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tv   Angeli raiona  RUSSIA1  April 25, 2024 10:20pm-11:25pm MSK

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out into nature, take a shovel out into your teeth to dig a hole near a little tree, what are you completely crazy about, what are you talking about, organ, what do you think? nikolai nikolaevich, what are you doing? why, like these, will it suddenly work? kolya, i told you 100 times that i’m done with these things, my whole life has gone awry because of this, that’s why you’re wound up, that you’re wound up, i... i’m just offering at least something, they’re sitting here , their girlfriend is being imprisoned, they are like sheep here, it’s so clear, let me get the second one,
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and who is he, there are no empty rooms here, everything is privatized, there’s no one, unless vice-rector, but he’s on a business trip, elena nikolaevna. i'm going to the pharmacy, i'm hungover, he 'll feel bad, damn it!
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good morning, good, how are you, okay, uh-huh, the thinking apparatus has turned on, in the process, uh-huh, i’m embarrassed to ask where the vice-rector is, don’t you remember anything at all, i remember. my husband is on a business trip, yes, but
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do you remember that elena nikolaevna came? and how, disgustingly, like in the last joke. and that i would also think so, so go ahead and explain yourself, thanks for the advice, what happened to you that you did this yesterday, um, military secret, it’s clear, so, now i’ll wash off the mask, go to the bath, take a shower and make the right decision, that’s it. i’m your new neighbor, well, and a new
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part-time district police officer, after graduation we immediately agreed to submit an application, what a wedding, come with us, guys, this is my girlfriend, it was yours, there will be my pain, sasha, sasha, survived! it’s already good, can i hug you, fear, i don’t advise complaining, if even a word fades somewhere, we ’ll bury you in the forest, despair, there is no evidence, no testimony, yes there will be, please don’t interfere with the honest fair investigation, then you disappeared without explanation, that it was fair, don’t be afraid of anything, tanya, you are an amazing woman. love will overcome everything starting
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monday on rtr. borbon stersman is a product of the steller group, a hotel for unforgettable experiences at rix sharma, only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day.
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year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixos sharma is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for... where every detail is created for admiration, vodka veda, product of stellar group. rum, castro, product of stellor group. how did you get here vadler? it’s six
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days on the train, and it’s a long vacation, he says: 2 weeks, what a sleeping beauty. so, i don’t understand who i saw in the mirror. but we don’t have the weight on issue, there are three of them. 90 60-90, this is their age, take your hand off my knee , count to 5. humor, humor, humor, premiere on saturday on rtr. skorikov, skorikov, you there, here,
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what do you do at night, but this is too intimate. question, uh-huh, no, well, if you're whole you sleep during the day, then at night you, what do you do? it’s summer, who sleeps at night, you ’ve become kind of nervous lately, alena nikolovna, yeah, well, there is, but that’s the reason, you need to take care of it. do you think i have nothing to do ? well, how are people, they plow for you, plow, send their relatives home, then boom, a nervous explosion, or some kind of sore will come out, no personal life, and why? because my vision
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is focusing incorrectly, on the wrong thing, but it’s fine, my vision is fine, okay, here he is, what? tree, that's right, and also what? well, well, well, leaves, wires, he wants something, and there are magpies, magpies, and they built a nest there, baby turtle-necks, the cats twitch all day long, really, no, you need to come up with something to do with it focus on what... for example, well , i don’t know, you can learn to play the guitar, or poker, no, you don’t need poker, oh, i know what you need, sign up for tango, or flamenco, figure i’ll tell you, you’re completely
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without it, pach, ah, ah, you’ll be fired, for what? well, you said it yourself, you’ll see again that i sleep at work, thanks for reminding me. do you want coffee, i don’t understand, then come and see us, we have new coffee in the machine, i still think that you are wrong, you shouldn’t have left the house and hummed like that with no one knows who, it was necessary to make you worry so much yulena nikolaevna is looking for you, and the most interesting thing is that she found you with me, that’s what she thought. and so, if you look at the situation soberly, nothing terrible
