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tv   Versiya  RUSSIA1  April 24, 2024 3:40am-4:30am MSK

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cities. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. secrets of paradise. on the culture news tv channel in the igor bidulya studio, hello, the ringing of slogans to reach the soul of every person. it was necessary
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to come up with just such a form. the largest agida's collection of posters was shown in moscow. tradition and innovation. what day tomorrow will be, such will be the nataganka theater. the moscow nataganka theater is 60 years old. architecture of dance. for a very long time i wanted to work with the topic of architecture. the festival context presented a new performance in the center of zotov. and shakespeare day. were all these dramas really written by a man from stratford? the world is celebrating 460 years since the birth of the english playwright. the historian 's documentary exhibition "with spots of color and the ringing of slogans" opened in the exhibition hall federal archives. the exhibition was dedicated to vladimir mayakovsky as one of the creators of the famous series of posters for the “agitator” gorlan “the leader”. for 3 years from 1919
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to 21, the protocol was recorded with stains of paint and the ringing of slogans. this quote from the article “i ask for mayakovsky’s word” became the title of an exhibition in the state archive. 105 years ago the first issue of rost's satire windows was published. the exhibition was divided into several parts, each of which was devoted to the main themes of the windows of growth: the civil war, the fight against the intervention of the entente, the world revolution. at there are 250 sets of growth windows in the state archive, they were digitized and attributed only in the summer, so we are seeing everything that is presented here for the first time. these are caricatures by an artist who graduated from odessa college and then went to study in paris. amshey nuremberg, having returned to his homeland, began to write cartoons for growth windows, saying that it was in this genre that the level of the artist was visible and important. caricatures require an ideal drawing, unlike those posters that mayakovsky made, for example.
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propaganda posters played a huge role in domestic politics of that acute period. tas was created as an agency that was the only and unified body for the transmission of official state information. but in order to reach the soul of every person, it was necessary to come up with just such a form. and foreign policy was on the agenda at the windows. the opposition to the entente on the posters was very sharp. they supported the windows of the red army soldiers who fought against pan poland. but internal problems did not go unnoticed, bright slogans called for the fight against devastation and hunger, and inspired restoration economy of the country. three bright, avant-garde years with splashes of color and ringing slogans entered the history of art as a unique example of synthesis, politics and art. yulia kundryakova, vitaly pronin, culture news. the taganka theater celebrates its sixtieth anniversary in the spirit of the times. precisely because the ability to be in tune with time. created his fame. the
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birthday was celebrated with a poetry performance in search of a genre. more details, yana music. then he will say goodbye in the morning, of course with... experiments with vysotsky’s legacy with theatrical language, taganka in search of a genre, fresh ideas and new names. over all the many, many years, in the traditions of the theater, to speak, to be in dialogue with the audience in today's language, and we have never lost this and are trying not to lose it, so what tomorrow will be, this will be the nataganka theater. one of the directions is to bring vysotsky’s work closer to today’s. to interest the young audience, a special team was formed inside the theater - viakama. the artists realize that vysotsky cannot be surpassed, it is impossible to imitate him. the only way is to find your own sound. some songs, indeed, have melodies in them, some don’t at all, and this was on purpose, because each
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performer brings something of his own, everyone sings what he likes, the genre that he likes . rap, rock and roll, ballads, disco. one of the traditions of doganka is the study of modern poetry. during the anniversary season, the theater held an open competition for young poets. from 900 applications, 10 laureates were selected. their texts will be performed on the legendary stage by the leading artists of the troupe. one of the competition laureates alexander chaptyarev, author from ryazan. he is a practicing therapist and studies poetry in between shifts. in fact , there is little time left for creativity, but the medical profession provides a lot of ground for thought, for worry, this is a huge world of emotions, in which the most important thing is to remain human, and not a word about how i rush around at night, how i feel sick in an empty office , i am on duty in the person
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of a young doctor and according to the lines, melancholy, duty, lyubimovskaya taganka is a dialogue with time and... and the festival context was presented in the center zotov's new dance performance, four points of reference. elena varoshilova appreciated the architecture of the production. dance and constructivism, it would seem, are incompatible things, but the festival context does not think so; its new project , four reference points, proves that such
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intersections are possible. architecture is working with space, and in fact, dance is also working with space, so at this point, at this moment, we of course intersect. in the center of the space is the same oven in which bread was once baked. now this is an art object on which video content is projected and which determines the trajectory of the dance. to see the performance, spectators move from one area to another clockwise . it is very interesting to work in this space, because it opens up some new performative skills for the dancers, working with the audience, with the audience and...
