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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 25, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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we have our share of trials, what matters is how we pass them, some break down, some don’t have enough strength, some continue to move forward with their heads held high, continue to serve people, there are only such people here in the studio, thank you very much, thank you very much, this was our program, real stories about our people, see you on the next broadcast on the russia channel, see you, see you. the information service of the russia tv channel continues its work on the air, you are watching the news, my name is maria sittal, hello. vladimir putin at the rsp congress
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promised to ensure maximum predictability of business conditions. solemn events in siberia, amur the yakut mainline reached the banks of the lena. the final golden link of the railway track to the cargo terminal is now being laid. the world's first drug against ankylosing spondylitis has been registered in russia, and the drug has already proven its high effectiveness. the court sent metropolitan arseny of the svyatogorsk lavra into custody for 2 months. a sandstorm covered several regions of our country at once, from belgorod to vladivostok. the ministry of digital development proposes to ban advertising calls to russians, especially if they are carried out by robots. russian union of industrialists and entrepreneurs.
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at the end of last year, russia's gdp, as you know, increased by 3.6%. and statistics from the first months of this year show that it continues to show good rates, in january of this year 4.6%, in annual terms in february 7.7%. well, here’s the average for the first 2 months. 6% growth,
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industrial production grew by 6.6% in january-february. it is supported by an active internal demand, which is based on the growth of real wages and incomes of citizens. according to estimates for the first 2 months of this year, retail trade turnover was 10.7%.
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contribution, and recently law enforcement agencies have opened a number of cases to return some assets to state ownership, i would like to emphasize that we are not talking about a review of privatization, but about cases where the actions or inactions of the owners of enterprises and property complexes cause direct damage to the security of the country to national interests, seizure business is justified only in that situation about...
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no, it doesn’t matter, but the fact remains: the government did not control, did not do what it should have done, in accordance with the then regulatory framework. this means that claims to provide them with such qualifications that guarantee an interesting, reliable, well -paid job, of course, i am counting on the mutual interest of the state and the business community here; according to experts, in the coming years russia will
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experience an objective shortage of personnel qualifications, and it certainly cannot be covered mechanically through labor migration.
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a business that develops invests, including in infrastructure, social and personnel projects. three rszzo combat vehicles were destroyed over the past 24 hours in the kupinsky direction, these are the american hymers, the czech vampire and the soviet grad, three m37 howitzers made in the usa were disabled, and two more of the same guns were destroyed in the donetsk direction. in addition, an american self-propelled gun was shot down there. paladin five electronic warfare stations, two ammunition depots were destroyed. over the past 24 hours , the enemy lost 500 militants on this section of the front, and another 350 were eliminated in the avdeevsky direction. and in these frames the destruction of turkish armored cars in
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kirpi by our drones. it is clearly visible that russian operators can easily overtake even moving senate vehicles. air defense systems shot down 200 ukrainians in one day. the lithuanian ministry of defense is ready to help kiev with the return of draft dodgers to their homeland, but vilnius does not want to be the first in this matter ; he cedes the right to warsaw, so that later borrow experience. the polish minister of defense has actually announced a hunt for ukrainian men of military age. despite the fact that quite recently the country’s strategy was different. at first , the nwo, poland sheltered a million ukrainian refugees, this is the second figure after germany. now,
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the law on mobilization continues to acquire clarifications. in fact, it turned out that ukrainians obliged to military service cannot obtain a foreign passport either at the consular department or through government service centers. it is separately stipulated that a new passport printed on in ukraine, according to all the rules, it cannot be sent to a male applicant abroad. the russian foreign ministry calls on the international community to take all measures for the release of the russian metropolitan. church of arseny, rector of the monastery in the ukrainian-occupied part of donbass, the famous svyatogorsk lavra, he was arrested by ukrainian security forces and detained for 60 days without the possibility of bail. the reason was the words spoken to believers at a sermon
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more than six months ago. vladyka then advised that he complained that orthodox pilgrims on the holidays of the nativity of the virgin mary, the sbu collects personal data en masse.
