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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  April 25, 2024 4:30pm-5:31pm MSK

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authorities ask people not to go out unless absolutely necessary. according to residents, it is difficult to breathe, sand gets into their eyes and literally crunches on their teeth. today on our channel there is a continuation of the angel district melodrama. alena shatalova’s life is full of troubles, the head of the management company is accused of fraud, she is threatened by criminals. to top it all off, her husband leaves her. we will learn about the development of events in new episodes, today, immediately after the evening news. we continue to monitor the development of major events in russia abroad. stay with us.
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good afternoon everyone, we are on the russia tv channel, at your numerous requests, a continuation of our television bestseller, today 50 amazing ideas for your dacha. i'll tell you the most important trick that i use when planting ros, we bet that even in the garden you can maintain a beautiful manicure. how to make landscape design for pennies? on the eve of the summer season, we have collected the best and most unusual tips on how to cheaply and cheerfully turn an abandoned vegetable garden into a luxurious blooming garden. those are my friends and acquaintances, when they come to me, they ask how i could achieve such beauty. the secret is simple. how to graft plants to get an unprecedentedly large and ripe harvest? we will show you the most fashionable fertilizer recipes and the latest methods of planting tomatoes. i have this know-how, tomatoes upside down. i do n't think you've seen anything like this before. for the first time in our program , direct inclusions from garden beds, famous summer residents and agronomists. in their areas they will talk about '. ways to plant carrots and other
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popular garden crops, and will also show gardening gadgets that help them. so, we stir thoroughly, sow the seedlings will be even, beautiful and there is no need to do any thinning. in our special issue , we have collected 50 amazing ideas to make life in the country easier, easier, and most importantly - more economical! so, friends, take it! pens, paper, and get ready to write down ideas that we are sure will be useful to you, well, let's invite our first expert, the famous gardening expert, tv presenter vitaly dikabrev, who has been collecting the best for more than 20 years ideas for herd vegetable garden and shares with summer residents all over the country, hello, thank you. how
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are you feeling, good evening, oh, hello, andrey, the mood, the mood is great, i noticed, well, it’s literally like i’m at home, in the garden, we tried to make you feel like you’re in samara, how many years have you been studying pleasure, tell me, i don’t remember how much, from 15 to 20 i don’t keep track of time, because i’m a happy person, i work with plants, and what do you grow in your beds, tell me, that’s all, all vegetables crops, i’m trying... to do decorative work now, bushes, fruit trees, in general, everything for the use of purely ecological crops, you have a large summer cottage plot, a very small plot, five acres for a vegetable garden, literally one and a half acres, i manage to grow everything there, well let's see how you came up with and how you formed your space, attention, hello,
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please come in, i'm glad to see you on my site. today i have an exclusive for you, my little secrets and gardening tips. all, i covered the free space with black material, this allows you to walk in white sneakers, as you can see, without getting dirty, and most importantly, weeds do not grow under such material. i’ll show you how to save on seedlings, few people know, the method is really unique, it’s all very simple, you cut off all the excess, well, usually we cut perpendicularly, oh, and as usual, these cuttings are all thrown away, in vain, we put the cuttings in water and we’re waiting, literally in a week and a half you should get a picture like this, look as everything is green, we take one shoot, a sharp knife
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and don’t just break out this green shoot, we cut it off, so to speak, at the heel, this is very important. many people do this not quite right, cut it off carefully, and you should end up with such a neat heel. to root cuttings you need soil, but you need loose soil, for this i mix vermiculite and peat in equal proportions, this way the roots grow faster and we get a seedling earlier. mix it, look how it turns out, not earth, but fluff. and fill the plastic one. hole, soil compact it, moisten the soil with a spray bottle and now i send the cuttings to the little guy, everything is ready, all that remains is to cover the little hole with a transparent lid and take it to the warmest place so that the seedlings
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take root faster. the most interesting gadget in my, so to speak, garden collection is an infrared mat, specially created for germinating seeds. how does this mat work: the mat heats up to a temperature of 27°, the soil in the boys warms up to 25, this is the optimal temperature for seed germination, this mat consumes there is very little electricity, but the benefits are simply maximum. here, in principle, you can clearly see the stages of plants, that is, this is the initial stage, then the seedlings are sent to the lower tier, please note that... and the agro lamps are at different distances, at all stages the seedlings feel very comfortable, because well here everything was done wisely, and almost every centimeter of space was used. but today in the announcement you
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promised to show us how to grow upside down tomatoes, i think that all gardeners and summer residents are already intrigued, will you show me? i’ll be happy to show you, i’ll get started , well, upside-down tomatoes are, of course, a big word, look, tomatoes and seedlings have this feature, it stretches out, it’s not very good, but we’ve seen, yes, we grow everything on window sills or shelves, here’s how to place it there, in order for the tomatoes to grow a good root system, in general we have to get creative.
