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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  April 22, 2024 11:25pm-2:05am MSK

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no, they send a request into space so that the dark one will come back, everything is fine with us, well, this is a normal topic, ask for pizza, oh, it’s working, it’s wobbly, sit, i’ll open it, lie down, dark, alyonka, and i kept wondering if you’ve moved out or we haven’t moved out, so many years have passed, don’t you recognize me or something, and mishka, it’s you, mikha, hello, vanka, well, my, great, tramp, great, alive, armored guy, help one out for you, what’s wrong , where are you from, alyonka, do you really
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not remember me? kushtli buxoro shahridom, uyda doiram bor. dog'day chani kavora. yog'radi yoolmay, kapir o'ora,
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yor meni kelmoqda, tashlab oxista qadam, agar menga boqmasa, doday rosta qiladi alam, boladi.
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well, well, like a sultan, yes, listen, that’s it, now i’ll wear it to work every day instead of a coat, why every day, but velvet with gold, it’s only on holidays, yes, come on, give me the leg , no, come on, come on, yes, come on, come on, come on, come on, like this, come on, come on the second one, look how beautiful it is, and mish, well, thank you, look, that’s it, just like that, mish, well, what kind of woman, here we have the shamahar queen, kind, kind, hello, hello, wow, princess budur, why didn’t they teach you how to get acquainted, no, let’s meet, ivan, how do you like it? father
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petrovich, can you call uncle vanya, it’s very nice, our neighbor, perevozov, perevozov, have you known him since then? so temka waved, well , he was the same, now the guy is already, well, okay, that’s it, i ran, stand, stand, hold, handmade, thank you, gurgle for your health, he doesn’t smoke, so what, i’ll open this hookah bar , into a profitable business, by the way, you’re in you work as a police officer, dad said, yeah, well, you can protect yourself. but in general, come on, i opened the meeting house yesterday, now we can have a hookah bar, mom, well, hello, what are you, i ’m kidding, yes, i’m kidding too, it’s a joke, guys, mish,
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alena, i understand everything that you have here we have our own life, we are like snow on our heads, lumpy, excellent, crystalline, and where should we go? now, i almost forgot, you can’t buy something like this here, grain, fresh, straight from the market, aroma, i actually thought that the room was a chu-chu, but it is there, it turns out, well, this, van, what is clear, wait, what is clear to you, for example, i don’t understand, van, are you going to live here, but no, alen, what are you saying, i have a house in bukhara, a wife. sayyora, saya, the ghoul will live here, okay, yeah,
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yes, evgeniy ramanovich, uh, yes, in 15 minutes, everything is fine. okay, let's all live here, food is in the refrigerator, money is there in the nightstand, tomorrow, i haven't been home for 20 years, i can throw a party for people, so he showed up, vadik, what should i do? i have this idea here, maybe you can buy my room? so, take 400 that’s it, either there will be 800, or a ghoul will live here, it’s clear, we’ll think, lordly life, angelirana, continuation, look at
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rtr tomorrow, kalinon belek - a place where time... stops, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time , the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale. today , negotiations between vladimir putin and ilham aliyev took place in the kremlin. the visit of the azerbaijani leader took place on the eve of the fiftieth anniversary the baikal-amur mainline, the construction
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of which during the soviet union took place under the supervision of heydar aliyev. decades later, relations between the russian and azerbaijani peoples remain extremely friendly. head of state.
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commonwealth of an independent state, i mean that one way or another many of our partners use this transport artery, of course, we will have the opportunity to talk about bilateral relations.
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the polish leader also asked nato countries to increase spending on defense, selflessly, i repeat the mantra about the inadmissibility of russia’s victory in ukraine. the madness of the poles and balts turned out to be contagious. secretary general en stoltenberg calls for preparations for a protracted conflict and promises that a new aid package from the united states will help ukraine hold the front line and carry out deep strikes on russian military targets. the european public is rapidly preparing to send troops to...
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find, to deliver, since brussels has nothing of this, only the member countries of the european union have it. we have requested all countries look for air defense systems and ammunition to strengthen the air defense system of ukraine. orban speaks very precisely, and what’s interesting is that he reminds me of a well-known classic work of antiquity, when some people also broadcast and broadcast, they did not listen to him, but three nevertheless fell. today in brussels the war parties are in the majority,
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a war mood reigns in europe, and politics is governed by the logic of war. everyone on all sides is preparing for war. the nato secretary general wants to create a nato-ukraine mission. europe's leaders are already involved in the war. i talk to them i hear them, they perceive the war as their own, call it their own war. this is a military whirlwind that can drag europe into the abyss. brussels is playing with fire, he is tempting god himself. we remember this well. they have personal experience, we have learned this well. world wars were never
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called world wars in the beginning. we, in my opinion, seriously underestimate the west, for some reason we are used to reading it as weak, and so, you know, epicurean and that they will not agree to anything, they will, they don’t call it now. the averton window is already opening when they say that this will all be very simple, we need to start with military missions, which, as they believe, will not provoke the russians, they will not kill russian pilots, they will shoot down russian shells, then we need such missions, who will not only train, but will allow them to be released, let’s get away from the border there, that is, it doesn’t matter what they all say, it is clear that they will destroy any foreigner who finds themselves on the territory
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of ukraine, anyone, each of them will become a target, we understand very well where this is all going. there should be no illusions, it’s simple, there shouldn’t be any illusions, after ukraine is destroyed, european troops will be sent from different directions, the task of ukraine, as we said yesterday, is to weaken us as much as possible, soften us, and then what was done blow, when the untermenschs, the ukrainians end, as, well, let’s say, german nazi propaganda believes, the obermenschs will go further. well, too , at first it will probably be middle menish, that is, some minor ones, slavs by chance those who found themselves in nato, volks, well, yes, the people will go, but everything, everything is obvious, it’s interesting that today the whole country does not celebrate widely, this is a soviet person, i’m used to the fact that vladimirovich lenin’s birthday was celebrated very widely, in fact in vain, so
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even trump teaches americans to speak correctly. has anyone ever heard of lenin? people usually say with less sophistication: lenin, lenin, i like it that way. well, if lenin had lived, he would have liked playing with his name less. by the way, few people know lenin’s name. no, everyone knows ulyanov’s name. and lenin is the second part of the pseudonym. and what was the name in front? two. so here is lenin, who radically changed the course of world history, and this does not raise the slightest doubt, he wrote a lot, and
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wrote a lot of things that now, of course, would not hurt to get out and review again. that's what, but as a practitioner of the political process, he was, of course, very precise, very cruel, whoever, and he understood the logic of imperialism extremely accurately, for him there were no illusions about who was opposing, we these illusions have appeared, we need to get rid of them, we need to get rid of them, because we need to understand that a clash with the west is inevitable, a special military operation. de facto after istanbul, which has grown into a war, first from the proxenate, can now turn into a direct clash with the troops, they are already saying, i don’t know, confirmed yes or no, thousands of french who landed in odessa are already directly stating that, not i can guarantee this, for now these are the ones who are declaring
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that the nato mission is already declaring and legitimizes the presence of americans. if we clearly understand what these people have in store for us, i, for example, am not going to wait, i don’t consider the lives of the citizens of belgorod,
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kursk, rostov. we were not justified, but there was no such case, we are dealing with a vile, satanic, absolutely convinced of its right to destroy everyone by the west. who will always deceive, do not look for my compassion for them, my compassion is with my people, do not look for
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excuses in me and the phrase: no, well, let's wait until they launch a nuclear strike on our cities, they are planning this after at the expense of the ukrainians, they will try to cause cracks in our nuclear brush, there is not the slightest doubt, there is no need to expect from them the manifestation of what they do not have, they have neither common sense nor humanity, there is only absolutely deep animal hatred for us for our country, this must be taken into account, vitalitovich, well, that’s a lot, thank you, anniversary obama, i certainly could delve into the memories when...
