help them muscovites who picked up rakes and brooms in the city of subbotnik. this is a tradition, a long-standing tradition, every year we come with our family, we make places in moscow, we give out cleaner equipment right on the spot. we came, they gave us everything, we worked, for our dear souls, it’s very nice to clean up our beloved city. good work creates an appetite, so for many.
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everyone knows each other, in general, we have a friendly team, this same friendly team assures us that next weekend they will go out again for cleanup so that the streets will shine clean. igor roslavtsev, alexey yaldin, ilya novikov and maria rudakova. news. in moscow
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, five more dedicated lanes for public transport have been organized in different areas of the city. they appeared in the first setunsky and novodanilovsky passages, on besedinsky and warsaw highways, as well as on kirovogradskaya street. there are 27 urban transport routes in these areas; after the introduction of dedicated lanes, buses and electric buses will be able to travel through these areas two to three times faster. in total , more than 460 km of dedicated lanes are currently organized in moscow. all news is available on the media platform, look at the app or on the website, don’t switch. immerse yourself in a world of luxurious coziness at rixsas golf villas and suite sharma sheeh, a stunning world -class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy
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contemporary design in rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits sharmasha. i'll steal you and take you away, let's go traveling, when we discover some new land, i 'll name it after you, elsa's land, earth elsa, on friday on rtr, hello,
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dear friends, your favorite program is on air 60 minutes, 60 minutes, today on rta. good morning everyone! good morning, on the calendar is monday april 22, on your screens this morning are vladislav zavelov and vera krasova, and we are also on your smartphones every day, if you subscribe to our telegram channel, on any day, in any weather, yes, yes, come in, but the winter season was closed like the summer, more than a thousand skiers in swimsuits and shorts made a mass descent down the slopes of the sheregesh resort. so riders from the kemerovo region, tourists from other russian regions completed the grelka fest, a fun ride that is chilling to watch. in april to say goodbye to the snow and see off
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the winter. the organizers have prepared 10 thematic descents. the most popular were the carnival red carpet. after such a rental, it would be nice to go straight to a warm bathhouse, for example, well, the ski season is closing, but two-wheelers are open, and with high accident rates. how to properly organize cycling in cities, we now have a story by alexander blinnikov, well and then a specially invited guest. worn. the saddle creaked as soon as the snowdrifts melted, if not for the reagents, i rode a bicycle all year round, says gleb, however, i constantly have to overcome obstacles, even on bicycle paths, people walk with strollers, just walk, well, in some places there are bicycle paths, they walk and unexpectedly end either in a fence or in a road. in conditions of a shortage of own roads, cyclists are built into the existing infrastructure, and this is where the conflict of interests begins. in big city. it is difficult to find infrastructure designed only for cyclists.
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most often it is combined with other flows, for example, a pedestrian sidewalk that smoothly crosses a bicycle path, and of course, not everyone likes such a neighborhood. i'm sorry, is everything okay? everything is fine. accidents and collisions with pedestrians on sidewalks force cyclists onto the road, but there motorists no longer consider them equal traffic participants. he hit it and damaged his wheel a little. i lectured him and naturally let him go the goyim did not call. instead of the european protocol, a strict conversation. the cyclist drove into alexander’s door because he didn’t notice. experts believe that many owners of two-wheelers generally ignore traffic rules. they violate the points that are prescribed in the traffic rules. for example, a pedestrian crossing is not crossed without dismounting, but simply crossed on a bicycle. this is what causes cyclists to end up on the hood of a car. motorists often violate the rules; the inattention of drivers from st. petersburg
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cost a cyclist his life. crashed into the door of a parked mercedes suddenly opened. the impact threw the cyclist into the middle of the roadway, where he was hit by a volvo car. in general , several hundred cyclists died in the country last year. experts are confident that this figure will increase if measures are not taken. there are mountain bikes that don't need roads at all. therefore, the temptation arises not to create anything for them. well, too much, or from some special one, saving money on it, but in this case we get conflicts, in many cities the infrastructure for cyclists is modest , it seems that it was made only for reporting, the routes are illogical, there are no bicycle parking areas, and you can only ride in parks with your family on weekends. we are talking about dedicated traffic routes for cyclists; this infrastructure should allow them to travel long distances - it should not suddenly start abruptly and also end abruptly. and such
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infrastructure exists in russia. almiyatevsk is called the cycling capital. there are hundreds of kilometers of bike paths here, you can move along throughout the city. there are traffic lights, bins, handrails and steps for people on two wheels . it remains to spread this experience throughout the country. let's continue the conversation with maxim gavrilyuk, senior lecturer at the department of organization of traffic safety, intelligent transport systems madi. maxim, hello! is there any demand for movement, where do cyclists go here,
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who is a priority, including, of course, that if the cycling infrastructure is completely separate, it does not overlap as much as possible nothing with pedestrians, transport infrastructure, well , cars themselves, of course, this is the safest story, but it’s not possible to do this everywhere, indeed, for example, in moscow, it’s hard for me to imagine how i can get from home to work by bicycle, but as if you can’t travel along the third transport ring on a bicycle, again there is development experience, for example, the
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same is true, yes, but if with the roadway, there are examples with the roadway to the center, i think, who uses a bicycle there, passes, we saw that a fairly narrow bicycle lane, which goes along with the flow, also gets into a storm drain with a wheel, it just lies, not across, but longitudinally, very often a storm drain appears, which also certainly, well, generally reduces the attractiveness for a bicycle of using this bicycle lane, well , not to mention what i said earlier in the story, these are actually parked cars, garbage cans appearing, which , of course, block it. and people don't move, but don't move together pedestrians, but it turns out that in addition to the need to integrate and arrange space for cyclists in the city, it is also necessary to introduce a level of a certain transport culture among the citizens, so who should do all this? well, if we are talking about infrastructure, in principle, this is always a request from the city from those bodies of subjects
