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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  April 25, 2024 5:00am-8:58am MSK

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leaked during a robbery, that's a scumbag, and listen, i'll take it, come on, tomorrow, tomorrow i'll return it, yes, that's it, bye, thank you, come on, come on, come on, be healthy, i'm your debtor, yeah. well, yes, yes, well, it blew up somewhere, tell me, well, how are you doing, how well, it turned out that gridnev and konkov had known each other for a long time, gridnev took him to the burglary in the settings. well
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, he’s lightly 3 years old, he served six months in pre-trial detention and at the trial he went out onto the street, of course, that is , they simply agreed, of course, most likely konkov used him as an agent, only why does he need it, he didn’t really work, well , yes, generally speaking, it’s such a front that he could pay himself off, well, most likely, look, six months after that, konkov robs a casino, and gridnev goes to the toilet for 40 minutes, but this gives us only one thing, that of skates and between.
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gridnev, but gridnev was killed, and konkov is in the prison camp, you need to find out this from konkov, by the way, you’re going to go to his prison camp, i’m getting ready, i’m getting ready, my wife is kicking konkov’s hoof here, yes, yes, i still have a long time to go, no, no, come on, come on, come on, sit down, sit down, that's it, bye, bye, the watchman called, that means at 3:00 in the morning, uh-huh, i arrived in the morning, the car is parked, and the watchman saw this robber? no, i think he said that maybe he left in a taxi, that there was a taxi at the barrier, there is a barrier at the entrance to the garages, and that means the taxi drove off from there, tell me, did you find something in the garage, okay, the police ? you
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called, but nothing was stolen, you told me that you stole the radio, but no, it’s not like they stole it, but it was lying on the seat, that is, he just took it out and put it seat, so what model was the radio, brand, well, yes, panasonic. okay, i understand, do you know where lebedeva lives? eh, well, it was written down somewhere. terentevskaya 15.
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here in the yard i’ll wait for you, why did you forget there, and here is a swan car, it’s also a skate car, well, let it be worth it, thank you, it seems to me that a size forty-five policeman is not indifferent to it, but what does he need from it? it’s necessary, he already took the wheels off it, if he wanted to steal it, he would have stolen it a long time ago, in short, you can come here, listen, i was going to, well , look at the rvd, and then immediately come to me, ok, bye, sasha, go downstairs, look,
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“you have saki, yes, of course, there is a bottle, i think that yes, everything is about him, okay, he’s hungry, so naturally, by the way, today i ’m working for three people, for yourself, for shvitsova, for your boss, what, you
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don’t have time to drink some water, ah-ah-ah, your sakaya, yeah, thank you, but take one, what are you, you’re driving, leave you, leave, good thing ..."
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hey, where are you? who is asking me? are you drunk or what? he's here? who? so quickly here, terendivskaya 15, oh, bastard, i'm the police i’ll call you, now you’ve killed the little girl,
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she’s alive, dear, where are you from, it doesn’t matter, you see, they’ve taken my wheels off again, drunk, you know, look, look, some kind of car has just pulled out of the gateway, it’s her, he, he, come on go after him, let's go after him, i told you that there was little sake, who are we catching, not gridnev, the house is creativity, well, gridnev is also looking for money, yes, gridnev realized that the money... is in the car, and where exactly is not knew, so he snuck into the garage and replaced the tape recorder with one stolen from the store, but to no avail, and konkova had just sold the car, and gridnev i had to look for a new owner, and it was not by chance that gridnev met lebedevo, yes, yes,
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he was getting close to the car, on the day of gridnev’s murder he almost managed to steal lebedeva’s car keys, but then konkov came into the classroom, the meeting of accomplices of course could not take place peacefully. konkov delivers a preemptive strike, i defended myself, i didn’t want to kill anyone at all, i just wanted to come to an agreement with her, buy all the wheels, nevertheless, the murder happened, but the skates didn’t stop, he stole the wheels from lebedeva in the hope that he would install the old ones, he wanted to find out in the old wheels... this is it, yeah.
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poster on the tv channel culture. theater, music, visual arts april 25. boris yukhannanov's play octavius ​​triponation, with music by dmitry kurlyansky, artists stepan lukyanov and anastasia nefedova, returns to the stage of the stanislavsky electrotheater. teresa durova staged the musical drama mozart salieri, version, on the small stage of her theater.
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that is, this is glass, but it is multi-layered, our labyrinth has several layers of walls,
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it’s exactly the same as in life, it seems to you, that this reflection, it turns out, behind it there is another one, then there is another one, in each of them there is a refraction, you yourself, this is such an otherworldly world of our own soul, if you don’t understand, once your mistakes and your sins, you are led on them again and again. the rukishnikov estate in nizhny novgorod presents more than 2.0 pieces of porcelain and glass in open storage. among the exhibits are ancient greek ceramics, chinese and japanese porcelain, italian maelica, venetian glass, russian gzhel, as well as a product of western european and russian porcelain manufactories of the 16th century. festivalsima begins a series of rio deneiro concerts with a performance by the croatian pianist, laureate
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of international competitions, jan niković, on the stage of the capacabana palace theatre. martha argerich and the hamburg symphony orchestra perform works by ravelle and prokofiev at hamburg's elbe philharmonic. conducted by sylvain cambrelyan. the paris national opera presents the premiere of marc antoine charpentier's opera mia, directed by david mcvicar. the lead role is played by lea desandre. musical director. william christie. the kunstmuseum basel is hosting a major retrospective of american minimalist artist dan flavin. in 1963, flavin took a simple fluorescent lamp from a store, placed it at a 45° angle in his studio and declared it a work of art, thus marking the beginning of the artistic object created from fluorescent lamps. the exhibition in basel showcases works created by the artist throughout his career.
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i really loved dictations at school, because for some reason i was able to write well without errors, but the phrase total dictation gave me such a slight tremor and jitters. i want to talk about total dictation today, find out what it is and introduce you to the person who will conduct and lead it this year. anna, hello, hello, total dictation, you can pass it or fail it, and if you fail it, what are the consequences, what will happen to the person, well, don’t let the word total scare you, it’s called that
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only to be different from others dictations and it is impossible to fail. you can write it just not very well, in three, in two, here, but it doesn’t mean anything, you tried anyway, you tested your knowledge of the russian language, the most beautiful, most difficult language in the world, you received a wonderful pen as a gift they left with wonderful impressions, even if they wrote it poorly, of course, i think that this year everyone will write the text well, because in my opinion it is not very difficult, that was exactly my next question, are there any hidden ones? possible pitfalls, then are you trying to create some unsolvable, some complex phrase , some word combination that will definitely be misspelled? deliberately no, in general, dictation is a story about freedom, because no one imposes any conditions on the authors, the only thing they asked me about was that the dictation should contain no more than
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a certain number of words, i don’t remember, i won’t say now, but in the dictation let's start with four parts. from this, they begin to write it in the far east, in kamchatka, then, as time zones change, dictation, like this a big wave is rolling across the whole country, these four parts of the dictation, they are all approximately equal in complexity, so they did not impose on me the topic of the dictation, nor any number of spelling grammars so that it would have to be there, i wrote in my usual free style, i myself chose the topic, the topic is diaries, diaries as a genre of literature, a diary as a phenomenon, a diary as a person’s daily habit of recording his thoughts. this is what the text will actually be about, you wrote, that is, this is a text that has not been published before, no one had any opportunity to prepare for it, absolutely, but now they are taking training courses for the total dictation, all the information is on the website of this wonderful project, absolutely, by the way, a volunteer project, which was created by people madly in love with the russian language
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, trying with all their might support, that’s what i really like about this... by the way, dictation is turning 20 years old, this is an anniversary year, they came up with it at novosibirsk state university, and they figured out how it was such a kind revenge of the humanities on the techies, the techies constantly said that this is not real science, what you do is here with us, and the humanities said, let’s try to write a text from dictation, they chose the text to begin with leo nikolaevich tolstoy, and so this whole grandiose intellectual fun that continues to this day, i 'm happy to be her... i congratulate you on this, thank you, this is a very popular project, very, why do you think it is so popular, this is the desire to wash away the sins of childhood, finally pass dictation, or it’s just that people love their language so much and want to check how well they know it, i think here one or the other reason is suitable as an explanation, but there is also
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probably the fact that after all, dictation in recent years, in general, has already most of the time of its existence, it not only promotes the russian language, it also introduces the residents of russia and residents abroad to modern russian literature. every year, modern russian writers create a text specifically for dictation, and readers, or rather not readers, but those who write the dictation, they can find out that yeah, it turns out that there is probably a writer about whom i didn’t know anything yet, i’ll listen to his text now, write it, maybe get acquainted with his books, this is also very interesting, people are attracted to it, well, a writer. naturally , too, it is prestigious to be the author of a dictation. for those who are preparing for a dictation, and maybe for me, but i am almost sure in my abilities, what can be done to make fewer mistakes, what do you think lies in this super skill of those people who they pass it if there are 100% of them. no, well, of course, those who read a lot write correctly,
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we get used to how the word looks, to its graphic representation, there is such a way, yeah. for me, at least, if i doubt how to spell a particular word, i write it in two versions, and with my eyes i see which option is correct, but this is naturally such very amateur advice, so come, i’m sure that you write to five where to come, there will be a lot of venues, i personally will only be there in person, i can’t do it here to answer you, in my opinion there are some online options, but i will personally dictate on the main platform in the capital of total dictation. this city was chosen, in early february, the city was chosen tomsk. you said that no introductory requirements were voiced to you, but still. and this is a conditionally made-to-order text, it’s not that you are forced to write something that you don’t want, but it’s still when you have to write on command, excuse me for saying this, is it difficult? - difficult, but
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very interesting, i like such tasks, i i like to test myself, so i wrote the dictation with pleasure, by the way, there is more than one dictation, in fact, this year we will have a children's dictation for children, for schoolchildren, for schoolchildren or preschoolers, no, for schoolchildren, in my opinion , from seven to... after all, we all here want to be, as they say, cultural and develop, so i invite you, thank you very much for coming to us, for devoting so much time and not
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divulging the secret, success to you and everyone who will come, perhaps see you at the dictation, thank you, goodbye, thank you, goodbye. one of the most common pieces of advice that we receive when we are sick is probably to drink some vitamins, not even drink them, but drink them, so we are obliged to drink some vitamin and after that we will become healthy. i once took tests for the need, in my opinion, or for a deficiency of some vitamins, and in general it turned out that i didn’t need so many vitamins, that’s what i want to talk about today. talk, sergey, hello, it turned out that my vitamin d was simply low, i i received injections probably a year ago, i haven’t been sick since then, but it probably may
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not even be related, at that moment i was sick a lot, that is, i had some kind of constant cold, and i got tested , it seemed to me that everything was ok, but vitamin d needed to be corrected somehow, corrected, yes, and they gave me an injection - there once a month, in my opinion it was done for 3 months in a row, in general, that’s all , we need vitamins from outside. that is, in tablet form, they generally work, well, that is, for you and us, not for people those experiencing any deficiencies, deficiencies, well, who feel fine in general and for whom, according to tests, no vitamin was prescribed; in general, a person is a very tenacious creature, so even if he lacks something, he still does not immediately die; illness does not arise immediately , this is the rub, so you get used to your poor condition and consider it the norm, uh-huh, then you think that probably vitamins are not... but in general, vitamins are those substances that we consume in food anyway , what is a vitamin, let's start with this, this is a big problem, because it is some
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kind of molecule or what is it no, no, but protein is a type of molecule, and carbohydrates are a type of molecule, fats are a type of molecule, very simple and down-to-earth primitive logic, for example microelements, which are often classified as vitamins, this is all inorganic chemistry, the entire periodic table. magnesium, calcium, iron, yes, these are not vitamins, these are microelements, and vitamins are completely different chemical structures of the compound, absolutely different, nothing unites them together, except for one, two: first, we cannot make them ourselves, therefore we must only eat them, that is, our body cannot synthesize them, from anything, if we have not taken it in the form in which it seems to exist in nature, nothing is formed inside, nothing at all. you didn’t discover vitamins, this definition is still used today, but still, as it turned out later, we can somehow synthesize some vitamins, not all, but a small part, and some vitamins can
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synthesize the microflora of our intestines, for example, there is vitamin b-12 and vitamin k2, so there is a second point that is associated with vitamins, these are those essential substances that regulate other chemical reactions and they are not converted into energy in any way, that is, if from we can extract proteins...
