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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  April 23, 2024 2:55pm-4:01pm MSK

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huge gratitude, only together we can do something good, strong and powerful, and, of course, defeat this fascist evil. and by this time we have everything, denis palanchukov was with you, see you. the depth of our heart, purity, like a baby’s sleep, purity in some hertz, silence does not even breathe, we leave defectors, marveling at the love of the sun to the depths. your
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heart and to the depths of your soul. hello, this is our program. sometimes life circumstances develop in such a way that we cannot survive without the help of other people. nose with every release of our program, we are again convinced that we are the kind of people who, in difficult times, can unite and overcome together. any difficulties that the hairstyle there was in such an ideal, well, like a son, like it, normal, sergei efanov, a reliable husband, a loving father, a real donetsk man, when in 2014 his native donbass rose up against nazism in ukraine, he did not hesitate to join the militia. even despite the persuasion
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of his wife olga, of course, i asked him not to leave, the children are small, but he said i didn’t i can, i must, after escorting her husband to the front, olga began to be afraid to flinch from every phone call, and on july 6, 2017, when she picked up the phone, she heard the terrible news, sergei was blown up by a mine, the most terrible 11 days of our lives began, when he was between. heaven and earth, twice he died on the operating table, and i am grateful to the doctors that you left life in him, but as a result of several operations, sergei lost both legs, his main support was his wife, she helped him fight and said that we need to live on, for the sake of the family, for the sake of our sons, first the day they saw it, i saw it, i specifically looked into their eyes, and thought about how they would perceive it.
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i am grateful that, despite the circumstances , he remains in service today. in our studio we have the wife of a military man, mother of two sons, olga evanova. hello hello. when did you meet sergei? we met in 2011. well, somehow we got together and got married. we have a little boy. you immediately realized that this is your man. that's why you loved him? because , well, there you go. the real one said it, he did it,
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this is how he is in life, here i am married, i have a husband, behind whom i hide behind his back, and he takes all our sorrows, he takes everything out himself, and i’m somewhere nearby, everything was fine with us until that moment , how such a war knocked on our doors, in the fourteenth year......
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it frightens, it was scary, very scary, you frighten him, how did you react to him being released, you know, at first i asked a lot from us . the eldest boy, the second was very small, and was not yet two years old when it all started, and well, i’m scared i wanted to be left alone, without money, without a livelihood, so i really asked him not to go, don’t give up, but no, i couldn’t do it any other way, i went in the morning, signed up, showed up in uniform at lunchtime, and in the evening he was already in donetsk airport. were you offended or was there no offense, i had a double feeling that at one time i was the only one left with the children, but at another time i understood him as a man, that he should be there, should be with everyone and
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defend our right to speak russian, to defend our rights, to celebrate may 9, here and here... there was no longer any doubt, we had to go, we had to defend, but how did you find out about what happened to your husband? it happened on july 6, and on the 7th i came to work, then a call came from an unknown number, i picked up the phone, i didn’t even have a premonition or anything like that, and i picked up so joyful, hello, and they told me that yesterday at 20 :00, your husband received numerous shrapnel wounds, he is in serious condition, he is in the donetsk republican trauma hospital, that’s it, i no longer understood that they told me, my girls, employees, came up, took the phone, they were already
