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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  April 27, 2024 4:28am-5:01am MSK

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myself, i like you, you know, how many i see every day, well, our situation is not easy, okay, so i prescribed you vitamins, take them, spend more time in the fresh air and do pleasant things for yourself, okay, thank you, doctor, yes no problem for now, that's it, goodbye.
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well, i remembered, you try, i don’t remember, so, look, your neighbor antonova claims that you took a stick and angrily hit the car several times, it happened, sign it. why are you playing a fool with me here, i won’t talk to you now, i crashed the car, but i crashed the car, i don’t have time to talk to you now, i understand, i’ll see you here again, you ’ll sit with me, come on, run from here, let’s speed up, keep doing the trick, now i see you, now you ’re not there, i say run. well, how
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was the date? and oh, damn it, listen, i'm sorry, i promised not to raise this topic, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, i'm silent, what do we have today, yes, yes, what's wrong today, two thefts, that's all, oh, i see you some kind of sticker, come on, my friend, you’ll go home, otherwise i see that you’re not much of a worker. today, and rest for a bit, you’re the only one who’s going to sweat, but why do i have a lot of work, look, i won’t offer it twice, come on, come on, thank you, you’re a real friend, but you’re welcome, i’ll send you more, let’s rest, close, yes, yes,
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yes, yes, it’s me, yes, of course, when i can, of course, yes, i understand, i’ll be alone, goodbye. can you, yes, listen, gleb, well, i can tell you that the victim is in a very serious mood, he says, he will go to victory, to victory, yes, he wants to sue you, in full, well, of course, you can’t do something with him talk, don't
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i know, i don’t know, i don’t know, i’m very belligerent, so, so, so, so, so, so, i ’m trying to talk to him, regarding treatment, moral strength, i’m ready to pay, yes, if only without coming here, yeah, look, let's do it like this, it will be normal. well, this is the minimum, i’m afraid the amount there will be more, and it’s not even worth raising less, okay, okay, do you think he’ll agree, i don’t know, i don’t know yet, but i’ll try to convince him, what about the money, where should i bring it, you will bring the money to this address.
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yeah, thanks, everything will be done in a couple of hours, ok, yes, wait, wait, more. i have one word, yes, in general, your wife should bring the money, personally, i don’t have a wife, you’ll tell me, well, yes, why, do you want nina to bring it, yes, yes, i want nina to bring it? money for me to take home, is there some problem? everything is fine, well, let's do this for about 9 hours, okay, at 9:00 look, don't get me wrong, we need to speed up now,
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you know, gleb, if this isn't solved today, i'm unlikely to help you with anything tomorrow, o' okay, i understand everything, everything is fine. listen, who is this? you need to know everything, yes, yes, my friend, the bosses snitched on me, they’ll give me work in the evening, well, you’re handsome, how could it be different, everything went well, yeah,
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hello, sorry for bothering you, i was probably mistaken, but i need nina sovelyeva from forty-five, and on what issue, probably a personal one, and you don’t happen to... come in, hello, please come in, zhenya, i’m in the kitchen, wait, it’s good that you mixed up the apartment. go watch cartoons, come on, i need
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to talk to you seriously, this is about nina, of course you might think that i’m interfering none of my business, but still i have to tell you, because you quarreled because of me. excuse me, but i don’t understand, you know, i advised her to meet with you, she came to me one day and told me about how she almost met you there in the department, she was like that, her eyes she had some living ones, something was wrong with gleb, she was kind of despondent, so i invited her to meet with you, so please excuse me. "she is a very good person, for some reason she just thinks that she needs to save gleb, but apparently she, she strongly loves, since she wants to help so much, but she is pregnant from him, and you don’t know, but you must
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understand her, the child will be better off with a father than without a father, thank you, but i need to go. you, you tell nina that, that i’m not angry with her, yeah, i understand, really, the child is important, don’t worry, i, i wish her happiness. the tests are perfect, there’s nothing about pregnancy, you and your husband go to the sea, on saturday, i’ll come to the institute and give him a surprise, this is my passion, how can you not
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understand it, passion, any problem is cured by the sea, you need to unwind, take a ride on a yacht, the sea, the sun, vitamin d. you are a very beautiful girl, you dream of having a romantic romance, forget it, i’m not like the hotel she’s in, i want to save our family, he came with her with his mistress, make her lena is jealous of everything. what's going on with my wife? and your marriage is bursting at the seams. sea overseas. premiere. our lives can’t just fall apart like that? no need to think. on saturday on rtr. kalinan bellek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself. sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, shores of the mediterranean sea, discover
