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tv   Taini sledstviya-9  RUSSIA1  April 23, 2024 2:05am-2:55am MSK

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warm up a stray, a parrot flies onto my shoulder from the sky, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance in a hurry, guys, i should feed the hamster, you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, by saturdays on... i'm your mother, the real one, maybe we'll meet, a test that not everyone can stand, who is she anyway, is this some kind of thing? here's
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the money, can i hug you? katya is not a stranger to me, she is my mother. katya needs money! a test that not everyone will decide to take. you would you mind doing a dna test? have you received the result? honey, we will explain everything to you. fly feather. on sunday.
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ammunition, everything that is in europe in american warehouses, which were designed since soviet times for a major war for those troops that will be transferred from the continental part. accordingly, in this case, america is playing, of course , such a beautiful absolutely economically profitable roulette, in which it gives away not the latest weapons, in return it simply receives everything through its work, its industry the most, so to speak, new and modern, of course, a much more unenviable fate in this case in the ssu. that you need to understand that
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the 3000 that they are going to call up, which are still in general even among their own specialists, as if assessing the possibilities of conscription, causes very serious criticism for one simple reason, that you need to call up for at least six months at 2.0 people a day, at the moment they somehow scrape together a thousand, that’s 3000 in six months, and if that is to say , they call up less per day than they die in this case, yes, but again if they call. so half a year, then this will not even restore their losses, if they are going to call up in 3 months, no one knows how, at the same time , let’s ask ourselves a very simple question: if we imagine that they still put 3000 into service, will it be these 3000 have more equipment or weapons, it is quite obvious that they will not be given any more equipment, because most of them have already been lost and what they give will, at best, compensate for what they are losing, no artillery, nothing, then there is...
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the anemones that they have already transferred, and even more so will continue to transfer, they, of course, will try to use as much as possible in the crimea, the task is to inflict as much damage as possible on the roman infrastructure, conventional and energy and military, whatever, because it the only thing that can be given out at least somehow against the backdrop of this year, but if i can’t overcome it, then at least for the success of combat operations, because it is obvious that even having transferred this money... as if in full and through there month and a half having established the necessary transit of equipment there , again to the maximum, they still cannot issue ammunition, there is simply none, there will still be a certain famine one way or another, but even having transferred all this, they do not fully understand that there is a lbs directly at the front,
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they cannot change the situation, of course, they are betting very much on the fact that they will finally receive more air defense systems, while again it is obvious to everyone that... in ukraine, over the past year and a half , personnel have been trained for about five batteries of those the same patriots, if they are now going to talk about getting 10 batteries in the foreseeable future, then it is absolutely obvious to everyone that at least most of these batteries will be serviced by foreigners, because firstly, the ukrainians suffered losses during the battles, so to say that the service must be taken on...
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the armed forces of ukraine itself, so, i repeat, most of the money will be spent on this. my friend, you know, this is all absolutely
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fair within the framework of considering the concept of war with ukraine, but if we consider this like a war in the field, realizing that there is no need to wipe out the ukrainians.
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the border is too large, and a breakthrough from finland to the hero city of leningrad, now st. petersburg, is not possible, quite possible, i think that they certainly can, that is, they cannot, they will try in one way or another to influence our related infrastructure with our nuclear missile complex, there is no question, of course they will try in one way or another to influence our energy sector, as we see, our control system. but so far at the moment, i’m talking about today, their resources are only enough, well , what is called harassing injections, because their attempts, for example, to attack our over-the-horizon vision stations, well , at least, i just know from the first source, they did not lead to any, the very
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fact of the attack is the basis, according to our doctrine, for delivering a nuclear strike, i therefore do not understand why this nazi power has not yet been razed to the ground by a mighty nuclear hurricane. well, at least a small tactical nuclear strike in the center making a decision in the city of kiev , a preliminary designation for citizens to leave the city within 3 days would be just right. backs and will be transported to some third country, just as they fled from ukraine, having lost everything there, now many have settled in donetsk, so they could collect all this bastard. sensitivity, because these, as they
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are notorious, as if raising the threshold also fulfill the role of those very strikes on our nuclear missile system, because in this case, one way or another, but how can i even say more than that the ukrainians they would prepare us for the fact that if suddenly everything starts with a big blow, but not a nuclear missile one, but we will have to endure it. tests, would hit them with nuclear weapons so that they would understand that we have them, while at a test site, well, somewhere located in a nato country that doesn’t mind, and then would quietly calmly put them on full combat readiness.
