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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  April 25, 2024 9:55am-11:00am MSK

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love will overcome everything from monday on rtr, we stand up for what we have, we believe in what is dear to us, we talk about what is important to us, our every word is a step towards victory. evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr. we wish you to meet your prince this year, especially since you already have a horse, on saturday, you have a phone there, please give me, he is chasing me, and you saved me, every girl dreams of a prince on a white horse , i met you, my princess, you will be my wife, yes, but not everyone who... is a prince on horseback, your chukhonian owes us
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our casino has 150 thousand dollars, my only heirs, i want my grandson to grow up before my eyes, finland, i will never, i will never see him again, you are a mother, you, you must fight for your son, you simply must, punishment without crime , on saturday on rts hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues. place nuclear weapons. i would already demand that nuclear weapons be returned to me. how are things on the front? the weather is cloudy, hail in places. guys act confidently, commanders act confidently, quickly, reliably. it's eight o'clock.
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equipment, and we have enough, the second tank flew off vkropsky, the hero of russia will be on tour, we all today, including me, will go to the end, what an image of victory he is for you, which means he’s also a gang in the head with zelensky, yana is a rag, there are big dreamers in the west, but we are guided by the fact, watch twice a day, see you. oldbar cognac is a product of the stellar group.
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сnop gin is a product of steller group. today in the program it’s painful and sad, where the hormone of happiness has disappeared, we are looking for joy in available products, take this bad mood and let off steam, so what?
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the tooth fairy will not help, how not to miss a harmless symptom that leads to loss of teeth, antibiotics, or local antiseptics, you can be left without teeth, good morning, hello, everyone has a period in life when we stop seeing the positive, we become overwhelmed, everything hurts everything.
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it’s infuriating, you know, mikhail, from pain to happiness, as they say, there’s only one step, many people don’t even realize that between pain and pleasure much more in common than... it seems to them that what they have in common is that during pain and during ecstasy, a euphoric experience, a person releases the same substance, or rather a group of substances, they are called endorphins, this is them, well well, mikhail, i feel better, but in general my mood has improved, isn’t it? neurotransmitters, endorphins - this is happiness, what does pain have to do with it? but in reality, why does the body produce them? in fact, when we have some kind of painful irritation, the body, well, evolutionarily it just so happened, he needs to run away from this pain, yes, to fight for life, this means that
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the pain needs to be dulled for a while, accordingly , the body at this moment produces a group of these substances, endorphins, which are very similar in their structure and action. on apiates, that is, they cause pain relief, euphoria, at this moment a person stops feeling pain, well, that is, in essence, we can say that his internal reserve opens, and even if he was unhappy, tired, everything hurt, at this moment at wings appear behind his back, one might say, his mood sharply improves, his activity begins to run, what else can endorphins surprise us with, and how to learn to produce them with the help of simple... products, we will figure it out together with our regular expert, professor, gerontologist, svetlana trofinovna. how to live with a sound mind and long memory? internationally recognized gerantologist svetlana vladislavovna trofimova, professor, secretary general of the world
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council of preventive, regenerative and anti-aging medicine, president russian society of anti-aging medicine, will give practical advice for future centenarians of our country. good morning, good morning, how our body understands that it urgently needs endorphins to come. we probably need to remember that all this happens at a reflex level. you and i cannot stop the production of endorphins, just as, for example, you cannot sneeze without closing your eyes, this is also at the reflex level. blinked, blinked, of course, reflexes. since we have already said that everything in our body is interconnected, then of course we can influence your mood. let's talk about how endorphins can be useful to us, we'll start with the fact that they help to survive stress, and this is primarily
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because the function of the immune system is improving, because it is also susceptible to stress factors, so immunize, actually immunity, which is what we were talking about, that is, it turns out that if a person has. the body will release endorphins, it is less likely to catch a cold and get sick, by the way, this is an explanation why a person gets wet feet in a bad mood gets sick, and a person who whoops jumps into an ice hole, after that at least henna, cheerful and healthy, healthy sleep, it is very interesting that endorphins affect the structure of night sleep, few people know that there are special cycles within our sleep , yes, the so-called slow rem sleep, among other things, endorphins they... expect for the change of these phases of fast slow sleep, and improves memory, our endocrine neuroimmune system is the relationship and regulation of the central nervous system, improving cognitive functions, and numerous studies
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again prove that it is the transmission of nerve impulses and the activation of the emergence of new neural connections that improves. before we continue, i want to remind you that you can always find all episodes of our program on the online media platform, look in the application or on the website, this is some kind of find, we urgently increase the level of endorphins, how to do this? well, first of all, you should not keep it to yourself, endorphins are neurotransmitters, especially for active people, that is, those who are not used to sitting with their hands folded.