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writing down where to go, what to do, and then i went to see him, he was in intensive care, of course, they didn’t let me see him and... in the morning they told me that he is heavy, and there is no need to stand here, go to the temple, pray, ask that your husband survive, and in the evening, when i arrived, they told me that there were no legs, both legs were cut off and the right leg was very short, and the left one was almost to the knee, when he was still in intensive care, i came once, and i... said, well, let me see him, please let me in, otherwise i won’t have time to say goodbye to him, and he tells me: come on saturday evening, when no one will be there, i
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’ll let you in, just don’t cry, i say, no, i won’t, just let me in , well... on saturday i arrived at 7 pm, they let me in to see him, how could i not cry when he was lying covered in tubes, without legs, the little legs that remained rewound, i just didn’t have enough strength, words, emotions , he was sleeping, opens his eyes, i’m above him, and he, olenka, how did they let you in? i said, i asked, the doctors let me in, here i am, i probably sat with him for two hours, we talked, i asked how it happened, it’s just that the 11 days he spent in intensive care were the worst in our lives, because well, we
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didn’t understand then whether he would survive when he was transferred to ward, and i was walking through the department, hear, someone is calling me, i turn around, and he is already... sitting in the bed, there was such an iron handrail above the bed, and he had already grabbed this handrail, stood up and was already sitting, well, i well there was a lot of joy, of course there was a lot, we overcame the worst, and he alive, but how did you tell the children about this? you know, i couldn’t even say right away when i came from him and the children asked, well, what’s mom? what happened, i say, dad, he’s wounded, dad is in the hospital, i already told the kids, after seryozha was transferred from intensive care to the department, then, when he had already come to his senses a little, and i told him, i
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’ll bring him children, but he, no, under no circumstances, i don’t want them to see me like this, i say, the boys are growing up, they don’t obey, you’re dad, so... you raise them, i’ll give them all to you i’ll bring it anyway, but i didn’t say on what day, so one day i tell the boys, come to my work and we’ll go to dad’s this evening. and he didn’t expect it, i was the first to come in, ivanechka is older, and dima is very small, and how old was vanechka at that time, vanechka was nine, and dima had just turned five, and he, well, he sees how it’s like dad and and where are the legs, well , seryozha says, son, it’s me, go, that’s when he spoke, then dima ran up to him, and vanechka... well, they visit everyone, how did you
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survive this moment? maybe there were thoughts, but he didn’t show them to me, the two of us supported each other, we didn’t understand how we would live further, how we would learn to walk. how our wounds would heal, at that moment we were glad that he was alive, then, when he began to get stronger, we independently learned to cope, from bed to stroller, from stroller to bed, we learned together, without the help of strangers, to go outside . olya, it was difficult, very difficult. not even physically, but emotionally it was difficult to survive all this,
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how you supported him, what you told him, and we found him a job that he could do, for example, we had a stove, and he himself heated, cleaned, he did his homework with the boys, even this simple advice, well, these are the boys, they don’t go to their mother anymore, they go before... is he doing anything else? of course, he is engaged, he continues to serve in the armed forces of the russian federation. let's watch a story about your husband's everyday life in the army. come on, hello my love. located, everything has changed, guys, hi,
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hi, he, great, like you, great, like you, yes, little by little, by the way, this tv, i set it up, it’s still working, well , i didn’t spend much time here, we came here when, never, we rested here, and in the morning we were already back in positions, here in this place, in this very place was my bunk, everything was wooden, made of hard wood , such spartan conditions, now it’s normal, also such couches are cool, good, cool, comfortable, of course, when you remember, those times become very warm, as it were, at the moment i have, i have mainly weapons of psychological support for people, in nowadays people were interchangeable.
