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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 22, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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i have been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally it has come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition. the day before, moscow was covered by a black cloud called rulun, this is the name of a rare type of bulk cloud that forms before a cold front, now +15, already on thursday +1, watch everything, bye, thank you, dear friends, hello! russia tv channel will be hosted
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by denis polunchukov in the studio and most importantly by this hour. another settlement has been liberated in dpr, novomikhailovka is completely under the control of russian troops. more than 350 ukrainian militants were killed in the vdeevsky area. armored vehicle strongholds. the united states may resume military supplies to ukraine by the end of this week. it's about. about atacoms missiles. the level of the tabol river in the tyumen region rose by 80 cm in one day. the situation is difficult in the ishim region. the flood record from seven years ago has been broken. in algadonsk , the rosatom plant today shipped steam generators for the third power unit of the turkish aku nuclear power plant. and today marks the 300th anniversary of his birth famous philosopher immanuel kant. and
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we start with new data from the ministry of defense on the situation in the special operation zone. another settlement has been liberated in the dpr. following bogdanovka , the village of novamikhailovka completely came under the control of our military. in total , over 400 ukrainian militants were killed in the southern donetsk direction. this is almost half of all ukrainian armed forces losses over the past 24 hours. this is already the combat work of the crews of the t-90 breakthrough tanks. they supported the actions of the assault groups. another stronghold of the kiev formations is already on seversky our towns were liquidated in the area. a powerful blow was delivered immediately after receiving the exact coordinates of the target. then the rszz crew quickly left the firing position. enemy positions.
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su-34 fighters also attacked, they fired with unguided aerial bombs with a special planning module, which allows for precise strikes from a safe distance. russian units are acting as a united front, artillery, drones, aviation and, of course, assault groups. from the leading report of the war correspondent of the news, eduard punigov. battle running 394th regiment 5th army from primorye, in these shots the assault unit is conducting reconnaissance in force, the soldiers are consistently clearing the enemy’s fortified positions, you see a trench, the battle has already begun, now they will throw grenades, you see, one is here, and one is not visible, the famous commander saval is leading the group, in this battle , there are only two attack aircraft on our side, while the enemy has eight soldiers. all the time
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we try to work in small numbers, when we come in their supporters, you can’t really see them , they hid behind the board, my warriors they arrive and there is heavy fire. stormtroopers usually work in small groups, move in short bursts, and try to enter from the flanks. the worst thing is that they always have these little birds of theirs on their nakedness that rush from the air, so we always choose such a trajectory in order to get to them unnoticed. while they understand that it is not them, but us, so to speak, it was already too late, we are starting to clean up, one of the participants in this battle is an attack aircraft with the call sign greek, according to him, he had to work under heavy enemy fire, the greek was then received a shrapnel wound in the leg, but still continued to carry out the assigned task, the commander prepares us very well for battle, creates an imitation of the battle, almost the same as what was there, well, in principle, we were already prepared for this, the other participant in the battle is an attack aircraft with the call sign earth. moving on the ground, inconvenience,
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because there are craters, boards, sticks everywhere, you stumble, this was the main difficulty, that you don’t have much time to look at your feet. several soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces were interrogated and fed, is it really so hungry here? was, yes, eat, eat, don’t pay attention, but our prisoners, according to the admission of one of the ukrainian soldiers, are treated much worse, our prisoners, the russian soldiers that you catch, you just drag the scum, you kill, that’s right, yes, stormtroopers now recuperate in the training camp, the assault troops are always in full combat readiness, even during breaks between missions, they conduct training every day. practice a variety of scenarios that can be useful in real combat. soval's group is preparing for next assault operation. in a couple of days , the soldiers will go to the front line again. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. and now the situation is with record floods, which by this moment
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have already flooded over 15,000 houses across the country. today the peak of the flood is expected in tyumen and shim. the critical water level in the river of the same name there has already been exceeded by more than 3 m. a record has been broken. flood seven years ago, more than 3,500 people have already left their homes in the disaster zone, 18 populated areas remain flooded points. our correspondent ksenia usoltseva is monitoring the development of the situation in the region. the ishim river continues to update its historical maximum. the water level is more than 10.5 m. the gigantic stream cuts off the populated areas of the ishim region from communications. this happened from the village of koshkaragai. just a few hours ago we drove through here unhindered in our car. but after some time you can see, it’s quite difficult to get through, the car is literally blown away, the wave rises very high, in kashkaragai itself it’s dry, but the water is gradually rising, rescuers have been working here for several days, local and specialists from udmurtia are helping people
