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tv   Angeli raiona  RUSSIA1  April 26, 2024 9:20pm-10:13pm MSK

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i don’t do this, well, not much, at least, but i, they can read books at the speed of light, play any melody without notes and solve the most complex puzzles, amazing people miraculously do not end, more and more new ones are found in in the good sense of deviations, always an amazing person, this is a deviation from the norm, before demonstrating their capabilities, each of the amazing people passes along this corridor, this is the most exciting moment, then the cherished scene, they strive to get here unique.
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will be taught by the example of heroism of the participants in the special operation. hello, igor, yes, at the penza enterprise mayakak kans they have started producing notebooks with the image of the legendary tank crew alyosha, who single-handedly destroyed two tanks and six armored vehicles in a special operation zone. this is the same battle when enemy vehicles moved towards russian positions one after another, but despite the numerical superiority of enemy equipment, ours went ahead and fought back. the sketch of the notebook cover was developed in the studio military artists. named after grekov.
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the pendensky enterprise produced a trial run of two types of school notebooks with images of heroes of russia. the first batch of 540 thousand copies will arrive in the primorsky territory in june. thank you, albina, we’ll let you get ready for the broadcast; we’ll use the remaining minute before the regional part to turn on the nizhny novgorod state television and radio broadcasting company. tatyana lokteva is already in the studio. a unique exhibition dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from fascist rule opened today in nizhny novgorod. blockades good evening. igor, the heart of the exhibition is the original diary of tanya savicheva. for the first time, the state russian museum removed this priceless document from st. petersburg. a glass sarcophagus was made for him in nizhny novgorod, in which a special temperature regime is maintained. the exhibition itself is built on the principle of the route from besieged leningrad to the evacuation to gorky. the exhibition presents about 50 works of painting, graphics and sculpture from the collection of the russian museum.
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in a few seconds. to end this year, most moscow hospitals will switch to a new standard of emergency care. reception departments will be equipped with high-tech equipment, convenient navigation will be created and optimal routes will be created for staff and patients. the innovation will allow diagnosis to begin. treatment as
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quickly as possible, maria temnikova will tell you how it works where modernization has already been completed. i fell at home. galina alekseevna was taken to the hospital by ambulance, complaining of low blood pressure and pain in her side, possibly broken ribs. while the nurse is entering data into electronic card, the doctor is already preparing an x-ray, nearby, the patient is doing an ecg. coordinated and professional, this is how one can describe the work of doctors. patients are first examined in the so-called triage area.
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in the corridor, and now in such comfortable conditions, you can even isolate yourself from each other with curtains, but this, of course, is not the main thing, the main thing is that here you can conduct a primary study, there are ecg and ultrasound machines. the new standard of emergency care is when the patient is the center of attention. division of flows, work on the principle of doctor to patient, we we started back in our hospital in 1918. the emergency department that we had initially is 800 km away, but here we have it. veresaev state clinical hospital of neizlefosovsky has four flagship medical centers, where new emergency standards were introduced more than a year ago. as a result , the total time for emergency assistance was reduced by one and a half times. today, after repairs , the emergency departments
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of six more city hospitals began operating under the same principle. we build new buildings, reconstruct and modernize existing ones. so to the end most of the year... not only the most modern equipment, literally everything has been thought out to the smallest detail. here we have two diagnostic wards with four beds; on these beds , up to hundreds of patients can be treated for treatment, that is, patients with unclear diagnoses; when a patient is admitted, we always give them a cosmetic bag with all the necessary products. personal hygiene, toothpaste, brush and even slippers, new standards, this is about people and for people. maria temnikova igor ageenko, pavel vitrinsky, anastasia roev and tatyana popova, lead the way. now about other events briefly. seasonal weekend fairs have reopened in moscow; trade will be held from