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that are directly responsible for organizing traffic in cities, starting somewhere in the eighteenth or nineteenth year, in almost all cities they began to actively think about what vector is needed. that is, here, probably, there is not even a need for some kind of obligatory forced history in its development, the cities themselves understand this very well, if there is a request from residents, the city responds, including in terms of adjusting the not entirely rationally organized movement , if it is already clear from practice that something is not working correctly, then in any case, feedback from the user is very important for cyclists, and so are we, that is, in general, cycling can be considered in several positions, one position there when we are talking purely about sports, there is another part of users who are ready to start using a bicycle for their constant transportation to work, as transport, and indeed, well, we also have, well, let’s call them commercial groups, these are of various kinds couriers and other users who also need their own infrastructure, because well, we see that indeed they, too, can often
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become the cause of road accidents, to which we need to devote a separate conversation, i think, thank you, thank you, oh we talked to the senior about the development of cycling infrastructure. they honestly stated that they are ready to eat half a kilo at a time, even more, the appetites of every fourth person are more modest, 360 grams. we are preparing for the may holidays: pork kebab is in first place, chicken is in second, turkey is in third, lamb is in third, beef is also in the top and fish, and the vast majority do not cook the main dish of the may holidays to anyone except themselves or trusted loved ones, every fifth buys already
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marinated meat, and 10% buys a ready-made version, so as not to bother at all, well, for the may and summer season. by the way, one of the recent trends is opening - outdoor heaters, so that you can sit comfortably outdoors. dari tiunov will tell you what characteristics to choose such equipment for, how much it will cost. the thermometer is getting higher every day, but spending the evenings in the open air in suburban areas is still quite cool. it is not surprising that the demand for outdoor heaters for verandas and terraces among russian summer residents has increased significantly. if you look at the sale of outdoor heaters in first quarter of twenty-four, the number of purchases increased under. compared to last year by 22%, the average bill is 14% higher than last year. the price of such equipment depends primarily on the country of manufacture, the type of device, its power and heating area. the most popular outdoor heaters are gas and infrared; they come in two types based on the type of design: gas mushroom, also called gas umbrella and gas pyramid. the most budget option
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, a chinese-made mushroom heater , can be purchased for an average of 10-15,000 rubles. such equipment, however, in 90% of cases is made of aluminum with a service life. up to 3 years, has a small canopy, that is, a small heating area of ​​​​about 10-15 m and does not have a mobile chassis. higher-quality outdoor heaters, mushrooms of domestic or european production will cost from 20,000 rubles and above, these are usually made of stainless steel, will last about 10 years, have the largest heating area of ​​all outdoor heaters, the so-called “hat”, and the “mushroom” cap , the larger the surface, respectively, the speed of heat flow coverage of the heating zone, it will be higher, they are the most powerful, they... up to 25 m2 of the minuses, being near a gas mushroom less than 1 m is uncomfortable, very hot, and if the burner is not protected from the wind by a flask , the flame can blow out, just such pyramid heaters have no problems, the price of these is... 30-4000 rubles. after all, their main difference from the flame mushroom is in a special glass flask. a glass tube in which combustion occurs, from
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which infrared radiation occurs. it is important what material it is made from, what it can withstand temperature changes. it must be made of silicate fireproof glass, because the device is located outside, it can rain at any moment, it must withstand this temperature change. the heating area will be slightly smaller than that of a gas mushroom, about 20 m2, but the pyramid looks larger. aesthetically pleasing, the flame inside the flask creates a special coziness in the evening. in addition, they have a high degree of fire safety. it was for this parameter that i chose a heater for my dacha today in a hardware store moskvich vladimir. and the price, according to men, is quite favorable. the price of this device for me was 41.00 rubles. the service life, as stated in the document, is 10 years, subject to warranty coverage of 2 years. this device is absolutely safe. in general , there are plenty of options to keep warm on cool spring evenings in your suburban area. where
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only the warmth of the sun will be enough, we’ll find out everything soon from our weather forecaster, don’t switch, yes egorova, i’m painting my nails, i have every right, the premiere, it’s become old, yes, but you’re like us cucumber, you know i would marry you. us, hello, hello, what next? mikhail andreevich, holy is the buyer. angels of the area. today on рrt. we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk. are you with us? yes, when my soldiers come running. they carried me away and another shelling began. they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, and this, let’s say, is my trophy,
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someone was hungry, here comes my grandmother, she ’s hungry herself, but she carries this kurba to the prison and says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys in, i have such caring people, support me in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you are doing is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, there are still no ideal pregnancy tests, go to the sea with your husband. on saturday, i’ll come to the institute and give him a surprise, this is my passion, like you
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you can’t understand this, passion, any problem can be cured by the sea, you need to unwind, go on a yacht ride, the sea, the sun, vitamin d, you are a very beautiful girl, you dream of having a holiday romance, forget it, i’m not like the hotel she’s in, i want save ours. he came with her with his mistress, make all lena jealous, what do you have with my wife, your marriage is bursting at the seams, sea overseas, premiere, our lives can’t just fall apart like that, don’t think about it, on saturday on rtr, i she said, i want a white cat, so you come up and you’re good, he loves grab there... voice, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying after
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the performance, you're in a hurry, talk, guys, i should feed the hamster, you're among friends, among friends, program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, all the animals are visiting. to us, in one of the villages of the komi republic, there is a unique shelter for animals, at first its owners, a family from the region, rescued feral sick horses, but then other doomed animals began to appear, mixed breeds, huskies, tibetan mostiv, other dogs, two dozen cats, now there is one more tenant, the gray crow fill, who was tired of his previous owner with excessive talkativeness, many diseases are treated here themselves, now she has already recovered...
