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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  April 22, 2024 9:30am-9:56am MSK

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shatalov with angelic patience and love to restore order not only in the area, but in his home. a whole star team is responsible for the sparkling humor and subtle lyrics in the series: anna mikhalkova, fyodor lavrov, alexander pankratov-black, anatoly kot and alexander robok. what about amputation, is it possible without a queue, there are no people willing? then let's give the coupons. i just want the viewer to like it, for people to smile, for people somewhere to feel sad with them, i would be very pleased with that. heartwarming story.
9:31 am
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healthy, about the most important thing, from monday to friday on rtr, premiere, so stop it, alexander pankratov black, next time i won’t miss, alexander ropok, comrade, remove the violators, come on, tomorrow under escort in apartment twenty, okay? i assigned one to the police, another to the clinic, i work hard for you all myself, they will kill or cripple, maybe fyodor lavrov, well, look how beautiful and what a woman, and where others give up, they grow wings, that means so, i won’t accept this, angels of the area, today on rtr.
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lenin was never a spy of any kind, neither german, nor british, nor japanese, nor anyone else, this is all complete stupidity, says the famous writer and publicist nikolai starikov, and we are talking about this today april 22, ilic’s birthday, is especially appropriate. every year the whole country celebrated lenin’s birthday on a grand scale; in schools, in the most solemn atmosphere, thousands of children were accepted into the octobrists and pioneers. i am joining the ranks of the all-union pioneer organization named after
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vladimir ilvich lenin. it must be admitted that even today, decades after the collapse of the ussr, not only here in russia, but abroad, many remember lenin’s birthday, despite the fact that the former... and what was called his historical legacy, raises more and more questions, among them about the true goals of the sponsors of lenin’s arrival from abroad, in the so-called sealed carriage. so, how surprisingly there is so much in common between the west’s indignation at our current successes in the special operation in ukraine and the events of the spring of 1917. this is life and destiny. lenin, if i had not read your amazing
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book about the russian revolution, which captivated me completely, where you put the so fair word russian in quotation marks, showing that it was not done with russian hands at all. wherein deny the established myth that lenin is a german spy, so whose spy is he? lenin is no one's spy. the russian empire was destroyed as a result of the coup d'etat of february 1917, in which the bolsheviks, socialist revolutionaries and generally revolutionary forces and leftists did not participate in any way. components of the conspiracy, the royal family, part of the royal family.
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it becomes clear to him that there are two ways, either go through germany, or go through great britain, so great britain is lenimania, and great britain is an ally, england denies lenin passage, then lenin applies to the german embassy and is refused, that is, the facts indicate that at the beginning of 1917, after the coup in march , german intelligence. knows that he allegedly has a spy, vladimir lenin, and lenin despairs, he writes to inesia armand, he writes to a comrade, nothing works out, at this moment a certain dark personality appears under the name fritz platton, whom for some reason we call a swiss social democrat , in
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fact, this is a former russian citizen who lived in one of the baltic provinces and moved to switzerland, here is fritz plato he says, vladimir ilyevich, everything will work out.
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well, it’s practically already a step away from victory , we could have crushed germany there and germany is pressed against the wall, it’s in a hopeless situation, i understand correctly, in april 1917. in the hands of russia, it’s practically in the hands, we have the key to the whole world, these are the main straits,
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in addition, constantinople, the birthplace of our faith, is also becoming russian, the result is incredible, i understand correctly, the allies did not want to allow this, our own allies were so confident in their loyalty our tsar, england and france, these are our allies, here we need to rewind literally a few years ago, just like today, but then the main task is to maintain or become a hegemon in the world. and the first world war was organized by the anglo-saxons in order to destroy their two rivals with mutual hands, to destroy the russians and germans. russia and germany are the main competitors, enemies, opponents of the anglo-saxons, and this is the same thing that they want to do today, only the role of germany today is played by china. the main task of american english politics today is to pit china and russia against each other. thank god, nothing is working out, but they will go further, further and further towards this goal.
