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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  April 22, 2024 4:30pm-5:31pm MSK

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the viewer just liked it, so that people would smile, so that people somewhere might be sad with them, i would be very pleased with that. a heartwarming story of a communal scale, about the not at all boring everyday life of the angelovrai district, the premiere episode is already tonight on the russia tv channel. ekaterina fralova and olga sukhorukova. news. forecasters again warn of strong winds, with speeds at times reaching 17 m/s. a gusty wind has been blowing through the capital for three days now. utility workers are eliminating the consequences; sudden gusts tore off roofs metal sheets, trees were uprooted, and several cars were hit. vesti continues to monitor the development of major events in russia and abroad. stay with us.
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tas is authorized to announce the year 1984. this picture comes out of the country and becomes a cult favorite in the ussr. the film is based on the true story of alexander ogorodnik, an employee of the soviet foreign ministry, who is also a trianon spy recruited by cia agents. the traitor found his sphere of influence through women; the objects of his attention were the daughter of a famous surgeon, the daughter of the secretary of the circus cpsu, but the most important woman in his life turned out to be cia recruiter pilar suarez. today, in the year of the seventieth anniversary of the kgb, when the secrecy stamp on this high-profile case has been lifted, new, unique details are revealed. for viewers
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of our program, in this house on krasnopresnenskaya embankment, in the early seventies, in an apartment overlooking the government house that was still under construction, there lived a soviet diplomat who supplied the cia with the most important secret documents, his name was alexander ogorodnik, nicknamed trianon, his code designation. the gardener received colombia, where he worked as the second secretary of the embassy of the soviet union, in his free time he speculated with cigarettes and alcohol at a gas station. having learned about ogorodnik’s dark affairs, foreign intelligence services took him into development using the so -called honey trap. as if by chance, the diplomat was introduced to an employee of the colombian university, pilar suarez. it was a sweet romance, but with a bitter aftertaste.
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the gardener was provided with piquant photographs of intimacy with his mistress. intrigue in the country threatened with dismissal from the soviet foreign ministry with shame. for fear of ruining his career, he agreed to cooperate with the cia and became a spy for trianon. the gardener was taught to use a mini-camera, which was hidden in the second pen. and one of the first documents transferred to the united states was a report on soviet-chinese relations and development prospects in the state department, these materials were called the most important information they had ever received. already working in moscow, within the walls of the ministry of foreign affairs, trianon photographed 80 sheets of highly secret documents every day. hidden in containers the spy left microfilms in hiding places throughout the capital. one of them was in the forest, where victory park is now located. the mole
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in the mid was identified in 1977. the operation to develop the traitor was called "agronomist". alexander ogorodnik was placed under surveillance and on june 22, a sanction for his arrest was received personally from the head of the kgb, yuri andropov. trianon was caught in the courtyard of the house when he got out of his black volga. kgb, you are under arrest. there was no point in denying it; the security officers already knew about all his spy tricks, codes and hiding places, including in the apartment. there, in the presence of the investigator, he decided to write a confession, but there was a nuance. the gardener decided to write exclusively with his own pen. at some point, he brought his hand to his mouth and fell out of his chair, foaming at the mouth. it turned out that in the cap of the pen there was a capsule with cyanide, which the americans advocated... the gardener
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died at the sklifosovsky institute, where doctors tried to resuscitate him for another two hours. later , 1.0 rubles were found in the glove compartment of the black volga trianon. this three months' salary of a diplomat. before his death, he himself managed to admit that he had $315,500 in an american bank account. it turns out that the price of his own life is the amount for which the gardener sold his homeland. in our studio today is the legendary counterintelligence officer who developed the ogorodnik case. nechaev, we are glad to welcome you, hello, as i understand it, ogorodnik was quite cunning, smart, very attentive, let’s say, an agent, yes, who paid attention to details and surrounded himself with women
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from all sides, well, you are so complete a characterization has just been given to this man, but it’s all true, of course, well, no one calculated the proportions, but the man was really, first of all, he... was well educated, uh, he was brought up partly well too, he had such good skills by nature, the gene pool is everything else , was sometimes pleasant in communication, especially with women, courteous, always of a certain interest to them, and as for, of course, the costs of his personal, as if deep nature of behavior only later... when it began to spill out outwardly, either from excessiveness, from excessive narcissism, self-confidence and so on, that is, these negative qualities and traits, of course, began to manifest themselves in his behavior and actions, the most important thing is that he began