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yes, that means what we do, we don’t water the tomato for 3 days, nothing will happen to it, absolutely, we take it out, it looks like me on friday, right now, it’s a deadly number, deadly number, pour a little soil into the pot, compact it, now pay attention, bend it and plant the tomato, that is, they are afraid of me. yes, we plant the tomato with its roots up in this way, carefully, gradually fill it in and get an additional root system, and our tomato is not tall, so we put
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a stick and tie it up, that is, when it is just a little bit like that. we will be left, well, now we can water it, and for another month this tomato will stand quite quietly with us, but of course your main hit, which has collected more than 5 million views - these are houses for plants, if you and we don’t damage it, that is, all the vessels suddenly missed, let’s remind your attention, my garden is very small, it literally crawled... hundreds, but nevertheless i managed to get all the main garden crops fit into this small space. so, everyone is wondering what kind of beds i got, what kind of structures? i wanted to combine it so that there would be
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a trellis in the garden bed and it would be convenient to cover all these crops with white non-woven material. so, what does this very bed consist of? two. ruska along the edges of the bed, at the top there is a crossbar in the center, well, relatively in the center they are also moved, there are two of them, in general... this option for assembling this bed turned out to be the most optimal: in the middle zone, without non-woven material, it is quite difficult to grow good crops: i covered the sides of the beds with film, shot them with a regular stapler, here i attached white non-woven material only on one side, and here is an ordinary stick, thin, i wrapped white non-woven material on it and shot it with the same steppes. so i open it, put the stick on the crossbars, work, everything is very convenient,
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it’s already problematic to put a stick on such beds with arcs, the advantage of growing plants under white non-woven material is not only to save you from heat or cold, but also there a certain comfortable microclimate is created, the soil dries out much more slowly, moisture is better preserved, but... and of course, less pests penetrate under the white non-woven material. what a great harvest you have! why did you put dry straw so that the soil it didn’t dry out, well, i’m a lazy person , the less i work, the better, so the mulch, which is in the form of straw, it doesn’t allow the soil to dry out, the worms and bacteria feel great, the soil doesn’t overheat, in general, this is where the result comes from. by the way, show me. we also have this idea, when you leave the dacha it’s very hot,
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they also add a little straw to the ground, pay attention, what to do if it’s terrible heat outside, and you don’t have the opportunity to come, then take a shovel and dig a small hole between plants, then we take an ordinary canister for drinking water, with a sharp object we make a hole on the sides where the plants are planted, we fill the prepared canister with water for irrigation, an important point, the canister must be closed with a lid. otherwise the water will immediately run away, now we take a canister of water and lower it into the hole, then we will need a small amount of dry grass or hay, lay the grass around the bottle and sprinkle it with earth, now for the next 2 days you are free from watering, what do you think, a good way, but what do you think feed if you are already now at the garden bed, what do you feed your tomatoes with, let me now fill the garden bed, just like i do on my plot, i’ll plant one tomato, also, by the way, a very... interesting way of planting, and andrey, i brought fertilizer of animal origin,
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i went specifically to the poultry market, this is basically bait for animals, i can tell you what it is, of course, tell me, and excellent fertilizers for tomatoes are bone and fish meal, well, everyone in the room knows, there’s nothing to surprise here, and horned meal, yes, yes, yes, do tomatoes like horns? and you you know, in general - i always say: you don’t need to feed the plants, you need to feed the soil, who are we feeding? worms, bacteria, fungi, now they process all this food into a digestible form, and plants, we get this kind of harvest, so for now vitaly will now add bone meal, and bone meal, fish meal, zala and shraf. in our garden, i’ll say that he used to do a program about fashion, but i realized that
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it’s more interesting to tinker with the earth, the earth, it’s true, i did a program about fashion for probably 10-15 years, what if i i suddenly get bored with everything, just like that, and i came to my friend’s dacha, and she has everything in such order, everything is so neat, there are blackberries like that, and i just felt like it was over, that’s it, i want to show it to him. so let’s say, this is how you paint a picture, now here, in general, i’m scattering it, this is a scrub, a horned hoof, it ’s a nitrogen fertilizing very good for a start, plants need nitrogen for growth, this is the coolest natural fertilizing, and all this will work slowly and enough for the whole season, in general i dig it up about five centimeters shallow like this. we also take a tomato, also a little bit like this, a garter
