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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 22, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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jempi, ales, thank you very much for coming to us, i hope that our advice will help you, and you will begin to sleep normally, and most importantly, wake up rested. thank you. my friends, sleep is the key to our health. and healthy sleep is, first of all , the absence of stress factors and normal levels of glycine and melatonin in the blood. we wish you a good day and a great mood. be healthy. there was a program with you. the rossiya tv channel is broadcasting news, i greet you, i’m maria sitstel, hello.
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tyumen region, the water level in the ishim river is already more than 10.5 m, villages are being cut off by powerful streams. just a few hours ago, we drove here unhindered in our car, but the car is literally being blown away. the main focus now is on the tyumen-omsk highway. the inikmash electromechanical plant is on fire in voronezh. three people died and several were injured. conduct deep strikes on russian military targets. the nato secretary general calls for something new. arms supplies to ukraine, this ballistic missile shot down over a dead sea, carried a supply of explosives weighing 450 kg. this is an iranian missile shot down during an attack on israel, now a prime target for army analysts. about the situation in the middle east, a report from our special correspondents. of course, the house was residential; approximately 30-40 people live in this house. these children were sleeping, what did they do? the ministry of emergency situations announced
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a special fire regime in twenty-three regions of our country and an armed attack in korachay cherkessia. two policemen were killed on duty. a plan has been introduced in the republic siren. in the tyumen region , residents of twelve more villages that are at risk of flooding are being evacuated from zapavodka. more than 3,000 people have been forced to leave their homes. the water is rising, the city of ishim and the settlements of the abbey district may already be in the disaster zone today. in the neighboring kurgan region, the peak of the flood has passed and the water is gradually subsiding. over the past 24 hours, its level in the tabol river has decreased by 20 cm. our correspondents: ksenia usoltseva and albert musin are monitoring the development of the situation in these regions. maximum
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water level more than 10.5 m, gigantic flow cuts off the populated areas of the ishim region from communication, this happened with the village of koshkaragai, a few hours ago we drove here unhindered in our car, but after some time we can see, it’s quite difficult to get through, the car is literally blown away, the wave rises very high, in kashkaragai itself it is dry, but the water is gradually rising, rescuers, locals and specialists have been working here for several days. from udmurtia they are helping people evacuate; in the neighboring village of makarova they are also preparing for floods of the ministry of emergency situations and local residents are pouring bags, placing them in the path of the water, the water is already entering some gardens, people are not waiting, the volkov family took out everything valuable, a lot is left, but there is no time to hesitate evacuating to the temporary detention center, we began to prepare everything in a week, there are a lot of things, furniture, furniture was taken there to the cultural center by brovnicki, well, they helped you, everyone helped here in general. well done everyone, volunteers, well done,
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they helped. after some time, they are waiting for water in the obatsky district, they continue to strengthen the embankments on the federal highway, now here reverse movement has been organized and the population is being notified. 2.0 - that means with half of the residents - ours could be hit by the elements, this is 1066 houses, we notified the population about the need to carry out curative measures. inspected the defense structures. obatsky and alexander mor, the governor of the region emphasized special attention to the tyumen-omsk highway. it is what connects the east and west of the country. ksenia usoltseva, maxim marchenko, lead tyumen. the point near the dam is the most popular in kurgan today; it offers a view of the flooded right bank and here every day , with the sound of sirens, people monitor the change in water level. the tobol has dropped below 10 m. this is the main news now. in all kurgan
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public pages, people hope that the peak of the flood has passed. despite the first good forecasts, the threat of flooding remains, the condition of the dump is being monitored by experts. i need to be evicted from their homes, i hope that no one gets hurt, i wish this for you, my parents also live in kurgan now. rescuers, police and volunteers continue to patrol flooded areas in boats regional center, provide assistance to local residents and rescue animals. we have saved more than
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100 dogs, a huge number of cats, i beg you, please find owners and take your animals. we are very grateful to the rescuers and the ministry of emergency situations. you guys are like this, you are doing a great job, thank you very much, you are protecting us, we are very scared, but we believe that we will survive everything and everything will be fine, however , the water level will not drop below the level of a dangerous phenomenon before in a couple of weeks, and finally back on track, tabol is expected to return only by mid- may. albert musin, maxa geldyev, gennady lugunov, elena goleeva, news from the kurgan region. the ukrainian armed forces repelled two counterattacks over the past 24 hours. our unit in the donetsk sector of the front. more than 400 ukrainian militants were eliminated, five field ammunition depots, an artillery gun and a rocket launcher were disabled. significant losses were also suffered in iisu in
