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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  April 26, 2024 9:30am-9:56am MSK

9:30 am
how from other countries they replace the number with a russian one. employees of the ministry of internal affairs warn that telephone scammers and scammers are especially active now on the eve of victory day. resources created by attackers specifically for victory day have been identified, where veterans are promised one-time payments in the amount of 50 to 300,000 rubles. at the same time, the decision must be made very quickly, so as not to give you time to come to your senses. the websites indicate the final date. the occurrence of which it is supposedly possible to receive funds. a prerequisite is payment of commission and introduction bank card details. this is yet another fraudulent scheme. please be careful. and by this time we have everything, denis polanchukov was with you. see you.
9:31 am
you've been tossing and turning all night with your old pillows and waking up completely groggy and stressed, now that 's over, introducing the dremaliina swan pillow, a comfortable lounging pillow that hugs your entire body to optimally align it so you experience the best sleep of your life. unique. the shape of the dreamalina sleep pillow offers seven comfort zones, that support your back, shoulders, head and neck, arms, hips, knees, ankles, feet. you remain in the most comfortable sleeping position without tossing and turning. unlike regular pillows, drimalina sleep keeps your spine in an ideal position and your neck at an optimal height. your shoulders and arms will be relaxed. in addition, the dremalina pillow with one pillow prevents your knees from touching each other. it provides
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soothing relief to the lower back, legs and feet. the dremaliina swan pillow is made made of breathable hypoallergenic or otsel fabric. it adapts perfectly to any body shape and size, supports your posture in all sleeping positions and ensures good ventilation throughout the night. you'll sleep better than ever. and most importantly, the dremaliina swan pillow is ideal for those who sleep on their side, back, and those who... sleeps on his stomach. the drimalina swan pillow provides optimal sleep for everyone. this is what makes her so unique. experience the best and most comfortable sleep of your life. call order the unique dremalinost swan pillow for your best sleep for an incredible 5995. but wait, if you call right now, we will reduce the price especially for you, the dremalinost swan pillow will be yours for an incredible price.
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3995 and you will immediately save 20 euros, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited and is valid for a short period of time, i am your new neighbor, and also a new district police officer part-time, after graduation we immediately agreed to submit an application, well, what a wedding, come with us, guys, that's mine girl, it was yours, there will be my pain, sasha, sasha. survived, already well, can i hug you, fear, i don’t advise you to complain, if you utter a word anywhere, we will bury you in the forest, despair, there is no evidence, no testimony, yes there will be, please do not interfere with an honest fair investigation , when you, and now for no explanation, that it was honest, don’t be afraid of anything, tanya, you are amazing. love
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will overcome everything from monday on rtr, we go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when you have to go seriously, forewarned is forearmed, any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge, health, dispelling myths and...
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take care of your complex body, take care of yourself and be healthy, about the most important thing, from monday to friday on rtr . after the accident at the chernobyl nuclear power plant , the japanese came there with dosimeters and said that it’s not like building here, you can’t appear here for 30 years, but we continued to work, the famous actor alexei nilov admitted, remembering. while serving in the army he was in chernobyl. 38 years have passed since this terrible accident, which shocked the whole world. everyone remembers that this was the fourth reactor. everyone learned about a place called pripyat, which today has turned into a ghost town.
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those nightmarish events formed the basis of many works of literature, music and world cinema. it's scary to watch even on screen. what is it like to experience this on eve? alexei. was a liquidator of the accident at the chernobyl nuclear power plant. how did he end up there, what did he remember most? did he communicate with the people who lived there, and how he saved himself and his squad from radiation sickness. this is life and destiny. alexey nilov. good morning, dear alexey. like every year on april 26, it’s probably like that, well, that’s the date when you.
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in the barracks, i served as a conscript in chernigov, this is 80 km from chernobyl, i woke up from the clatter of boots, the regiment was stationed in the city, it was a training regiment, a railway regiment, a neighboring regiment, there was a communications regiment, and we were somehow very surprised, because that at night the signal regiment was raised, then i already realized that it... was exactly, it was exactly that night and that time when the accident happened, then after some time, uh, it was april, respectively, on march 27, the order for demobilization and uh our
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demobilization, which had to go home, there is such a thing as a demobilization chord , that is, this is the last task before going home, they had a demobilization chord , no one had any documents, because they wrote there lieutenant ivanov, with him a team of 10 people, what kind of team is this, by name, by name, no one there were not prescribed, therefore no i
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didn’t have official documents at that time, which later played such an interesting role in obtaining this certificate. it went straight into the rivers, it was already going into the reservoir, into the waters, these people, like you, the liquidators, they did everything to risk their lives, someone is paying it off so that this tragedy does not become of a planetary scale, but it could have been, they actually blocked the rivers and stopped them there, i’m just
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saying this so that we today have already grown up there two generations over these 40 years, not everyone understands, what the liquidators of chernobyl did for us, we can talk about this now because there is some information. to work, i went with a sleeper, we laid sleepers and made access roads, well , we understood what we were talking about, many simply followed such an order, we left, then we went to do some more peaceful things, the next summer we went to assemble pontoon bridges, completely unrelated to chernobyl, that is, it was some kind of routine work, so only in hindsight...
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where, well, no one knew or understood anything, we they ran somewhere beyond some line, where supposedly there were x-rays, here are milroentgens, they worked, in my opinion, 45 minutes a day, because it was no longer possible, they drove in kamaz trucks, there was an inscription on the windshield - handwritten, be careful, the driver is drunk , because they removed uh... they said that alcohol removes radiation, naturally radiation is not
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some kind of instant burns, not instant injuries, and well , it doesn’t feel like that, well, it’s a headache, well, it’s hot, there are no such manifestations there were no immediate ones already in july, immediate manifestations probably happened in april, in may, when it really went off scale there, but here it’s just elevated , very elevated, i don’t... know, because after that there were a lot of business trips for others, we went to build the city of slavutich, a city of power engineers 30 km from chernobyl, then it turned out that not only can you build there, you can’t appear there for another 30 years, at what point did you realize that you were in a really very dangerous place, or else this understanding didn’t happen after 10, probably , only after 10 years, well, when i came back from the army, everything but...