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so, maybe there is no need to shout and break dishes, but maybe in some other ways, for example, physical education, this is certainly true, well , we have different options, everyone has their own methods, by the way , struggle, natalia contacted us, who is not even happy about spring, by the way, we offered natalia an experiment to improve her mood; in our studio she was modeling clay. natalya golenkova from moscow is 50 years old, recently she has stopped coping with irritability, not wanting to yell at her children to quarrel with husband. to relieve stress and free herself from negative emotions, natalya was offered to take up clay modeling. during
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art therapy, natalya felt better for the first time in several months; she was able to relax and get rid of tension and irritability. the sun that natalya blinded confirms this. this is what i understand, therapy, and i dealt with stress and updated the interior. good morning, are you feeling better? "good morning, yes, i have returned to normal, that is, i really had depression, i had internal discomfort, i had anxiety when i i started working with clay, that is, it was soft, elastic, it gave in so much, and this is really a clay product, and at that moment i was also some kind of a stressful product, we merged it together, all this brought me pleasure, did you like it, i really liked it, modeling is included in the standard methods of art psychotherapy, that is, there are
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directions in psychotherapy where people are given the opportunity to express themselves in a variety of ways, this is modeling, drawing, and in many cases this method is used in treatment, for example, depression is even used as an auxiliary along with pharmacotherapy, which is why the results are quite predictable, and in general fine motor skills, it also activates brain functions and contributes to the production of positive... let's return to our topic, how to increase the amount of endorphins with the help of nutrition, let me guess, well, come on mikhail, let's uh dark chocolate, of course that's right, it contains a substance called naandamide, this is a substance that promotes the production of endorphins, dark chocolate or dark chocolate, it must be special. yes, the bean content should be at least 70%, and a minimum amount
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of sugars and additives, yeah, such chocolate is a wonderful treat, it rarely seems to me that anyone would refuse a piece of chocolate in a bad mood, with your decision, let me treat you , to consolidate your success, now you can also sculpt from chocolate, and in general it contains a substance called phenyl ethylamine, this substance is produced in our... brain when we are in state of falling in love, so regularly eating small amounts of chocolate has such a cumulative effect and improves your mood, you see, friends, if you can’t fall in love in the spring, eat more chocolate, this is where it gets a little complicated, come on, michael, come on, come on, well, guess , well, persimmon, why persimmon, because it makes me happy, i look at persimmon and am happy. hot peppers, hot spices in general, that is, those that cause this
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feeling of fire in the mouth, this is one of the ways to produce endorphins. capsaicin, substance, which just provokes such a burning taste in our mouth when we use it, and it is regarded by the brain as, in principle, pain, so endorphin is produced in response to this pain? by the way, even this method is called dosed pain therapy, and among the methods included there is, for example , acupuncture, that is, when a person is pricked with a needle, he experiences painful irritation, and the body reacts with the release of endorphins, remember how you and i stood on nails, too and various options eplicators, these nails of all kinds , and even some types of massage, they can actually be quite painful, all this is necessary for the brain to produce endorphin, i don’t even know.
