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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  April 24, 2024 11:25pm-2:06am MSK

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they cheated me out of money, they kicked me out of my apartment with my child together, guess what, the fascists, that’s what i’m talking about, in general, we need to figure it out quietly, uh-huh, restore, so to speak, historical justice, i thought, of course, to dial your this pervukhin, yes, no need, nikolai nikolaevich, well, why should the generals worry, we’ll decide, everything will be in the jury, nikolai nikolaevich, if you get out, i can’t figure out a damn thing in your stove, here he is, the martyr suffered, well, let’s get out, what are you, what you 're yelling, it's just all sensors, right? what kind of technology is there, i bought myself a miracle of technology, you can’t fry eggs, let’s get out, okay, do n’t yell, just meet vadik, here he is, my sidekick, ivan,
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you have an unusual name, come visit me, but this is inconvenient , i’m a widow, i’m not calling you on a date, irina pechernikova, i want something like that on a heel, i’m completely out of my mind, veniam smekhov, who are we hiding from, mom, what have you done, the whole village is discussing how you you kiss the policemen and go to visit them. lyubov
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konstantinova. so what? well, we fell in love. anna ukolova. mom, what are you doing, huh? dad did everything for you. that's what they think. before she had time to save her husband at the party, she ran. why at a party? let's get married. how do we get married? elsa's land. on friday on rtr. borbon stersman is a product of the stellar group.
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titanic luxury collection bodrum vodka vveta product stellar group rixos premium segate family fun starts here, every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself. world an unforgettable experience at rixos premium siagate. rixas premium seagate. rom castro is a product of the stellar group. i have the most beautiful wife in the world. sunday. rita. so i'll come in. do you want sasha to come back to you? i'm ready to do anything for my sake. bank, are you
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going to hide me like this for the rest of your life? well, i pray to you, i didn’t have any second family, i love only you, i don’t believe you, fly feather, on sunday on rtr, we work in the interests of our country, our job is to tell the truth, our task is to achieve complete victory , for this... we go on air, every evening, evening with vladimir solovyov today on rtr, good morning, hello, shatalov, shatalov, i forgot my watch, that means i’ll be happy today, listen, mom, seriously,
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where did they move, what kind of creatures did they take, i don’t know, well how... you don’t know, well, didn’t uncle vanya tell you anything? no, damn it, i’m calling gula, she doesn’t answer, mom, well, you don’t need to know, well, you need to know, you find out, you think, i won’t find out, i’ll find out, why are you so attached to this gula, vadik, listen, hi , i can not. something damn, lousy, just like vadik, if the bear finds out, he’ll just kill me, by the way, you too, and what to do, hello, i
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don’t know, well, well, i really don’t know, everything here, everything is very serious, yes, well, i’m coming to you, we’ll think , yeah, come on... listen, i’m a good squabble in the third grade, in short, just sit down, i thought, let’s close the topic, i understand, then i ’ll just buy you this apartment myself, and don’t start giving it to me, i’ll give it to you i'm seriously obliged to life, kolya, well, i beg you, don't, well, you got the money from where, where, from, well
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, from where, from the past, from, from the past, from my whole business has been clean for 100 years, well , according to the documents, if i ask you, just don’t be offended, well, really, don’t. well, there won’t be any happiness about this money, but i’m ready, sweetie, get in the car, we ’ll go quickly, then we’ll go straight home, i understand, i understand, bye, you’ll bring it, okay, well, to nowhere, beauty, oh, transportation, what you made yourself a daughter, i’d like one like that, but what’s stopping you, the circumstances, who is this, is this a farik? who? well, i gave alesochka a peacock, she called him pharaoh. listen, you are this, go feed him, then you see how the screaming is strained. ok. come on, come on, i'll die now. i, i, too,
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in such a wound, people are still worried. listen, get me one person, alena nikolaevna shatalova, and most importantly her hut, 17 pervomaiskaya, apartment 24, they were moving a former communal apartment there, she was stirring up something there, we need all the ins and outs, all the fucking, come on, well, let’s beep and let’s go ? stas, stas,
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tem, are you sleeping, sleeping, listen, come out for a minute, there’s something to do, i’m telling you, i’m sleeping. yeah, listen, i didn’t understand something, are you an ass or something, she came to me on her own, yes i i don’t care, you took your license, in the car, so what, i
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need wheels, why don’t you drive, what kind of wheels, i have a dasha there, i really really need it, where, but i urgently need to find the ghoul, first at... the institute, if it’s not there, then to the central library at different ends of the city, i understand, that’s why i’m asking, bro. well, let's go, dash, i'll be there soon, what? stas, where are you going? dashun, i'll be quick, what? thank you, yeah, nothing, how can i pick you up? uncle kohl, i’ll get there myself, that’s enough, i promised my father, uncle kohl, but he’s crazy, i’m
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crazy, okay, let’s call, tyomych, nevermind herself, did she find herself a daddy or something, hello, excuse me, golya, listen, let's talk, i don't understand anything, you went somewhere, i'm calling you, you hang up, come on, let's talk about what, what in general is happening, and what is happening, you don’t know anything, no, i don’t know anything, ask your mom, okay, wait, i say, can you please, it’s okay to tell me what happened? what i sent, listen, if
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everything is fine with dasha, we’re just with her, well, you know, let’s go, i’m serious about dasha, i’m serious too, yes, well, i’ve struck shatalov, what’s there, uh-huh, i understand who was with her, which colonel, oh that colonel? so that ’s all, what a grandma, and the grandma was evicted too, when it was, i understand, thank you, well done, let’s turn around, change course, the main thing is to butt heads with him without options, this is such a level, when he rose. he crushed the people harshly, he was at odds with the general, still over old matters, in short, i don’t know,
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alyonichka, can offer him money, vadik, offer him anything, i don’t know, say that i’m ready to sell this room back to him, yes generally say that i am ready to give her for free to give it away, if only everything would return the way it was, i just haven’t found a place for myself since yesterday. yes, i’m shocked myself, who knew that the baklushin would fit in with him? yes , this has to do with it, you understand that i ’m sick of myself, i can’t sleep at night, i think, damn it, i was a normal person, i was a normal person, and how could this happen, how could i do such a mean thing? arrange? alyonchik, everything will be fine, i’ll say that it was i who stirred up everything, and you’re not involved, stop it, and that the door isn’t
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are you closing? aren't you afraid of anyone? and who are you? and i am your conscience shatalova. fine. well, isn’t there enough life-giving flesh? doesn't it press you? in terms of? i mean, how do you live, i say, do you have anything to say? then i’ll quickly, it means the checker about this kennel, i ’ll cancel it, about the rest of the premises, well, it’s drying out here, and now about work, i haven’t forgotten how to wave, are you deaf or something, okay, not at the disassembly, here yes , but purely opg. you say something more satisfactorily, yes, but i ’ll tell you what, the law enforcement agency, nikolai
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baklushin is not ashamed of his past, because that he is looking into the future, about your future, i have already made arrangements, you have it by and by, so hello, vote for nikolai baklushin, i want to ask you everything, but what are you doing at the almshouse? or straight to the cemetery? what grandmother? what grandmother? kondratieva klavdiya mikhailovna, born in 1936, aunt klava, she is right here in this room. lived where you sent her, so i bought this room from her, she bought a house for herself, well, you better think about when you’ll tell the prosecutor this, when he changes this case from administrative to criminal requalifies that they are sad, why bombs, and you are cozy, tomorrow,
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well, of course, i’m bad, you are all good, kalinon belek is a place where time stops, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea , discover true excellence by making your dreams come true.
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hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into... today the president held a meeting on liquidation of the consequences of the flood in the orenburg, kurgan and tyumen regions. during communication with management region, vladimir putin spoke about what the approach should be to solving the problems of affected citizens and called for...
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in the next 2 days they will receive the same thing, why a large volume of figures has been announced, and 10% of payments, well, because we are doing explanatory work here, because residents are submitting in connection with the introduction of a federal emergency, accordingly, absolutely everything, and not
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just within the flooded borders territories, so here we carry out this information work, accordingly we show, we tell what... they will submit accordingly, these payments are for those who were actually flooded, so here is the main work that is being carried out today, but i don’t really understand what it means that everyone is giving, everyone who is everyone, everyone who is in the affected areas, i don’t understand , yes, that is, residents of the city, for example, orsk, yes, the same is true of our other territories, everyone who got there, they consider, accordingly, in connection with...