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hello, sergey, i wish you good health, i wish you, hello, and you, apparently, have always dreamed and wanted to become a military man, yes, like ordinary boys always want to be a military man, for some this goes away, but for you, apparently, this desire has not gone away, yes , war games were all played in childhood, yes, yes, of course, since childhood i had a male upbringing, let’s say so, tough, you mean my parents and father, well, my father and i separated, i was in third grade, before third grade, yes, it was maybe... education, it’s like an ordinary belt, they bullied me, a lot, a lot,
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then i took up sports, it compensated for all my these, he’s already educating and re-educating, what kind of sport, judo, i’m a master of sports, black train, military service, also an unusual service, though, naturally, when it all started, here... i tried this time, well, not just to sit at home, but to work, well, it turned out this way, i went to work again as a labor protection engineer, i worked for less than a year and came back like i felt that there was already an opportunity, especially since they invited me, they were waiting for me to recover, and then i returned back in
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1916, but it happened on... well, the usual exit, the reason for that, and so there was an opposition war, guys often died because all targets, all positions were targeted and the guys were simply bombarded with everything they could, mines, shells, it doesn’t matter, we couldn’t advance, there was no order, well , let alone retreat, it’s not ours, so we held our positions , then it became even tougher, the guys started to kill right in the trenches, and then we found out that some group had arrived there with... i knew how they walked, in pairs, where they walked, where their leshki could be, i made the decision to go in and look, alone, yes alone , because there weren’t enough guys in the position so as not to risk others, yes, well , someone had to do it, and what happened, it was necessary to stop it somehow, well,
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there was another way out, my goal was to find leshki , find approaches. i think she was even standing still because the light was on, i saw something like that the red started brewing, there was an instant explosion, and the guys were watching me in terku, in terka - this is a reconnaissance pipe, from the explosion they saw approximately my area, where i was supposed to be, we had already seen how i was flying in the heights, so they pulled me out it took me a long time to get there, but
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after being wounded, how long did it take for help to arrive, somewhere around two or three hours. we immediately crawled after him, we would all have stayed there, because the mines were being laid, and then such a calm came, so he says, as if they felt that we needed to pull out our guy, they crawled after him, it was already night, and the military doctor, who...
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one could come to the realization that something was not working out, or they had given something wrong, well, somehow, plus this weight began to gain, well, i don’t know where it went, already i’ve just tried a diet, until you can’t cope with it , nothing works at all, but i tried different ones, but different ones, my first desire was when i first realized that i had no legs, i think, well, as soon as it appears, i’ll protest everything , i’ll come back and take revenge on these bastards, well, really, after all, the svo has begun. of course, it’s a shame about this, you saw yourself there, yes, the phantom pains resumed, he didn’t sleep, didn’t sit, well, it didn’t matter. i tried not to lose myself, so i decided to take up helping, teaching children, well , i support them as much as i can, there is an opportunity, why, and what
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else do you support, besides work, raising children, do you do something, yes, i i met olga, krykhina, krygina, olya krykhina, yes, fate brought us together with this man who had previously helped people in volunteer work, well, how would we be families... with the navigator of a rescue ship in st. petersburg, and also collects transports humanitarian aid to the dpr, thanks to it more than a million tons of payload have already been transported. the rest have been loaded, now
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we will need something else before the attack, and the most important thing is that the fate of this parcel will then continue in donetsk. dozens of people turn to olga in the most difficult situations, she never refuses. the raikos from donetsk have been living with her for several months now. i roll out the dough, i wish it were a magic wand, i waved it, that’s it, my wife is healthy, the children are nearby, my parents are nearby, i haven’t been home for 20 years, i can celebrate for people arrange a premiere on rtr, so he showed up, vadik, what should i do? i have this idea here, maybe you can buy my room? so, take 400 everything, or there will be 800, or a ghoul will live here, of course, we will think, angels of the area,
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the lordly life is over, today on rtr. cleaning floors is a tedious and messy process that turns into torture for you, your back and your arms. forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours, stop using a broom and dustpan, use a bulky vacuum cleaner that is not capable of cleaning the most hard-to-reach places are a thing of the past when you can clean up dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass quickly and easily with the all-new livington dipper swipper. dipper swipper impresses with its originality. with a triangular design and innovative tribrush technology. tri-separate high-speed rotating brushes on each side sweep everything inward, no matter which direction you
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point the cleaning head, even the smallest debris will be swept into the container. more in addition, the durable corner brush located at the front penetrates into every corner, even where vacuum cleaners are powerless, when cleaning is finished, it can also be easily cleaned with just one click. buttons, it is ideal for hard surfaces, all types of floors, be it tile or laminate. the swivel head easily avoids any obstacle, and thanks to its ultra-flat design, you can easily get under furniture where it is usually very difficult to reach. and only today the unique, ingenious cordless electric broom livington dipper with smart built-in corner bumpers that protect your furniture, baseboards and walls from scratches, the swiper can be yours for just 89.95, but if you call to order now you'll get an incredible €20 discount. and
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you can get the livington dipper sweeper for an incredible 6995, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited. we present to your attention a real bestseller, a luxurious chocolate bag made of genuine leather. elegant. a stylish, very roomy chocolate bag is made in the patchwork style and goes well with any clothes and shoes. she will become your reliable companion to work, on a visit, or on a walk to the store. soft genuine leather, high-quality fittings, classic shape and optimal size. this bag will be appreciated by the most discerning fashionistas. it will emphasize the femininity of its owner and add even more charm. the design of the bag is thought out to the smallest detail. two large branches on the pier.