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some effect is further introduced by a special substance that blocks the receptors for copiates, and it turned out that the positive effects of st. john's wort instantly disappear when this substance is administered, so scientists realized that its effect is due precisely to the increased production of endorphins, and how to use it is simple add to tea, and besides this it has a wonderful
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mood-improving effect, it also has an antiseptic effect, wound healing, and so on, great. today we found out what endorphins are and how to increase their production in our body through nutrition. follow the recommendations of scientific gerantologists, stay young and healthy. we continue and give the floor to academician yuriyovich belinkov, who will tell you how problems with the intestines can provoke a heart attack or stroke. let's see. well, of course, i’m bad, you’re all good, white, fluffy. angels of the area. while you were wrapping your snot around your fist, uncle sorted everything out. i asked you not to interfere. alena, i’m just confused, and even angels have the right to make mistakes. there are tons of rooms here, everything is privatized. elena nikolaevna, mikhail andreevich, peony, smell it, that’s it, make peace right away. in short, so, kolya, turn on the return line so that
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they stay away from it and on all sides. well, transportation, let's go do good things. affairs? area angels final episode! today on rtr. you sleeplessly toss and turn all night with your old pillows, and wake up completely broken tense? it's over now! introducing the dremalina cvon pillow, a comfortable resting pillow that hugs your entire body and... optimally aligns it so you experience the best sleep of your life. the unique shape of the dremaliina svon pillow offers seven comfort zones that support your back, shoulders, head and neck, arms, hips, knees, ankles and feet. you remain in the most comfortable sleeping position without tossing and turning. unlike conventional pillows, dremalinost one keeps
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the spine in an ideal position and the neck optimal height. your shoulders and arms will be relaxed except. plus, the dremaliina s one pillow prevents your knees from touching each other, providing soothing relief to your lower back, legs and feet. the dremaliina swan pillow is made of breathable hypoallergenic lyocell fabric, it adapts perfectly to any body shape and size, supports your posture in all sleeping positions and provides good ventilation throughout the night, you will sleep better than ever, and the most the main thing is the pillow dremalina. the backdrop is ideal for side sleepers, back sleepers and stomach sleepers. the dremalina cvon pillow provides optimal sleep for everyone. this is what makes her so unique. experience the best and most comfortable sleep of your life. call and order a unique dremaliina swan pillow for your best sleep for an incredible
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5995. but wait, if you call right now, it will be especially for you. we will reduce the price of the drimalina sleep pillow and it will be yours for an incredible 39.95, and you will immediately save 20 euro, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited and is valid for a short period of time, how did you get here vatler, he says the train ride is six days, and the vacation is long, he says 2 weeks, this is the sleeping beauty, so i don’t understand who i saw in the mirror , but we don’t have a weight to give away, there are three of them, only 90. 60-90 is their age, take your hand off my knee, count to 5. humor, humor, humor, premiere on saturday on rtr, ideal tests about pregnancy, still not, you and your husband go to the sea on saturday,
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i’ll come to the institute and give him a surprise. this is my passion, how can you not understand it, passion, any problem can be cured by the sea, you need to unwind, go on a yacht, sea, sun, vitamin d, you are a very beautiful girl, dream of a romantic romance, forget it, i’m not like that she’s in a hotel, i want to save our family, he came with her with his mistress, make lena jealous, what’s going on with you and my wife, your marriage... there’s an overseas premiere at the seams, our lives can’t just fall apart like that, no i'll have to think about it on saturday on rtr.
