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tv   Versiya  RUSSIA1  April 25, 2024 3:40am-4:29am MSK

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oh, what about the teacher? well, hello, impressionists of the wanderers, hello, oh, how we have a still life, uh-oh, oops, the death of the sitter, almost like visconti, yes, well, what did they kill him with, but with a pyramid, it looks like a stone one, the teacher says, that she was standing on this table, yeah, but it’s not a teacher, but you mitya thought that it was his kids. at
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the counterpupel, no, mitya, this is not a teacher, no, the teacher is a woman, she felt bad, she was in the next office with the doctors, hello, oh, who came to visit us now she will feel good, vinokurov came to me, it’s you, based on your own experience, but you say, it’s not funny, oh, well, what are they serious about, i have a passport, yes, now, now, grednev, igor sergeevich, seventy-one birth, leningrad, and there is only one silver boulevard, well, we’re standing there, invite the little ones. well, masha, at eleven, as always, pick up a pen, paper and write, so it turns out that death occurred as a result of a penetrating wound to the back of the head, the wound was inflicted by a sharp-pointed, hard object, presumably pyramidal. forms, the body
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is still warm, rigor mortis is not observed, the estimated time of death is between 14:30 and 15 hours, come in, i ’ll write down your passport details, hello, i ’ll ask you a few questions, yes, please, hello, here’s something else, manyun, look, he has a business card, let's get started, it's a badge, you're the manager, the security service, yes, i... i'll take a photo, take a photo of him, yes, i 'm going to say that the victim was noticed, yes, he's depressed and refuses to talk the doctors say it’s a slight stress, but i hope it will go away in the rvd, so wait a minute, so why do you have children unattended, no, they’re taking them away, i ’m ready now, well done, the pyramid is also ready, add it. well, you can
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work like that for two days, every other day, i worked like that for six months, it’s normal, well, you probably sleep at night, of course, well, how long does it take, well , if it’s every other day, then excuse me, look, he came into the building, now i’ll get my bearings, well , about two, you know him, no, where from, why did he let him in, well, he said that he was going to the manager’s going to elvira?
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and the manager is me, okay, strange. did he say he was coming to see you? well, i ’m telling you that i don’t know him, well then you sign here. “please sign, tell me, maybe the son or daughter of the deceased studied in this class, well, it’s quite possible, but what’s his last name, gridnev, let’s go have a look, yeah, thank you.
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hello, take your feet off the table, boss, i’m not at all. he was lying on the sofa, sitting, well then get up, write down, gridnev, igor sergeevich, 71 , first year, registered silver 16, apartment 21. well, what is this man about? became famous, well, so far only for the fact that today at 3:00 in the afternoon they made a hole in his skull incompatible with life, well, it happens, so what, now we have to fly to him for registration, or what? well, not really, you need to go. to register with him, immediately, you feel the difference, how, well then act, call with the result, there is,
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captain kurochkin, i said, immediately. chief, well, i was already on the stairs, i had to go back, so, yeah, like this, no, because of... the year before last too, no, there wasn’t, there wasn’t a grid, but what’s the name of the boy who’s going to class today he’s late, petrov, vanya petrov, he’s always late, lebedeva has already complained to me, but
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he draws well, he’s been studying with us for 2 years, and we take all his drawings to all exhibitions, please give him his phone number. moms, he lives with his mom, uh-huh, yes, yes, i’ll come now. thank you, and you have never seen this person, maybe among the parents of past years, no, never, maybe you should look at the body again, no need, no, no, no, i have a very
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good memory, i still artist, that is, it turns out that he is unfamiliar to you a person breaks into a closed class, i understand correctly, you closed the class? yes, well, you know, there is such a lock, it seems to me that any boy can open the wire. open, yes, but the classroom was closed when you arrived, yeah, and closing a lock with wire is much more difficult than opening it, any security guard will tell you that, which means either the victim or the murderer had a key, well, i have a key one, i closed my eyes, and it was in my pocket the whole time. what time did you close it? at what time? well, at 15 minutes, maybe at twenty minutes, i i had to go down to our training center, get payment receipts for the students, and
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then go down to the lobby to wait for the children. do you always meet students downstairs? yes, yes, our order is like this, children up to the third grade gather downstairs... then they are led to the office, you returned to the office, well, at 3:10, maybe, yes, i waited a very long time for one boy, he is always late , vanechka petrov, his mother also called me, that is, you were gone for 25 minutes, but you didn’t see this man in the lobby, no. no, miracles, but who else could have the key to this office? in the academic department, for sure, there’s a cleaning lady, i don’t know, but i think she’s taking charge there, you’d better ask the head, she’ll tell you better,
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uh-huh, poor children, how did they bear it? and you didn’t have anything missing, i, well, yes, you had personal things in your office? well, the bag was there, the keys, the money for everything were there, but everything seemed to be in place, i don’t know. i don’t see the car keys, what is it, where should i go, and where is the car? well, i was standing near the creative house when we were leaving, there were no keys for some reason, these are your car keys, mine, thank you very much, were lying on the floor in the office, quite possibly they fell out... when i fell.