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friday to sunday from 8 a.m. to 80 p.m. entrepreneurs from forty regions bring their goods to the capital; all products undergo strict sanitary inspection. another 20 capital streets have gone. list of slow zones for electric scooters and other personal mobility devices. in the evenings, their speed should not exceed 10 km/h. this regime is valid from monday to wednesday from 20:00 from thursday to sunday from 18:00 to 3:00 am. the police are investigating the causes of the accident on patriarchshekh, where a mercedes rammed a lamppost and the driver lost control when turning. there was a group of young people in the rented car. they had a photo shoot in front of a broken car, and then... escaped, in moscow street clocks, of which there are more than a thousand in the city, are put in order after winter, the dials are cleaned of dirt, and the mechanisms are repaired, despite the fact that modern people are accustomed to finding out the time with the help of gadgets, there is a a separate service that monitors the condition
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of clocks on poles and facades, because these are not just instruments, but elements of the urban environment, a part of history and even works of art. report by il filip. spring watch prevention reminded muscovites that time passes not only on the screens of phones and fitness bracelets, but on thousands of metropolitan street dials, round, square, spherical, but most importantly - faithful to the standard time. when we remove watches for current repairs to the mostru portal, we receive many calls from muscovites and guests of the capital with a request to return the watch to its place. debugging at night, cleaning and washing in daylight. the only question is why, for example, these new ones on the alley near dynamo, or these models from the late nineties, on the october field, are installed where not a single person is visible. and yet it is not clear on what principle they hung clocks in moscow, because even at the main
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meeting place of the meeting on pushkin square near the poet there are no clocks and there never were, they are on the sides of the boulevards, but no one sees them, there is also a constructivist clock on the building newspapers news, but no one raises their head there. there was a long time ago a clock with a flashing pendulum, which was used by novoseltsev as she hurried to visit lyudmila prokofyevna, an office romance in the film, but now there is neither a clock nor a building. the answer to the question of how they decided on which pillars to fasten the clocks, it turns out, is known at the moscow lights museum. in 1912, when the moscow city duma...
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on a state tour in prague, saw samples of the old city chimes, an idea arose, and the new building of his theater was built already in the seventieth, now the facade without a clock was removed on restoration, but they promise to return it. and the animal figurines need restoration, the clock mechanism itself, and the houses, everything, everything needs a comprehensive restoration, and we hope that at the end of twenty-four this work will be completed, and in moscow there are clocks, the mythical signs of the zodiac at the kazan station, and they watch they are usually worn by people coming from st. petersburg, leaving leningradskoe, look up, you can see the time, they are already 100 years old, everyone who comes to komsomolskaya square in moscow sees this clock, it was designed on the station building by the architect shchusev, we were shown this place
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from where the watchmaker can get out into the street through the dial, this is such a small birdhouse, this is the pointer drive, and there is already a dial, and here is a small window with access to three stations, a little older the clock of the kiev station, four-sided on the tower, we are now entering the waiting room of the kiev station, where exactly... despite their age, they have always been on the move since the day the first
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train departed to bryansk in 1918, the clock works as clearly as watch. ilya filippov, gennady talochkin, anastasia roif, yaroslav aulov, pavel glazunov, news. on chernomorsky boulevard , dozens of families of former metro builders are at risk of being left without housing; for years they have unsuccessfully tried to legitimize their right to square meters; now they are faced with the fact that they will have to rent housing from...
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the capital’s subway was being built at an accelerated pace and was in dire need of workers, specialists with all corners of the big country were lured to moscow with the coveted registration. in 1984 we came here as young specialists in distribution from schools from different cities.