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good morning, the ancient doctors said that what we eat, today i want to talk to you about whether intestinal diseases or intestinal condition can affect the heart, marina came to me, let’s listen to her story: hello, i’m marina, well,
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i use different cooking options, well, yes, meat, everything, porridge, yes, bread, no, and
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what kind of porridge, oatmeal, well, mostly with water, i asked not in vain, because in principle you didn’t start with hypertension with constipation, so let’s first figure out the causes of constipation, the first main one is physical inactivity, this is small... the next thing is a disease of the endocrine organs, as a rule, it is a disease of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, that is , hypofunction is the effect of
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drugs, here it is twofold, there are few drugs, and antihypertensive drugs are not in the first place, which directly suppress intestinal activity. antihypertensive drugs are not in this place, are you taking something other than antihypertensive drugs, some kind of food supplements, no, when the problem arose, yes, for some reason they were associated with pressure, because it is either low or high, that is, in general , there are diuretics in this drug, we usually prescribe double and triple combinations, i understand, well, yes, everything is clear, there are antihypertensive drugs that slow down. let's say intestines, of course, yes, there are so -called undesirable effects of a number of drugs, we know them very well, this is no secret, we usually, frankly, warn, but we say that here
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the benefit significantly exceeds the possibility of such unpleasant situations, but is there some more one nuance that we are now beginning to know more about, which is also connected to some extent with medications, i asked for a reason, we are talking about... intestinal microbiota - these are the bacteria that live with us, you will be surprised, but their total weight is 2.5-3 kg. they help us digest food that has not yet been digested in the stomach, they help form enzymes that, for example, break down your favorite fiber, yes, they are involved. vitamins, they regulate intestinal motor function under the influence a whole series of drugs, well, let’s say antibiotics, you need to take, but of course you need to if you have a person. nothing without
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antibiotics, but antibiotics kill beneficial flora, and immediately the so -called pathogenic flora takes its place and begins its bad effect, including inhibiting intestinal motor function. what to do? the most pleasant thing is, do you like kefir? yes, yeah, in short, you need to quickly, quickly, quickly, quickly, return your native flora, a difficult question, because it, this flora, it’s like a fingerprint, it is specific for each person, but nevertheless there is still a base, lactic acid bacteria, where they are, in kefir, they are in
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all these, uh? biological mixtures called eobiotics, here think about abdominal exercises, uh-huh, yeah, if you don't listen to the doctor and don't work out your abs, then the consequences of constipation. the first, hypertension, can be more troublesome. things when arterial hypertension is poorly treated, this is where you need to clearly understand, if you have constipation, then you are unlikely to adequately treat arterial hypertension hypertension, i would advise you to do it in parallel, solve the problem of constipation, including some mild medications,
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they will help you in this regard, then we will see what happens to blood pressure, because otherwise we will be in a vicious circle, please freely, dear friends, the situation is absolutely everyday, which many people face, there’s nothing wrong with it... no, you just need to normally find out the cause of constipation, try to find some reasonable way to solve this problem, and it doesn’t have to be these are some medications, i give the floor to my colleagues, right now in our studio the residents of russia are asking questions about the most