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who is captain kurochkin zanevtskoe rvd and at home, i know who you need? you, i, girl,
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igor gridney was killed this afternoon, girl, you, look through the peephole, i, i’m really from the police, go away, girl, well, let’s talk at the police station, what’s the time? you don’t feel sorry for yourself, police, thank you, tatyana, well, of course, we could talk to you at home, just tell me. were you married to him? no, we broke up yesterday, i left
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him, and today she returned, waited for him, wanted to apologize, bastard, who is the bastard? he always left, always, it was impossible to talk to him, you... uh-huh, he’s like a stirlitz, he’s always silent, like someone, like an atm, closed, god, i’m filthy, why did i come back, and this is not a joke, sorry , and who is the filthy cop? ah... gridnev, of course, what department does he
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work in? yes, he hasn’t worked for the police for a long time, for the last six months he worked as a security guard in a hardware store, in which store, next to the house, audio and video, two houses from us, and you don’t remember which department did he work? he worked somewhere in kupchino, i think i have his id at home, sorry. in the classroom, the children were so traumatized, can you imagine, no, he was definitely killed,
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there was blood on his head, there was a sea of ​​blood, there was only blood on his head, half his skull was blown off, yes, there was blood, brains all over the walls, that such a children's studio, can you imagine, there was just a wound on the head, i 'm faster, you also speak english, how do i know, well, probably some kind of gang fight, criminal mug, absolutely... “no, his face was preserved, half of his skull was blown off from the back of his head, well, yes, oh, there is this house of pioneers, someone is roofing, uh-huh, so they are dividing up the territory, apparently, well, what a spectacle i want to tell you, no, well, when it shows on tv, this one thing, like this live, brought someone, i say, brought someone, m, the bandits came, to remove the witnesses, wait a second, who, investigator shvitsova,
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listen, the aunt came, investigator, me i'll call you back later. hello, hello, you are anastasia, yes, i came about the corpse, well, yes, come on, let’s go to the kitchen, i ’ll have a few questions for the young man, but come in, yeah, go to the kitchen, sit down. oh, maybe some tea, no, thank you, tell me, did you attend classes at iztudiya today, yes, and it seems to me that this incident, it was not by chance that it happened in this class, i, of course, don’t want to say anything bad about olga viktorovna, our teacher, she is an amazing woman, a good teacher, but
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lately, how can i tell you, a little nervous, or something, somehow inadequate reacts, for example, he’ll be late today, that’s it, that’s it, that’s exactly what i wanted to clarify, are you much late? no, of course, for five minutes maximum, but why is the investigation so interested in this? no, no, no, the investigation is interested in the time of the murder, what time did the kids enter the classroom? well, i don’t know, maybe - we arrived at about seven past four, but i called and warned that we were delayed, but what delayed you? me, uh-huh, well, shall we do this? young man, it was you who painted your nails, i painted your nails, it’s someone i ate for a very long time, i see, what’s your name? vanya, vanya, vanya, you were the first to see your uncle, yes, you know, it was such a nightmare, and you also saw the pipes? no, when i entered the classroom, he was lying there, as
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if drunk, only with his head covered, why drunk, where are you, and he wasn’t breathing? or maybe he was trying to say something, but he was dead, but he exhaled, as if hoarsely, like a drunk, and he didn’t move his arms or legs, he tried to move his hand, but they took us away right away, then, uh-huh, vanya, and for me they said that you draw very well, well , i don’t know, yes, yes, okay, be modest, you can draw this guy on the floor, of course, yeah. sumovora, uh-huh, well, of course, i’m bad, you’re all good, white, fluffy, angels of the area, while you were winding up your snotty fist here, if uncle settled everything, i asked you not to interfere, alena, i’m just confused, and even angels have the right to mistake, there are rooms here, everything is privatized,
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mikhala andreevich, peony, will smell everything, make peace right away, in short, takolya. turn on the return line so that from it and from all sides lagged behind. well, transportation, let's go do good deeds? angels of the area, final episode, for the mouth. hello, dear friends. to deploy nuclear weapons, i already demanded, give me back the nuclear ones, as things are at the front, the weather is cloudy and hail in places, the guys are acting confidently, the commanders are acting confidently, quickly, reliably, there are eight vehicles, and we have
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one wheel there, the other.