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one, and a three-day one, i dig a trench, with just such a slight movement of the hand, yeah, we take it out, put it in this trench, a little deeper, if we don’t cut and limit the tomato like this, then we will have fruits get in... and so below, there is no need, here we dig in, that is, the stem will not stretch, it will not, here, here, where we dug in, will... additional roots will form, a lot of roots, a lot harvest, again we take a stick, insert it, tie it up, voila, the next tomato can be placed in the other direction, that is , the roots will be here and the tomatoes will be nearby, and i also heard that if you cover the tomatoes with
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a red cloth, they will be more red, no, yes, this is also, you know, a relative novelty, which i am in this... i want to say that we have connections with our studio queen of vegetable gardens, akatebrina ganchkina, akatebrina alekseevna, i know that you have some amazing advice idea on how to decorate a table for easter, but then use these eggs. hello studio! andrey,
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special greetings from me to you. today i will teach all you gardeners how to sow carrots. in order not to thin out in the future, for this we take a bag of carrots, early ones, pour them out and be sure to add two tea bags, so, stir thoroughly, sow the seedlings will be even, beautiful and there is no need to do any thinning, and now there will be a surprise for you, so: and you see, these are seedlings, you won’t even believe it, only 6-7 days, i taught all gardeners and gardeners a long, long time ago how to grow seedlings in an eggshell, and if anyone has forgotten, i’ll remind you now, take an egg and make
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a hole, pour out the contents, like this. poured it out, now we need to make a small hole, and now we take the earth, pour in the earth, so, look, i put the seed, you see, since it’s not there, we add soil on top, that’s it, and after that we spill it with water, that’s it, and sow over, another tip from me on how to make organic, convenient food from household waste. so, we take everything that we usually throw away and chop it all up. so let's start with tea, torn. now we take bananas, cut the skins, of course. next comes the potato peelings. and of course, you can add old
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bread. so, the ingredients are all ready. remains only. but i'll show you now how to grow mushrooms using toilet paper. we also have such interesting advice. attention.
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that's not all, friends, a short advertisement, immediately after it, 18 more amazing ideas for your dacha, ahead of the season, don't switch. i’m your new neighbor, and also a new part-time district police officer, after graduation we immediately agreed on an application give in, what a wedding, come with us guys, this is my girlfriend, it was yours, there will be my pain, sasha, sasha, survived, it’s already good, can i hug you, fear, i don’t advise you to complain, even a word. you will blather somewhere, we will bury you in the forest, despair, there is no evidence, no testimony, yes there will be, please do not interfere with an honest
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fair investigation, when you are now for without explanation that it was honest, do not be afraid of anything, tanya , you are an amazing woman, love overcomes everything since monday. on rtr bourbon steersman product steller group. i'm tired of your old fence. do you want to update your bathhouse or terrace? but will repair or replacement take a big hit on the budget? we bring to your attention a universal photo façade for the bright life fence. with its help, you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition. fence, terrace. the mesh will be instantly updated without expensive repairs and painting, there are four bright beautiful colors to choose from, all you need to do is fix the photo facade
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in a way convenient for you, this is a ready-made solution, the bright life photo facade is suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal, if it gets dirty , just rinse it with water, beautiful, fast, convenient and easy, call and order a universal photo facade for a fence, bright life at a special price from only 9.95. just choose the appropriate design and create a unique look for your suburban area. veda vodka is a product of the stellar group. they say that perfect shoes do not exist, but we boldly say the opposite. we present to you sandals made of genuine leather palermo, which perfectly combine style, comfort and care for your feet. lightweight and elegant model. great for active and long walks in the warm season. palermo sandals are created using modern technologies from genuine leather to ensure a perfect fit and
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maximum comfort with every step. elegant sandals go with any style of clothing and are suitable for women of any age. reliable and comfortable velcro fasteners provide an ideal fit for any width and fullness of the foot. high sole made of polyurethane creates the correct roll of the foot, which ensures softness. rom castro is a product of the stellar group. mancacher whiskey is a product. we work in the interests of our country. our work speaks.