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listen, they have a twenty-year minimum of interest in presidential elections, they need to somehow warm up their public, this is all that’s left before the elections, they’ll do it at the expense of the natives of you and me, this is the first, the second is also an interest in trust, you said on etherakhlavich, how they believe there, they don’t believe there, well, believe it in the church.
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advocate holding negotiations, this is a relatively recent sociological study, in the presence of compromises, but there is another interesting feature: americans measure this way, and republican supporters, democratic supporters, trust trump’s information about the conflict in ukraine more than in general federal, well , american media or the same pentagon, although in general here americans, well, in general, there is a fairly high level of support, which this indicates today, that in principle they have...
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some of them, more than 40 percent of americans , believe that if trump wins, then the agenda in the ukrainian direction is revised. this means, in principle, the americans are modeling the situation, i say again, they cannot breathe without sociology, i looked at some interesting studies that relate to the ukrainian direction of their vision, that is, they look at us as a certain goal, as prey, it doesn’t matter, well, that’s why this money is, in fact, it’s a kind of compromise between republicans and democrats, but at the same time we see that... their agenda is not reflected among the population, which means they need to take some steps that, well
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firstly, they will mobilize the electorate of biden or trump, this is their number one task, how they will do it, i don’t know, in our dialogue with you, but obviously this is an escalation, obviously this is the mobilization of the elite, then they will have each other understand, especially since in the twenty-second year and republicans and democrats in the same american polls, they were in agreement that ukraine would win, but now, again, the same european institutes there recently... the research department believes that only 10% of europeans, a survey has now been conducted in 12 countries, western, central , eastern, southern europe, i think that this aggregate data will win.
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said that it turns out that now the most russophobic countries in terms of their rejection of russia are poland and finland, if they had a negative attitude towards russia in 1922 84, now 95%, excuse me, this is practically the absolute maximum, well, look, the invasion of poland first, for example, on the territory of the kaliningrad province, we are diverting forces and resources there at this moment through scandinavia there is an attack on st. petersburg, well, in general , they simulate these situations here there, in this story, there is sweden, poland, again, well, the baltic states , of course, they want this conflict to continue, well, this is like
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a newly-made sweden, and well, as for finland, it was not included in the sample then, and i guess. apparently they somehow will warm up, but here in ukraine an interesting situation is emerging, we said before the broadcast that it seems to me that today in ukraine the situation with mobilization will intensify or worsen, because people understand that resources have appeared, there will be government pressure has increased. people, but i think they will react somehow, that is, well, especially since there have been some ways, opportunities for people to somehow avoid this mobilization, i believe that this is the topic which matters, if we are talking about the speeches of ukrainian politicians, then they again say that they do not have a fronde as such, but maidan ii, there are forces in
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ukraine, this is noted by the current political leadership of ukraine, there are resources for it, this not... people who, as they say, but what is the agenda? and the agenda is the third maidan, what agenda, you say, what? i think that this is actually part of the oligarchy remaining in power, because no, well , what is the agenda, to come out and say what, well, i i think that their agenda will be, probably, probably, that these are the failures of the authorities in the current military area, this is corruption, these are those things, fair mobilization, i think that what they can talk about around this, can something else. there will be history, but again, that is, what will happen, as it was not so long ago, let’s see, here one fought with the authorities, just asked uncomfortable questions, how did it happen that ukraine is practically the poorest state under the richest president in all history, why, why, why were the arsonists of the russian store found in 4 hours
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? why aren’t yanukovych’s supporters punished, how much did they especially inflict on you from rotterdam plus? why did you change the law on illegal wealth? why is it that the deputies’ inadequacy is not recognized? petro oleksiyovich, please, please, get some food and tell me what
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you want, in fact, you answered this question very beautifully, elegantly. 5 years there was a victory of 73% and not a single question or anything the main thing now is that all these questions can be asked of him, too - this is the softest thing you can ask, well, to summarize, i say that now it’s obvious if you look at it from the point of view of sociology, i think that in the near future we will see the reaction of ukrainian society to help, by the way, zelensky is already richer became like powder, i think that there is this in there
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, but if you don’t have them, well then be so kind, please, go there to the front, you, you have one road, go die for this regime, here you know, on april 4 they tried one ukrainian, he swam across the dnieper on a mattress and ended up on the territory of belarus, he was caught there by border guards, brought to the central court of gomel, and the central court of gomel convicted him and fined him 500 hryvnia and confiscated the mattress.