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he went on vacation, that is, not like there he was doing something, no, he went on vacation, the world is actually very worried, today. addressed the participants of the twelfth international meeting of high representatives in charge of security issues. of course,
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international terrorism remains one of the most serious threats of the 21st century. the purpose of the terrorist attacks carried out in different regions of the world, behind which are not only radical groups, but also the intelligence services of some countries , is to undermine the constitutional foundations and destabilize. state, inciting interethnic and interreligious hatred, while the methods of criminals become more and more sophisticated and barbaric. this again showed a bloody terrorist attack that occurred on march 22 in the moscow region. russian intelligence services and law enforcement agencies continue to find out, study all the details of this vile crime, and identify its participants.
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watch, they have something to fear, it’s interesting that, by the way, the americans understand well that we have no doubts that all the operations carried out by the ukrainian special services are supervised by the americans, this has been directly written about, now not for the first time in history of america, when they first raised a dragon, and then it devours them, so that... says the head of one of the american intelligence services. first of all, we are small groups that will attack us here at home,
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inspired by the events taking place in the middle east. and now we are increasingly concerned about the threat of a coordinated attack here at home. like the one isis held in a concert hall in russia for just a couple of weeks. what everyone repeats, that for some reason they are sure that they have hands, this is what he says: well, there he
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said a lot of different nonsense, for example , that their money can now be waved forever bathes with joy i tell the americans, we must definitely attack a nato country after ukraine, then why are you going to accept ukraine into nato, they say that this is something that is completely absent. logic, which andrey, for example, often points out to them, well , in general, if you think that being in nato saves you from an attack by russia and therefore you include, want to include ukraine in nato, why are you now saying that as soon as we deal with ukraine , we will attack nato countries? well, how many 2 +2 do you have? well listen to what this old madman says, if putin wins in ukraine, the next step for russian troops may well be a direct attack on nato allies. you all know this very well, the first thing that comes to mind is the reference to article five of the north atlantic treaty, which states that an attack on one is an attack on all. if putin attacks
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a nato ally, as he is attacking ukraine today, we will have no choice but to come to his aid, as our nato allies came to our aid after terrorist attacks of september 11. well, well, just a madman, but something else is important, it is important that he also gave money to israel. and here is the wording when he talks about the cruelty of russia, why this is important, i will now explain. listen to him talk about how many ukrainians we killed. russia is responsible for the brutal campaign against ukraine that it carried out for 2 years. they killed tens of thousands of ukrainians, bombed hospitals, specifically targeting them, bombed hospitals, kindergartens, grain storage facilities, trying to drown ukrainians. many of you have been here with me many times,
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it's amazing what they do. i mean, it's amazing, against such a huge army, ukraine retook half the territory that russia took from them during the invasion, they won important battles against the russian fleet. make no mistake, they are a fighting force with the will to win, the will to win. and they tell him, grandfather dementr, it’s okay that right now all your words are applicable to israel.
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now everyone is silent, everyone is silent, state department press secretary nicknamed penguin miller, this is how he answers the question about awareness of the burials of 180 people in gas, in hospitals that israeli teams stormed, and then found the burial of people with their hands tied, moreover, there are women, old people and children there, maybe of course they just accidentally died during the assault, but... the same question: who did you storm? are these hamas militants? well, listen, how does the penguin answer the question? on saturday , palestinian civil defense teams discovered a mass grave of 180 people, including men, women and children, according to them, those who died at the hands of the israelis, are you aware of this? do you have any comments? yes, i saw this message, we have requested
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information from the israeli government on this matter. will the us put pressure on the israelis to find out more? that's exactly what we do. yes. and here is what vedan potel says. this is such a bun with nothing. you 've probably seen reports of mass graves of hundreds of bodies around alshifa. the un chief said that he was sickened by these messages. i'm wondering if the us has comment on this? and have you guys raised this issue with the israeli government? we saw? these reports, they are incredibly alarming, we are inquiring about this issue with the israeli government, specifically on this issue, that's right, i don't have any specific information that i can offer to understand what it is, i can't judge it from here , but we are clarifying this issue with the israeli government, now, now, now, now, now, but when did it happen in 5 minutes the statements were completely different, what happened, what, what happened, what, what suddenly?
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at the same time, please note, at the same moment, huge amounts of money are being allocated to israel to continue the operation against the territory of palestine, which, frankly speaking , does not even have an army, so what happened, oh yes, double standards, well, of course, double standards, then they asked the same question donut, they are told, but the geneva convention generally applies to residents of the gas sector, minister, does the geneva convention apply to gas, reporters ask about this has been going on for several months now and no response. hello, mr. minister, i asked the question: does the geneva one apply, we could not get an answer to this question, many reporters asked, i am not going to answer it, we are here without any records, if not, then i will not answer. yes, we will not answer this question here, thank you, i appreciate it, do you recognize the application of the geneva convention in this case? continue, i answered your question.
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no, they didn't answer. carry on, you're dodging from the answer, your colleague answered him falsely: do you recognize the geneva convention? go ahead, it's a simple question. continue whether you recognize the geneva conventions applicable in gaza. when you interrupt me, it's not a question. i'm not interrupting you, i just asked. i'm not going to answer any additional questions. a simple answer to a simple question. go ahead, you have two questions. no, absolutely not. i didn't have two questions, i did. no, i asked a question and you didn't answer. you asked a question, continue. you refuse to answer continue sir. whether the convention applies to gaza or not, it applies to everyone on the planet except the palestinians, doesn't it, isn't that us policy? we emphasize everywhere that there is international humanitarian law that must be respected and respected. the geneva convention applies, you interrupted your colleague, continue, no, i am not interrupting, continue, i insist on an answer to an important question. carry on, sir. i would like to ask about sanctions against iran. yes. he ate the fat one,
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he somehow became obsessed with everything, the fat is suffocating, suffocating fat, the words don’t work, no, i ’m not a very fat person, but at the same time i somehow have weight in my body, and this one has fat in his brain, you know, this is the situation, there are a lot of geneva conventions, you can continue, no, continue, but it’s better to ask what you mean, yes, because his owner is as stupid as they are, she picks up on her own when it means changachanga, excuse me, cousin’s brownie. sorry, pierre karinzhan, they asked, after all, the horse is scary, how do you even stand all this, that’s what she answered. this work is difficult, not only for me, but also for all my colleagues. this is the difficult
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work we do on behalf of the american people for the president. it's not easy, so sometimes we try to have fun before i go to the press conference. we're trying to relax a little, because then, through.
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some other reasonable explanation that biden can now give, explaining why it is now necessary to give israel money so that they can continue what they are doing, that well, why ask such questions, now is a holiday, now is not the time for sidelocks asking such wrong questions, and the fact that they died, let’s blame putin for this, putin is to blame for this, and iran, north korea and china, well, for sure. therefore, we need to give money to resist putin and not abandon friends, that’s what biden said, putin’s friends, listen, putin’s friends continue to supply him with everything he needs, iran sent him drones, north korea
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sent him ballistic missiles and artillery shells. china supplies component know-how for the development of russian defense production. having received such support, russia stepped up airstrikes on ukrainian cities.
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this is very very difficult, because, first of all, it’s constantly correcting, and the white house doesn’t have an element of racism in this? yes, by the way , this is somehow not, well, obama painted it and biden also painted it in seven colors of the rainbow, it’s already rainbow, just a white house yes,
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this is a russian concept, of course, we need to change it, repaint it for real , not only to make illumination there, in this case, of course, karine jean-pierre has to spin, i honestly think...
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tabaga, it’s difficult for me to carry out sovereign equality, it’s difficult for me, that’s why conferences are held on international law, meetings on international concepts, well, you can call it that, in any case, arrows are when the conflict is already clarified.