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the mother of the family, the head of the management company, the father, a brilliant doctor, the son district police officer, how to help everyone and not go crazy, watch today at 21:20 on our channel, the first episode of the comedy melodrama angels of the district, have you lost your mind, or what? you understand that he had an accident on the seventeenth, people there have been without hot water for two days, meet the angels ordinary, or rather completely extraordinary , the shatalov family in this provincial town plays the role of a district-forming enterprise, because around them you can say: everything revolves, each resident comes with their own problems and hopes, in fact they are all good people, everyone in the city knows them as truly decent, like a decent, kind family, that’s why, well, for some they are angels, and the head of the family, alena shottalova, brilliantly played by anna mikhalkova, at the same time the head of the largest management company, is forced to communicate with not the nicest officials. well, the tenants are always
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unhappy, but you and i have never had any problems. no, why create it, although who are we kidding, there will still be problems, either a cunning neighbor will decide to open a dubious hotel for newlyweds, or the local janitor will suddenly become inflamed with love for the foreign way of life, we need to collect, as in amsterdam, then in amsterdam or something was? no, i saw on tv that if a wife brilliantly solves all of zhkokh’s problems, then her husband is no less brilliant at taking care of the health of the area’s residents in his area, he knows everyone inside and out, who has what diagnosis of the problem. with nerves, heart, and sometimes with adultery. hello, doctor, hello, i’m so uncomfortable, you don’t even represent me. in general, this is at the same time a very simple, at the same time very complex story, like everything that happens in the lives of ordinary people, only in the movies it is always a little more funny or sad. well, of course, most of all i want the viewer to like it, for people to smile, for people somewhere to
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sad with them. and shotata themselves will be the first to experience various emotions. after all , after a twenty-year absence , a former neighbor comes to their once communal apartment and demands the return of his rightful room, which had been locked all these years, he went through many professions during his absence from his homeland, but he still returned here and somehow tries build your life and your daughter’s, all this against the backdrop of the famous nizhny novgorod embankments landscapes of sunsets, mesmerizing with their beauty, but will the angels be able to find out? we can maintain peace in the family and order in the whole region today, don’t miss the first episodes at 21:20 only on our channel, then with the super prefix, the next one, doctor, what are you complaining about, i have a superpower, well, show me, you better protect yourself, oh ,
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i also have a superpower, what do you use to brush your teeth? you are watching the news on the russia channel, good morning, in the studio andrey shevtsov, water level. mark of almost 3 m, today the peak of the flood is expected in the tyumen city of ishim, artillery dealt a powerful blow in the seversky direction, under the solidarity of attack aircraft from the primorye region, they took a fortified area, at least 22 dead residents, 18 of whom were children killed as a result of an israeli strike on rafah. more than
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1,500 houses are flooded in russia due to the most powerful flood in recent years; today the peak of the flood is expected in the tyumen city of ishim. the water level there exceeded the critical level by almost 3 m. several settlements are still cut off from the mainland, more than a thousand residents were evacuated from them. to protect villages in the region, in addition to the dam 12 km of embankments were built. rescuers and emergency services staff work around the clock.
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having received the coordinates of the targets from the reconnaissance officers, the artillerymen quickly deployed the installation into a combat position and attacked enemy positions with missiles. from a distance of more than 12 km. inflicting massive strikes on areas where nationalists are concentrated makes it possible to support the assault operations of the group’s units. at strong points, mainly at hidden enemy positions. there is equipment somewhere, well, at intersections we try catch. well, without artillery, there’s no way at all, as if until the artillery works, no one comes. yeah, so the artillery is constantly working. in support of the infantry. in the southern donetsk direction, nationalist positions are attacked by army aircraft. the crews of aircraft 134 attacked the enemy stronghold and manpower. targets are hit by high-explosive
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aerial bombs with a universal planning and correction module. this allows you to carry out successful attacks without entering the enemy's air defense zone. after completing the task, having received confirmation of destruction important objects, the crew returned to the departure airfield. russian units are acting as a united front, artillery, drones, aircraft and, of course, assault groups with advanced reporting by eduard punigov. south donetsk direction, outskirts of volnovakha, here the 394th regiment of the fifth army from primorye works on the front line. in this footage , an assault unit conducts reconnaissance in force. soldiers consistently clear out fortified enemy positions. the group is led by the famous commander saval. in this battle , there are only two attack aircraft on our side, eight enemy soldiers. we always try to work in small quantities. when we enter their support forces, they are not really visible
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, they hid behind the board, my fighters arrive, and there is heavy fire. one of the participants in this battle is an attack aircraft with the call sign greek. according to him, he had to work under heavy enemy fire. the greek then received a shrapnel wound in the leg, but it didn’t matter. continued to carry out the assigned task, the commander prepares us very well for battle, creates an imitation of the battle, almost the same as what was there, well, in principle, we were already prepared for this. the other participant in the battle is an attack aircraft with the call sign zema. movement, ground, inconvenience, because there are craters, boards, sticks everywhere, you stumble, this was the main difficulty, that there was no particular time to look at your feet. the soldiers captured several soldiers, interrogated them, fed them, then... he was so hungry, damn it, eat, eat, don’t pay attention, but our prisoners, according to the admission of one of the ukrainian soldiers , are treated much worse than our prisoners, russian soldiers, which you catch, you
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just dragging bastard, you kill, right, the stormtroopers are now recuperating in the training camp, the assault troops are always in full combat readiness, even during breaks between missions, they conduct training every day, practice a variety of scenarios that may be useful in... saval's group is preparing for the next assault operation; in a couple of days the fighters will again go to the front line. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. at least 22 civilians, 18 of whom were children, died in as a result of the israeli strike on rafah. this was reported by the ministry of health of the gas sector. at least one explosion occurred in a refugee camp. earlier, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu said that the army would increase pressure on the militants in the coming days. according to him. according to him, this is the only opportunity to move forward on the issue of releasing the hostages. israeli publications, meanwhile , write that the united states is considering the possibility of introducing sanctions against some idf units, which, according to