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call right now and order an exquisite chocolate bag made of genuine leather for only 1995. if you want twice as much harvest, the best the solution for you will be a mini-greenhouse-breadbasket. it will protect plants from frost, retain heat, accelerate the growth of fruit ripening, extend the gardening season, and the presence of zippered windows will provide quick access for watering and maintenance. we offer a choice of two sizes of mini-greenhouses 120x60. 60 cm and 120 by 90 by 90 cm. you can use it on the terrace for growing seedlings or exotic ornamental plants. thanks to its compact size, the mini-greenhouse-breadbasket will be successfully located even in the most inaccessible places on your site or premises. the durable frame of the mini-greenhouse made of metal pipes is resistant to corrosion and protects plants from strong gusts of wind. thanks to the covering material made of pvc film , plants receive reliable protection from
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insect pests. you. zakharov, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i, as a man, am a hunter of women, i like to attack. dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband. how much more is there yet to come? i foresaw my fate, now that's all is being performed. i surrender everything with joy. let's all wave our hands. when everyone is at home with timur kizyakov. on sunday on rtr. earlier in
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the program, in 2014, sergei efanov volunteered to defend the donbass, while tracking down the enemy, he was blown up by a mine, his wife olga managed to break into the intensive care unit to see her loved one. let me go, otherwise, suddenly, i won’t have time to say goodbye to him. despite the fact that sergei had both legs amputated, he continues to serve in his native unit.
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even as a child, having entered the astrakhan navigation school, she was the only girl on the course. after 4 years, she graduated from the shipping department with honors and began working in the navy. of course, it was hard, because not every captain wants to take a girl on staff specifically where you have to work physically, because you also have to moor, participate in cleaning, and you had to do all this with your hands, there , of course, already... all the manicure remained somewhere far away, but did olga know, having left for distant lands, that a few years later her native donbass would be in danger, without hesitation for a minute, she returned to donetsk to help people, i got goosebumps right through my body, because i remember that terrible 2013, when the maidan began, the coup, then of course spring, the first bombings of lugansk, donetsk, they really did they walked through my heart
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with a knife, so since... 2014, naval navigator olga krygina became a volunteer, so that’s it, we finally arrived, loaded the rest, now we need something else before packing. everything we laid out for our guys, stretchers, medicines, and most importantly, of course, turnstiles, we will now send them to the truck, and the most important thing is that the fate of this parcel will then continue in donetsk. so, twice a month, for 10 years in a row, over a million tons of humanitarian cargo have been delivered to donbass. three days later, a car with humanitarian aid arrives in donetsk. as usual, olga and sergey ifanov meet the cargo, distributing it. here,
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you can leave the maternity hospital here. guys, bring it there, you brought it, let me move it to the side where it’s more convenient for you to put it, i didn’t unpack it, i don’t know. what is this about the socks came with hearts with hearts we really need your help, it ’s timely, you collect everything you need, thank you for what you do, hang in there, i thank you, i’m always with you guys, only together we can do something good, strong and powerful and of course how to defeat this fascist evil spirits, what’s happening in our studio?