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the death of vladimir lenin, if kant is certainly one of those thinkers who made a decisive contribution to the philosophy that here
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developed after him, then lenin, ours, kant, of course, not ours, of course, he is a german philosopher, of course, then lenin is certainly a political thinker and activist who made a decisive contribution to political practice and the thought of everything ... that followed, after the start of his active work time, so we should not forget either one or the other, by the way, and i, i really believe that it is completely wrong that in our country we do not celebrate with dignity, at least the anniversary dates associated with vladimir and lenin, this it’s just wrong, it’s contrary to historical truth,
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not in political activity directly, everything lives and lives, suddenly one thing, then another, then a third, then a fourth, it was, is will be, continues to this day, for example, well, with the south caucasus a separate story, not for today’s conversation, right now , by the way , a strange population census is taking place in moldova,
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changing the pressure of the population, at least in the form of surveys, in favor of joining the eu, joining nato, joining romania, also... ukrainians, ukrainian authorities, more precisely, they carried out surveys one after another, a corresponding propaganda campaign, as they say now, a pr campaign, so with
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each subsequent question they have a number of wishes.
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i went there somewhere in the mid-nineties, maybe towards the end, because there was already a new publication of the gorbachev foundation, a conference at its place, and i was one of its participants, and i was sitting next to him there, well, among the main speakers, and an american family spoke in front of me, i don’t remember what their names were now, they fought with gorbachev and speaking in front of this audience, in front of everything mikhail sergeevich, the head of this family... thanked gorbachev for destroying communism and destroying the soviet union. mikhail sergeevich generally reacted like this, well, quite loyally. after that i spoke, and for the first time in gorbachev’s presence i began to criticize him, in particular for the fact that he remained silent and did not react in any way. i reminded him of what he said, that he always
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stood for the preservation of the soviet union. this is bognik, who spoke for what in words, people are sitting, thanking him for destroying their own country, and this is considered normal, i couldn’t stand it, so about morality, generally speaking, god, or whoever, well, god, let’s assume, created this human civilization, consisting of many countries of peoples. which compete with each other, one of the most severe forms of this competition is war, wars did not start yesterday, not the day before yesterday, not with vladimirovich lenin, and civilian, non- civilian and everything else, and you have a choice, you either win or lose, well, it’s just that the story is actually
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being realized, but now we’ll see. what means moral and what is not moral? every person, an active person, he was born this way, he must protect his life and the life of his family, would anyone deny any religion there, no, this applies to larger communities, in particular to countries where the country -state system has developed, this is the task of this people, the task of the population. all the more so is the task of the ruling class, no matter what it is called, and even more so the task of the leaders, to preserve the life and desired prosperity of their side of their people, if one of me is attempting to do this, fair or unfair, now we won’t, well, what should you do, you should resist, and if this is a constant source of danger, and even threatens to destroy you, that we
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certainly... now it’s clear that not only in words, then excuse me, it means that it needs to be destroyed, perhaps earlier, this...
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without the decision of the highest authorities, the political authorities of the russian federation, which means the emphasis is placed on specific decisions, in this in this region, the same with gagauzia, which is legally part of moldova, here are all the latest events, the arrival of the leader of this territory, i don’t remember how it’s official there as part of the republic of ggauzia, so... moscow over and over again, there literally every 2 weeks, also apparently means something, that is, a transition to our more active actions in this european region, in the european theater of political action, with the military in general in
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ukraine, everything is clear, the fact that this kharkov television tower was destroyed today was also a pleasant surprise for me. and the european union is united, this slogan is reactionary, if at the head of it the process will be driven by capital, well, that is , modern western - bourgeois enemies of the systemic government, but this slogan
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is progressive, if at the head of this is the working class, there is no working class now, there are other progressive forces, they are represented by russia, if those united states of europe are harmful . and we are progressive and useful, which means we need to give them the opportunity to crumble, and so they have all sorts of hesitations there. i believe that we will see in the coming months, we will see in the coming months, extremely important processes, the main thing is that they do not frighten even more someone in our elite political layer, who would start to turn back. run away or, god forbid, dress up our own country in those conditions when we only need to win, because if we don’t win, we will lose and disappear. you just need to realize, i agree with you, you need to realize that for the west this war is as
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existential as it is for us, we underestimated this at the beginning, and there is no need to calculate the weakness of the west, no need to think, what kind of use should be made of their weaknesses, but... over its weakening, but one should not count on the fact that it itself is so weak, ephemeral, now falling apart, of course not, of course not, the west has experienced the most different periods of its history and knows how.
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iran and palestine are named there, even the mexican cartels, that is, essentially their own, the united states sent a signal to its allies, well, in a sense, to its opponents as to exactly how they see their immediate future.
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there is not enough money, but here there seems to be such a powerful signal, well, it looks like case is powerful, and for this matter, of course, i got the impression that the western countries, our opponents, what is called all the keys, are pressing all the buttons in order to, as it were, excite , create some kind of appearance of active support, or in in any case, unite your allies. around the confrontation with us, in this sense, of course, the united
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states would like such a division of labor to arise, in fact, in my opinion, it even follows from this document that the united states leaves europe to deal with russia, they themselves will be more concerned with east asia, well, apparently, the middle east is not going anywhere, then the situation itself will grow regarding how the europeans will react to their unenviable fate, you know...
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we are the front line, here here and bring it out,
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from the director of liquidation, save this, what is this, remember, we have never lost this, even in the worst times, what they do, they pray, they celebrate saturday, stop greeting, saturday will come anyway, they pray for this is 2 thousand years old, and how will the groom be in hebrew, you you don’t know, hosung, stop, you whore in the eye with... stop, i want to talk, i need two who can shoot, i can do everything, just show me how, we have a grenade, he wants to throw it for his dad, for their older brother, for everything... a film by sergei ursulyak, their task is to survive and get there, and there is no choice, a righteous man, but there is a chance, on may 9 on rtr, they say you need
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to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coastline, where everything is included, except for the head. we know about holidays all. relax. anex.
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treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts. elegant details. a holiday of the refined. tastes, variety of entertainment, golden beach and azure waves. lio rizards, we are here for you. we wish you to meet your prince this year, especially since you already have a horse, on saturday, well, you have a phone there, please give it to me, he is following me. and you saved me, every girl dreams of a prince on a white horse, i met you, my princess, you will be my wife, yes, but not everyone who is on a horse, prince,
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your idiot owes us 150 thousand dollars to our casino, you and mikael, my only heirs, i want my grandson to grow up before my eyes. punishment without crime on saturday on rtr, we have two wonderful teams in our studio presenting a fantastic film based on the story by kir balychev 100 years ago, they travel through centuries. this is, of course, a russian folk kayak, let's get down to it to find the correct answers, i would really like to answer on saturday, but we will answer, perhaps, okroshka, we need to be simpler, hut, to whom
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cosmic success is guaranteed, i take responsibility for this answer, our intrigue is powerful, 100 to one. 100 years ago on sunday on rtr, i found myself a millionaire, on saturday, mikhail, those very friends i’m telling you about, i hope they have already accepted my invitation to a boat trip, maxim radugin, excavations are underway up there, and you leave your things here,
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drag the weakened tiger by the whiskers, dilute it with water, add sugar and put it on a shelf to poison people, we’ll waste it, then we’ll regret it, life will become more interesting, i don’t think so, dima, he won’t say anything in vain, believe me, his phrases, they are verified, let’s go to the maidan for my body. they gave a hero star, simply because i’m russian, that’s enough, i loved europe very much, now we ’ve swapped places, now we’re in russia for freedom of opinion, but they’re not, we’re... open to the world, but they’re not, he’s from that the breed that made russia great. vladimirovich says: i wish you success, you are now my employee,
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the same kiselyov, the premiere on friday on rtr, and about illusions, the main ideas that are now are discussed in europe as a quality. the stage for escalating the conflict looks rather banal, but in their simplicity they are dangerous, firstly, this is an attack on the crimean bridge, because this is such a symbol of the russian presence in the crimea and in novorussia in general, then the deployment of nuclear weapons, well, for now poland is called, the finns they immediately raised their hand, they said , take them back and forth across our territory as much as you want, and finally, we are talking about...
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but this decision, which was made, was accepted by representatives on saturday, she in general
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gives a start to raising the conflict to a new one, to a new higher orbit, well, the united states has declared war on us, well, that is, don’t deceive yourself, the confiscation of our assets is a war, and here we can continue, no, no, war is declared...
