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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  April 23, 2024 9:30am-9:56am MSK

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collapsing walls crushed the works, chopin’s canvases suffered more than others, a tear from frame to frame, a very complex restoration, because usually it’s just a restoration of the paint layer, varnish, color, but not the canvas. another example is the korovin terrace. the fragments pierced the canvas in several places. the threads were spirally twisted, torn and tangled. they were unraveled by hand, and the missing threads were taken from the back of the canvas at the place where it was attached to the stretcher and patches were actually woven, despite the losses. in the picture there is not a single foreign thread. every restoration is also a study. x-rays showed that in roerich’s painting one of the elders used to hold a bowler hat in his hands, but now he is not there. here another tree trunk ran across; on blonskaya’s canvas there were completely different saints. after the exhibition in st. petersburg , the paintings will return to taganrok, enriched with historical finds and in perfect condition. ekaterina fesenko, sergey ishchenko, alexander burushkov, galina orlova. news petersburg. and to this. that's all for us,
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it takes two decades from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take care of your complex body, take care of yourself and be healthy. about the most important thing - from monday to friday on rtar. i am your new neighbor, and part-time, a new district police officer.
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please don't interfere with a fair and just investigation when you're missing. without explanation that it was honest, don’t be afraid of anything, tanya, you are an amazing woman. love will overcome everything from april 29 on rtr, of course, you have to die on time. but how can we calculate in our mercantile-pragmatic age when it is time for grateful descendants to also realize in time who they have lost? these words belong to the brilliant actor and director, alexander shirvint. it seemed that he would always be with
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his subtle sense of humor, irony, wisdom and talents. he was called the king of phlegmatic humor because he could laugh. alexander shirvint passed away on march 15. i think that we, his descendants, acutely understand who we have lost. but he left a legacy of a sea of ​​vivid quotes, aphorisms and unforgettable film images. are you cooking everything? yes, we’ll keep looking. i went to rehearsal. today in my studio is actress tatyana vasilyeva, who was
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a colleague, friend and even the wife of alexander shirvint. in the cinema, in the film, they are the most charming and attractive. only craftsmen get along well. talented people are in constant search. long ago, i think about 30 years ago, on in shabolovka, i was hosting a children's program, and i was sitting in the dressing room, and you were doing your makeup there, and then alexander anatolyevich came in, it was winter, he came to him, well, snow, you started snowing off him,
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just like that, wipe his face from the snow, and you tell him, you’re all wet, what’s on your face, he, in his own way, said, these are tears. from the joy that i see you, and you, you somehow laughed very contagiously, i remembered this for the rest of my life, we were close people, close, we spent a lot of time together, played a lot together in satire and filmed, on tour, when we used to tour for a very long time, it could be a month, one and a half or two, then we... threw all sorts of parties, it was always very funny, it was shura, there was andrei mironov, misha derzhavin, and well , mark zakharov was also in their company, but i communicated with mark completely differently, he was
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a big director for me, and so it was our company when we went to italy on tour for a long, long time, we talked like this, the four of us, nina korneenko, me and shura and andrey. nina and i were very, we were very prepared for this trip, and we took a lot of food with us, a lot, and they were hungry all the time, because they had nothing, and we fed them, once where - they were stuck, they arrived late at night, they came in, i couldn’t recognize them, they were very tired, they were very hungry and we served them, sat them down, here they were, without taking off their coats, shura in a hat, and... andrey also in a raincoat, they sat like this and ate stewed soup, we had some kind of sausages, we had everything, potatoes, garlic, onions, everything, in general, we supported them very decently, and
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then, of course, there was a lot, a lot of funny things, a lot, they knew how to organize such evening improvisations, we laughed a lot, they were great tour. that i, i’m not wearing heels now, okay, he says, but i’m not wearing socks either, andrei says, these jokes were very appropriate, very successful, very talented, with shura we played one performance, it was called her excellency, i i played the queen, and he played my husband, i had this dress, so long, so chiffon, translucent and with such a... neckline, and just like that, i somehow unexpectedly, uncomfortably turned around, and didn’t notice that the dress
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had slipped down, i just have absolutely bare breasts here, and i’m with i continue to talk to him, i continue to reprimand him, make some comments to him, he looks at me, so do this, do that, i think, what is it, that’s what, that’s how i can figure it out, these are also these jokes , what, what does he want to say by this, i understand that i’m not getting enough of something. then he just came up he did this to me, he closed me, god, what a horror it was, how terribly scared i was, that it lasted so long, and i didn’t see it, that he had such a thin dress, so he’s a completely separate actor, there’s no other like him , it cannot be, there will never be such an interesting, such an attitude towards this profession, because he did not immerse himself in the role completely, he saw everything from the outside, he saw his partners, that’s why it was always dangerous with him, i him was always afraid, but
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nevertheless, shura never had any problems with the troupe, everyone loved him, well, this is some incredible gift of friendship, mikhail derzhavin is with them, i have never seen them together on i just haven’t gotten around to seeing them together on stage. could he stab in the same way as they held it ? no, and shuura, of course, could make you laugh a lot, but did they take everything seriously? no, they never split, everything around them cracked. for example, there was such a play, in captivity of time, i played the commissar, andrei played the red army soldier, shura, misha and spartak mishulin, they played the white guards who comes into some hut where i lie and suffer from typhoid, dying simply from fever. big, and misha glued it to his chenille right here and took such a red beard, glued it