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hello, meet vitaly, hello, hello, hello, very nice, very nice, thank you, how
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do you like our studio today? well, in general, it’s so great, so beautiful, just like in a garden, well, beautiful, of course, very, very, very, well, i want to say that on the eve of the program we visited the irins, on her dacha plot, where she films her famous dacha tricks, let's see, attention, hello, my dears, now i will show you my possessions, this is our home, our beloved home, along the path we have flowers growing everywhere, here too are peonies and tulips , and conifers, look, these are almonds, god, how can you take your eyes off them, what a beauty, and this is the soul of our house, this is our bathhouse, our pond, my son-in-law specially made it
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for geese. and these are our chickens. the essence of this little secret is this. chickens jump up to the cabbage tied on a rope, they have after jumping, egg production increases. the main place of our site is, of course, my favorite vegetable garden. radishes, carrots, beets, peas, onions, and exhibition will soon grow in these beds. well, look, he’s already at his post, weed, now i’ll show you how to fight them with a folk remedy, for this we need vinegar, salt, detergent and a spray bottle. first, take a glass of vinegar, leave it a little to the top, without adding, just like that, a tablespoon of salt and a tablespoon
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of detergent. mix everything, pour it over into the sprayer, hop forward, that's it, hold on, it's better to spray on a hot day when it's sunny, then you'll forget about your weeds, like a terrible laugh, we poisoned the weeds, we need to take care of the immunity of our plants... we'll make a garlic solution , take four cloves of garlic, peel, pass through the garlic and a crusher, and now add a liter of boiling water, and for it to brew, leave it for 20 minutes, 20 minutes have passed, our solution is ready, take 5 liters. and
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add 5 tablespoons of our miraculous solution per 1 li a tablespoon, you give immunity to the plants, we use our solution on young strawberries, this is how i do it by eye all the time, a little under each bush, but all my strawberries are immune , nothing complicated.
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well, how did they get it? we boil the eggs, we only need the yolks, use a fork, and you know, of course, we are used to doubting, we’ll see something somewhere, oh, yes, eggs from ants, but how can this even help, that’s 100%, 100 % helps, boric acid, a pack, here is a pack of boric acid. we will need to make balls, a spoonful of honey so that they molded like a little sweet tooth, they’ll come running as soon as they want, and you can do it at home, because many people have ants in their houses, but it will help, you just put them down, they won’t be there, you’ll be provided for the whole year, like this, like gloves. these
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are the balls we put this ball in the place where the ants accumulate and voila, and if about the plot you just put it on top somewhere or yes yes yes right here in the bed where they put everything on your path anywhere, here’s a ball , wow, and they also told me that you have your own method of planting carrots? yes, we'll take it half a glass of cold water, two tablespoons of starch, by the way, i myself, well, if i don’t collect it, this is probably the third year i’ve been sowing carrots like this. i really liked this method, it’s very convenient, we stir the starch, pour out half of it, make jelly, everyone probably knows how to cook jelly, here’s hot water, but it’s probably 80 degrees here, and we make jelly, for half a liter,
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we still have enough for half a liter a little bit, like this, now we take the carrots and pour them here, a pack of carrots right into this jelly, yes, yes, right into this jelly, pour it like this a pack of carrots and now with a slight movement of the hand we pour it over, let's over this one, really, here, first, oh, as we always doubt, no matter who doubts, suddenly the starch will somehow damage, in general harm the carrots, no, on the contrary, let’s go to the garden bed, yes, i’ve been doing this for several years already, it’s just some kind of hair conditioner you made, we take a stick like this, and so that our seeds
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are all on the same level, and we have a smooth one like this, a strip of carrots, we make like this... deepening, take our jelly like this we water this jelly, you know what kind it is, cooled down, of course, you know how it rises smoothly, carrots, very smoothly, and you really won’t need to thin out later, and don’t doubt it, the most important thing is that it works, yes, it’s been tested, yes, yes, for several years now, however, now, well, like this we hop, oops and watered the carrot a little like this, we are still waiting for the carrots, it will come up soon, but i
