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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 26, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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moderation is needed in everything, but you can eat everything, a little of everything, then everything will be fine with us, our program has come to an end, dr. mesnyakov was with you, i hope you weren’t bored, i hope you learned something new, i wish you all to live to see our next meeting with you, fortunately it is just around the corner, goodbye. the rossiya tv channel broadcasts news to all viewers, i greet you maria sittpel, hello. massive shelling of donetsk,
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two people were killed, five were wounded, this is from actual drones, they get confused here and may not detonate. voinkor news from eduard kunigov about the situation in the south donetsk direction. in the nizhny novgorod region , the nikolai kamov vessel was launched to train naval helicopter pilots. accomplices of telephone scammers who operated from abroad were detained in kuban. dmitry kiselev, journalist, tv presenter, general director of the russian agency, celebrates his anniversary today. i’m the oldest presenter on russian air, well, i’m the current one, but there’s no one older than me, amazing people are amazingly not are running out. we will find out tonight who will make the jury of spectators give a standing ovation and will advance to the final. two civilians were killed,
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five more were wounded, a thirteen-year-old teenager was among the victims, ukrainian formations again attacked donetsk, they hit densely populated areas with nato-caliber shells, the massive shelling lasted for at least half an hour, the kirovsky and petrovsky districts of the city were hit, no damage was done in the private sector less than six houses, the gardens of local residents are strewn with numerous fragments of exploded ammunition.
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russian militants used western-made guided bombs, one of which hit an eleven-story building, wounding four civilians, and completely destroying several apartments. rescuers are clearing the rubble, under which there may be other victims. as a result of the shelling , the buildings of a kindergarten and several other residential buildings were damaged. over the past 24 hours, a unit of the southern group of troops has improved the situation along the front line. our fighters pushed back the enemy and took more advantageous positions, destroyed 600 ukrainian militants and 10 vehicles, including the american self-propelled gun paladin. this is how our air defense system destroys enemy drones on the front line. under her cover, the center group killed 350 neo-nazis in one day. and
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disabled four armored vehicles, including the german marter. this is the rocket artillery of the dnepr group. the hail crews hit enemy strongholds. intelligence confirmed the accuracy of the hits. and footage of the russian tricolor flying over solovyov appeared online. this is a village near novobakhmutovka in donetsk republic. the success of our attack aircraft largely depends on the training carried out by the artillerymen, the military correspondent of the news, eduard punikov, observes the work of heavy guns. mesta is a long-range installation that is capable of hitting targets at a distance of over 20 km, but crews, as a rule, try to get as close as possible to people in combat contact in order to hit targets hidden deep behind enemy lines. the howitzer leaves for a combat mission, the crew has received a new target.
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so artillery of the eastern military district they support with fire the infantry that is storming forward positions. aerial reconnaissance confirmed that enemy equipment was hit. the mechanic returns the equipment to the shelter at maximum speed. in this mode, artillery works around the clock. the task of my battery is counter-battery combat. 2 s1 knocked out nato equipment bbemov, maxpro, very often they. constantly gave way, two tanks for sure, no, even four, there are a lot of mortars, the revenge can hit both from closed positions and direct fire, in breaks between combat during operation, the installations are hidden in so-called garages, which are carefully camouflaged in a forest belt; in no case can you stay in one place for a long time, so the crews are constantly maneuvering and changing their location
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. howitzers keep the enemy in constant tension, prevent the transfer of equipment and manpower, and expose the most important defense components. my first goal when i became a gunner. it was a calculation. this installation repeatedly came under fire. the soldiers installed additional protection around the perimeter of the building. this is from the fed drones, they get entangled here and may not detonate. the conveyor belt is on top of the baba yaga discharges so that it does not get destroyed. well, this is also from fragments, from arrivals, if nearby, and from fpu drones. but exactly the same birds fly towards the enemy. calculations of the uav 150.