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the majority was against it, they broke it anyway
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, it passed anyway, yes, here, here, here it was already at the previous stages, when nicky haley was launched, it was also a certain ball that split the republican party, indeed, here if something happens, then it must be some kind of collapse, there may be an economic collapse or something else, and i think this will not lead to anything in the political arena, this causes me deep regret, of course , because i have always been
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therefore demanding condemnation, well, demanding
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condemnation from this administration or from another american administration would be useful for the left wing of the democratic party, i would just like to ask that the worst thing will begin now and it is no coincidence that the leader the fbi said that after this kind of thing, the risk of real terrorist attacks on ray’s territory will go over, but initially i will say that you understand, there is such an international one. well, we don’t recognize it, the international criminal court itself can raise, it raised the question of our president and human rights, well , don’t confuse this, it’s these caps that the powerful body is pulling on, it cannot judge democratically, they immediately said sorry , we are close here, now we are talking about christopher
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ray, maybe, here i am, of course, talking with you, became infected with this spirit, so to speak, well, altarianism has long been about kant, i won’t even say a word about kant, i won’t even say a word, but i mean conspiracy theories, that’s why christopher ray warned a little, apparently by a friend, that now we have elections approaching, we will tighten political, well, let’s say , political investigation in a country that does not have it, but no, we actually need to persecute the magician.
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for the war is approaching, she is performing, i would say, an interesting task, what? remember her predecessor, well , so little, not always sober, was great, his legs didn’t work, his tongue was slurred, he really loved to kiss everyone, and in the seventeenth year, in such a state in strasbourg, he put forward the idea of ​​​​creating a european defensive alliance, well, yes, in march of this year at the beginning at the insistence. the european commission adopted the corresponding european defense-industrial strategy, that is , in other words, the union is expected to be created by the twenty-fifth year, when we speak now about nato, there will be someone to destroy, nato will be the curator, most likely, of the organization that ursula fonder is pushing, there is only one nuance, they
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run out of ammunition in 2 days, well, they have a defensive defense-industrial strategy, i understand, why does ursula need this, “we can do without even nuclear weapons, in vain, alexander grigorievich said today, but we have a feeling, and putin and i will decide everything, when, what, how, what, and he says, and not only nuclear, but everything is different, after which ursula so, why so right away, says, well you say so right away, by the way, no one helps in
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the fight against covid as much as nuclear weapons, well, i would say that the satellite helped us in the fight against covid. states, therefore, in principle, i am ready to send my employees on a rotation basis to conduct briefings for american journalists, i think it will be much more interesting and informative, and for biden i am ready to write a speech every week, i think... and you, you write to him at russian, because he doesn’t understand both english and russian, so they’ll just write transliterations for him there and he... i’ll write the pronunciation in chechen, that will be good too, by the way, yes, of course, but don’t forget to say duh-duh at the end, the united states has published an annual
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assessment of the threats of the multicultural community to the national interests and security of the united states, document weak and careless, one gets the impression that after the cold war , there were no real intelligence analysts left in the intelligence community of the united states, expected in this document by the villainous countries. active weapon, so as not to drive home the point boiling up to a real big war,
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apparently they are taking advantage of this and planes, nato reconnaissance aircraft are hovering over the black sea , continue to aim missiles at our crimea, well, today there is extreme activity of reconnaissance aircraft, i don’t understand why we don’t shoot them down, because it’s clear , that they are preparing, well, now they seem to have legalized what was already set. it’s clear that they want us to strike the crimea by may 7th and 9th, we need to shoot down all this bastard, that ’s why i’m not going to advise any head the state, nor the general staff, they know better what and how to do, but it ’s probably time to show your teeth, here’s how we’ll show our teeth, right after the commercials. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on the air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes, tomorrow
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on rtf. they say that you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest, you need to rest beautifully, but you need to rest. where the sun and sea are, on the first coast, where everything is inclusive except the head, we know everything about holidays, relax, anex, allow yourself a first-class holiday with leo reorts, elegant details, holiday exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio
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rezards, we are here for you. love is when you look in one direction. look, look, look, if you want to look, look, let's look, look. look at the screen, look at me, take it out, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time, for two, three, sign up , look, look, maybe we can go to my place, just watch a movie, please, introduction and roll call, no need to leave , i am very glad that you came to visit me, how much i drank a lot of tea, how many stories are told, i was bold in white
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, a completely different husband, and how much was still ahead, i foresaw my fate, now dad imagined that i would only do everything, i give up everything, with joy, let’s all wave. hands, when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr. i found myself a millionaire. on saturday. michael. the same friends i told you about. i hope they have already accepted my invitation for a boat trip. maxim radugin. there are excavations going on up there, and you leave your things here. ekaterina vulichenko. we need to unite now to catch him ourselves. and get yours back. i'm ready. marine.
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i am glad to welcome everyone to the forty-sixth moscow international film festival, an event on a global scale, i really want some shocks, because it’s so great that we have an international festival in the country, cinema erasing borders, this is the great courage of all those who came to us , brought his paintings or became a member of the jury, firstly, art is more important than everything else, and secondly, we are right. worthy participants highest awards, only the best of the best will receive the main prize. closing ceremony of the forty-sixth moscow international film festival. on friday on rtr. i’m your new
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neighbor, well, and a new part-time district police officer, after graduation we immediately agreed to submit an application, well, what a wedding, come with us, guys, this is my girl, she was yours, she will be mine, pain, sasha, sasha, survived, it’s already good , can i hug you, fear, i don’t advise complaining, if you blurt out a word somewhere, we’re in the forest for you... i understand despair, there’s no evidence, no testimony, yes there will be , please do not interfere with an honest fair investigation, then you disappeared without explanation because it was honest, do not be afraid of anything, tanya, you are an amazing woman, love will overcome everything, from april 29 on rtr. the west
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has always sought to ensure that russia disappears from the political map of the world, this was 100 years ago, and 200 years ago, and a thousand years ago, before the start of a special military operation in the west they did not openly say that they wanted to inflict a strategic defeat on us, now they they don’t hide it, we just hear it every day, inflict a strategic defeat, bring us to our knees, make us a cheap appendage. western corporations, russia has been faced with a severe challenge, we must understand all this, thanks to the efforts of stoltenberg, scholz and this whole other company, the world is being brought to the brink of a big war, perhaps including with the use of nuclear weapons, and we would like it, we would not want it, but the situation is getting worse and worse every day, and international security is deteriorating every day, we
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see it, not every day, but new surprises brings. and one becomes extremely worried about what will happen tomorrow, how our children and grandchildren will live. yesterday marked 200 days since israel began its operation in the gas sector. to summarize briefly, yes, today, by the way, is the third day of this passover holiday, judging by the mood in israel and jewish communities in other countries of the world, the mood is far from festive, the goals of the operation have not been achieved, the army.
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experts calculated that israel placed about 76 thousand tons of explosives on the territory north to south 60 km of the western part of 40 km various substances, the losses are colossal, to date over 35.00 have been killed, of which 14 thousand are children, un experts have calculated that every 10 minutes in the
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gas sector one is either killed or injured. child 76,000 wounded more than 7.00 - it was only relatives who said that they were missing, no one knows how many were actually missing, now, apparently, they are preparing...
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terrorism, but the following question arises: where is the guarantee that with those f-16s, which they transfer will not be transferred ammunition with tactical nuclear warhead, and there is no need to say that well, they are, but where is the guarantee that this will not be done, and there are no guarantees, that’s why you can destroy it right away, right, that is, these attack missiles that are coming, they can be in nuclear-powered, the krolat missiles can carry these b16s, of course, yes, but can the attacks be nuclear-powered or not? for example, i don’t know, me neither, but as far as i know, at one time tactical nuclear weapons were developed, which were down to very small calibers, the same way? well 155mm howitzer it’s quite applicable, that’s what, there can’t be
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an attack with a nuclear warhead, maybe, but where do we have a guarantee that such things are not provided? this is so, maybe we should answer differently, maybe we should already uncover our tactical nuclear weapons and transfer the troops? and quietly calmly during the next attempt to strike, from where it came from, tactical nuclear weapons fly there in response, what is tactical, what needs to be close to the horn, tactical can penetrate at very different distances, at very different angles, which are used there by our mine, it quite possibly use nuclear weapons, 1525mil.