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to allow such things that are sometimes completely not even absurd from the point of view from the perspective of a professional and a counterintelligence officer, actions that gave rise to attracting increased... attention to him from the intelligence services of the host country, in this case in colombia, it is clear that every employee of our foreign institutions, be it an embassy, ​​is be it the consulate general, be it the tark missions and others, of course, everyone is of literal interest to the intelligence services in terms of receiving information from them, in any form, be it in the dark, and of course, the pinnacle is when... a person is recruited by the intelligence services and represents for him, of course, in this case, the gardener was a very valuable source for the intelligence service, in this case, the americans picked him up from the local intelligence services, a gas station was mentioned here,
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he developed not just a gas station, but began to sell alcohol there, then cigarettes, well, of course he attracted attention. our de but, by the way, is now telling all these details, but this backstory, i don’t remember something in the famous film tas is authorized to state the details, of course, well, why for a feature film, especially since this is a purely professional interest, so in this case, after almost 50 years
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, we can say this, but what is certain is if we remember the film, because we all grew up on it and today the brilliant actors who starred in the film are also together. with us on the show, this is the story with the surgeon’s daughter olga, whom he poisoned with kurara’s poison to this plant origin, kurara is one of the versions, do you think she was his accomplice, or she didn’t know anything, and he understood , that she could have guessed something, why he removed her, this is the main question, well, an accomplice is very bold and rude, because throughout this woman’s character, behavior and in general... as far as we later studied her and moral-psychological portraits, everything else, of course, she was simply impossible to even assume that she was an accomplice, but it was possible, taking into account their relationship and his
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nature, after all, he had adventurism, he could listen to intelligence center broadcasts on the radio in her presence frankfurt. and something else, she’s a normal, smart person, but he used her in the dark, and maybe he still probed her, that’s what she wants? what if so, what if how? well, maybe some kind of frank conversation took place, he poisoned her with this poison that evaporates, you cannot find it in the body, we found his notes, he wrote notes literally every day, there were hints, like signs, of what he did with the staple, with this portion of poison, which he, which he was handed over to the cia. then he announced that he allegedly lost this poison, but this is some kind of madness, given his accuracy,
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caution and fear, to suddenly lose such a thing, about kurar, of course, i repeat this again, one of the versions, the americans in their publications , they call it cyonite, well cyanite, cyanite, the difference is small, unfortunately, today with us, you just won olga’s friend in the film, let’s remember this scene, attention. olya came to me, her eyes were sore and she was somehow squeezed out, i had never seen her like this before, i don’t know if it’s convenient to talk about this, in a word, she asked me to evaluate the earrings, a diamond with an emerald, and what kind of earrings are they, where are they from? don’t you know, he gave her some oak trees, excuse me for being tactless, yes, but i can’t help but think that you don’t care. great warmth for dubov, well, how can i tell you, i i really don’t really like him,
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he’s smart, talented, he doesn’t drink, but my heart doesn’t lie for him, the conclusion of a forensic medical study of the corpse of citizen olga viktorovna winter, 34 years old, the study was carried out at night in clear weather and artificial light, conclusions: the death of the citizen winter suffered from poisoning with a quick-acting poison, the chemical composition of which could not be fully established.
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embassy, ​​yes, he met her, then them . as i understand it, they met there and the relationship continued in the form of letters, that’s one of them, look, we discovered, beloved pilar, don’t be offended that i couldn’t wait for you any longer, on your birthday i was in our house, listened to our songs, read our books, i was with you then, i’m sorry, but i i need to leave, the hammam closes at 9:00 pm, they are waiting for me along... friend, congratulations, i hug you a thousand times, july 9, 72nd, your sasha, that is, it is for her sake that he, let’s say, for the sake of love for her, he is selling his homeland , or saving himself, because he was filmed with her, what do you think, rather, of course, saving, i'm talking about himself always thought, but it was also no coincidence that she appeared on his horizon in his life, she was an employee of the american-colombian cultural center,
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massage, and let's see the reconstruction of the program, the investigation is being conducted by the kgb, just in this pool, what happened, one day lieutenant colonel peretrukhin invites the gardener to take a steam bath. seagulls, and at the same time listen to the details of an important assignment. kgb officers are portrayed as a large, cheerful company. they must quietly take casts of the keys to the gardener's apartment, but he behaves very carefully. on the tables in the dressing room there are sandwiches with salmon caviar, but the main thing is cold czech beer in cans, a huge shortage in moscow
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in the seventies, but the gardener refuses to drink and eat, citing diet. still, he can’t resist and secretly tries the beer. the operatives still manage to make casts of the keys to his apartment and garage, and also inspect his volga. a thousand rubles in cash are found in the car, this is a huge amount, about three monthly salaries of an agronomist. viktor nikolaevich malaya was the same massage therapist, friends, who did this gripping massage, he is here today, an operational officer.