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the project, in the twenties, in the thirties, and an architect could not be just an architect, he was, as it were, a creator new world, and the new one is simply the structure of the universe, and this was very strongly reflected in their texts, which we
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took the concept of performance as a basis. there are no hard and fast rules here, or rather, here it was possible and necessary to break these same rules in order to get something new. performance center. was, that's the question. the celebration of the 460th anniversary of the birth of william shakespeare comes amid endless debate about who actually wrote the famous plays. alexander khabarov visited strathward-on -evan in the playwright’s hometown. william shakespeare was born in this house in stratford on the river avon in 1564. the exact day of it birth unknown, somewhere between april 21 and 23, which is not surprising, everything related to the life of t...
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assessing his productivity, the researchers came to the conclusion that over the course of 22 years of active creative life , he composed a play every 7 months. such fertility could not but arouse suspicion. one of the most serious debates is whether all these dramas were actually written by the man from stratford, or whether they were composed by someone else. this someone should have traveled a lot more, been a lot more educated, and, importantly, have extensive connections in high society, including the royal court. proponents of conspiracy theories included the list of potential authors hiding behind the name of shakespeare. another thing is
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that practically no documents have been preserved about shakespeare’s life, except for references to critics, deeds of sale and excerpts from litigation. the more i read about it, the less i know and the less confident i become. it is quite possible that he simply collaborated with other authors; these are new directions in research, which were previously less attention was paid, but here in stratford.
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to spite the controversy, the city's residents have celebrated shakespeare's birthday every year since the 19th century. in recent decades , delegations from other countries have been participating in the solemn procession. shakespeare has enough fans all over the world, but the most devoted ones are, of course, only here. do you see this outlet on me? the procession through the city streets ends at the church of the holy trinity, where william shakespeare was buried; it is generally accepted that he died on the same day that he was born, the official date is april 23, which coincides with english. national holiday, st. george's day. flowers are brought to shakespeare's grave, they are carefully
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laid out by the clergy, but it would not be shakespearean if there were some mysticism here too. in 2016, this burial was scanned and it was discovered that , apparently, a headless body lying under the slab. according to one version, the poet’s skull could have been stolen at the end of the 18th century. there is no name on the tombstone, only an epitaph warning against touching. personally, it’s not so important to me who shakespeare was, in fact, he was a man, if he decided
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to put such a signature under his work, then so what, it could have been any other name, what does the name mean, it’s from romeo and juliet, that in rose, oh, whatever, i forgot the words, in the translation of parsnip it sounds like this, what does the name mean, a rose smells like a rose, call it a rose or not, 16th century. for the culture tv channel. this concludes our episode, all the best, see you soon.
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behind the seventh, there behind the seventh, go, wait, sit down, why, show me, where to go, right next door, you live around the corner, i say, oh, right there, you called the police, who
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called the police, well, someone called the police, well, of course, since you arrived. so you didn’t call the police, so you didn’t call the police, who found the body, the police found it, they arrived, it’s lying there, fresh, how many more posts, well, there are still passages on the territory, there is security, but what’s there to guard, there’s only devastation, let’s go -where, go there. around the corner, behind the seventh workshop, over there, right around the corner, come around the corner, around the corner, to the left, now, oh, well done,
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ha, not a cheap watch, philip nobel, what are you talking about, yes, then look at the window, it looks like there are traces there, let’s see, apparently he’s been looking for a very long time. a place to shoot himself if he himself, uh-huh, well , it looks like that, maybe they actually dragged him here by force, and then shoot him, don’t make this up, don’t make it up, most likely he came here himself, but why the hell did he need to go to this trash heap trudge, come on, come on, come on, yeah, nice place, can’t
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get through to you, barely found it, hello, hello, hello, hello, the mobile phone doesn’t work here. it looks like we are committing suicide, then it will happen now murder, i’m actually coming here as a civilian, but just don’t worry too much, if you dig around here properly, you’ll find a couple of criminal corpses for you, oh, what a fool , but i thought there was a homeless person here, some documents... they found something, nothing, yes, they found a card, well, i don’t know whether it belongs to the corpse or not, valya? old year, antique, numbered, discount card, well, it doesn’t look like suicide, why doesn’t it look like, why doesn’t it look like, yes, a non-show-off pistol, stechkin, this major should have a biret glocal, no, well, what
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i bought it, he’s not a killer, how do you know, i’m silent, mitya, yes, you know, i’m rushing where i shouldn’t, yeah. the gentlemen detectives have a deductive ecstasy, yeah, i’m silent, yes, why did he drag himself into this shithole to give up his life, well , what’s there, besides, this man clearly didn’t come on the trams, the car is parked somewhere, no, it means that they brought him here, but maybe he left the car at the guard, they’re not allowed into the territory with a car? i’m silent, i’m silent, he could have come by taxi, what’s the difference, look at his watch, so what? watches, you know how much such watches cost, well, expensive, probably, but what is expensive, 1.20 euros, why murderers? didn’t take it off, and the killer didn’t take off his watch, because he wasn’t there, and,