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we have a principle, we help those who don’t donetsk was left without water, we distributed water, near cars, to the elderly and the needy, so we met through our mutual friend, through another. from that moment on , the guys and i are together, and the most important thing is that through guys, through sergei, through olga, our circle has simply expanded, who else we began to help, these are families who need help, and of course, military units, it also takes a lot of courage to go help at this time people, it’s not safe, why are you doing this, but the fact is that i’m from donetsk, myself... the donetsk woman went to study in astrakhan, and of course, in that fourteenth terrible year , my family lived in donetsk, and i i still remember my sister screaming into the phone, when in may the aircraft were already bombing
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donetsk, when my sister shouted: “olka, olka, we are being bombed.” and then i couldn’t believe that in the 20th century, precisely at this time, having survived that terrible great patriotic war, something could happen to cities. groups appeared in our big russia, my friends and i immediately came to temporary detention centers, brought humanitarian aid within the country, when i took my family from donetsk to st. petersburg, then it happened, i took my family
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to a safe place, and i myself went to a dangerous one, from that moment, my destiny is inextricably linked with the lpr, dpr, and i am very glad that thanks to our group of activists. what are they like through your eyes? you know, i love this family very much, i’m proud that we met together, this is a symbol of family happiness and peace, these are very strong guys, this is even the moment, seryozha
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is holding olya’s hand now, you can’t buy this for any price money, guys, i ’ll pay now too, and children, boys, even during this time that we’re together with the guys, i’m the same . i remember when i was very young, yes, already now the guys have grown up, and the guys have seen a little bit of peaceful life, dimochka was walking when it started, and vanya was six, dima doesn’t even remember what the world is like for a peaceful life, of course, you have now touched upon such a very deep moment as children, because in the donbass there is now a whole generation of children who don’t know the world, don’t know. calmness and this is the joy that we manage to give to children, you know, it is so priceless, thanks to patrons of the arts, philanthropists, we manage to bring groups of children to the altars and sails, or on excursions to
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petersburg, you know, it’s so touching, maybe even painful in some places, when we see off an adult girl, a graduate of the cadet corps, we put the children on the train, she clings to her and cries, olga leonidovna, i want to live, i don’t want to die, i i understand that i need to take this child away from me, tell her something, put her on the train, and she... why do they call you the red-haired angel of donbass?
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why isn’t this a red-haired angel? this was christened by my friend with her light hand, donetsk correspondent, yulia andreenko, somehow it happened like this, she says: my redhead has arrived angel. we know olga that you don’t take work, but take care even at home, let’s see who lives there at home, my nerves are broken, my... my hand doesn’t shrink on its own, it works only thanks to this robotic glove i have fingers clench. on may 11, 2023, we had five people in the house, at 6:00 am, a direct hit and a 155 shell, i can’t feel my hand, i understand that it’s just holding on to my skin, i came to my senses in the intensive care unit, my mother was already dead, at that time, she was affected, it turns out her liver, mom came to in my dream, i showed her, mom, i feel very bad, she... said, daughter, everything will be fine, i left, i give you my strength,
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these were her words, almost a year has passed since the tragedy, we olga leonidovna and i came here to st. petersburg, to her apartment, she settled us with her husband, here together, we live under the same roof, well, in it , my mother probably sends angels from there, the red-haired angel of donbass, she began to bring me back to life , we need to take a little break, let’s continue working. we need a healthy hand, right? quiet, quiet, on february 5, i had an operation, when you want to move and want to live, you need to do this even on the second day after the operation, the first is shiny, my wife, after all the operations she is holding up well, three or four times a day, well... that's it. such active massages last half an hour or 40 minutes, that’s the maximum
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that the hand gets fucked up, that’s the maximum that develops, my husband completely took over everything, because if before i cooked, i washed, cleaned, he learned to do all this, i roll out the dough, this i wish it were a magic wand, i brushed everything away, my wife is healthy, children nearby, in our studio we have residents of donbass, ivan and inna raiko. hello. ivan, are you not crying? a little bit, a little bit. there is a lot of pain from what we have experienced, but we hope that everything will be fine. it’s very hard for him, probably even harder than for me. we still remember that life before 2014. we lived a peaceful life in donetsk,