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my condition, but apparently there is something inside me that allowed me to do this, that is, the main task during the massage, while you are doing the massage and he fell asleep, is to make impressions of the keys of all the offices that you contradicted, absolutely right, which means my legend was as follows: i am a young journalist, not anti-soviet, but somewhere , in general, on the edge, so... i was looking for a way out to the west, in addition, in the process of development, materials were received about that not everything is going well with his back, so my second legend was that, well , strictly speaking, a legend for him, but in life it was actually the case that i am a former
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athlete, a master of sports of international class in track cycling. repeated champion of the soviet union, which means, well, here my creative, theatrical skills were needed, which i didn’t have, but i have to, i have to learn from facts, that means the idea is sports, which means i’m an athlete myself, as i said, passed special courses. sorry, and if, therefore, he wants, then he can ask me to do it, well, that is, there is no absolute guarantee that he will want, yes, that is, well, somehow you have to hint like that, of course, of course, of course, of course, no, well, he specifically had a problem with his back, but here we guessed, it means that when we went into the steam room a few times, came out, he turns to me, you know,
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i have back pain, you couldn’t, well, come on, please, let's go, the most important thing was to lull his vigilance, well, when i laid out on the massage table, i decided to do a full massage, not just a back massage, but a full massage, but because this extended the time for the guys from the technical department to work, gradually, gradually, gradually i feel that the muscles begin to relax and close eyes. i convey my thoughts to the employees of the special unit at a distance, i say, guys, it’s time, they start their work, and i continue, naturally, mine, then the guys give me the go-ahead that everything is in order, yes you can for your opera from the ares to finish, well, in the end everyone is
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happy, the state security committee. because the job was done, our unit, he, because he finally felt better, his back felt better, and me, because i completed the task of the management, so, let’s do a little advertising now, right after that another person will appear from our secret operation, who, after the gardener took poison, spent 3 weeks in makeup portraying agent trianon, which he will tell 40 years later. premiere, stop it, alexander pankratov
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black, next time i won’t miss, alexander ropok, comrade, take off the handcuffs, come on, tomorrow under escort to apartment 20, clearly, anna mikhalkova, she assigned one to the police, the other to the clinic, i’ll work for... everyone, he’ll kill or hurt , maybe fyodor lavrov, well, look, what a beauty, what a woman, and where others give up, they grow wings, so, i won’t accept this, angels of the area, today on rtr, old barrel cognac product steller group.
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do you want twice as much yield? the best the solution for you will be a mini-greenhouse-breadbasket. it will protect plants from frost and retain heat. it will accelerate the growth of fruit ripening and extend the gardening season; the presence of zippered windows will provide quick access for watering and maintenance. we offer a choice of two sizes of mini-greenhouses: 120x60. 60 cm and 120x90 by 90 cm. you can use it on the terrace for growing seedlings or exotic ornamental plants. thanks to its compact size, the mini-greenhouse-breadbasket will be successfully located even in the most inaccessible places on your site or premises. the durable frame of mini-greenhouses made of metal pipes is resistant to corrosion and protects plants from strong gusts of wind. thanks to the covering material made of pvc film , plants receive reliable protection from insect pests. choose.
4:53 pm
you're bored with your old fence, you want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repair or replacement will hit your budget hard, we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for a fence, bright life, with its help you can easily and quickly transform your countryside. plot beyond recognition, fence, terrace, gazebo, in instantly updated without expensive repairs and painting, four bright beautiful colors to choose from, all you need to do is secure the photo facade in a way convenient for you, this is a ready-made solution, the bright life photo facade is suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal, when it appears if it gets dirty, just rinse it with water, it’s beautiful, quick, convenient and easy. call to order a universal photo facade for the fence bright life at a special price from only 9.95. just choose a suitable design and create it
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the unique look of your suburban area. steersman bourbon is a product of stellar group. veda vodka is a product of stellar group. favorite songs are played in our studio: let's go!