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you know, who called the police, who? no one knows who called 02 and introduced himself as a security guard, but the security guard didn’t call, i talked to him, that’s it, it turns out that either the killer or the dead man called the police, yes, he called 0.2, called the police, he shot himself, yes, well... shine , look, cartridge case, cartridge case, stechkin, he is the farthest from the corpse, it is unlikely that he shot at yourself twice, of course, which is murder. yes, this is our card. i have no doubt about this. can you tell me in whose name
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it is written out? do you understand? we do not ask our clients for documents. but somewhere you record the people to whom you give discounts. not all of our clients are willing to identify themselves, especially large ones. well, you must admit, not every person who buys a painting for half a million dollars wants his name to be known to the entire store staff. we issue such cards to large clients. privacy is part of our business. if the person introduces himself, good. if not, we will never ask what... his name is, do you recognize this client?
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are you saying this is his card? no, is that what you have to tell me? no, i didn’t see this man in our store. yeah, what about your sellers? i know all our major clients by sight. this is mostly known. haven’t seen it and don’t know, yes, you want to give a gift to the owner of your store,
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how, well, tell me whose card this is, but i just told you, otherwise i will conduct a general search in your store for the item stolen valuables, resolution. well, well, you can. what does he do? are you laughing? who asks clients such questions? well, he’s tall, black hair, about
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40 years old, he bought a korovin painting from us. did he kill someone? yeah, i killed him and ate him. the painting is expensive. korovin? very. police. most likely called the owner of the apartment, a homeless person, a homeless person, is he an idiot or something, to invite the police to his home, he didn’t see any corpses, at any time he could drag him somewhere to the backyard, or so that the living room doesn’t stink , here's vasya, well who then, the killer, what is it? i think that the last thing the killer needed was, if by chance someone else appeared there, listen, how can you accidentally get into the closed territory of the plant, the plant has been in disrepair for 10 years? they are waiting for it to be demolished, and the workshop where the body was found is 2 km from the entrance, please tell me, there are a lot of random passers-by there. well
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, okay, but you don’t admit that there’s more than one homeless person living there, i admit, but only there, for some reason we didn’t meet anyone, well, that’s right, as soon as the police show up, they should jump out to a meeting with bread and salt when the call came? at the beginning of eleven, and experts say that the murder was committed at 11, that is, immediately after the murder , a call was made to the police, someone introduced himself as a security guard, the number is of course unknown, which means they called either from... or from a computer, oh, if from a computer, then i'm definitely homeless, but did you hear the recording of the call? uh-huh, well, what about the voice, a middle-aged man, called, said that a crime had been committed, did not answer the questions, hung up, that i understood everything, that is it? no, i know what i’m thinking, he can’t pick up his mobile phone there, so he went out into the street, or somewhere further, and there he only took the stairs.
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skate for about 10 minutes, so what? well, that means the call was made either during the murder, or before, before the murder, what is it? i don’t know, we need to talk to experts, but you know what else is strange, he didn’t say anything about the body, he said a crime had been committed, well , what does the security guard say, he at least heard a shot, of course, when the squad arrived, the guys woke him up for about 15 minutes , and... then he's on them i breathed something pleasantly nerve-paralytic that the guys ran outside to get some air, mysteriously, mysteriously, well, go and solve the riddles, i’m right, who else, well, find me at least two homeless people, one, okay, one a homeless person and one suspect, five suspects, and you choose which one you like best, okay, listen, talk to... maybe he
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knows this one, bye, this homeless person, you are young, beautiful, you should have found a normal man long ago, don’t forget to take all the documents about the boy’s health, maybe we’ll have lunch then together, i’m your new neighbor, potap ivan sergeevich, and you, yes, apparently you don’t have a man, in general. this is none of your business, but i like you, i would really like it to be mutual, love will overcome everything, from april 29 on rtr, they say you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest , you need to rest beautifully, but you need to rest, there where
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there is sun and sea, on the first coastline, where everything is included, except for the head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex. titanic luxury collection titanic deluxe golf hotel belek, where every moment is exclusivity. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy the finest cuisine. here
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, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your relaxation is your rule. titanic deluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. how did you get here watler, he says six days by train, and the vacation is long, he says 2 weeks. this is the sleeping beauty. and i still don’t understand who i saw in the mirror. and we have marriageable brides, there are three of them in total.