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given , said that you and i are talking, grandpa, they knocked down a tower on me in kharkov, they hit me with missiles, they hit me with a shell, grandpa, they offend me, he says, don’t be afraid,
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don’t be vigilant, grandpa said, don’t be vigilant, i i’ve already sent you everything, the lollipops are on the way, i think they’re already in ukraine, of course, most likely, it’s always like this, they announce deliveries when the deliveries have already been made, most likely they have already been delivered, much earlier than the house of representatives adopted something there, well, i... said so, here’s the reasoning, we always say, what what is the west? what is the west? in the west there is no such thing as where decisions are made by the collective, or what? the west is the united states, in fact, this is how they build a strategy, as i now see, in all these publications, including in this famous magazine, which some call communists, in the nineties for years, the democrats called it a diplomat handbook, i mean a head start on the fs. and god forgive me, their impact factor is 0.6%, well, in decent words, explain it to us
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ordinary soviet engineers. i also really wanted to understand this, because in some mathematical journals it is 8, 10, 10, this one has 0.6, and so, once before, before , normal people wrote in this journal, in general at one time, there really was, this is a magazine that is published under the auspices of the council on international relations, and this is a serious organization, here is what is called the deep state, i don’t remember a single secretary of state,
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the united states has nuclear weapons, we are a power that, i can’t say now that oh, listen, well they have nuclear weapons, i spoke about this, i will say this specifically, because this is a very important point, if french troops enter there, the important point is not how we will beat them there, the important point... how we will explain this to a comrade si, no matter what, it’s very important to explain explain to our allies in the global south why we use not in the west specifically, on those who are now our friends, partners who are not part of this western bloc, remember vanya’s plan, point eight, do not use nuclear weapons,
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explain , platforms appeared there in ukraine. 16, which can carry nuclear weapons, appeared there, absolutely, troops of a nuclear power appeared there, which may have nuclear charges, we can explain this, so a strike on france’s nuclear warehouses, so we can, we can here calmly apply that it’s not what i’m saying, explain this to the westerners, we need to explain it to our allies, and they will understand it, and even, even, not even that they will understand, but for them this explanation will be...
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to the foundation, to the continental foundation, to the stone, who believes it? well, 99.99, that the chinese will not do this, because in this case the united states does not react in any way, here are two other scenarios, they are quite logical, the americans are now practically stopping them, the first scenario is that the chinese will carry out an amphibious operation, it's expensive, i don't i mean financially, specifically in terms of victims, this will be an expensive operation, unlikely for the chinese.
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the union put pressure on 600 units, placed them, forced them to negotiate and the like, they want to do the same thing with china, but how will the blockade be affected, because the blockade? to carry out, the chinese will occupy the islands, they will expose them to the chinese, well, that is, we understand how they can do this, china, no, china, as far as i understand, has 856 vympels, that is , 856 ships of different classes, they can, on a rotational basis, they can completely block, they will announce what i’m talking about, how china will do it, i understand, the seizure of the islands, yes, which are there, then the americans will strike at china, the question was about whether the americans?
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on our territory, on the territory of ukraine , these french missiles are a legal target, of course, at the time of transportation to third countries, if they are under the national flag, we can consider it that way, yes, but if they are under what flag, well, this is where the shipment goes there, for example, israel at least one sanction was taken against israel for the fact that they attacked the caravans of weapons that they believed were coming from iran and khazbalah, no, when they are now fighting there...
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a strike on the territory of iraq and syria on cargo that they believed would never it wasn’t proven, they just a priori believed that this was a cargo that could reach khazbalah and cause damage, yeah, that’s it, there was never a single sanction. uh-huh, well, now they introduced some kind of sanctions, no, they introduced, again, no, that’s why a soviet scientist is always respected, for exactly his knowledge, there were sanctions introduced against one specific ultra-religious unit, but because as a result of their actions a palestinian with an american passport was killed, and not because attacks were carried out on transport, this is generally the first time that there will be any action against israel.
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why don’t we destroy them, transport is coming from there, they are going to supply combat vehicles, england, why don’t we destroy them, the west decides, we don’t care about the decision of the west, we decide to strike, that’s another matter, it’s decided which one, transport, transport comes with this bradley across the territory of germany, god knows where he is going, this is how he crosses the border of ukraine, then it becomes clear where he is coming, deception, we know exactly where he is... you are comparing two concepts when israel can do anything, because for the united states israel is the closest help , she can
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do anything, because all the sanctions have already been imposed against us, well, how can i say, not all of them yet, they are ready for the fourteenth package, there is, there are more, so to speak, that may have been introduced, but if we screw it up just once, for example, if we will destroy the plant in the czech republic production. vampires, if we destroy the taurus production plant, if we strike, well, they will declare war on us, well, come on, come on, de facto, they are already at war with us. with their weapons, well, with their own , they supply weapons, they fight us with these weapons, what difference does it make, these weapons kill us, we destroy them there, period, the ukrainians are fighting, here it’s a little different, no, destroy everything, you can warn the workers not to died, comrades workers and peasants, leave this territory, it will be dangerous, that’s it, no, if the head of the train is already crossed the border, speech, but the ass, and the ass,
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and the ass in the post is still there, it is possible, the question has been raised for a long time about crossings, now they have moved, moved with their knees there to their territory, we can, based on this , hammer there, now they, they are discussing the issue, if they set up systems on their border, we can hit poland against poland based on this, i think it’s unlikely, well, we won’t go for it, you won’t go, here’s our account... there’s no one they can go to, and the military, if they say that it is effective, why should we wait for them to deploy in battle formations, no, like them deploy in combat formations, there is no need to wait, they crossed the border of ukraine, why should i wait to cross the border if i can fuck there, they now often cross the border in small cars, then i am surprised by the question, why are you saying that there is no need to hit the united states , because who said that i say that there is no need to hit the united states, he always said that it was the united states? then, because america
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will explain, no, because america will not stand up for europe, it will hand them over, so come on, because the question is very simple, the only country that can completely destroy us as we do is america, america understands perfectly, that’s why america doesn’t want to butt heads with us, and they don’t mind europe, so we can easily destroy europe, america she doesn’t want to butt heads with us, they are giving us europe, so we need to destroy it. and if they want, for now we want, because hypersound is our advantage, our submarine strategic cruisers know the targets well, i walked on such a cruiser, it destroys perfectly almost everything connected here is a danger at a time when the situation that is developing in the world, in my opinion, is more favorable to us, which is what is happening now.
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where it comes, well then on the territory of ukraine they could be destroyed immediately, again, there is no need to be clever if you can destroy them there, because the degree of protection is different, because here you have a single load, when it comes to the territory of ukraine, it is dispersed for a large number of small vehicles, which the germans joyfully told about in the telephone conversation, she still crosses the border, the person doesn’t hear me, but i hear,
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you’re just afraid, andrey, you’re afraid, of course, i’m afraid, in vain, andrey, i wouldn’t want a nuclear retaliatory strike, but there won’t be a nuclear retaliatory strike strike, where did you get the idea from the fact that we still have an advantage in strategic nuclear weapons? say they i already struck once, but we never did. after that, a decade later , a little man by the last name called the chinese and said: you know, if our madman gives the order to destroy you, i will not use nuclear weapons, he said that he said so, that someone said that he said so, that’s it , what he said, with us no one can do this, with us the decision is made completely, i mean with them, the fact that they understand well that it is generally pointless to butt heads with us,
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that’s the truth, you must admit, i don’t have my position regarding where, what and how to hit, he changed, well, i didn’t change, and no one changed, that’s the thing, yes, that is , roughly, roughly speaking, roughly speaking. the problem is that then they convinced us that we didn’t understand anything, as if yes, then they told us that it was a pity for civilians, then they said, so to speak, that it was useless, then they said that we couldn’t do it there, now it seems how we get there, but there are still questions, that is, we shoot somewhere, we don’t shoot somewhere, there are no answers to many questions, but in
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in any case, unfortunately, we have to admit the fact that in fact this format of war in ukraine, which is now, is the most beneficial for the united states of america, of course, our successes there are there along the entire line, so to speak.