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which in one way or another fall under the scope of this law, now regarding financial resources, you know, well, we’re assessing the amount right there? uh, 60 billion is a lot, but certainly in our perception it is of course a huge amount, well, taking into account the fact that i’m sure it’s the lion’s share, despite the fact that there the articles are distributed slightly differently, but the lion's share of these funds will be developed in the united states of america, and there a part, of course, will go to ukraine, but again i remember peter paul, who there collected shells all over the world, yes he says, you you know, well, there is a shortage of shells, a shortage of shells, so the price has increased by 2 times, well, that’s it. happened 2 s2 times, that is, before you could buy 2 s2 times more shells than you can buy now, this is the first, second, you know how much it costs now
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today a liter of gasoline in ukraine costs 70 hryvnia, translated into russian ruble it is 142 rubles 1 liter, diesel is more expensive, it costs more, why, because now the sowing season is underway, yes, just imagine, that ’s why to fill the same, relatively speaking, some... i think we find ourselves in a situation , including ukraine, when everyone needs this war, everyone needs it, you know, biden needs it, he cannot complete it, but he cannot
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physically complete it, he needs a war , such a, you know, state, he didn’t win, he didn’t lost, now at least maintain the current status quo until the end of the election campaign, trump needs the war, he does not want this war to end in any way, he is a merchant of fear. he is the great trump, he is the great trump, who must stop the third world war, he must do it, why should he stop the war, when they say that trump was bent, there he was bent, and so on, trump acts, in my opinion, absolutely pragmatically, based on one's political interests as a candidate for president, they are americans, they are cynical people, they always proceed from their political goals, they don’t care what we think, what the ukrainians think, what do they think in general? the whole world, they are acting in their own interests, trump needs this war to continue, this time. secondly, trump wants to minimize his political risks, he does not
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want the blame for the defeat of ukraine, which is becoming more and more obvious, to be placed on trump, who allegedly blocked the ukrainian package and thus, well, created favorable conditions for russia’s victory, he doesn’t need it, but why, he took it at the last moment and voted for it, let’s do it. and now, after 45 days, biden must go out there and go out to the congressmen, in general to the american people, to say what strategy he believes in the ukraine of the united states of america, it must be some kind of strategy for victory, otherwise why are we investing money, right, well in a month and a half he will report and tell how they see further interaction with ukraine, and i understand that there will be...