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here, chenilles, straight, and when andrei says something like that, there is something so excited that you don’t dare come close to her, and misha came up and said, forgive me, i didn’t hear you, what you said, that’s it, then they all left, the stage was shaking with laughter, i lay there for a long, long time, i didn’t know whether there would be a continuation or not. because it's well andrei and shura and misha all split up, but they endlessly played pranks, they did it simply brilliantly, they came up with it all, came up with scenarios when andrei married katya gradova, well, these guys were at their wedding, i was there too , and shura and misha, which means the newlyweds got on the train and went to st. petersburg, these guys got on the plane and arrived before they arrived
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in st. petersburg by train, arrived, arrived by plane, were met on the platform again, were seen off there , and we’ve already met them here, so that this is such a high-class prank, well, they were very friendly, without them there is no way, no way, no one comes,
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there is no one to replace them, how many more could they play now, there is a very shortage of, of course, such actors, remember, for about six years, maybe less ago, we met here with you and him in this studio, yes, and shura was here, then... you were a performance, you were still a girl, it was called a wedding day, and in the village there was a cataclysm, at the end there was a village wedding, and there were tables, and there were mountains of butaford, which means rotva, and made of plywood, it means these cucumbers are tomatoes, here’s the premiere, can you imagine, yes, like this, downstairs in the first one
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, i’m waiting, sitting there, toyanovich, remember this one, of course, a big bear dragged in. a cucumber, and he put it in this one, and when he drank to the young boys, he sits literally below us and looks at us , and we mean two collective farmers are suspicious , so the bear breaks it up and gives it to me, and we eat the ducklings, then he writes an enthusiastic article about this means the performance and says:
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but we were sorry, they say , and he thought that this was the degree of transformation of a cucumber, you know? well, by the way, the block didn’t give him big roles, but he never complained, he never begged for roles for himself, never, well, the only big role is count almaviva figaro, in my opinion, all the other small roles, you know, are serious roles most often come at the end, only then do you understand that he, that he could play and how he could play, it’s a pity that of course, in films, well , mostly episodes, it’s a very pity, but it happens, some episodes are worth entire roles ,
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please put the most charming, attractive one, after which you everyone... married, put it, i am the most charming and attractive, all men are crazy about me, i have a slender figure, beautiful legs, i can change men like gloves, twist and twirl them like a mace juggler, just one pleading look is enough, what's happened? and you’re tired, sit down to rest, dear, i have a request for you, promise that you’ll do it, i promise, i need to pick up nadiya by the end of the work, and this is for the experimental part of your dissertation,
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yeah, you’ve said it so many times... and i’ll tell him rushed, that's when we they were just filming this, i told him what a horror i went through everything today, and he could have said, you know, what, old woman, figure it out yourself, but he didn’t do that, he tried to take part in this very successfully, i’m very grateful to him for his smartest advice,
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please put vladimir atanovich minakur, this is what he remembers. “what are you doing, i didn’t notice anything like that about you, i still started writing, well done, then he called me the next day and said: vova, great poet, every anniversary i want to read your poems, thank you thank you very much to fate that she
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allowed me to meet such a person, i was given the honor of being friends with a great man, alexander shirvent. himself... he said, these are his words, cowardice, the sister of panic, i’m not afraid of death, i’m afraid for my loved ones, i’m afraid of accidents for my friends, i’m afraid of looking old, i’m afraid of dying gradually, when i have to grab onto something for someone... then, it wasn’t like that, he left, also as if he was quietly not bothering anyone with his illness. without complaints, without pretensions, without whims, and he, when he was lying in hospital, fyodor dobronravov told me,
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they were in the same hospital, shura was in intensive care, and fyodor came to see him, but to visit him, chat, then he left, came back again, and he was still here, and shura said, you again, you again here, in general, then... he continued to joke about how, how long will you continue to come here, he says, get out of here already, well, that’s it, he didn’t leave there anymore, you were able to say goodbye to him, no, no, you know, i don’t go i don’t go to actor’s funerals, i can’t. see it, no, i can't see it dead, no i missed him , i can, neither him, nor andrey, nor misha,
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it seems to me that he just went there to see his friends, well, for sure, for which he is very likely, yes, this is life’s fate, alexander shirvent, memories, thank you, analyzes perfect, nothing about pregnancy, you and your husband go to the seaside, on saturday, i’ll come to the institute and give him a surprise, this is my passion, how can you not understand this? any problem can be cured by the sea, you need to unwind, go on a yacht, sea, sun, vitamin d, you are a very beautiful girl,
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dream of having a pro-rotary romance, forget it, i’m not like the one at the hotel, i want to save our family, he came with her, with his mistress, make all lena jealous, what do you have with my wife, your marriage is bursting at the seams, overseas sea, premiere, our lives can’t just fall apart like that, no need to think about it, on saturday on rtr. rtr-planet, more than just television.
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exciting series, we are putting together an orchestra, we will perform shostakovich’s seventh symphony, those who don’t take risks are lucky, we will succeed, i will operate, i will it’s scary, as if i’m not me, unfortunately, there is no motive for the murder and no connection between the murders, but it exists, and we will find it, i remind you once again that this is my investigation, let’s agree in advance, you are the coach , i'm a player, a dizzying show and the best. music, do you generally spend most of your life on your feet or on your head? i don’t even know, i want to read, please read, i can’t read, turn on the music
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, blogger, that my compass is earthly glory,


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