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omsk is protected by a dam, at night there was a threat of its breaking, the leak was noticed in time and promptly eliminated. in total, there are now 27 settlements in the region in the disaster zone, nine of them are cut off from the mainland. in the kurgan region, more than 9 thousand residential buildings and dachas are flooded, six bridges and 11 sections of regional roads are under water. emergency situations ministry employees provide targeted assistance to local residents, clear congestion on the tabol river and pump out thousands of cubic meters of water. the head of the ministry of construction, rek faizulin, came to supervise the emergency response work today, together with the governor, he inspected the flooded streets in the village of kitovo. in the orenburg region , more than 700 houses and almost 200
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household plots were freed from water within 24 hours. now all efforts are being devoted to disinfecting and drying the areas. an almost thirty-degree temperature difference in several regions at once. a week before the may holidays , winter suddenly returned to the urals and siberia. the tyumen-omsk federal highway has turned into a catastrophe. because of icing closed a long section of the road. 70 km. yekaterinburg was covered with snow, and the landscapes in the courtyards and streets were not at all like april. kravka is turning green, the sun is shining, the swallow is flying towards us in the spring. motorists who have long since changed their tires to summer tires are asked to be careful on the roads, observe the speed limit and distance. residents of perm also greeted the frosty morning. within a few hours , the city and its surroundings were covered with white pilena. moreover, literally the day before. the temperature in the region was more than 20°c. nizhny tagil is snowy today,
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krasnoyarsk, tomsk, barnaul. rosatom makes a huge contribution to the technological sovereignty of our country and is of strategic importance for development. innovative developments are being introduced not only in the energy sector, but in medicine, the space industry, aircraft construction, and the creation of advanced materials. mikhail mishutin spoke about this today at a meeting with alexei likhachev. the head of the state corporation spoke. about the results of work in the past year, a separate topic was the development of new regions and safety at the zaporozhye npp. today we are paying serious attention to the integration of new regions, and the president sets the task that we do everything necessary so that life there is no different from life in any other subject of the russian federation. in addition, the issues that arise there regarding the zaporozhye npp are in the area of ​​constant, including attention. rosatom corporation and the government. a lot of work has been carried out , primarily on the safety of the station;
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we have no doubts about its stable condition. defensive structures have been created around the fuel storage facility. the only thing is what is causing serious concern is the periodic shelling. another very important area is the scientific and technological development of the donetsk and lugansk people's republics of the zaporozhye and kherson regions. what is very important is that, among other things, ... create new industrial sites there, engage in scientific developments and scaling of those industries that exist there, and train new scientific personnel. in chelyabinsk, the winners of the student tefé telecon were awarded; this year is its anniversary, the twentieth in a row. they fought for the main press young journalists, cameramen, directors and producers from dozens of universities in our country. the star jury examined more than 400 works and noted their high professionalism.
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well, of course, i’m bad, you’re all good, white, fluffy, angels of the area, while you were wrapping your snotty fist in there, if uncle settled everything, i asked you.
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today on rtr, they say, you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first shore, where everything is included, except for your head. we know about holidays all. relax. anex. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort. at rixsas golf villas and suites sharma shiykh. a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless
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horizons. enjoy contemporary design in rooms and luxury villas, ideally suited. for couples and families, relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits sharma. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes. a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. welcome to the newest pixos hotel in sharmelsheikh. riksas radomis sharmelsheikh is an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from
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everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms. the largest children's town in the region and an unforgettable vacation. rixus radomis sharmel sheikh. rixas premium seagate. family fun starts here. here every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at pixos. premium seagate rixus premium seagate.
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i have the most beautiful wife, keep an eye out, on sunday, rita, so i’ll come by, you want sasha to come back to you, i’m ready to do anything for the sake of my child, you’ll continue to hide in me all your life, but i’ll look at you, i have there was no second family, i love only you, i... don’t believe you, feather fly, on sunday on rtr, incredible gifts happen on your birthday, dmitry kiselev celebrates anniversaries.