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tas is authorized to state that this series was one of the most iconic in the ussr; it was based on the true story of alexander ogorodnik, an employee of the soviet foreign ministry who was recruited by cia agents. the spy caused great damage to the ussr with his actions. ogorodnik, aka agent trianon, sent classified information to the americans, without hesitation to hand over his own. today after 40 years. details of this high-profile case in the year of the seventieth anniversary of the state security committee. before leaving for advertising, we told that during his arrest, alexander ogorodnik managed to drink poison from the cap of his pen.
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but in order to create the appearance that the cia agent is alive after his death, counterintelligence officer viktor pesok will walk around with a changed appearance for another 3 weeks, let's listen to what he said, alexander ogorodnik lived in this house, in this entrance, 1 2 3 4 5. on sixth or something, where the window is beautiful, in my opinion, well, i had a jacket similar to his, like that the same color, the same tailoring, there were sunglasses on the table, well, i just took it, figured it out, tried on these sunglasses, one of the generals, so look, he says, but it’s similar, and here the idea of ​​making a double was born, apparently. so that i
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was constantly under the supervision of the americans, that i was alive, well and unharmed, how this so-called game would begin. i was taken to the mosfilm film studio, the head of the make-up department said, well, the material is generally damp, but the material is suitable, so they plucked me eyebrows, poor women, raised the wings of the nose, raised the inserts. they did and raised the upper lip, they also made inserts, this is the same wig that i generally used to leave the house, so i changed clothes, changed them, put on completely different dark glasses, i was somewhere in his skin for 3 weeks, his steps were a little bit
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like this... his gait was a little bit like this type somewhere , i practiced his gait all the time, when i was labeled as a gardener, i had to carry out communications operations with the station united states of america, on this pole there was a sign for caution children, he was a gardener who used lipstick, with this lipstick he signaled that i...
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nikolaevich, hello, studio, you, the person who entered the gardener’s apartment, yes, and found this these various marks and traps that were placed so that he could understand whether he entered the apartment there or not, what it looked like? the first time we entered there, we found strings, hairs, everything was rearranged, as if everything was marked, so... well, he could to determine whether he had entered in his absence, whether anyone had entered the apartment or not, in short, we turned around and, without taking a sip of salt, we left there, because in order not to fail the operation, the operation was very serious, well, only after a number of operational steps had been carried out -technical activities, it was found out where he had a cache with his spy gadgets, all there was a code,
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a notepad, a fountain pen.
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her husband died, who also worked in intelligence, i don’t remember, or vangolie or somewhere in the movements that are national there liberation, supported by the soviet union. she came to cheat, to avenge her husband, she maintained contact with the traitor, with alexander ogorodnik. she had to make a bookmark in a hiding place on the luzhnetsky bridge, there was this ampoule with poison, there was a code pad, there were instructions, they detained her very gently, i was dressed in the uniform of a police officer, so that...
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so she screamed in order to warn him not to come here, they still wrote later that there was a diplomat, bruises on his arm, a watch was broken there, but well, well what to do, that we went a little too far here, well, i went too far, they unbuttoned her blouse, here under her arm there, or here under her chest, there was a receiver with a chuckatoon like... we say, here, which was listening to the radio, if only in some radio stations started working in this area, she still had a katunchik like that, it would start to vibrate, she was already on her way, she
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turned to me with such an unbuttoned blouse, indicating that i should button it up, that her breasts were out there, but to me they didn’t let me fasten it, our leader was sitting there, which i’m shaking... the main question is, you said that there were several capsules of poison, which march gave to the gardener, where did that amount go,
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that is, they poisoned someone else along the way , yes, that’s the point, that they handed over two capsules with poison, you know one, he poisoned his wife, but in the bookmark that should have been placed in the cache when we caught her red-handed, there was another capsule with poison, in the instructions when you open this cache, right away there was a piece of paper on which it was written that there was a comrade, if you found there, well, it’s so threatening, we’ll say a letter for those, if suddenly someone finds a cache completely by accident, and the cache looks like a stone, you’re right, let’s give an approximation. a piece of asphalt. let's look at the archival interrogation of martha peterson, which was provided by the special services historian, oleg konstantinovich matveev. having been detected in such actions, the citizen was detained,
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turned out to be against, this was found on her body, all this was in this cow. in addition, citizen there were two packages. packages indicates that the object and, therefore, the corresponding sand and material from this object, which means poured, is in this package, there was also a map, a map of the moscow metro, 40-40 banknotes card, denomination 25 rubles, a total of 1,000 rubles . brooch made of yellow metal. with turquoise, here are photographs that prove that she has everything and equipment, everything is on her body, take things, and the rest of the contents are a bag, a branch, a branch, there is also a branch, so throw it into the river, here i am waiting on
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representative of the embassy, ​​this is a subject, even a waste, you haven’t gathered, you don’t answer, there’s nothing to say. about two or three years ago, our
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television workers were in the united states, then they came to me, they said, we want to interview you there, we drove up, we talked to them, suddenly they told me: michael cellers sent you a letter, this there was also an embassy employee, the second secretary of the embassy, ​​an identified cia intelligence officer, my comrades and i detained him, and in this letter he writes that he came to the cia, he says that he came to the cia from hollywood, he was hired, now he has retired and returned to hollywood, so he wants to make a film with me and martha peterson about the confrontation between the kgb and the cia, and that now marsa peterson is there and he knows , who was such a cleaner there in the eighties, it wasn’t very pleasant for them there, but martha says she still remembers this polite employee.
