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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  April 24, 2024 4:29am-5:01am MSK

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i climbed high, and there are fewer rats, why rats, uh-huh, maybe there’s no one there, but of course not, abramovich, abramovich, come out, well , shall we go? rat lantern.
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come on, look there in the corner, stop! well, it’s great, isn’t it, abramovich, but this is not abramovich, seriously, who is this? i don’t know, abramovich had a big beard. who are you? fedor, of course, it happens. how did you get here? i came through the guardhouse, through the fence, there was a passage in the fence on the other side. do you understand what
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he was doing here? nothing, i was sleeping, what is this? whose things? mine, show me, stop, stop! stop, jana! just wait, what, the sprinter was running fast? here you go, leg, what 's in your bag? oh shit!
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fedya, 1.5 million, so tell me, fedya, tell me, i’m listening to you, tell me. tell me, i won’t scare you with prison, you’ll soon start dreaming about prison, i’ll just tell you who this money belongs to, and it belongs to fedya, an authoritative man, when literally in an hour i bring you to him, he ’ll ask me , where i got this money, i ’ll tell him, i found it at fyodor’s, oh, he then will be upset, fedya will probably hurt you, and maybe it will be very painful, so fidyunya, tell me, well, let’s go, yes
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, abramovich, this is money, abramovich, so he stole it, fedya, but it’s still up to you to get out, i won’t now to look for abramovich, but he didn’t steal it, he sold the painting to someone, yes, how do i know, he told me to take them, i took them, where did i take them? in the trash heap, in the garbage can, yes, in the stables in the yard, that is , abramovich told you to pick up the money from the trash heap and deliver it to him at the factory, yes, of course, when you talked to him, yesterday in the morning, he told me to pick up the package at 6 o’clock, but i spilled it in the second tank. bring it to the factory at night,
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yeah, he said about a hole in the fence, where to go, right, and then, well, what? that then, well, you had to meet with him, he had to pay you something for the work, he had to, but we meet with him anyway, every day, count it, at the market, at the unit, well.
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hello, hello, i'm from the investigative committee, i need to talk to vladimir alexandrovich, but vladimir alexandrovich is not there, he is in petrozavodsk, when will he return? well, approximately at the end of this weeks, there are very complex negotiations going on, preparation of a new project, i think that if you call on thursday, it will be clearer. okay, what about me? contact me now, it’s urgent, but i’m afraid there’s no way, don’t you have his phone number? no, the fact is that vladimir aleksandrovich forbids us to call him because of endless necessity, and if he
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needs something, he calls himself, he really has very difficult negotiations, and if i call him now, i simply risk losing my job. and if it is absolutely necessary, for him, perhaps for him, well, try talking to alla yuryevna then, who is this? vladimir alexandrovich’s wife, her office is right behind you, but does she also work here? yes, just now she went out onto the terrace, it’s straight down the corridor to the right, thank you, oh, this is good.
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“i’m from the investigative committee, marya sergeevna shvetsova, i really need to talk to your husband, marya sergeevna, the fact is that he’s not in the city right now, he generally has a very busy schedule, i heard that, but i have a very important very short conversation. can you tell me what the matter is? unfortunately, i can’t, this concerns one case that i’m currently investigating, okay, then let’s do it this way, i ’ll still be with him tonight.” i’ll ask him to call you as soon as he has a free minute will appear, okay? yes, thank you, goodbye, goodbye, yes,
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you know this watch, it’s similar to volodin’s, but his is a little different, are you sure that this is not your husband’s watch, no, it’s not his? uh-huh, goodbye, look how gorgeous the fat tail is, let’s fill the jar, the premiere is on rtr, he’s arrived, he’s shown up, i ruined everything, don’t you dare say that.
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immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence. here. turning dreams into reality, kalinan belek hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale.
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please, introduction and roll call, it’s possible without formation, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was bold in a white tuxedo, and i’m starting,
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120, i’ll give it for 80, good drill- then, any tree will take, win and hardened, listen,
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and you know abramovich, he’s a millionaire, or what, what kind of millionaire, billionaire, you have a homeless person selling something here somewhere, no, it’s clear, well, look at the drill, i’ll give you a discount, it’s a good drill, it was left over from my grandmother, it’s fine. do you know that or not? i know, but where is his place?
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over there, well, where the guy sells nepel wheels, but for some reason i don’t see anyone there, but he’s not here today, but the place, how long ago was he there? i don’t know, i wasn’t on duty yesterday, so maybe the guy knows, okay.
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pavilion canopy, come on, here, here for those rows, when was the last time they saw abramovich, and he was with the guy, well, on saturday, well, he didn’t come on sunday, at first i held his place, and then there, there the people
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rebelled, it happened that he hadn’t come there before , but on sunday the most. such a day, i understand, how long has he worked here? you’re already before me, probably two years, maybe even more, here’s abramovich, he’s always with a beard, that ’s him, oh, look, no, i’m telling you, he’s got a beard like that.