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so it’s very difficult for him to look at me like this, seeing me differently, well, it’s hard to describe in words that feeling when your loved one next to you experiences everything that well, what she experiences, that is, she is used to being different , do everything quickly, for everything at once there are a lot of things to do, and now she... can’t because of what happened, and now you have to do it all, we do it together, we do everything together, with three hands, what do you do best, magic borscht, ivan , not everyone can cook delicious borscht the first time, thanks to inochka, everything worked out via an internet connection with donetsk , her mother-in-law supervised her, nina, how did you end up in st. petersburg, here at olga’s? everything happened, tell me, after the tragedy of
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may 11, i spent 11 days in intensive care, i had a very serious wound, a chip wound, and you you know, when i came to my senses, i had some dreams, nightmares there, i don’t know, in the intensive care unit, and i asked my mother in a dream, mom, she said that it was very painful and difficult for me, mom, why is that, what will happen to... to me and in general, how can i get out of all this? she said that ina, everything will be fine, yes, i left, gave you my strength, and you will stay. after they stabilized me, transported me to the moscow hospital and for six months my husband and i, he went with me from the first hours of the tragedy, he was with me, we ended up in the moscow hospital and underwent treatment there for six months, i was in bed for 3 months, that is, i didn’t get up, i had shrapnel wounds in many parts of my body, after 6 months i needed
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a period to wait out a little treatment, then operations, more were needed, and we were done this time, starting from the beginning of the tragedy with... connection, she knew that this had happened to us, because we had known each other since 2015, and she made the decision that we needed to be transported to st. petersburg, you yourself suggested, yes, yes, she came for us in her personal car, i was very afraid of this, how i would drive, but we that’s it, we were bringing inu like a crystal vase, i had a huge metal structure here, it was hard for me to move, but we arrived at her house, her apartment, and there the continuation of treatment began, and... olga found people in donetsk who it was really needed. you know, i ’m looking now at leonidovna, she brought cargo from st. petersburg, and we knew leonidovna for a long time, because she was friends with my mother, we all together also helped people in need, because olga is your family, for olya and seryozha, for you son with
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ivan, we are all looking for true love, we read about it, watch movies, this is what true love looks like and... that’s exactly what mutual love helped you overcome what you overcame, where did you get your strength, my husband and i 17 years together, and i know, i didn’t even doubt for a minute that something would be different, if god forbid this had happened to him, we would have had the same thing, that is, we are always like a thread with a needle together, first love, always together, you know, we valued a lot... we thought that we had, and we know, we have a very happy family, this is the joy of life, when there are two children, a son, a sweetheart, a daughter, we went towards this, we strived for this, we really wanted this, and you know, this is our strength these little children who are no longer very little, sergey, did you also have love at first
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sight, instantaneous, and she also smelled like pies, did it come from you or from her, did she smell like pies from her? in general, i still love pies, i used to love them, now i can’t, i can’t, yes, well, i have a pie, i won’t refuse such a pie, inna ivan, where your children are now danitska, with whom, with your mother -in-law, with your father-in-law, they are with them, this is our everything, this is our everything, that is, of course, we miss them, we haven’t seen them for 10 months, i haven’t seen them since all this happened to me, that is, that’s it... i last saw my daughter when i took her out of this room. let's look at the screens now, you will meet those we are talking about now. i didn’t see mom and dad for 10 months after they arrived at our house. we lived together with my grandparents, i missed my mom and dad, i cried at night,
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mom and dad were waiting, bored, wanted to tell something, but mom wasn’t around. what will you do when you love your mother? will you kiss and hug? yes, how they will meet us, i don’t know, they probably won’t recognize us at all, and i know, i probably think that i probably won’t get tired on my feet when i see them, i’m filled with joy that we’re about to meet with our kids, i need to touch them, i miss them very much.