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artificial intelligence has already come to us , the fate of man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. this is news and we continue to release. let's return to the first topic of the plenary session of the rsp congress with the participation of vladimir putin. the president was asked a question about inflation. lending volumes are growing, but the threat, the threat of inflation, according to the leadership of the central bank, is still hanging over us, it is. we see trends, positive trends in the downward direction, so i hope there will be an appropriate reaction regulator, in any case, today we manage
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to balance and maintain the volume, which means lending to the economy to fight inflation, everything is still possible to do this, but we see and the central bank sees, of course , these trends aimed at reducing inflation, although... they still exist , that’s why they keep it, we, probably, if we take a different path, a situation may arise, as in some neighboring countries, where inflation there is double-digit and persists, despite the fact that the key rate has been increased there at times, anyway, they crossed some threshold and now they can’t cope with it, you know, who i mean, here are our friends in turkey, for example, in the avdeevka direction... another tank was destroyed from the operation abrams, he was struck by our lancet. the drone operators said that they hunted for the target for 3 days, the powerful defense did not allow abrams to be attacked immediately, all signals
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were jammed by the rap systems, the tank constantly changed positions or went to the rear. lancet operators analyzed the frequency with which abrams appeared on the front lines, and selected opportune moment, they successfully attacked the american car. moscow may downgrade the status of diplomatic relations with washington. if the united states decides to confiscate frozen russian assets, deputy foreign minister sergei rebkov made such a statement during today’s press conference. he also noted that the possible deployment of us nuclear weapons on polish territory, which is being discussed in warsaw, will lead to a new round of escalation. this is an attempt to further escalate tension in the euro-atlantic region as it is. severe crisis provoked washington and the nato countries did not want to come to an agreement in an amicable way, they ended up with this crisis, if they follow the path of further
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escalation, this is how one can evaluate the reasoning, these verbal, so far games with nuclear weapons, then it means there will be a further round of tension, in general this game very... the beginning of may is considered the best time to relax on the peninsula, clear sea and comfortable weather. yana shcherbataya found out whether there will be queues at the entrance to the crimean bridge. now absolutely all cars are inspected at the approaches to the crimean bridge. the time it takes to complete this procedure directly depends on the amount of luggage. flows are further distributed... at the entrance to the bridge, there is a dedicated lane for buses and two for passenger cars, some are sent for manual inspection, which takes no more than 10 minutes, these are cars with a minimum amount
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of luggage, those with loaded cars will have to go through the scanner, cars are scanned, all minibuses, passenger buses and cars that are loaded with oversized cargo, since in this case, inspection on the scanner takes several times more time, passenger cars are also inspected there. the largest queues at the crimean bridge accumulate in the daytime and evening, there are few cars here at night and early in the morning, the speed of travel also depends on the day of the week, the flow of vehicles increases on friday from the republic of crimea, well, it's in the opposite direction.
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is based on a fundamentally new mechanism of action, it destroys specifically those cells that cause
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the disease,
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which is why the ministry of digital development, for example, plans to ban advertising calls after all, so especially if they are made by robots, we are now preparing a corresponding legislative initiative. solemn events in siberia: the amur-yakut highway came to the banks of the lena. in honor of this event, the builders laid the golden link of the railway line, which leads to the cargo terminal of the lena river shipping company. the project went through several
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stages. first, they built a pier for... transshipment of goods onto ships, now they have completed laying the track and met the first train, reporting by inna udovkina. now they are laying the final golden link railway track to the cargo terminal, the total area will be 46. m2, thereby making it the largest in our republic. a new steel track has been laid from the terminal station.
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two federal roads, railways and river transport intersect here; the volume of transported goods amounts to millions of tons. this line, this project will give a new impetus to development for our entire republic, not only our region, but the whole, and this is the fate of people, symbolically, but the opening of a new railway terminal is taking place on the eve fiftieth birthday. anniversary of bam, because the appearance of a steel track on the right bank of the lena river became possible thanks to the famous construction project of the century. the laying of the golden link today is also an event of historical importance. the endless arctic has now become more accessible. inna udovkina, vladimir yarmakov, sergei zaborovsky, news of yakutia. and now an impressive shot from vladivostok. the capital of primorye was covered by a dust storm that came from the border areas of china and the dprk.
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the sky has turned crimson-yellow, visibility has dropped sharply, the authorities are asking for the urgent need not to go outside, according to residents, it is difficult to breathe, sand gets into the eyes and literally crunches on the teeth. today on our channel there is a continuation of the angel district melodrama. alena shatalova’s life is full of troubles, the head of the management company is accused of fraud, she is threatened by a criminal authority, to top it all off... her husband leaves her, we will learn about the development of events in the new episodes, today immediately after the evening news. we continue to monitor the development of major events in russia over abroad, stay with us.
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good afternoon everyone! on the russian tv channel according to you.


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