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zenoid, vladimir, yes, registered in st. petersburg. uh-huh, good. yes, volodya, you are working on a gunboat, great, this is bublik’s corpse, well, yes, what is there to do, i have semyonovich on the wanted list for him, although there is nothing really on him, they just called me from the weapons examination, they said. that they found the trunk from which the donut was killed, right? yes where? like on the body of some homeless person, an old-growth factory, did you hear? heard i was there, so why are they calling me? wait, wait,
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wait, they found a stechkin there, it’s as if they’d smashed a bagel out of it, but i know, call and find out everything yourself, palikov called me, come on, yeah. thank you, you're welcome, yes, it seems there is a suspect in yesterday's case, who? semenovich, semenovich, this, this is from the gang of this, well, yes, bulgarian, he was killed from the same barrel, at night our handsome man was killed at the factory, that’s for sure, the weapons examination identified the barrel, can you find out about the prints? i’m just about to go to a criminologist, but i’ll find out, i’ll call you right away, yes, let him check about
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semenovich, wait, and you said semenovich in spain, well, yes, why am i calling, we need to refresh his portrait in the transport departments, you can get a ruling today, of course, of course, but what do your sources say uh? well, they are silent, i will torture them today, well, you know, everything fits, they called a man to the switch and banged him, well, semyonovich did not take the watch, well, so as not to get burned , but he did not have time to sell it, and it is dangerous to fly with it, well, yes, don’t you think it’s strange that he kept a criminal pistol for so long, and not just kept it, but used it a second time, and even threw it at the scene of the crime, listen, well, this can generally be explained, well, first of all, he was afraid, well explain, explain, i’m still in favor of the resolution. i'll go, bye, hi, boss, hi, we won't disturb you, have a seat, no, nothing, who is this, i'm leaving now, this, this is a security guard
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at the plant, it seems there was another one on duty there, he's in a coma, now, okay, connections, hold on, yes. well, i see, yes, there’s a man coming, and, excuse me, we have a day off today, so access is limited, i’m allowed.
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lawlessness, he does what he wants, so what are you doing, and so i told him, i’m ready, but with us, if two people pass through the shift during a shift, it’s already a full house, the plant mothballed, the territory is managed by the district administration, but they are trying to sell it to someone for rent, but it looks like they are fools. there’s not much, so all the visitors, the homeless, come a couple of times a month to see, and what should they do with us, the station is nearby, it’s warm there, but we have no light, no heating, that is, you
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walk around the entire territory, all of it, twice a night , seriously, i mean, you go to workshops, no, but what do you do there, just your legs? break it, but we are not allowed to enter these workshops due to safety regulations, so tell me honestly, you are working do you love yours? “well, yes, they still paid, and yes, of course, but i didn’t think about quitting, yes, no, not yet, but if i were you, i would take a vacation, go home somewhere at sea, you’re tired, what’s the matter, no, no, don’t worry, you don’t have to report to me, you have your own bosses there, but i’m telling you honestly, i’ll talk, because i
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want someone to replace you for a while, i need a reliable person to tell me i, who goes to the plant, can do this too, there are one and a half people per shift, but i i say, well, why were you silent about the homeless, well, only one is homeless, and abramovich, why abramovich, wait, is that his last name or nickname? what’s the name, i don’t know, wait, was it in his apartment that they found the corpse? well, we don’t have anyone else, but tell me, how does he get through the factory territory, through the shift, well , yes, every day, on my shift, he comes every day, the estimators let him in too, why? what "why"? i say, why are you
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letting him in? well, why exactly kiril? well, he brings a bottle of beer when he comes, every evening, every one. understandable, and he what happens, millionaire? he’s a millionaire, that’s why he’s nicknamed abramovich, he’s at a flea market, he’s selling at a specific place. he collects all sorts of rubbish from the factory, takes it there, sells it, yeah, that is , this is just an enterprising homeless person and he comes every day, yes, that means he’ll come today too, for sure, what time do you start your shift, at 8 pm, well done, that’s it look, as soon as he appears today, call me right away, understand? yeah, come on!