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washington, violated human rights in regarding the palestinians. a major fire occurred at the giant gazzipur landfill, which is located in the east of new delhi in india, what exactly caused the fire is still unknown. several fire trucks were sent to the site; excavators had to be used to eliminate the outbreak; extinguishing is complicated by the burning gas emitted by the waste. there were no casualties, but acrid smoke poured into nearby residential areas. this landfill is called the largest in india, covering an area of ​​about 40 football fields and its height is about 54 m. seven people, including a child, were victims of an accident that occurred during a car race in sri lanka; during the race, one of the drivers lost control. the car flew off the road and crashed into a crowd of spectators, who, judging by the available footage, were separated from the car flying towards them only by a fragile fence. 21 people were injured, four of them are in serious
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condition, more than 100,000 people came to watch the race this year. next, regional news, don’t switch. now news from the capital region. today in moscow and the region the thermometer will rise to 15°, it will be cloudy with clearings. by the evening , short-term rain is possible in some areas, the atmospheric pressure is slightly higher than the norm of 747 mm hg, according to forecasters, this weather pattern will continue throughout the week. the city's bike share company will fine users for illegally parked bikes. the amount of recovery is 1.0 rub. to complete the rental correctly, you need to find parking on the application map, leave the vehicles at the station with orange stripe or... in the city
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parking lot for personal mobility equipment, complete the rental, secure the bike with a cable, and also take a photo of it. at the memorial to the hero of pamfilov pom volokolamsky, the development of a project for the reconstruction of the field system of dugout trenches began. this year marks 49 years since the opening of the monument. during this time , the condition of the structure has deteriorated; after the work, the complex will again acquire its original appearance and will be accessible to tourists. all news is available on media platform, watch in the app or on the website, see you! welcome to rixsas premium magavish suds and villas in hurghada, where luxury rooms and villas combine with 1 km of golden sandy beach. impeccable service and
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exquisite cuisine will make your vacation unforgettable. rixas premium magavish sessions & villas - the vacation you've been dreaming of. welcome to the newest pixos hotel in sharmelsheikh. riksas rodomis sharmelshey. an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of their children parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday. rixas, radomis sharmel sheikh. 40 years ago, the series tas is authorized to declare on the screens of the country. it is based on the true story of alexander ogorodnik, an employee of the soviet foreign ministry. he is also a trianon spy who was recruited by agents. cia
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in our program are kgb officers who will tell new details of this high-profile case, as well as the illegitimate daughter of alexandra a gardener who dreams of finding relatives in russia. malakhov, today on rtr. good morning. hello, this is your morning on the russia tv channel, here. vera krasova, vladislav zavyalov, and we invite you to start a new day with us on april 22. as we know, there is no bad weather in nature, but the same cannot be said about people’s mood, which still depends on the weather. statistics have shown that in the cold season, russians are more likely to get married, and in the warm season, they are more likely to flirt. so in the spring, right at the end of april, the audience of russian applications for dating, in some regions up to 100%.
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who people are looking for, a partner to spend the may weekend together, go to barbecues, and the bravest ones will even go on a short trip, no one knows with whom, but in winter the majority, at least men, are in the mood for a serious relationship, which is clearly stated in their profiles , that is, where winter briefly dropped in at the end of april, unions will most likely be stronger and more durable, ready to tell fortunes for the betrothed. only siberians will run, so let me go tell you, in the southern regions of russia, st. petersburg residents will only flirt, local showers will occur in sachs under the influence of atmospheric fronts, and thunderstorms are not excluded in some places, but together with the clouds...
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well-warmed air masses will begin to enter the region, as a result, in the second half of the period, the daytime temperature here will rise to +26 :31, only in crimea it will be cooler, in the afternoon +20-25, in the middle volga the working week starts with sunny, abnormally hot weather, in the daytime +24-29, but on tuesday and wednesday rains are expected in the region, bringing a temperature drop of up to +15 . in the southern part until +18:23, here in the north-west of russia, after a winter relapse, spring is returning, under the influence of... the southern part up to +10-15, in the north up to +5 -10° there will be rain, warming will begin only on tuesday-wednesday , a short-term cooling is possible, depending on the weather central russia will also be affected by the influence
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of the atlantic cyclone, and here too it will not do without local downpours, the daytime temperature here is +14-19, in the black soil even up to... a short-term cooling is expected on tuesday, on average by 2-3°. in the urals, the working week starts off abnormally warm weather, in the midday hours up to +18:23, but on tuesday and wednesday arctic air masses will break through here, as a result the daytime temperature will drop to +2-7°, only on thursday-friday the weather will improve again and become 4-5 ° already now an atmospheric front carrying arctic air masses is breaking into southern siberia, starting from tuesday, the temperature here will drop to 0.+5°, so the rains can turn into snow, only on thursday-friday the precipitation will begin to take on a local short-term nature and the sun
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will be able to warm the air to +61, in the southern part the far east is dominated by the asian anticyclone, so there is mostly... no precipitation as a result, the daytime temperature in the coastal areas in the continental areas of primorye and the amur region will rise to +18-23° only on the coast of the sea of ​​japan it will be cool, but here too by the end of the working week the thermometers will rise will reach +10-15. thank you vadim, thank you vadim for the relatively good news, it means it’s spring in st. petersburg too and even on the imicon, that’s good, isn’t it? vadim zavodchenkov spoke about the weather on next week. tai gorovo, i paint my nails, i have every right. premiere on russia channel. it's getting old, right? but you are like a cucumber to us. you know, i would marry you, well, you’re with us. hello. mikhail andreevich,
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buyer of flowers. angels of the area. today at 21:20 on the russia channel. safe, environmentally friendly, delicious. a dutch company has conducted the first tasting of laboratory-grown pork sausage. during production , animal stem cells are used, which are cultured and converted into fat cells. the resulting product consists of almost a third grown meat, the rest of the ingredients are of plant origin. the tasters liked the fried sausage; they admitted that it was tender and juicy. company. hopes that in the future, mass production of such meat will reduce the number of farms, and therefore the carbon footprint that their inhabitants leave. the cost of producing artificial meat is about 5 euros per kilogram, 500 rubles. real meat or laboratory meat, you still have to live it.