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on average, there are four incidents every day, the minister of national security bengwir ordered the distribution of small arms to the settlers, with the help of these small
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arms they are carrying out real ethnic cleansing there, and this was not the case before, the death toll was always armed, of course, it has always been, but now there is still additionally, and the number of palestinians killed there is already several hundred, i can’t understand why, but the second general too... yesterday a message arrived, commander the central region of the israel defense forces on the western bank of the radan river also wrote a report of resignation, and this already indicates that there is a split in israeli society. well, it’s been going on for a long time, yes, and also, if i may, this one, i would like to show the policy of double standards in the united states using a simple example. yesterday, the united states demanded from pakistan that it would impose sanctions on pakistan if pakistan did not stop cooperating with iran. on monday, the president of iran flew to islamabad, they signed a trade agreement, according to which for 5 years. they want
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to increase trade turnover to $10 billion, iran undertakes to supply gas to pakistan, which is experiencing severe economic difficulties, so pakistan, the americans, i looked at these three weirdos, don’t care at all how people will live in pakistan, please started by talking about various alagisms such and not linking behavior mainly in rhetoric towards... our western opponents, in fact, if you look at the past 2 years, even officially voiced theses, not that different people say different things or that over time the position only begins to change, even simultaneously promoted theses, they are mutually exclusive, they always on the one hand talk about the fact that they have an incredible level of combat capability, they are very strong and they are completely ready for the whole world and at the same time they say that if ukraine loses now, it will be to the west.
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for now, apart from some analytical ones , russia will not stop there, it will go further, centers, we have never heard, but what are they they suggest where we will go next, what our goal is, why they are not strengthening this flank, but the other, third, fourth, in general, it’s taking shape. rather, the impression is that approximately a few months after the start of a special military operation at this level of political goal-setting, they simply ran out of theses; during these two years, this is an improvisation of various levels that does not lead them to any conscious destination other than the americans, in case with the americans, their goal setting to me it’s very clear, they are very successful...
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squeezing all sorts of resources out of european countries from the european union, getting the opportunity to contain russia as a result of the conflict on the territory of ukraine and trying to prolong this conflict as much as possible from their point of view, everything is clear, but when the europeans talk about it, then here , of course , there is no talk of any goal setting, and even if you look at their rhetoric over time, biden today, if i’m not mistaken, stated that he said...
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transformation 2 years ago they tried convince humanity, and even us, that their war against russia, a full-fledged war, where they use all their capabilities against our country, is caused solely by their desire to protect a world order based on rules, as they said, which we are none of us i have never seen these rules, that they are fighting for their values, freedom and democracy, 2 years later... gradually, this is how they often give this thesis about a frog that is boiled very slowly so that it does not jump out, they gradually tried to teach us to a new thesis, which in reality sounds like the west today is fighting for the dominance of the united states of america, this already sounds openly, these are not think tanks, not articles, representatives of nato, the european union, the united states of america directly are talking about this, you need to understand , that we...
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this is her right, but this is a gross violation, because it is a violation of the security of the russian federation, the second is the obligation not to allow the dominance of any state. organizations or groups of states on the territory of europe, this is also an obligation that the united states of america took upon itself within the framework of the osce, in this decade at the beginning of 2000, and it is absolutely, of course, clear that now we are talking about international law, as andrei anatolyevich accurately noted, probably no longer
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very relevant, but nevertheless it is necessary to note these things, because it seems to them that this is just rhetoric, this is in fact a violation of their own obligations, this is what concerns the purely political consequences of these statements, you know, i can still imagine that 2 years ago, in that world, since we are in the process of transformation and events are moving quickly, it seems to us that nothing much has changed, that we have some kind of conflict , the world has changed very much, what we hear today 2 years ago, it was impossible to imagine such a level of statement from our partners, but i can still imagine 2 years ago through diplomatic means, tricks, or attempts, well, just pressure, blackmail, to they could force a fairly large number of countries of the global majority to sign some documents and declarations against russia, or they would call it against a special military operation, saying that we all
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stand for our world order, for rules, for law, for values, but to persuade people to actually get involved in a conflict for the dominance of the united states of america.
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development can be ensured by those states that rely on their own traditions, values ​​and cherish them, this is in in reality, it may seem that we have discussed this all over again, but on the ontological level, this is the cardinal opposite of everything that the united states of america is trying to promote. we offer the world a very clear logic. americans say: there is one set of values ​​- this is mine, there is one approach to business - this is mine, some rules are mine. if you violate, guess who will punish you, it’s me, here, here is a very simple logic of behavior in this case. russia offers to the world, it does not says: my rules are good, my values ​​are good, for me they are good, but immediately notes that in different civilizations, in different cultures, peoples of nations, they
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may differ and we respect them, for us there is no problem that these people want to live in accordance with their own ideas, no, for us the problem arises only when they try to live in accordance with... nothing to talk about simply because they do not have their own will and sovereignty, but the world is absolutely moving in that direction, o which russia speaks. our philosophical wealth in this regard, our tradition, which dates back at least several centuries, the perception of the world in all
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its diversity, and not in such a meager universalism, where there is only one stencil that they try to fit everyone into, this is our competitive advantage, and we have no right to refuse. please, i would like to return to the issue of american leadership, in my opinion, the current american claims to this global leadership, they do not look very good fundamentally, in order to be a leader, you must , firstly, have the necessary material resources, and secondly , the necessary intellectual resources, material resources are a carrot and a stick, and intellectual resources allow, so to speak, like this...
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they still exist, now they can still threaten quite, so to speak, seriously, and as for the, so to speak, stick, well , their political opponents have whips in the international arena, which i will say later, but as for the carrot, there are big problems with the carrot, and absolutely it's no coincidence that now, for example, at the present time, even the closest partners and allies of the united states. such as , for example, japan, germany, some other countries, so to speak, united europe, are in a state of economic stagnation and there is no way out of this stagnation in any foreseeable future; by the way, these are the countries that during the first cold the wars surprised everyone with their economic miracles, remember, the west german economic miracle, the japanese economic miracle and other economic miracles in many ways...