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happened. if a woman is wise, she will never believe this. do you know why? because that you love ilya nikolaevna, and she loves you? for example, i, i know that sasha loves me. and i will never believe that he can do something like that. to mess up on the side, and you know why, because i love him too, well, how can you not love him, he’s such an extraordinary person, he’s such a tiresome person, some surprises, i’m at home, although the last time he gave me flowers was on march 8 . but that doesn’t mean that he’s greedy or inattentive, he’s just that kind of person, and i just
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love him, although he’s a rare bore, i’m a bore, conference, i spoke immediately and ran to you, but you can’t imagine how much i wanted to see you, farewell. i didn’t think it was so important for you, doctor, good morning, good morning, listen, do you often talk to yourself? who else should i talk to, you’re either not there or you’re busy,
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so come on, thank you, i, well, what other options, come on, listen, it sounds crazy, of course, but not at all what you thought, yes, we are completely we didn’t think of anything like that, come on, come on, mikhail andreevich, get in here, let’s quickly, here, here, wow, lord, hello, hello, you'll have some coffee, i'll be there, fucked up, alena, fucked up, zaitsev called, there's a meeting tomorrow, they didn't report it, he corrupted some people so that they would speak out against you, and by the way, about some old lady. this countertative, claudia, what’s her name, i’m mikhailovna, what’s he talking about, i almost
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made it out of the apartment, have you all gone crazy or something, but what kind of nonsense, and vitya, yes, this i, vitya, blow, first house, fifth floor, second entrance, yes they sit, come on, don’t ask anything, come on, where did i get it, everything is bad, in short, alena, everything is bad, now we ’ll drink something, sit down and think about what to do, i don’t want to think anything, i just don’t want to. i'm tired of all this, maybe i want to sign up for tango, maybe flamenca. egora, you, you actually saw a magpie, why is there a magpie up there in the tree. which magpie? i don’t know, white-sided. here. i found it, i’m telling you where you were. allow me. hello. hello, do you have something urgent? great, calm down, pyotr semyonovich, whatever you wanted, please come in, something happened,
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elena nikolaevna, i’m talking about edik, i want ask him to improve his finances, what about edik, korikov, or something, well, yes, what is this to encourage, how is this what, he installed a sink for me, replaced all the taps and didn’t take a single penny for it, by the way, he’s sitting here at the entrance , so i invited him to drink coffee, why did i find it, found it, found it, i told you, takratyeva, claudia mikhailovna, rebinova 16. so we will definitely deal with skorikov, i just need to leave now, for a long time, i’ll go to the countryside, i want bring the tlava so that finally everyone can see that she is alive and she’s healthy, elena nikolaevna, excuse me, but do you want to go see her right now? well, yes, i’m ordering a taxi, take me with you,
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why? well why? this is now klavia mikhailovna. once upon a time there was a klava, a klavochka, well, you name it, i’ll control it at the expense of the bonus, they won’t get away with it, let’s go. alyot, hello, let's come in and talk, skorikov, why are you so relaxed, come on, let's go to the challenges,
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let's go, what are the challenges? mikhail andreevich, mikhail andreevich, buy flowers, what kind of flowers, peonies, smell, in the evening he will smell everything that’s it, try it out right away, mikhail andreevich, peonies. thank you, of course you need to go sign up with her, where to sign up? at tango, you will dance together, focus on each other, what are you carrying, and well, look,
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what do you see there, where? well out there. tree, right, but what else? well, magpies, they have a nest there, do you know? okay, what’s normal, everything’s fine, listen, asshole, i got it, eh! and urru! picture one, opana, great, bro, what are you doing, how much? yes, nikolai
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nikolaevich, the years passed, it was normal! beautiful, for me poor fellows, goddess, what do you want to show us, a car, or what? car, time machine, picture two, hello, love, get excited, men.
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i remembered, bought it for the occasion, brought it to mind purely as a memory, well, transportation, let's go do good deeds, let's snuggle the bunny's kokushka, well, sotizh, well, we agreed, no lawlessness, but i'm kidding, that you're just, no, no , just let’s talk, reasoned, you, by the way, are also coming with us, me, why? to rehabilitate yourself, you have deprived vanya, here is the organ, you will go, work off, let's go. drank, now i dare to drink all the time, i’m pleased,
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pleased with everyone who brought you together, your cheerful yaratka took away my peace for the laundry, your clothes nine, again the alarm. so i didn’t understand anything, did you spend the night with this swallow or something, well, i actually sort of left home, like i went to her or something, dad, why to her, i just left, and then i understand you, if there’s anything on your side, what are you talking about here, on which side, on the side is he, dad, well, on that side, what ’s going on with mom lately, first about giving me?