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we have to suffer losses ourselves, that’s the thing, they talked about this back in 2022, it’s one thing when, relatively speaking, they actually drowned somewhere there, it’s another thing when all this came to the battlefield, these are our losses , as it were, that’s all, by the way, purely military, destroy there on land a cargo located at a certain distance is much more difficult than drowning it in the sea, you understand, under a certain flag, you strike at the territory. i don’t care, it’s important to me that our soldiers don’t die, that ’s important to me, i don’t give a damn about their flag, at least, regarding the issue there about the kharkov tv tower and so on, listen, at a minimum, yes, all the talk about what let's say, let's save the infrastructure, let's not go there in ukraine, let's go here, all this should be a thing of
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the past, should be a thing of the past long ago, you you say, the kharkov tv tower, and the kiev tv tower, why does it stand, all the rest, so to speak, are centers that are a communication center, an internet provision center, a provision center. television has been working, why has all this been working for 2 years, explain why no one is touching it, we cannot be so protected there, no, it’s not true, there is no political solution, it must appear, everyone else, so to speak, is a question of infrastructure, hydroelectric power stations, tunnels, that means railways, dams, bridges, everything, it’s very pathetic, very pathetic, yes, that’s all, that brings terrible pain, in fact, all this was built by the whole country, but to do, to do, so to speak, what can be done without it, means constant losses from year to year, stretching it out for years and years with an outcome still unclear, losses, losses and losses, all these storming of forest belts, so to speak, of forester’s huts, everything else, all this is understandable, as if, this is also like a war, but in fact, yes, without the permission of the infrastructure, without incidentally,
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including blows to the leadership, nothing will happen , it won’t work out from the very beginning like they would say, these conversations, you know, they are still from the same age... yes, really, or what, where will they lead him from? in fact, any, so to speak, war always included, first of all, a blow to the leadership. elimination of leadership, disorganization of management, it was so, it will be. and if he calmly flies back and forth, we watch his, so to speak, meeting with biden, these, so to speak, all sorts of different europeans, americans come there, they see that they are safe, even if we don’t even have them on the territory of ukraine we touch, even we do not touch them on the territory of ukraine. they understand, they are persons, so to speak, who are protected by something, so to speak, that’s the problem, when this is there, then a fighting spirit appears, then they begin to remember, so to speak, about their very , which means
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there are possibilities of strikes on these cargoes and so on, where they are going, but i personally also, frankly speaking, think even then they also said, i don’t think that, to be honest, the americans will not respond - that means with a nuclear strike in the event strike some jeshev or some estonia there or something else will not answer, i also think so, but it is clear that the risk here is too big, if we are just chatting here, so to speak, yes, then someone makes a decision much more so to speak totally highly more responsibility, but nevertheless, let's look at the precedent, not so long ago the iranians sank several ships of western countries. what if you say that if americans are such bras, no,
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wait, if americans are such brave guys, if americans are such guys who they don’t forgive anything, why iran still exists, explain, or north korea, or cuba, or venezuela, explain, even the houthis, it seems to me, in our heads, to be honest, this is what a post-soviet person is, so to speak, a phenomenon that needs to be studied in the laboratory.
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the party doesn’t give a damn, that’s the point, and we’ll say, suddenly, they’re counting on this, they calculated the psychology of all of us, our elites, they don’t play the piano like a piano, that’s all that’s incomprehensible here, it’s like a long time ago they said, there is one, there is one such, well, this problem exists, it really is, you know, and they, they consider it a weakness, therefore, even if we are there, even if on the territory of ukraine we constantly limit ourselves, put some kind of barriers for ourselves, this is not necessary. well, this is too much, this is especially not worth it, here, let’s then constantly do this, this means storming, so
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to speak, certain villages on the territory of eastern ukraine, which we consider our territory, as if this were russian the world, and it is precisely it that is being destroyed, well, i don’t know, right here an obvious problem, it exists, they see it, they see they play with this problem, they play with it, that’s all, it seems to me that this is an extremely important thing, so to speak, now a few words, well, how about me, what causes the most, so to speak unfortunately, the fact that we have been doing this for 2 years ... exactly the same, now bring up the archive in the spring of twenty-two, they said the same thing, well, it’s just exactly the same thing, and in the meantime since then they have moved very far, they have moved forward very far in making those decisions that were then even were unthinkable, they will move further if we also say like this, well , you know, when they arrive, they will unload, they will get to the lbs, so to speak, and that’s where we will fuck them, and then after they target us first, there is no other way, we don’t know what they are for.
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just with moldova there was a rare exception to the rule, when we worked with the opposition, it’s true, so to speak, it didn’t really give anything, but nevertheless, yes, we worked as a socialist party, there was even at one time president dodon, who, as it were, he represented the socialists, and we were on good terms with him, but these are rare cases when we actually worked with the opposition, and in all other cases one of our main problems is also about this. many, many years before everyone, i said that we really are establishing relations, so to speak, with the heads of state, it seems to us that we have reached an agreement with them, they, too, are still kind of cunning, everyone, absolutely everyone is still cunning as if yes, they also play on our illusions, so to speak, about relationships with them, i am absolutely convinced of this, yes, in fact, russia, if it wanted, could make color revolutions in batches, in batches in
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all these countries, and certainly in those that send migrant workers here, this is 100%. something’s wrong, you grunted something, so to speak, you didn’t like something, my friend, i said it so many times, so to speak, let’s gather a million of your friends, each one with a certificate in the mouth, that means, dear, so to speak , this very friend, with great pain in my heart, we send you to the core of nephenia in your trashkenistan, so to speak, because the president of his trashkenistan, so to speak, yes, he somehow opened his mouth on us, yes, you go with him, sort it out, and then we ’ll see, maybe we’ll let you back in, maybe not let’s let it go, depending on the situation, and that’s it, that’s it. no, what are you saying, you can’t, well, because that includes money, but nevertheless, this is a serious thing, in fact, these approaches will still have to be changed, otherwise our illusions will devour us, the last literal word about lenin, i can’t not to say, naturally, yes, which means there is such a thing, i to be honest, i don’t like it when we constantly fall into this red-white conflict, because it seems to me that when we
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start to spin it, so to speak, spin it, spin it, spin it, it’s something from the evil one, it seems to me that these also who... counted us out, they also periodically throw in these things, and again give these forelocks to each other, so to speak, for lenin, so to speak, or for nicholas ii and so on, the perception of russia as a civilization lasting centuries , that's what we need, yes, that's what we need, as it were, and not endless discussions and this, so to speak, some kind of fight, so to speak, yes, about this or that figure, lenin, of course, was undoubtedly a very powerful political strategist, at least , let’s say, yes, this is really so, but on the other hand, it’s evaluative... yes, of course, so to speak, well, evaluative, i’m not on his side, i’ve never been their supporter, i’m not now, but i wanted to draw your attention to one thing in the context of current events: after all, to objectively assess a person, you don’t need to take recognize his strengths, but also his weaknesses, so, from the point of view of the foresight, the foresight of vladimir ilivich, he screwed up in almost everything,
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the world revolution did not happen, the development of the soviet did not happen, i’m telling you for now. didn’t happen and apparently won’t happen, maybe it will happen somehow differently, i don’t know, that means, as for the soviet union, my friends, we are now at war with the consequences of building the soviet union, whether you like it or not, i’m sure of that, that now the gurgling begins, those who hear, the borders that we are trying to change are the borders drawn by the soviet government, programs for the growth of national self-awareness. these are programs launched by the soviet government, talking about, you know, they weren’t thinking about that, maybe, maybe they weren’t thinking about that, but the question is that you had to look 100 years ahead, if when you are so large-scale , so to speak, you initiate events, our, our, so to speak, goal is to really soberly evaluate our entire past with all its pros, cons, unambiguous, in order to really, more, more, i
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i would also say to look soberly at our future, this applies to everything that is now... emigration, i don’t understand why migrant workers should be given passports, why they should be made citizens, i don’t understand, this practice, by the way, is nowhere in there is no such widespread distribution of passports to people who come as labor migrants in europe, to me in half europe 70 there is no such practice in the world, if you look at how many people, at what speed suddenly
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began to receive passports from us, do not meet the criteria that we we declare, despite the fact that we... those whom we should, that is, our compatriots , it turned out that abroad these disintegrations, for some reason we do not welcome them as we should, that is, these flows, in my opinion, need to be separated, this it’s just about the future, it’s just about the future and... they’ll miss vladimir ilych, it wasn’t he who destroyed the russian empire, no, not him, so it should be noted here, you can also say thank you, i didn’t say that no, no, no , that’s not the point, he advocated for it, but strangely enough, he erased it, but for the sake of objectivity, let's, well, well, speaking objectively, who put together what was there, so there's still not enough here, and his summer wasn't great, more undoubtedly, he didn't have much at all to implement the project, his the project was changed by comrade stalin. therefore , to blame is another matter, to blame for the fact that what he laid down did not work after 100 years, but no one followed his patterns, but the fact that none of the projects and
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forecasts came true, and whose came true, well, besides ours and zhirinovsky’s, advertising, i haven’t been home for 20 years, i can give people a holiday. premiere on rtr, so he showed up, vadik, what should i do, i have this idea here, maybe you can buy my room, then so, take 400 everything, or 800 will be, or a ghoul will live here, of course, let's think, angels area, of course, tomorrow on rtr. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means
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not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anix. titan. luxury collection.