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this requires healthy teeth, but in the pursuit of their whiteness, many forget that some products can damage the enamel. alena found out how to make teeth shining and at the same time healthy. kashtanova. self-care has been elevated to a cult. and taking care of the appearance of your teeth takes up a significant part of it. the goal of girls this summer is to achieve a beautiful smile. i have been using the whitening paste for a month now and have noticed that my enamel has become much whiter. in pursuit of whiter teeth, unfortunately, many today go even further. on the internet you can find all kinds of ways to whiten at home. one of the most popular with using activated carbon. i'm pleased with the result. i have teeth. smooth, have become a little lighter, and they become smooth due to the abrasive properties of activated carbon; a similar effect will be if you replace it with baking soda. yes, you can remove some of the stains there that cannot be removed with regular toothpaste, but you need to understand that both soda and activated carbon are a hard abrasive
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that can leave scratches on the surface of the enamel, and with regular use, it erases the enamel, she becomes thinner, and this in the future may negate all efforts. your teeth will become darker, not whiter, because their color itself is determined not by the enamel, but by the dentin that lies underneath it. the pigments will shine through more brightly from under the thin enamel in the dentin, and accordingly you will not receive whitening as such. in addition to mechanical abrasives, there are also chemical bleaching methods, for example, using lemon juice. citric acid successfully destroys plaque, but it can also make the enamel thinner and the teeth more sensitive. another common method - using hydrogen peroxide. when using them. they release free radicals that penetrate the tooth enamel, which promotes the oxidation of colored pigments. strictly speaking, hydrogen peroxide is included in professional products. for teeth whitening, but if its use at home is fraught with burns of the mucous membrane, then in
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the dentist’s office these risks tend to zero, for now i just isolate the gums from the effects of the whitening composition, then a paste with the necessary hydrogen peroxide concentrations are activated using ultraviolet light or a laser; dentists began to use the latter relatively recently; with laser, lower concentrations of peroxide are used, because the laser itself has the effect of splitting pigments. obviously, professional whitening is safer than home whitening, but it is not suitable for everyone. dentists do not recommend performing procedures for hypersensitive teeth. and if there are fillings and crowns in the front rows. unlike enamel , they are not bleached during the process; replace, which will add cost to an already not very budget procedure. and it’s worth considering that the boom in porcelain white teeth has long passed. it might be worth focusing on keeping it natural. whiteness of your teeth, and for this , thorough home care and professional cleaning at
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the dentist’s office at least twice a year are enough. russians have started enrolling their children in first grade, yes, yes, it’s time, the admissions campaign has started and will last until the beginning of september, and parents don’t have to need to come to school. this can be done through the state services portal, which is actively developing thanks to the digital economy national project. this is maxim’s room, we plan to put a corner for the schoolchild, a table, a closet here, so that he can study comfortably. maxim will go to first grade in the fall, the boy is really looking forward to this event, especially since he is completely ready for school, he can read, count, and write. who hasn't been able to write for 6 years? well, or even read. a couple of letters together with connected everything. plasticine. maxim could show his talents in one of the best schools in blagoveshchensk, his mother yulia is submitting an application there today,
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especially since this can be done in just a few clicks. the procedure itself took literally a few minutes, since our data was uploaded on the state services website in my personal account, i only needed to confirm it. applicants do not need to attach any documents at all, because all information is taken from a personal record on the public service portal, and the educational organization has the opportunity to check these documents against interdepartmental ones. request is very convenient they say in schools, and we also managed to get rid of the paperwork of queues of moms and dads storming educational institutions. all parents, basically, the overwhelming majority, came here in person and lined up. we are glad that now through government services you can now register your child electronically, remotely, so to speak. and how happy the parents are beyond words? they use the convenient service with pleasure. in just the first 2 days of the reception campaign, russians sent 500 future mothers and fathers through government services first-graders preferred to enroll their children in
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school through the portal. at any possible or convenient time, yes, you can submit an application, even if it’s in the evening, even though you don’t need to take time off from work to rush to find out how to apply, what documents to bring you, it took about 40 seconds, it was very fast, i thought it was necessary there directly create a whole questionnaire, but no, i answered a couple of questions, created an application from... and the school instantly received it, all because, thanks to the national project, the digital economy, the state services portal is rapidly developing. in this year , russians can enroll their child in first grade using the website from april to september. in the first wave, which will last until june 30, you can only submit an application to the school at the child’s place of registration or to the one where the older brother or sister of the future first-grader studies. you will be able to choose an educational institution in another area from july 6 to september 5. the sooner parents apply, the sooner they will receive a response. his school must send it within 3 days from the date. parents can see in their personal
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office on the state services portal, the status changes when the application is accepted based on the results of its consideration; if the answer is positive, parents will need to bring the original documents to the educational institution and then wait for the exciting moment when the first school bell rings for their first grader. premiere, so stop it, alexander pankratov black, next time, i won’t miss it, alexander ropok, comrade, take off the handcuffs, tomorrow under escort to the twentieth apartment, clearly, anna mikhalkova, assigned one to the police, another to the clinic, and she herself... will kill or beat up, maybe fyodor lavrov, well,
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look at how beautiful she is, and what a woman, huh? where others give up, their wings grow, that means, i won’t accept this, angels of the area, today on rtr, your favorite songs are playing in our studio, let’s go,
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on saturday, you have a phone there, well, give me, please, he is chasing me, and you saved me, every girl dreams of a prince on a white horse, i met you, my princess, you will be my wife, yes, but not everyone who is
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on a horse, a prince, owes us ours. please, acquaintance and roll call, possible without formation. i am very glad that you came to visit me. how much tea is drunk, how many stories are told. i was cocky in a white tuxedo. and for me it was probably