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she showed us that in life we ​​need very little to be happy, only health and family. close people are nearby and nothing else is needed, yes, sveta, everything will be fine, yeah, next in the program, a consultation to make a dream come true, very soon inna raiko will be able to return to normal life, thank you very much, this is very important for us, i want to be i’m healthy, i want to live, that is, who can try it on already? ay, it’s your neighbor here, the local police officer, who, it seems, will help you, love will overcome everything, from april 29 to... tr. food prices are rising all the time, and we still allow food
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to go to waste. how many times has this happened with you? you're about to cook, you go to buy a loaf of bread and find that it's either not fresh or moldy. we know how to help you save. just look at this bread and you can’t tell that it’s already 2 weeks old. and he looks like you're the only one. yesterday we brought it from the store. how can this be? introducing bret smart by taper vr: a simple, convenient way to keep your baked goods fresh, soft and ready to serve. brad smart's innovative condens control membrane cap with microfine precision ventilation is designed to regulate the air humidity level inside the container to create the ideal atmosphere and keep your bread fresher longer. so instead of spoiling and molding, your bread stays soft, fresh and delicious until you're ready to eat it. the brad smart
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genrikhovna, well, you have an unusual name, come visit me, but it’s inconvenient, i’m a widow, i’m not calling you on a date, irina pechernikova, i want something like that on a heel, it’s really crazy, veniam smekhov. who are we hiding from? mom, what have you done? the whole village he discusses how do you kiss the gardener and go on a visit? love konstantinov, what's wrong? well, we fell in love, anna ukolova! mom, what are you doing? did your dad do everything for you? everyone thinks so, she didn’t have time to save her husband at the party, why at the party? let's get married? how do we get married? elsa's land. on friday on rtr. we continue to monitor
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the progress of a high-profile criminal case in which a former deputy is involved. violates house arrest, we couldn’t believe it and sent our film crew to the house where cherbakov lives, from whom he was running away shcherbakov’s neighbors told him that he was always a former official who hit someone, we only have all the details. malakhov today on rtr. earlier in the program, having received a serious injury, sergei efanov from donetsk lost both legs, but thanks to his wife he returned to duty, that’s even the moment, seryozha is holding olechka’s hand now, you can’t buy this for any money, i’m proud, that we met together, these are very strong guys, donetsk olga krygina is called the red-haired angel
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of donbass, now she lives in the northern capital, but... does not abandon her fellow countrymen, she sheltered inna raiko, who was injured as a result of shelling of her own home. she came for us in her personal car, i was very afraid of how i would drive, i had a huge metal structure here, it was hard for me to move, but we arrived at her house, and there the continuation of treatment began, how many operations did you have? i’ve already had it, how much more is needed, in total i had 23 anesthesia.
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yes, that is, they saved the bones, they transplanted a bone from my hip, i also need now there is an operation to fuse the nerves, because my fist cannot clench, i practically can’t feel my hand, before that i had another operation in moscow, here are plates, that is, i have a whole plate structure here, but there are broken nerves, i’m i recently just started taking a shower, it’s such a blessing, because i always had a metal structure, open wounds, i couldn’t do it, he helped me, he... did everything to make me comfortable, he treated me, he helped as best he could. ina, and you they talked about other wounds, what? i had a slight injury to the liver, all from the back, i was lying on my stomach, i slept, everything happened from the back, then soft tissues, pelvis, legs, wounds, i had two skin transplants during this time, and my internal organs were also affected, i still need operations on the gastrointestinal tract. ina,
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we’re talking about your internal organs. there is a video from people who expressed a desire to help you, let's see, andrey viktorovich, i decided to meet with you to discuss the possibilities of treating the patient, oh whom we talked to, a patient from donbass, a young woman of the age of eighty-eight, received a severe explosive wound in may last year, they asked for help, can we help them, provided documents, what is your opinion, i looked at... the documents , very carefully, it is clear that the situation is not easy, serious, but in my opinion, there are a number of positive overriding factors that indicate that we can help her, i agree, in principle, with you too, that the woman is young, i propose to call, consult and then we will decide how we can help her, great.
