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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 25, 2024 9:05pm-9:21pm MSK

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rostec and fmba are aimed at solving the issues of import substitution of medicines, the result can be considered the beginning of the joint development of vaccines against deuteria, tetanus, whooping cough, hepatitis b, hemophilia infection, polymealitis, the release of which will help resolve the issue of russia's current dependence on foreign supplies. the russian ministry of health has registered the world's first drug to treat the disease. we’ll talk more about this with our columnist naililyaden, good evening, who most often suffers from this autoimmune disease and how does it generally work? manifests itself? igor, good evening, most often the disease develops in people under the age of 40; their own immune cells begin to attack cartilage tissue and joints, perceiving them as foreign. as a result , the intervertebral discs are destroyed, the vertebrae fuse together, and the spine is lost.
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mobility, the disease also attacks other joints, as well as the eyes, kidneys and heart. they experience pain and inflammation. over the course of several years , the patient may become severely disabled due to the rapid return of vertebral bodies, changes in joint structure. and all this affects the patient’s quality of life. sometimes it takes 5-7 years from the first symptoms to diagnosis. this is due to the fact that at an early stage the disease manifests itself as moderate, intermittent pain in the spine. patients often resort to massage, exercise, and relieve pain with anti-inflammatory drugs. what is the main difference between the new drug? biological drugs that have been used over the past 20 years have only been effective for relief of inflammation. they did not lead to complete remission; they suppressed the immune system and increased the risk of developing serious diseases such as tuberculosis. bluetwig is
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the world's first drug that can lead to complete remission. our drug very carefully destroys the cells that lead to the disease without affecting the immune system as a whole. the drug, which, i think, is 7-10 years ahead of all the research being conducted in other countries, will ensure normal functioning for many, many years and decades person. normal state of the body. the experience of using the drug during clinical trials has shown: inflammation in the spine decreases, pain decreases , and the patient becomes more mobile. the research results were published in one of the leading authoritative international scientific journals, nature medicine. how many people in the world suffer from this disease? 23 million. in russia there are approximately 14,500 people with ankylosing spondylitis, about a third of them.
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plans to release it in the form of a solution for intravenous administration once every 6 or 12 months, depending on the course of the disease, so it is not addictive. thank you, it was my colleague naililaski. zeroing fees for 5g frequencies for telecom operators, mandatory biometrics for the purchase of sim cards by foreigners, introducing responsibility for it companies for the quality of training. about these and other initiatives of the ministry of digital development.
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we are preparing. one of the most anticipated exhibitions of spring. antiquity coordinate system opens in the media center of the moscow park charge. for the sake of this exhibition, the arkhangelsk estate provided several hundred exhibits from the collection of prince nikolai yusupov. a prominent statesman from the time of catherine ii collected unique monuments from hellas and rome, and also did not hesitate to order copies of ancient samples. polina ermolaeva with details. moore, a man's
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foot and a marble urn. these truly antique objects ended up in russia thanks to nikolai borisovich yusupov. he did not leave notes where he acquired the masterpieces, but there is an assumption. he was the one from. one of those who quickly got to pompeii. he, as an envoy of the russian empire, was naturally given the green light, and he saw these excavations there almost 10 years after they had just begun. at the same time, the collection also included documentation of excavations by francesc peranesi in the 17th century. it was the engravings that served as photographs. relying on them, yusupov orders copies from ancient masterpieces to the masters. the work he commissioned is also presented here. canova, and this is the original, that is, not only in armitage, but also now in we're here until the end of summer, paris. paris is canova's original, and helen is a copy from canova. in fact, he forms a collection of modern, but antiquity-inspired art, sometimes at the behest of mother catherine
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ii, but more often according to his own, very refined taste. this diptych, morning and evening in the outskirts of rome, was painted by the then fashionable artist hackert and the exhibition is charged with the opportunity to examine the painting in the smallest detail. diana of versailles, apollo belvidere. at the exhibition, they seem to welcome guests. today it's hard to believe that the restorers literally assembled the statues piece by piece. they once decorated the lower terrace of the arkhangelskaya estate, but were damaged during the 1998 hurricane. the fragile gods actually weigh 400 kg. the curators had the courage to release them from the arkhangelsk forces in order to install them in charge. we take it here under the knee, take it by the base, and on this side we also don’t touch the paws or the arm. we don’t touch it, this is the first time that an antique collection in such a volume has left the estate, tours are only possible while the palace is being restored, we are restoring our palace, yusupov palace, we hope that next year all these exhibits will come to their proper places, the palace and estate, by the will of the owner, were turned into an ideal artistic environment,
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antiquity, of course, reigns here, arkhangelsk was called the heavenly abode, which the ancients imagined so well, an immovable part of the collection of 187 sculptures from the darkness of karara...