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the southern donetsk direction. 360 militants and 10 vehicles, including an american m37 howitzer, were eliminated there. and this is how ours are tank crews destroy positions of ukrainian militants in border areas. strikes are also carried out from closed positions, just as artillerymen do. in these footage of our aviation, fighter-bomber crews attacked strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces. they used high-explosive bombs with a planning and correction module, which allow them to deliver precise strikes without entering the affected area. enemy air defense. this is how aviation prepares a bridgehead for the advance of advanced units. about the work of attack aircraft, a report by military correspondent eduard punikov. yuzhno-donetsk direction, surroundings of volnovakha. the 394th regiment of the fifth army from
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primorye is working here on the front line. in this footage, an assault unit conducts reconnaissance in force. soldiers consistently clear out fortified enemy positions. you see the trench, the battle has already begun, now they will throw grenades, you see, one is here, and one is not visible, the well-known commander saval is leading the group, in this battle there are only two attack aircraft on our side, the enemy has eight soldiers, we are always trying in small numbers work when we come in theirs support players, you can’t really see them, they ’re hiding behind the board, my fighters are getting there, there’s heavy fire, what? survivors usually work in small groups, move in short dashes, and try to enter from the flanks. the worst thing is that they are always on their toes with these birds of theirs that throw themselves from the air, so we always choose such a trajectory in order to quietly get to their rear, until they understand that
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it is not them, but us, so to speak, it was already late, we are starting to clean up, one of the participants in this battle is an attack aircraft with the call sign greek. according to him, he had to work under heavy enemy fire. the greek then received a shrapnel wound in the leg, but still continued to carry out the assigned task. the commander prepares us very well for battle, creates a simulation of the battle, almost the same as what was there, well, in principle, we were already prepared for this. another participant in the battle is an attack aircraft with the call sign zema. movement, ground, inconvenience, because there are craters, boards, sticks everywhere, you stumble, this was the main difficulty, what to look at your feet, especially no time. the fighters took several soldiers prisoner. in su they interrogated and fed that they were really so hungry here, damn it, eat, eat, don’t pay attention, but our prisoners, according to the admission of one of the ukrainian soldiers, are treated much worse, our prisoners, the russian soldiers you catch, you just drag bastard, you are killing,
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right, yes, the stormtroopers are now recuperating in the training camp, the assault troops are always in full combat readiness, even in breaks between missions, they are every they spend the day training, practicing: a variety of scenarios that can be useful in a real battle. soval's group is preparing for the next assault operation. in a couple of days , the soldiers will go to the front line again. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. the sixty billion dollar package of american military assistance to kiev will be the last, as tages spiegel writes, the decision of the congress is a signal not so much for ukraine as for the european union. now europe will have to fork out as much as possible to ensure ukraine has a strong position in the negotiations. the newspaper notes that pressure is increasing on chancellor scholz, who still rejects the idea of ​​​​supplying taurus missiles to kiev. according to. brussels urgently asks greece and spain to separate the patriot and
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s-300 systems from their arsenals, since they believe that kiev needs them more. american assistance, as western experts believe, will not ensure victory for kiev, but is intended to ease the situation at the front. the head of the senate intelligence committee, mark warner, called a very short delivery time, end of this week. he also mentioned atak ms missiles with a range of over 300 km. and nato head stoltenberg openly pressed kiev to drive deep into russia. it's not too late, but the delay has had real consequences. russia has had much more ammunition for months. the ukrainians lack artillery shells in the ratio of 1:5 and even 1:10. the package from the united states will help them shoot down russian missiles, hold the front line and carry out deep strikes against russian missiles. together with military aid to kyiv, the chamber
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representatives approved a bill on the confiscation of frozen russian assets. the chairman of the state duma, vyacheslav volodin, called this nothing less than a theft that damages the reputation of the united states itself. he also emphasized that russia has the right to respond symmetrically. according to volodin, only about 6 billion dollars are blocked in the united states, the bulk of the assets are over two. frozen in europe, and if brussels, under pressure from the united states, agrees to confiscate russian funds, this will result in collapse for the entire european economy. today, immediately after the evening news, on our channel there is a premiere, a comedy melodrama by angel rayon. the shatalov family plays an important role in the life of the city block. the head of the family, alena, runs a management company, her husband is a doctor, and her son is a local police officer.