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remind you that today, in addition to the experts in the studio, we have direct broadcasts from the beds of famous gardeners, now agronomist and breeder vasily blokin is contacting us dreamalin, vasily, over to you! good evening, hello, andrey, good afternoon, studio, hello, gardeners, gardeners, flower growers, today i want to tell you how to make a warm one from an ordinary bed, you don’t need a greenhouse, what are the features of my bed, pay attention, arcs, and now we will throw non-woven material over these arcs, which will not need bricks, boards, or pressed to the ground. please note, dear friends, what wonderful loops these loops are. are needed so that they contain rolled up non-woven material and not fell to the ground, because when it rains, it will be dirty, pay attention to how easily the non-woven material rises, because there is a rail on which the non-woven material is wound, and then we’ll just
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lower it, that’s it, well, the most important idea, friends, pay attention attention, if you know how to sew, you have a sewing machine, buy a roll one. woven material with a density of 60 , sew in a zipper, then you can close your greenhouse, which is the advantage of my bed, that you can plant seedlings here two weeks earlier than in open ground to rejoice tomato fruits much earlier. another useful tip for you on how to make a beautiful, wonderful flowerpot with viola, simply and quickly, fill it with substrate, namely... the bowls of the flowerpot and immediately seal the stencils in the form of cups like these. so, dear friends, i have already laid the stencil, now all i have to do is take out this stencil, take the seedlings, voila, the transfer is finished,
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we do the same with the rest of the plants, it’s ready, now we take a watering can and water our beauty, wait a little and my flowerpot will turn into . in such beauty, so today i have some useful advice for you, i’m with you, vasily blokin michtalin, andrey, over to you, studio, see you, thank you, thank you, vasily, how do you like it? andrey, i don’t know if it’s a coincidence or not, but we named the variety striped chocolate cream cake, it was just created by a team, here is vasily blokin mechtalina, what do you mean, how did it happen, it’s a coincidence, as kiselek says, i don’t think so, i didn’t even know that it would be him, len, and that our call center, he is working with us today, attention, our call center is today literally explodes from the number of calls and messages, because the topic is relevant, necessary, important for everyone. and here’s a question, irina vladimirovna, a question for you, and a
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lot of messages come from summer residents who suffered from frosts, please tell me what needs to be done , is it possible to somehow save the crop from frost? firstly, there’s no need to rush, we’re always in a hurry, oh, the sun is warmer, let’s plant everything, no need, this year i’m still at home, well, they made the greenhouse warmer, hung it on... the heaters are hanging infrared, yes, you can have a bucket, candles in there, but this is very, of course, people try all night, light these candles, put this iron bucket to make it at least warmer, blow smoke, smoke the fields, even some fruit plantings , lit, smoked, in order to somehow raise the temperature, well , it seems to me that there is no need to rush, yes, when it’s already june frosts, of course, there’s no escape. well, i want to say that now the topic of
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environmentally friendly and safe products is especially popular all over the world, and i would like to introduce you to maria vasilievna nemesh, an eco-gardener who has become famous for growing such products and then preparing incredibly healthy organic dishes, she is here today with her ten-year-old grandson denis, let's invite them to our conversation, hello, hello, andrey. hello, studio, hello, hello, hello, let's see, we visited you , you gave a tour of your site, attention, this is our favorite dacha, we built it together with my husband and sons, we have three grandchildren, this is the most little denis, hello, he helps us with the housework, he loves animals very much, nick, nick! this is our
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beloved family member, nikusha, put your paw on, that ’s how smart you are, now we’ll feed our chickens, our chicks, chick, chick, chick, chick, chick, we still have a piglet. they are very friendly, they even sleep together and always protect each other, this is our little keplitsa, here we have peppers and tomatoes so that they grow healthy, i add two or three spoons of semolina under the bush every two or three weeks, semolina - it's organic fertilizer, it compacts the soil, strengthens the roots, the bush grows, i recommend it to everyone. i really love greens, i’ll show you now
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a small example of how you can quickly germinate them at home on the balcony, we take half an orange, pick out the core from it with a spoon, cut the spread, put a little earth here, add the seeds right then just like this in this peel, we already plant seedlings in open ground, the peel works like humus ... fresh greens are much faster, since my whole life is connected with cooking, i don’t i know what could be better than cooking with products that i grew myself. today we will make our favorite family dish, frittata. for this we will need two assistants. denis, you already know, and this is danya, our middle grandson. among the products we have onions, garlic, eggs. milk, the most important ingredient is nettle, which we collected