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a success story, all these air defense systems should provide favorable conditions for the implementation of this success story, they are not given in order to protect, progress and so on, they don’t care about the infrastructure of ukraine, they don’t care how many stations we have there, how many people lie there, they need a picture, they you need a picture that can be converted into votes, that’s
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how they work? ukraine is looming over ukrainians, or ukraine for ukrainians; i apologize, jews, tatars, and so on and so forth, the leadership of ukraine should not have. of course, this slogan, these words and similar words, i hear very often in ukraine, especially on petro poroshenko’s channel, where the current government
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has been associated for the second week with... regionalists, in general, with anyone, but not with ukraine. therefore, maidan 3 will bring these red-black, red-brown, maybe neo, to power. this is in my opinion. current affairs in ukraine. the ministry of finance published, well , publicly, information on how much money the ukrainian budget spent in 3 months. 13 billion dollars. $13 billion was spent. from where do they get their money from? 3 billion are domestic loan bonds sold, and 10 billion is about 5 billion given to the european union, then japan gave about one and a half and a little less to the imf, and so on and so on. so, where does the money come from? for 3 months of this year, the united states of america received zero money; it was real money that was given to the budget. therefore, the symbolism of the decision that
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is made. will receive his entourage, although as for money and as for weapons, the united states of america has already said 60 60 military inspectors are already on the territory ukraine, i think that they were on the territory of ukraine, that is, military inspectors of the united states of america, who will control not just money and weapons, where they went and it is absolutely clear who will fly, who will shoot, who will control the systems, you know,
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when the americans say: he said, i promised to be in crimea, we will be in crimea, we are already in crimea, our missiles are in crimea, and so on, that is, the stakes of these speakers inside ukraine, they are only increasing. more about maidan three, when i watched the ukrainian news about the murders of police officers, yes, that is, the military, yes, the father and son shot one policeman, wounded the second, there was also a civilian, but the point is, as the son explains,
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he speaks from a military unit, in whose son and father serve in a military unit, they are liable for military service, they stole grenades, well, they stole weapons, and even a grenade, they were taking business somewhere. they ask where did you take these grenades, why did you take them? he says: i wanted to bury them near the house, attention, for better times, what are the best times must come, what better times must come for ukraine, so that military personnel steal from military units, dig houses from military units, resell, well , nice thing, well, resell there, listen, i ’ve been receiving information from kiev lately from my friends, their more have appeared, my hair is moving, can volodya be bought in kiev? everything, well, just everything, well, a kalashnikov assault rifle, this has to do with the prices, well, in comparison, they tell me there, for example, someone says, in the format, when there was a war in the balkans, one cost there 800 dollars, and us it’s 100 dollars, that is, eight is eight
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times cheaper than what i’m talking about, this is a leopard , how much does it cost, well, a leopard is you, this is for you, you’re an expert on leopards, i saw, well, we already have one cat, yes, i probably saw this already in moscow.
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this is part of the land or this wealth that someone, well, in general, took on a temporary lease and now they have the right to get it back, that’s their logic, let’s see, that’s all, see you tomorrow. good evening, on the air from st. petersburg, in the news studio igor strakhov, briefly about the main thing. in a brutal murder , two suitcases with fragments of a human body were found in a nikolsky residential apartment. difficulties
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in landscaping and the opening of the renewed murinsky park were postponed until the fall. where did the macedonian bury the gun? the russian geographical society showed the most mysterious map of siberia, cartographically. until we meet again, the twenty-third international ballet festival dence open ended in st. petersburg with a gala concert. a terrible story in the tosninsky district, a domestic quarrel turned into murder and dismemberment. april 20 to the police the girl contacted her; by that time her mother had not been in contact for a long time... the operatives arrived at an apartment in the city of nikolskoye, where a forty-seven-year-old woman lived. a 42-year-old man and a missing twin sister. there , law enforcement officers found the first suitcase with body fragments, the second also with machine tools, apparently thrown out of