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the house, which is there at a distance of 50 from the attack aircraft, you can’t hit at least 15 m varieties, no matter how big the risk of hitting your own personnel and this type of weapon gives us the opportunity to hit the target with an accuracy of half a meter. in the south of donetsk of the people's republic, artillery and uav crews play a key role; their task is to cut off supply nodes and block the supply channels for weapons of the ugledar group of the armed forces of ukraine. edward. moscow has never threatened nato; our country has no military or geopolitical interests to attack the countries of the bloc. during the special operation, russia protects its people in its historical territories. these are the words of
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sergei shaigun at the meeting of the sco defense ministers, which is taking place at these minutes in eston. cooperation issues are on the agenda, regional and international security. from the head of the russian military department. solemnly the unique training vessel nikolai kamov was launched in the nizhny novgorod region, this is the only training base of its kind for... the vessel has a movable platform that can emit, for example, the roll of the ship or pitching on the waves. with its help, pilots will learn to land helicopters on deck in different weather conditions. after completion of construction and a set of
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tests, the vessel will be transferred to the naval aviation flight personnel training center. know in order to remember the main slogan of the victory dictation that will be written today. 2 million people in russia and in sixty countries around the world. the international historical event dedicated to the events of the great patriotic war is being held for the sixth time. this year it will be held in new regions of our country, in donbass, zaporozhye, and kherson region. the first to start dictation were in the far east. as part of the campaign, you can also write a letter to sbo participants. and the central venue for the dictation will be the victory museum on poklonnaya hill in moscow. brilliant possession in a word, the skill of a polemicist, well, try to out-argue him, the broadest horizons, a critical and often paradoxical view of the event and time. congratulations on his seventieth birthday are accepted by dmitry kiselev, author and presenter of the flagship information
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program of vgtrk, vesti nedeli, head of the international media group russia today, he was fascinated not only by journalism. dmitry kiselev, the inspirer and organizer of the jazz festival in crimea, is passionate. lover of motorcycles and horse riding. alexander khristenko conveyed congratulations to the hero of the day. this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev. good evening, watch now. it was as if he had turned it up to the max, while revealing to his young colleagues the nature of the phenomenon.
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screen fame comes quickly, but it also disappears instantly if the scale of the personality does not correspond to it. kiselyov has been in the picture and at the top of the ratings for more than 30 years. i am the oldest presenter on russian air, well, the current one, but there is no one older than me. and here's the latest news from the kremlin. in the nineties , dima came to us. as a presenter of the tsn news service, young journalists, another language, this is new television, working at a fateful moment, in a state of disarray, in a real information abyss, alluring, but just as unpredictable and dangerous, esenhower, daigol, penochet, which image is closer to you, the image of a swan, we will live, so i invite everyone to life, well, whoever disagrees with this, then excuse me. kiselyov always chose his path in life himself, and when, as a graduate of a french special school
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, he went to work in a printing house of news, as a printer’s assistant, when he then just as unexpectedly entered a medical school, but the desire working with the word still prevailed. excellent command of norwegian after graduating from the leningrad faculty of philology opened the way to foreign broadcasting, work at the microphone for western listeners, and then a window to europe, already for home audiences. there was a period when i drove around europe for 100 kilometers . i filmed for a year, and i really loved europe for european values, now we have swapped places, now in russia we are for freedom of movement, but they are not, we are for freedom of opinion, but they are not , we are open to the world, but they are not, they cut themselves off completely, at times general euro-romanticism, moving to kiev, working as the head of information for a ukrainian tv channel, into which, as always, he plunged headlong. i felt more ukrainian, i felt like i belonged, an attempt to understand, bring closer, build, and not burn bridges. i
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saw this orange revolution, the first one, people simply lost themselves and lost their country, i saw how the country was sliding into the abyss, entire demonstrations came to the windows of my editorial office and shouted “kiselyov, come out,” because i’m russian, i’m so ignorant before me what pray for me in my russian ukraine . and you speak ukrainian to me, what is a reflection of the history of a huge country in the biography of a family. grandfather in the first world war, a military engineer in brusilov’s army, father went through the great patriotic war, two orders of the red star, a medal for courage, living family traditions. when it all just started, i went up to my dad and said: “come on, listen, i want to eat.” he said: "yes, great, come on, i'm proud of you." i started traveling once a month to take humanitarian aid. my father has a fundamental influence in upbringing me. and mine, my brother and sister, in general, i don’t really like to say that my dad