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important thing, about health, let's... listen to the first question, attention on the screen: hello, my name is yulia, i am from the city of korolevo, since the may holidays are approaching and the tick season is approaching, the ticks at this moment are waking up, the question arises, is it true what they say, or is it still a myth that with sunflower oil... the tick is removed and it quickly comes out of the wound , that's just a question, is it really either this is just talk, or there is absolutely no need to fill the tick with oil, applying literally a drop of oil to the tick leads to its respiratory tract being blocked, and it begins to move convulsively, this
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actually leads to its contact with the skin. weakens, but naturally, it does not crawl out on its own, but it is somewhat easier to remove it after this, you will still have to remove it, and here is a very important point that removing the tick is actually only the very beginning, which is important to do after this the tick must be taken to the laboratory to find out whether it is a carrier of diseases such as baruliosis or encephalitis, and if encephalitis, for example, somewhere in the moscow region is not such a common problem, then tick-borne baruliosis, lyme disease, in other words, this is not a rare case, taking antibiotics can prevent the development of this infection in the body, but you need to understand whether it makes sense to use antibiotics, no, which ones, in what dose, so it is imperative to have this tick tested, checked, in case it turns out to be a carrier of the disease, start treatment urgently, does anyone in the studio have questions, please, please, good morning, i have a question about green coffee,
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is it really? coffee promotes weight loss, at one time there was a story that green coffee, due to the chlorogenic acid contained therein, stimulates lipolysis, the breakdown of fats, but... as studies have shown, this effect is comparable to the effect of a placebo, green coffee, black coffee, in fact, the rate of fat oxidation is insignificantly affected, that is, they influence, but this is within the framework, well, i don’t know, there are 2 g of fat per day, so no, we can say that there is no influence, so there is no point in spending money, thank you, thank you, thank you, we will get back to you immediately after advertising on the russia channel,
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you sleeplessly toss and turn all night with your old pillows, and wake up completely stressed out, now that 's over, introducing the dremalinost pillow, a comfortable resting pillow that hugs your entire body and optimally aligns it so that you experience better sleep in my life. the unique shape of the dremaliina swan pillow offers seven comfort zones that support your. back, shoulders, head and neck, arms, hips, knees, ankles and feet. you remain in the most comfortable sleeping position without tossing and turning. unlike conventional pillows, dremalino-swan keeps the spine in an ideal position and the neck at
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an optimal height. your shoulders and arms will be relaxed. in addition, the dreamaliina s one pillow prevents your knees from touching each other. this provides soothing relief in the lower back, legs and feet. made from breathable , hypoallergenic lyocell fabric, it adapts perfectly to any body shape and size, supports your posture in all sleeping positions and provides good ventilation throughout the night. you 'll sleep better than ever. and most importantly, the dremalinost pillow is ideal for those who sleep on their side, back, and also those who sleep on their stomach. the dremalina swan pillow provides optimal sleep for everyone. this is what makes her so unique. experience the best and most comfortable sleep of your life. call and order a unique dremaliina swan pillow for your best sleep for an incredible 5995. but wait, if
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you call right now, we will reduce the price especially for you. and the dremalinost pillow will be yours for an incredible 3995, and you will immediately save 20 euros. but. hurry up, the offer is strictly limited and only valid for a short period of time. provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda. why not a reef?