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akin to the appearance of christ to the people. how many secrets have been told? the territory turned into a fragrant and bright garden, impressive footage was taken from a drone; of course, they cannot convey the aroma, but they perfectly demonstrate the picturesqueness of this place. flowering lasts no more than two weeks, during which time you can admire the sea of ​​colors in the reserve almost 5 million residents come as tourists,
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look at the red and white purple slopes, you can from the observation deck or prog. the room is a testing ground for art experiments, especially for those who like to put together large paintings from small parts. instead of a dull tiled wall, craftsmen create real mosaic masterpieces here. now the last piece is glued, and we leave our panel for several days until the glue hardens. mosaic is a fairly ancient technique for creating images, which appeared in
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the east even before our era. such art was popular in soviet times, but today artists surprise. the internet with their unusual works and do not always place them in home interiors. paintings created using the mosaic technique always gain hundreds of thousands. views, because the work is painstakingly complex, you first need to make a sketch of the drawing, and then lay it out from thousands of small parts, most often they use ceramics or stone, and the material is split into pieces with a special hammer. however, in order to create a mosaic , any material is suitable, for beginners, for example, practice on paper, don't think it's that easy. having gained experience, you can switch to broken tiles or multi-colored glass, and especially creative ones create a mosaic from scraps of fabric, it turns out very unusual,
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we give the master a well-deserved like. everyone who enters your room will all say, wow, what a bedspread. the cover is not everything. you can decorate your entire apartment with mosaics, from the wall to the floor to the furniture. look how beautiful the chairs are, albeit everyday ones. objects turn into a work of art, it is not customary to sit on museum exhibits. oh, no, no, thank you, i’ll stand, it’s so beautiful, it’s better to look at it from above, and not put the dishes down. and then, be a man, look, this is for you. oh, what is this? this is the alphabet, you will go to school with it. look, karl got himself a new toy again, how can he go to school, he can go. can’t, now he can, scientists from russia will teach any robot to walk as if it were alive, but
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we’ll tell you how to teach a robot to walk very soon, oh, maybe i should get one for myself, come on in in the evening, i’ll tell you all about robots, well, let him tell you when he returns from school, hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air... 60 minutes 60 minutes today at 11:30 and 17:30 on the russia channel. the news continues to work live. in the studio andrey shevtsov. hello. more than 15 thousand houses are flooded in russia due to the most powerful flood in recent years. today the peak of the flood is expected in the tyumen city of ishim. level. residents, to protect villages
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in the region, in addition to the dam, 12 km of embankments were built. rescuers, emergency workers services work around the clock, monitoring the condition of hydraulic structures. and in the kurgan region , the flood situation is stabilizing. during this night , the water level in the tabol river dropped by 6 cm. however, in the region. the servicemen, having received the coordinates, moved to a pre-prepared firing position, aimed the weapons of the t-90m tank, and hit targets from a distance of 10 km with high-explosive fragmentation shells. tank crews support the actions of the assault group. enemy, and also do not allow you to enter nationalists return fire. enemy strongholds, enemy manpower that
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was moving, we also had direct fire missions. they also hit enemy armored groups, t-64 oplod, and bradley infantry fighting vehicles. the marine unit of the northern fleet of the dnepr group confidently controls the islands of the dnieper delta in the kherson region. almost. every day, mainly at night, the enemy tries to enter this territory, but to no avail. murpekh posts on the islands are necessary in order to prevent and avoid landings ukrainian military to the russian coast. at least 22 civilians, 18 of whom were children , were killed in the israeli strike on rafah. this was reported by the ministry of health of the gas sector. at least one explosion occurred in a refugee camp. earlier, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu announced that in the coming days. the army will increase pressure on the militants. according to him, this is the only opportunity to move forward on the issue of releasing the hostages. meanwhile, in paris, amid tensions in the middle east, a protest was held
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against racism and islamophobia, as well as against police brutality. several thousand people took part in it. the capital's prefecture initially banned the rally, citing potential risks to public safety. however, the organizers went to court, which overturned the ban. authorities, in colombia tens of thousands of people came out to anti-government rallies, mainly they are unhappy with the fact that the head of state is trying to reduce the role of private insurance companies and nationalize the largest of them. by according to surveys, the majority of citizens note that this leads to problems with medical care and shortages of medications. the largest demonstration took place in the country's capital, bogata. similar events were also held in more than twenty other major cities. in syria, a fiery fountain began to erupt from an oil pipeline during an attempt to steal fuel from it. unknown persons made a hole in the pipe, but the raw material suddenly ignited. one of the...
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attackers died, the military is trying to set the fire using earthen sand embankments, and there is a possibility that the fire could not be extinguished quickly because too much oil had leaked from the pipe. the traditional kite festival has started in china , it is held in the city of weifang, in the east of the country. hundreds of kites of various shapes and colors were launched into the sky. there were traditional dragons, birds, dogs, corgis and pink bears, whales. and giant octopuses. this year the colorful festival is taking place for the forty-first time. every year it attracts hundreds of participants and thousands of spectators from all over the world. further news from your region with residents of moscow and the region. see you in a few seconds. now news from the capital
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region. today. in moscow and the region the thermometer will rise to 15°, it will be cloudy with clearings, and short-term rain is possible in some areas by the evening. atmospheric pressure is slightly higher than normal at 747 mmhg . according to forecasters, this weather pattern will continue throughout the week. in moscow, five more dedicated lanes for public transport have been organized in different areas of the city. they appeared in the first setunsky and novodanilovsky passage on besedinsky and varshavsky. highway, as well as on kirovogradskaya street. 27 urban transport routes pass through these sections. after the introduction of dedicated lanes, buses and electric buses will be able to travel through these areas two to three times faster. in total , more than 460 km of dedicated lanes are currently organized in moscow. in moscow , the pirogov national research medical university held an open day. this year it took place in a new format with
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health experts also senior schoolchildren who are planning to connect their lives with medicine were able to meet with representatives of faculties and the admissions team and communicate with graduates, students and teachers of the university. serious science is always conveyed, it is always a path into the unknown, it is always work for...