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from our site. to prevent the nettle from stinging, you need to pour boiling water over it and wait 2-3 minutes until the boiling water cools down. when i grow up, i want to become a restaurateur. i really love making cupcakes, pancakes, and cakes. i i think that cooking food is bringing good to people, when you cook, i, for example, put my whole soul into cooking. guys, bon appetit, we tried, the notes of greenery are fresh, it just feels good, it’s just airy, when i have my own restaurant, then i ’ll definitely cook my grandmother’s frittata in it, it’s very tasty. maria vasilievna, denis, let's tell you the recipe for your ideal green soup, which you make from the greens you collect at your dacha. so, what will it take?
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firstly, arugula goes there, cilantro also goes there, spinach - all of them, garlic. a little clove and onion, it takes literally 2 minutes to cook, we also add olive oil, yes we add it, we have garlic somewhere, it’s already stewed, in general it’s better to add it to such dishes, if you don’t really like garlic this is a ready-baked oven, i make it like this, it has no smell, everything, we add spinach here right away, we already have it washed, we add arugula here. here is the apartment and add water here, water, yes, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, and here we also put dill, uh-huh, parsley, parsley, parsley, and be sure
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to add a little mint for freshness, somewhere we definitely have mint here, it will turn out so refreshing, you can also use it at any time of the day. eat, who's there, here's mint, yes, thank you, as if we need to bring it a little to a boil, yes, yes, it should boil for two minutes, but no more, now it's already boiling, about two minutes, and we beat it with a blender the soup is ready, come on, come on, for a smaller one, if it’s hot, yes, what’s the color, yes, and the color is... in general, here it is, tell me, yes, there’s even one smell, just pull it out, grandma is on a flight now, so people can see what, look, the preparation, even the color hasn’t changed, it’s just, well, the aroma, show us,
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really, your method of planting a seedling flower, yes, this flower is called a golden ball. look, here is a smoothie, we have an apple here, parsley, dill, well, of course water, this is not only something we can eat, we can feed the plants with all of this, look, we take it, we have some earth poured here, a pot, here we pour the smoothie , right here, right in pot, we take a flower, i didn’t wear gloves, of course, so we plant it. we cover the top with earth, and this way you can have any flowers, any seeds, you can even plant everything, we water it, here we have fertilizer, andrey, since you, my
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favorite presenter, yours and your children, that’s why. with all my heart, because it will turn out like this, and it will turn out like this, yes, i promise to take a photo, yes, i’m glad, thank you very much, friends, thank you, after the advertisement we will continue with even more tips for our viewers, stay with us, monte shokoka, product of stellar group. we present to your attention a real bestseller, a luxurious chocolate bag made of genuine leather. an elegant, stylish, very roomy chocolate bag is made in patchwork style and goes well with any clothes and shoes. she will become your reliable companion to
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work, on a visit, or on a walk to the store. soft genuine leather, high-quality fittings, classic shape and optimal size. such a bag. will be appreciated by the most discerning fashionistas; it will emphasize the femininity of its owner and add even more charm, the design of the bag is thought out to the smallest detail, two large zippered compartments, four external pockets and even a secret compartment for an umbrella, all this will allow you to conveniently organize the space and keep your bag tidy. stylish design - two current colors to choose from, universal black and noble brown. call right now to order an exquisite one. bag chocolate made of genuine leather for only 1995 cognac old barrel product stellar group if you want twice as much harvest , the best solution for you will be a mini-greenhouse granary, it will protect plants from frost , retain heat, accelerate the growth of fruit ripening , extend the gardening season, the presence of
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zippered windows will provide quick access for watering and care. we offer a choice of two sizes of mini-greenhouses - 120x60x60 cm and 120x90x90 cm. you can use it on the terrace for growing seedlings or exotic ornamental plants. thanks to its compact size, the mini-greenhouse-breadbasket will fit well. even in the most inaccessible places of your site or premises. durable mini-greenhouse frame made of metal pipes are resistant to corrosion and protect plants from strong gusts of wind. thanks to the covering material made of pvc film , plants receive reliable protection from insect pests. choose your mini-greenhouse size and get a quality harvest. call to order the zhitnitsa mini greenhouse at an amazing price from only 29.95. cnop gin is a product. stellar group bourbon searsne products group. the tests are