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in this conflict around ukraine, is there anyway to somehow win china over to its side? what is the united states of america doing to achieve this goal? they begin to insult china, remember how last year there, president biden called sidipin a dictator immediately after their meeting in san francisco, now, on the eve of blinken’s visit, a us state department report was published, which says: so to speak, the tyrannical dictatorial policy of china regarding senjiang, well, for the chinese
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this is one of the red lines that the chinese will not allow anyone to cross, this is interference in their internal affairs, president biden has already crossed another red line, today signing this law on allocating resources, so to speak, to help america’s allies, namely... they plan to place their ground-based medium-range missile systems
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capable of reaching chinese territory and striking chinese military targets , including strategic nuclear facilities, but this is no longer an insult, this is a direct an immediate threat, after taking all these steps, so to speak, the americans obviously expect that the chinese will often welcome them with open arms. now they, of course, will sever all ties with russia, now they, of course, will go to geneva there, so to speak, to conference, so to speak, on these ten points of zelensky, and so on and so on, well, but there are rumors, that shijinpin are going to belgrade, no to geneva, yes to belgrade, just on the anniversary of the bombing of the chinese embassy on may 7, that there is a possibility what... why would i like to express this kind of approval, so to speak, to our
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chinese partners, they have a good memory, russian people like to forget something like that, the chinese don’t forget anything and do the right thing, this incident with the embassy, ​​of course, they have not forgotten and will not forget, and this is very correct, we must not forget this, not forgive our western partners, and thus all these claims of ours... these same american contenders for global leadership, they look, well to put it mildly not very wealthy, it is clear that after such, such steps in beijing they will become even more convinced of the need to provide support to the russian federation and north korea and iran, so to speak, and to most decisively oppose hegemonic intentions. they don't say yes, because
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the chinese are pragmatic people. now the americans will tell them that thank you for everything, all your treasuries were yours, they have become ours, only the treasuries there are a little different from those in the russian federation, it’s not 5 billion dollars, trillions of dollars, if it’s with these with this money, something will happen in
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america, well, after this, we can say goodbye to the dollar, right? that is, they destroyed the very idea of ​​​​sacred private property, it no longer exists, and the chinese are weighing it well, they understand, they will now twitch, then there will be a very well-aimed shot in china, but only through the american leg, you understand, and yes, the americans’ legs grow back, they generally regularly, i’m not sure that in this case, having lost the dollar as a world currency, well,
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where will they run, well, that’s where they’ll run other countries, there are no dollars, where would they use bitcoins? well, firstly, bitcoin, in order to run, needs a different level of infrastructure, gold is an ordinary commodity, its physical volume is limited, everything else wears out, and of course it’s great, but we can still run to pumpkin seeds to sable skins, but all this does not work, because the current volume of transactions requires a developed infrastructure of these transactions , you need to be tied to something and it is not so simple. understands perfectly well, de facto the euro is still based on the dollar, practically all exchanges are based on the dollar, the entire settlement system is still de facto based, well , let's say, on the infrastructure that was designed and created for the dollar and which is in the hands of 100 years ago everything was based on the british pound sterling, it seemed to everyone that this is forever absolutely right for everything else, but 100 years ago
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the payment system was fundamentally different from what it is now, because if we now say, well, now we are taking... what to evaluate, what to exchange, where are we going? that is, this fall is more terrible than consequences of a nuclear disaster, so while the world cannot offer some kind of alternative, it is even afraid to formulate it, financiers, who de facto control the minds of so many related companies, they say: just a minute, just a minute, you all be more careful, you all don’t go crazy,
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because well, all the pension funds immediately collapsed, that is, all pensioners in america find themselves... beggars, yes, the payment systems immediately collapsed, transactions collapsed, shares disappeared, joint stock companies disappeared, that is, and that is what i mean, that is, that’s all will come to such an absolutely wild, creepy west or east, when you say, well , the japanese also thought that they owned half of america, the japanese were slammed with such speed, and that they did the same, they still rock. they already have everything there in two places and they slapped the japanese and there are no more of them, once there seemed to be an economic miracle, now they are second, now they will become first, that’s it, their financial methods removed everything by agreement, and the chinese are very competent, very pragmatic people, they look politely and say, well, of course that’s it good, but we have 1.5 billion people,
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it’s not an easy topic, no, the topic is certainly not an easy one, which is why blinkina is being accepted. the main thing for china is that they don’t forget to give him, as i suggested yesterday, the same mushrooms that janet yelin gave him, so that he would advertise this technique. titanic luxury collection boudrum.
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dreams of a prince on a white horse, i met you, my princess, you will be my wife, yes, but not everyone who is on a horse is a prince, your
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case owes us our casino 150,000 dollars, you and mikael are my only ones heirs, i want my grandson to grow up before my eyes, i’m going to finland, never again. “i will never see him, you are a mother, you, you must fight for your son, you simply must, punishment without a crime, on saturday on rtr, you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he will come to the house himself, we are starting, he will always help, we will train, how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure and how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, he will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, this.
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a saucepan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, sleep, that’s how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100% will make you happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase, dr. myasnikov on saturday on rtr, maybe for the first time, happy, happy, happy, sunday, for example, i told my daughter that she was adopted as soon as i took her here at home, mom, dad, i adore you, hello, hi, i'm your real mom, maybe we can meet? a test that not everyone she can handle it, who is she anyway, this is some kind of
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scam for money, can i hug you, katya is not a stranger to me, she is my mother, katya needs money, a test that not everyone will decide to do, you won’t refuse to do a dna test, the result has arrived. honey, we will explain everything to you. fly feather. on sunday on rtr, there are two wonderful teams in the studio presenting a fantastic film based on the story by kir balychev 100 years ago. they travel through centuries. this is, of course, a russian folk kayak. to find the right answers, i would really like i should answer on saturday, but we will answer, perhaps,
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okroshka, mm, we need to be simpler, hut, who is guaranteed cosmic success, i take responsibility for this answer, we have a powerful intrigue, one hundred and one, 100 years ago, on sunday. on rtr, look, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, if you want to look, look. let's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time for one, two, three, sign look, look, maybe we’ll go to my place, just watch a movie, please,
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let’s continue about the economy, probably this... it makes sense to do it simply because to really explain how bifurcated our situation is, because it can go either up or down, i also agree that now to remove the dollar from the world system, well, we all remember 2008, this is a rather difficult story, when there was a reduction everywhere, a decrease in production everywhere, when we are worried about inflation, we need to fight it, of course, deflation in general -that even worse, this is just the example of japan with three lost generations and so on, in general...
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he spoke clearly about this, america’s strategy, it consists of two things: first , you control all trade flows, they are mainly maritime, secondly, you don’t allow any regional leaders to emerge, if a country aspires to something, it needs to scatter everything around conflicts, then you watch how these shoots, remember in this how this is a myth about organauts, and so you watch how these shoots sprout, then they are there they start fighting among themselves, so, by the way, this is his idea, i don’t insist on it at all, but he says everything why...
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about which the americans are now saying that we need to look at human rights there, it’s next to afghanistan, so with this big anthill, where there are really serious clashes among themselves among those tribes, of which there are traditionally quite a large number, in the middle east, well , yes, they have spread it all out, they can set it on fire at any moment, and it will not necessarily be israel with iran, i'm small a specialist in the east, but experts say that shiite sunni is also a rather complex category when they... try to sort things out among themselves, that is , there may be different options, he admits, for example, kurdistan, please, it is possible to do something bad to the turks , and it’s not good to do to iran, and it’s not good to do to iraq, and in general it’s not good to do to everyone, that is, there are options to quarrel with everyone, if it goes wrong, what’s called this kind of drunkenness, that you just need to leave those territories that you always considered yours or tried to control them in some way, that is , if we look at the map of eurasia, it is obvious in all countries where, for example
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, china... and we, by the way, are building our trade corridors, some kind of conflicts arise everywhere. pakistan is actually one of those countries that is an important element in the new silk road. the houthis - this is understandable, one of the main arteries is the southern one - this part of the chinese silk road, but now let’s see what’s happening with our north-south corridor. in the baltic they are trying to attack russia press. why? because this is the northern exit of this corridor. now the president of azerbaijan has arrived. to russia, accordingly , quite an interesting meeting, so to speak, i think that there will be pressure now, of course, however, he has cleaned up his country in the good sense of the word, there are almost no ngos there, in general everything there has been brought to a certain state of normal life, well, i think that the anglo-saxons will try to ruin the situation there, and the southern end of this corridor is iran, the exit to the south seas, that’s actually why it’s around there is such a flurry of activity in iran now,
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it is clear that there is a strong desire for it. war, this is their main strategy, it won’t work out, they will have to retreat, but the main thing, when leaving, is to take away everything that is most valuable, the last valuable thing remains in europe, this is the last large middle class, this is the last capital, these are the last remnants of the industry that can be easily take it painlessly, because nothing can be taken from china, china quite quickly created obstacles for the americans in all sectors, threw them out from everywhere, and of course, when janet yelin arrives and they complain, why are you stimulating your ... production, don’t let our companies into the chinese market, well, that’s why we don’t let them, in general, that’s why we don’t let them in, and we won’t let them in, how can i explain this to you, well, let’s have blinkin come, we will also explain to him that nothing like that will happen, accordingly. the last one who can be, as they say, uncovered is europe, and this is happening, they understand this with great difficulty, i think that no one , of course, will let them create any army, this is not why nato was formed, which europe, and look at europe, this is a unique story, a united europe,
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it really has always concerned us, well, such a beautiful place, everyone, so to speak, who could afford it, loved to go there to the mediterranean sea, italy, spain, france, it’s beautiful, this is, so to speak, gastronomic delights and so on, we loved europe, we always wanted it. to have good relations with the west, in contrast to it, from this west, which has always built some, so to speak, obstacles and obstacles for us, well, i’m simplifying it this way, so, in fact, looking now at this very europe, we should generally discover the following, they did not succeed - in general , a unified government, i even honestly find it difficult to say which executive body is more important there, they themselves cannot figure out whether the funder , or this charles michel, who of them is in charge, they themselves do not understand. maybe a barrel, so he calls it the garden of eden, but quite rightly, there is not even stagnation there, there is stacflation, that is, this is an increase in inflation with a general stagnation of production, if this is the garden of eden, well then ok, maybe then i don’t know who i am, yes,
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okay, then let’s see if they have some kind of institution, maybe legislative, but they have the european parliament, but to be honest, it’s like the second grade is not a marriage, because all the best people, they are in national parliaments, and these are more serious people.