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great, a whole consultation was organized by surgeons at the konchalovsky city clinical hospital, they are waiting for you and ready to treat you, it’s free. thank you very much, this is very important for us, i want to be healthy, i want to live, inochka, you will be healthy, everything will be fine, definitely, thank you very much , for me now this is very important, for our family, for us in general. oh, we really want everything to work out, we believe in it, yes, ol, you help people so much, it’s amazing, but we also have a surprise for sergei, let me, we want to take part in your life, we want to thank you for your feat, now a doctor will come to our studio to help you , yulia,
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please come in, please sit down. hello, hello, sergey, yes, hello, i would like to introduce you, yulia chikhonina, a doctor who specializes in accompanying patients suffering from... backstage, and i understand correctly that you i heard part of the conversation while i was behind you want to return to a full life as soon as possible, but it depends on the upcoming prosthetics, which is somewhat complicated by some problems with body weight, and you are absolutely right.
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metabolic processes, carry out exactly that individual approach that you spoke about, identify the peculiarities of your metabolism, you are required to consent to hospitalization, and again, yes, yes, it’s not even discussed here, how long it will take to go through this, how long does it take on average the period of hospitalization is 10-12 days, but in the future individual situation, we... we can do this process, yeah, i understand, we offer to be observed, i agree, because i simply have no choice, and olga was asked if we should adjust the deadlines so that we track, we simply have no choice, we ourselves
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it doesn’t work, we just need help, most likely we will disrupt some mechanism inside, of course, violations of many mechanisms occur, because there are certain changes, there are changes in energy expenditure, you have a sports background, well, i’m on... we suggest hospitalization according to the ums within compulsory health insurance, free, free, this is important, thank you very much, from all of us, yes, i don’t know, even a big gift, great attention,
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you give hope, this is the most important gift, you also give a lot to people, kindness , hopes for strong help, let's watch the plot now on the screen, i would like to say a special word of gratitude to olya krygina, our great friend. who regularly comes here, who provides assistance to our military personnel and civilians, every time, when we do something, we remember her, we are very grateful to olga krygina to all caring people, those who help the front, since the humanitarian aid data makes our life very much easier, they send very good medications, medical equipment, gloves, insulation, now this shovels... in connection with spring, this is very much needed now, humanitarian aid is a very big, strong support for us, it melts in the soul, you remember home, you don’t think about the fact that you are on
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the front line, patriotism is an integral part of the russian people in general, without this there is no way, without this patriotism we will not win, this humanitarian aid will help our soldiers, both on the front line and in everyday life. thanks to olga krygina, we waited a long time, thank god, she has arrived, all the guys you know, loved ones, one of those you saw came to us today, so what, let's invite him to the studio, godfather, come in, i have him i got goosebumps, dima, listen, you recognized me, your beloved, godfather, my god, i can’t, now i’m going to start crying, listen, my love, please sit down and introduce us to our guest, this is a legendary man, call sign godfather, dmitry, we have been
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in contact since the fifteenth year, the last time we saw each other was probably in the sixteenth, and you know, now, when you see the guys, when they are healthy, you’re just ready to wash your feet and drink water, because i want to say,
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and even in howling donetsk the guys somehow found flowers, were at the donetsk airport in 1915, we ended up in terrible shelling, jumped out from under the shelling, that it then occurred to the guys to stop on the road to kievsky, the bridge had already been blown up then, so they were tearing tulips, that is, we have a car, they are shooting at us, they stopped, they said, wait, we are now saying we’ll pick some flowers, and the guys are still ...
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our real stories about our people, see you in the next broadcast on the russia channel, see you, see you, this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselyov, dmitry kiselyov is 70, we once joked in the studio, the director of photography, he says , my grandmother thinks that here you are you live in the zemlyovskaya star. he is a man of pushkin and dostoevsk, from the pushkin tradition he has this elegance, this aristocratism, and from dostoevsky, of course, passion. let's go, it's bad form, dragging a weakened tiger by the mustache, they'll dilute it with water, add sugar and put it on the shelves to poison people, we'll waste it, then we'll regret it, life will become more interesting, i don't think dima will say anything in vain, believe me, his phrase.
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on rtr. the information service of the russia tv channel continues its work on the air. you look at the news, my name is maria sittal. hello. the russian army will increase
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the intensity of the strike.


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