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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 24, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm MSK

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on the maidan they gave a hero star for my body, simply because i am russian, that’s enough, i loved europe very much, now we have swapped places, now we are in russia for freedom of opinion, but they are not, we are open to the world, but they are not, he from the breed that made russia great, vich says, i wish you success, you are now my employee, the same kisyalev, the premiere is on friday on... the information service of the russian tv channel continues its work on the air, you are watching the news, my name is maria sittal, hello, we are holding a meeting on...
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vladimir putin demanded that the amount of payments to flood victims be indexed and that work be done with applications from citizens living in disaster areas. according to reports received by the president, sufficient forces have been mobilized to eliminate the consequences. problems associated with the passage of the spring flood, the head of state today. major repairs today and if you need to look at the real cost , there is a need to change this norm, a need, and i think that the second thing is the very amount of payments we have. in 2008,
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now it’s 2024, and this size has not been indexed either, i ask the relevant federal departments, the ministry of emergency situations, the ministry of finance, the ministry of construction, and social departments, to return to this and resolve the issue of indexation. let me remind you that today it is 10,000, 50,000 and 100,000 rubles. they need to be indexed. third, there is a list of property for the loss of which compensation is paid. this list should be canceled altogether. lost property must be paid appropriate compensation. well, what can we count, whether a washing machine is included in this list or not hits? well, it's some kind of nonsense. need to.
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to do this as quickly as possible and the head of orsk vasily nikolaevich said about his conversation with a woman with a mother of eight children, vasily nikolaevich, well... a dozen enemy counterattacks, more than ten times our positions were tested for strength in the donetsk and avdeevsky directions, but the enemy was driven back losses of more than 800 militants, 10 pieces of equipment were destroyed, including a grad launcher, another combat vehicle, this time the american
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haiers mrzzzo, was disabled in kupinsky section of the front, in these frames the destruction of the crew of the d-30 howitzer in the belgorod direction was carried out by the militants. active fire when their position was hit by the lancet. over the past 24 hours, air defense systems shot down nine hymers and alkhan missiles, six french guided bombs, a hummer, and intercepted almost 300 ukrainian drones. russia is ready for close cooperation with all interested partners in ensuring global and regional security. this statement was made today by vladimir putin in video message to the participants of the twelfth.
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countries, this is undermining the constitutional foundations and destabilizing sovereign states, inciting interethnic and interreligious hatred, while the methods of criminals are becoming more and more sophisticated and barbaric. this was once again demonstrated by the bloody terrorist attack that occurred on march 22 in the moscow region. russian intelligence services and law enforcement agencies continue to find out and study. all the details of this vile crime reveal its participants, including customers, sponsors, organizers, none of them must escape fair retribution. rostension and the emergence of new hotbeds
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in the world are associated with the west’s reluctance to give up hegemony, as stated by the secretary of the russian security council. nikolai patrushev noted that washington’s actions completely devalue international law and its institutions. as well as the role of the un in resolving global and regional conflicts. international security is affected by both old and newly emerging conflicts, apart from which, in the conditions of modern information technologies, there is no no country may remain. russia will continue to defend the creation of a fair one that meets the interests of the majority of countries. world order, which would be based on the principles of equality and respect, cultural and civilizational identity. one of the key topics was the ukrainian conflict and the flourishing nazism that the west continues to nurture and sponsor. according to patrushev,
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kiev has killed almost 17 thousand civilians over 10 years . the country that accused russia of aggression against ukraine has changed its mind and now admit that moscow is forced. to defend themselves, the secretary of the security council visited an exhibition that tells about the crimes of the ukrainian military against civilians. when eliminating the consequences of major floods, special attention must be paid to the health of children. mikhail mishustin spoke about this at a meeting with the head of rospotrebnadzor anna popova. issues of protecting residents of affected areas from infectious diseases were discussed. for this purpose , the federal one has been in effect in the regions since the first days. sanitary shield project, the prime minister emphasized that it is necessary to constantly monitor the quality of drinking water, great attention, including the study of the situation itself and the corresponding indicators in case of threats, all this, of course, works for the sanitary protection of the country, i would