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force from the european union just to show all other countries, if anything, the way out is here, so i showed this way out to everyone, so the next one who is there, hungarians, slovaks, perhaps italians after some time this will begin to fall apart for one simple reason: as soon as countries are deprived of the right to vote in europe, and this is already happening, then sooner or later the question will arise, what is all this for if you do not allow us to trade with those with whom we want , express your concerns or protest about this, if you don’t allow them to make independent economic decisions, you impose tariffs and so on. if the migration crisis has actually led to the fact that there is no longer any schengen, there are borders, because many
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countries are trying to deal with this problem, then what kind of single economic space remains in europe, in general there is none, all that remains is to take away the last one, this is happening little by little, four pages, if you type it into some search engine, translate it in german, so to speak. from germany, the united states, there are several pages there, i counted four pages, of offices that provide assistance to businesses in order to migrate to the united states, it will remain german, it will not be like we took away from you what - i don’t know if there’s bass there or or some kind of bosch or something like that, no, it will be a german company, but its share in the american market will expand, in europe it will decrease, at some point it will become, well, if you are german, well, okay, but in general that’s all taxes all profits.
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we need freedom, why do we need democracy? brilliant, how many more times do we need to prove that we can’t trust, well, this is what he said, it’s brilliant, this also needs to be written down somewhere on the big walls, so to speak, we’ll show it so that it doesn’t seem like we came up with it, guys, in a sense, i don’t know. and why are we surprised at trump, how many more times will he have to prove that we cannot be trusted? this is just a hypothesis, but it seems to me that the adoption of this package of bills. that saturday on the seizure of our assets and part of
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the transfer of our assets to ukraine, which will not necessarily be implemented, correctly, some analysts say, although nothing prevents them from doing this, this is perhaps some kind of trap, partly for the europeans, partly for us, the europeans need to be drawn in more actively, well, i mean the eu europeans in this case, because they only cling to all the jambs it would be better not to take russian assets for ourselves, but what if we start answering there, because everyone demands some kind of answer and... what needs to be done, in my opinion, is actually to lead them to make mistakes themselves, make mistakes and do, well, irreparable things. we just answer, don’t give it to them absolutely actions that they will actually take sooner or later, there were two examples in the world, well, i’ll give one - this is, of course , a vanity crisis, when britain, in
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fact, when the pound lost its status as a world currency, this is what they did, we situationally with the americans, having entered into some kind of alliance, in general ended the pound as an international reserve currency, this was just the end of the pound as a reserve currency, and also such an important point with sanctions, it seems to me that this also needs to be said, i’m finishing too , sanctions have always been imposed against russia since... novgorod, it was just not called sanctions, it was called restrictions, you know, when the first americans imposed sanctions against russia, 911, that is, this was still in the russian empire, it was an agreement on trade and navigation concluded back in the middle of the 19th century century even under nicholas, and after that american companies were banned from trading, in fact, with russia, this was done by the minister under president tafti, when american representatives came to our foreign minister sazon. it was he who said this phrase then, he asked, what,
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what the hell is going on? they explain to them, well, you see, there are concerns about the rights of jews on your territory, you are oppressing them, he says: wait, you have blacks lynched, this is where the phrase comes from, everyone attributes it to khrushchev, but then yes, it was there before, here is the first sanctions, one sub, that we gave them back then, it was a brilliant agreement that was absolutely beneficial to everyone, but they agreed to it, that is, we always live under these sanctions, there is no need to be afraid of them, that’s what we need use them...
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where did they get to germany and how did it all happen, they got to germany from ukraine, they were in ukraine, since i realized, starting in 2019, what they were doing there, one can only imagine, but it is known, and this is already it follows from the text that at the beginning of the special military operation they fought on the side of the ukrainian units, and some time after all this began to develop. it doesn’t indicate which month, well, judging by the text, understanding
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german well, this bureaucratic language, i i think, probably, it was 2-3 months after the start of the special military operation, they moved to germany, they moved to germany in germany, they were preparing some terrorist acts, i don’t want to go deep into what they wanted to do on german territory, but this is the line that i told, those people who were in moscow, who cooked. all this was prepared and the line that comes from ukraine, it’s not just some kind of made-up line, it’s absolutely clearly confirmed, it’s the same a group that was located on the territory of ukraine, which most likely was used by the ukrainian special services to prepare this kind of terrorist acts, why this group split, why some remained on the territory of germany, and others then went, moved to russia and committed their terrorist act.
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charges have now been brought, this means that they will be tried, i assume that part of the trial will be closed, so we, of course, will not know much, but this is confirmation of what i said today putin, this is terror that is spreading throughout the world, and the german word urshprunck, that is , we see the beginning of all this now, unfortunately, in ukraine, that’s where it came from, where they were, either there they tested themselves, or there they prepared, or there they collected weapons and... some means that they needed, they received instructions, that’s all, everyone needs to do this, it all needs to be understood, this part of terror, it’s not new either , well , you can say that now it’s all gone, no, i’ll remind you again about khangashvili, zelemkhan khangashvili, a man whom
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the german authorities keep saying all the time that this is a refugee who was killed, i want to remind you once again for probably the tenth time, this is a man who... was next to sham basayev, who was next to khattab, who was next to maskhadov, who took part in their various raids in their operations, there are photographs, this is a man who changed his citizenship three times, he received georgian citizenship, he had, he had citizenship ukraine, then he received a residence permit in germany, which after some time was allegedly withdrawn from him, but nevertheless he then returned to germany again, was in germany, everyone knew perfectly well who he was and what he was and what he was doing, we now we can only ask ourselves questions, but zelimkhan khangashvili, and he there, how did he receive social assistance while in germany as a refugee, i’m interested, i know very well all these structures, the so-called foreign chechen underground, how they worked and how they work and what they are
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are engaged, i of course understand that this is a fighting man who took part in these raids. that while he was in germany, he just went there to the bronden gate, came out there, received social assistance, came every time to the social department, received his 200-300 euros and lived in peace, but no, of course, it’s clear that he worked with these same structures, in these structures, he was preparing something and doing something, this is the duplicity of the authorities, who on the one hand, let us give a residence permit, it can lead to tsugundara, i don’t want to say that today’s current... liberal youth who fled from russia gathered in germany, that they will be future terrorists, i don’t blame them for this at all, but the fact that they can end up in these networks, they can be used in one form or another, but i doubt that mr. milov or anyone else there can be used as a terrorist, but as
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a transmission link, like those nodes on which you can make, install support with which later can.
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said: no, i remain with my previous opinion, nothing changes, and this is exactly this phrase, it is the starting point for understanding what great britain and germany agreed on today in berlin. this morning a big article appeared, well, there is already information that everything is already in ukraine, it’s understandable, but when i read in the german press from major german specialists that well, guys, it’s clear, of course, you think that we were joking here, the american army has been around for a long time knew that... all this would be all this had been there for a long time, here it is important, it was in poland in germany, that is, supplies were there, that is, it is clear that they knew in berlin, it is clear that they knew in warsaw, and they knew in moscow , don’t worry, well, they knew, i think, in moscow too, and they even knew on vladimir solovyov’s program, because we talked about this more than once, please, just jokingly
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before the broadcast, i told my colleagues that in greece there is such a movement among social networks. among nations, because we have such paradox, we often talk about this, but now, in my opinion, we are coming to some kind of, well,
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some kind of bullshit situation, yes, that there is a very large discrepancy between what the european government says and does, and what it says themselves, how the people of this continent think, well, of course there are different approaches in different... countries of sympathy, antipathy and so on, but this is very clearly manifested before the european elections, that is, for the european parliament, some new parties are actively being created , electoral lists, unions, all sorts of options that are trying to refute the main this and the main this main this line, which everyone understands what is being imposed on us, here is the line a...