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i also added here, in short, look, the plan is this, today uncle grisha is taking people for rides, the last one is coming, so that at 3 o’clock he will be there, he understands me, and take your mother with you, i don’t know how , even in handcuffs, not... see, that’s it, come on, dad, listen, but you definitely
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didn’t have anything, anyway, the pregnancy tests are still not perfect, you and your husband should go to the seaside. on saturday, i’ll come to the institute and give him a surprise, this is my passion, how can you not understand this, passion, any problem is cured by the sea, you need to unwind, take a ride on yacht, sea, sun, vitamin d, you are a very beautiful girl, you dream of having a holiday romance, forget it, i’m not like the hotel she’s in, i want to save ours. he came with her, with his mistress. make your lenya jealous. what's going on with my wife? and your marriage is bursting at the seams. sea overseas. premiere.
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our life cannot just fall apart like that. no need to think. on saturday on rtr. they say. you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax where there is sun and sea, on the first coastal beach, where everything is included, except heads, we know everything about relaxation, relax, anex whiskey manc product of steller group. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets.
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elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts. we are here for you. cognac monte chococa is a product of the stellar group. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in world-exciting adventures of incendiary entertainment. welcome to the world forever and elegantly. product of stellar group. “we
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are meeting on such a beautiful date of yours, you are 70 years old, happy birthday, dmitry kitelev is celebrating his anniversary. it would seem that dad is a general, but i never used it, it never even occurred to me, one day he was called to school, i’m terrible behaved badly, he studied poorly, he went there in his uniform from work, he then says how your chemical engineer talked to me, the marshal spoke to me, so don’t talk to me..." i worked in radio for 10 years, then came to ostankino, i had to work on camera, my teacher eduard mikhailovich tsagolayev, i said: you will feel free when you can straighten your hair on camera, what kind of hair is there, i have lead hands, what should i do, that was my debut, and what about the hair, you have learned to correct, there is nothing left to correct, at least i can afford a gesture, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on
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rtr. so she seemed to have her own house, and this is , like, a nursing home. you still can’t name a bagadel, this is a house of decent living, old age, joy, but where is rowan 16? ryabinovaya 16, we have everything according to the schedule, meals, procedures, dancing, cinema on
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weekends. they eat, they read, by the way, unlike young people whose eyesight allows them, hello, hello, thank you. alyonka, aunt klava, unexpected joy, how glad i am, petka, hello, klava. hello,
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thank you very much, are you lame? well, there is a little, if you came to get married, we don’t need lame people, well, maybe i’m lame, but i’m playful, you see, i hobbled over to you, how glad i am to see you, aunt klav, why are you here? where else, in the cemetery, or what? wait, well what about your grandson, lyosha, lyosha, lyosha, he promised to buy you a house, he promised, but he gave the money to the business, he promised to return it, and you gave it, yes, you gave it, but of course, this is my grandson, well, in vain, lyosha, good, so, give me this lyosha’s phone number now, i’ll call him, and now he’ll not only buy you a house, he’ll buy you everything,
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just wait, alena, it’s not about the money, the main thing is that i see him, besides that i i’ll do it alone in the house, waste away, everything is on schedule here, and meals, and procedures, and movies, dancing on sundays and i have girlfriends here, and also boyfriends, by the way, are not lame, yes let these lame-legged people run with me to the races, to the races, yes, okay, i’m going to the disco in the style of the nineties , by the way, you also sat down, well, we agreed
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, why are you? on the machine, who thought that he would turn out to be so dead, vano, come on, grab him, they dragged him, come on, come on, he’s not standing yet, come on, oops, fucking talk. open the trunk, i don’t understand, what is this all about, nikolaevich, everyone in the room, listen, he’ll wake up, i’ll apologize, probably calmly, leg, carefully, oh, everything ’s fine, that’s normal, nikolai nikola.