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elsa's land, elsa's land, on friday on rtr. by popular demand, a continuation of our tv bestseller, 50 amazing ideas for your dacha. on the eve of the season, we have collected the best tips: how to grow tomatoes upwards with daisies, how to graft plants to get an unprecedentedly large harvest. in our studio, famous gardeners of the country conduct their incredible experiments. and all this to make life at the dacha simpler, easier, and most importantly - more economical! malakhov today on rtr. we continue our favorite section: ask the doctor. right now dr. agapen will answer the following question: about health. attention to the screen. hello, my name is alfiya, i'm 36 years old, i'm from moscow.
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my friend's grandmother has dementia, and she doesn't believe it. what arguments need to be given to make her believe that she needs to seek medical help. well, if a person already has dementia, then of course he will not believe, that he has dementia. in fact, there are simply forms of damage, organic damage to the brain, which leads to the development of onosognasia, this is a complication when a person does not believe that he is sick, i will say right away that... the probability of convincing such a person is practically zero, therefore here you need to act cunningly, that is, you don’t need to convince that a person has dementia, you just need to say, well , you know, like they tell children that children are in cabbage, but here it’s about the same, that is, you need to tell that the memory is no longer the same, that is, not to insist that it is a disease, but to say that there are some problems, yes, that is, a person can deny the disease itself, but at the same time he may not... that the memory for telephones has become worse, the memory for events
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has become worse, and he says that he needs to go to the doctor so that he can prescribe some vitamins, just so that his memory becomes better, patients usually agree to this, they can be persuaded, and further, actually after the therapy bears fruit, that is there is a result of the patient, often, then in retrospect they themselves say, oh, now i remember what happened to me, yes, it’s just as unpleasant, but... the most important thing is that i didn’t even understand what was happening to me. well, friends, which audience in the studio still has questions? i beg you, please. hello, my name is elena, i am 53 years old. i wanted to know what you can recommend for hot flashes. over the last few months i haven’t been myself, i’m either hot, cold, or red, everything irritates me, my husband and i have started to often quarrel, also gained weight, drank, photographic preparations for hot flashes, nothing. effects, what to do? hot flashes during menopause often
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cause not only physical, but also psycho-emotional discomfort. this is the most characteristic, unpleasant menopausal symptom that occurs in women during the period of hormonal changes in the body, but this does not mean that you need to patiently wait until the hot flashes go away on their own. properly selected therapy can minimize unpleasant symptoms and lead to the fact that the usual lifestyle does not change. often women they believe that... the only way out is to take hormones, however, drugs in this group have a number of contraindications, and, as a rule, are prescribed for severe cases and pronounced symptoms of menopause. what else can you use to improve your well-being? a specialist may recommend non-hormonal agents, for example, with the amino acid betaalanine. betaalanine helps stabilize the thermoregulation center, which is located in the hypothalamus and prevents expansion. vessels skin. as a result, the frequency of tides decreases and the attacks themselves are much
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easier to bear. a course of betaalin can also help improve overall well-being during menopause. sleep is normalized, concentration improves, and the emotional state is leveled. thank you doctor. we continue, right now. ophthalmologist dmitry dementyev will tell you who has diabetes mellitus that can cause irreversible blindness. stay with us. good morning, let's start today's column with the bad news that diabetes has become a pandemic, almost every every tenth person in our country suffers from diabetes mellitus, and the main thing is that, unfortunately, diabetes... does not come alone, and it comes with
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a huge number of complications, including eye complications, which leads to the fact that we can forever , irreversible loss of vision. today , a family, a mother and her daughter, turned to me for help, given that the mother was diagnosed with diabetes, the daughter is sounding the alarm, fearing that she may also have it by inheritance. let's listen. hello, my name is anastasia, i am 22 years old, this is my mother, hello, my name is ekaterina, i’m 44 years old, my mother has diabetes mellitus, her eyesight began to decline, she went to the doctor, and right on her birthday she was diagnosed with this disease, yes, it turned out that we received the tests exactly on my birthday, on anniversary of 40 years, my sugar was high 26, and i was quickly taken to the hospital, where i was already diagnosed with diabetes for the first time. and i would like to know whether the deterioration of beastliness is associated specifically
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with diabetes, or is it still age-related changes, and how this deterioration may develop in the future, and so far vision drops especially in the evening, the eyes get tired, dry eyes occur, and well , i would like to get some kind of expert opinion from a doctor, what can be done about this, can it be corrected? it will work out. anastasia ekaterina, come to me. good morning, good morning. nastya, i want to praise you and thank you for such concern.
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the probability of this is really small, that is, it is about 5%. well, okay, so we asked both mother and daughter to take tests before the start of our program, look at the glucose level, can you comment? and what regarding ekaterina, we can say that the glucose level, but definitely not the target, 16
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is a fairly high indicator, but of course it will have an impact on vision, namely fluctuations in blood glucose levels and now... despite the fact that the deadline the disease from the point of view of endocrinology is not so great, however, due to the fact that you have not achieved compensation, this can lead to such blurred vision, yes, that is, it is the fluctuations themselves that cause this, as for cholesterol, then the level is also his is high, and here i would like to make one emphasis, even if the indicator for cholesterol and various lipids falls within the normal range, this does not mean that it is normal for...
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with a five-year history of diabetes, that is, after 5 years, the retina begins to change, so here we have a model of the eye, and you see the stretched strings - this is a photoreceptor, how the eye works, the eye is a camera, through two lenses, the cornea and the lens of the image , the retina passes through, which is the film of the camera, the photograph is projected on our retina, through the visual oil is transmitted to the brain, the quality of the picture, the quality of the image or the quality of vision depends on how well our retina works, the photoreceptors, rods and cones work perfectly, they receive an image, with maculopathy they begin to suffer, blood circulation is impaired, some vessels burst,
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hemorrhage occurs, so some rods and cones, let's cut them, they were damaged, they remained... but in the area where we cut our strings, that is , the rods and rods, they stopped functioning, the photoreceptors do not work, blind people appeared zones, the picture that is transmitted to the brain is already fuzzy and unclear, but it turns out like a photograph with such spots illuminated, and the more photoreceptors are torn, that is , diabetic retinal degeneration occurs, the worse a natural person sees, the worse.