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four how many depending on how much you eat, if you eat little, then you probably won’t have enough of these vitamins, in any case, drink vitamins, it’s spring, autumn, maybe summer, or summer, winter or no time at all situation, if there are no diseases, yeah. then of course it is possible, because there are problems with food, but there is no need to dramatize, as many are now doing in the media, food has no vitamins, and modern food, by the way, has a lot of vitamins, and if we look, this is the first state history was associated with iodine, this is not a vitamin, but a trace element with which salt was enriched, and thanks to this they significantly reduced problems with the thyroid gland, the next story was related to selenium and zinc, we started
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add selenium to foods, yeah. this was mainly done in the scandinavian countries, in germany and in central europe and also improved the situation for many diseases, including heart disease and cholesterol . currently in our country there are many products enriched with vitamins, sometimes the manufacturer indicates this on the packaging, sometimes not indicates that at some point this became especially popular in baby food, but they are loaded with calcium and add microelements and vitamins, for example , calcium is often added to vitamin b bread also , various vitamins are also added to... juicy products, various vitamins are added to juices, this ordinary loaf of ours, it also carries some benefits, well, in theory, this should be indicated on the packaging, because there are probably cheaper options that do not enriched and slightly more expensive, which are enriched in general, you need to look at the piece of paper that is attached to it, in addition, it is useful to look at the piece of paper, because many of the foods that are indicated on the package are vitamins, yes, ascorbic acid, this is vitamin c, and it is added to
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products, and... so we seem to be on the one hand driven by the fact that we don’t have enough vitamin c, although we only need to get 90 mg per day, yeah, and if we eat a lot of foods that contain this component , as a preservative, including, but just like an eshka, this is like an eshka, yes, we can, in principle, get 90 mg, then we will have an excess of vitamin c, the same applies to vitamins b, vitamin e, some other vitamins that are used in the food industry, and hypervitaminosis is also dangerous, of course, but what about now? with this knowledge, sergey, you need to use various nutrition trackers that allow you to track the amount of vitamins, microelements or some substances in your diet, once in your life you need to do this and get this skill in order to deal with your food, yeah, because let’s say, here we are talking about vitamin d, which is not enough, yeah, so it is not enough, well, maybe many people do not have enough, in principle, it is synthesized in the skin under the influence of sunlight and it is enough
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to walk three times. 10-20 minutes a week to get the vitamin d requirement, go where, under the sun, under the sun, but we always forget that it is not synthesized from sunlight, it is made from something under the influence of sunlight, this is something we usually forget to put in, and vitamin d is created from processed products cholesterol, but we consider it harmful, we reduce it in every possible way, then we think why we don’t have enough vitamin d, the sun is probably bad, but then we start drinking it. in tablets or someone there even in injections, but this is not vitamin d, in fact, this is all about vitamin d, predecessors of vitamin d, because vitamin d itself, that is, this is a kind of fuel, conditionally, from which we, under the influence of the sun , will produce vitamin d for us, is even worse. fuel is cholesterol, from which provitamin d, that is, a precursor, is synthesized under the influence of the sun, from its derivatives, under the influence of the sun. then why did i get
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the injection? should i add? or even a precursor to vitamin d, so that your liver can make real vitamin d from all this, which i lacked, they check in tests precursors of vitamin d, which was not enough, yes, but the vitamin may be enough, you scare me, but now let’s take a person who has hypovitaminosis, avitaminosis , etc., and a person with a conditionally sufficient amount of all these vitamins, we can somehow determine, right now maybe people look and think, that’s probably it: i still don’t have enough of some vitamin, yes, usually in such a situation a person, when he starts taking vitamins, he experiences a wow effect, because he doesn’t have enough of them, and he he directly feels that it is helping him, he has mood becomes better, attention, concentration, well-being improves, everything is fine, when saturation sets in, this effect disappears, and we usually think that we came across another package of defective vitamins, but we
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actually reached a kind of plateau and now... we don’t we remember how bad it was for us, now this is good for us, it’s not enough, and now we don’t get this wow, drinking these vitamins doesn’t help, other vitamins don’t help, this means that everything is fine, in fact, a person eats one and a half kilograms once ... figurative food, yeah, taking into account the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, in the composition of these products he definitely receives the entire set of vitamins that he needs, in principle he does not feel the need to take them additionally, great, thank you, everything became clear, but there is also a stereotype they often say , that vitamins, when we cook food, they are destroyed, yes, which is fundamentally wrong, we have fat-soluble vitamins, those same a, d, and k, which are not destroyed at all during heat treatment, nothing. happens to them and is water soluble vitamins, this is vitamin c and a lot of different b vitamins, yeah, and even they are not all sensitive to heat treatment, for example, vitamin c can also be called conditionally sensitive, but since there is
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a huge amount of it in different products, this is a small loss, no which is not affected, and vitamin b1 may be more sensitive to temperature treatment, but we consume all other vitamins in sufficient quantities, even in thermally processed foods. another myth about... thank you very much, sergey, i think that you will now say that you need to take such and such tests to find out, everything is much simpler, just eat normally, and if you feel the effect of vitamins, it means you didn’t have enough of them, and if you don’t feel this effect, then everything is fine, it means most likely everything is fine, regarding vitamins, yes, thank you very much, sergey, thank you, see you again, see you again. i think you all already know how much i love everything local, and this doesn’t necessarily mean russian, i love when culture and tradition
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are tied to the history of this particular place, i i appreciate it when people carry through generations, through technology, all the changes, what is traditionally close to them, we have talked here more than once in this... about the russian code, and today we will continue to do this. ksenia, alesya, hello, hello, please tell me the russian cat, you understand it, it ’s close to you, you’re filming about it, you ’re reproducing it, so you’re a russian cat, how are you connected? i grew up in a family where they paid a lot of attention to russian culture, because my dad was an art critic, so he... devoted my whole life to russian painting, so i encountered beauty at a very early age, and for me the choice of topic was, in principle, simple, i turned to myself to what connected me with childhood, with my dad, so in general this topic
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appeared, lesya, yes, i’ll pick it up then, in general, when i started working on my brand, from the very beginning i realized that i was interested in doing a local one. product with local craftsmen, look for some ancient production, that is, this is the whole point, it is to do everything here, using local resources, and this turned out to be the case a very difficult task, but interesting, because it was such an adventure, to really find some kind of production where you can place orders, places where some crafts with them are still preserved... to continue to do something, so, i guess i had such passion and interest in this, because ordering, for example, something abroad, was such a clear, simple task that all designers used,
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but making a local product was not at all easy, you said local, location where russia or some region, some city, but it turns out that moscow is the nearest city, that is... here are places where some traditions have been preserved in the production of knitwear or clothing? well , look, these are some nearby cities, yes, for example, to factories in pavlovsky pasade, and there is just a factory that is still operating since 1812, yes, that is, it is very close, really to moscow, and there since i began to produce fabrics with my own design, that is... this is a class of jacquard fabrics that are woven on machines, and individual design, class, and for me the biggest compliment then from clients was to hear and receive the following question: is this really made in russia, this meant
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that some kind of plan occurred on its own, as part of the creation of this film, ksenia, how you chose the characters, how you chose the topics, how you chose the production, you were just... nice that young people who, it would seem, could find easier things to do, choose such work, how you approached it, how you did you come to this? and the idea for the film itself came to me: back in in the twenty-first year, one major film festival announced a competition for directors for treatment, for ideas on the next topic, now excuse me, what are director’s treatments, for those who don’t know, these are presentations of the project, where everything is described down to the smallest detail, what the film should be , that's it, thank you, and the topic was the following: how young entrepreneurs transformed their favorite business into a profitable business, and i decided that i finally had a chance to fulfill my old dream.
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i imagined how beautiful it would be, how a lot of useful information can be learned from the film, and i decided to shoot on my own, the film is completely independent, but i decided to make it, and i assembled a team myself, thank you very much for the fact that they all agreed to participate in this and supported me, here in fact, thanks to them and the heroes of the film, the film took place, i congratulate you on this, i thank you and your team for this, if you don’t mind, let’s watch the fragment. in my collections i use natural fabrics,
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this is important to me, this is old cloth, in the past the year before last, or rather the collection, for example, i got homespun fabric, homespun fabric is fabric that was woven on hand looms at home, that is, these are some kind of narrow looms, the fabric itself is about 40 cm wide, and i used almost all of it i sewed the collection the year before last. i take antique fabrics, antique shirts, look for them in all sorts of grandmothers, there, roughly speaking, they are taken out of chests, these are hand-assembled shirts and hand-woven ones with hand-made embroideries, but, for example, in poor condition, and i restore them, and i make them long, i dye them and - this shirt turns, roughly speaking, into a dress that
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can be worn with sneakers, which is what my many clients do, class, class, and the thing is beautiful, beautifully shot, you know, i admire you, i’m truly sincerely grateful, thank you very much for doing this, it seems to me that the inevitable next step is when we ourselves remember, we begin to appreciate what we had and what we have, then people around us will begin to appreciate it, when you... that you believe and what you love will inevitably become an object of adoration and respect for others. what further? will there be anything else, another film, some other interim report when we can expect you at the studio? um, this is a very difficult question, because complex production is difficult, um, it is difficult to then show the film, and i understand that here, so that we can now film our ten-minute story, it works behind the scenes. more than 20 people in the studio alone, yes, so making a film alone, i
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perfectly understand, i perfectly understand how difficult it is, so i’m asking in the hope that maybe someone will see us who can support your next step, well, what if it happens, what do you think, after all, a continuation about these characters, their development, or maybe some new area, perhaps, why not, i’m always for some new twists in the plot, that’s why i i would like to film it, and maybe there will be a continuation, god willing, god willing, i really hope that it will be so, thank you very much for coming, good luck to you and i will be waiting for you here next time, see you, goodbye.
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my planet tv channel presents. balaklava is a district of sevastopol, which is called crimean santrap. now i’m on the nazukin embankment and i want to say that this promenade is unfairly deprived of wide international fame. for me, it is in no way inferior to the french crozette. girl on a seaside walk, hello, hello, what? for your walks, it’s a great walk, let’s go fishing, but i ’ve never fished, this is the best moment, in balakai you have to try everything for the first time, and it’s difficult, no, it’s not difficult, i’ll teach you, and how much it costs, quite a bit , almost for nothing, 2,500, quite humanely, for the first time in my life fishing, here is my boat, and what a nice,
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cozy one, yes, come in, don’t be afraid, it’s like that at sea, we are leaving balaklava bay and heading to the open sea, the views are awesome, just have time to look, in front of balaklava, they called it chimbalo, the city, city ​​of chimbalo, chembal fortress. the genoese fortress is ahead of us on the mountain, yeah, chimbala was called that by the genoese, it means the city of health, and after genoese the turks came here, this is already the 10th century, they actually called the balaclava balaclava, but it sounded like balyk yue, balyk yue or balykkaya, yes it is translated as a fishing place, a fish nest, a fish tank,
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well, it is connected specifically with fish, balyk is a fish, that is, i chose a very correct city for my first fishing trip, but of course, of course, so, and now, in fact, the most intriguing part of our mini-cruise was fishing, oh, i don’t even know if i can do it, from the station along the embankment i gradually walked to the market square of old vyborg, here already... for centuries the swedes fortified the city and surrounded it with stone fortress walls , from them to not many of our days have survived, one bastion and a couple of towers, the town hall is round,
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the locals very funny call it fat katerina, well, the doorway seems to be wide, and both thick and thin. they will pass, although on the way back it’s not a fact, they say the food there is very tasty, the atmosphere is authentic, the tower is called thick, that’s why the walls, look how impressive, this is not the limit, in some places they are 3.5 m wide, excuse me, but you from the restaurant, yes, children, how much is the average check there, that’s how much you ate, well, i ate today for 400 rub. what if you didn’t take a little, but i took some soup, norwegian, we call it in vyborg, it’s cream with salmon, yeah. well, ice cream coffee is not cheap, but if you take into account the fact that various festivals and performances in the knightly style periodically take place here, the price will not seem too high, because the main thing is the feeling, i was dining in a 15th-century tower. in general
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, there are a lot of cafes and restaurants in vyborg, as well as tourists themselves, and not only our compatriots, because the border is just a stone’s throw away, so guests from neighboring finland they love it very much. at the market, but i’ll go to another place, to fortress street, it’s the most touristy in vyborg, it’s the local arbat, which means it’s most suitable for buying souvenirs, kringe, this is also essentially a souvenir. despite the fact that we are located only half a mile from moscow, this is one of the most inaccessible and wild places in our country, there is one elk per 1 km, and you may not see a person for three days, handcuffed, there is no chance, no chance ,
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of course, there are an abundance of small rivers and roads here almost no, but call these roads. the creations of human hands, the tongue does not always turn, in general, i will go on foot, catch up, we are on the path of the pechora, this river has a difficult fate, a harsh northern climate, desolation, no roads, few people dared to settle in these places of their own free will, they say: the people who live on pechora are of a special breed, strong in spirit and body, with an independent and unsociable character, they, like monks, seek solitude away from civilization, why are they? chose these remote places far from everything that represents the good of modern world, what keeps them in this almost uninhabited
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region, what does the great water of the pechora hide from the world? hello, my name is nice, well , here it is pechora, well, congratulations on your arrival, thank you, what unusual boats, this is the first time i’ve seen such things, yes, these are pechora boats, so special. made, there is one master here who is the only one in the whole area who makes these boats, he means what these boats are famous for, and the fact that they have a raised bow and stern, they go over any riffles, there is only one place in europe where forest is possible to see how it would be if man and... did not exist on the planet at all, and this place is here. victor has been living and working in the reserve for 23 years. the first
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thing he taught me was to drink water straight from the river. my planet tv channel presents. of all the ancient russian heroes, ilya muromets is beyond competition. due to its brightness of the image of closeness to the people, for a thousand years now every resident of our country has been familiar with how ilya muromets fought with various evil spirits, such as the robber nightingale or the tugarin snake. although the events of heroic life relate to...
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the hero acquired his literary canonicity and easily recognizable image, and at the same time it became clear only a few centuries later, when the place of his military glory, as they said then, was the mother of russian cities, the capital city of kiev. on may 7, 1594 , baron erich lisota appeared on the threshold of the st. sophia cathedral. this diplomat arrived here on behalf of the holy roman emperor of the german nation, rudolf ii. the ruler was fond of magic. and mysterious cults, so that in addition to a purely ambassadorial mission, lisota had to collect mystical information. and in
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soborov he told a story about a certain magic mirror, with the help of which one could find out everything that other people were thinking about. however, instead of this prototype of a modern tablet gadget, lisotho found something completely here. other. on the outside of the church, lisota reported in his diary, there was the tomb of ilya muronets. he was a noble hero or, as they say, a hero. many fables are told about him. this tomb is now destroyed. in his subsequent entries, lisota adds that the relics of ilya muromets are about it was discussed, is located in the kiev pechersk lavra. true, in the laurel. they recognized him under a completely different name, here he was called chebatok, boot, and he received this nickname under very
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heroic circumstances. according to legend, enemies attacked muromtsy when he was visiting here; the villains hoped that ilya would not have time to grab his weapon, but they literally attacked the wrong person. he dealt with them with this unworn boot. this is where this funny nickname came from. in a strong hand, even a boot could be more dangerous than a sword, and ilyi muromets the strength was just heroic, and the fury and valor of the warrior. but maybe everything that was said about ilya muromets is a pure myth, created by popular rumor, prone to exaggeration and hyperbole, without which the legends of hoary antiquity cannot do. if we look for analogies in our time, we can say. that ilya muromets was a superhero, he could well have become a character in some popular comic book or film franchise, like
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the regiment man, batman or superman, but unlike all this warm company of american... kiev-pechersk lavra did not begin with churches on earth, pechersk means in caves; in the 11th century, the founders of the monastery left the world of daylight in the dungeon. over time, monks began to live at the top, and the caves became the burial place of the inhabitants of the lavra, among whom were the first in russia in... now he rests here, that same hero, who became an epic myth as a direct embodiment of the strength of the russian man, but to be honest, everything what we know and what lies in this crypt
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has come to us not at all from chronicles or documents. or references to contemporaries, exclusively whitewashed. the term ballina, legend, as we understand it today, is not so ancient, it appeared only in the 19th century, but in the ancient russian language the word epic meant what was, that is, a fact. the second half of the 12th century turned out to be turbulent for kiev, the same feudal civil strife from school textbooks would look like this: from 1169 to 81, in just 12 years , 18 princes changed in kiev, this is an average of three princes every 2 years, in 1203 kiev andrei bogolyubsky takes with his many
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brothers, this god-loving prince to his neighbors treated his own. love, the harshness of the assault impressed even medieval society, there is an opinion that it was then that our epic hero died, ilya did not have a shield, the attacker managed to knock him down, he could not resist, or the blow was of monstrous force, after the fall one of the enemies nailed his left with a knife the hero's palm to the ground, the second from above pierced his heart with a spear, or maybe it was... not the strength of the enemies, but the fact that muronets was let down by an old illness. one of the most famous episodes of the legendary biography. it also refers to the pre-heroic life of the hero. everyone knows that ilya was seriously ill with sidney for 30 years and 3 years. bylina claims
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that he is half paralyzed. koleka was healed of colic by a passer-by, some traveling sorcerers.
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you are watching the news on the russia channel, good morning, in the andrey shevtsov studio. in just a few hours, the water near the village of obatskaya exceeded the critical level by one and a half meters, 500 people were evacuated, work, our soldiers are liberating the village of lastochkina, the militants mined everything and retreated. victory in the final and the gagarin cup, magnitogorsk metallurg team, khl champions, city magnitogorsk, i didn’t sleep all night today.
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the water level in the ishimu river, obatskaya village, tyumen region, has risen by almost one and a half meters in a few hours; it already exceeds the critical level by a meter in the populated area. the evacuation of residents continues, about 5,000 people left their homes, a total of 155 residential buildings, 13 bridges and 17 road sections were sunk in this area; downstream the ishim river in the uporovo district, volunteers are helping residents strengthen the dam; in one day they collected more than 500 sandbags , the peak of the flood is expected in the next 2-3 days. specialists of radiation chemical-biological protection of the yasninsky missile launcher. units disinfected schools and kindergartens in the orenburg region. the combined squad treats public objects, as well as playgrounds, facades and first floors of buildings with a special solution. in
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addition, rocket workers continue to deliver water to people in hard-to-reach areas. about 100 military personnel and 20 pieces of equipment are deployed to support the residents. now about the progress of the special military operation in the avdeevsky direction, the military personnel of the mountain motorized rifle formation. the stuvye liberate the settlement of lastochkina. the assault began with displacing the enemy from the forest belt located in front of the village. during the retreat, ukrainian armed forces fighters mined roads, houses, kindergartens and schools. there is not a single intact building left in the village. having suffered heavy losses, the nationalists abandoned their positions and retreated, leaving behind weapons and ammunition, including foreign ones.