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that we understand that russia is not ready and is not going to attack us, it has enough its problems, that is, its own russian ones, so it seems to me that, firstly, such political initiatives are very active, there are many public ones that are actually moving to some new stage, but here in greece, let’s say, they have been active in the last month. .. the government is agitating, people are trying to protest, among them there are a lot of military, political, and other circles who
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are trying to prevent the transfer of our latest anti-aircraft systems and weapons to ukraine, because in reality this is how they were published in the western press, they are putting pressure on our government to do absolutely everything , both russian and soviet, there are 300 patriots left there. to transfer everything to ukraine, because in the end many of us already feel that they are preparing the fate of armenia for us, that is, to cede everything possible and our rights and our territories to a big player in the region, that is, turkey, and well, because this is probably how the united states wants to return sympathy.
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greek settlements in donbass are shelled by greek weapons presented by greece, ukraine. at the end of this part, i would like
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to remind you that. today is the 24th, this is a day of mourning, a day of remembrance, a terrible tragedy that happened to the armenian people in the ottoman empire, the russian side has always remembered and the russian people have always honored the memory, and we remember well what it led to europe's non-recognition of this first genocide of the 20th century and what role russia played in preserving the salvation of the armenian people even now. the armenian diaspora and armenians living on the territory of russia are well aware of the relationships and the deepest sense of love , respect between our peoples and our common history. now our countries, due to the political leadership of armenia, are not going through the easiest times, unlike the person who is now the prime minister of armenia, i do not think we have the right to forget the lessons of history, even to please
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modern. political trends, i do not have the right to dictate to the armenian people who will be elected by them, but like any person living in the country, i certainly have the right to remember both the terrible tragedy that occurred in the history of the armenian people and the role played by the russian people in order to save the armenians, and for many of them to provide refuge in the territory of the once russian empire. then the soviet union, now the russian federation. now advertising, after it we will continue with a new composition. i found myself a millionaire. on saturday. mikhail, the same ones the friends i'm telling you about. they have already accepted my invitation for a boat trip.
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to find the right answers, i would really like to answer on saturday, but we will answer, perhaps, okroshka, we need to be simpler, hut, who is guaranteed cosmic success, i take responsibility for this answer, we have a powerful intrigue, 100 to one, 100 years ahead, on sunday on rtr, a big one.
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film premiere, if you bring the jews out of here, we will introduce you to the rank, this is us, this is the front line, this is where we take you out, from the director of the liquidation, save this, what this, remember, we have never lost this even in the worst times, what they do, they pray, they celebrate saturday, well, stop greeting, saturday and so come, they have been praying for this for 2,000 years, and how will the groom be in jewish, you do not know? huson, stop, you 're in the eye, stop, i want to talk, i need two who know how to shoot, i can do everything, just show me how, we have a grenade, he wants to throw it for his boyfriend, for his older brother, from all the kofmans, a film by sergei ursulyak and the task is to survive and get there, and there is no choice, righteous, but there is a chance, may 9 on rtr, every
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time. i’m crying, it’s very hard to remember, i went into my house, sat down on the floor and said: i’ll stay here, the military had to be made aware that animals were simply dying there, danetsk was shelled very heavily, but we decided against evil there will be a wedding, the main thing is that we are together, ours, ours don’t abandon theirs, from monday to thursday on rtr, i steal. i’ll take you away, let’s go travel, when we discover some new land, i ’ll name it after you: elsa’s land, earth elsa. on friday! on rtr, it’s interesting, of course, now there is a popular uprising on
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the territory of europe in the ukrainian consulates, and checkmate, restart, blockade 300 spartans in half a battle, yes, they besieged warsaw and are holding it, right there he lacks a king.
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to immediately go, sit, choose a place, so as not to bother later, buy it, continue to fight, but they will bury, no, ukrainians now bury beautifully, absolutely such satanic rituals, everyone falls to their knees, smoke, shmom, that is, it’s just amazing, the country was turned into some kind of giant funeral home, bezenchuk and partners made some kind of permanent performance out of the tragedy, absolutely shameful at the same time.
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with him, take them by the breasts and say: well, quickly gave the dough, quickly gave, then, well, then everything is fine, then everything is fine, here, when questions arise, to the deputy minister of defense, an investigation is carried out and you are arrested, moreover, regardless of merit , they ask tough questions, what is happening in ukraine, in ukraine the minister of defense immediately goes to america. stolen money is spent on wide legged, smiling, happy, just like that , no corruption, no criminality, why be surprised? they have such a cultural culture,
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there is only one question, even if it is a loan that the americans issued, yes, who will pay it, there will be people in ukraine who will physically be able to earn money to pay, but they will write it off, you know,
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they have gone to russia, so these are all unfortunate widows, they won’t come to us later, they will ask zelensky, zelensky, if he lives to the moment when they can ask him, what if they bring cocaine there dirty, well that's what mcgregor is saying, we have to understand that this man is not serious, he is an actor who was chosen to play a role in this gigantic theatrical production.
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it’s all paid for by a simple american farmer, an entrepreneur, so he pays for it all, biden’s theft, theft, theft of the poor, theft, theft, ermak, there are heaps of these insignificant scum, and no one will ask a question, listen, aristovich called all the time to go die, he's an officer. why is he not at the front, well,
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excuse me, why is he not at the front, why gordon didn’t call on others to die, why, that is, what, because he has many children, well, this is funny, he’s not a woman with many children, why doesn’t he fight, why are all these people who are personally guilty on a colossal level, listen, think about it, how many ? they are nowhere to be found, and at the same time, well, they still understand that everything that was given now, we must understand, is several times less than what was given for the counterattack, several times less, that is, it simply cannot be compared, according to the pentagon, ukraine will receive now here is a billion dollar package, air defense missiles, stingers, small arms, ammunition for hymer,
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defense said they require thousands of air defense interceptor missiles every year to protect themselves from russian attack. are we producing thousands? no, if this addition is accepted within a few hours, as i expect, then we will increase production from about 550 p3 interceptor missiles, to about 650, and there are several others.
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perhaps shells are one of the most important types of weapons for land warfare in europe, perhaps
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the single most important weapon for land war in europe. the united states produces only a small part of what ukrainians need. if you combine some of what the us needs, sorry. what the united states provides along with what the europeans and other countries can provide, we are very limited and do not know whether we can help ukraine close the gap that it currently has with russia. don’t worry, the gap will only grow, only grow, don’t even have any illusions. wentz recently published a very good article, by the way, about what is here the problem is not politics, not ideology, but mathematics.
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exact sciences, a very amazing article, but at the same time, you know, when i looked, well, that is, there are young senators there, of course, for this rare exception, yes, but when i looked at the debates that, in our opinion, were going on last night there in the senate, people came out even from the past, i don’t know, millennia, you saw, you saw how they spoke, there they brought with them some kind of posters, and these posters they...
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of course, they read these articles and so further, but linsey graham, of course, is a champion in this regard, a russophist, he brought quotes from putin and medvedev, posted them, the most important quote proving russia’s aggressive intentions, russia’s borders do not end anywhere, he built his speech on this basis, yes, he found evidence of that that ukraine will be absorbed without this very help means if this help is not given in time. well, that’s it, help was announced, biden signed, reported that within the next few hours he would already move towards ukraine, thank you, i’m sorry i didn’t say train numbers, border crossing points, the car said chug-chug and gave the conductor a whistle,
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i think that our task, of course, is now to track all these flows as carefully as possible, it is clear that they will first go through railway trains, mainly. .. well , destroy as much of it as possible along the way, somewhere closer to the front line, closer to the border with europe, that is, of course, we can’t do without this, and you know, i myself... i’m watching western figures who greet the adoption of this law, they really have little faith in ukraine’s ability to somehow significantly change the situation on the battlefield, i won’t quote much now, most probably, i’m very worried about who right now, there is such a telegram channel whisper front,
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it writes that the battles for solovyov have now begun and proposes to immediately rename it solovyov life, well, yes, there, by the way, but in essence. in fact, in this settlement there are now battles going on, in fact, as a result, it’s a good idea to open a studio there, as a result of expanding the breakthrough under ocheretina, but...