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you know, there to the right, in short, i’ll turn around, there are three white ones, let’s collect, hello, hello, go ahead! well, i take out my backpack and basket, fedya, great, hi, don’t you want to go to the cafe, i don’t want to, you want to, come on, here you go, come on, come on! chief, sit down.
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no, the person is unfamiliar, i’ve never seen him, in fact they don’t look like a showdown, why? yes, you have to play it all off as suicide, normally a guy wouldn’t do such crap, it’s wrong, here the pon is usually different, everyone knows that you did it, but... but they can’t take you by the ass, there’s no proof, that
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’s it - boy, this is right, pure work, all these jokes of yours from suicide, and an accident to suckers and special services, uh-huh, okay, we’ve heard these songs about the right guys, but if it’s wrong, then anything can happen, you can expect it from a lover of everything, you know, but again , it doesn’t look like a sucker, why? the sucker would have taken off his watch, 100%. i agree, and not only for this reason. i actually know who killed him. so why me? you’re torturing me here, i’m not torturing you yet, panamar, i’m just talking for now, it looks like a threat, that’s what it is, panamar, you ’re responsible for the market, what’s the problem, you
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promised me semyonovich, it was, well, it was, so where do i give it to you, you know where, let’s go without dust. here, okay, my mistake, you brought me to the department for this, but i don’t know whether you will get out of here or not, it all depends on the results of a sincere confession, well , i’m sorry, i didn’t think that you would be interested in this, i didn’t think i i just asked you, any information, any gossip, but this is not gossip, here is semenovich with himself, where is he, who is pope semyonovich, like where is it? where in spain, listen, are you completely out of your mind, who do you think you are, an elusive avenger, yes, i answer you, in spain, they should bring him in only two days later, who should bring him, well, i don’t know, but who is taking the body there, relatives, probably , or the wife, whose body is semenovich? was he
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killed or something? well, yes, like a week. dima, listen, what can you say about this watch? masha, i 'm working, i won't say anything. well, please, well , you have to help me, please. the watch is real, yeah, not a fake, but 100%, it’s pointless to fake something like this, it’s worn by a very narrow circle, but it’s dangerous, and they’re expensive, they’re very expensive, they cost as much as a decent car, listen, please tell me who can wear them, such a watch can be worn by a big
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businessman, a high-ranking official, a bandit, but any person who needs to demonstrate his own wealth, well, for clients, you know? that is, such a watch was worn by a famous person, i don’t know whether he is famous or unknown, i know that he is famous in his circle, it makes no sense to show them off on a tram, so maybe you know him, then look, i don’t know him, but by the way , suit him, dear, what a suit, what a wonderful suit, dear keaton, it’s cool, it’s very cool, but in our shorts, you see, it would be cooler to have a bulletproof vest, i would advise him, but he already has it, you see, okay , thank you, excuse me, please, please, lugansky, hello, dim, masha, can i, volodya, good evening, i tell masha, lugansk, yes, volodya,
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hello, hello, busy, no, i’m interrogating lugansky, come on, come on, talk , it’s interesting, you live, i’ll take a second, listen, remember, i told you about zvegi?
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which krestovsky built up all of it, in moscow a lot of objects, by the way, my dear, you are now going to the internet, you will probably find volodya zvyagintsev, this is a well -known face, let’s see, so zvyagintsev, yeah, here you go, well, here’s izvyaginsov, by the way, he also has a decent suit, and a watch , you see, it looks like, by the way, you were talking about antiques, so what? so he’s just a collector, he collects russian paintings, 17th, 18th, 19th centuries, what ’s that? phew, so my computer froze,
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hello, fedya, you're leaving soon, so what time is it 13, and 13, well, yes, i'm jumping out now, can you help, financially, no, of course, push me into the bucket. enameled, well , another question, listen, by the way, where are you going, to the right bank, if i start, shine, you’ll throw me onto the bypass, no question, you ’re standing in the yard, yes, that’s it, i’m running.
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what do i need, i’ll call the police now, consider it already, captain kurochkin, well, did your bomb come? no, it wasn’t, you said that he came every day, well , he came, but today he wasn’t, and i should have looked at his burial place, but he’s not there, he usually came before ten, i locked the gate at 11, check, i say, you need to open it, okay. well, what's going on here? yes, yes, yes, yes, on the fourth floor. well, why don’t our homeless people look for easy ways? if i were
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a homeless person, i would have fanned myself somewhere in sochi. why did he climb so high? are there fewer rats there? what? rats? yes. maybe there's no one there? no, of course not. abramovich. abramovich, come out! well, shall we go? rat, lantern!
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well, look there in the corner.


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