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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  April 27, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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a map, not a map, not a cover, but its image, look, it was right in 1584, then books, they were just wow , wow, way, it was a great rarity, right on them, what was it called? this is when this is why the cover for the cover for the book, a small book, no, bookmark, now there is a version, yes, yes, show the answer on the screen, bookmark. i 'll tell you, well, maybe it was studded with diamonds, the first books were expensive, they were created to last for centuries and it was assumed that they needed to be carefully preserved, books became a popular type of gift for the nobility, luxurious editions bound in leather fabric, decorated with embossing, embroidery, overlays and precious stones were given to kings, princes, sultans, but gradually, it was impossible to fold the pages, as we do now, she could don't care. relation
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, the bookmark acquired the status of an object that could be given to special people from the upper class, and one of the most famous bookmarks of this kind is this elegant silver, oh, silver bookmark, thin silver bookmark, which royal household printer christopher barker presented it to queen elizabeth i. after the third round, the amount in the bank did not change, show it there as before. 60 thousand rubles, but our star five now have the opportunity in the fourth round to get even for the third, you all play together, again 4 minutes, three tips, fourth round, let's go, what's special about the fourth round, who can tell me, children, raise your hand , we look at what video recording capabilities our tv viewers have.
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what competition is held annually at the hottest tahini springs? in northwest canada? time: hot spring competition in tahini in northwest canada, which one? but this competition is related to time, who will stay there longer? no, not like that, to undress? people, yes, people, yes, but the fact that the hot spring is important, this is important, this is important, that is, there is something there. no, no, the skin shrinks
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when the water is short, so who has a competition for thin skin or what, a competition among people, yes, among people who stand there , use their bodies in hot springs, yes, that they are naked, well, in swimming trunks?
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well, how beautiful, unusual, well, everything is clear, he came, got it wet, pulled out his head, froze, exactly, exactly, attention to the screen, maria will now give her answer herself, competition for the most unusual hairstyle, northern canada, it’s cold there, very much in the sources , how beautiful,
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sellers of the most extravagant, let’s say, hair structures receive 2.0 canadian dollars, that’s about 1500 bucks, we had three tips like that. you didn’t need them, and yet, just as you didn’t need them, it was the first one that gave you the impetus to the correct answer, of course, here trimmed poodle, it's really good, it's interesting, when dogs get a manicure, she says, this happened, this happened, just to talk, there's a neighbor from the fifth floor, this is a total nightmare, the second tip is definitely not... it's even more expensive, well too, but this mane is meant, according to the legend that kipling started in his fairy tale, so, i don’t remember something, they cut him, cut him, cut him, didn’t finish his hair, didn’t finish his hair, yes, that’s why he’s so
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angry, because he is undercut, this is wonderful, the haircut just looks like a haircut in my opinion left, he used to be all over. supposedly shaggy, hairy, and now he only has one mane left, well, tell me, just tell the children, since they see that this is not true, otherwise now everyone will be heartbroken, no, yes, this is kipling’s fairy tale, in fact - lion streak, shaved , typewriter, they went there, children, you won’t believe it, but boniface’s vacation is also not true, the lions are not, because grandma has a mane there, the lions do not walk with a net, yes, okay, in striped clothes, in a striped koopa.
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the ruble by this minute is, show 80,000, there is some chance of getting to a beautiful round sum of 100,000 whether this will happen or not it will happen, you promise, yes, now let’s check the fifth round, let’s go, the fifth round is a round of questions from the star, now you will play against one of your friends or colleagues. who is here, who is there, well, well, well, well, who is there, who is at home, well, oh, okay, so, khabib, so, khabib, khabib, he will spend all the money on charity, yes he will give it up, but if
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he wins well, we are ready, a question from khabib is being filmed right now, what is surprising about a skyscraper built in china? with the height it is connected with the position with the position no with what is up there, well, yes, in that direction, let’s say, in that direction, that is, there is something unusual at the top of this skyscraper, well, no, there was such ship. swimming pools without without an observatory at the top there may be a conservatory at the bottom the restaurant is understandable but the elevator offended studied there yes the elevator doesn’t even reach the middle of the building and then on foot you want to get there as it were let’s scrub fitness with sports not connected
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there not connected with sports that is, you have to guess what is there on top of it skyscraper there, i wouldn’t say that, well, right at the top, i you said on the upper floors, it’s just there somewhere. but something is connected with the fall, and in general sasha quite correctly named what kind of formula this is, well, in the sense, no, acceleration, acceleration, that is, there is some kind of tricky elevator, no, it’s also there, well, that is, it is connected with
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this is connected with gravity, with gravity, with the acceleration of free fall, with the acceleration of free fall, from different floors, when people are thrown down, they fall at different speeds, not bungees, why just bungees. this is the queen victoria, absolutely right, victoria is a victory, this is a victory, so, khabib conquered his fear of heights, leaning there, it means acceleration is free, it means if you jump from there, it means you won, well done, why does the furry one play alone, and well as if that’s all for now, let’s give another version, this has to do with a coin, and i mean a coin, throw it away, you have to throw it from there and catch it.