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please, introduction and roll call, without formation, i am very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories are told, i was bold in a white tuxedo and i begin, then mark anatonevich zakharov leaves and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i am like a man a hunter. i like to attack women, my dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much is still ahead, i foresaw my fate, now everything is just
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coming true, i surrender everything with joy, let’s all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizyakov, on sunday on rtr, i'll steal you i’ll take you away, let’s go travel, when we discover some new land, i’ll name it after you, elsa’s land. elsa's land. on friday on rtr. we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls. we are going to donetsk. are you with us? yes, when? my soldiers are coming running. they carried me. another shelling began. they laid me down, lay on top of me. one bullet is still in me, and this, let's say, is my trophy. we were hungry then. and here comes the grandmother, she is hungry, but... she carries this cereal to the drive and says: baby, feed dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we needed to take the guys
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in, i came across such people who care, support them in word, hello, dear soldier and deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is... simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, maybe it’s my first time, happy, happy, happy.” sunday, for example, i told my daughter that she was adopted as soon as i took her from the orphanage . mom, dad, i adore you. alem, hi, i'm your mom is real. can meet? a test that not everyone can pass. who is she anyway? this is some kind of money scam, can i hug you? katya is not a stranger to me, she is my mother. katya needs money.
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a test that not everyone will dare to take. you won't refuse to take a dna test, will you? the result has arrived. honey, we will explain everything to you. fly feather. on sunday on rtr. where is your homeland, my brother. and whose homeland are you, soldier? who are you? you serve, former friend, tear off everything that is ours, which was together, what will remain with you, they went against god, drove with a tour of all the liberated territories, what an impression it makes, russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program, life and fate, from monday to friday on rtr. dmitry,
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yes, i’ll probably start with american affairs, after all , this event really happened over the weekend, with the adoption of this incomplete, so to speak, not quite complete aid package, including of course we are worried about almost 61 billion allocated for ukraine, however, one must immediately understand that 23 billion goes to cover, let's say, well, the replenishment of the warehouses of the us army, this must be immediately understood, which was not in the initial... which was in september last year, which means that i think that this event is not necessary and no, no need to underestimate it, no need to overestimate it, the event in my opinion, the main thing is not that they end up using everything that they could push through the republican party, so that the speaker violates the hasler rules, which have not been violated since the time of newt gingrich, let me remind you, this is the rule of the majority among the majority,
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if the parties are within the party... iran over israel. tactically yes. tactically , this is a victory because he has demonstrated that at the moment when he needs it most, his administration is able to push something through congress. in the future, even in the mid-term, that is, in the election, this, of course, will undoubtedly turn into god knows what for him, because he has wound himself into loops. yes, congress covered up 23 billion, which were taken from warehouses without the knowledge of congress and transferred there without any sanctions, which, generally
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speaking, is impeachment, so less. from this trump, because he speaks, and i generally seemed, well, he was silent, that’s understandable, i was in court, i had a margin there, what did she say, she said not to vote under any circumstances, moreover, why is this a loss in a strategic sense for liberal internationalists, because if you listen to the speech of marjai teilar green, she was not talking about ninto kiev, she was now saying a much more general thing, not just about international wars, about foreign wars, and that’s half republican faction, this is serious, this has happened before
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in fact... they didn’t have it there - what ’s wrong with that? there is something bad here, what they write, i don’t know, maybe they are lying, maybe they are, so to speak, encrypted in this way, but the topics on weapons systems and ammunition, for example, there on shells, on multiple launch rockets, there and so on , including, by the way, on missiles for air defense systems, which the most american analysts indicate that they have for the remaining 40, so to speak, there, relatively speaking, the so-called is going to defend itself, this on the one hand is good , with on the other hand, this means that the bet will most likely be placed on maximum escalation to long-range systems, this is actually the main problem, this must be taken into account, and if this is so, then i have always
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disagreed with this thesis of rudolfovich, but today i will agree if it goes a change, as it were, of the center of gravity to this kind of system, that is, an attack strictly on peaceful cities, this must be declared and action must begin. in my opinion, this is also important, that there is another thing here, another thing has appeared, another aspect has appeared in this itself, in this very war. now the bill also provides for the so-called confiscation of our assets, well, of course, it takes about 20 minutes to explain, so to speak, how it all works financially, but i can tell you this: in fact, our money was already confiscated when it was frozen, nothing in that sense will not change. the united states will easily print, but well, they will have to print 5 billion of their... dollars in order to try to buy weapons for them, send them to kiev, which, by the way, adds a certain kind of, well, on the one hand, stability to this bill, on the other hand, it adds a burden on the real sector, so for the europeans, if now something starts besides the long-range
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system - this is severe pressure on the europeans, immediately pass the same laws, confiscate russian assets, or, that's it , or, or, by the way, here in the united states they have a full hand of trump cards. take it out of its real sector, that’s what this means, and europe will be forced to do this, just as they were forced to abandon cheap energy resources, as they were forced to abandon the russian market, and as they are gradually forced refuse the chinese market, this,
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by the way, in my opinion, this is my, my assessment so far is this: when they came to johnson, and he was terribly tormented, well , it was clear that he gave interviews after the vote, he hid eyes, he mumbled, he was ashamed, but they came to him and said: how many europeans are you going to feed in general? he says: what do europeans have to do with it? they drew this diagram for him. in your home state of louisiana, people live worse than in some hungary. are you crazy? we must strip the europeans and take ours money from there. how can i do that? but this way, force them to confiscate russian assets, then real money will have to be taken out of their economy. this, in my opinion, is what ultimately convinced that part of the republicans who voted to take it away from us in response. all the real money of the foreigners who are here are still there, and another beat, which was adopted along with this, was beat in support of israel, and here it must be said that things are very bad, even in the short term, because
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everyone leading rebelled university if previously, it was only columbia university, which supported bosom university there, partly there, so to speak, there harvard said something like that, but now berkeley and yale have also joined them, by the way, the police are already just. they barely just stormed, so to speak, of course, they broke into the bars, by the way, dmitry, here in israel, on the territory of a hospital, they found mass graves of dead palestinians. no one is starting an investigation, no one is talking about buccia, sanctions, no, or normal, that is, the palestinians are allowed, i understand correctly, yes no, well, of course, for a long time now either israeli or american universities have been indignant on this topic, no, american universities are in a completely different situation, so to speak. in fact, it’s an extreme, the whole point is that - as usual in the united states in the current political situation, there is no middle ground, that’s reasonable, you see, that’s how we are trying to rationally say, you know, let’s do it this way, as if you understand, let’s not do it that way, not so, let's figure it out, this is unacceptable, this is unacceptable,
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we call on everyone to show restraint and so on, this is not the case, i always call for an investigation, and then for conclusions and not vice versa, but here the situation is very simple, in these universities, it means they were absolutely scammed. nourished, literally nurtured the lebanese youth, diverse, and with anti-white russian sentiments, which immediately turned into the penetration there of marxism in its current form, and islamism, well, such trachism, well, yes, of course, yes, marxism as an overdracism, by the way, is real marxism, just like that, but in an amicable way, so to speak, as if in addition to this, islamism also penetrated there, because they fought with trump, and trump is anti-islamist or anti-islamic, or rather a resident, aka musli. i drove there, that ’s all, so, as a result, they are now, so to speak, creepy there, in general, the local rabbis in berkeley simply called on jewish students to evacuate from there, because it was unsafe, and they actually beat them, and it’s as if that’s still the case... . not a pogrom, but they just beat me, showed bruises, what a horror, well, that is, it’s like this is
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the situation, the police are taking it all by storm, and these are tent cities, it’s all as it should be, everything is like on the maidan, that’s what they actually got, they nurtured it themselves, they nurtured it for several years in these universities, so this situation is also quite interesting, it will be theirs to continue to tear, so to speak, in this situation , in my opinion, here to bomb, look at how to drown what sergei aleksandrovich said about the fact that the way they are disposed towards the
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western countries, the countries of the world majority, is how it breaks away and boils under them , near the east, what happened in africa, what is inevitable, despite the presence of allies, will break away, so to speak, it is understandable that the far east, in general, the hybrid war is developing in our favor, as far as i can tell from the experience of observing our president, i i understand that he doesn’t touch what works, he only touches what is starting to frankly not work, so if you take all this... that he believed as he saw fit, and so on and so forth, but so to speak, then , what
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they did, so to speak, after lenin, here here i seem to have a bunch of questions, including how sergei aleksandrovich approaches this inflating the conflict between the reds and the whites, and in fact it’s a curious thing that this very inflating of this conflict would seem to be absolutely contrary to the whole idea of ​​our statehood. by the way, i will also remind you of such a simple thing that we are all present here. we don’t remember lenin’s ussr, we don’t know it, that’s it, we knew, we knew stalin’s ussr, so to speak, the form in which it was slightly, so to say, as they say, softened by brezhnev, that’s what, so to speak, we actually remember, so one person, mikhail sergeevich gorbachev, really liked to talk about this , so to speak, with it is obvious that mikhail sergeevich somehow did not read lenin, there were a lot of volumes, there was no time. read referents read for yes no well someone read,
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maybe didn’t read and so on, once again in my presentation of comrade playwright shatruv, here is my approach to this issue very simple, similar to sergei alexandrovich, if we are talking about any soviet leader, about any, so to speak, politician of that time and so on, like the politics of thousand-year-old russia in a special period there of the 20th century, this is one conversation, but if we are talking about that before and after is not a country at all, the ussr, it is the only one, so to speak in general. when you look at the leader, you ask a question, you took the country, what was the territory, and you left the country, what was the territory, well, by the way, lenin is in the minus here, lenin is in the plus here, how hello, we’ve arrived, i gave away the baltic states, finland in the distance, finland, well...