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it was so scary, as if i was walking on a dedicated stage. trianon and i never
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met, but i remember going alone put the parcel in the forest, looked up and saw that far, far away, about two streets away, a man was standing. and i thought it was trianon, waiting for his parcel to be delivered. so i sat down in the bushes, tucked my legs under me and waited for him to come into the forest. the face stopped when i saw him, because i was afraid that he... i was 4 years old, i wasn’t scared, i was
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angry, i was kicking and screaming, i grabbed my purse, at that moment i hit the man in the hand, we drove off to the lubyanka prison, and this is the place no cia officer would want to go go in from the back door, then they started interrogating, i said, i don’t know anything about this, about an hour later they opened the cache and started taking things out of the cache, the name became completely...
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the most important thing is this note, which is already here vladimir nikolaevich tried to quote, yes, this is for those who accidentally find this bookmark, comrade, you accidentally penetrated into someone else’s secret. having picked up someone else's packages of things that were not intended for you, keep the money and gold with yourself, but do not touch other things in the package so as not to find out too much much and did not and did not put his life, the life of his loved ones in danger, that is, this is an element of threat, yes, a direct threat on the territory
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of the country, yes, yes, a direct threat on our sovereign territory, these are the ones, this is the main thing. yes, it was with these - with this battery that it all actually started, when they found it, in his apartment during an unofficial vacation , it was clear that there were, uh, these , these cassettes for the pen are stored, it’s a miracle, here it is that famous pen, a camera, not with poison, just a camera, it unscrews, here... there’s a camera at the end, finally, the object that was on martha’s body, which made it possible to record radio broadcasts and warn her that an external surveillance service was working around her, looks like a holter, yes, so yes, it looks like a modern holter, so the whole operation was in radio silence mode ,
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absolutely, this is several hundred people, yes, finally, this is a gas pistol that the gardener asked the americans, they sent it, so to speak, why does he need it? but the seventy-seventh year became a black year for the cia embassy station, because in in the course of literally four months they lost two valuable agents - an oborodnik from the mead, and anatoly fillatov, a military intelligence officer, who was also recruited at a honey trap in algeria during a business trip, one second i ’ll interrupt you, you should explain, it seems to me: to our viewers, what is a honey trap? well, a honey trap is an event that is carried out by almost all intelligence agencies, but this event, who are the performers of the honey trap, they have a different term in american intelligence, well, we often call it that, this is the swallow of the raven, we must not forget about the male
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part, the swallow - you know, this is a special purpose agent, you need to characterize him like that, because well... as now, for example, we characterize this profession, a girl with low social responsibility, this does not quite apply to this category of people, this is a classic technique of the special services, look for chershelyam zhershely, well, in general, it feels like i’m now taking a course for a young fighter to become a committee employee, the thing is, that people are all different, no one could figure it out, thank you, we worked using illegal methods, they are a little different from what intelligence officers do under the guise of a diplomat, we did not have a set of the technical means that were described here, we had literally
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this minimal set in order not to arouse any suspicion or questions, this is probably the advantage of just... this kind of work, we worked with people, we worked, thinking through in our heads what needed to be obtained and where this information could be obtained , in this in in general, the power of illegal intelligence, but betrayal is that very moment, probably the most serious risk for any person who works in intelligence, because it is very difficult to prevent this, just like that...
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because, probably, they could be useful to our country in many ways. let's go back to a few more gadgets. this was equipment that was unique at that time for the year 1977, that is, in appearance it was a standard gvc radio tape recorder at that time, under one of the speakers there is a special device for close-range intelligence connection, which resembles a small keyboard from a computer.