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moreover, there are several such decisions, these decisions were approved in the court of appeal and reached the supreme court, but the city property department, ignoring the court decision, declared that social hiring was impossible, and then the house was completely exchanged for shares of mosmetroy. it turned out that the house was sold along with those living there. and you went like furniture, yes, we are like furniture, a paper came asking us to pay 40,000 for an apartment, which i agree with, or pay 40,000 a month for a wretched one pencil case, or go outside, they are trying to evict us from this room with exit lights, please, where i don’t know, that is, you are a drummer here, yes, that is , it was the ninetieth year, this is a newspaper of the metrostroy, precisely the metrostroy, so... that is, you are a hero of the metro, well it turns out that way, yes, and now they are their heroes. in response to our request to comment on the situation,
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the organization jsc-mosmetrostroy responded, from the answer it follows that it is impossible for people to issue social rent in the house, since it is not residential, but to live in it for a lot of money it’s very possible. it is impossible to transfer the building to residential status, since the object does not meet the requirements set by law for residential premises; for the management of real estate , an objective fee is established for all actual users. dead end, moscow will turn into a garden city in the coming days. a landscape design festival starts in the capital. you can already admire the delicate cherry blossoms as the summer season opens in the parks. anna balan about leisure options, as well as about the work of city services on the long weekend. there's a long weekend ahead, but don't rush to leave the city,
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because only now in moscow you can catch the cherry blossoms. here in the berilevsky arboretum. the domestic cherry tree is also in bloom, the bird cherry blossoms ahead of schedule, it’s time to go for a walk, although for some, a long weekend is a chance to finish the accumulated tasks. important information for... for those who stay in the city during the may holidays, the work schedule of government agencies is changing, for example, on may 1, the offices of the mfc post offices will be closed, except 24-hour, in traffic police departments on the weekends of april 28, 29 and may 1. as for wedding palaces, each of them works according to its own schedule, and as we were told here at the griboedovsky zaks,
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there are always a lot of people who want to unite their fate in the first days of may. by the way, one of the most popular places for wedding photo shoots. the floating charge bridge is closed until april 28. the clinic will receive patients on april 29, 30 and may 4 according to the saturday schedule, and on may 1 and 5 according to the sunday schedule. trampoints and vit clinics seven days a week. due to the parade rehearsal, today, may 2 and may 5, there are temporary restrictions on some streets in the central and southeastern districts. motorists can get all the necessary information on the internet resources of the data center, but on such days it is better to walk. even in the city tomorrow. and windy, the weather will start to improve from sunday. on monday, partly cloudy, a lot of sun, daytime temperatures 15-20, and on may 1st it even reached 24°. the capital's parks near moscow open the summer season. may 1 in tsaritsina a catamaran is launched and swans are released; there is an exhibition of carriages and
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a festive concert in arkhangelsk. an orchestra performance, and a ballet with bolshoi theater artists; half a million tulips, red, yellow, purple, 60 varieties in total, bloomed simultaneously in the flowerbeds of vdnkh. even more flowers and greenery will appear in moscow by may 1, when the landscape design festival opens in the city. in the meantime, active preparations are underway for it, here we see near the big theater, now they are just placing pots with lilac bushes and apple trees, soon this entire area will turn into one blooming garden. well, let me remind you that the navigation season is open, motor ships are plying along the moscow river. along eight different routes. anna balan, egor vazhletsov, alexander markin, nagaev and olga gribina, conduct. this concludes our episode, all news is always available on the media platform, watch it in the app or on the website, right now the new episode of the show is amazing people.
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dear friends and relatives, today we say goodbye to our dear friend, my old comrade and colleague, vasily petrovich. at the very dawn of his strength he left us, vasya was an excellent worker and approximately semyonin, a happy father, grandfather and even... here is a child, but he also feels, cry, cry, that’s
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right. i don’t have a lot of mutual money, but i took it, looked for it and now i’ll get an inconsolable depression, well
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, vasya, such a lot, you’ll have time to look back, already depressed, i’m glad that my ivan will outlive us all, he’s strong, he’s a zenoid, 2 years as a husband i buried it, send it all in my own way, carry it around. lyudochkurskaya, now for brother vasechka, well, you, elechka, our woman is strong, strong, you’ll get used to it, delicious how quiet, why are you dragging around, sit down normally, change, mom, i remembered, i’ll go for a bold walk, dash, let me go.
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guten nabend, gut naben, mitt romney, das steht. well, what do you have here, hello, you
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work in a church, but no, take the child, arena vatalia, renavatalia!
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“it’s very necessary, thank you for helping, yes, but i ’m always glad, but what ’s the difference, what language i sang in, nothing is forbidden, sing what you want, you came to visit, no, i bought a house, we’ll with columbus, summer residents, well..."