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titanic luxury collection, how did you get here, it takes a day by train, and the vacation is long, 2 weeks, this is a sleeping beauty, so i don’t understand?
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in any case, the girl is absolutely in this i’m sure, she says that a little more she would have killed him herself, maybe she killed him, well, maybe she killed him, okay, that’s it, i’m at the store, please, thank you very much, come, good afternoon, good day,
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but what about you? do you think? i, of course, you worked with him, you communicated with him, you won’t tell him where your players are, but go to that room, thank you, people came to him, they called him, you heard these conversations, but you they watched him, he worked for you for six months, well, yes, but i don’t know, okay, so i told you, he was killed, what are your thoughts in this regard with this, that’s how they could kill him, well, i don’t...
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but yeah, that’s it, but is he bleeding from his ear? no, this is an earphone from a phone, an earphone from a phone? yes, an earphone from a phone, a black one with a wire, are you sure you’re not confusing anything? no, it’s definitely an earphone from a phone, it had a microphone right here on the wire, the player doesn’t have microphones like that, talent, booker, he doesn’t need to draw it out. why do you think that i was mistaken, i wasn’t mistaken, i just wrote it clumsily, how will i take it all, well, let’s go, what’s going on between us? opera was
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worthless volodya, he didn’t know how to work, he whined constantly, you know, one of those who say, say thank you, that i even come here for that kind of money, yeah, in fact, they can’t do anything for any amount of money, that’s exactly why he left well, that’s why he left, they called him to security at the casino, they paid him three times more. and the work of a non-lying person, that means he found his happiness, he found it, he found it, but not for long, he was trying to mess up there too, come on, come on, how, yes, the casino was ruined during his shift, yeah, but he either got cold feet, or he was simply not there, in general, he did not offer any resistance to the robber; he was asked to vacate his
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workplace. “i don’t know the details, senya was working on this case for us, so it was your department that was in charge, well , naturally, the casino is here in our area, i ran here in the middle, tried to help the investigation, wait, why did he need it, what’s his name? i probably wanted to take revenge on this robber with a knee in the ass, listen, talk to senya, please forgive me, what’s your last name?” "svetlana nikolaevna ivanova, deputy director, yeah, yesterday the director decided to fire gridnev. and what happened yesterday? no, it happened a month ago, it became known yesterday. what? a month ago, during night duty, gridnev left the store. so he left at the beginning of the first night and returned at 6:00 in the morning. this was recorded by surveillance cameras. why did this
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only become known yesterday? well, because no one ever reviews them, well , the day before yesterday there was a re-registration, well, there was a shortage in several positions and the head of security personally looked through all the records for a month and a half, well, along the way, he discovered that gridnev was leaving store at night, what date, i ’ll look now, i have everything written down, now. i wonder where he could have gone? and you didn’t talk to him when all this came out? well , you know, no one was interested in this anymore, you know, he left the store without permission , maybe he went home, he lives within arm’s reach, by the way, he always went home for lunch, so, so, so, but he had a car, he could have gone somewhere in a car, for example, at night, car, no, oh, you
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know, i don’t remember, in my opinion, it wasn’t, well, i can’t say that now, that’s the night from 11 on the 12th exactly, last month, yes, yes, last month, tell me, lately your equipment has been missing, well, it was missing, well, maybe it was related to reporting, we are now checking all the documentation, tell me, with the absence of grinneva you don't connect this in any way? you know, there was such a thought, but on the other hand, on the cameras it would be visible, oh, just a minute, excuse me, now, hello, yes, yes, yes, what are you, uh-huh, no, it won’t work, well, because he killed, let me call you back later, i’m just on this case with a comrade from police, that's it, i'll call you back, yeah. it
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turns out that gridnev stole the tape recorder. what tape recorder? car radio headphone. by the way, not very expensive. wait, but you said he doesn't have a car. so there is. can you tell me which operator it was registered with? now i ’ll walk around the base for 5 minutes and call you back. yes. come on, and a transcript of calls for the last month. i can take the transcript, but it won’t take 5 minutes. it depends on the operator. no problem, just call me with the results. that's it, that's it revealed. oh, you're lucky to have me, needless to say. what's the matter? the dreyfus affair. gridnego, of course. are you saying that you know who killed gridnev? but i don’t know the last name, but i know where to look. well, in the trefoil casino, on prague. and detail? and a cup of hot, fragrant tea. well, okay,