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beta type 1, candidates for the occurrence of this disease, what is important, how can we try to identify this disease as early as possible? unfortunately, until the development of irreversible stages of diabetic retinopathy , the patient may not be bothered by anything, which is why it is so important after 5 years from the manifestation of the first type, and immediately upon identifying the second type, they told you to visit an ophthalmologist every year, even if nothing bothers you, maybe you have? some symptoms of diabetic retinopathy, we read: twinkling stars in the eyes, there are twinkling stars, sometimes there is discomfort , pain in the eyes, there is often discomfort and... tension when you are at the computer or reading for a long time, decreased visual acuity, you complain of decreased, finally a feeling of pilin before
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my eyes, well, sometimes i noticed this too, it’s as if i have hair, i remove it, and it’s like there’s no hair, but it’s as if it’s dark like this all the time or not all the time , like three or four times tako pilina it happens sometimes in the morning you woke up before you took the injection more pelina after you did it. i want you to check the symptoms of another disease called cataracts. yes. diabetics suffer from cataracts, firstly, earlier, and secondly, 30% more young people, your age, who develop cataracts than people without diabetes. symptoms: spots before the eyes, it happens like this, dark spots, light spots. fog, well... you told us, decreased twilight vision, this is towards evening, this is towards evening, it got dark, they began to see worse, sometimes it hurts
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to look at bright light, it’s unpleasant, i want to close my eyes, turn off the bright light, and diabetes too, for me it seems so, if everyone looks, okay, ekaterina, i’ll send you to walk along this path for now, daria olegovna, diabetic cataract, this is also one of the common manifestations of diabetes, you come across this, why do diabetics have cataracts earlier, how you think? this is due to the fact that glucose is an osmatically active substance that changes both the pressure and the concentration of other substances in various environments of the eye, yes, which is why the risk of this disease increases. well, you and i simulated a cataract, there was a transparent lens and diabetes caused us this kind of cloudiness.
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it is good to see, and secondly, if we have a transparent artificial lens, we can analyze the condition of the retina, the condition of the retinal vessels, which is very important in the treatment and observation of patients with diabetes. let me add, you very importantly noted that it is correct to examine the retina completely, yes, so i would like to draw the attention of our tv viewers, heroin, that in case of diabetes mellitus examination... seals should always be carried out with a dilated pupil. daria olegovna, well, we saw that ekaterina has high sugar, despite the fact that she uses insulin,
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it is still high. and i sent her to the treadmill for a reason, but i want your expert opinion, does walking really help maintain sugar levels? regular physical activity is indeed a mandatory method of preventing the development of sugar complications. diabetes, here, as for our heroine, if she really, let’s say, has such a high blood sugar level today, then physical activity may be contraindicated for her, that is, it is important here to achieve lower values, i would like to draw your attention to the fact that today now there are effective treatment methods, we have modern insulin preparations that maximally imitate the physiological secretion of insulin, which concerns the first type of diabetes. there are drugs for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus, normalization of lipid levels, blood pressure, so here, fortunately, is the prognosis
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of patients, if diabetes mellitus is diagnosed, in no case should you despair in case of type 1 or type 2 diabetes mellitus, if you regularly monitor monitor the level of blood sugar, pressure, cholesterol, listen to what the doctor says, undergo training in schools for patients with diabetes mellitus, which exists in our country, in in all regions, this will allow... to delay as much as possible and you can live for decades without any complications, or slow them down as much as possible at the earliest stages. daria olegovna told us that there are a lot of new drugs and there is no need to despair, and i am very grateful to you, i think that we can work with you together on all our ophthalmology patients with diabetes, we will send you to you to receive the necessary consultation. dear friends, take care of yours. vision, vision is priceless, and i pass the word to your colleagues. you are young, beautiful,
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a pan of dumplings. or sleep with lard in a frying pan of fried potatoes, that’s how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100%. and you will be happy, well, i don’t guarantee happiness, but health for sure will increase. doctor myasnikov, on saturday on rtr. maybe it’s the first time, happy, happy, happy, sunday, for example, i told my daughter that she was adopted as soon as i took her from the orphanage, mom, dad, i adore you, hello, hello , i’m your mother, the real one, maybe we’ll meet, a test that not everyone can stand,
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who is she anyway, this is some kind of money scam, can i hug you? katya is not a stranger to me, she is my mother, katya needs money, a test that not everyone dares to undertake, you don't refuse to do a dna test. the result has arrived, dear, we will explain everything to you, fly like a feather, on sunday on rtr, how good it is for the children, yes, and the baby teeth, the teeth are loose, the baby tooth fell out, i put it under the pillow. the fairy took and grew the root, and in adults, loose teeth are a serious cause for concern. according to statistics, 60% of adults aged 35-45 years are already