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let's go, let's go, alen, when you moved into our apartment, you found my daughter lyudmila, no, you didn’t, yes, yes, exactly, exactly, but i’m talking about how everything was, why was i left alone? at first i hounded my husband half to death, he escaped, so petenka, how fabulously lucky you are that you didn’t marry me, slavochka, but we
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still have everything ahead of us, well, of course, of course, then i started raising my daughter, i wanted everything, in order for her to live, in my opinion, they began to swear, then she also had a fiancé, of course he immediately met me. not i liked it, well, i just couldn’t see him, and i told lyudmila, don’t call the wedding, i won’t come, they quarreled to death, she also ran away, but the man turned out to be a good man, they gave birth to a son, lesha, they still live happily, but i’m not her, nor my grandson, i didn’t really see how many years i lost? and why didn’t they make peace? yes, they made peace when i apologized to her. it's a pity i realized too late that it was my own fault. alyon, how is it at home? how is misha, how is temka, not married yet? he's
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just calling now. hello mom, yes, that's it. where are you? yes, yes, here for work. and mom, i wanted to tell you not to be offended, you won’t believe it, i mean, well, i know that you always want what ’s best, i just don’t understand it sometimes, i cut you down, in general, i won’t do that again, mom, honestly, it’s you - you're sorry, yes, well, something like that, i'm sorry, okay? good, good that you won’t, but mom, i also wanted to say about dad, don’t think anything like that about him, okay, he told me everything, he just spent the night on this little weasel, i’m faithful to him, okay, that’s true for me it’s time, yes, yes,
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yes, that’s all, uncle grisha is giving everyone rides today free of charge, last working day, at 3:00 from our stop, come, yes, i’ll try, yes, okay, that, that, i know that, i wanted too, well, sometimes i, that too, are you sorry , or something, okay, let’s talk later, okay, that’s it, bye, bye, well, pyotr semyonovich, home, what home, he needs to be established in the city, he’s weakened, let him stay, we’ll straighten his lameness, fifth button, press, i press, elena nikolaevna,
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if i don’t call you back tomorrow, it means... it was really bad, save me, well, you’re saying, ivan, that is it that he feels bad, he won’t feel bad in any way now, kolya, stop it, stop it! we need to talk to him, but is he, is he tired, tired? let's go there, yeah, table, come on, there are some illegal actions here, yes, has anyone seen you, if the police come here, hello,
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oh, well done, captain, consider yourself a major, you're back to me you’ll reach the rank of colonel, sit down, you’re tired, so makanin, sir, don’t rock the boat, what’s the matter, let me go, my friend needs to talk to you in a civilized way, do you understand? so that sit, listen and don’t rock the boat, transportation, in
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general, this is, well, excuse me, we may have squeezed a little, so let’s just sit down, eat, drink a little, well , we’ll come to an agreement, but in human terms, what, i say, let's eat, drink, i won't drink with you, so what? let me go, no, well, if you don’t want to, then don’t drink, don’t, you need to leave shatalova alone, do you understand me? from whom? from elena nikolaevna shatalova, she works, and she works well, you know, what is this, what is this, is it because of her, or what? it's because of her that you are everything to me, you, you said it yourself, drive her in the neck, well, you never know what i said, you don’t have your own personal civic position, or what? briefly speaking. shook him , we’re working, you’re not interfering, okay? all
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your documents for it are fucking crap, you should tear it up and throw it away, you understand me, seriously, seriously, i don’t owe you anything, damn it, are your settings completely wrong? do you think it’s possible at all, this isn’t the nineties, you actually understand what kind of people are behind me, it’s not your level at all, i, you’ll pay me for it, everyone, and dearly, you’ll pay, clearly, sit down, okay, did you decide to install a meter for me?