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evacuate, in the neighboring village of makarova the ministry of emergency situations and local residents are also preparing for the flood, pouring bags, placing them in the path of the water, water is already entering some gardens, people they’re not waiting, the volkov family took out... everything valuable, a lot was left, but there was no time to hesitate, they were evacuating to the temporary detention center, we started preparing everything in a week, there’s a lot of things, furniture, furniture was taken there, to the cultural center in rovnitsk, well, they helped you, everyone helped and everything here in general well done, volunteers, well done, they helped, after some time they are waiting for water in the obadsky district, they continue to strengthen the embankments on the federal highway, now reverse traffic has been organized here, they are notifying the population, the head of the flood is coming from... shimsky district to the obadsky district, obadsky district preparations are being made, two settlements that are located downstream and are the first to encounter the flood, people have already been completely evacuated, uh, the settlements have been cut off from electricity. a storm warning was announced in the village of obatskoye in
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due to a dangerous increase in water level in the ishim river in the coming days. the dangerous flood level is expected to reach 960 cm. this is reported by the operatyzhsky hydrometeorology department. and environmental monitoring , people are urged to evacuate areas of possible flooding. ksenia usoltseva, maxim marchenko, lead tyumen. today is the 154th anniversary of the birth of vladimir ilvich lenin. throughout the country, communists are holding commemorative events. one of them took place in moscow. several hundred gathered on red square people, party leaders, members of the central and moscow city committees of the communist party of the russian federation, state duma deputies and representatives of public organizations. participants of the event. he fought for a united country and ensured peace, that he stopped the internecine pain of the civil war, that he
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did everything to make factories and factories work, that he provided free education and medical care to every person, that he was already... a future civilian , during the civil war he opened more than 40 institutes, including the institute that allowed us to create nuclear weapons and the brain institute. a landmark event in the development of domestic nuclear engineering. in volgodonsk , the rusatom plant today shipped steam generators for the third power unit of the turkish aeeyo. the ceremony took place at the atom mash site. this is the largest production facility in the country. now the plant is already manufacturing key equipment for the fourth power unit of the station. veronica bogma with details. these giant structures, steam generators, will become part of asayu reactor plant, the first nuclear power plant of the republic of turkey. it is being built according to a russian project and will be
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able to supply electricity to such a metropolis as istanbul. this year's first shipment of nuclear equipment coincided with the significant date of exactly 50 years since the start of construction of the atamash plant. rastislav cherkasov is one of those who, having built an enterprise, gave it his whole life, sat here for days, i used to be on a plane for months, flew to moscow, back, to all the cities of the country where design institutes participated in the design of the plant. veterans are the main guests of the celebration, but here are also the so-called middle generation, who did not leave ottamash in difficult times, and young working specialists who are just starting their journey in the nuclear structure. all of them are students of the local branch of mifi, studying and working at atommash at the same time. it is interesting
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to develop the mechanical engineering of my country, to develop its relations with other countries through interaction with the nuclear industry, to gain relationships, plus this is a prestigious profession. in 2023 atomazh broke the record for the volume of shipment of reactor equipment in the entire history of nuclear engineering. built five reactor vessels and...
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russia is ready to return to the issue of ratifying the comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty as soon as the united states does so. this was stated by sergei lavrov in a video message to the participants of the moscow non-proliferation conference. as the head of the russian foreign ministry noted, western countries are dangerously balancing on the brink of a direct military clash between nuclear powers, which is fraught with catastrophic consequences. and today sergei lavrov chaired a meeting of the council of heads of subjects in russia under the ministry of foreign affairs. the main topic was the development of interregional cooperation with china. russian-chinese trade and economic cooperation is actively developing, despite the persistent attempts of the states of the collective west to put a spoke in the wheels, as they say. there has been an almost complete de-dollarization of bilateral economic relations. today more than 90%. the joint russian-chinese
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university msu and beijing polytechnic university started the fifty-eighth international mendeleev olympiad in chemistry. this year it is taking place outside the cis for the first time and involves a record number of participants. about 300 schoolchildren from dozens of countries around the world came to the competition in china. our team is being represented. our own correspondent in china , alexander balevsky, found out what awards the young chemists will compete for and what chances the russians have. not the cancellation of flights during the tropical rain season, not only today there was a gap, nor the time difference did not affect their personal chemistry, to chemistry, just to the three olympic stages, the chairman of the jury, professor gladilin, jokes. an unplanned fourth was also added. the first round was about how to get here, but thank god, the vast majority of participants made it through. and at the international mendelian olympiad, which china is hosting for the first time this year, the team of russian schoolchildren is confident in their abilities. what
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is he counting on? i'm counting on first place. alexey mikheev generally breaks all stereotypes. an eleventh-grader from the seel school in altai took international silver in chemistry in switzerland last year, and mikhail perelman, who dreams of creating medicines in the future, is completely obliged by his surname. there are 10 of them , all of them are already the best in russia, winners of the all-russian olympics, but... the olympics. it’s still stuffy to set up one way or another, but the level of complexity of the tasks here exceeds those at the world olympiad, even the inspectors would have to sweat. this, of course, is not science in its purest form, but the main thing is to make the groundwork, identify talented children, and watch how they develop.