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it wasn’t he who left, he too, he’s part of a group of people, he’s part of a group of people partially, his influence was insignificant, of the revolution, of course, you have the grand dukes left before we had time, but let’s not make things up, let me remind you that grandfather lenin sat quietly and calmly abroad, shocked by the fact that the revolution was less in the world. he was in shock, he considered who wrote the work about the transformation of imperialism, how many people read it at that time, the leadership of all the revolutionary parties discussed it, look, this is a classic product of soviet education, i’ll explain why, because we were taught that it was all grandfather lenin, in
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reality they say, when you look at the circulation and everything else, then it became clear that they became thoroughly acquainted with the works after he died, by the way, he was destined. i won’t argue with you, i’ll just act as a rebel, i’ll go against your general line set by vitaliyevich and i won’t talk about lenin, i’ll talk about stalin, about his kindness, because, you know, in the west, and even here , stalin is often presented as so tough, he just followed such a line, almost an imperialist one, in the external arena, and if we look, here is finland, who actually saved finland from the most severe consequences. her participation in the mood of hitler in the second world war; who created modern poland? now everything around the kaliningrad region has been given to poland, 2/3 of eastern prussia has gone to poland, poland has given the belarusian city of bialystok, the day after tomorrow we will have an all-belarusian national the meeting, its prototype, the people's assembly
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of western belarus, took place in october 1939 in bialystok, who gave vilnius and klaipe to lithuania? stalin, he gave poland, which means its western regions. look, romania, well, probably in second place in terms of hatred with which they fought against the russian people, against the soviet people, were the romanians. at the final stage, their young king there with a group of communists there, antonesco was killed, king mihai was awarded the order of victory for this, the same order as outstanding soviet commanders, so rakosovsky and mihai, this is it.
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the policy must be realistic, we are talking about what we are talking about today, we are discussing whether to strike, not to strike, well, there is no risk of this, and this has a direct bearing on good, but what is the alternative? russia, yes, most likely wins on the battlefield, inflicts a series of serious defeats on the ukrainian army, and the west recognizes this, that’s who said it, and there are some negotiations going on, they’re throwing something in there... but we’re fine we understand that these negotiations are only for a respite, these negotiations are only for in order to deceive russia, that’s who said that the west recognizes russia’s victory on the battlefield, they once announced this somewhere publicly, they never wriggled, moreover, they can not themselves, zelensky, for which he is
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needed , why do they say, don’t hit him, this is a red line, but if you hit zelensky, the bank, that’s why, he ’ll sign. but they don’t, they use it as evidence of russia’s defeat, i ’ll tell you what will happen, the russian army will win, they will recognize that donbass. novorosiya, crimea, sevastopol, they will say, well, temporarily russia will withdraw there until the fortieth year, yes, but they will say like this, well, look, this russia could not win, because we showed solidarity, but here for a while, but at the same time, look how it happened, so it will have to be from the atlantic ocean, the next simple question is what does this mean, russia has a strategic initiative on the battlefield in ukraine, but on the scale of a global confrontation it is operational. initiative, because everything we are discussing, the initiative in geopolitical confrontation, belongs to to the west, we, russia in this case is reacting
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to whether or not it will supply other weapons, everyone is waiting, yeah, that means they have delivered the hymers, now these long-range missiles, now they will deliver something else, we need to react to this somehow , that is, it is not the west that reacts to actions, but russia that reacts to the actions of the west, they really raise the bar for this confrontation, and this... well, it’s not good at all, everyone knows who owns the strategic initiative wins in the end, in principle -that. the next point, the most important, yes, the americans are trying overload on europe, but the average european feels completely safe, nothing threatens him, they often give an example, but what are you comparing, because the soviet union supported north korea, north vietnam, the americans fought there in south korea in south vietnam. but in none of these wars were attacks on us territory either as a result of the korean war or as a result of the vietnam war,
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there were no terrorist attacks in ganalu, san diego, in washington, there was some cronkite who was in vietnam, not they killed him when he came and conducted his reports in the united states, nothing of this happened close, the same thing happened during the afghan war, but they supported the dushmans, i won’t.
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a completely serious, extremely serious conversation, without this i suspect i’m almost convinced of this, i’ll say it mildly,
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there may not be a victory, but we are still interested in it, well, in the beginning about lenin, after all, when will you give us money give it for the trailer, we wait and wait, yes, but in no way did we prove that there was no money, what a trailer it was, only as a truly definite verbal preparation for military action, today such information appeared, it
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quickly then, by the way, disappeared from the pages of various german media, the second most important in his position, general of the wluftwafe, he is a lieutenant general in his rank, he received a task... to create a plan for the defense of germany, well, i just want to remind you that here for some reason the luftwaf has been constantly appearing in some kind of incarnation, either as participants in the war, or conspirator. his quote goes like this: we, of course, are not yet at war, but we are far from being at peace, we are far from living in peaceful conditions, no matter how
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we evaluate this phrase and how to treat it, no matter how we treat it, how. .. well, you never know what said the word is not a sparrow, no, when lieutenant general luftwa, a man who occupies one of the highest positions in this hierarchy and officially received a plan for creating the defense of germany, speaks about this, then in general it has to do with take it seriously, but it’s true that he immediately corrected himself and said that i would engage in civil defense, well, what does civil defense mean, new bunkers will be built, well, they are still old from... forty-five, there are still some left that are sprinkled there, but they can be dug up, but of course, conversations regularly arise about that , that the germans call it hamster coife, this is a hamster’s reserves, to be translated exactly, they say this all the time, well, you citizens, don’t forget that you have to hamster a little, and that means they give there such a list that every farm, that
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every person should buy himself a case something i want. let me remind you that i once told vladimir rudolfovich on your program, i think a year and a half ago it became known that germany unexpectedly purchased millions of doses of iodine, which, in principle, were not actually needed in peacetime, but were not needed for the crown, it was around this time, but this means that somewhere we don’t understand this yet, but somewhere plans are already being developed and somewhere they are preparing some preparations, making bookmarks for the distant future, here i am with dima. .. i may disagree about this help, that, of course, europe will move very seriously in this regard, because what the americans did today in germany was already regarded as some kind of signal for germany, a signal for germany, well, as if our main patron there gave money, and we we are talking about, i am now speaking on behalf of germany, we are talking about the fact that we
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invest the most in the defense of ukraine, therefore we can... regard this as a certain nod in our direction, maybe they will return the position of chief to us the locomotive of europe, here several questions immediately arise, the first is, of course, the words about nuclear, the new deployment of nuclear weapons, it was by chance, not by chance, that i specifically looked at the german press forty years ago, and so it was precisely in these april days of 1984 years, two important issues were discussed, one of... these issues, this is being written, the second is the boycott of the olympics, well, really , then they discussed the boycott of the olympics, which was with nuclear warheads, that is , it seems as if today the deployment of medium-range missiles with new took place in moscow, in los angeles, well , all these topics, the olympics there, nuclear warheads, today, it seems like nothing has changed, here is olaf scholz, who in
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the last few weeks has shown himself to be such a peacemaker. it was in those very years that he began his peacekeeping activities, it was he who then stood in these ranks of german pacifists who were protesting against the deployment of medium -range missiles, and he, in general, began all of this activity, now this was the situation when with taurus, of course played a very important role in the fact that this slowed down, i deliberately use the word slowed down, because i cannot say that the taurys will not be installed, firstly, i don’t know this, and secondly, i’m no longer sure , looking at the last days, at the development of the last days, that scholz did not turn on the reverse gear, i have a complete feeling, you know, there is such an expression, i feel it in my stomach, there is a certain intuition, according to some individual words , according to some expressions, according to some, according to some information that appears in the press, you begin to understand that scholz, that’s it, he’s turning back, which means that this