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the windows in a panic by the suspect. the suitcase did not reach the ground; the police had to retrieve it from the canopy of the house. there was a washing curb running over the entrance, so the suitcase was lying halfway there. but they can’t take it, they can’t get it, here they are they asked them, i let them in, he climbed into the window, live at home on komsomolskaya street. currently, at the request of the investigative body, the court
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has chosen a preventive measure for the suspect in the form of detention, the man is being interrogated on the circumstances of the crime committed, and he will be charged in the near future . the investigative committee opened a criminal case under article of murder. the driver who hit the five-year-old boy the day before was detained. from surveillance video, it is clear that neither the child nor mom didn’t see the threat until recently. at some point the boy is several. ran away from his mother, he was immediately hit by a woman on a scooter, the baby fell to the ground from a strong blow, the fifty-two-year-old scooterist fled the scene, the child needed medical help, he received a head injury, he was later released for outpatient treatment, a criminal case was opened, the investigative committee is conducting inspection, and the department of the investigative committee for the leningrad region opened a criminal case into a fire in a private boarding house for the elderly and disabled people in the vseluzhsky district, at night. the rescuer took 14
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people out of the hot building, 11 guests lived in the house, they were not injured, three employees of the boarding house were hospitalized, 34 firefighters fought the fire, it was extinguished quickly, but the attic burned out completely. there is a swamp instead of lawns and construction debris on children's playgrounds, the opening of the updated murinsky park was postponed to the fall, what is happening, vyacheslav novozhilov found out, you know how deep it is. we measured it with a stick and there it was, just above my shoulder, yes, in an artificial pond pieces of concrete, boards and other assorted debris are floating, and the pond itself did not appear according to plan, right in the place of the sandbox, the depression was flooded by melted snow, landscaping incidents in murinsky park are everywhere, swampy landfills instead of lawns, uneven spots and holes on the sidewalks, unfinished children's the playgrounds are full of traumatic surprises, i just looked at the trampolines here, which are there, and... water, that is, we, accordingly, a child, if
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he fails now, no one knows whether he will fail or not, since this is not tried, here accordingly, but he might just end up in a hole, without me, i wouldn’t let them in here, that’s okay, i can still stop them somewhere so they don’t climb, some of them aren’t there , they’ll break something, it’s unfinished, well i think they started this in the fall, they haven’t finished it, they will probably finish it, i think, in the spring, now everything will be arranged, finished, we hope, work in the park began in july last year, as the announcement says, the project is based on the preservation of the natural component, modern individual stylistic decor. in originality you really can't miss the park. for example, this small architectural form appeared right on a trash can. material - paving slabs. author unknown. all the flaws in the landscaping became visible in the spring, after the snow melted. the kalininsky district administration said the contractor was to blame. the authorities unilaterally terminated the contract with him back in november. however, fences around unfinished and therefore dangerous attractions
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appeared only in april. during the entire winter period and so on, the contractor took away its equipment, brought him, picked him up, drove him away. during the period when the children appeared, those photographs that we saw, as i understand it, part of the fence was removed. at the moment, all the fencing that is put up was put up by the district administration. there is currently a competition to find a new contractor. the authorities promise to complete everything that is not completed and open the park by september. residents’ particular concerns about nature are being calmed by the administration, lawns will be laid, nothing will be cut down, in addition, more than a thousand shrubs and 300 trees of different species. a separate examination will determine the safety of installed attractions and street furniture, as well as the quality of the tracks. and, as officials assure, funds for uncompleted work have been returned to the city budget. vecheslav novozhilov, dmitry dolgov, olga potapenko, lead st. petersburg. the conditional enemy of... soldiers of the russian guard conducted an exercise at one of the training grounds in the leningrad
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region. military personnel of the regiment for the protection of important government facilities practiced searching and following the defeat of sabotage groups. in such situations, units first they completely block the area, then they find and destroy the targets. at the same time , various weapons are used. during training , russian guard members use the experience gained during combat operations. by the end of summer , a monument to the blind listener, defender of the sky of besieged leningrad, will appear in st. petersburg. such. the decision was made at a working meeting of the governor. the sketch was approved by the city planning council. this is a monument in honor of the blind air defense fighters who warned the townspeople about the danger long before the approach of fascist aircraft. the monument will be erected on petrogradskaya country, not far from the people's museum of the all-russian society of the blind. we discussed other issues today. by the end of the year , three large sports complexes will be commissioned in st. petersburg. this is the implementation of a presidential decree. today in st. petersburg , the training of sports reserves is carried out by 73 state institutions. 13 new