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is some kind of famous, of course, i’m proud of my dad, the winner in the category information and analytical final program becomes the leader of the week, the standard of the author’s final program embodiment impeccable style from appearance and presentation to precision and richness of formulations, bad form, dragging around weakened... i am sure that not a single program on russian television has had such an impact on our country, on its politics, this really every day, every sunday, very, very hard work. the program to lead the week is a real vampire, because it requires more and more energy from me,
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it is somehow insatiable, but there is enough energy for everything, the author of the flagship program of vgtrk, also the head of one of the largest media companies in the country, while kiselev is the author of documentaries , let's go, i must say, well, let's also say, the creator of the jazz festival, a passionate lover of motorcycles and horse riding, this is flight, water is also his element, man... skip the documentary film, the same kiselyov, on the air at 19:00, you are watching the news, this is what we will talk about, further, before may 9, scammers launched a new scheme to deceive older people, we will tell you that pro-ukrainian saboteurs were detained in the volgograd region, and a very unexpected turn in one of the most scandalous cases in hollywood. all the details in a couple of minutes. this is the news
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of the week and i am dmitry. they put it on the shelves to poison people, we’ll waste it, then we’ll regret it, life will become more interesting, i don’t think dima won’t say anything in vain, believe me, his phrases, they’re verified, let’s once again, on the maidan they gave a hero’s star for my body, simply because i’m russian, that’s enough, i loved europe very much, now we have swapped places, now we are in russia for freedom of opinion, but they are not, we
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are open to the world, but they no, they stop sometimes. which made russia great, vladimirich says: i wish you success, you are now my employee, the same kiselyov, the premiere today on rtr. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest is nothing. think when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort. at rixsas
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golf villas endsyuds sharmelshey. a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by... enjoy contemporary design in rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits sharma. welcome to the newest rix hotel in sharmelsheikh. riksas radomis sharmel sheikh, an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for... and the comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into the world endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday. rixsas radomis sharmel sheikh.
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i’ll steal you and take you away, let’s go traveling, when we discover some new land, i ’ll name it after you: elsa’s land. elsa's land. today at rtr, you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he’ll come to your house himself, we ’ll get started, he’ll always help, we’ll train on how to walk on ice correctly,
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he’ll always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can... i'll be sure to add more, dr. myasnikov, on saturday on rtr, i'm your new one. neighbor, well, and a new part-time district police officer, after the release we immediately agreed to submit an application, well, what a wedding, come with us,
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guys, this is my girl, she was yours, she will be mine, pain, sasha, sasha, survived, it’s already good, can i i’ll hug you, fear, i don’t advise you to complain, if you blather a word anywhere, we’ll bury you in the forest, despair, no, no evidence, no testimony, yes there will be, please don’t interfere with an honest fair investigation when you’re now for without explanation that it was honest, don’t be afraid of anything, tanya, you are an amazing woman, love will overcome everything, from monday on rtr. you are watching the news, we continue the release: in the volgograd region , the fsb detained two members of a pro-ukrainian neo-nazi group, they were preparing
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terrorist attacks. the operation was carried out jointly with the ministry of internal affairs investigative committee. the suspects are 17 years old. they admitted that they acted on orders from ukrainian curators, received detailed instructions on how to make an explosive device, and planned to attack police department in vovskoye and the local military registration and enlistment office. during the search, main parts of firearms, cartridges, explosives with penetrating elements and a pyrotechnic mixture were confiscated from the detainees. multi-billion dollar military aid for the ukrainian armed forces is on the way, but it will not save the crumbling front. observers of forbes magazine draw such conclusions when analyzing the details of the battles at ocheretina. over the weekend, the rotation of the armed forces of ukraine was disrupted in this locality. units 115 brigades did not relieve their exhausted colleagues. lost ground to the russians to the troops. previously, the 67th brigade had refused to defend the watch. meanwhile, the russian army, according to the publication, found
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the enemy’s weakness and was able to break through far in the direction of pokrovsk. according to forbes authors, the problem is systemic. there are weapons, but there are no combat-ready units. but the popular press writes that the ukrainian armed forces have stopped using american abrams tanks. cause. in russian drone activity. according to journalists, the abrams were withdrawn from the front line, and now the united states is working with the ukrainians on changing the tactics of their use. western media admit that in ukraine over the past two months , less than five abrams tanks around the world have been taken out of service. in addition, russian fighters knocked out dozens of german leopards, several british challengers, and french amx wheeled tanks. the law on the confiscation of sovereign russian assets will finish off the american dollar, donald trump is sure of this. bloomberg writes that upon returning to the white house, trump set out