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still not perfect for pregnancy. go with your husband to the sea. on saturday, i’ll come to the institute and give him a surprise. this is my passion. how can you not understand this? passion? any problem can be treated. you need to unwind, take a ride on a yacht, the sea, the sun, vitamin d, you are a very beautiful girl, dream of having a wired romance, forget it, i’m not like that, what hotel is she in, i want to save our family, he came with her, with his mistress, make lena jealous of what you have with my wife, your marriage is at the seams, the sea overseas premiere, our lives can’t just fall apart like that, on saturday on rtr, people’s
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artist of russia and the favorite of all women tsakh mikhailov celebrates his fifty-fiveth birthday usually when my grandmother comes up to me they say okay. hello andrey, andrey malakhov's evening show on saturday on rtf, good afternoon everyone again, if you have just joined us, today we are airing our special episode of 50 amazing ideas for your dacha ahead of the season. so, we have collected the newest one. the best tips to make work in your dacha simpler, easier, and most importantly, more economical. in our studio there are real beds where famous gardeners of the country
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conduct their experiments and share the secrets of a rich harvest. but dacha is the same not only about beds, but also about a beautiful well-groomed area, so i suggest you look at a new selection of ideas. how to make an economy version of tracks on your sensor? the base is ordinary sand, we roll it well with a roller and spill it with water. covering material. 120 g per meter, the cover is attached to ordinary boards that stand on the sides, if you want to raise your area a little, you can simply take sawdust from a sawmill, add everything, level it and you will get a smooth, level area, like i have here in the spring it will all be green, how to do it landscape design for pennies, around every tree and shrub, and... you remove the top layer of grass, buy cheap wood chips, sprinkle it around the trees and you're done, very
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beautiful on a budget, and today i'll tell you the most important trick that i use when planting roses: first a little beogomus, a complex fertilizer for dew and a mineral filler for cat litter, which is made from the natural material well- known zealite, it perfectly absorbs moisture, retains it, and most importantly, it’s simple. pennies, so i spend it without saving. well, let's see what advice yulia gerosimenko, a flower garden that has been recognized as one of the best in the south of our country, can give us. krasnodar communications. julia, you have the floor. hello andrey, hello studio. i have the most beautiful plot in the city of krasnodar. and all my friends and acquaintances come to me and ask how i could achieve it. such beauty, the secret is simple, it is regular care of your garden and that includes, of course, regular trimming of all
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plants, shrubs, and trees. and today i using my example, i’ll show you how easy it is to beautifully design iwa hakura nishiki. this is very easy to do, provided that you cut your hair at least 5-7 times a season every year. in order to change the color of your hydrangea from pink to purple, many people use various means, including aluminum salts, which are sold in every pharmacy. but it will take a certain time to color your hydrangea piece, and you must add these aluminum salts at certain intervals for some time, 2-3 months, this will greatly affect your pocket, there is a simple solution, and to this problem we take a coagulant - this is a cleaning agent for your pool , add two
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tablespoons of it to the root of 2 liters of water. stir well, because the crystals mix very poorly, we must mix thoroughly, thoroughly until smooth, pour your product directly under the root of your plant, without burning the leaves, this is very, very important, i will show you another life hack, how to do without any chemicals can be contained with our folk remedies in such a beautiful condition. our gardenia. so, we need a bucket of water, kefir and a loaf of bread. what are we doing now? we pour kefir into our water. and the bread, the crumb of the bread, makes our water the environment that is needed specifically for hydrangea. with these simple
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movements we put this whole mess together... the fertilizer must sit, the next day we filter it, we apply this composition at the root , we leave it for a day, of course, ours for our hydrangeas, believe me, throughout the whole season you will enjoy the beauty of your flowers, and the main thing is what kind of garden, look, everything is already blooming in krasnodar, we have more here. would, of course, be incomplete if we had not invited the country’s chief gardener, but i can say that today’s program is the chairman of the public organization gardener of russia, a man who
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has been publishing his favorite newspaper for decades. your advice about cognac has received millions of views, let’s show your attention, and today, friends, i ’ll tell you about the latest development of russian scientists to increase productivity several times, this is pre-sowing seed treatment with using cognac, pour cognac into any glass. now i have it poured, now the technological process itself, the main thing is, don’t be mistaken, don’t be mistaken, you don’t need to pour cognac directly to the seeds, we do it this way, that is, as we said in the army, in a very thin layer, that’s it, the processing is done.