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acacia units of the southern group of troops. the military, supporting the actions of motorized rifle units, strikes at fortifications the enemy with a concentration of manpower, a column of equipment of the ukrainian army. when performing fire missions, artillery interacts with crews of unmanned aerial vehicles, which carry out reconnaissance and adjust the accuracy of fire from combat vehicles. strela anti-aircraft missile systems also help control the sky over the positions of russian units. already captured the target, a few seconds later there was a shot, another
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moment later, a loud sound and a cloud of smoke, yes, yes, destroyed, one consumption, just like that, with one shot, the twentieth air defense unit the motorized rifle division of the southern group of forces is destroyed by a ukrainian drone, a lelek reconnaissance aircraft. it shatters into pieces, only small fragments fall to the ground. this is a container, there is a missile in it, we aim it, it locks onto the target. its dimensions are no more than two meters. such a bird was pierced in the sky by our arrow. a drone is a small target, it is very difficult to hit it, since it has a small kill zone, a missile may not notice it when you hit it, as if i had hit the bull’s eye with a jackpot. anti-aircraft missile the strela complex, a reliable air defense element, hits almost any air target, including. planes and helicopters. strela 10 is
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the most mobile and maneuverable among similar systems; it can hit targets even in motion, but of course, when stationary, accuracy increases significantly. but the soviet development is not designed to destroy modern small unmanned aircraft, our anti-aircraft gunners thought until recently. everything was done with reserve, everything was done for the future, that’s why soviet technology works flawlessly, the technology is already mature, but no less prevents us from hitting targets. we completed the task, we are satisfied with it. the algorithm of actions of anti-aircraft gunners is simple but effective, this is how they bring victory closer. we turn around, aim, shoot, hit. pavel prokopenko, konstantin piunov, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, news: donetsk people's republic. white house officials doubt kiev will be able to turn the tide on the battlefield, even with a new aid package of nearly $61 billion. the politician's newspaper reported this with a link. on
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officials, representatives of the us presidential administration also said that russia could achieve new territorial gains in ukraine in the coming weeks. this point of view was expressed to reporters by us presidential assistant for national security jake sullivan. according to him, the russian army is now increasing pressure. earlier , the white house also expressed the opinion that the lengthy approval of the military aid bill in congress led to kiev’s defeats on the battlefield. abnormal weather changes in the urals in perm a week before snow fell on the may holidays, while just a few days ago it was +20° in the region. now the streets, roofs, houses, trees are completely covered with snow. the thermometer shows about zero. according to weather forecasters, snow in perm usually begins to melt in march, when warming occurs and the air temperature rises, but in 1967 heavy snowfall in perm was observed even in june. at least
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10 people died in the kenyan capital due to heavy rain, while several more are still missing. constant rains fall in country since mid-march. the flood has already affected about 100,000 local residents. many lost their homes. after the flood swept away their homes. in addition, water blocked roads and washed out railroad tracks. several landslides have been recorded. hockey club metallurg from magnitogorsk. won the gagarin cup for the third time in history. the ural hockey players beat yaroslavl lokomotiv in the final series and won the trophy in four matches. the last game of the continental hockey league season took place in yaroslavl. but there was a real celebration that night in magnitogorsk, thousands of people took to the streets.
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celebrate your team's victory, then regional news, don't switch, now news from the capital region, weather forecasters are predicting worsening weather in the next 2 days. rain and thunderstorms are expected in moscow and the region. as well as increased wind speed up to 15 m/s. at the same time , it will be warm, the air temperature during the day will reach +18°. atmospheric pressure is slightly higher than normal - 744 mmhg. in moscow, they began to prepare reservoirs for the summer swimming season. divers examine lakes, ponds and rivers. the main task is to detect and remove accumulated debris and especially hazardous objects that could get into the water in the fall and winter. involved in the work. 40
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divers, in may specialists will carry out the second stage of cleaning the reservoirs and coastline. the pine tree in the serpukhov region is included in the national register of special trees in russia. the plant from the local forestry is already 170 years old, the trunk diameter is more than 2 m. now the tree will participate in the all-russian competition of natural monuments of the country, and if it wins, then in the european competition. all news is available on the media platform look in the applications or on the website. look at, don’t switch. they say you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first shore, where everything is included, except for your head, we
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know everything about vacation, relax, anex. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort at rixsas golf villas and suites sharmai. a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy contemporary design of rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits sharma. you are young and beautiful. i found a normal guy for myself, don’t forget to take all the documents about the boy’s health, maybe we’ll have lunch together later, i’m your new neighbor, potap ivan sergeevich, and you, yes, apparently you don’t have a guy,
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actually it’s none of your business, but i like you, i would really like it to be mutual, love will overcome everything, from monday on rtr. good morning, good morning, andrey petrov, svetlana abramova, before you, thursday, april 25, the long may holidays are ahead and many of you are already thinking about how to spend them, getting out into nature is a great solution, news from rospotrebnadzor is clearly in time for the may holidays 47 new viruses were found in the kumars, which they successfully transmit, and another 14 in ticks, but according to preliminary estimates.
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she recalls with trembling, the girl says, she and other drivers, without hesitation, immediately rushed to help the victims, first aid kits went into the entrance. was really many with splinter wounds, yes, that is , someone needed an urgent bandage, and we should not forget that road accidents happen every day, so in the first 3 months of 2024 , 23,500 road accidents have already been registered in russia, 2,600 people died in them, 30,000 were injured, the most common injuries are fractures and you... open and closed injuries to the head, spine, cuts and bruises. according to doctors, the most common risk factor influencing mortality after an accident is not providing first aid. that is why the first aid kit, although not is today a mandatory item in the car, in a good way, of course, it should be there, the whole question is in its contents, for example,
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the ministry of health has released its updated version of the kit. one of the new items in the first aid kit is this rescue blanket, it can protect the victim from overheating or, conversely , from hypothermia. by the way, the fabric is quite dense, with the help of such a blanket the victim can be moved a short distance. other changes include the presence of special surgical scissors and updated resuscitation equipment. in our the country has already registered a fairly large number of specialized scissors, which are used specifically for cutting bandages. protective or barrier devices, these devices are designed to provide artificial respiration. however, according to doctors, it is positions that call for emergency resuscitation. most of all there is controversy, using them without special knowledge is simply dangerous, this is the prerogative of the emergency medical team, because it knows how to use it, that is, our task first of all, in addition to calling first aid, do no harm. what causes even more misunderstanding among experts is that, for some reason,
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disinfectants have completely disappeared from the recommended first aid kit. what is missing from my point of view is still an antiseptic, it could be some kind of aqueous solutions of antiseptics like chlorhexidine and so on. this means that the missing elements are a set. will have to be supplemented, we have collected the opinion of current resuscitation doctors about the required minimum in a first aid kit, first of all, binding materials, these are bandages, this is a hemostatic tourniquet, this napkins, you should also put scissors in the first aid kit, it’s better to put surgical gloves, sterile gloves, two pairs and antiseptics, there are several options, hydrogen peroxide and iodine, and also a rescue blanket, and for road users to be confident in their actions when the hour comes, it is important think about organizing special ones. they say the doctors themselves will help save many lives. moreover, with the approach of the may
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holidays, the interest of russians in traveling within the country is seriously growing, including road trips among the most attractive destinations are moscow, st. petersburg, kazan, the cities of the golden ring, mineral water resorts and the elbrus region. we will talk about service and road safety with the head of the road safety department of the state company avtodor, viktor levandovsky. good morning, thank you, it’s a pleasure. well, look, now is the time, we meet on the eve of the may holidays, when the family itself is sitting and a map is in front of them, saying: here we are, yes, here we should be, let's see all the beauties, on the way to these beauties, what awaits them, and that on the road there are magnificent mfzs on the way, yes, on the highways of a state company, on toll roads, and what is an mfz, in two words, this is a multifunctional service area . there is a gas station here, there is also a cafe, you can even stop here,
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wash your clothes there, and so on, that is, the whole full range of services that are necessary, including getting your car repaired, including the fact that you can always stop by for a rest, these are platforms rest, this and uh others, that means road service facilities, well, less on such a large scale, but all this can also be done, it’s all on the roads, so there are stops every 2-3 hours, we all want to get there quickly and comfortably . that’s why it’s necessary to look at the traffic, track it, there is such an opportunity, and develop a route based on the fact that you either leave early, or leave there the next day later, because we have this whole peak story on pre-holiday days on holidays this happens here either in the evening on the eve of a holiday, or at the beginning of a weekend, i remember, if we are talking about toll roads, among other things,
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i wanted to say that in fact you tried for a time using the prices of transponders there is some way to regulate this, once there were discounts on some kind of nightly, that is, due to this, it was possible to save money at some moments, actually not getting stuck in a traffic jam, then this means that this concerns the exit - on the eve of the may holidays - from the 26th for us. everyone who is registered in the loyalty program, who has a transponder, when leaving, it means on the m12 along the highway, on our new magnificent one, everyone will receive double bonuses, which can then be spent on one or another there, which means, well, the calculations are somewhere there , if an accident has occurred, how should you behave? if it is some kind of minor accident, you still need to decide to resolve this issue, but you probably need to somehow get off the road, well, first of all, it needs to be removed. cars off the road, this is to immediately leave, hide behind a barrier fence, or some safe place,
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there is some kind of pocket there or something else on the road, some kind of junction, move off from there, start all actions, call the emergency commissioner, emergency commissioner immediately he’ll come, that’s just what i wanted to say, suggest 23, 23-23 stars star 2323 short telephone number, the emergency commissioner will immediately meet you there and the free service is correct, absolutely correct. clean, arrange, fence, even refuel, well that is, he will restore the events, because people are still afraid to remove the car, what ’s wrong, who is right, who is wrong, like everything, it means that if there are any controversial situations, you took a photo yourself, who is the victim and you can remove the car, in general, the main thing is to perceive this trip as a journey and not to forget about rest, so as not to fall asleep, you yourself said now 2-3 hours, but as a traffic safety specialist, how long? you recommend driving, but if we are going with a large group, the whole family sits down, it’s just 2-3 hours to eat,
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well, i recommend, i recommend not delaying it, if you can, 2-3 hours is good, but no more than 4 hours, every 4 hours it’s advisable to stop, get out, warm up, sit down a couple of times, do some kind of warming up exercises, about safe and comfortable road travel, we spoke with the head of the road safety department of the state company avtodor, viktor levandovsky, thank you very much. thank you, by popular demand, the continuation of our tv bestseller: 50 amazing ideas for your sensor, in on the eve of the season, we have collected the best tips: how to grow tomatoes upwards with daisies, how to graft plants to get an unprecedentedly large harvest, in our studio famous gardeners of the country conduct their incredible experiments, all this to make life in the country easier, easier, and most importantly - more economical!
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250 years ago and, apparently, the then head of state and his wife had a hand in creating the drink. the artifacts were well preserved, even the berries remained intact. the experts did not dare try the contents and the liquid was sent for examination. before refrigeration, many foods and drinks were stored underground, but this cellar has become a time capsule. modern methods, by the way, allow you to evaluate the freshness of products using film. ural scientists have come up with a package that will warn if suddenly. the goods have deteriorated. starch is the main ingredient from which all these films are made, which are excellent for packaging products. they remain strong in the air for a long time, but once they get into the soil, after 28 days they are completely decompose. this is what the laboratory scientists initially sought, so that the bags would not cause harm to nature. but today they are going further, introducing
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compounds into the films that can signal whether everything is normal with the products. if meat or fish products begin to spoil. you can understand this only when you come home and open this package, because odors do not escape from vacuum packaging, so the color of the film may signal that this product needs to be disposed of. it is clear that these indicators will come into contact with food, therefore they must be absolutely safe for humans. such substances are considered here, in particular, the yellow pigment isolated from the spicy root of turmeric or copine, which gives color to tomatoes. both compounds are sensitive to environmental ph changes.
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from the shelves, we will be able to monitor the freshness of food in home refrigerators. here is another idea from scientists: packaging for vegetables and fruits, which lets you know whether the fruits are ripe or not. absolutely all fruits have their own aroma, yes, when they ripen, this aroma is intensifying, these biodegradable smart films of ours, they should begin to react to this aroma. here in these test tubes you can see the aromas; we are now testing our biodegradable products of different compositions. films, how they will react to this aromatics. nowadays, buyers often evaluate the ripeness of fruits by touch, that is, they press on, say, a kiwi or an avocado, checking how soft they are. after such exposure they begin to deteriorate faster, so the development will not only allow us to choose the most delicious fruits and vegetables, but will also extend their shelf life. and then, they treat or treat.
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for commercial medical organizations it is proposed to conduct public control. let's talk about this with. an expert in a few minutes, this is news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev, dmitry kiselev is 70, we were once joking in the studio, the director of photography says, my grandmother believes that you live in the zemlevskaya star, he is a man of pushkin and dostoevsk, from from the pushkin tradition, he has this precision, this aristocratism, and from dostoevsky, of course, passion. go, bad form, dragging a weakened tiger by the mustache, they will dilute it with water, add sugar and put it on the shelves to poison people, we will waste it, then we will regret it, life will become more interesting, i don’t think, dima, he won’t say anything in vain, believe me, his phrases, they are verified , let’s even give
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a hero’s star on the maidan for my body, simply because i’m russian, that’s enough, i loved europe very much, now we ’ve swapped places, now... we in russia are for freedom of opinion, but they are not, we are open to the world , but they don’t, he’s from the breed that made great russia, vich says: i wish you success, you are now my employee, the same kiselyov, the premiere is on friday on rtr, my name is leonid viktorovich, what is your name? elsa genrikhovna, well, you have an unusual name. “come to visit me, and this is inconvenient, i’m a widow, i’m not calling you on a date, irina pechernikova, i want something like that on a heel, it’s completely crazy, veniam laughs, who are we hiding from, mom, what are you they've done it, the whole village is discussing how
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you kiss around the streets, and go on visits, love konstantinov, and what's wrong, well, have you fallen in love?" "anna ukolova. mom, what are you doing? and dad did everything for you. everyone thinks so; before she had time to save her husband , she ran off to the party. why at a party? let's? getting married, how do we get married? elsa's land, friday on rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. and... why don’t you reef, continue the conversation in new
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episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform we are watching, substation one , the podcasts we are watching, we wish you to meet your prince this year, especially since... you already have it on saturday, well, you have a phone there, please give it to me, he is following me, and you saved me, every girl dreams of a prince on a white horse, i met you, my princess, you will be my wife, yes, but not everyone who is on a horse is a prince,
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an office chair as a means of transportation, even robots have understood how it is it is convenient to move around on a chair with wheels. engineers from tokyo decided that androids should master this human skill. and they taught the car to push off from the floor, move forward and rotate in place. pressure sensors built into the buttocks help the robot maintain balance. the next stage is office racing on chairs, no different, but you need to tweak a little something in the robot’s buttocks. quite recently, robots were only in the imagination of science fiction writers, well, for example, kira bulycheva, now in cinemas there is a new film based on his story, in just a week the film is 100 years old
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then it became the leader in russian film distribution and won the hearts of the audience, cool script, special effects, generally great, this is such a film, i recommend it to everyone, i especially want to appreciate the sense of humor that was in the film, we just laughed for 2.5 hours . so touching that by the end you could cry from it all. in the story of the girl with pink hair, there really is room for both laughter and tears; the cheerful rebel, alisa seleznyova, seems, at first glance, to have a broken heart. in ideal moscow for 2124 years she has been yearning for her mother, who disappeared while fighting space pirates. i understand that you miss your mom, i will believe you too, i ’m going to get her out. i think mom is stuck in the past, 100 years ago. girls from the future unexpectedly come from this very past in the person of schoolboy kolya gerasimov. thanks to an unusual find, the energy particle cosmion, he makes a leap from modern
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moscow 100 years into the future. it's 2124, it really sounds similar. a story about the adventures of a girl from the future and a boy from the past was once familiar to every soviet schoolchild, but director alexander andryushchenko not only re-shot the legendary story of kir boluchev, but offered a completely different vision of it, which they could appreciate. i was very anxious about what they would show, because after all, there is a very big story about the film adaptation of this story, and i am very surprised in the best sense, i’m just shocked, pleasantly shocked, alice’s sundress is all right there -tu, my heart was beating, so that the effect for the viewer would be exactly like this, work on the script went on for 3 whole years, in addition exciting plot... twist, the film 100 years in the future attracts with a stellar cast, impressive special effects and deep ideas. i liked the closing message of doing what you can
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for your future. and today you can get pleasure in the present in any cinema in the country, 100 years from now, on the big screen. today at 16:00 users will be able to ask questions to director alexander andryushchenko and actor of the film 100 years ago sofia tsibereva, matvey ostrakhantsev and kirill mitrofanov in vkzonka. the broadcast will take place in the community of the russia tv channel, the participants will not just communicate with the audience, but will show exclusive content. and then, in the arms of morpheus, about effective remedies against besso. we'll tell you after the news. the news continues to work live. in the studio andrey shevtsov. hello. employees of the ministry of emergency situations prevented a dam from breaking in the obadsky district of the tyumen region. the leak was discovered in the section of the structure along which the tyumen-omsk federal highway passes. in a few hours later, rescuers using heavy
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equipment filled up the emergency area and strengthened it. the road is open, but reverse traffic is organized there. in just a few hours, the water level in the ishim river in the abatsky district rose by almost one and a half meters, about 500 people have already been evacuated. now about the progress of the special operation, the crew of t-90m breakthrough tanks, a closed firing position destroyed the nationalists on the right bank of the dnieper in the kherson region. the shooting was carried out from a distance of 3 km. the main goals of tankers are observation posts, ammunition depots and... accumulation of manpower, at the end of the combat work the crew moved from the firing position to the rear area, where they camouflaged the vehicle and reloaded in order to be ready to reach the target point again. russia blocked a resolution in the un security council on the non-placement of nuclear weapons in outer space. before the vote, the permanent representative to the world organization, vasily nibenze, said that moscow and beijing proposed an amendment
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that provided. types of weapons in space, but it was rejected by the security council. russian diplomats believe that the american authorities and their allies thus want to preserve the opportunity to build up non-nuclear space weapons. the russian foreign ministry reported that moscow will soon introduce its own draft resolution on weapons in space. more than twenty people detained at a pro-palestinian rally in texas, hundreds of austin university students walked out. from the audience, protesting against the war in the gas sector. after this there was a clash with the security forces. the state's governor said anti-semitism will not be tolerated in texas and that protesters should be expelled from university. protests against israel's actions have been ongoing in many american higher education institutions for several days now; protests began after students from new york's columbia university set up a tent camp on the campus. they
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demanded that the universities be broken up. harvard, as well as students from other major universities. in kazan, the best specialists in the field of aircraft construction compete in professional skills. at the championship , more than 100 young specialists from all regions of our country demonstrate their skills. stanislav nazarov observed the work of the professionals. here. there are no competitors, rather colleagues, 125 participants from eleven cities, each of them an employee of an aviation enterprise, turners, technologists and designers at production sites complete tasks on time, but not to the detriment of quality. employees of enterprises from all over the country gathered at the championship of the united corporation on professional skills. the best in the profession compete in a variety of competencies: electrical installation, equipment, lathes, industrial assembly aircraft. sergey altynov,
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representative. aircraft manufacturers worked at the kazan plant, father and grandfather are participating in the championship for the first time. the tasks are quite complex, well, they require certain skills, that is, skills and experience. we always try to ensure that all championship tasks are as close as possible to the issues that production is currently addressing. and the task is truly large-scale; now the revival of the domestic aircraft industry is in full swing, including civilian tu-214s. which is already mass -produced in kazan and ms-21, which is being built at irkutsk plant. the corporation needs at least 10,000 new, preferably, employees, we are producing new aircraft, we have many new projects, i think that personnel is all we need. the all-russian aircraft manufacturers championship is held in nine competencies, and within a week the best specialist in each of them will be determined.