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like to draw your attention to the health and well-being of children, rospotrebnadzor is involved in this area also with control over... the quality of food for primary schoolchildren , deals with the quality of organization , including all events for summer holidays, children's, one more question, we talked to you, repeatedly on all functions of rospotrebnadzor, which requires such complete concentration in areas, and one of these functions, where this complete concentration is needed, is ensuring epidemiological well-being in the event of natural emergencies, in orsk, where it is a small city, and there is also a laboratory that was delivered, we strengthened tyumen and kurgan with laboratories, all this. various
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water studies, of course, children will be removed from these territories, these decisions are already being made. implementation of national projects on ensuring technological sovereignty became the main topic of the meeting of the state council commission. it was held in the format of a videoconference, as noted by the minister of industry and trade denis manturov, the government has already determined the activities, tools and volumes of financing for aviation and. robots and technology, taking into account the task set by the president to enter the top 25 countries in
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this area, as well as the national project on new materials and chemical products is at a high degree of readiness. the basmanny court of moscow today arrested the deputy russian defense minister timur ivanov. he was charged with receiving a bribe on an especially large scale. a high-ranking department official was taken into custody for 2 months. preventive measures were imposed on his alleged accomplice sergei borodin. according to investigators, the defendants are involved in fraud during contract subcontracting work. ivanov, the future deputy head of the ministry of defense since 2016, oversaw the construction and major repairs of military facilities. the defendant's defense maintains his innocence. on the eve of victory day russia began what has already become a traditional action. george ribbon. on city streets and squares, volunteers hand out st. george ribbons to drivers and pedestrians, a symbol
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of military glory, a sign of the heroism of the great patriotic soldier. the official start of the project was given in the international media group russia today. st. george's ribbon promotions have also become international. alexey karev will continue the topic. thank you. no, i'm on my own, thanks. they are sorted out instantly for themselves. loved ones and friends in smoke flame colors, three black and two orange lines behind which are millions of lives and exploits, each family has its own story of victory. mikhail frolovich pontyukhin, he was a tanker and went straight to the tanks in berlin, the st. george ribbon is a sign of victory, strength and truth. for the first time, st. george's ribbons began to be distributed in moscow in the spring of 2005. at this event, which became truly nationwide, a whole generation of heirs to the victory grew up. this is in memory of those who died who defended our homeland. the promotion is taking place throughout the country.
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vladivostok was the first to distribute victory symbols. thank you, thank you guys. us two. and in volgograd, cadets and young army soldiers carried the forty-meter st. george ribbon of domaev kurgan. volunteers in voronezh decided to say thank you and personally hand over the ribbon to the veteran. nikolai nikolaevich borisov went to a tank school as a boy, and at the age of 20 he was already in command of a tank. so that due respect is maintained for the symbol of victory. the st. george ribbon acquired a new
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meaning with the beginning of a special military operation. the st. george's ribbon carries this victorious genetics, which gives us strength today. reminds us with on the one hand about the feat of our fathers and grandfathers, on the other hand, about the challenges that russia faces. our heroes are honored and respected not only in russia. this year, st. george's ribbons will be distributed in 35 countries, despite the fact that some in europe have decided to abolish the symbol of victory. why do they do this?
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yes, my love, we are starting a new life. premier district angels. today on rtr. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means
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not thinking about anything. when you are calm. and completely turned off. rest is rest. we know about rest is all. anex. treat yourself to a first-class holiday in slezorts. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes. a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. rixsas premium segate. family fun starts here, with every detail created
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do you know him, or what? this is my husband, what? he knows that you are in this hotel and came here with mopasya, right? sea overseas premiere on saturday on rtr. we go to the doctor and borrow he spends a lot of time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go. forewarned is forearmed. any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge about health. dispelling myths. we help you find out the truth, how to act? in order to land well, you need to warm up beforehand, what should you pay attention to? there should be a pill for each risk factor, where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. from the onset of the disease to its manifestation it takes two ten years, so the whole
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family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent stories. take care of your complex body, take care of yourself and be healthy, about the most important thing, from monday to friday on rtr, doctor, please save! his son, they say, the hit was an suv, it was expensive, but he immediately disappeared, and this is chaos, and you’ll go to the zone, or they’ll blame you again.