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okay, nikolai, let's go, thank you, that's all, eh let's go, bye-bye,
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mom, everything is fine, help me, and where do you want it, there, there's the sun, okay, if you want to move the bed back, you're alone, yes, well, in general, if you need help there, then speak. now without a folder it will be difficult to be alone, before it was like we were behind the wall, let’s go have breakfast.
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hello, colon, good morning, here i am returning, yes, goodbye, where are you running all the time, rehearsal, otherwise lyudmila will eat me, at rehearsal, we have a choir, and lyudmila is the main one there, a cannibal, no, just everything. must go there walk, but i'm late, so cheeks, cheeks, look who came to us, the return of the prodigal parrot, hello, luda, hello, girls, ivan, why are we so honored, well, well i came to rehearsal, why didn’t i come earlier? so i
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was sick, people, i was sick, they told me how sick you were, girl, they saw you in the city, how sick you are, yes, go, little girl, that’s right, go to the grave, cry, you’ll look and feel better, but what’s in yourself -keep it up, that’s right, i say, girls, now it’s up, yes it’s up, it’s a sea of ​​keel.
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you tell me what you’re looking for genrikhovna, i’ll tell you, thank you, marinochka, but i don’t know, marina, i want something like that with a heel, elya, hi, so take these, i run in these myself, it’s comfortable, and inexpensive, and it’s our factory that sews, not the chinese one, marin, tell me, i say. well , thank you, but i need nakabla, wait, hey, wait, the carriage has arrived, great, just a second, change, and you’re far away mom, the tvrashok
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is over, what a... rashok. and how much are they? 20 thousand.
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dash, hello, tell me where i can buy high heels, not very expensive ones, uh, well, you can order it on the internet, but i don’t know how, that’s it, let’s go, you have one. nothing, hello, correct, i don’t know why,
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i’ve wanted him for a long time, but my husband was always against it, well, he’s really cute, really, he’s a good-looking guy, yes, regular, yes, don’t just stand there, look, thank you, then i’ll do it myself, here not far, well, yes, herself, he, he’s heavy, it’s okay, i’ll tell you, you probably need to feed the dogs. “elsa, come and visit me, but this is inconvenient, i’m a widow, what did you buy then, for beauty, come, come, you have someone for
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accept already, and this is your neighbor, the district police officer, potappov, it seems, he will help you, love will overcome the introduction to... productlar group impeccable service exquisite cuisine will make your vacation unforgettable rixas premium magavish suits & villas the vacation you dreamed of romcastra
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productlar group hotel for an unforgettable experience for adults only. who is guaranteed space success? i take responsibility for this responsibly, we have a powerful intrigue, 100 to one, 100 years ago, on sunday on rtr.
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hello mom, it's me, what's your mess? in the garden beds, i took my dad’s watch from repair, and where did you put your dad’s portrait, put it away so that the flies wouldn’t linger, what kind? mom, you don’t have flies, 9 days haven’t passed yet, you’ve already hidden it somewhere, as if it never existed, yes it was, it was, don’t make a mess, where’s dad, mom, in the room, in the second box, and i’ll take you to my place, come and live with me, i’ll go. you're crazy, mom, there's something at home, there's more, hello, i
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finally got to you, hello, hello, what's happening now, i don't understand something, take it, this is for me, thank you, and this is me i brought these shoes for your mom, they’re wonderful, are you completely out of your mind, there’s no need for something like this, you’re good here, now you don’t ask at all, where should i go? i was still on the heel of the garden beds or something to weed at the rehearsal , i’ve had enough already, you really need to get treatment , let’s go dad, they suit you very well.
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the train is leaving, so get on the train, mom, well, it’s me.