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stanislav. further news from your region with residents of moscow and the region, see you in a few seconds. now news from the capital region: weather forecasters predict worsening weather: rain and thunderstorms are expected in moscow and the region, as well as increased
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wind with gusts of up to 15 m/s. at the same time, it will be warm, the air temperature during the day will be up to 18°, the atmospheric pressure is slightly higher, the norm is 744 mm hg. since the beginning of the year , production growth in the manufacturing industry in moscow has amounted to 17%. thus, the capital's industry makes a huge contribution to import substitution and ensuring the technological sovereignty of russia. for example, the spetskabel plant produces products that transport and oil industries cannot do without. industry, defense industry, energy and other systemically important sectors of the economy. the modernized optical cable workshop was visited by moscow mayor sergei sobyanin.
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from the scene of the incident and the charred bodies of the dead, it is almost always impossible to show minor roofers-hookers in news releases for poetic reasons: the police are detaining, and maybe saving the next thrill-seekers,
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laughing that there is trouble ahead, the teenagers wind their way along the embankment until the last moment, trying to evade pursuers, and then they cry like a child and ask to let go, please, no, it’s possible, it’s possible, it’s not necessary, it’s necessary, it’s not necessary, please, engineering every day. closer to the launch of unmanned train traffic. machine vision technology is now being actively tested on the same commuter trains near moscow. the system with a laser locator recognizes all possible obstacles on the way and gives a signal about the need to brake. determines that no one is stuck or has fallen between the platform and the doors. but alas, against those who, contrary to common sense, expose their and other people's lives are in danger, modern technology is still powerless. the black holes of education are shrugged off by juvenile affairs inspectors. and not in the first generation, there are parents who come for the child, it’s immediately obvious that they don’t care, and the next day the child goes back to the roofs of the train. it seems that those who, for the time being, were lucky enough not to get caught by the police and avoid injury, perceive what is happening as a game, not realizing that the minutes
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of dubious glory may be their last. denis voskovsky, pavel vitrinsky, oleg dobin, lead. eifmangal's concert took place in the large hall of the kremlin palace, the program was in st. petersburg. state academic ballet theater of boris eifman consists of two acts: the audience saw selected fragments from the world-famous performances of the choreographer. a holoconcert, which turned out to be very popular and necessary today, because people probably need this emotion, they need this energy, which seems to emanate from this concert, and i am very glad that we have the opportunity show it again today to the kremlin. gola concert, it featured excerpts from ballets such as anna karenina, sweat, the side of sin, russian hamlet and other theater productions. all news is available on the media platform, look at the application or on
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the website stay with us. the newest rixas hotel in sharmelsheikh. riksas rodomis sharmelsheikh is an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of their children. parents, escape from everyday life into a world
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of endless entertainment, enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable vacation. riksas rodomis charmel sheikh. we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmel sheikh, the first swiss hotel in the world operating on an all- inclusive system. treat yourself to a holiday of elegance and natural beauty. merge into perfect harmony, create memories that will remain forever in your heart, swissotel charmel sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city. good morning, good morning, let me greet you.
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by the way, it's called a crocodile, it's like that she performs an acrobatic trick easily, a complex handstand, lyudmila pirogovo’s passion for acrobatics appeared after the great patriotic war, at the same time she met her future husband and circus partner. the circus helps to keep yourself in weight through daily gymnastics and spander, this is just a note on what you need to do, by the way, moderate physical activity is also a good way to get rid of insomnia, are there any other effective ways to fall asleep, alena kashtanova knows , i read books, i work, i take a walk in the fresh air before going to bed, i think so. insomnia is familiar to almost every resident of the megalopolis, and counting sheep
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is perhaps one of the most popular life hacks in the fight against this problem, one of the oldest. there is an opinion that australian farmers have read sheep, though they are real and not fictitious. or a myth, the method cannot be called effective. this is evidenced by recent research from oxford university. i analyzed three groups of people who suffered from insomnia. one of the tasks of this the professor was to do this and visualize what relaxes you most. and is not related to any anxiety or tension. those subjects who imagined landscapes and waterfalls fell asleep 20 minutes faster than those who counted sheep and other animals. and from a medical point of view, this is quite logical. he speeds up his brain and he provokes the situation so that he can't sleep all night. therefore, this is the most incorrect technology that does not exist today. for the same reason not other bad advice will also work: do routine household chores, for example. iron or fold things. this will add order to the house, but it won’t help you fall asleep. instead of
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cleaning, experts advise doing yoga. all bending forward and stretching backward also stimulates the parasympathetic system. she is responsible for our recreation. and most importantly, all these exercises can be performed directly on the bed using improvised means using pillows. of course, bending over is good, but it seems that the fastest way to fall asleep is shavas, after all, this is the only asna in yoga that is performed with eyes closed. we lie like this for 15 minutes. however, if. it doesn’t come longer just lying in bed is already harmful - experts say, instead, you can read a book, an interesting exciting novel or detective story will not do, but a boring philosophical treatise will do. ideal: the more boring the book, the faster you will fall asleep, even during the day. the way to combat insomnia is unoriginal, but according to her, it is effective: the girl drinks herbal teas at night. and today i chose tea with chamomile for yourself. i really like various herbal combinations that relax, in addition to... drinks , some products have a soporific effect; they
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contain amino acids, tryptophan and other substances that improve the quality of sleep. dairy products, walnuts, which contain both magnesium and melatonin, and , accordingly, various hard cheeses, curd products, ae, some fruits, in particular bananas, but you need to be careful with the latter, given the high calorie content of bananas, eat them regularly night, nutritionists do not recommend it, otherwise there is a risk... by disrupting sleep, add problems with excess weight, so there is no universal magic pill for insomnia, everyone will have their own method, but it’s still better to look for it from among the working scientifically based options, that’s all -after all, health comes first, even private clinics intend to take them under civil supervision; the public chamber of russia proposed to monitor the quality of service not only in state, but in commercial medical organizations and to develop a special standard for this; now the quality and safety of this activity is monitored by ros-zdravnadzor and regional authorities. and the management of hospitals and clinics, and yet many violations
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today are revealed by social activists who are inspecting medical clinics, but access to the private sector is closed to them. we will find out from the manager how to change the situation. opportunities for a member of the public chamber or public council to visit a private medical organization, well, after all, the state authorities actually check
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in particular and offices, yes of course there is a federal one, but then the question arises, is there any point in public control, is there still some kind of mistrust? inspection bodies, why do you need this, you know, opinion polls show that our residents believe that control over the medical sphere, over the healthcare sector, should be carried out by institutions independent of the authorities, to which the public chamber of any level belongs , public advice, so the question here is not a lack of trust, the question is a certain view of the patient to the situation, in some clear...
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standards of what a representative of a subject of public control, a public chamber, can do when he comes to a clinic or hospital, there are excesses on the ground, which is why today the public chamber of russia is preparing methodological recommendations on how the public control when you come to the territory of a clinic, hospital, can you, for example, have people’s faces caught in the lens of a photo-video camera, because this is biometric data, is it possible to talk. patient without written consent, it is important that all this is in the legal field, but somehow you can visit incognito, or this is also not provided for now, not provided for, that is, this is not patient control, after all, this is control about which we must notify, it is very important that the law says precisely through the verb to notify, not to agree, this is very important, that is, we notify
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in advance that we will arrive at a particular hospital, clinic, and we want to look, for example, for the availability of free coupons in the infomat on... organization accessible environment, the ramp, the width of the opening, the presence of an elevator, from your words i understand that in fact the state does not really control the private sector, that’s right, i understood correctly, but it does control, it’s just now mostly preventive visits, well, i mean , that now it is mainly the authorities, they visit private medical organizations for preventive purposes, the moratorium has simply been extended, so now this approach, well , accordingly, this is a certain loyal... it should be for all medical organizations, all forms of ownership, this is honest, this is normal, thank you very much, it was very pleasant, we spoke with the head of the federal project health control, member of the public chamber of russia evgeny martinov, this drawing is 100 years old, how did it
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get here, why here, if this is not a message from my mother , she’s the one who lets us know that she was there 100 years ago, i understand you miss your mom. i’ll try to pull it out 100 years ago, do you have anyone for example ? and this is your neighbor, the local police officer, who tapped, it seems, he can help you, love will overcome everything with monday at 21:20, another item that previously belonged to a member of the beatles quartet was put up for auction, this time john lenn's acoustic guitar is being sold, the twelve-string instrument he played in musicals.
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all car owners know that they need to periodically change consumables, filters, and pads. belts and so on, but operating fluids are also consumables. in modern cars, there are five or six types of them, all of which need periodic replacement. let's talk about this. let's start with the main thing - oil. measure the level it is necessary with the engine turned off and better before starting the engine, for example, in the morning, or at least half an hour after stopping. we take out the dipstick, wipe it with a rag, insert it all the way, take it out again and look. should be between the minimum and maximum marks. check the oil at least once a month or every thousand kilometers, especially on
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cars with high mileage. increased oil appetite is a symptom of serious problems. how often should you change it? there is a general rule for all liquids. it is necessary to follow the recommendations of the specific brand in which all replacement regulations are spelled out, as well as cases and timing when it is better to shorten the service interval. vomited, if you often find yourself in traffic jams, increased loads, as well as too hot or cold climates, affect consumption. an equally important liquid is antifreeze. the coolant has anti-corrosion and lubricating properties, which increase the service life of the engine, so delaying its replacement is also not recommended. renew antifreeze every 2-3 years, but you need to check the level regularly, especially in the summer season. in the heat it may bring the boiling old brake. fluid, so you change it strictly according to the regulations, once every 2 years, even if the car is small. also
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check its level regularly. a small expansion tank is usually located in the engine compartment, closer to the driver's seat. if your power steering is hydraulic, check its fluid at the same time. it is in a small container with a picture of a steering wheel. some transmissions also have a dipstick so you can check the level. transmission fluids, transmissions, unlike a motor , do not consume oil during operation, so a low level will be a clear sign of a leak. well, i’m sure every car owner has encountered adding washer fluid. the main thing here is not to confuse the necks of the expansion tanks and use summer liquid until the first frost, which, fortunately, is now far away. and then, the story in postcards. an impressive collection of printed rarities by...
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chevnikov on friday on rtr, i’m your new
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neighbor, and a new part-time police officer, right after graduation we agreed to submit an application, what a wedding, come with us guys, this is my girl, she was yours, there will be my pain, sasha, sasha. survived, already well, can i hug you, fear, i don’t advise you to complain, if you utter a word anywhere, we will bury you in the forest, despair, there is no evidence, no testimony, yes there will be, please do not interfere with an honest fair investigation , when you are now for without explanation, what was it honestly, don’t be afraid of anything, tanya, you are amazing... love will overcome everything from monday on rtr, i
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i thought that here everything is kind of more serious, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here it’s all about it, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i... am beyond competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, wow, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, you must be edible. i had in mind, of course, a bear, when such a stinking little one spoke, a hint in general, the most passionate team, if there is not 100,000, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the strongest love for the game is the five-on-one program, oops, five-on- one on saturday on rtr. as you know,
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an old friend is better than two new ones, but reviving old relationships takes a lot of work, an international group of psychologists from canada and great britain found out. the main barriers to restoring communication are the fear of rejection, a feeling of awkwardness and guilt. and the best occasions to remind about yourself were the birthday of an old friend and the desire to discuss shared memories, but what people are definitely not ready for is asking a former friend. about a favor, people, even strangers, are united by common hobbies, for example, collecting postcards, a resident of adega collected several thousand of them, there are real rarities, these postcards, they are now very much appreciated among collectors, why, because they were painted by the artist zarubin, zarobin gundobin manilov plaksin,
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the works of these artists are recognizable and cause an involuntary smile, here and everyone knows emelya on the stove funny forest inhabitants with cartoon characters. everyone used to write wishes on such multi-colored postal forms. today maritkudai has a real collection of the soviet past in themed holidays. some postcards are quite rare and are becoming more and more difficult to find every year. an impressive stack is dedicated to everyone’s favorite new year and march 8, which are still celebrated today, but there are also postcards depicting holidays that have become part of the history of october 7.