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missing at least one tooth. root, the moment when a tooth begins to loosen, a person may not even notice, many face loss of a tooth simply by biting a carrot or apple. this, itself. and the tooth stands in the hole, yeah, and the tooth is surrounded by a ligament, the ligament performs a certain shock-absorbing function, that is, tooth mobility is natural, but there is pathological mobility, which is already a symptom
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of periodontitis, that is, first the disease, and only then the tooth begins to wobble, yes , at the beginning there is an inflammatory process, then when the disease progresses, pathological mobility appears, so. so the first degree of mobility in the anteroposterior direction, yes, absolutely right, and then it is added to the side, just like that, that is, the tooth is already mobile in the anterior-posterior direction and right-left, uh-huh, then the next degree of mobility, the third degree of mobility, when the tooth begins to move vertically, oh, well this is already completely, yes, there is already bone tissue here. practically none, the inflammatory process is very strong, and accordingly the loss is very strong, bone tissue, supports, teeth, and the tooth does not stay in the socket. let’s still understand and analyze together the main reasons for tooth mobility, and what
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you said gum disease, that is, at first it all starts with gingivitis, that is , inflammation of the gums, this is also a reversible process, here they are on the screen, gingivitis, then periodontitis, when the ligament and... bone tissue become inflamed, and then it’s chronic periodontal disease, a systemic disease of the bone tissue of the teeth, yeah, so what is a hormonal imbalance, and a violation of the hormonal status in patients can aggravate periodontal disease, that is, this is also a violation, for example, of the hormonal status in women can cause diseases periodontal disease aggravate them, malocclusion. here the moment of overload, that is, where the teeth touch, is stronger, that is , supracontact occurs in a certain area with an incorrect bite and overload, this is the wrong bite,
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it is determined in childhood, or a person can correct the bite at any age, in in childhood, this is an ideal option, when we can still influence the growth and development of the dental system, and it’s absolutely true that in childhood we can already see the prerequisites for malocclusion. finally, diabetes mellitus, in fact, disorders of carbohydrate metabolism, yes, can also lead to such pathological mobility, yes, quite rightly, to aggravate periodontal disease, very many, by the way, people who are diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, from the moment of diagnosis, already within the first years, they even note that the teeth begin to loosen, the gums become exposed, and all this leads to the fact that the risk of tooth loss in such patients is very high.
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this is tooth loss, but the good news is that this disease can be prevented, or in time turn, but let's talk about how to, so to speak, reverse the process. the man began to have some problems, he discovered, still in the first degree, that his tooth began to wobble a little, back and forth. here i would first pay attention to bleeding gums and mobility; there are different ways to treat diseases, depending on the degree, severity of the disease and the depth of the periodontal pockets, that is, how much bone tissue has already gone, or we only see so far inflammation of the gums, respectively treatment can be conservative. tooth
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pockets, that is, the root, which is already located under the gum, in this, that is, where the root is already exposed, we carry out cleaning there, the dentist carries out cleaning and polishing of the root, this can lead to the fact that the absence of bacteria in this place will lead to reducing inflammation, reducing this pocket and... unfortunately, the ligament is not restored, but is formed like a scar, that is, the gum sticks to the surface of the root cement, and accordingly, the disease is suspended, if the pockets are deep, more than 8 mm, when the dentist measures, then at the beginning we carry out conservative treatment, that is , we reduce this pocket, then we excise it surgically, a surgical procedure is performed...
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and then it all depends on the patient, how well he follows recommendations and home hygiene, which is always the most important thing for our patients, is maintaining proper home hygiene, doctors also prescribe antibiotics or local antiseptics, and here, too, in no case should you self-medicate, all medications are required, even if we hear advertisements that these medications are anti-inflammatory, against bleeding gums, they... are prescribed only by a dentist, because they contain quite active ingredients that can even negatively affect the course of the disease, and again attention to yourself, i mean to your health, because about the reasons that we talked about, yes, but in addition to a malocclusion, a person still feels gum disease, and some kind of hormonal disorder, sugar diabetes especially, that is, these are not explosive things, there are... you have this disease,
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there will be problems with your teeth, thank you very much, thank you, today we found out why teeth can become loose, what this can lead to and what happens do this, thank you for spending this morning with us, we wish you a good day and good health, we will definitely see you on the russia tv channel. the rossiya tv channel is broadcasting news, i greet you, i’m maria sittal, hello!


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