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situation may develop in the near future. even why, we saw an example on tanks, yes, this is a 100% analogy, they gave a long-range attack on atacamsa, which means he considers himself entitled to give taurus? undoubtedly, undoubtedly, and i just think that we should declare that based on this we are carrying out a blow to the manufacturing plant, this is, well, since missiles are used against peaceful targets, since i just have proposal, since the regional metal headquarters is located in france, you start with france, but we still care about the headquarters and the plant. well, that’s just a note in the margins, they are evading taxes, well, they won’t go away together, there is joint production, in general , the headquarters is there and partly in the netherlands , the rheinmetal main assembly plant is in germany, well, that’s it in general, divorced, well, by the way, here’s an interesting situation, so
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germany regarded the allocation of these funds as some kind of preferences in such a correspondence struggle with france, germany, of course , cannot compete with france in terms of nuclear weapons, what is located at the air base in büchel is too little, but... when poland talks about the deployment of new nuclear missiles , i can predict with great accuracy that the increase in the number of nuclear warheads will occur primarily in germany, and not in poland, because in poland this still needs to be created, in germany everything is ready, the entire infrastructure is ready, so unfortunately i have to admit that probably the situation will worsen every day, as it will develop now in a difficult way. see, but i assume that the german government may cease to exist in the next few months, it seems that the greens and liberals are leading to the collapse of the coalition, then the situation will
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simply worsen at the speed of an express train, because other forces will come to power that do not need will be restrained and who will not need to talk about the world, who will pursue one single goal, and this goal, of course, is for... germany for the revanchists in germany, i don’t like the word revanchist in relation to the whole of germany, but there are certain political revanchist forces. the goal is one thing: we need to redraw history and we need to return this history in such a way that in the new history the face of germany looks different, not a loser, not a criminal, one who builds new relationships in the world in a new way, this is a dangerous trend, maybe this is the most dangerous trend, but...
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so that then there would be no repressions, you want to say, there would be no expulsion of everyone from the country these left bolsheviks and others, there would be no terrorism, state terror, not to mention that the people would get it, who was for the bolsheviks, and what figure, who was there, was there alone, just imagine, evaluate what he did lenin, by the way, for belarus as well, it emerged as a state. i was thinking about belarus, we even had a poem like this, that’s why you didn’t touch it, you switched sadly, the second one is also described here, and if
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it starts now in the far east, and what we are experiencing, now there is a war going on directly with us, but against us, and why don’t i wish the people’s republic of china anything bad? but why should we bear this burden alone, we seem to have our backs, like there is a mountain with a mountain, we stand back to back, hatch to shoulder, back to back, but no, if shoulder to shoulder, then back to back doesn’t work, in depending on where something is, these formulations are wasted, so let it start there, let them act on two fronts, in general, the worse it is.
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regarding strikes, we are going head-to-head, but of course the task of our foreign diplomacy is politicians don’t have to collide so that everything explodes, so make sure that they swerve, at some point, so that they fall into a ditch, and for this, of course, you need to scare them, so that at some moment they are scared to swerve, so still , fuck, no, this is already a matter of nuclear tactics, now advertising, then we will continue with a new composition. the tests are perfect, but there is still no pregnancy, so you and your husband go to the seaside on saturday. what, i’ll come to the institute and give
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him a surprise, this is my passion, how can you not understand this, passion, any problem is being treated by the sea, you need to unwind, take a ride on a yacht, sea, sun, vitamin d, you are a very beautiful girl, you dream of having a holiday romance, forget it, i’m not like the hotel she’s in, i want to save our family, he came with her. with your mistress, make all lyonya jealous, what’s going on with you and my wife, your marriage is bursting at the seams, an overseas sea premiere, well, our life can’t just fall apart like that, don’t think about it, on saturday on rtr, we’re going to steal. we take up
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a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we have to go seriously, forewarned is forearmed. any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge, health. we dispel myths and help you find out the truth. how to proceed? to land well, you need to warm up beforehand. what should you pay attention to? each risk factor should have its own pill, where? to seek help, you will only need five ingredients that will benefit the entire body: two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, so the whole family needs to be examined. most important information from the most competent sources. take care of your complex body, take care of yourself and be healthy. about the most important things from monday to friday on rtr. we wish you a meeting this year. your decent,
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especially since you already have a horse, on saturday, you have a phone there, please give me, he is chasing me, and you saved me, every girl dreams of a prince on a white horse, i met you, my princess, you will be my wife, yes, but not everyone on horseback is a prince. your idiot owes us 150 to our casino thousand dollars, you and mikael, my only heirs, i want my grandson to grow up before my eyes. i'll never see him. punishment without crime, on saturday on rtr. there are two wonderful teams in the studio,
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presenting a fantastic film based on the story by gir balychev 100 years ago, they are traveling through a century, this is of course a russian folk kayak, let's do some justice to find the right answers, i would really like me.
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it’s an interesting coincidence that today is a big holiday for the jews, that is, passover, celebrated week, and today it coincided with the birthday of the founder of ukrainian statehood, a great political figure who undoubtedly changed the course of history, whom we , by the way, gave away completely in vain, it is unclear to anyone , it is unclear why, there is no need to give away our historical figures, especially since few people. .. so changed the course of world history, like lenin, well, of course he made a mistake, for some reason he surrendered statehood to ukraine, and not only that, but in addition donbass, it was his initiative, but in order to increase the proletarian component of the predominantly petty-bourgeois rural population of these territories, then no petty-bourgeois, was less of a concern. not in
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this, zelensky does not celebrate this holiday, zelensky began to formulate it very curiously, but the feeling that he has generally gone crazy, and it is clear why, because he really feels like life. doesn’t leave, because, no matter what he tells anyone, time is inexorable, and the shagreen skin of power, it just melts in his hands, shrinks, very soon it will be illegitimate, and no matter what the west says, no matter what articles are published saying that yes, the idea of ​​holding elections is unpopular, it does not play any role, any apparatus can be turned on, of course, elections are not needed in ukraine.
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i didn’t sign, but at the same time, poroshenko, in the opinion of at least zelensky, was legally elected, and whoever replaces him will say, and who actually decided, this little man, what and what to negotiate with him, so, by the way , we have a very big question, that’s when yes, we are open to ukraine will capitulate at any moment, but if we talk about some kind of negotiation system, then...
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the americans are not financing the war in ukraine, but first of all, the americans are defending the freedom and democracy of the entire european continent. the united states army does not fight to defend
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nato countries. ukrainians do this. indeed, ammunition, as they say, is conditionally provided by the civilized world. continue as long as ukraine stands, war is the right decision, so it is necessary to do the united states of america against, or defending nato countries against the russian aggression, until this moment, then there will be no war, ukraine is fighting, ukraine is on the defensive, this is exactly ukraine. well, it should be noted that this is absolute stupidity, which has nothing to do with... and the main person, that is, he says that he is telling the ukrainians that you all must die for the sake of the interests of the united states, despite the fact that you are not a state, although an american politician spoke here, it became clear with great interest that it turns out that the ukraine-russian border is
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the us border, i don’t know if we have this video or not, but his statement completely surprised me, that is, he says, this is our border, this is ours, listen, some say: first we must deal with our border. the ukrainian-russian border is our border. this is the border between a corrupt autocracy and freedom-loving people striving for a democratic way of life. are we interested in such an outcome? yes, definitely yes. will we rise to fight? will we stand shoulder to shoulder with our ukrainians?