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well, probably in november, because some clouds went to scandinavia, some to europe, the fact that there was radioactive rain in kiev, 4 days later at the may day demonstration , which were not cancelled, all the people came out for the may day demonstration, four days of radioactive rain rained down on them, among your colleagues, friends, acquaintances?
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they told me that now nothing would happen right away, but in 30 years you’ll see, so i looked after 30 years, the drivers removed the radiation with alcohol, and what about you? just like who will get it, please, i got it, because i was already a junior sergeant, i had 10 people in the squad that i commanded, in the evening i forced my fighters, that’s what they told you there, that it’s on... yes, yes, yes, well , they said that alcohol removes alcohol, so it’s possible here, i had two healthy sons
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after chernobyl, so i think that rosev davydoch kabzon, he performed there in chernobyl, his famous concert, there is this film, literally a month after the accident, not far away, and from its very hearth. after more than once, i know, somewhere he said, his relatives assumed that the disease with which he lived for many years, then struggled when he was diagnosed with cancer. many associated this with his trip there to chernobyl, a very risky trip, a very risky concert, i can say that in my opinion, from my experience, radiation affects each person differently, it probably depends on me i know, some genetic things, from immunity, from something else, for example,
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i feel great in ladoga, where on granite, on stones, where there is increased... radiation, i go there, great, i just feel cheerful, in a city where there is less radiation, i feel worse, maybe it seems so to me, again, i’m not an expert in these cases, i know that these events took place, we were there, what exactly affected, i know that two people who worked nearby, together, a meter from each other, when they handed over these dosimeters, one had milroentgens , the other has x-rays.
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songs that are familiar to you, an unfamiliar one shines star, again we are torn away from home, again there are cities between us, the take-off lights of the airfield are here with us. fogs and rains, here we have cold dawns, here on an unknown path, that intricate plots, hope, my earthly compass, luck, a reward for courage, and
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enough songs... so that only the bright memory of joseph davidovich is sung to everyone about the house in it, who suffered at that time later, blessed memory, over the years you have become related to someone from this chernobyl brotherhood, you meet, communicate, chernobyl victims are very often, well, some hold events and so on. in st. petersburg they opened a monument to the chernobyl victims, i was at the opening and saw not my colleagues, but many who were there, then, when it happened, this is my story with the courts and with proof of my involvement in the liquidation, i could not prove it, it
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was civilians courts, i could not prove that i was there, because i say, i was , say,
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right there, you received this certificate, because, also because it was a purely sporting interest, i received it on 10, 12, probably , years ago, i just felt i wonder how, is it possible to prove this, i said that here is the number of my unit, this unit was located in chernigov, this unit participated in the liquidation of the first stage of chernobyl, in the consequences of the chernobyl accident, if i... lived in this unit, in this time, where else could i be? no, this is not proof, okay, but what is proof? documents, i say, there are no documents, they didn’t issue documents, what do you want? what you are entitled to as a participant in the liquidation of an accident are benefits for housing and communal services and some amount for medicine, i don’t know what it is now, because
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i refused it, it was 600 rubles a month , i think, for medicine, the opportunity to rest once a year somewhere in some boarding house, i don’t know, this is a pension, and will you ever after uh? have been to chernobyl, it’s not even, well, maybe not chernobyl itself, but pripyat, slavutich, i know that these cities are so open, people live there in this exclusion zone, that’s what i’m talking about, that for different people this radiation acts in different ways, people there live in this radiation for years and i don’t know how they feel, but they are alive, they live there, you know, it’s generally interesting, there was a lot of talk about the fact that some crazy mushrooms would grow there,
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i didn’t hear about chernobyl, regarding the red book, and i didn’t go there on purpose, because i returned to st. petersburg after army, then i left for minsk, then from minsk i returned back to st. petersburg, the nineties began and somehow there was something to do besides stalker excursions around chernobyl, no, i didn’t go there anymore, i’ll say out loud, in fact it’s not loudly, just accept it, this is me...
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my name is leonid viktorovich, what is your name? elsa genrikhovna. well, you have an unusual name. come visit me, but it’s inconvenient, i’m a widow. i'm not a date, your name is. irina pechernikova. i would like something like this on a heel. have you completely lost your mind? benjamin laughs. who are we hiding from? mom, what have you done?
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we meet on this beautiful date of yours, you are 70 years old, happy birthday, dmitry kitelev is celebrating his anniversary. it would seem that dad is a general, but i never used it, it never even occurred to me, one day he was called to school, i... behaved terribly, studied poorly, he went there in his uniform from work, and then he says: the way your chemical engineer talked to me, the marshal didn’t talk to me like that, i worked in radio for 10 years,
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then came to astankino, i had to work on camera, my teacher, eduard mikhailovich tsagolayev, he said, you will feel free when you can straighten your hair on camera, what kind of hair is there, i have lead hands, do something, that was my debut, and what did you learn about hair? there’s nothing left to fix, at least i can afford the least gesture, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov, today on rtr, we wish you to meet your prince this year, especially since you already have a horse, on saturday, well, you have a phone number there, please give it to him is haunting me, and you saved me, every girl dreams of... princes on a white bed, i met you, my princess, you will be my wife, yes, but not like...


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