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russian education, the largest russian-chinese educational project the joint university of moscow state university and beijing polytechnic university was created by the decision of vladimir putin exactly 10 years ago on the basis of the best russian educators. programs with an emphasis on exact and natural sciences, so the choice of a site for the olympiad is logical . young chemists have a week of brainstorming and storming ahead and have developed their own chemical formula for success. alexandrsky, nikolay petrov, news from shenzhen, china. 300 years have passed since the birth of the famous philosopher emmanuel kant. in honor of one of
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the most famous uroshe residents of the city in an international congress opened in kaliningrad. scientists from one and a half came to see it. the use of artificial intelligence is definitely a new civilizational stage in the development of mankind, which, on the one hand, opens up great prospects, but like any new technology, it also contains downsides. the united states may resume military supplies to ukraine by the end of this week. this is not only discussed immediately after the advertisement. stay with us. hello,
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hello, as a husband, what are you going to do? i’ll get a divorce, angels of the area, today on rtr. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort at rixsas golf villas and suites sharma shei. a magnificent world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless... horizons. enjoy contemporary design in rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits sharmal shake.
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titanic luxury collection boudrum. welcome to the newest pixos hotel in sharmelsheikh. rixsas radomis sharmelsheikh is an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything created for the happiness and comfort of their parents' children. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday. rixas radomis sharmelsheikh. titanic deluxe hotel, golf belleg, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by
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our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy fine dining better. to find the correct answers, i would really like to answer soup of the day, but we will answer, perhaps, okroshka, we need to be simpler, hut, to whom cosmic success is guaranteed, i take responsibility for this answer,
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we have a powerful intrigue, 100 to one, 100 years in the future, “mom, what have you done? the whole village is discussing how you kiss in polysai, and go on visits, konstantinov’s love, what’s wrong with that, well, we fell in love, anna prick.” mom, what are you doing, and dad did everything for you, everyone thinks so, she didn’t have time to save her husband at the party, why at the party, let’s
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get married, as we get married, elsa’s land, on friday on rtr, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend? tear off everything we had together, what will you have left? they went against god, toured all the liberated territories, what impression does it make? and russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program, life and fate, from monday to friday on rtr, look at the news, we continue the release. 240 ukrainian drones were shot down in the special operation zone over the past 24 hours. according to the ministry of defense, more advantageous positions were achieved occupy a division of the east and
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west factions. crews of d-20 howitzers carried out powerful attacks on strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces. shot. the firing range of these guns when fully charged is over 17 km. and the rate of introduction of fire is up to five rounds per minute. one of the most formidable. our hurricanes became effective weapons in battles with the ukrainian armed forces. crews of multiple launch rocket systems struck a concentration of manpower of the armed forces of ukraine in the kupinsky direction. over the past 24 hours , about 50 ukrainian militants were killed in this area. in the usa by the end of this weeks may resume military supplies to ukraine. these will include missiles and atacoms. the head of the committee stated this. us senate intelligence officer mark warner. according to him, the bill allocating $61 billion to
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the zelensky regime requires sending long-range missiles to ukrainian militants. the document is expected to be considered in the senate tomorrow; if approved, it will be submitted to president joe biden for signature. the vote in the american congress has already been welcomed by nato secretary general jens stoltenberg. according to him, the united states is not yet late in pumping ukraine with weapons. it's not too late, but the delay has had real consequences. russia has had much more ammunition for months. the ukrainians lack artillery shells at a ratio of 1:5 and even 1:10. the package from the united states will help them shoot down russian missiles, hold the front line and carry out deep strikes on russian military targets. meanwhile, the german bundestag expressed concern that the military aid package. kiev from the united states may be the last, as writes tages spiegel newspaper, deputies now intend to increase pressure on chancellor olaf scholz so that he agrees to transfer