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it was not a matter of blind slaughter. politics of russia in the north did not last so long, because the goal was to annex them to russia, that is, after a month and a half, the russian army retreated from the kiev region. this was also not accompanied, so to speak, by carpet bombing and the destruction of everything where this happened. we must remember this, despite moscow, russia has never responded to the random, excuse me, targeted attacks of some ukrainian units on cities such as belgorod or buildings in the same response, its attacks have always been are aimed at power plants, command posts, railway junctions, we are forced to note a certain restraint in it, of course, this is a position that not everyone in the west will hear, just like... why did they suddenly think that russia is going to attack nato countries? based on this bad logic of zelensky,
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why did we have to go through ukraine in order to attack nato countries? what is the logic in this? although, on the contrary, they even sued stoltenberg now, saying that he was lying, while the idea that he was lying owned by one of the european publishers is based on what donbass announced. i wonder, yes, why are they all fighting in such hysterics? well, that’s it, they
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are in some kind of constant hysterical state, from bareilles to blinkin, they are always shaking their fingers at us, all the time somehow smacking us with their sponges, what makes us so nervous? of course, today in kharkov the majority will not see this, because well, the kharkov tv tower left the chat, somehow it was unlucky, that’s it.
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i visited, although not in april, a little later, i visited donetsk, and i saw, yes, it probably looked a little... well , exotic, because i saw, for example, how such a modern tochanka was built, when a gs automatic grenade was installed in a pickup truck, this it looked, of course, very exotic, the back doors were removed, but i heard every day the stories of those people who went to the line of combat contact, indeed miners, metallurgists, and it was clear that
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it was impossible to raise these people there with... and no one can say how many in eventually it will reach ukraine, but the worst thing in this whole story is that - at least very few people in ukraine really understand the true meaning of the words of zelensky, this girl from nbc, by the way, if i carefully followed her reaction, she at some point they simply stopped showing it, because she was sitting, listening to him, her
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eyes widened when he talked about how, well, now the americans don’t have to fight, now the ukrainians will do it for them. ukraine fulfilled the main requirement, tightened mobilization, received, so to say, bash to bash, i received money instead of human lives, but now these human lives still need to be collected, and what is happening with the mobilization, well, today a statement appeared, it is clear that it is also very important that rumors have spread that the ukrainian ministers are in for
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a serious overhaul, so to speak, they are all starting to race, so to speak, trying to look for support, the prime minister. as if on a kiev suction, and then ministerial statements rained down, one simply crushed the other, i was shocked by the minister of justice malyusko, i was shocked at one time when i was making a hotel out of the lukyanovskaya prison, i even saw a couple of familiar doors there, which means behind which they put new beds there, but the first thing he
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said was that, well, first of all, we are so now we will tighten the rules, earlier, according to the new law... mobilization, if you are a man, relatively speaking, in the draft fork, you cannot go out into the street without a military id, now you will not even be able to carry out any necessary administrative actions , i don’t know, it’s about redecorating the apartment, something else, if you don’t have a military id, without a military id, that’s it, you’re a slave, the old soviet proverb worked, that without a piece of paper you’re a bug, now it’s simply clear what kind of piece of paper it is, what kind of a bug you are is also clear.
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it’s obvious, it was visible, what we saw in the footage from those trenches that were dug last summer and this spring by the ukrainian armed forces, knee-deep or waist-deep mud, well, now this idiotic statement simply demonstrates that, well, these people ready to share money, but don’t understand what to do to stay in your place, or rather they understand. once again tell all other ukrainians, you will die more and longer, and it seems to me important that zelensky explain to younger people that it is easier for young people to fight, they are better.
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and it’s forbidden to call up circuses, that is , that’s why it’s a traveling circus, that’s why no one hires clowns, in general, if you look at the feeling that ukraine clearly defines who should die, who should live, this casteism that has developed in modern ukrainian society, for the sake of whose interests? unfortunately, all passionarity, it remained in the dpr, lpr in the crimea, alas, well, maybe fortunately, yes. vladimir vladimirovich, in the history of the cossacks
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there were all sorts of things, remember how the cossacks ended up beyond the danube, yes, how together with mazepa, it means that some of the cossacks left and from there longer, which means they grieved for their homeland, somewhere far away, that is, all sorts of things happened, and they sold them, of course, very often.
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in ukraine, zelensky himself is actively using the adoption of these laws, two of the four laws that concern ukraine, one directly about this help, the second chic name of the law means that there is peace in the 21st century through force, yes, that is, where ukraine is also partially mentioned, where it is mentioned, in particular, the robbery of russian billions there in favor of an alleged fund that will supposedly help ukraine, but in fact... in fact, an insurance fund in order to later cover the loan that the americans gave to ukraine, in which case we will have money from this fund, american pensioners, american congressmen
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stole money, well, no, you know, when this is what they said, you can’t give it to ukrainian pensioners, but well, this 603 billion is where the money comes from, well, from the budget, lord, and we’ll also print it, you know, but i’ll take as much as you want, i’ll draw it for you, sitting, sitting on a printing press, they can generally... draw as much money as they want, another thing is why now all these international, western, mind you, even american financial organizations are so alarmed, this is about this scheme, which is provided for in this law fourth, actually a more interesting law, than everything else, they crammed everything in there, biden was given a patent for privateering, that is , for something that look, you have the right to issue, we gave you a license, can you rob? what you see is yours, you can take it quietly, that’s how they used to issue such patents to pirates, now congress issued them to biden, by and large, so they blamed them on pirates, well, of course.
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what's wrong with ukrainians? that is, they explained everything to him, yes, you are not israel, yes, that is , what, what is wrong? you, because because of you they will not enter into a peace war, this is the first time he regretted that he did the sewing ceremony, the most important thing is that he himself just said, the americans don’t need to fight, we are cannon fodder, yes, and now he is in shock, well, this is how it all gets along in him, in this regard, yes, roebke
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says directly what needs to be mobilized. urgently they will give ukraine money, they will give them weapons, someone needs to manage all this, at least 200, at least 250,000 people, that’s what ukraine can expect, again they need cannon fodder. by the way, i want to draw your attention to the fact that it is very significant that the times newspaper today published such a large spread about ukraine, dedicated to well, basically, of course, about the fact that the americans allocated help, and down in the basement there is a description of the next one, vasil, he won’t let you lie, this generally happens often, especially on...
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the telegraph writes an article about what the ukrainians who trained there are free cigarettes at the british training grounds, yes, because here are the expensive cigarettes in britain, so i remember again, yes, yes, i ask you to give them out for temporary use, so in short , they were given free cigarettes as part of their ration , which is typical in britain passed a law that will soon. generally ban tobacco and cigarettes, very harmful, especially for young people, for young people, everyone who was born after the nineteenth year will never be able to buy it, theoretically, yes, but they give it to ukrainians, and they explain there, that’s the point, they explain
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that their cigarettes are less dangerous than putin’s troops, so the ukrainians can, but still the british took care of them, free cigarettes, and they also gave everyone brochures about the dangers of smoking, i... i think they are also for cigarettes at home i wasn’t, i can give people a holiday, let me in with pleasure, advertising, i ’ve been a premiere on rtr for 20 years, so he showed up, vadik, what should i do, i have this idea here, maybe you ’ll buy my room, then so, take 400 of everything, or it’ll be 800, or the ghoul is here will live, of course, we will think. angels of the area, of course, tomorrow on rtr, hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues, without haste, to deploy nuclear
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weapons. i have already demanded that nuclear weapons be returned to me. how are things on the front? the weather is cloudy, hail in places, guys, ideas. and dreamers, but we are guided by facts, watch twice a day, see you later, you were a psychiatrist in the recent past, a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist, i’ll kill me, why did you
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provoke him, i wanted to help the guy, she he’s digging under you, valera is in the most dangerous place for you together, you’re a predator, what a predator, it will hurt that you people know how to look right into his head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the app or on the website, here people of different professions and animals of different breeds are waiting for you, but they have one thing in common: sincere and strong friendship, to fall in love with a white fluffy cat, i said, i want a white cat, they come up, oh you’re good, to caress the stubborn one, he loves to grab his claws there. tame the biting one, voice, voice, give me a paw, give me a paw , well done, well done, warm up a stray, on my shoulder, a parrot flies from the sky, the stars
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are ready to do anything for the sake of their beloved pets, where are you flying, after the performance you’re in a hurry, that’s it guys, should i feed the hamster, you in a circle. a test that not everyone will pass, who is she anyway, this is some kind of thing.


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