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igor yaroslavtsev observed the work. with the rustling of leaves, the parks wake up after winter, and they are helped by muscovites who picked up rakes and brooms in the city of subbotnik. this is a tradition, a long tradition, every year since we come as a family, we make places in moscow, they gave out cleaner equipment right on the spot. we came, they gave us everything, we worked for our dear souls, it’s very nice to clean up our beloved city. good work creates an appetite, so at many points there were field kitchens, somewhere they served buckwheat porridge, and somewhere pilaf, so that competitions were also organized to see who would collect the most bags of leaves, yes, who would collect them the fastest, that’s it well, in addition, entertainment, various contests and competitions were also organized for children. this this is the second cleanup event in the capital as part of the beautification month. the mayor's office has already decided to clean up parks, courtyards and urban
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areas, and it's 1.40. people, work was in full swing this weekend in the moscow region, in the village of nosovo, for example, neighbors united to collect leaves and sweep the sidewalks of the main street. nature loves cleanliness, and we love nature, so we must live in purity. during the cleanup, not only the sidewalks around the house are cleaned, but the monuments in ostella, dedicated to the heroes of the great patriotic war, have already been washed. now you need tidy up the area around. half an hour of work, the monument shines and the area around it. all our people have lived here for a long time, everyone knows each other, in general, we have a friendly team, this same friendly team assures us that next weekend there will be a cleanup work on the streets again. after long discussions, we managed to adopt the optimal improvement project and implement it for the benefit of muscovites,
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sergei sobyanin wrote today on his personal website. there will be routes for walking, cycling and activities on the territory. run. the park also has 90 sports fields for team sports. sports, skateparks, exercise equipment. our news is always available on the media platform: look at the application or on the website, good luck. sunday. for example, i told my daughter about the reception as soon as i took her here at home. mom, dad, i adore you. hello. hello, i'm your real mom, maybe we can meet? a test that not everyone can pass. who is she anyway? is this some kind of money scam? can i hug you? katya is not a stranger to me, she is mine
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mother. katya needs money! a test that not everyone will dare to take. you won't refuse to do a dna test, will you? have you received the result? honey, we will explain everything to you. fly feather. on sunday on rtr. how did you get here, vatler? by train? and it's a great vacation. this is the sleeping beauty. so i don’t understand who i saw. but we don’t have weight to give away, there are three of them in total, 90, 60, 90, this is their age, pick a hand from my knee, count to 5,000, humor, humor, humor, premiere on saturday on rtr. good
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morning! good morning, well, monday 22 april, a new day, a new working week, we welcome vladislav zavyalov and vera krasova with you. fraudsters are updating themselves, yes, now fake police officers have appeared for pseudo-noble purposes, they are trying to steal passwords from government services, but they have one task: using your account: to apply for loans from microfinance organizations. keep this in mind. they can call you via video conference on instant messengers, show you fake ids, talk to you.
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i replaced the meters, after 20 minutes it turned out that the taps were not working at the kirov vodokanal they even organized an entire campaign to warn the population about the attack of scammers who placed infected qr codes in all public places. a person can scan some qr code for payment, go to a fictitious website and make some kind of payment in favor of completely third parties. every day there are more and more similar examples throughout the country, experts talk about the boom of the so-called quishing, fraud. with qr codes, all graphic images that are in the public domain are at risk. attackers can, for example, real-code, which leads to some trusted resource, they can paste their qr code. either some links to follow,
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or some kind of payment information, the second even more dangerous situation is when a malicious program is automatically downloaded to your mobile phone using a qr code. this could be a malicious file that gains access to our phone, and , for example, gains remote control of this phone, and after that, if we launch a mobile bank and enter a login password there, then the fraudster will gain access to this data. experts continue, the qr code system itself has discredited itself, it turned out to be very vulnerable on the one hand, on the other it is unprofitable as a payment instrument, the usual bonuses and loyalty programs with a qr code do not work, so unless the system is modernized, its security and convenience will be improved , perhaps we will see its gradual fading, but for now it is better to open qr codes with the help of antiviruses, modern programs have such a function, it first checks where the link leads, and if everything is... safe, then it allows
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access. there is something to discuss with alexey gusev, an associate professor at the ruden institute of world economy and business and an expert in the field of cybersecurity. well, it seems to be quick and convenient, i just pointed the scanner and paid. on the other hand, it turns out unreliably. why is it that everything always starts from the wrong place for us? first provide protection, security, responsibility. and then implement it, when we started the story by showing a click on ads, where there is something connected with housing and communal services, let's remember, well, literally a year or two ago, similar payments for housing and communal services with fake details, well, in fact , everyone was talking about this, yes, the only thing we see here is that a code appears here and , as it were, a new tool that does not force you to enter all this manually, this is the same classic phishing only through qr codes quishing , but nothing really. happened, why doesn't the application stop
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the fraudulent transaction? well, i wouldn’t say that it doesn’t stop, the fact is that every bank has a system of front monitoring, yes, that is, it’s precisely the counteraction to fraudsters, which means that there is a certain analysis, that is, relatively speaking, if someone in russia pays with a european bank card for services in southeast asia, well, it’s probably worth thinking about, and if you don’t immediately understand that the operation is in the red zone, then let’s call the client let's clarify. moreover, now there is a very strict tightening, because actually a year ago the law was adopted, now it is coming into force, now something has already been worked out, yes, and banks are simply obliged to suspend these operations, even despite the fact that there is a split second goes for it this is a quick payment after all, from july you can return the money if it’s gone, well, look, there’s such a subtlety in the procedure, you have 2 days, these 2 days you can freeze the operation, accordingly, until you interview the client, yes, if, however... the client agreed, well, if yes, he insists,
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the bank is obliged to carry out this operation, in this situation he is again not responsible for anything, but if in this situation he did not inform the client, then these funds are needed return, the client must check the purpose of the payment in the line, if this payment fraudulent, i use card codes quite often, yes, but i always assume that i have scanners, a security system, i usually ask either the administrator, well, not like the cashier, he usually... link , but i will pause and prefer not to walk on it, of course, if something is posted on the street, yes, but it’s scary, yes, is it possible to fine an organization, for example, a cafe or a store, that has an invalid or fraudulent qr code? you can fine, the question is how much it will help, because we say again, there are options, when qr codes are placed in public places,