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several changes in government composition led the provisional government, played giveaway with lenin. on september 1, 1917 , kerinsky, the head of government, announced the liquidation of the russian empire, and russia has since been a republic; this was not done by lenin or the bolsheviks. but let's return with the understanding that the provisional government is puppets, this is what the arrival looked like lenin physically. colleagues boarded a swiss train, arrived in germany,
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for some reason they stood there the whole day, then through germany they came to sweden, the entire group of those who were going to overthrow the provisional government came to the russian embassy in sweden, where they were given money for travel to petrograd, amazing, after that lenin comes to petrograd, and he is greeted there with an orchestra, that is, the man passed through the territory of a hostile state. the provisional government stated that anyone who did this would be arrested, and nothing did nothing. then there is a very interesting coincidence, even before the abdication, the formal abdication of the emperor from power, although i believe that this abdication did not happen after all, it was falsified, and there is no such document in the russian archives, but still the notorious order was issued before this number one, it was published in the newspaper izvestia, which is special. for this purpose, can you imagine, the unrest in petrograd was created, someone begins to publish a new newspaper
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with a million circulation, where they publish a certain order number one on behalf of just the self-named self-created petrograd council that there is no more discipline in the russian army, weapons should not be issued to officers, it is necessary to consult whether it is necessary not to go in an attacking country, the destruction of the army in essence, in the nineties, after all, all this was also squeezed under as under demagogic chatter, chatter,
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talk about rights, about freedoms and so on, laws were simply adopted and steps were taken that were destroying the country, a striking analogy with today, our very recent time, so the provisional government is destroying the army, the police, releases criminals against the governors, simply destroys the entire power structure in the country, plunges the country into chaos and... launches revolutionaries, they will come into this chaos and plunge the country into even greater chaos or what? an important point: the germans did not give lenin any money, the germans gave... money to parvus, which lenin did not take from parvus, lenin never carried out any tasks of the german general staff, these are all attempts to denigrate the bolshevik party, then the great state that lenin built. a small but piquant clarification, the british
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they also rely not only on lenin, i just read this in your book, but they also bring trotsky from america. it’s like lenin’s understudy, if i may say so, and with the money it was just under trotsky, that’s who brings the cash, that’s who brings american money for the russian revolution, in fact. trotsky was arrested by the british in canada on suspicion of being a german spy. do you know why they let him go? because the provisional government demanded the release of trotsky from the british. and the british released trotsky and he came to russia. yes, melyukov, the minister of foreign affairs of the provisional government demanded the release of comrade trotsky, and otherwise who would overthrow the provisional government. now the bolshevik revolution, the bolsheviks themselves called it that, is happening in october. trotsky , this whole group that came from america by ship, antonov ovseenko, and many other
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revolutionaries, they joined the party in the summer of 1917, within 2 months. before the coup, they had just joined the party, that is, they arrived without being members of the bolshevik party, but someone gathered them all together, who deep state, source of financing, money for the revolution came, but it didn’t come from the germans, it came through what is today called the deep state, money was pumped through sweden, through a neobank through a banker named olaf aschberg, multi-step, here. .. a very subtle important moment in our history, so, the task of the provisional government is to come to power, destroy discipline, the army, weaken the state body under the guise of reforms, because they scheduled elections during the world war wars, elections were called, the same ones that were also supposed to take place in october of the seventeenth year, and lenin is such, well,
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if you like, extremist-minded, determined, radical guys, whose main task, taking advantage of... the direct connivance of the provisional government destroy the legitimacy of power. the main task of the bolsheviks was to disperse the constituent assembly, which, in the conditions of the overthrow of the monarchy, was some kind of thread of legitimacy. and here we see exactly the same scenario that has now been implemented in the territory ukraine. see how civil wars are organized, how legitimate power is removed and liquidated. nikolai denied. yanukovych ran away and allegedly lost legitimacy, after which a pseudo-legitimate body is created, a self -appointed interim government, in the events in ukraine, this violates the constitution, the post of acting president of ukraine, an alternative government is created, people in donbass do not agree with this, they organize themselves, so the bolsheviks and the whites, they either
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had or did not have legitimacy, after acceleration. the only legitimate body of the constituent assembly is the implementation of a consistent plan. now about lenin. lenin's genius is that he deceived the devil. he took advantage of this difficult situation, when they wanted to use the bolsheviks for the final collapse of the state, they did not destroy it, they collected it. a triumphal process began, which lenin called the triumphal march of soviet power, this is already 1918, the first half. there everything is already starting to become complicated and... scary, even if lenin became, as you say, in at some point from a destroyer to a builder, then he built the country as it seemed to him, and this is rather, well, i don’t know, i’ll stop far from it, but the way it seemed to him, well then i will continue your thought, lenin did not took money from the germans, lenin took money for the revolution,
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the bolsheviks then gave it back in the form of a transfer. dear viewers, we understand that nothing of such a huge scale can happen without funding, without organization, money is allocated from... revolutionary organizations are created, then state coups, then revolutions happen, then something happens, but if people just
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take to the streets, there will be a pogrom of wine warehouses, as it happened in petrograd at a certain time, so what happened in february 1917 is very important for us and a terrible lesson, once again, if it had not been for february, lenin would have died in switzerland in the middle of nowhere.
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this is fair, but it is no less fair to say that if putin had been in power instead of yeltsin and gorbachev, the soviet union would have existed with all lenin’s problems to this day. nikolai viktorovich, your book ends with a brilliant phrase, this should never happen again, thank you for what you do. it helps, the truth about these events, helps to make sure that they never happen again in our country, we just can’t withstand another revolution, i serve russia, this is the life and fate
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of our country, the most dramatic period of its history, through the eyes of nikolai starik , thank you nikolay, maybe it’s my first time. happy, happy, happy, sunday, for example, i told my daughter that she was adopted as soon as i took her from the orphanage, mom, dad, i adore you, hello, hello, i’m your mom, the real one, maybe we’ll meet, a test that’s not for everyone she can handle it, who is she anyway, this is some kind of scam for money, can i hug you, katya is not a stranger to me, she is mine... mom, katya needs money, a test that not everyone will dare to take. you won't refuse to take a dna test. the result has arrived. honey, we
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will explain everything to you. fly feather. on sunday. on rtr. rр planet, more than just television, this is a piece of russia on every screen on the planet, the loudest premieres have flown, how did i get here, at a corporate party.
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it would be me, not me, unfortunately, neither the motive for the murder nor the connection between the murders is visible, but it exists, and we will find it, i remind you once again that this is my investigation, let's agree in advance, you are the coach, i player, a dizzying show and the best music, and you generally spend most of your life on your feet or on your head, even i don’t know, i want to read, please read, i can’t read, turn on the music blogger, my hope house. it depends on the songs of russia, in general russia is a very melodious country, inimitable humor and entertainment for every taste, a daze of hot
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