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only for me. come on, in short, in 2007 gridnev left the police and went to work as a security guard at the trefoil casino, yeah. worked for six months and six months later the casino was robbed on his shift, someone robbed the skates, always this establishment without certain occupations, but with a criminal past, and how do you know this, marya sergeevna, operational information, well, it’s clear, okay, the case was led by a little white man, well, from frundsky ore, gridnev, who was guarding the casino during the robbery, was absent. was in the toilet, according to his version, apparently, konkov took advantage of this campaign of his to rob kasir of a little, no less than 5 million rubles, normally, gridny was thrown out of the casino that same day without severance pay, but the very next day
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gridnev ran to the little white one and offered his help to catch the villain, well, that’s understandable, no, it’s unclear, because before that gridnev didn’t lift a finger for his colleagues, but nevertheless, the little white one, gridnev accepts help and after some time they catch konkov, with the money? no, he no longer has any money, he lost his skates that same evening in another casino, 5 million. yeah, you see, the beauty of a casino is that you can squander any money there in a matter of seconds, so if you, if there will be problems, no, i won’t have problems, don’t worry. well, okay, we caught konkov, now everyone is happy, everyone is happy, except gridnev, who, having learned that konkov had no more money, almost killed him in a confrontation. later, gridnev admitted to the little white man that the casino was demanding the return of the money that
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was stolen, since the robbery was his fault, but this was natural, there was no need to leave, and here it becomes clear why gridnev was so enthusiastically looking for the robber, the robber was found, there was no money, eh. .. we don’t know what the casino owners decided, whether they forgave gridnev’s debt or not, well, they hardly forgave, i think they forced him to pay in parts, it also seems to me that they did not forgive him the debt, well, judging by the events, you think that gredny was killed by the owner of the casino, yeah, then one more question remains, who exactly killed him, well, yes, that, and the main thing is that did... seeing in the house of creativity, why was he killed there, when the people, the owners of the casino, they knew perfectly well where he lived, well, you can just ask them, yeah, but the main thing, the main thing is that the motive is clear, well, in general,
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hello, hi, well, did i miss something, the killer was found, but you don’t have to worry, it’s only a version for now, but i’ll tell you i want to say that the casino no longer exists, well... yes, after all, the casino was closed, well, don’t worry about what you have, you’ll have tea, of course, well, did you know that igor gridnev has already died unemployed, and the store, you said that he works there as a security guard, you said, just the day before yesterday he was fired for unauthorized absence from night duty, he’s a fan of being away, yes, that’s not all, i ’ll tell you more, if they killed him tomorrow, he would have been killed not just as an unemployed person, but as a suspect in theft, because gridnev stole a car radio in a store, that is, this is not a person, but an accumulation of human vices, well, plus he’s also a womanizer, it all
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adds up, he urgently needed money, the casino installed his counter, volodya thinks so, oh, there is no prophet in my own country, no, no, i flew to the casino, on reconnaissance, come on, yes, transcript from gridnev’s phone, come on, something important, transcript of gridnev’s calls, i’m your new neighbor, and a part-time new district police officer, after graduation we immediately agreed to submit an application, what a wedding, well... “let’s go with us, guys, this is my girlfriend, it was yours, there will be my pain, sasha, sasha, survived, it’s already good, can i hug you, fear,
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i don’t advise complaining, if you blurt out a word anywhere, we’ll bury you in the forest, despair , there is no evidence, no sacrificial testimony, yes there will be, please do not interfere with an honest, fair investigation." when you are now for, without explanation, that it was honest, do not be afraid of anything, tanya, you are an amazing woman. love will overcome everything from april 29 on rtr kalinan belek - a place where time stops. sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by embodying. dreams come true, the kalinan beleg hotel, where life
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turns into a fairy tale, we have two wonderful teams in the studio presenting a fantastic film based on the story by kir boluchev 100 years ago, they travel through the century, this is of course a russian folk kayak, let's do some karaita. .. to find the correct answers, i would really like to answer on saturday, but we will answer, perhaps, okroshka, we need to be simpler, hut, to whom cosmic success is guaranteed, i take responsibility for this answer, we have a powerful intrigue, 100 to one, 100 years in advance, on sunday on rtr.