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new batches of weapons to ukraine, including taurus missiles. russian prosecutor general igor krasnov proposed creating a permanent working group with colleagues from the united arab emirates. the initiative was voiced during today's negotiations with prosecutor general hamad saif al-shamsi. the meeting took place in moscow. as krasnov noted, the new structure will help strengthen operational contacts between representatives of the competent authorities of the two countries i would like to invite you to create a permanent joint working group to discuss solutions to current problems in the fight against crime and the protection of the rights and freedoms of our citizens. i am confident that this will give an additional impetus to the development of interaction between our departments. strengthening the economic. cooperation, as well as the creation of industrial parks next to the north-south transport and logistics corridor, which is compared in importance to the oetian canal. these and other important topics
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are being discussed today at the plenary session of the international exhibitions inoprom, central asia, in tashkent. the prospects for russia, as already stated by the head of the ministry of industry and tourism denis manturov, primarily lie in the organization of joint ventures in this area. in particular , a number of agreements have already been signed between partners from russia and uzbekistan. development institutions and support instruments are being created, both from uzbekistan and from russia, well, in total, this ultimately affects the formation of new projects and added value in the products in which uzbekistan is interested. now about rescue operation in magadan. region in gertner bay, more than twenty fishermen found themselves on a broken ice floe, everything happened suddenly, as a result of the break, one person almost drowned, but rescuers who arrived at the scene pulled
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the victim out of the water. russia has a big premiere, viewers are waiting for the first episode of the comedy melodrama angels of the district in the center of the plot is the shatalov family, the head of the management company, the local doctor, every day shatalov successfully solves the problems of the residents of the region, but will they maintain peace in their home? at home, ekaterina fralova will lift the veil of secrecy, no one worked there at all. i ’ve been calling for an hour, i’m listening to you, turn on the water, alena shatalova has a very stressful job that doesn’t leave the whole block indifferent, she’s the head of a management company and she’s only dreaming of peace, skorikov, maybe you ’ll work, or maybe an ethicist, i’ll help you fired, alena is not the only one in the family who works for the good of society, her husband and son too, they are responsible for high health indicators and order in their areas, only the influential mother is constantly dissatisfied with them, generally cool
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got a job with... one got a job with the police, another got a job at the clinic for 3 kopecks to wipe his pants, i work for you all myself. class! the family of guardian angels of the area will have to solve completely different problems, everyday and not so, get into strange and funny stories from the fifth floor with a toilet, it’s a pity that i didn’t get in, i won’t miss it next time. grateful residents do not remain in debt and also closely monitor order in the shatalov family. look, get there. what will you do? on stepanov’s tezhi, i will treat you until you die. endless to-do list alena, conflicts with your bosses and your own son, a midlife crisis and even a love triangle will fit in. let me go, hold on, i can barely stand, but what does it feel like for me to hold the woman of my dreams by the legs? and of course, we cannot do without the acute housing problem and the wonderful neighbors who
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suddenly appear.
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in transbaikalia, internal regional air services have resumed today, as for a long time there was no air communication between the region and the regions of the region. hello, denis, flights to hard-to-reach areas have been suspended settlements of the region were in january of this year. questions arose regarding tariffs and the amount of subsidies that cover the shortfall in ticket prices. in early april, the parties were able to reach an agreement, and air traffic was restored. from the couple you can now fly to red check, kru, tungacochin. victoria, thank you, good news for you, and for now we’ll move to chelyabinsk, alexey sanochkin is on air there today, alexey, hello, in the southern urals cows ride on carousels, tell us why they came up with such an attraction, good afternoon, denis, south ural farmers are modernizing
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production, as in koelginsko. an agricultural enterprise installed a new machine for milking cows, which employees nicknamed the carousel. such races at the new giant attraction in the village of koelga are organized every day, however, not for the entertainment of cows. movement in a circle calms the animals, they give more milk. in a fifteen-minute cycle , you can get up to 25 liters from just one cow. the kailga farm has almost 8,000 cows. every day they produce about 100 tons milk. thank you, alexey, colleagues, have a good broadcast. next, our issue will continue to provide regional news with residents of moscow and the moscow region. see you in just a few seconds, don't switch.
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an inspector has completed a large-scale raid on electric scooters in the capital. were on duty in the city center and on the outskirts, which violations were recorded more often.


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