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at the plesetsk cosmodrome, the creation of infrastructure for launching angara launch vehicles, which will be able to launch military space satellites of all types into orbit. this was confirmed following a visit to the site by sergei shaigu. the minister of defense inspected the progress of construction and modernization of infrastructure, inspected the launch complex and the assembly hall for heavy and light class missiles. the head of the department was informed that all the equipment was at the cosmodrome, the test stand. communication systems, fire extinguishing systems, completely domestic production. six launches of these missiles have already been successfully carried out. this year it is planned
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to carry out three more launches of launch vehicles. of this class. completion of the modernization of the second launch complex of soyuz launch vehicles, the capacity of the cosmodrome to support spacecraft launches will double . work is underway to modernize the light- class rocket and space complex. rumble, testing, which is scheduled to begin in december of this year. we look forward to the speedy signing of the next relief package. this is kiev’s reaction to the adoption by the american senate of a law to support ukraine. vladimir zelensky, ahead of president biden on social networks, literally poured out praise for the american establishment. the british telegraph sees no reason to rejoice and gives kiev at most 6 months. article, a retired british army colonel, does not believe in the success of ukrainian mobilization; he especially notes that the ukrainian armed forces have no chance of seizing
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air superiority from the russians. retired ukrainian general and former deputy chief of the general staff igor romanenko urged the kiev authorities not to succumb to euphoria; he finds washington’s behavior strange. according to him, biden, like the president could have given the go-ahead to help kiev back in mid-autumn, but for some reason he paused. one of the provisions of the document adopted in washington concerns the transfer of frozen russian assets to ukraine. along with the united states, europe has been looking for a plausible excuse for withdrawing funds for a very long time. according to the head of european diplomacy, joseppe barel, brussels has finally figured out a way to profit from other people's money. this is uncharted territory for us; we had to look for new approaches to use these funds to support ukraine. we have provided several stages. the first one was implemented in february. we have introduced
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rules for central securities depositories that generate asset income. they had to identify blocked assets and account for them separately. we expect that this mechanism will allow us to receive about 3 billion euros per year. from a legal point of view, we have established that these incomes do not belong to russia, since they are not considered sovereign assets. ya opening. western equipment captured in the special operation zone began to be delivered to the capital's victory park. it will open there on may 1st exhibition of captured weapons. the combat vehicles
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, accompanied by traffic police, were brought to poklonnaya gora at night so as not to interfere with the dense moscow traffic. tractors were used for transportation, and truck cranes were used for unloading. by the way, some trophies are on the move. for example, the german marder infantry fighting vehicle. the military seized a month ago our military seized a month ago in the avdeevka direction. the bmp received several damages; a broken fuel line and radiator had to be repaired. in total, visitors will be able to see 30 samples from 12 foreign countries, including great britain, france, finland, sweden. the exhibition will feature cars on which the collective west had very high hopes. german leopard, american bradley and swedish. cv-90. dozens of ukrainians, after the adoption of the law on strengthening mobilization, are besieging the foreign missions of their country.
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these shots were filmed in... those who are ready to serve any master for handouts, sooner or later lose. this is how the president of belarus spoke about the authorities’ policy ukraine, on whose territory nato is already fighting. alexander lukashenko spoke at the meeting of the seventh all-belarus people's assembly, the main topics of which were issues of national security and repelling western threats. from minsk anastasia sokhovskaya. the telling slogan of the seventh all-belarusian people's assembly, which is taking place against the backdrop
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of a strong...
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symmetrical measures to increase combat power. the fight against belarus and russia is too costly for the baltics, the loss of history is a third of the population during the years of independence, they pay accounts of their population. the west has imposed the image of the enemy on our countries on ukraine. alexander lukashenko named both the perpetrators and the beneficiaries in the ukrainian conflict, a testing ground country where the fate of the future world order is partly decided. the largest nuclear powers, albeit indirectly, are already actually fighting against it...
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will become a full member of the sco. according to alexander lukashenko , an integration union with russia, an example of a union of sovereign peoples, also has chances for expansion. we intend to achieve technological sovereignty in within the framework of the union, preserving national interests, and we confidently do this. and now is our time. both days of the work of the supreme council will be held under this slogan; for the first time, almost 1,200 delegates will work in a new constitutional status with the right to receive. decisions from personnel issues to the legitimacy of elections to the introduction of a state of emergency and martial law, the president reminded the meeting of responsibility for the decisions made, because now they have the highest status and are binding. anastasia sakhovskaya, alexander alexandrovints, alek peletsky, ekaterina bobkova, lead minsk. the royal horse guards caused a real commotion in the center of london. during a morning training session for an elite unit of the british army, five horses threw off their riders and
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ran across the city. police. gave chase, the frightened horses were caught for several hours, two managed to run 10 km, one of the fugitives crashed into a tourist bus, breaking the windshield, and the other was seriously injured in a collision with a car. as a result, the horses were caught, they are now receiving assistance, and there are also casualties among pedestrians. today on our channel there is a continuation of the comedy melodrama angel of the district, the head of the management company alena shatalova. unravels a whole tangle of personal problems, at this time the residents of the area are going to remove shatalova from her position. the meeting has already been scheduled, what will be decided there, we will find out today, new episodes immediately after the evening news. we continue to monitor the development of major events in russia abroad. stay with us.


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