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then we understand that this is a place for designated advertising, and there is some kind of control, then those who are again involved in supporting this site can do this accordingly, they can indeed be fined, they also bear responsibility, yes they also bear responsibility, but the cafe is not yet regulated by appropriate measures, while in general they understand from their own experience that this must be done, and using the same camera they can track who exactly came to this place, especially if it is, say, a bank, if it is some kind of government organization. yes, that is, normal identification, which allows sooner or later this person to be found, well, then, forgive us for fraud, for fraud, fraud in the field of information technology, there is appropriate legislation, which is quite effectively applied, in general it and can be used for these purposes, you just need to take it up, forewarned is forearmed, thank you, thank you, thank you, oh fraud with qr codes and methods of protection, we spoke with an associate professor at the institute of world economy. business rudn expert in the field of cybersecurity alexey gusev. have a nice
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day, thank you. collection. the seventh season, i was very scared here, well, mostly of course for myself, because it was impossible, impossible, on friday at 21:30, the depths of the sea are now conquered by a steel penguin, in the water you cannot distinguish it from the real one, except that the color gives it away , german technologists have designed and
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have already tested a new autonomous underwater device, it will collect data about the ocean, diving to a depth of up to 150 m, four engines allow the car to reach speeds of more than 18 km/h. the main thing is that it inspires trust among marine inhabitants more than any botiskav. well, russian engineers and programmers are teaching robots to walk like humans. the problem that experts all over the world are working on, and where they have already advanced, was observed by andrei negrov. meet khariton, a full-size humanoid robot that can walk on two legs, and does it faster than anyone else. similar machines. chinese engineers created androids and invited the whole world to improve his gait. one copy was literally delivered to russian programmers the other day; they gave the robot a name and managed to study the device. this robot has two computers, one is responsible for motion control and the other for computer vision processing. machine vision is provided by
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a depth camera and ledar. movement is provided by 19 motors, four in each arm, five in each leg. also here on the belt, in the future this will help the humanoid perform a variety of tasks, but while walking is the most important of them, it may seem to some that there is nothing difficult in this, but if you think about it, every step of a person is essentially a controlled fall, which is prevented by the creation of a new support, this can be reproduced using a computer and drives - an extremely difficult goal. this is a colossal amount of calculations, floating lines of code in the computer terminal, when he actually takes the first step, he does not fail. does the second one, and can also move his hand at this moment or turn your body, this means that a tremendous amount of work has been done and it is very important, androids must work where humans live, there are too many obstacles for wheeled and tracked vehicles, plus psychologists have noticed that bipedal machines give us more confidence. unlike all other robots
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, it is most pleasant for a person to communicate with a humanoid; if desired , you can even hug him. in general, while people react to this android in approximately the same way as 5 years ago they looked at such... robotic dogs, it was interesting to watch them movements, but it is not clear how to use it, today experts showed robots, for example, that they can be trusted to monitor various objects, for example, equip them with a thermal imager and send them to a workshop where metal is smelted. the robot moved around the plant, taking temperature readings from specific points on tanks of molten metal, with the goal of identifying cracks, and this data could help prevent the failure of these tanks in advance. and this robot was tested at a construction site, where it monitored the progress of the construction of the structure, with using lidar, he took constant measurements and passed them on to engineers, and also made sure that workers followed safety precautions and wore helmets and vests. morning of russia, don't
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forgive the main thing. castra is a product of stellar group. titanic luxury collection. mancacher whiskey is a product of the steller group. a hotel for unforgettable experiences. rixsas sharmelsheikh. only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment
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throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixsus sharma. this is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. cognac monte shococa is a product. stellar group. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic, lakshiri.
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alyonka, don’t you recognize me or something? this is a translation, well, your neighbor, vanka, angels
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of the area, today on rtr, then, let’s continue in retro style, an unusual twin-engine sports car was put up for auction in the uk, engineer tobias. ballard was inspired by racing cars of the twenties and thirties of the last century, using an old aluminum body and two four-cylinder engines as a basis. refinement of the engines made it possible to increase their power from 24 to 80 horsepower. the most interesting thing is that this car has a registration number and can be driven on regular roads. owner expects to get 80,000 pounds for it - that's about 9.5 million rubles. but today drivers care not only about beauty and speed. mobile, but also in size so you don’t have to worry about parking space. a good option is subcompact crossovers. on new products in this subclass. ivan zinkevich. the subcompact
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crossover is almost ideal for the city. doesn't take up much space, maneuverable, nimble, accessible. let's see what's new in this segment lately. nissan introduced the second generation of the kix suv. the exterior is made in the new corporate style of the brand with a multi-story front. optics and rear lights in a single unit. in addition, the model has noticeably increased in size both outside and inside. from now on, the kix can be equipped with an all-wheel drive system with a clutch on the rear axle. in combination with a ground clearance of 213 mm, this gives a significant increase in cross-country ability. under the hood is a two-liter naturally aspirated gasoline engine with a power of 143 horsepower, paired with a v-belt variator. a hybrid version is also promised. the first car will appear in ocean. closer to the end of summer, in the future we will enter other markets. the brainchild of fav and volkswagen, the jetto brand entered our market
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last year. we have three models in our showrooms, including the vs5 suv, and recently an updated version of it was presented in china. the new x-shaped radiator grille gives the crossover aggressive features. the bumpers have changed slightly, and the jetto inscription appears on the tailgate instead of the brand emblem. vs5. is still equipped with a 1.4 liter inflatable engine with a capacity of 150 horsepower, with which can be combined with a five-speed manual or a six-speed automatic. very soon the updated vs5 will be available to order from us. the hyonda kreta suv is known much better on the russian market, and the manufacturer recently showed its pseudo-sports version nl. it is created on the basis of a restyled second-generation crossover. the sporty appearance of the car is given by body linings, different bumpers and radiator grille, as well as original wheels . the car is powered by
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a 1.5-liter petrol turbo engine. with a power of 160 horsepower. box, six-speed manual or seven-speed robot to choose from. front-wheel drive only. so far the new product has appeared in india, but will gradually reach other markets. by the way, hyonda creeta is being sold again in russia, only now under a new brand name. h.c. look, don’t get it confused, and it’s being released in st. petersburg. the nl version is announced in the hubbub, so it will come to new products. well, today it's time to go. and see you tomorrow in the same place at the same time, see you, have a nice day, goodbye, let's start.
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come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, morning of russia, don’t oversleep, the main thing. hello on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the denis polunchukov studio and most importantly by this hour.


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