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now these seeds will give a very large harvest. well, you probably understand, dear friends, that this is a joke. here, by the way, i didn’t have cognac, but compote. is it worth treating the seeds at all, do they even need pre-sowing treatment with various chemicals ? drugs that are now recommended to us by almost everyone. in order for the seeds to germinate better, so that they do not have diseases, they are... treated, as a rule, with disinfectants, but if they are treated once, it will be good, most seeds that are sold in the store, they have already undergone one treatment with disinfectants, you know, the simplest stimulating agent, you just soak them in snow water, that’s it, this will be the best free remedy for your seeds, i suggest we talk about
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vaccinations, i was told that... the 30 second rule is important, when to vaccinate, is this true or not? yes, it’s true, if you graft, you need to graft quickly so that your cut is always fresh. chains, this is a knife, you need to learn how to make cuts like this, in what, yeah, that’s it, the cut is done, sometimes the tail remains, but it’s cut, so we have 30 seconds, 30 seconds, yes, well, we’ll cut it now, no need to update , now i’ll show you the very same operation, it’s about splitting, how to split, so we make a cut and then we we don’t press, but we pump the knife, look, i ’m pumping it, i’ve got a splitter, i’m not using force, but anyway, you need a sharp knife for this, well, now we quickly make a wedge on this side, so just
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a little - we trimmed the tail a little, now we need to insert the stalk here, we need to combine the cambium with the cambium, that is, the bark with the bark, that’s the most important thing, you see, here i am combining, you can add a little bit of pressure, you see, from this side to that side, that’s it , our vaccination is almost ready, now uh, oh, this is our binding material, so the professionals are above us they will laugh at using electrical tape, because professionals use it, usually they just cut strips from plastic bags, twist them, they don’t stick, but - in the end , then they make a loop like - a knot, a knot, like the one above. yes , well, that’s it, yes, we wrapped it up, cut it off, now, well, now we need garden varnish, without garden varnish we won’t be able to graft in our calculations, this is garden varnish, take it,
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crush it, i don’t need it, don’t take your hands away later, i understand, but so, i’ve smeared it, it’s still good to smear it below, because it can be a rasp be lower than the harness, so he will smear. below - now we cut, so let's leave one, two, let's leave three buds, that's enough, three buds, we can do this from above or not, definitely, in, in, here, it's immediately clear that a person understands, definitely, definitely , that's it, our graft is ready, 99%, even this one made here - in these conditions, the graft will take root, if we grafted onto a tree, that is, we can make a twig, male to... female sea buckthorn, it will pollinate , sea buckthorn plant pollinated, creepy useful, this is one of the most useful berries in general, healthy for people. so, that’s it, the grafting is done, by the way, you can
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also fix the peasant, if you have a male plant, you can re-graft it with a female cutting, let it bear fruit, let it bear fruit, that’s actually the grafting, listen to andrey tumanov, friends, the main man, the orchestra in the gardens our... well, friends, the time of the program has come to an end, we wish you a great summer, good harvests, and if you know any interesting ideas, write to our editor, thank you very much, andrey, thank you, take care of yourselves.


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