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what’s wrong, i’ll kill you, daddy, you understand me, i understand, i understand what’s wrong, you little bastard, i’ll check it personally, let me go, they’re not over, they ’ll never end, uh. “they saw how
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he ran away, but how i performed, in the sense of fulfilled, i believed, who is great, uncle kolya, well done, now you’re crazy, you’re a specific shaitan, but now, out of your alyonka , he’ll be running around all the bushes”? “i ’ve seen a lot of such buffoons in greyhounds, they know their strength, so you have to grab them sharply by the ass, to bite them then they spent their entire lives." why did they remember and cry, the kebab is ready, and your friend, and we ’ll tell him, take it with you, what to do, wrap it up, yeah, you’re young, beautiful,
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you found a normal man a long time ago, don’t forget to take all the documents about the boy’s health, maybe we can have lunch together later, i’m your new neighbor, potap ivan sergeevich, and you, yes, apparently you don’t have a man, actually it’s none of your business, but i like you, i’d really like you to it was mutual, love will overcome everything, from monday on rtr, good welcome to rix premium maggavishuds.
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welcome to the newest pixos hotel in sharmelsheikh. riksas radomis sharmelsheikh. an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday. riksas, radomis sharmy. their steersman bourbon is a product of the steller group. hotel titanic delux golf belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best
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restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic dellux golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. veda vodka is a product of stellor group. maybe it's my first time. sunday. for example, i told my daughter that she was adopted as soon as i took her here at home. mom, dad, i adore you. hello, hello, i'm your mother. real, maybe we'll meet, a test that not everyone can withstand, who is she anyway like this, this is some kind of scam for money, can i hug you, katya is not a stranger to me, she is my mother, katya needs money, a test that not everyone will decide to do, you won’t refuse
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to do a dna test, the result has come. honey, we will explain everything to you. fly feather. on sunday on rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda, why not a rift, continuation of the conversation in new releases of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform let's watch. substation, the first
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podcasts we watch. hello, mikhail andrevich, what are you doing here? you see, i keep it in the shade so it doesn’t melt, will you? thank you. so, how are you getting settled? everything is fine. uncle kolya is with dad's friend. i can’t get through to ivan. you don't take the corpse. i need to talk to him, okay, ghoul, but you have a tram in bukhara, no? and we only have trolleybuses, let's go for a ride,
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everyone, everyone went, oh, uncle grisha, what was needed, needed, needed, firewood is coming non-stop, only after three laps i’ll start planting, let’s go, you will be offered light music and soulful songs, adonizing drinks, and what wasn’t taken, no , they didn’t take it, i don’t really know, here you go, boss, oh, phew, i made it, hello, hello, next stop is the store, i didn’t see, where’s the dark, edik, hello, there’s no dark, i didn’t see, open, well, open, open up, i won’t go, i won’t go, hello, well, he’s dangerous, well, leave, leave, well, will it really catch up with us, well, oh please, what are you doing, we were almost too late?
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dear free rider citizens, our route is number five, if, well, if suddenly someone forgot, it’s moving, the teacher said that a woman cannot combine surgery. and family life, who is kuzmin? yes, how do you know? well, i once taught here, like him, a woman is like a guinea pig and not a pig, they have nothing to do with the sea, yes, i ’ll tell you so, you now have preparatory school, then another 2 years of general medicine, yeah, then you decide what kind of doctor you will be, mikhail andreevich, why don’t you operate, but i was fixing, repairing, repairing, didn’t remove my hand in time, so... i was shocked by a shrapnel, you will, i will,
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on the off chance we were there for 5-7 years, if the investigative committee will run, it won’t run, i’m sure it shouldn’t. uru-ru, do you, kolya, want a poem, all the dolls, tchotchkes, handsome fellows, loot- papers, cops, poop, what did you say that you are deaf, you bend over, bend over, i ’ll explain to you, kolya, what are you doing ? poop,
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guess what, i just made it up, i made it up, well why, we were driving normally, listen, maybe you ’ll come out to them, you’re a colonel, after all, uh-huh, well, i just didn’t have enough to show off with you, let him go, we’ll leave gracefully, no one has caught up with the swallow yet, so... damn, kolya! pass 2109.2109, i said. if you do not comply with the requirement, the weapon will be transferred. elena nikolaevna, what about the playground? we removed these scarecrows, but when will we install a new one? yes, when will we deliver? light, i don't know. i don't do this anymore, why? well, like tomorrow's meeting, you know i will be removed, someone will be appointed, will this
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somehow be removed? yes, how's that? well, you yourself saw the announcement about numerous complaints from residents, i wonder who complained so much, but i personally didn’t complain, and we didn’t complain, and we didn’t, absolutely, well, well done, well done, that means, mom, i’ll find someone scribbling, they ’ll write to me cordially, but stop it. listen, you all had complaints against me, okay, wait, well, of course you’re not sugar, well, that’s our business, right, grisha, you think so charmonka, and you're good at it, daddy, well , let's say, who is here for nikolaevna to be removed from work, no one wants us, you see, you see, no one will remove you, what else, alena nikolaevna knows the order, always clean, always neat. your coffee is excellent, i would even say it’s full of urine.