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mom. hi, i saw a fountain in the city, your tea is very tasty, an ordinary fountain, and in the evenings it sings, can you imagine what it sings? i don’t know, i didn’t hear, will you have cake? yes, sure,
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as you say, but as you say, yes, this piece with a rose, please, yeah, who are we hiding from? mom, what have you done? mom, she left, oh, and i ate your rose, good luck, everything was very tasty, where are you going,
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i need it, well, for the roses, i ’ll buy you another cake like this, goodbye. mom, mom, where were you at the rehearsal, at some rehearsal, i was running from the village, by the way, running is useful, you, as a doctor , should know this, i’m not a doctor, i’m a medical doctor. why are you back? well, i was actually worried about you, you’re kind of strange, mom, ulya, and you do you remember how old i am, i remember that i can already be strange.
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how do you like her, huh?
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hello hello! hello , bye, bye, goodbye, goodbye , hello, hello, hello, and you came to our choir, not really, but lyudmila doesn’t let men into the choir, well, because you don’t need their head, no, no, because they themselves don’t want to, if they came in, she would let him in, hello, lyudmila’s husband, an italian, what an italian, well, it’s philichita, it’s lyudmila who is suffering, she’s forcing us too, so, but he wanted to translate words for us, songs,
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well, we don’t have a dictionary in the library, so we can help him, oh, do you know italian, why should you know about happiness? they sing, yeah, and i’ve been singing for two years already, hello, yes, you can’t tell, hello, you’re a young man in the choir, so come to me, it’s me here, the main thing is, yeah, you ’re singing, yes, what you sing, and the brown button was lying on the road, no one noticed it in the brown dust, right? but bass legs passed by on the road, deep, tanned, stomped, passed, of course, an amateur performance, i was very glad to meet the ladies, hello, see you goodbye, next? how farther, like what a song,
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bare feet have passed here, you’ll go further, yes, where we are, you’ll see, okay, in the worst case , i’ll carry you, “you’re not tired, it’s very close here, not a little, i’m strong,
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i wonder where they are going, and it’s true, where, perhaps, home, or maybe, on the contrary, from home, as if.” someone is chasing them, take them, thank you, eat, please, they decided to fatten me up, feed me quickly, you won’t be rejected, well, please, i’m such a mother, before the war,
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before the war, my parents lived on the volga in engels, marta and heinrich lumentrost, them deported in '41. yes, dad, i don’t remember, i remember that he was sick all the time, when he passed away, my mother decided to return home, we arrived in enkels and she was immediately arrested, and i was somewhere at home, a year later she was released, she took me and we returned here because we couldn’t go anywhere else. i don’t blame anyone in this story and who to blame, the time was like that, everyone betrayed each other, the trouble was not in
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time, the trouble was in people, but you also had something like that, yes, first year, they sent us to the collective farm to grow potatoes, in the evening of course let's go dancing, and... then a fight with the villagers, vitya karasev was on our course, he took up boxing, took part in competitions, swept away all the villagers, he called me as a commercial worker for courses, i told everything, and they took him away, well, you told the truth, truth. “i just didn’t say that it was because of me that the fight started, i decided to show off
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and dance with all the girls in the evening, well, then everything started to spin, vitka tried to stand up for me, but i didn’t stand up for him, then i found out that life is an egor. well, we've gotten bored, let's go.
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thank you. oh, he is settling in with you, and what a good house, it will stand for 100 years, if you knew how much i hate this house, elsa, come to me tomorrow, we will plant roses, and i will cook. kali, what is this? oh, this, this is very tasty, this is very spicy, come,
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i will come. the tests are perfect, but there is still no pregnancy, you and your husband go to the sea, on saturday, i’ll come to the institute and give him a surprise, this is my passion, how can you not understand this, passion, any problem can be treated by the sea, you need to unwind, take a ride. on a yacht, sea, sun, vitamin d, you are very beautiful girl, you dream of having a pro-rotor romance, forget it, i’m not like that, what hotel is she in, i want to save our family, he came with her, with his mistress, make lena jealous, what’s going on with you and my wife, your marriage is falling apart at the seams , sea overseas premiere, our lives can’t just
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fall apart like that, don’t think about it, on saturday on rtf. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything when you are calm.


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