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answer, says that each of them is dear to her in its own way and warms her heart, because through people once sent them messages, written with their own hand from the heart, in contrast to quick postcards received over the internet, text messages today. and then we focus on wooden construction, only after that, what a sound, well, this is not suitable for our middle zone, well, bamboo is not, but deciduous conifers are very much so, but prices for
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lumber are rising, growing, but for some. at discounted prices it is supposed to be possible to buy on the ground. we'll tell you more about this after the news. yes. oh, this is a good one. this means there is a hollow there. where is the hollow? there granny bear. you are watching the news on the russia channel. good morning, andrey shevtsov is in the studio. in just a few hours, the water near the village of obatskaya exceeded. our fighters free the body of the swallow; the militants mined everything and retreated; another abrams was hit by lance ammunition; victory in the final and the gagarin cup
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for the metallurgist team. khl champions magnitogorsk did not sleep all night today. the water level in the ishimu river near the village of obatskaya , tyumen region, has risen by 2 m in one day. it already exceeds the critical level by more than a meter. in the locality continues evacuation of residents. about 500 people fled their homes. total in this area. 500 sandbags, where the peak of the flood is expected in the next 2-3 days. radiation chemical and biological protection specialists from the yasninsky missile unit disinfected schools and kindergartens
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in the orenburg region. the combined squad treats public objects , as well as playgrounds, facades and first floors of buildings with a special solution. in addition, rocket workers continue to deliver water to people in hard-to-reach areas to support residents. about 100 military personnel and 20 units of special equipment are involved. the crew of the lancet loitering munition of the center army group destroyed the american abrams tank in the avdeevsky direction. the servicemen tracked this car for 3 days. the nationalists vigorously defended it, constantly changing positions. as a result , the crew analyzed the operating procedures of the enemy tank crew, the air and radio-electronic situation. then, choosing the most suitable time.
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stuva units liberate a populated area lastochkina. the storm began with the displacement of the enemy from the forest strip located in front of the village. during the retreat, ukrainian armed forces fighters mined roads, houses, kindergartens and schools. there is not a single intact building left in the village. having suffered heavy losses, the nationalists abandoned their positions and retreated, leaving ammunition, including foreign-made, in their weapons. control the sky over russian positions. the unit is supported, among other things , by strela anti-aircraft missile systems; they provide reliable protection against air attacks. anti-aircraft work pavel prokopenko saw the calculations.
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the strela-10 anti-aircraft missile system had already captured the target, a few seconds later there was a shot, another moment later there was a loud sound and a cloud of smoke. yes, yes, they destroyed it, one expense. just like that, with one shot, the air defense unit of the twentieth motorized rifle. the divisions of the southern group of troops are destroyed by the ukrainian reconnaissance drone leleka, it shatters into pieces, only small fragments fell to the ground. this is a container, there is a missile in it, we aim, it locks on the target, we launch, it has already started, it is already flying exactly on target. lelek's speed in flight is 120 km/h. its dimensions are no more than 2 m. our arrow pierced such a bird in the sky. drone. this is a small target, it is very difficult to hit it, since it has a small kill zone, the missile may not notice it when you hit it, as if you hit the bull’s eye, you hit the jackpot. the strela anti-aircraft missile system is
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a reliable air defense element that hits almost any air target, including airplanes and helicopters. strela 10 is the most mobile and maneuverable among similar complexes, maybe hit targets even in motion, but of course, stationary accuracy increases significantly. zenichi's algorithm of actions. simple but effective, this is how they bring victory closer, turn around, take aim, shoot, hit, pavel prokopenko, konstantin piunov, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, news, donetsk people's republic. representatives of the white house doubt that kiev will be able to turn the tide on the battlefield even with a new aid package of almost $61 billion, a political newspaper reported, citing officials. representatives of the presidential administration. the us also said russia could make new territorial gains in ukraine in the coming weeks. this point of view was expressed to reporters by assistant to the president of the united states for national security jake salevan. according
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to him, the russian army is now increasing pressure. earlier, the white house also expressed the opinion that the lengthy approval of the military aid bill in congress led to kiev’s defeats on the battlefield. abnormal weather changes in the urals in perm. during the week snow fell before the may holidays, while just a few days ago it was +20° in the region. now the streets, roofs, houses, trees are completely covered with snow, the thermometer shows about zero. according to weather forecasters, regular snow in perm begins to melt in march, when warming occurs and air temperatures rise, but in 1967 heavy snowfall in perm was observed even in june. at least 10 people died in the kenyan capital due to the strong one. several more are still missing every day. permanent it has been raining in the country since mid-march. the flood has already affected about 100,000 local residents. many lost their homes after the flood demolished their homes,
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in addition, the water blocked roads and washed away railway tracks, and several landslides were recorded. the metallurg hockey club from magnitogorsk won the gagarin cup for the third time in history. the ural hockey players beat the final series.
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now news from the capital region: weather forecasters predict worsening weather in the next 2 days. rain is expected in moscow and the region thunderstorm, as well as increased wind with gusts up to 15 m/s. at the same time, it will be warm, the air temperature during the day will reach +18. atmospheric pressure is slightly higher than normal, 744 mm artutus. pillar in moscow, they began to prepare reservoirs for the summer swimming season. divers examine lakes , ponds and rivers. the main task is to detect and remove accumulated debris and especially traumatic objects that could get into the water in the fall and winter. 40 divers are involved in the work. in may, specialists will carry out the second stage of cleaning reservoirs and coastlines. serpukhov pine is included in national register of special ones. trees russia.
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the plant from the local forestry is already 170 years old, the trunk diameter is more than 2 m. now the tree will participate in the all-russian competition of natural monuments of the country, and if it wins, then in the european competition. all news is available on the media platform, look at the application or on the website, see you. rest is leaving yourself alone, rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely turned off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. welcome to rixsas
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premium magavish sudes & villas in hurghada, where luxury rooms and villas combine with a 1 km long golden sandy beach. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your vacation unforgettable. rixas premium magavish sudes & villas, the holiday you 've been dreaming of. i found myself a millionaire. on saturday. michael. the same friends i told you about. i hope they have already accepted my invitation for a boat trip. maxim radugin. there are excavations going on up there, and you leave your things here. ekaterina vulichenko. us we must now unite to catch him ourselves. and get yours back. i'm ready. sea overseas. premiere on saturday on rtr.
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good morning, good, good, wake up, spring is outside the window, and in front of you are andrei petrov and svetlana obramova. let's start this day together. by the way, it’s very nice to start thursday very well by going to our telegram channel and subscribing, nice things, snow leopards are counted in the spring, this is also an interesting thing. it turned out that there are more than 87 of them in the country. most snow leopards live in the altai republic, 54 individuals were spotted there, and more 15 were found in tuva, 11 in the krasnoyarsk territory and seven in buryatia. to install camera traps, researchers had to get into hard-to-reach places on all-terrain vehicles , snowmobiles, horses and even helicopters. by the way, in altai there are now 10 more erbis than last year, which means that the work to restore the population is yielding results. yeah, it brings results and forest actions. code, the document
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states that a person can receive timber for building a house and outbuildings at a discount or even free of charge, are there any nuances to what extent? such an offer is profitable, christina calculated. sorokina. we want to build a bathhouse on the corner of the plot, approximately 6x4 m, we have been dreaming about it for a long time. a resident of the krasnodar region, maxim tishkin, has already built a house and a goat barn. and finally, we got to the bathhouse. i calculated that it requires 10 cubic meters of wood. the materials will cost at least 180,000. however, there is an option not to buy wood on the market, but to buy it straight from the stump. moreover, at a preferential tariff , it turns out that this opportunity is given to russian citizens by the forestry code, but there are nuances. completely blank happens with your own hands, that is, it is necessary. cut down the tree yourself, bring it to your site, process it on a sawmill, and then you need to clean up the plot after yourself. experts confirm that the state provides so-called commercial timber to all citizens at reduced prices, but in the form of a plot, and the recipient bears the costs of harvesting the materials; each region determines its own prices and
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quota for the forest. in areas rich in timber, for example, in karelia and the krasnoyarsk territory, this is 150 cubic meters. in the irkutsk region 125, in in the krasnodar region there are only 50 cubic meters. and you can only ask for them. once in a lifetime, the quota also depends on the purpose of construction, more volume is given for a house than for repairs and construction of space buildings, but in the second case you can receive a benefit every 10 years, on average in the country the cost of standing timber is about 300 rubles per purchase, at first glance it is profitable, but there are nuances: 100 cubic meters of standing wood during harvesting, but in fact industrial wood, which can be used further for the production of lumber, will be about 65%. after sawing, and the yield of wood... already building material is about 50%, that is, in fact, we get 30-35 m of building material from 100% m of standing wood. clearly, cutting down 100 cubic meters of wood at an average tariff will cost about 30,000. next, we need services for harvesting,
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hauling, sawing and drying. the total cost of the work will be about 500,000 rubles per 32 cubic meters of finished products or 15,500 per purchase. for comparison, prices on the market start from 17. at home, the application will be considered within 30 days in if the decision is positive, you will be invited to sign the contract. meanwhile, timber prices in russia have soared by almost a third over the year. we are talking about lumber, laminated veneer lumber . traditionally used in country house construction. according to analysts, the average
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bill for wooden beams increased by 34% over the year. and from 2021 by 220%. during this time, plywood prices increased by 290%. manufacturers, even before the start of the middle season, announce a possible shortage of wood, so what is the matter with such a rise in price, what happened, how to cope with this, we will discuss it with the vice-president of the union of timber industrialists and timber exporters of russia, andrei frol, andrei valerievich, hello, thank you for joining, your colleagues, those who are responsible for wooden houses, for production, have considered that if a frame house is made from laminated timber wooden to put at least 5 million is now possible, so it would seem that people who...
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one of your colleagues said that this is exactly the way when it will be possible to use a lot of internal syntheses when we
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build a multi-story building according to ours, yes slt technology, will it develop further or that trial houses, so to speak, are being built so to speak in the arkhangelsk region with a trial one , i don’t have the feeling that while we are trying the market will sag, well, the question is that there are certain regulatory documents of the same state construction and something else to match let's turn. all this accelerated, come on, what if the state again began to engage in forest restoration after deforestation, took up fire safety, because as i understand it, it is now engaged in this tenant, this would help, this would help a little, yes, but again , where will the state get the money for this? it would be good if they would allow you to work with dead wood under some kind of short preferential program, you get neither cellulose nor plywood gain.
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russia, andrey frolov, amazing people, amazing seventh season, we are all delighted, very talented, very creative, it was amazing, wow, tomorrow at 21:30. you all had complaints against me, of course you are not sugar, but this is ours, right, who is here for removing i'm leaving work. area angels, final episodes, tonight at 9:20 p.m. a single open day was held in 79 russian regions, thanks to the federal project professionalism, the national project for education in colleges and technology, more than 40.00 schoolchildren became acquainted with in-demand working professions and training opportunities. ways to find employment in a leading company in the country. any door is open for them.
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applicants are shown modern classrooms, practical classrooms, after large-scale renovation of shchelkovo college ready to accept new students. this year our enrollment will be 1050 people, we are recruiting for 55 specialties and professions, we are trying to meet the demand of our enterprises with all... specialties, the college itself has eight structural divisions, future welders, electricians, technicians and electricians are trained here. however, even for it specialists there will be activities to their liking within the framework of the information systems and programming course. last year, the college signed a partnership agreement within the framework of the federal professionalism project with large enterprises of the moscow region. the most popular question among parents is what grade point average should you have to get in? this is an unpredictable story. it is always different from year to year, the applicant’s mother marina reznichenko admits that the abundance of specialties makes one’s eyes wide open,
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in principle there are also many professions, so we are now thinking about which profession we should choose, that is , there is programming, there is agriculture, landscape design captivated me most of all, and what attracts you to it, well, i like to study plants, all that remains is to finish the ninth grade with a certificate and compete for a budget place. however, every year in russian educational institutions of secondary vocational education the competition only becomes higher; for example, the volgograd polytechnic college is already vying for two people per place. students with honors in chemical technology came to us, because the college is a leader in the field of training specialists for the chemical industry. 325 budget places this year, about 200 extra-budget places. average the passing grade is approximately 4.6. going to college becomes. prestigious in volgograd , the chemical industry is now on the rise, not only modern laboratories, but also
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interactive classrooms, for example, in this you can disassemble a hydrogen compressor down to the screw, without touching the parts themselves, a virtual reality simulator that immerses us in workshop number 6, where there are some types of installations, all this equipment is purchased by colleges and technical schools in half with leading enterprises, a co-financing program within the framework of professionalism allows you to develop personnel, starting from the first year, for professional students who have... a very interesting educational program that was created together with our employers, naturally, there are much more guarantees of finding a job, because they have practice. specific jobs and practice it is practically paid work. target students, as they say, are guided throughout their studies not only by teachers, but by mentors from the enterprise itself. in total, according to the federal project, professionalism will train more than 1 million workers within 5 years. already , more than 1,200 colleges and technical schools, as well as 1,600
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employer enterprises in 79 regions of the country are participating in the large-scale educational program. according to the national education project , more than 3,000 workshops have been equipped. and then painting on the face and body. body art is back in fashion. what does he draw? we'll see in a few minutes. kalinan belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in the sophisticated.
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here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs from all over the world and comfortable rooms. rixsas sharmaysheikh is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. rixas premium seagate. family fun starts here, here everyone. the item is created for your pleasure. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at rixos premium sea gate. rixas premium seagate. discover
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a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic luxury collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in world-exciting adventures of incendiary entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed at titanic luxery collection bodrum. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed. but it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda. how not a reef for you? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch
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on the media platform: watch. substation: first! podcasts that we watch, here you will find people of different professions and animals of different breeds, but they have one thing in common: sincere, strong friendship. to fall in love with a white fluffy cat, i said, i want a white cat, here it comes , oh you’re good, to caress the obstinate one, he likes to grab there with his claws, so tame the biting one , voice, voice, give me a paw, give me a paw,
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on saturday on rtr, you all have came to me complaints, well, of course you are not sugar, but this is our business, right, who is here for nikolaovna to be removed from work, angels of the district, final episodes, today on rtr, we recommend turning down the volume, now it will be him. test, indeed, one british experimenter decided to find out how stones sound, he played them on... a tray, now an album is being assembled from this and promises that
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the record will be released in may, pre-order for these crumpled records, apparently now to visual art , body art in fashion, for what and where today's artists draw, let's see, smile again. so, something seems wrong with my settings, maybe i can turn off the backlight, or is it you again with your art? by the way, people on the internet are ready to watch such art for days; videos about face and body painting consistently receive thousands of likes and millions of views. johannes stotter is an outstanding artist of italian origin who creates real works of art in the world of body art. for the artists of their models - this is a wonderful way of self-expression; it’s probably nice to feel like an artistic
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object that everyone is ready to admire for hours. and what the masters do on the face is completely incomprehensible to the mind, it would seem, the eyes, mouth and nose, well, what else can you come up with? well, for starters, we’ll just triple the amount. you can guess which lips are real without a hint. what to do if you don’t have enough artistic skills, but want to do body art? we use special life hacks, for example, ordinary masking tape, with its using the help, we make markings, for example, stripes like these, you’re done, all that’s left is to fill in the gaps with paint. by the way, if none of the methods appeal to you.
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don’t move, i said, otherwise now everyone will guess that i’m not a professional artist. and then the ministry of health will change the first aid kit. we’ll find out what will be included in the motorist’s rescue kit after the news. the news continues to work live in the andrey shevtsov studio. hello. emergency situations ministry employees prevented a dam from breaking in the obatsky district of the tyumen region. there was a leak discovered on the site of the structure along which the tyumen-omsk federal highway passes. within a few hours, rescuers using heavy equipment filled up and strengthened the emergency area. the road is open, but a reversal has been organized there.