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kolya, let's kill ourselves, it's a normal move, boys, they remember their hands, they remember their hands, nikolayek, motherfucker, oops well, i'm like them, and boys, i'm just younger, i swear, and transportation, well, like the good old ones in general, that’s it, i’m going out, let’s drop you off
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me, yes, i went too, calm down, calm down, what did you start like? technically they left without the noise of dust, so let’s slow down, i ’m telling you, if i’m not going, that’s poop, but nikolaevich is good, i’ll go out and sort it out, now this is a matter of principle, clearly, just wait, nikolaevich, that’s it, i’ll go out i’ll figure it out, do you hear, kolya, slow down,
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i’m going for a jerk, we’re sure we’ll fucking kill ourselves, we won’t kill ourselves, it’s a normal move,
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what do you see? who fit into the stern? to the side, to the side, i turn it, don't touch it. comrade colonel, you are like an undercover special operation here, help.
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you will hold your head, okay, that's it, you hands, yeah, quiet, quiet, quiet, that's it, hold it like that. artyom , hold tight, hold the car, hold, hold, hold, hold, hold, hold!
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tram, how did you even end up here, well, they were solving one question, and mishka, who is your eagle? stand,
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my wife is calling, quietly, kulya, yes, listen, klifosovsky, if i don’t have time to say goodbye, we ’ll go to mork together, hello, oles, little knee, where are you? i am with the electorate. where should i be? kolinka, what's wrong with your face? what have you been drinking? i’m not, i’m with the people, with the voters. look, see how many there are, oh, hello, see how many, all for me. oh, kolya, i forgot, you started a celery diet, soups, smoothies, salads, everything as it should be, i sent everything to you by email, i beg you. shukolinka, well, be careful , fluffy.
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my name is leonid viktorovich, what is your name? elsa genrikhovna. well, you have an unusual name. come visit me, but it’s inconvenient, i’m a widow. i'm not calling you on a date. irina pechernikova, i want something like this. have you completely lost your mind? veniam smekhov: who are we hiding from? mom, what have you done? he discusses the whole village about how you kiss each other and go on visits.
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lyubov konstantinova, what’s wrong? well, have you fallen in love? anna ukolova. mom, what are you doing, huh? dad did everything for you. everyone thinks so. she didn’t have time to save her husband at the party and ran. why at a party? let's? getting married, how do we get married? elsa's land. on friday on rtr. kalinan belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence, making dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life
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turns into a fairy tale. rom castro is a product of stellor group. titanic luxury collection. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. rixas premium segate. family fun starts here. here every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens and the beauty of coral.
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evening with vladimir solovyov today on rtr, so thank you, but you’re welcome, you’ll be varya, no, i won’t, yeah, there’s honey, no, i don’t want to, well look, there’s more candy, i don’t want it, really, oh my, there’s old dried jam, will it? what are you up to? i do not want anything. well,
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why don’t you want anything? have i already laid a feast for the whole world? and uncle, vanya, help yourself too. vanya, here you go, 400,000. and please forgive me, you too. why are you just drinking tea? nothing.
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i don’t know, there’s a vadik nearby, we’ll sit and fry, listen, well, if you just organize the bast, if you get the lamb, sweep, sweep, come on, scarlet, assistant, well, that’s it, in 3 minutes he’ll be at the entrance, great, let’s go, gul, great, great, hello, ghoul, come here, climb in, uncle, sit forward, uh, you can’t go forward, why, i’ll shake you, you have to do this.


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