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okroshka, we need to be simpler, hut, who is guaranteed cosmic success, i take
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responsibility for this answer, we have a powerful intrigue, 100 to one, 100 years ago, on sunday on rtr, rom castro, a product of the stellar group. are you bored with your old fence, do you want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repair or replacement will hit your budget? we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for a fence, bright life. with its help you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition. a fence, terrace, gazebo will be updated in an instant without expensive repairs and painting. four bright beautiful colors to choose from. all you need to do is pin the photo. in a convenient way for you, this is a ready-made solution, the bright life photo facade is suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or
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metal, if it gets dirty , just rinse it with water, it’s beautiful, fast, convenient and easy, call order a universal bright life photo facade for a special price, only from 9.95, just choose the appropriate design and create a unique look for your suburban area. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. we present to your attention a real bestseller, a luxurious chocolate bag made of genuine leather. an elegant, stylish, very roomy chocolate bag is made in the patchwork style and goes well with any clothes and shoes. she will become your reliable companion to work, on a visit, or on a walk to the store. soft genuine leather, high-quality fittings, classic shape - optimal. size. such a bag the most discerning fashionistas will appreciate it. it will emphasize the femininity of its owner and add even more charm.
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the design of the bag is thought out to the smallest detail. two large zipped compartments, four external pockets and even a hidden umbrella compartment. all this will allow you to conveniently organize your space and maintain order in your purse. stylish design - two current colors to choose from. universal black and noble brown. call right now for. sea overseas premiere on saturday on rtr.
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hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes, today on rt. once again, good afternoon, tas is authorized to declare that this series was one of the most iconic in the ussr, it was based on the real story of alexander ogorodnik, an employee of the soviet foreign ministry who was recruited by cia agents. 40 years after the operation and in the year of the seventieth anniversary of the kgb, we tell the details of this secret mission. we have an interesting continuation of this whole story, because there is a person who has been looking for alexander’s grave for many years, and
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many don’t even know about her...
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eye truth, and i understand this, the cia used my mother to contact my dad, and when they had some kind of meeting at the airport, he was very irritated that they tried to -affect their relationship. how did your parents meet? it was a fashion show, a fashion show, which was organized by my mother, she did a demonstration of clothes from different countries, and this also concerned the soviet union, and since my father was the secretary of the embassy in bogata, so... he also participated in this event, and there they are met. i think it was love at first sight. i think they met every week during this particular period. and they met in 1973, then in 1974 my mother ended up in spain. and i think that it was during these trips to columbia that she became pregnant. are there any
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personal items that you still have from alexander? very often used, i have caught quite a lot of red-handed and simple arrests and secret detentions, a lot, even intelligence officers, they said here, but what about scouts are trained there, they are warned about this, they still fall into this honey trap, it is very difficult to escape from this trap if it is being prepared, yes, thank you, i will know, i will remind you that...
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very nice, i was brought up, well since i was lucky, the whole point is that i was a child of the war, i was raised for the exploits of intelligence officers, you know, yes, kadochnikov, petrovich fell, with whom i had the good fortune to act in film, so for me everything that concerns, suvorovite, cadet, for everything related to intelligence is very close to me, very interesting, very tempting, then you... the guy also said an interesting thing when they accepted this picture, so he told me, the committee workers were sitting, the main one was sitting with a fountain pen, they had to sign the acceptance certificate, he turned to everyone like that, said, well which, you can sign, has nothing to do with our work, that’s for me, the main thing is that it’s nothing, but in general it was a joy to film, and this is
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a wonderful movie, it doesn’t... will never become outdated. well, alejandro suarez, friends, gets in touch with us, so we see her. good afternoon, have you seen the film that we are discussing today 40 years ago, i am authorized to declare a soviet film about your father. i am very glad to be here with you today, yes, i know about this television series and you also know that it was released only in russian, and i did not have the opportunity to watch it, however, i watched some.
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life was, let's say, influenced by what happened to my father, she is now old, sick, and what more can i say, because yes, she is a sick person, but she is america, she’s in spain, what country is she in, if it’s not a secret? yes, i know where she is, she is in spain, i know that you want to meet your relatives in russia, and are you ready to come to meet them? yes, of course, it depends on many conditions, i really want to go to russia, i am ready, especially in order to meet my family there, yes, but
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you keep something from your father, besides the memoirs, there is something in your family? i have a few gifts, depending on what you're talking about, right now.
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