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true perfection, making dreams come true, the kalinonbek hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale, the titanic deluxe hotel, golf beleg, where every moment is exclusive, and wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. how did you get here, vatler? he says: on train, six days, and a long vacation, he says 2 weeks, this is sleeping. beauty, so, i don’t understand who i saw in the mirror, but
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we have marriageable brides, there are three of them in total, 90, 60, 90, this is their age, pick a hand from my knee, count up to 5,000, humor, humor, humor, premiere on saturday on rtr, we wish you to meet your good friend this year. moreover, you already have a horse, on saturday, well, you have a phone there, please give me it, he is chasing me, and you saved me, every girl dreams of a prince on a white horse, i i met you, my princess, you will be my wife, yes, but not everyone who is on horseback is a prince. your chukhonian owes us 150 thousand dollars to our casino, you and mikael, my
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only heirs, i want my grandson to grow up before my eyes. punishment without crime, on saturday on rtr. great car, i'll take it, you're a great guy, as agreed, well, yes, oil, fresh pads, great, thank you, thank you, well, good luck, see you tomorrow. we'll re-register, then, we agreed, let's go ahead.
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oh, hi, nin, are you home, hi, gleb, and you where were you? i sold the bike, why? my husband swayed and agreed to take the money and withdraw the application. now all that remains is to give the money to the investigator. which investigator? don't worry, it's not yours. he is not mine. okay, okay. “i met with a horn today,
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you should take the money to him, why me, you don’t want me to shine, say either one way or another, i won’t go to him, no, listen, this is our only chance to hush up the matter, well, whatever you want for me to kneel before you? " who's meeting me here? this is my sweet kitty. oh, lord, guys, that's it, let's go finish today, that's it, that's it, good,
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come on faster, faster, faster. and vugar, listen, it’s the same, uh, tomorrow, let’s do it at 9:00, okay, okay,
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i decided to leave the child, and i don’t want to live with you anymore. well , if you don’t want to, you give rogov the money, you can pack your things, it’s as simple as that, yes, but why did you want me to tear my hair out, well, maybe our relationship has really exhausted itself, but we can
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remain friends. crane, the key, there’s no one there, and where are the horns, your horns have been at home for a long time, he’s getting a kick, he’s having this, today is a date, well, with this one, which the authorities reported to him.
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i only ask you once in your life to do everything right, i don’t understand, what don’t you understand? i don’t understand how i didn’t notice before, what i didn’t notice, how could i love you, nin, let’s do the job, then talk, you don’t care about anyone, don’t care about me, about the child, it was just convenient with me, yes, run , he asked not to be late, i’ll wait for you here. hello, my dear, maybe you’ll come through, well, you’ll be on the threshold like that, i’ll go ahead, come in, don’t be shy,
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it’s not good to change hands, put it there, just like that. now, here it’s a strange thing, just recently you hated me, but now you came to visit me at home, you’re kind of nice. you're a bully and you're going to fight? wait, wait, wait,
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well done, that’s great. hold on, we'll be there soon, i'll give you an injection now, doctor, she's pregnant, she's not pregnant anymore, mom, or you can do it right away. i’ll give you a portrait, yes, hello, where are you so beautiful, we ’re going to nina’s, uh-huh, hello, yay from me, what do
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you have, nina, nina, it looks like you’re not going to her, it looks like we’re broke up, olya, well, if anything, i'm free. “it would be better if they put you in prison, let’s go, it’s unlikely, the victim took the statement, the case is closed, you’re lucky, the victim is lucky, he’s alive, he’s earned more money, you’re happy early, i can attract you
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, what do you think, so cool and dexterous, or what? you’re just lucky that our boss decided to take notice of the matter, that’s all, so what ? you understand that i don’t like it, well, there’s nothing you can do, you’ll have to come to terms with it somehow, right? , i think this can be fixed, i wonder how yes, like this, again if you come up to the horse, i’ll come so you understand? i don’t hear , i understand, here, sign, that’s it, thank you
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, goodbye, happy, goodbye, fedya, shame on you, we brought it for nina too, so nina has already been discharged, discharged, that’s good, yes, good . what, now you need to look for an apartment, well, you’ll live with us for now, hurray, quiet, quiet, quiet, don’t even think about objecting, dammit, don’t run, i’m not running, or maybe we’ll go by car, let’s take a walk, there ’s a subway here far, no, no, not far. well, let's go, let's go.