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are also responsible for high health indicators in their areas, only the influential mother is constantly dissatisfied with them, in general , both of them got a great job, one was assigned to the police, the other to wipe his pants at the clinic for 3 kopecks, i work for you all myself, class, a family of guardian angels of the area will have to solve completely different problems, everyday and not so, get into strange and funny stories from the fifth floor with a toilet, it’s a pity that they didn’t get into another one. since i won’t miss, the grateful residents do not remain in debt and also closely monitor the order in
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the shatalov family, make sure you get there, what are you going to do, stepanovna is on you, and i will treat you until you die, alena’s endless to-do list, conflicts with her superiors and hers will fit in the same son, a midlife crisis and even a love triangle, even by the legs i’ll hold on, but let me go, but you can hold on, but i can barely stand, but why should i? holding the woman of your dreams by the legs and of course you won’t be able to do without an acute housing problem for wonderful neighbors who suddenly appear after 20 years, you’ll be patient, you know that you don’t want it in a good way, it will be in a bad way, it’s understandable, are you crazy or something? will the shatalovs have enough angelic patience and love to restore order not only in the area, but in their home? a whole star squad is responsible for the sparkling humor and subtle lyrics in the series, anna mikhalkova, fyodor lavrov, alexander pankratov black, anatoly the cat.
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in circassia, the entire staff of the internal affairs bodies was put on alert. in voronezh, as a result of a fire at an electromechanical plant, guangdong province , the largest shopping center in china, was injured. is going through large-scale floods, all the details in a few minutes, yes egorova, i’m painting my nails, i have every right, the premiere, i’m old, yes, but you’re like a cucumber with us, you know, i’d marry you, but you’re with us, hello,
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hello, how next, mikhail andreevich, light? buy neighborhood angels today at rdr. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort. weeks golf villas and suites sharma. a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by
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lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy the modern design of the room. and luxury villas ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and sudes, sharma. welcome to the newest pixos hotel in sharmel sheikh, riksas radomis sharmel sheikh, an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for happiness and comfort of children of their parents. escape from everyday life into the world of infinity. entertainment, enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday. rixas, radomis sharmal sheikh. we gathered about 10 people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, are you with us? yes, when? my soldiers are coming running. they carried me, another
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shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me. one bullet is still in me. trophy, we were hungry then, here comes grandma, hungry herself, but she’s carrying this the trigger in the drive and says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys with us, i came across such people, they care, support them in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you if they wouldn't survive, only ours can. honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, i have the most beautiful wife , sunday, so i’ll come by, you want
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sasha to come back to you, i’m ready for anything. for the sake of your child, you will be all of me hide your life, well, i curse you, i didn’t have any second family, i love only you, i don’t believe you, fly like a feather, on sunday on rtr, hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on the air for 60 minutes, vladimir vladimirovich, let's talk, don't rush into everything, place nuclear weapons, i already demanded, return nuclear weapons to me. how are things at the front, the weather is cloudy, hail in places, the guys act confidently, the commanders act confidently, reliably, the equipment, and we have one olesa there, the hero of russia will be in kind, we
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everything is with you, to the end, what kind of image is it?
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it is reported that three people died, two more people were injured. israel has approved a plan to continue hostilities in the gaza strip. the idf general staff reported this. the army launches new attacks on rafah, killing more than twenty civilians, almost all children. at the same time , prime minister ne says that in the coming days the military will increase pressure on hamas militants. about the situation in the middle east conflict zone. sergey pashkov, alexander belibov. iranian
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weapons are different from those produced by hamas in seaktor gaza territory tens of times in power, accuracy and destructive effect. this ballistic missile shot down over the dead sea carried a supply of explosives weighing 450 kg. the results of a direct iranian attack on israeli territory with hundreds of drones and missiles on the night of april 14, today the main topic for analytical army departments is that what happened once can happen again, given the fact that our pilots worked very professionally and that the system air defense, which has been developed over the years, realizing that there is such a threat from iran, we were able to repel this attack very effectively, israel promised to respond, on friday night local media reported that... an air force base on iranian territory was attacked, israel did not officially take responsibility for the raid, but there was talk talk about an inevitable and powerful
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military response to tehran ceased in the country's military political circles. obviously, a major regional war is off the agenda, but the global confrontation with the islamic republic remains. iran is a long-time enemy of israel. iranian authorities, the iranian regime constantly declares that their... goal is the destruction of israel, therefore israel, in strategic terms, has long been thoroughly prepared to confront iran, both at distant and near borders. the israeli defense minister arrived to check the northern, near borders on the border with lebanon. if there is no war with iran, then a war with the lebanese shuide group hezbollah is obviously on the agenda : the air duel with militants has not stopped since last october, the population of a number of northern israeli cities with autumn. v evacuation. we are increasing the readiness of our forces with a focus on offensive operations. the fight against iranian expansion does not stop for a minute. she is walking at this
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moment. we retain complete freedom of action and are ready to strike at anyone who dares to threaten our security. received good news from washington, where congress voted for a military aid package for israel. prime minister benjamin netanyago announced. increasing military political pressure on hamas is the only way to free the hostages and achieve victory. however, by allocating money and weapons for the israeli army, washington is increasingly demonstrating dissatisfaction. the joe biden administration has made it clear that it will impose sanctions against the israeli military netzhach judah battalion, recruited from representatives of the orthodox jewish communities. fighters of the battle. cruel treatment of civilians, obviously, us support for israel ceases to be unconditional. sergey pashkov,
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alexander ivanek, anastasia dimyenets, lead israel. after a short relative calm, israeli troops again stepped up military operations in the gaza strip, the southernmost city of the palestinian enclave of rafah on the border with egypt was subjected to a massive air strike, where as a result.