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a breakthrough from a closed firing position destroyed the nationalists on the right bank of the dnieper in the kherson region, the shooting was carried out from a distance of 3 km, the main targets of the tankers were observation posts, ammunition depots and concentrations of manpower. at the end of the combat work , the crew moved from the firing position to rear area, where he camouflaged the vehicle and reloaded in order to be ready to reach the target point again. we carry out
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missions on the t-90 breakthrough tank, working in closed firing positions to destroy the enemy. when leaving for positions, we establish contact with spotters and begin to carry out tasks. to do this, we need to find a landmark. and then aim at the target, after aiming we report, we begin to work. crews of grad multiple launch rocket systems and groups covering the state border destroyed strongholds with live by the force of ukrainian formations in the area bordering the belgorod region on the territory of ukraine. during combat missions , artillerymen also hit identified camouflaged firing positions and ammunition storage areas. the crew's grads are reloaded in the reserves. areas, after which they move forward to strike newly identified targets. russia blocked a resolution in the un security council on the non-placement of nuclear weapons in space. before
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the vote, permanent representative to the world organization vasily nibendze said that moscow and beijing proposed an amendment that would have included a ban on all types of weapons in space, but it was rejected by the security council. russian diplomats believe that the american authorities and their allies thus want to preserve the opportunity to build up non-nuclear space weapons. the russian foreign ministry reported that moscow will soon introduce its own draft resolution on weapons in space. more than 20 people were detained at a pro-palestinian rally in texas. hundreds of osten university students walked out of the classroom, protesting against the war of all three gas. after this, clashes occurred with security forces. the state's governor said anti-semitism will not be tolerated in texas and that protesters should be expelled from the university. protests against israel's actions have been ongoing in many american higher education institutions for several days.
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the protests began after the tent. students from columbia university in new york set up a camp on campus and demanded that the universities sever financial ties with israel. the situation there remains quite tense, about 100 have been arrested human. harvard students, as well as students from other major universities, joined the demonstrations the day before. a painting by gustav klimt, which was considered lost, was sold at auction in vienna for a record 30 million euros for austria. the whereabouts of the portrait of fraulein lizer, which turned out to be one of the last works of the austrian artist, was not known for almost 100 years; only 2 years ago it turned out that it was in a private collection, following the results of an auction that lasted only a few minutes. went to a buyer from hong kong. next, news from your region, residents of moscow and the region, see you in a matter of seconds.
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now news from the capital region: weather forecasters predict worsening weather in the next 2 days; rain and thunderstorms are expected in moscow and the region, as well as increased wind with gusts of up to 15 m/s. at the same time, it will be warm, the air temperature during the day will reach +18. atmospheric pressure is slightly higher than normal, 744 mm hg. since the beginning of the year, production growth in the manufacturing industry in moscow has amounted to 17%. thus, the capital's industry contributes a huge contribution to import substitution and ensuring the technological sovereignty of russia. for example, the spetskabel plant produces products that the transport and oil industries, defense industry, energy and other systemically important sectors of the economy cannot do without. the modernized optical cable workshop was visited by moscow mayor sergei sobyanin.
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regions of russia and other countries. russian railways plans to identify catchers using artificial intelligence. such a system is already being tested on unmanned trains, which will soon enter the fleet. how are they fighting today? extreme sports enthusiasts risking themselves and the safety of other passengers - denis voskovsky found out. crazy games with a current collector under voltage at 3.00 v regularly end in severe injuries and death. creepy footage
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from the scene. here the police are detaining, or maybe saving the next thrill-seekers , laughing that there is trouble ahead, teenagers wind their way along the embankment to the last, trying to elude their pursuers, and then cry like children and ask to be released. no need, no need, please, engineering the thought is getting closer every day...
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not in the first generation, there are parents who come for the child, it’s immediately obvious that they don’t care, and the next day the child again rides on the roof of the train, it seems that those who for the time being lucky enough not to get caught by the police and... to avoid injury, they perceive what is happening as a game, not realizing that the minutes of dubious glory may be their last. denis voskupsky, pavel vitrinsky, oleg dobin, lead. today, at the house of russian abroad named after solzhenitsyn , an exhibition dedicated to the history and evangelical motif in the works of modern russia artists and immigration of the beginning of the last century. the exhibition will feature rare works by viktor vosnetsov and his younger brother pollinar, as well as nesterovali.
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exhibits and archival documents from the collections of the house of russian abroad, the russian national museum of music, the velum gallery, as well as a number of large private collections, it will last until september 15. all news is available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website stay with us. we we work in the interests of our country. our job is to tell the truth. our task is to achieve.
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are you going to go to the zone or is he going to tell you this again? has he been detained yet? no, it's unlikely to work? nephew of leonov, regional prosecutor, sergei leonov, do you know him? your nephew hit a motorcycle with my son in an suv. make an appointment in due course. you don’t have to pretend that you don’t recognize me. love overcomes everything. from monday on rtr. everything for you. people's artist of russia and the favorite of all women, sakh anniversary. usually when he comes up to me, mikhailov, celebrating his fifty-five year old
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, they say: my grandmother loves, hello andrey, andrey malakhov’s evening show, on saturday on rt. good morning, good morning, andrey petrov, svetlana abramova, before you, thursday, april 25, there are long may holidays ahead, and many of you are already thinking about how to spend them, getting out into nature is a great decision, this is definitely news for the may holidays rospotrebnadzor found 47 new viruses in the kumars, which they successfully transmit, and another 14 in ticks, but according to preliminary data... these diseases do not carry any risks. this is the result of a large-scale study of the country’s viral landscape; as experts say, without such research it is difficult to effectively counteract infections. work is also underway on a national catalog of pathogens. and the ministry of health wants to reform the composition
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of the car first aid kit. the main reason, literally, is to most adequately respond to the task of providing first aid. andrey shevtsov found out what will appear in a motorist’s rescue kit. terrible mass accident in the ryazan region, veronica sorokina to this day time... remembers with a shudder, the girl says, she and other drivers, without hesitation, immediately rushed to help the victims, first aid kits went in, there were a lot of splinter wounds, yes, that is , someone needed an urgent bandage, but not it is worth forgetting that road accidents occur every day, so in the first 3 months of 2024 , 23,500 road accidents have already been registered in russia, 2,600 people died in them, 30,000 were injured, the most common injuries are fractures and dislocations from open-closed head trauma, spine, cuts and bruises. according to doctors, the most common risk factor influencing mortality after an accident is not providing first aid. that is why a first aid kit, although not a mandatory item in a car today, in an amicable way, of course, should
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be there, the whole question is in its contents, for example, the ministry of health has released its updated version of the kit. one of the new items in the first aid kit is this kind of rescue blanket, it can protect the victim from overheating or vice versa. against hypothermia, by the way, the fabric is enough dense, with the help of such a blanket the victim can be moved over short distances. other changes are the presence of special surgical scissors and updated ones. means for resuscitation in our country, a fairly large number of specialized scissors have already been registered, which are used specifically for cutting bandages, protective or barrier devices, these devices are designed for artificial respiration. however, according to doctors, it is the position for emergency resuscitation that causes the most controversy, using them without special knowledge is simply dangerous. this is the prerogative of the emt because they know how to use it. that is, our main task, in addition to calling an ambulance, is not to cause harm. even more misunderstanding among experts is the fact that
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for some reason disinfectants have completely disappeared from the recommended first aid kit. what is missing from my point of view is still an antiseptic, it could be some kind of aqueous solutions of antiseptics like chlorhexidine there and so on. this means that the set will have to be supplemented with the missing elements. we collected the opinion of current resuscitation doctors about the required minimum in a first aid kit. first of all, binding materials, these are bandages, this is a hemostatic tourniquet, these are napkins. in the first aid kit you should put scissors, preferably surgical ones, sterile gloves, two pairs and antiseptics, there are several options: hydrogen peroxide and iodine, and also a rescue blanket. and for road users to be confident in their actions when hour x comes, it is important think about organizing special first aid courses for all drivers, so that, for example, everyone can apply the same tourniquet correctly; with the appropriate level of training, we can receive first aid from those who are always nearby, the same drivers, and this, as they say moreover, with the approach of the may holidays, the interest
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of russians in traveling within the country is seriously growing; road trips include among the most attractive destinations moscow, st. petersburg, kazan, the cities of the golden ring, mineral water resorts and prilbrusye. we will talk about service and road safety with the head of the road safety department of the state company avtodor, viktor levondovsky. good morning, thank you, it’s a pleasure. look, now is the time we meet on the eve of the may holidays, when the family itself is sitting and in front of them is a map, saying: here we are, yes, here we should be, let’s see all the beauties, on the way to these beauties , what awaits them, on the way there are magnificent mfzs, yes, on state company roads, on toll roads highways, what is mfz in two words, it is a multifunctional service area, here. there is a gas station, there is also a cafe here, you can even stop here,
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wash your clothes there, and so on, that is, the whole full range of services that is necessary, including getting your car repaired, including the fact that you can always stop by for a rest, these are sites recreation, these and others, which means road service facilities, well, less large-scale - in size, but all this can also be done, all this is on the roads, so there are stops there every 2-3 hours, we all want to get there quickly and comfortably, right? i remember, if we are talking about toll
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roads, among other things, i wanted to say that in fact, at one time you tried to somehow regulate with the help of prices for transponders; once upon a time there were discounts on some kind of night time , that is, due to this, it was possible to save some moments in fact, not to get stuck in a traffic jam, then this means that as for departure - here on the eve of the may holidays from the 26th of the month with us means. everyone who is registered in the loyalty program, who has a transponder, leaving, then, along the m12 on the highway, along our new magnificent one, everyone will receive double bonuses, which can then be spent on certain things there, which means, well, the calculations are somewhere- then, if an accident has occurred, how should you behave, if it is some kind of minor accident, you still need to decide to resolve this issue, but you probably need to somehow get off the road, well, first of all, it means you need to remove the car. cars from the road, this is to immediately leave, hide
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behind a barrier fence, or some safe place, there is some kind of pocket there or something else on the car , some kind of junction, move out from there, start all actions, call the emergency commissioner, the emergency commissioner will arrive immediately, i just wanted to tell you, 23-23 star 23-23, short phone number, the emergency commissioner will arrive immediately, free service , right, absolutely right, will help clean up. settle down, protect, even refuel, well , that is, he will restore the events, because that people are still afraid to clean the car, what ’s wrong with it, who is right, who is wrong, how all this happens, some controversial situations.
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warm up, sit down a couple of times, do some kind of exercise, warm up like this, it’s advisable to make a stop, get out, safe and comfortable road trips, we spoke with the head of the road safety department of the state company avtodor, viktor levandovsky, thank you very much, incredible gifts happen on your birthday, dmitry kiselev celebrates his anniversary.
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from cherry during the reconstruction of the first house archaeologists dug up bottles with infusion of us president george washington in the basement; vessels were buried 250 years ago. ago and, apparently, the then head of state himself and his wife had a hand in creating the drink. the artifacts were well preserved, even the berries remained intact; experts did not dare try the contents and sent the liquid for examination. before refrigeration, many foods and drinks were stored underground, but this cellar has become a time capsule. modern methods, by the way, make it possible to assess the freshness of products using film. ural scientists have come up with packaging that will warn if the goods suddenly go bad. starch is the main ingredient from which all these films are made, which is great for packaging products. they remain strong in the air for a long time, but once they get into the soil, after 28 days they completely decompose. this is what the laboratory scientists initially sought, so that the bags would not cause harm to nature. but today
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they go further. compounds are introduced into the films that can signal whether everything is normal with the products. if meat or there fish products begin to deteriorate, you can only understand this when... home after opening this package, because odors do not escape from vacuum packaging, the color of the film may indicate that this product needs to be disposed of. it is clear that these indicators will come into contact with food, so they must be absolutely safe for humans. such substances are considered here, in particular, the yellow pigment isolated from the spicy root of turmeric or copine, which gives color to tomatoes. both compounds are sensitive to the ph of the environment, and change in acidity is one of the signs. that the product has deteriorated. now we are adding our substance, and as you can see, our classification is gradually, gradually beginning to change, thus, when the product is already going through the processes of deterioration, we will also observe, observe changes in classification. in real life, the packaging will change from transparent to, for example, reddish-brown. it’s good if
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customers in the store don’t see this, because first of all, this is a tool for sellers to remove bad ones in a timely manner. goods from the shelves, we... will be able to monitor the freshness of food in home refrigerators, here is another idea from scientists: packaging for vegetables and fruits, which lets you know whether the fruits are ripe or not? absolutely all fruits have their own aroma, yes, when they ripen, this aroma intensifies, these are our biodegradable smart films, they should begin to react to this aroma, in these test tubes you can see the aromas, we are now testing our biodegradable films of different compositions like ...they will react to this this aromatics. nowadays, buyers often evaluate the ripeness of fruits by touch, that is, they press on, say, a kiwi or an avocado, checking how soft they are. after such exposure , they begin to deteriorate faster, so the development will not only allow us to choose the most delicious fruits and vegetables, but will also extend their shelf life. and then, do they treat or treat?
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for commercial medical organizations it is proposed to conduct public control. we'll talk to an expert about this in a few minutes. the tests are perfect, but there is still no pregnancy, you and your husband go to the sea on saturday, i’ll come to the institute and give him a surprise, this is my passion, how can you not understand this, passion, any problem is cured by the sea, you need to unwind. ride on a yacht, sea, sun, vitamin d, you are a very beautiful girl, you dream of having a great romance, forget it, i’m not like the hotel she’s in, i want to save our family, he came with her, with his mistress, make everyone jealous of lena , what's going on with you and my wife, your marriage is falling apart at the seams, sea overseas premiere, no
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maybe our lives will just fall apart like that, no need to think, on saturday on rtr, no need to make an appointment with him, what? he will come to the house himself, we will start, he will always help, we will train, how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, he will always support you, bowl, macaroni, cheese , this is a saucepan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes in lard. knitting needle, this is how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this. a doctor you can trust
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100%. and you will be happy. well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but i’ll definitely have more health. doctor myasnikov. on saturday, on rtr. maybe it's my first time. happy, happy, happy, sunday, for example, i told my daughter that she was adopted as soon as i took her here at home, mom, dad, i adore you, hello, hello, i’m your mother, real, maybe let's meet, a test that not everyone can stand, who is she anyway , this is some kind of scam for money, can i hug you, katya is not a stranger to me. she is mine mom, katya needs money, a check that not everyone will dare to undertake. you won't refuse to do
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a dna test. the result has arrived. honey, we will explain everything to you. fly feather. on sunday on rtr. an office chair as a means of transportation, even robots have realized how convenient it is to move around on a chair on wheels. engineers from tokyo decided that androids should master this human skill. and they taught the car to push off from the floor, move forward and rotate in place. built-in pressure sensors help the robot maintain balance. in the buttocks. the next stage is office racing on chairs, no less, but you need to tweak a little something in the robot’s buttocks. well, just recently there were robots.