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to save the american currency, which is being drowned by the biden administration. a number of countries and first of all, brix has already chosen a course towards de-dollarization. trump has said many times that the loss of world currency status for the dollar would be akin to the us losing a civil war. according to bloomby. to us allies and opponents, trump plans to use all possible levers of influence, including export restrictions and artificially inflating the exchange rate. let's return to russia again. the level of the ishim river in the obbatsky district of the tyumen region exceeded its historical maximum. over the course of 24 hours it rose by more than half a meter and continues grow. the water has come close to the dams that protect the federal highway. 500 people were evacuated. huge volumes of water are flowing downstream, now under the threat of flooding the populated areas of the vikulovsky district and the ministry of emergency situations is increasing the grouping of forces there. the second wave of floods
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is expected in the kazan region and ishim. now there is a sharp rise in water levels. a multi-hour operation to defuse a heavy aerial bomb from the great patriotic war has been completed in murmansk. while laying trenches, she was discovered by employees cargo port. the dangerous find turned out to be a german ss-1000 bomb inside 600 kg of explosives. employees of all nearby buildings were evacuated. having lain in the ground for 70 years, the ammunition was carefully dug up, tied with cables using a truck crane, and loaded into a truck. at the training ground it was destroyed by a controlled explosion. accomplices of telephone scammers operating from abroad have been detained in kuban. almost all of them have already been convicted. during a search in rented apartments, investigators found laptops, mobile phones, routers and more than 5,500 sim cards. a
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also. several simboxes are special devices that, when calling from other countries, change the number to russian. interior ministry officials warn that telephone scammers have become especially active in the run-up to victory day. they deceive veterans. resources created by attackers specifically for victory day have been identified, where veterans are promised one-time payments in the amount of 50 to 300,000 rubles. at the same time, a decision needs to be made. very quickly, so as not to give you time to come to your senses, the websites indicate the final date, before which they supposedly you can get money. a prerequisite is to pay the commission and enter your bank card details. this is yet another fraudulent scheme. please be careful. at the end of april, 2/3 of russia’s territory is still covered with snow, as reported by the hydromedical center. the least snow is on
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the european part. well, with the exception of the kola peninsula, the temperature everywhere exceeds the norm, what else can we give from the weather, we learn about victoria chernikova, we really count on a good forecast, the may weekend is ahead, the weather is diligently preparing, in in siberia, the april sun will finally warm the cold air, in kozeli krasnoyarsk it is already +11, in tyumen 18, solar heating has begun in the north-west, pskov +14. the center on working saturday is still in the rain, but the heaviest goes east of the capital, and after... it will become cooler than today, but still during the day in may 14:17, the volga region in kazan will be in the warm sector without precipitation and up to +27 30 each in the kuban steppes, but on the black sea coast due to the north wind, even in sochi, tomorrow it will only be +21, in st. petersburg by the end of the week +12 no precipitation, in moscow on saturday with short thunderstorms 15:17, on the long holiday weekend there is no precipitation and up to 22.
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thurman, haik, however, it turned out that during the process in the twentieth year , blatant violations were committed. testimony was given by witnesses who did not press charges. a new trial has been ordered, but weinstein, now 72, will remain behind bars. in 2022, the producer was sentenced in los angeles to 16 years in another rape case. complete a puzzle of almost 400
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pieces. read memorize in 5 minutes 400 words, not to lose balance while dancing with swords, all this can be done by the participants of the seventh episode of the show “amazing people”, today it is on our channel immediately after the evening news. report by anton dimidov. in the evening we will meet new amazing people whose abilities go beyond understanding. i have a strength that maybe even some men don’t have, you can squeeze my hand just to check, i don’t do that, well, not much, at least, but i they can read books at the speed of light, play any melody without notes and solve the most difficult puzzles, amazing people miraculously do not end, more and more new deviations are found in a good sense, an amazing person is always a deviation from the norm, before
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demonstrating their capabilities. there is only one prize, but there are not so many people, surprisingly, they exist, they will fight for real, both children and adults, who will make the jury and the audience give a standing ovation and reach the final, we will find out tonight at 21:30 in the new episode of the show amazing people . anton demidov, dina fetisova, lead. vesti monitors the development of major events in russia abroad. stay with us.


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