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as a result of israeli strikes , more than 34 people have already been killed, most of them having nothing to do with hamas. a mass grave of israeli soldiers was discovered in khanyounis near nasser hospital; israeli security forces continue to search for collaborators of the palestinian resistance movement on the west bank of the river jordan. around 2:00 a.m., a bulldozer drove past our house. it wasn't normal and we felt like it crashed into the house. every time the army enters the camp, i am afraid in the nurshams refugee camp, as a result of one of these raids, according to local sources, 14 people were killed, several dozen more were arrested by israeli security forces on charges of links to the hamas movement. local residents complain that soldiers come to their homes every night looking for those who may sympathize with the militants. we do not have light and water since the camp was stormed, the electricity was turned off, we have children, they need to move, they need to eat,
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we have run out. bread and milk, the degree of tension on lebanon and the israeli border does not decrease; here, in response to the shelling of the southern part of lebanon, the sheid lebanese group hezbollah responds with targeted strikes on the positions of israeli troops located in the border strip. meanwhile, israel does not seem to have abandoned plans for a large-scale offensive in the south of the enclave. the day before , the head of the general staff of tsakhal said that there approved plans to continue the war in the southern direction. this is indirectly confirmed by the renewed airstrikes on rafah, and by the fact that israeli troops are now massing armored vehicles and artillery to the southern borders of the enclave. as for the peace negotiations on the issue of hostage exchange between israel and hamas, they are, in fact, in a state of freezing, and are now also in danger of collapse, all to blame, according to one of the members of the hamas politburo, the position of the israeli leadership, which in practice doesn't strive to reach an agreement, which leads to new
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obstacles in the negotiations. the ministry of emergency situations has introduced a special fire regime in twenty regions where the weather is dry. during the period of its validity, local residents are prohibited from visiting forests. to date , about 400 cases of natural fires have been recorded. basically it is the ignition of dry grass. the ministry of emergency situations tracks them using drone satellites. most of these fires occur in north ossetia and the kostroma region. in crimea. rescuers are going around private houses, warning local residents about high fire danger level. variable but not extreme weather awaits the central region this week. a surge of warmth on monday will be followed by a cooler , calm tuesday wednesday, and then again rising temperatures and rain. victoria chernikova joins us. victoria, we have good weather, spring.
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tell us what will happen in other regions. i'll tell you now. in the south, western siberia there is a real arctic invasion, after the sunday heat it will get colder in places to zero, and in the east, from irkutsk to kozyl it is only +5-10. on european territory, the southern cyclone has reached the kola peninsula, in the north-west on tuesday there is a maximum of +7 showers of rain, the middle zone is occupied by a cool anticyclone, in the center tomorrow there will be no precipitation, but only 12:15. in kazan - 21 thunderstorms, in crimea the rains will stop, but in yalta it is still +18. in sochi, krasnodar, more sun will warm up, in astrakhan - 27. in st. petersburg on tuesday +6, short rains and sharp winds, in moscow no precipitation and 12:14, from thursday to +20, but with rain, and we are with gifts where is all this coming from, you? but in retirement, in vtb pensions, the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18%, everything will work out. one of the main
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commercial and shopping centers. china, guangdong province is experiencing massive flooding. heavy rainfall has been going on in the region for several weeks now, all the reservoirs are overflowing, rivers are overflowing their banks; such a rise has not happened for half a century. there are almost 130 million people in the disaster zone, several cities are flooded, and in some the streets can only be moved by boats. more than 20 thousand people were evacuated, without electricity, about a million houses. vesti monitors the development of major events in russia and abroad, stay with us.
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hello, dear friends.


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