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one could already cry from all this, in the story of the girl with pink hair there really is a place for both laughter and tears, the cheerful rebel who alisa seleznyova seems, at first glance, to have a broken heart, in the odelic moscow of 2124 she yearns for her mother , she disappeared fighting space pirates, i understand you miss your mom, i’ll believe you too, i’m going to her pull out, i think mom is stuck in the past, 100 years ago, help to a girl from the future is unexpected. comes from this very past in the person of the schoolboy kolya gerasimov, thanks to an unusual find, the energy particle cosmion, he makes a leap from modern
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moscow 100 years forward, now the year is 2124, it sounds plausible, the story about the adventures of a girl from the future and a boy from the past was once is familiar to every soviet schoolchild, but director alexander andryushchenko did not just reshoot the legendary story of cyrus bolucheva, but offered a completely different vision of it, which even devoted window-dressers could appreciate. fantastic story, a new look was accurately conveyed, of course, so many modern tricks were invented there, i was very anxious about what they would show, because after all, there is a very big history of the film adaptation of this story, and i was very surprised in the best sense, i just well , in shock, in pleasant shock, alice’s sundress was all right there, there, there, the heart was beating, so that the effect for the viewer was exactly that, work on the script took 3 whole years, in addition to the exciting plot twists, the film is 100 years ago in... in the present, today you can see it in
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any cinema in the country, 100 years in the future, already on the big screen. today at 16:00 users will be able to ask questions to director alexander andryushchenko and the actor of the film 100 years ago, sofia tsibereva, matvey ostrakhantsev and kirill mitrofanov via vk calls. the online meeting will be broadcast in the community of the russia tv channel, the participants will not just communicate with the audience, but will show exclusive content. and then in the arms of morpheus. we will tell you about effective remedies against insomnia later. you are watching the news on the russia channel, good morning in the andrey shevtsov studio. in just a few hours, the water near the village of obatskaya exceeded the critical level by 2 m, 5,000 people were evacuated, work,
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our soldiers are liberating. the water level in the ishim river near the village of obatskaya , tyumen region, has risen by 2 m in one day. it already exceeds the critical level by more than a meter. the evacuation of residents in the village continues. they left their homes about 5.00 people. in total , 155 residential buildings, 13 bridges and 17 road sections were flooded in this area. downstream of the ishim river in the uporovsky
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district, volunteers are helping residents strengthen the dam. they collected it within a day. more than 5,000 sandbags, where the peak of the flood is expected in the next 2-3 days. traditional chemical and biological protection specialists from the yasninsky missile formation disinfected schools and kindergartens in the orenburg region. the combined squad treats public facilities, as well as children's facilities, with a special solution sites, facades and first floors of buildings. in addition, rocket workers continue to deliver water to people in hard-to-reach places. to support residents. about 100 military personnel and 20 units of special equipment are involved. the crew of the lancet loitering munition of the group of forces center destroyed the american abrams tank in the avdeevsky direction. the servicemen tracked this car for 3 days. the nationalists vigorously defended her, constantly defending my position. as a result , the crew analyzed the operating procedures of the enemy tank crew, air and radio-electronic situation. then, choosing
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the most suitable time and weather conditions, the military struck the american... the assault began with displacing the enemy from the forest belt located in front of the village. during the retreat, ukrainian armed forces fighters mined roads, houses, kindergartens and schools. there is not a single intact building left in the village. having suffered heavy losses, the nationalists abandoned their positions and retreated, leaving behind their weapons and ammunition, including foreign- made ones. they help control the sky over the positions of russian units,
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including strela anti-aircraft missile systems. they provide reliable protection against air attacks. pavel prokapenko saw the work of anti-aircraft crews. the strela-10 anti-aircraft missile system had already captured the target, a few seconds later there was a shot, another moment later there was a loud sound and a cloud of smoke. yes, yes, they destroyed it, one expense. so, with one shot, the air defense unit of the twentieth motorized rifle division of the southern group of forces destroys the ukrainian reconnaissance drone lelek. it shatters into pieces, only small fragments fell to the ground, this container, there is a missile in it, we aim, it locks onto the target, we launch, it has already gone, it is already flying exactly at the target, the speed of the lilek in flight is 120 km/h, its dimensions are no more than 2 m, such a bird was pierced in the sky by our arrow , a drone is a small target, it
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is very difficult to hit it, since it has an affected area. could turn the tide on the battlefield even with a new aid package of almost $61 billion, a political newspaper reported , citing officials. representatives of the us presidential administration also stated
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that russia could make new territorial gains in ukraine in the coming weeks. this point of view was expressed to reporters by assistant to the president of the united states for national security jake salevan. according to him, the russian army is now increasing pressure. earlier, the white house also expressed the opinion that... kiev’s defeats on the battlefield were led to by the lengthy approval in congress of the military aid bill, abnormal weather changes in the urals , snow fell in perm a week before the may holidays, while just a few days ago in region was +20°, now the streets, roofs, houses, trees are completely covered with snow, the thermometer shows about zero. a similar picture today in nizhny tagil, the landscape on the streets is more suitable for january, and not... april. residents of the city of krasnoturensko, sverlovsk region, also share views from their homes. the courtyards and sidewalks are also covered with white snow after a night snowstorm.
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at least 10 people died in the kenyan capital due to heavy rain, while several more are still missing. constant rains have been falling in the country since mid-march. the flood has already affected about 100,000 local residents. many lost their homes after the flood swept away their homes. those who won the gagarin cup returned to magnitogorsk, the plane with the team landed at the airport. a couple of hours ago, hundreds of fans met the team right on the station square, where they built a stage where the first celebration of the winners took place in their hometown. the metalg hockey club from magnitogorsk won the gagarin cup for the third time in history.
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in the final series, the ural hockey players beat yaroslavl lokomotiv in four matches won the trophy. the last game of the continental hockey league season took place in yaroslavl. happiness! next, regional news, stay with us. now news from the capital region and weather forecasters predict worsening weather in the next 2 days. in moscow and the region, rain and thunderstorms are expected, as well as increased wind with gusts of up to 15 m/s. in this case it will be. it’s warm, the air temperature during the day is up to +18, the atmospheric pressure is slightly higher than the norm - 744 mm of arterial column. parking during the may holidays in moscow will be free -
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sergei sobyanin announced today in his telegram channel. you will be able to park your car freely on all streets , without exception, on april 29 and 30, as well as on may 1, 9, 10 and 11. and on may 12 , you will need to pay for parking only on the streets with tariffs of 380.450 rubles per hour. in moscow, they began to prepare reservoirs for the summer swimming season. divers examine lakes, ponds and rivers. the main task is to detect and remove accumulated debris and especially hazardous objects that could get into the water in the fall and winter. 40 people are involved in the work divers in may, specialists will carry out the second stage of cleaning reservoirs and coastlines. all news is available on the media platform. let's look in the appendix. on the website see you in almost 20 minutes. welcome to
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the newest rixsus sharmelsheikh hotel. rixas radomis sharmelsheikh. an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable vacation. riksas radomis sharmel sheikh. titanic deluxe golf hotel belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here , each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. you are young, beautiful,
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you should have found a normal man long ago, don’t forget to take all the documents about the boy’s health, maybe we can have lunch together later, i’m your new neighbor, potap ivan sergeevich, and you, yes, apparently you don’t have a man, actually it’s none of your business, but i like you, i’d really like it to be mutual, love overcomes everything, with monday on rt. good morning, good morning, allow me to greet you, svetlana abramova and andrey petrov, today in the studio of the russia channel, in such cases, what do we say, the main thing is don’t oversleep, the main thing is, yes, now we’ll show you how you need to start every morning so that the day was cheerful, lyudmila pirogova is 92, here this one. she does the exercise easily.
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the acrobatic trumpet is called, by the way, a crocodile. this is such a difficult handstand. lyudmila pirogo developed a passion for acrobatics after the great patriotic war, and then she met her future husband and partner in circus performances. the couple performed the most difficult numbers, including a headstand without any softening devices. today, the circus veteran already helps to keep himself in good shape with daily gymnastics and spander, this is just a note, what needs to be done? well, by the way, moderate physical. exercise is also a good way to get rid of insomnia. alena kashtanova knows whether there are any other effective ways to fall asleep. i read books, work. i take a walk in the fresh air before bed. i count sheep. insomnia is familiar to almost every resident of the megapolis. and counting sheep is perhaps one of the most popular life hacks in the fight against this problem. of the oldest. there is an opinion that the sheep are really real and not fictitious. australian farmers also did the math. whether this is true or a myth, the method cannot be called effective. about
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this is according to the latest research from the university of oxford. analyzed three groups of people who suffered from insomnia. one of the assignments of this professor was to do this and visualize what relaxes you the most and has nothing to do with any anxiety or tension. those subjects who imagined landscapes and waterfalls fell asleep 20 minutes faster than those who imagined sheep and other animals; from a medical point of view, this is quite logical. he revs up his brain.
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can be performed directly on the bed using improvised materials means using pillows. tilt, of course, is good, but it seems that shavasno will help you fall asleep the fastest, because this is the only asna in yoga that is performed with eyes closed; we lie there for 15 minutes. however, if sleep does not come, lying in bed longer is already harmful, experts say. you can read a book instead. an interesting, exciting novel or detective story will not do, but a boring philosophical treatise will do. the ideal option is that the more boring the book, the faster you will fall asleep, even during. a way to combat insomnia the emphasis is unoriginal, but according to her , it’s effective: the girl drinks herbal teas at night. and today i chose chamomile tea for myself. i really enjoy the different herbal combinations that help me relax. in addition to drinks, some foods have a soporific effect. they contain amino acid, tryptophan and other substances that improve sleep quality. dairy products, walnuts, which contain both magnesium and melaton. and accordingly , various... hard cheeses, curd
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products, some fruits, in particular bananas, however, you need to be careful with the latter, given the high calorie content of bananas, eat them regularly at night, nutritionists do not recommend, otherwise there is a risk of adding problems with excess weight to sleep disturbances, so there is no universal magic pill for insomnia, everyone will have their own method , but it’s still better to look for it from among the working scientifically based options, well, after all, health comes first, even private clinics intend to take it under... civil supervision in the public chamber of russia suggested monitoring the quality services not only in government, but in commercial medical organizations and to develop a special standard for this, now monitors the quality of safety of this activity.
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well, after all, the state power actually checks the private sector and the offices , yes, of course there is a federal one, but the question then arises, then the point is, then in public control there is still some kind of mistrust of the inspection bodies, why do you need this, you know
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, opinion polls show that our residents think, that it is precisely control over the medical sphere, the healthcare sector should be carried out by independent ones.
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visits, well, i mean that now it’s mainly the authorities, they visit private medical organizations for preventive purposes, the moratorium has been extended, it’s simple, so now this is the approach, well, accordingly, this is a certain loyal attitude towards business, only for now, yes, yes, actually we we just think that public control should be for all medical organizations of all forms of ownership, it’s fair, it’s normal, thank you very much, it was a pleasure, we spoke with the head of the federal project. control by a member of the public chamber of russia evgeny martinov, i said, i want a white cat, here he comes, oh you’re good, he loves to grab a quiver there, ah, so voice, give me a paw, give me a paw, well done, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets , where
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are you flying after the performance in a hurry, everyone is talking, guys, i have to feed the hamster, you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, saturday at 11:50 on the russia channel. another thing that used to belong to a member of the beatles quartet, put up for auction. this time they are selling john lennon's acoustic guitar. he played the twelve-string instrument in the 1965 musicals to help in several of the group's videos. the guitar was given to a tour manager, and then it disappeared without a trace. she was recently discovered in a rural house in the english countryside. the preliminary cost of the lot is $800,000. experts believe that the final price may exceed 2.5 million, which is 235 million rubles. some things turn out to be very valuable in attics; not only, by the way, valuable things leak, but also various liquids too.
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oil: you need to measure the level with the engine turned off and it is better before starting the engine, for example, in the morning, or at least half an hour after stopping, remove the dipstick, wipe it with a rag, insert it all the way, take it out again and look, the oil should be between the marks, minimum and maximum , check the oil at least once a month or every thousand kilometers, especially on cars with high mileage, increased oil appetite is a symptom of serious problems, but how often should you change it? there is a general rule for all liquids: it is necessary to follow the recommendations of a particular brand, which spell out all
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the replacement regulations, as well as the cases and timing when it is better to shorten the service interval. reduce the interval if you often find yourself in traffic jams, increased loads affect consumption, as well as a too hot or cold climate. an equally important liquid is antifreeze. the coolant has anti-corrosion and lubricating properties, which increase... engine service life, so delaying its replacement is also not recommended. renew antifreeze every 2-3 times year, but you need to check the level regularly, especially in the summer season. in hot weather , boiling old brake fluid can let you down, so change it strictly according to the regulations, once every 2 years, even if the car doesn’t drive much. also check its level regularly. a small expansion tank is usually located in the engine compartment, closer to the driver's seat. if your power steering is hydraulic, check its fluid at the same time. it is in a small
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container with a picture of a steering wheel. some transmissions also have a dipstick to it was possible to check the transmission fluid level. transmissions, unlike a motor , do not consume oil during operation, so a low level will be a clear sign of a leak. well, i’m sure every car owner has encountered adding washer fluid. the main thing here is not to confuse. the necks of the expansion tanks use summer liquid until the first frosts, which, fortunately, are now far away. and then the story in postcards. we will show you an impressive collection of printed rarities in a few minutes. mancacher whiskey is a product of the steller group. they speak to you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax,
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you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coast, where everything is included, except for your head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex, cognac! monte chococa is a product of the stellar group. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort. at rixsas golf villas and sutes sharma. a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy contemporary design in rooms and luxury villas. ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style with rixos.
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product of stellar group, hotel for unforgettable experiences rixos sharma sheikh, only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixos sharma. this is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. cnop gin , a product of stellor group. by popular demand, a continuation of our tv bestseller. 50 amazing ideas for your dacha. ahead of the season, we've collected the best tips on how to grow tomatoes upside down. how to graft plants to get an unprecedentedly large harvest. in our studio. famous gardeners of the country are conducting their incredible experiments, all this to make life in the country simpler,
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easier, and most importantly, more economical! malatov, today i’ll take you away to the people, let’s go travel, when we discover some new land, i’ll name it in honor of you, elsa’s land, elsa’s land, on friday on rtr, this is news of the week and i’m dmitry kiselev, to dmitry kiselev. 70, we were once joking in the studio, the director of photography, he says: my grandmother believes that you live in zemlyov’s star, he is a man of pushkin and dostoevsk, from the pushkin tradition he has this sharpness, this aristocracy, and from dostoevsky, of course, passion, let's go, bad form, dragging a weakened tiger by the whiskers,
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they will dilute it with water, add sugar and put grass on the shelves. we’ll waste people, we’ll regret it later, life will become more interesting, i don’t think so, dima won’t say anything in vain, believe me, his phrases are verified, let’s do it once again, on the maidan they gave a hero’s star for my body, simply because i’m russian, that’s enough, i loved europe very much, now we’ve swapped places, now we’re in russia for freedom of opinion, but they’re not, we ’re open to the world, but they are not, he is from the breed that made russia great. vladimirovich says: i wish you success, you are now my employee, the same kiselyov, the premiere is on friday on rtr. as you know, an old friend is better than two new ones, but reviving old relationships takes a lot of work -
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an international group of psychologists from canada and great britain. the main barriers to restoring communication are rejection, a feeling of awkwardness and guilt. and the best reasons to remind about yourself were the birthday of an old friend and the desire to discuss common memories, but what people are definitely not ready for is asking a former friend for a favor. people, even strangers, are united by common hobbies, for example, collecting postcards. a resident of adega collected several thousand of them. there are real rarities. these postcards. they are now highly valued among collectors, why? because that they were painted by the artist zarubin. zarubin, gundobin, manilov plaksin. the work of these artists is recognizable and causes an involuntary smile. here are the well-known emelya on the stove , funny forest dwellers with cartoon characters. everyone used to write wishes on such multi-colored postal forms. today
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marit kuda has a real collection of the soviet past in themed holidays. some postcards are quite rare and... finding them becomes more and more difficult every year. an impressive stack dedicated to everyone's favorite new year and march 8, which is still celebrated today, but there are also postcards depicting holidays that have become part of history: october 7, november 7, may 1 and knowledge day, which were once the red days of the calendar. in the twenty-sixth year, brodsky drew this postcard, called lenin tribune, dated may 1, 1920, i think. nowadays, if such postcards exist, they are preserved only in some private collections. maret kudai acquires part of his wealth at the blash market, and sometimes, he says, he comes across real rarities. this is a postcard from 1958, beautiful woman, march 8, everything is clear, but what else is interesting about this postcard, if we turn it
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over, the artist itaiza, irakli taidza, this is the famous soviet artist who painted the poster “the motherland is calling” during the war years. i also love this card very much, i treasure it very much. if you ask marit kudayi which postcard she could part with today, she will not be able to give an answer, she says that each of them is dear to her in its own way and warms her heart, because through them people once conveyed messages written in their own hand from souls, unlike i read quick postcards received via the internet today, but i won’t. we’ll talk about this in detail after the news about this is good, yes that means there’s a hollow there and where is
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the hollow there is a bamboo bear? the news continues to be broadcast live in the studio. andrey shevtsov, hello, employees of the ministry of emergency situations prevented the dam from breaking. in the obbatsky district of the tyumen region. the leak was discovered in the section of the structure along which the tyumen-omsk federal highway passes. within a few hours, rescuers, using heavy equipment, filled up and strengthened the emergency plot. the road is open, but reverse traffic is organized there. in just a few hours, the water level in the ishim river in obbatsky district, in the obbatsky district, rose by 2 , about 5,000 people were already displaced. now about the progress of the special operation, the barrage crew. the nationalists vigorously defended her, constantly
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defending my position. as a result, the crew analyzed the operating procedures of the enemy tank crew, the air and radio-electronic situation. then, choosing the most suitable time and weather conditions, the military hit the american vehicle with an accurate hit from lancet loitering ammunition. crews.