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with what our two branches will tell you about. first, let's give the floor to state television and radio broadcasting company voinakh and ramzan abuev; today the region celebrates chechen language day. good evening, igor, this is one of the main national holidays, it was established 17 years ago. representatives of authorities, clergy, and scientific creative intelligentsia gathered to celebrate it in the palace of celebrations named after dagun amayev. the distinguished guests were presented with a theatrical production dedicated to the history of the life of the people. and
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there was a yellow tint, according to specialists at the faubus weather center, this is the strongest emission of sand from the sahara in recent years, this phenomenon, according to meteorologists, affected the air temperature. in the krasnodar region , sultry summer weather has settled in. in socha, for example, today it was hot, like in august +30, townspeople and tourists changed into
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shorts and t-shirts. many went to the beach. and motorists will now have to wash their cars; they are all covered in red dust. there will be a sandstorm tomorrow. it will subside, and the air temperature will return to the beginning. holiday weekend will approach the climate norm. we wish all our colleagues a good broadcast, with residents of moscow and the moscow region, we will see you in a few seconds. in shchelkovo , a kindergarten teacher suspected of beating children was fired. occasion became footage taken by eyewitnesses on the promenade. the teacher beats one child, roughly drags the second by the hand, and as it turns out, this is not the first scandalous incident in this kindergarten. report by alexey knor. these shots show a walk in the nursery. soda for the kids, the teacher tries to restore order, but clearly cannot cope, then fists are used, the teacher grabs one of the boys and hits him in
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the face, then once again, who is already lying down, pulls him by the arm and roughly drags him into the corner of the gazebo, the execution was captured by a resident of a neighboring house and posted it online, the parents who took their children to kindergarten this morning have no words, it’s disgusting, of course, your child never craves, no, we have the perfect nanny teachers, like we do, so i was a little in shocked , i... don’t see any justification for this behavior, that is, how could a child lose his temper, as it turned out, strict security walks in this garden are not uncommon, the video is different, the teacher is the same, this time a little girl got under the hot hand , a girl we know goes to this group, the teacher more than once used force on children, the teacher is of course young, let’s say, 20 years old, but this does not give the right to treat children this way, the video caused a wide public outcry, parents of beaten children go to investigators as if they were going to work... they give evidence, they opened a case, that's all, nothing so far, investigators have already
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joined in to clarify all the circumstances, inspections and interrogations have been carried out, job descriptions and other documents have been confiscated, and the parents of two children have been recognized as victims. by the way, the children’s kindergarten does not come to the attention of law enforcement agencies. first. in february of this year, police already carried out an investigation after a three-year-old girl ran away from here. she missed her mother and went on her own. none of the teachers even noticed this. the fugitive was stopped by a random passer-by a kilometer away at the railway station. last time the case was hushed up and no one was fired. this time it didn't work out. at the moment, the senior teacher and teacher have terminated their employment relationship. further work is carried out by law enforcement agencies. remain questions to the management of the kindergarten, because this is not the first such case, an emergency that attracts attention. such people have no place in kindergarten. now the former teacher refuses to comment.
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hello, hello, tatyana yuryevna? yes, good afternoon, this is the program for you. moscow, alexey knor is worried about the incident in the kindergarten? a criminal case has been opened against tatyana rashchupkina; she is accused of failure to fulfill her duties in raising a minor. the maximum punishment under this article is 3 years in prison. alexey knur, veronica tarasova, nikita shchuchkin, oleg dobin, lead. the prosecutor's office is investigating the circumstances of the delay of more than a day for the motor ship sergei diaghilev, who was supposed to sail on a cruise along the golden ring the day before. rospotrebnadzor did not issue permission for the flight. about two hours ago, the ship, carrying 200 passengers, finally set off . meanwhile, the same carrier is preparing two more ships for travel. with details dmitry blinnikov. all day, the passengers of the ship sergei dyagelev wandered around embankment of the northern river. uglich and myshkin,
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however, more than a day has passed, but you can see that the ship is still standing at the pier, and how well it all started, we were solemnly seen off with music, we are celebrating the wedding anniversary of our friends, we are having such a trip, yes, a trip holiday, passengers with glasses. a bed, here we have a couch, and we are waiting for a beautiful view through the windows, counting the minutes before the ship departs, but the ship did not go anywhere, rospotrebnadzor prohibited it, the crew members did not have vaccinations against smoking, hepatitis a and dysentery, non-compliance with the requirements of sanitary legislation was established, on the basis of which the management... rospotrebnadzor for the city of moscow was refused to issue a ship's sanitary certificate. the carrier
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made excuses, the company was registered in rostov-on-don, documents for the flight were submitted there, but moscow has different requirements for river transportation. the carrier admitted his guilt, but this does not make things any easier for passengers. this family came from krasnodar. where's everyone from? they are from moscow and many from far away. and to many i have to leave work on the twenty-eighth, you understand, and we won’t be back on the twenty-eighth. in prison, and they and their three children flew halfway across the country from yekaterinburg, or this family from voronezh, were also depressed, bought a tour for sure, there was some kind of dream there, no, there was, who will compensate? the damage is that we don’t know anything, according to the rules in such a situation , passengers can go ashore to demand a refund, but who will compensate for the trip to moscow for a ruined vacation, perhaps that’s why no one was in a hurry to abandon the cruise, fed, all the measures that are on board the ship were carried out, they are all in force, the programs are carried out, only a day after the intervention...


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