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sports poker clubs are completely legal,
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if you want to play poker in our club, you will have to become a member of our club. i need to talk to your superiors. for what reason? can i show you all the constituent documents? there is operational information that a raid is being prepared on your poker club in the near future. just a second. from the investigation department and they say that a raid is being prepared on our club, yes, follow me, come on, i’m listening to you, vladimir vasilyevich, the name gridnev tells you something, gridnev, who is this, he’s a security guard. worked, igor gridnev. during his
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shift, a casino was robbed. yeah, well, yes, i remember this goat. because of him, the casino lost several million. so what, do you think he's planning a robbery? well, the information is current, maybe true, maybe not. just wanted to warn you, just in case. well, what does grinev have to do with it? well, according to us in this case, he wanted to take revenge on the casino for treating him this way. “you heard, they got away with it, what a freak, by the way, he was just fired, but by the way they could have put a counter or noted it so that he would have forgotten his mother’s name, but i don’t know, apparently he decided that he was offended, okay, i i warned you, wait, when the robbery is planned, but it may not be planned at all, well, approximately, well approximately. well , today, tomorrow, today, you are serious, well
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, so be vigilant, because he will scare away all the clients, well. sense of members club, so you yourself, where will you be at this time, we, you, well, you are running this business, you should take these handsome guys, we will fill the building, our employees will be in the room, naturally in civilian clothes, in fact, our employees are now in the hall already? maybe you can show them on the screen? sorry, unfortunately, i can’t, i don’t have the right, okay, i’ll go anyway, you don’t take mine to heart.
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do you have a speakerphone with the hall, yes, of course, here you go, says major vinokurov, head of the homicide department, building the casino is cordoned off, i suggest you put your weapons on the floor.
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that is, gridnev lost his job because of konkov, well, yes, then he himself actively participated in the investigation, yes, yes, volodya says that ’s so, and konkov was found, found, convicted for gridnev, well, that is, we can say that gridnev achieved his goal , took revenge on the robber for ruining his life, took revenge, listen, the right idea, we need to figure it out. with this skate, but how can you deal with it if it’s sitting, so what? wait, he, he still has relatives, maybe even a wife, we need to talk to them, probably gridnev, when he was looking for konkov, he shook them all up, maybe they will tell you something, but in general, you know, you can go to the zone, to the zone, yes, why not,
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talk to konkov, yes, good evening, this. olga, art teacher from the house of creativity, and hello, olga, hello, you told me to call if there’s anything, uh-huh, yes, yes, i’m listening to you, here another crime happened, what a crime, so i’m coming out with there was no work, but there were no wheels, and no one saw anything, yes, i saw it for you, but... okay, okay, let’s call a support group now, don’t tell me, i bought new wheels and rims last week, 15,000 down the drain, my husband will find out, i’m even afraid to imagine what will happen, you ’re married, yes, but what does it matter, uh-huh, tell me, huh you called me today from your phone, well, what else, yeah, maybe
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you can explain that gridnev’s case is in your office, but how do i know? yes, maybe you don’t know why he called you three times today on the mobile phone? so what, you think that gridnev offended you, right? come on. this is not gridnev. well i i said the information has not been verified.
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when i regained consciousness, the police weren’t there yet, i took his phone, there, you know, there’s my phone, all sorts of text messages, you cleverly managed how long you lost consciousness, well, for about three minutes, maybe. the children ran after their parents, and i... this is when i came to my senses, you have the phone with you, i threw it away, and you didn’t take anything else with the deceased, compromising?
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he told me that he hasn’t served in the police for two years now, but i didn’t know, he said it like that, if he serves, well, okay, okay, you they gave him a ride, then, let's go, then we met in a store, by chance, in a construction shop, he helped me choose paint, word for word, he admitted that all his life he had dreamed of learning to draw, and somehow i was so windy, and i offered to teach him, and where you taught him to draw in the art house, and he often came, well, about once a week,
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so, on the day when he was killed, you also had classes, yeah, he, he came at about an hour, we did what, well, well, well, as i understand it, he was drawing. didn’t learn, no, okay, what do you think, your husband didn’t suspected about your activities, husband, but at the beginning there was nothing criminal, uh, the relationship was friendly, for the time being, okay, so what, husband, didn’t he really guess? and you, i thought not, did you think?


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