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russian diplomats believe that the american authorities and their allies thus want to preserve the possibility of building up non-nuclear space weapons. the russian foreign ministry reported that moscow will soon introduce its own draft resolution. weapons in space. more than twenty people were detained at a pro-palestinian rally in texas, hundreds of university students in osten walked out of the classroom to protest against the war in the gas strip. after this there was a clash with security forces. the state's governor said anti-semitism will not be tolerated in texas and that protesters should be expelled from universities. protests against israel's actions have been ongoing in many american higher education institutions for several days. the protests have begun. after students from new york's columbia university set up a tent camp on campus. they demanded that universities sever financial ties with israel. the situation there remains
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quite tense, about 100 people have been arrested. to the demonstrations the day before harvard students joined, as did students from other major universities. abnormal weather changes in the urals , snow fell in perm a week before the may holidays. moreover, just a few days ago it was +20 in the region. now the streets are covered with roofs of houses, the trees are completely covered with snow, the thermometer shows about zero. a similar picture today in nizhny tagil, the landscape on the streets is more suitable for january, not april. residents of the city of krasnoturinsko, sverlovsk region, also share the types of their houses. yards the sidewalks are also covered with white snow after an overnight snowstorm. the metallurgical hockey players who won the gagarin cup returned to magnitogorsk. airplane. the team and i landed at the airport a couple of hours ago, hundreds of fans met the team right on the station square, a stage was built there, where the first celebration of the winners took place in their hometown, this is
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maketogorsk for you, the metallurg hockey club from magnitogorsk won the cup for the third time in history gagarin, the ural hockey players of the final series... beat yaroslavl lokomotiv in won an honorary trophy in four matches. the last game of the continental hockey league season took place in yaroslav. further news from your region with residents of moscow and the region. see you in a few seconds. now to the news from the capital region: weather forecasters predict worsening weather in the next 2 days. in moscow and the region , rain and thunderstorms are expected, as well as increased
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wind with gusts of up to 15 m/s. it will be warm. air temperature during the day is up to 18°. atmospheric pressure is slightly higher than normal - 744 mm hg. since the beginning of the year, growth production in the manufacturing industry in moscow amounted to 17.
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our enterprise de organization. a third of the special cable plant's products are supplied to the moscow market. it is also supplied to most regions of russia and other countries. russian railways plans to identify catchers using artificial intelligence. such a system is already being tested on unmanned trains, which will soon enter the fleet. denis voskovsky found out how today they deal with extreme sports enthusiasts who risk themselves and the safety of other passengers. crazy games with a 3.00v current collector regularly end in severe injuries and death, terrible footage from the scene and the charred bodies of the dead almost always minor roofers-hookers cannot be shown in news releases for poetic reasons: here the police are detaining, and maybe saving the next thrill-seekers, laughing that there is trouble ahead, teenagers
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they push along the embankment until the last minute. trying to escape from their pursuers, and then crying like a child asking to be let go. well, please, don’t, you can, you can, don’t, you should, well, don’t, please, engineering thought is getting closer every day to the launch of unmanned train movement, machine vision technology is now being actively tested on the same trains near moscow, a system with a laser locator recognizes all possible obstacles on the way , signals the need for braking, and determines that no one is stuck, did not fall between the platform and the doors, but alas, against those who... the rivers of common sense put their own and others’ lives in danger, modern technologies are still powerless, the black holes of education are shrugging cases of minors, and not in the first generation. there are parents who come to pick up their child, it’s immediately obvious that they don’t care, and the next day the child rides on the roof of the train again. it seems that those who, for the time being, were lucky enough not to get caught by the police and avoid injury, perceive what is happening as a game, not realizing that the minutes of dubious glory may be
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their last. denis voskovsky, pavel vitrinsky, oleg dobin, lead. parking during the may holidays in moscow will be free , he announced today on his telegram channel sergei sobyanin. it will be possible to park your car freely on all streets, without exception , on april 29 and 30, as well as on may 1, 9, 10 and 11, and on may 12 you will need to pay for parking only on streets with tariffs of 380 and 450 rubles per hour. concert of eyevgala with. stayed in the large hall of the kremlin palace. the program of the st. petersburg state academic theater of boris eifman ballet consists of two acts. the audience saw selected fragments from world-famous performances by choreographers. a gala concert that turned out to be very popular and necessary today, because people probably need this emotion, they need this energy
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that... comes from this concert and i am very glad that we have the opportunity to show the pretse again today. the gala concert featured excerpts from ballets such as anna karenina, beyond sin, russian hamlet and other theater productions. our news is always available on the media platform, look at the application or on the website see you later, good luck.
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turn on the return line so that they are left behind on all sides. well, transportation? let's go do good deeds? angels of the area, final episode. today on rtr. please, introduction and roll call, possible without formation. i am very glad that you came to visit me. how much tea did you drink? how many stories have been told? i was cocky. it’s worn out, i’m like a man, a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much is still ahead, i foresaw my fate, now everything is only coming true, i surrender everything with
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joy, let’s all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr. good morning, good, good, wake up, spring is outside the window, and in front of you andrei petrov and svetlana opramova, let's start this day together, by the way, start thursday, very nice very good, let's go to our telegram channel and subscribe, nice things, snowy snow leopards in the spring, i think this is also an interesting thing, it turned out there are more than 87 of them in the country, most of the snow leopards live in the altai republic, 50 were spotted there... four individuals, another 15 were found in tuva, 11 in the krasnoyarsk territory and seven in buryatia to install camera traps , researchers i had to get into hard-to-reach places on all-terrain vehicles, snowmobiles, horses and even helicopters. by the way, in altai there are now 10
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more erbis than last year, which means that the work to restore the population is yielding results, yeah, the forest code is also bringing results. and the document states that a person can receive timber for construction. houses and household buildings at a discount or even free of charge, are there any nuances of how profitable such an offer is, kristina sorokina calculated. we want to build a bathhouse on corner of the plot, approximately 6x4 m, we have been dreaming of it for a long time, resident of the krasnodar territory maxim tishkin has already built a house, a goat barn , finally got around to a bathhouse, calculated that 10 cubic meters of wood are needed for it, the materials will cost at least 180,000. however, there is an option not to buy wood on the market, but to buy it straight from the stump. moreover, at a preferential tariff , the forest code gives this opportunity to russian citizens, but there are nuances. harvesting is done completely with your own hands, that is, you have to cut down the tree yourself, bring it to to your plot, process it on a sawmill, and you need to clean up the plot after yourself. experts
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confirm that the state provides so -called commercial timber to all citizens at reduced prices, but in the form of a plot, and the recipient bears the costs of harvesting the materials; each region determines its own forest quota prices. in areas rich in timber, for example, in karelia. in the krasnoyarsk territory it is 150 cubic meters, in the irkutsk region 125, in the krasnodar territory only 50 cubic meters, and you can apply for them only once in life. the quota also depends on the purpose of construction; a larger amount is given for a house than for repairs and construction of public buildings, but in the second case, the recipient can receive a quota every 10 years. on average across the country, the cost of standing timber species is about 300 rubles per purchase. at first glance it is beneficial, but there is a nuance. 100 cubic meters of standing wood during harvesting, in fact commercial wood that can be used. further for the production of lumber will be about 65%. after sawing, the yield of wood as building material is about 50%. that in fact, we get
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30-35 m of building material out of 100 cubic meters of standing timber. clearly, cutting down 100 cubic meters of wood at an average tariff will be about 30,000. next, we need services for procurement, transportation, sawing and drying. the total cost of the work will be approximately. in addition to the application, you will need a passport and some documents, including confirming the right to a land plot and permission to build a house; the application will be considered within 30 days; in case of a positive decision, you will be invited to signing the contract. meanwhile,
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timber prices in russia have soared by almost a third over the year. we are talking about lumber, laminated veneer lumber . traditionally used in country house construction. according to analysts, the average bill for wooden beams increased by 34% over the year. from 2021 by 220%. during this time, plywood prices increased by 290%. manufacturers even before the start of the welcoming season announce a possible shortage of wood. so what is the matter with such a rise in prices, what happened, how to deal with it? let's discuss with the vice president union of timber industrialists and timber exporters of russia andrey frol, andrey valerievich, hello, thank you for joining. your colleagues, those who are responsible for wooden houses, for production, have counted. if you build a wooden house from laminated timber and a frame house, at least 5 million is obtained now, so it would seem that the people who could influence the demand are those who build houses, but people cannot... afford such prices as you think that - must be done,
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because otherwise there will be less and less produce, because last year, as i understand it, production decreased, what is the reason, in principle, our industry is export-oriented, and 14% went to europe, as far as i remember, depending on which much more lumber and plywood went, more than 70% there, but we have reoriented to the east, firstly, and the market capacity is not as large as the europeans had, secondly, so to speak, the prices of the chinese market, if we talk about the chinese market, are less than 15-20% than european prices , price support for the domestic market, it was a little related - it depended on prices and volumes of export supplies, there was a certain fat among manufacturers of lumber, there plywood, how then they could, if they wanted, naturally, level out prices on the domestic market, now this fat is not there, the end of the twenty-third .
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there’s probably no need for any subsidies now, okay, there’s another option, yes, let’s do it, but relatively speaking, the question is that those declared, previously announced, so to speak, support measures that were in place, they are preserved, yeah, because what relatively speaking, last year there was a subsidy for the supply of products for export through the ports of the north-west, yes, people were rebuilt, so to speak, enterprises were rebuilt, today bam. this - there is no subsidy, okay, in the vologda region,
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i know, they began to build, try to build multi-story wooden houses, one of your colleagues said that this is exactly the way when it will be possible to use a lot inside, when we build a multi-story building according to ours, yes sl technology is developing, will it be further or what, yes, trial ones so to speak, houses are built like this to say in the arkhangelsk region with a trial, i don’t have the feeling that while we are trying the market will sag,
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100 years in the future, amazing people, amazing seventh season, i was very scared here, well, mostly of course for myself, because it was impossible, impossible, tomorrow at 21:30, admit it, you fell in love, you be more careful with him, what do you mean, love will overcome everything from monday at 21:20, the regions held a single open day, thanks to the federal
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project professionalism national project education in colleges and technical schools, more than 40,000 schoolchildren became acquainted with in-demand working professions, training opportunities, and methods of employment in the country's leading company. any door is open for them. applicants are shown modern classrooms and practical classrooms. after extensive renovations, shchelkovo college is ready to accept new students. this year our enrollment will be 1,050 people, we are recruiting for 55 specialties and professions, we are trying to satisfy the demand of our enterprises. the college itself has eight structural divisions; future welders, electricians, technicians and electricians are trained here. however, students will also find activities to their liking within the framework of the information systems and programming course. last year the college signed. partnership agreement within the framework of the federal project professionalism
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with large enterprises in the moscow region. the most popular question among parents is: what grade point average should you have to get in? it's unpredictable.
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becomes prestigious, volgograd, chemical the industry is now on the rise, not only modern laboratories, but also interactive classrooms, for example, in this you can disassemble a hydrogen compressor, without touching the parts themselves, a virtual reality simulator that immerses us in workshop number six, where there are some types of installations, all this equipment is purchased by colleges and technical schools in half with leading enterprises; the co-financing program within the framework of professional development allows for the development of personnel, starting from the first year. the guys are professional, which... a very interesting educational program that was created jointly with our employers, naturally the guarantee of finding a job is much greater, because they have both practice at specific jobs, and the practice is paid practically by work. target students, as they say, are guided throughout their studies not only
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by teachers, but by mentors of the enterprise itself; in total, according to the federal project , more than 1 million workers will be trained within 5 years, already. now in a large-scale educational more than 1,200 colleges and technical schools, as well as 1,600 enterprises and employers in 79 regions of the country participate in the program; more than 3,000 workshops are equipped under the national education project. and then painting on the face and body. body art is back in fashion. what does he draw? we'll see in a few minutes. “we are meeting on such a beautiful date of yours, you are 70 years old, happy birthday, dear, dmitry kitelev is celebrating his anniversary, it would seem that dad is a general, but i never used it, it never even occurred to me, one day he was called to school, i behaved terribly and studied poorly, he
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i went there in uniform from work, and then he says how your chemical engineer talked to me, march with me." i’m your new neighbor, well, and a new part-time district police officer, after graduation we immediately agreed to submit an application, what a wedding, come with us , guys, this is my
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girl, it was yours, it will be mine, pain, sasha, sasha, survived, it’s already good, can i hug you, fear, i don’t advise you to complain, if you blurt out a word anywhere, we’ll bury you in the forest, despair. , there is no evidence, no testimony, let there be, please do not interfere with an honest, fair investigation, when you disappeared without explanation , it was honest, don’t be afraid of anything, tanya, you are an amazing woman. love will overcome everything starting monday on rtr. i think that here everything is more serious, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here it’s all about it, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have
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five of them, this a dangerous fairy-tale animal, well, when it comes to fleas, i have no competition. here are some questions about how everything is neglected, wow, i really want to check it out, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just have a look, let's go, it must be edible , i meant, of course, a bear, when i said something like that... very small, a direct hint in general, the most passionate team, if 100.00 is not zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the strongest love for the game is the five- on-one program, yaho, five-on-one, on saturdays on rtr, we recommend turning down the volume, now there will be not music, but a test,
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indeed, one british the experimenter decided to find out what the stones sound like; he played them on a gramophone instead of a vinyl record. by the way, the englishman has already experimented with sound, listening to crumpled drink cans on an old metal tray, now he is putting together an album from this and promises that the record will be released in may, so what is it? pre-order for these crumpled records, apparently, now it’s about visual art, body art is in fashion, what and where do today’s artists paint, let’s see, well, smile, and again, well, something’s wrong with my settings it doesn’t look like the backlight might be turned off, or is it you again with your art, by the way, the kind of art that people on the internet are ready to watch for days, videos about coloring. and body consistently receive thousands of likes and millions of views. johannes stotter is an outstanding artist of italian origin who creates real
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works of art in the world of body art. for artists, their models are a wonderful way of self-expression. it’s probably nice to feel like an artistic object that everyone ready to admire for hours. and what do masters do on the face that is completely incomprehensible to the mind? it would seem that there are eyes, a mouth and a nose, well, what else can you think of? well, for starters, we triple the amount, so you can guess which lips are real without prompting. but what to do if you don’t have enough artistic skills, but want to do body art? we use special life hacks, for example, regular painting. tape, use it to make markings, for example, stripes like these, you’re done, all that’s left is to fill in the gaps with paint.
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by the way, if none of the methods if you like it, invent your own. in the end, in the field of body art, everything is limited only by your imagination and skill. don’t move, i said, otherwise now everyone will guess that i’m not a professional artist. our program today is ending, but you can see us at any time thanks to the telegram channel, come in, subscribe and be with us, see you tomorrow, see you tomorrow at the same place at the same hour, on the ras tv channel, come on, come on with a smile . morning of russia, don’t
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forgive me, the main thing is, hello on the rossiyavesti tv channel, almost 350 ukrainian militants have been killed over the past...


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