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very rarely, and in exceptional cases, where they have these debts, hanging sometimes for centuries, decades, they use it as a waste.'
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that is, no one is going to write off anything, no, they are now the most interesting law there, signed by biden, this is the fourth law, in addition to assistance to ukraine, taiwan and israel, they have adopted the law that i was talking about here, peace in the 20th century through force, so, so it’s beautiful, yes, they shoved everything in there, that when i signed it, it didn’t fall, i don’t know. well, he could have had the strength to bump into own pen and reforge it’s not him then
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the rudders so i’ve got a lot of things there, including the creation of a fund, oh, that’s where we need to take it to rob russian debts oh russian assets , excuse me later, yes, they assume that if then ukraine doesn’t give it back, we will select from this fund for ourselves but write off the debts no one is going to ukraine, i’m the last one about this, so i mentioned it. here is a specialist from this foundation, the vice-presidential one, thanks the russian
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army for the deindustrialization of donbass, he says, he says, very well, the russian army played the role of margaret thatcher, having destroyed, therefore, the industrial potential of donbass, thatcher closed the mines in britain, now there, thanks to the war, we have closed this depressed region, thereby closing the economy, i will not talk now about what...
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you need to read american geopoliticians, mackinder, speakman, brzyzinsky. it is obvious that the united states intends to contain russia. and as for the war in ukraine, yes, in fact. the army invaded ukraine, that's clear, but it had good reasons for doing so. there are many experts who explain this. read or listen to, for example, jacques bo, he explains this very well. he wrote a book about the situation in ukraine, which explains very well that russia actually attacked because the ukrainian army was preparing
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to return to donbass. so everything is much more complicated than it seems.
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that it was not about saving ukraine that the same boris johnson openly said that this is necessary so that we do not lose, if we lose, the political landscape will change. and by chance the same orban openly said that this was the leadership of the european parliament you have to hit it in the neck. he is probably not alone, there are probably others supported by slovakia, because they understand that this is a dead end. now you know about the loan.
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but in this case, you understand that the ukrainians themselves, some of them, understood what a jesuitical scheme it is: the father should die for this loan money, yes, his children should bury him for their money, and then children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren should theoretically give the loan to the americans , but if there is no money, and we are talking about money, we don’t see it, yes, but then give away land, resources, then the question arises, but why did the father die, why did he die?
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we urgently need to save ourselves, these queues at the consulate immediately gave impetus to zelensky and this gang, guys, if they formalize it in this month, and the law provides for the delay of his legal drag, well, we will enter into legal force for one month, they understood, for a month they will formalize everything, put everything in queues, then for the first time in history,
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peredon pavlovich didn’t even collect history for the first time in a letter, can you imagine, with a letter from some official and an indication from the police department , he says: and put the law into effect, although he should be put into effect on may 18th, today there are no consular services, the deputy minister, the deputy minister of foreign affairs, you know, some shvonder is introducing the law, into actions in this part, and what is happening in warsaw, not only that they they cost, they have already paid for the service, that is, when you have gone through all the procedures and are already waiting to receive the document, they come and say it won’t be, but this is generally a conflict, there are three options, the first option...
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yermak worked closely and frightened the purchase, according to my calculations there are 175 there today, why? that's why that there is an exception to the law of mobilization of the amendment about demobilization, this is the coolest law that no one in the military liked, they only recruited 227 servants of the people 175, everything else must be collected at the expense of these groups, so to speak, who also want to participate in...
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so who can save ukrainians, and advertising. rtrplanet, more than just television. this is a piece of russia on every screen on the planet. how did i get here? are you having a corporate party? who are you, and you don’t know bender well, for murder using cunning
1:55 am
the motive is not needed, that it was on the strip, i don’t know, the dog, in my opinion, exciting series, we are putting together an orchestra, we will perform shestokovich’s seventh symphony, whoever does not take risks, luck does not smile on him, we will succeed. i will operate, i’m scared, as if i’m not me, unfortunately, neither the motive for the murder nor the connection between the murders is visible, but it exists, and we will find it, i remind you once again that this is my investigation, come on let's agree in advance, you are the coach, i am the player, a dizzying show and the best music, and you in general, you spend most of your life on your feet or on your head, even i don’t know, i want to read, please read, i don’t know how to read, turn on the music, blogger with nadezhda, my home is underground, it rests on the song of russia, in general russia a very melodious country, inimitable humor and entertainment for everyone.
1:56 am
i tasted a bowl of hot water, i poured it on myself , i’m glad i said to my wife: i’m leaving, i looked around, she’s already packed my things, meeting the stars, what ’s more difficult, becoming a good person or staying? the question is of course interesting, both difficult and different, you are the most understanding program about animals, among friends, when difficult trials come into our lives, it is very important to unite, not to betray anyone, so as not to pro... live on air the story of a mysterious disappearance, the whole studio discusses the nature of the conflict, why mother and son and bad luck they have been communicating for 5 years, cutting-edge documentaries, and now the flag of the russian federation is rising over the norwegian sea. this was one of the most striking episodes of historical triumph. our soviet people brought liberation to the peoples of europe. current news, political investigations and
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impartial. analytics live program 60 minutes, news is being broadcast, hello, key events, what will this day be remembered for, when the whole world calls black white, we choose the truth, vladimir putin is sitting in this chair, he is in the audience, as you and i remember , enters through these doors, everything you can’t imagine russia without, only on the rtr planet channel.
1:58 am
you know, i want to say that if the americans offered the zelensky regime to take out loans at 100% per annum, they would be happy to do it, because in fact they absolutely they don’t think about the future of the country, or about that ukraine, or about that people, by the way, i don’t understand, what are they really saving in ukraine, well, in ukraine, what are they saving? i have a feeling that the americans are not saving the ukrainian people, they are saving ukrainian statehood, they absolutely don’t care how much of the population there will be left, or will it remain there at all?
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be it a medical facility or just border guards or the military, or there are trails or something else, but no matter what route they take, they know that they are providing this service they’ve already paid, now they want to fly again, you think how this will all end, in general , the success of ukrainian corruption is simple, as basic as the corner of a house, but if the economy works well, then we need to make it work. bad and then you have to let someone else do something good, how does that work? everything works, everything, everything is fine, the official, he’s sitting for something, he has a telephone and so to speak, the secretary was given to him by the state for some reason, he sits, comes up with a paper, comes up with this paper one more paper, on this paper another third paper, and when you start running between these papers, you have no option left except to come to him and say, is it possible, he says, well, it’s possible, but you have to pay for it,
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this is how it all works.
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and they’ve been going there for decades, what do they call the zarabedians, yes, that’s who, who are more patriots? the foreigners who left and brought currency to ukraine throughout the entire period of independence, yes, dollars,
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euros, brought there, maintaining the national currency and the stability of the dollar exchange rate, supporting the financial system of ukraine, 14 billion dollars, whether this is a lot or a little for ukraine, i want to tell you. if you take any industry in ukraine, any industry you want, metallurgy, mechanical engineering, whatever, no one gave such income, no one except the zarabichans, they worked, now they turned out to be enemies of the people, who is the patriot, and the officials turned out to be patriots, policemen, prosecutors and so on, these are the ones who stole this money from the budget, converted it into dollars and took it out. outside the country, well so tell me who is the patriot here, well , it seems to me that the answer here is absolutely obvious, so i don’t blame these people who left, they don’t want to be involved in everything that’s happening to the country, they definitely didn’t see it like that the future
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of ukraine is definitely not like that, and pay attention, from visa-free to homelessness, it was one step, people were left without a home, without their property, families torn apart, children there, grandchildren there, people haven’t seen each other for years, that’s all this is the result of the policy pursued by zelensky, although in fact, i i’m sure the overwhelming majority, well , i’m 100% sure, they definitely didn’t expect such a result from zelensky, well , that’s for sure, and that’s not why they went to the elections to vote for zelensky, so that we would create the kind of hell that he created for them, well look if...
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