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departments of disciplines in sports, including four in adaptive sports, were opened in 2023. at the meeting, they discussed the development of domestic industry; the first production workshop will be launched in the city. laser cutting installations. let's find out the weather forecast for tomorrow and continue. hello, with the weather forecast in the studio leonid petrov. moderate wind, moderate plus and light rain, weather forecasters promise in the st. petersburg region on tuesday. according to hydromet. on april 23 in the leningrad region it will be cloudy with clearings, during the day in the water field it is expected to be about 7° c, a little cooler, maybe in tifen and bakhsyatogorsk, also 6° above zero, thermometers will show in volkhov, kirishi and gachchina, at least +4 on thermometers in vyborg. in
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st. petersburg is a little humid during the day, +5-7 mostly cloudy. on wednesday night , lower levels will be seen in the city. the st. petersburg headquarters of the russian geographical society presented a masterpiece of the peter the great school of russian cartography. a drawing of siberia from the chinese borders in the 14th century was made by the chronicler semyon remizov. the world-famous monument of russian science and culture is also called the cartographic jaconda. there are so many mysteries there. the map is oriented not north, but south. there is no usual scale and mathematical ones. examined his subordinates, in soviet times , tourists and kayakers used a compass to navigate according to the drawing; the cartographer left his own travel notes, for example, mentions of gold deposits, abandoned carts, and even the place where
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alexander the great buried a gun. this map is absolutely unique, there are no others like it, none have survived. it is unique in its size, it is unique in its origin, it is unique in its history, and we, of course, could not leave it in the form in which it was, for 325 years it really did not come in the best possible condition, how they will restore remizov’s map was discussed at a meeting of the media club of the russian geographical society, key expeditions of this year were also announced, among them the search for sunken ships in the strait, raising...
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an epic guide to the labyrinths of history, a dance outside of time certainly not knowing spatial boundaries, this was the 23rd dance open festival, behind five ballet evenings here is the traditional goal concert, its program was kept secret until the last in the hall of the alexandrinsky theater full house, final or the beginning of a new one, how difficult it is to recognize, because it is impossible to measure how long the production lasts now. german choreographer raymond rebick performed by artists of the astana opera theater. thinking about time at different moments in life, for lovers, kisses and hugs last forever, and hours alone with each other fly like birds. here is the other side
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of relationship feelings. about paradoxes. the artists of otrolad from cuba told love in the language of plasticity, a dance on the verge of a nervous breakdown, intense, fatal. in their primordial nature they are like heroes matisov dance, the circle of existence is drawn by the artists of the beijing troupe, the stage is charged with the energy of water. it seems to me that this is some kind of new stage, really, which will allow us. to explore our ballet choreographic world , not only european, but mostly latin america and china, there is a lot of interesting things there, this time the festival’s holaconcert consists of not two, but three.
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the most famous fragment of ballet -16 is the episode with chairs to jewish easter music; it is repeated with increasing force, only one person falls out of the orderly row. this the performance is built, of course, on such jewish national motifs, and is largely dedicated, of course, to the great suffering of this people. the motive of this production is happiness and delight in life. in the finale , the audience comes on stage and also gives themselves to the movement, as if no one is watching them.
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the best proof that dance lives in each of us. ekaterina gritsienko, evgeny rakov, mark palukhinskikh, lead st. petersburg. an experiment in the classical style of a musician of an academic symphony orchestra, the composer will perform together with outstanding pianists of azerbaijan. there are two pianos on the stage of the large hall of the philharmonic. circles of the post-soviet space and europe, performed at the world's best venues, in the program of works of russian and azerbaijani academic music for the st. petersburg public they prepared an experimental performance of rachmaninov, for the first time accompanied by a symphony orchestra, this was written by rachmaninov only for two...
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