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not quite, the place is good, here is abramovich, he didn’t tell anything about his life, why before that, he was doing what his real name was, and didn’t say anything. well, we’re not really like that, it’s not like he was drunk about volgograd, i don’t remember something, but he drank, well, he drank, he’s not an alcoholic, of course, without binges, well, there were rarely binges , well, so in snot, well, i understand you, well, that is, this is his place, but the clock doesn’t work. he said on saturday that on saturday, he didn’t say, he asked, or rather, about cartridges, about cartridges, what exactly, well, who should he buy from, maybe i know, but you know where one and a half million came from
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dollars. do you think zvyagin won’t call? no, of course, it’s not about petrozavodsk or a business trip. do you think he's dead? i don’t know, but the fact that zvyagentseva recognized the watch is certain. and he would hardly give them away. well, the watch could have been stupidly stolen. if they had been stupidly stolen, she would have had a completely different reaction. she clearly recognized them. here the story is much more complicated. i think that this watch is somehow connected with the disappearance of zvyagentsev. maybe call this girl for an official conversation, svyagintseva? no, she won’t say anything, but we’ll press on, so she will attract a crowd of lawyers. no, for now we have absolutely nothing to pin her down with. i wonder, here are the other employees of the company, do they know where weggins actually is? i’m not sure, the secretary, it seems to me, is firmly convinced that
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he is on a business trip, uh-huh, i wish i knew who we found at the plant. hello, hello, oh, the same chicken lion heart, hello, how are you doing, and little by little, well, tell you who was killed in the bomb shelter at the factory, but not too late, of course, listen, but at least you have some tea yes, there's tea, come on, say so, oh, i'll take some candy. sweet is harmful, who was killed? in general, yes, so you know that in a homeless shelter at a factory they killed a homeless person, shaved, washed, changed clothes, possibly perfumed by abramovich. wow, how did you
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know that? listen, should at least someone work here? really about this. we told a homeless man’s colleague at the blash market, he’s been there for several years now selling all sorts of junk he finds at the factory, yeah, but we seem to have found out whose watch the deceased was wearing, maybe a suit, yeah, well, whose, i wonder, well of course it’s interesting that the owner of the construction corporation is taking off, vladimir aleksandrovich zvyagintsev. volodya, did you talk to him? impossible. what's happened? they killed it, it’s unknown, so, we need to find out about this company, maybe we’ll find something to put pressure on zvyagentseva, put pressure on zvyagentseva, it sounds like... it’s not funny, it’s his wife, it looks like she knows something, let’s install an outdoor surveillance system for her, but suddenly she sees us as her husband, listen, you say that zvyagintsova
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runs the plant in her husband’s absence, and what do you want to say that it was she who eliminated him, she said it herself, the girl is young, hot, probably not married recently, dude, why all of a sudden, dudina, opera, dubina from the adberalteysky district t “listen, the homeless man told me that this is money for paintings, well, i don’t know, he’s vegginsov collects paintings, collects, collects russian
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paintings, it’s interesting.” listen, dima, well, i hung the bells for you, where will you hang the bells for me, i beg you, no, i’m just seeing that you’re carried away by this, well... kapitonovy, firstly, this is zvyagintseva, yes, and secondly, why are you drunk, what is the occasion of the holiday? well, firstly, i didn’t get drunk, i just went to the club, we’re having an anniversary there, actually,
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just a little bit, this is one time, and secondly, this is kapitonova, she’s just kapitonova as a girl, zvyagentseva in her marriage, well, that’s a catwalk star , they got married a long time ago, i don’t know, maybe a year ago, and you know that she’s on the rise, she holds the position of financial director, who? this is a cipa, just imagine, this is the director’s right hand, you know, with such a right hand you can lose your head, she’s been working there for a long time, i don’t know, i’ll take a look now, well, come on, i’m still looking for the apple i’ll go, but wait, wait, i’m already looking, yes, yes, yes, now, yeah, there’s nothing, probably recently, well, yes, probably, what’s kuntsev? you see, well, this is zvyagintsev’s business partner. well, they started together, they created this company together.
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kuntsev? well, of course, open it. andrey kuntsev, one of the founders of the largest construction company takeoff. the partners came to an agreement on the division of the company, the controlling stake remains with vladimir zvyagentsev, and kuntsev leaves the department due to health reasons. under the knee, why? well, what is this for a state of health such that it is impossible to own shares? well, he was just uzvyagentsev’s financial director, his right hand, what year is this? so, article 2004. in 2004, the vzlyot company was already on the rise, and if you find this kuntsev, he will tell you a lot of interesting things about zvyagintsev. an interesting person, of course, yeah, well, if he’s still alive, why do you think that, well, because they don’t part with a controlling stake of their own free will, it’s only possible, i don’t know, under
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serious pressure, well, under the threat of life, for example, well wait, he gave up the shares voluntarily, that means he’s alive, mashenka, i don’t know if he’s alive or not, i don’t know, i just saw his last name and i remembered where he is now, i wonder, he was a famous figure, well, i don’t know, maybe he sold shares, bought himself an island? mediterranean sea. well, well, maybe, of course, you are an investigator, you know better. eh, but i want to tell you, most likely, he did not receive a penny for these shares. like this? this is business in russian. did you call your boss? vladik. hello, dear. hello. long time no see? yes five years have already passed. hello. let's. mock me, i'm courting you, come on, come on, well , admit it honestly, it's pulling you back to the authorities for work, are you laughing or something, the head of the department is still dreaming about sticks, of course, that
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is... you can say that you've been tormented by erotic dreams , pornographic, just like you, you won’t believe it, everything is the same, the same sticks, the same bosses, but on eve, sit down, uh-huh, vadik, but i wanted to ask something, you, as far as i understand , during takeoff you work, worked, i mean, left or something, got laid off 3 a day ago, wait, you seemed to be the head of the security service there, but no, the deputy, so, wait, but nothing, they decided to change the entire security service, but i don’t know what they are changing there, but god bless them, i’m not without work i’ll stay, tell me, what did you want from under me, well, you wanted, but we’re here, you know, well, in general, they found one body, one, but a homeless person, not surprising, in general, not
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surprising. another surprising thing is that this corpse is wearing zvyagentsev’s suit and his gold watch. i'm your new neighbor, and also the new district police officer part-time. after graduation, we immediately agreed to submit an application. well, what a wedding, well, come with us, guys, this is my girl, she was yours, she will be mine, pain. sasha, sasha, survived, it’s already good.
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