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come here, hello, hello. either i had time, i called, they said, we’ll discharge you today, so i’ll go, i ’ll still take you to the toilet, but i don’t want to, mom, let’s go, i don’t want to, let me take you home, yes, i i’m still homeless, so olya and fedya greeted me, until i find an apartment,
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i need to talk to grib, i’ve already talked to him about what, and what, in general, i told him not to come near my girlfriend anymore what a rude man, zhuravlyov. and you soveliva, why are you picky, these are all your things, yes, then we’ll move right now, where to me?
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stop mumbling, it’s time to say it like it is, this biting phrase of the famous journalist and tv presenter dmitry kiselyov at one time easily fit into the legendary list of his loud statements and quotes: many of dmitry kiselyov’s statements
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become themselves. hot news, be it his assessment of events in europe, america or ukraine, how can one not remember what a wide resonance dmitry konstantinovich’s emotional statement about radioactive ash and the united states once caused. at one time i actually said that russia is the only a country that is capable of turning america into radioactive ash, i am not going back on my words now. his legendary coincidence, i don’t think, has become popular on the internet. a meme and partly the key to his own destiny, he studied to become a nurse and could have become a star colleague of dr. myasnikovo, or with a diploma from the scandinavian philology department of leningrad university, achieved a high position in the foreign ministry, but state television and radio was waiting for him. we know much less about chemical weapons than about nuclear weapons, and perhaps that is why we consider them less dangerous, this delusion. can't call it a mere coincidence.
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and the fact that at the beginning of the 2000s dmitry kiselyov went on air in ukraine, he himself is half ukrainian, that’s what dmitry konstantinovich said about this several years ago in the studio of the fate of man. my mother’s maiden name is not tasty, that is, translated into russian it is not tasty. aryanna nikolaevna, not tasty - this is clearly a ukrainian surname, no one will say that she is anything else. so, of course, ukrainian blood flows in my veins. yes, but only with that ukraine. kiselev saw in the time of the orange maidan in 2004, he was not on his way, as he himself later said, it could not have occurred to him that the country’s elites would begin to mold anti-russia out of ukraine, and death threats would be made in his direction. on the maidan they shouted that bring kiselev here, here on the maidan, yes, whoever brings kiselev here will receive the star of the hero
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of ukraine. the fact that dmitry kiselyov is called russia’s information brush is also not a coincidence. for many years now he has been the head of a reputable international agency in russia. today, it is dmitry konstantinovich was the first of our journalists to fall under western sanctions. today is dmitry konstantinovich’s anniversary. he turned 70 years old. it is a great honor and joy for me that we are celebrating this holiday in our studio. the singer-shaman will also come to congratulate dmitry konstantinovich, to whose explosion of popularity our anniversary has the most direct connection. and with what thoughts does he celebrate his birthday? what he considers his main achievement and what he dreams of today: the fate of a person, the fate of dmitry kiselyov, thank you very much for not
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this is the first time we are meeting in this studio, it is very dear to me, really, i sincerely love you, i love you very much, i sincerely admire you all these years, now we are meeting in such your... new responsibility that i i feel very much towards my children, teenagers, towards the profession, suddenly i discovered that i am the oldest, oldest television presenter in
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