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how can this be at all, the air flow is terrible, connect three clues, there will be an answer, just victoria, victoria, victoria - this is a hint of victory, no, queen, queen and rain, rain, rain, queen, then don't go deeper, wait, disconnect the clues, wait, that's where you are. that there are some clouds, but no, no, something else, that is, someone throws them out, that is, drops, drops hang in the air, do not fall, but everything is much simpler,
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it never rains, they do not fall, no, no, we congratulations to khabib 20,000 rubles, we're going to charity, so what did he come up with, okay, let's do this, connect the first and third clues, come on, the rain is falling, the first thing is that, acceleration free and third rain until... so what is this skyscraper famous for? he falls onto the water with water, and what could be the clouds below, oh my god, so, wait, what does victoria have to do with it? it’s not clear at all, but how is victoria connected to the falling water? waterfall, wow, there’s a waterfall flowing from above. wow, show me the answer.
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there is a waterfall on this skyscraper, look, he’ll come up with something, right? let me tell you, the building itself is a multifunctional business center, which includes offices, a shopping center, and a hotel. the skyscraper has a height of 121 m, and the water falls from a height of 108 m. and you open the button, but from a special platform built into the wall of the building. by the way, you can see a beautiful rainbow. interesting fact: when the waterfall was first launched, local residents in a panic reported to all the media that there was a giant leak in the skyscraper, and as i understand it, they don’t have winter, right? well, it’s warm enough there, yes, yes, yes, because we tried it in the winter, they say it’s so-so, zhen, yes, he promised 100,000, a nice question. but we didn’t get 1000, so
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give us some hints again, but now everything is clear and yes, first, the acceleration of free fall, you said absolutely correctly, everything, then, what happened, victoria, well, queen victoria is the most, well, one of the most well, queen victoria’s hit, by the way, if my memory serves me right, the most the highest waterfall in the world, agarsky is the largest, no, the highest. 120, yes, yes, well, very soon, right after the advertisement, you will see, this money will remain in
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the bank, or one of our viewers will take it, do not switch to the final, very soon, people's artist of russia and the favorite of all women, sakh mikhailov, celebrates his 50th birthday, i sing to my husband, everything is for you. they say that ideal shoes do not exist, but we boldly say the opposite; we present to you sandals made from genuine palermo leather, which ideally combine style, comfort and care for your feet. this lightweight and elegant model is perfect for active
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and long walks in the warm season. palermo sandals are created using modern technologies from genuine leather to... ensure a perfect fit on the foot and maximum comfort with every step. elegant sandals go with any style of clothing and are suitable for women of any age. reliable and comfortable velcro fasteners provide an ideal fit for any width and fullness of the foot. the high polyurethane sole creates the correct roll of the foot, which ensures a soft landing of the heel and reduces the impact load on the joints when walking. call soon for stylish and incredibly comfortable bossanos.
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it seems to me that it’s too expressive, i just said, the whole jackpot, as if there, i’m not i know, but actually, the money you have amassed today is 80,000, very good, super, let’s find out that tv viewer who can become 80,000 richer today, show me. svetlana kagormanova, 46 years old, surgut, will now play with you, svetlana has the following hobbies - drawing, cooking, and handicrafts, great, she plans to spend the winnings on buying a treadmill, so she decided, so now shura, first of all, i’m telling you,
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i’m reminding others, yeah, the rules in the final are different from what happened before, well, the money remains, but the money remains, but the rules are mine. technical novelty is a stroller, a stroller of some kind, something related to disabled people , they invited him, it means somehow they wanted something not a shuura stroller, come on, well, it was mine, as it were
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, well, no, no, don’t let’s throw it on? some kind of pillow for the disabled, something like that, safety, so that there was, safety, some kind of safety, i didn’t have time for everything, yet, yet andrei lvovich, maybe it’s a prosthesis, no, not a prosthesis, then it’s a technical novelty , everyone is silent andrey, safety, something, something from the fact that it was slippery, so as not, slippery, no, no, not so, a car, a motorcycle, a bicycle, some kind of transport, well, one might say, a scooter. and zhenya is playing some kind of metro 1911, if it’s a metro, then it’s an escalator, absolutely right, well done, god, yes, i’m stupid, i didn’t even understand what to stop,
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no, everything is clear, how the brain works you have, yes, but he got to the metro, zhenya, there already, i just don’t remember either that in london in 1861 serfdom in russia in london already they launched the metro escalator, they first launched it in 1900, down point-down-point eleven. show the answer on the screen. the escalator, that's exactly what it looked like. by the way, it looks about right now. also, look, londoners believed that the escalator was dangerous, only when a specially invited disabled person demonstrated that even he could freely enter and exit the escalator, that's just that...
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with this, our show has come to an end today, i remind you that all episodes of the program can be found on the internet platform. let's see. and if you want not only to watch the star five, but also to play with them. you can ask your question on the page perhaps you will be the next winner. well, today evgeniashvili played with us. shura, andrey urgan, evgeny rybov and alexander pushnoy. it was the funniest of intellectuals and not a fact, but possible.
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good morning, good morning, dear guests, good morning, dear tv viewers, on air 100 to one, this is a fun, educational quiz, our guests today are two families, the dichenko dynasty and family lokaevs, i invite you. hello, hello, hello, so, vladimir,
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i welcome you, represent the team, so, well, we have been big fans of your game for a very long time dreamed of being here, our dream has come true in the first place, welcome. now i can imagine, well, we are a family, they recently began to call us a dynasty, from st. petersburg, it so happens that we all have a certain attitude towards sports, to the right of me is my half, my wife, natalya, honored coach of russia, national team coach russia, and has trained a very large number of honored masters of sports, and we are all fencers, our dynasty
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began with us, the family was formed during our student years and we started working during our student years, it was then that we began our first steps as sportsmen, as athletes, yes, after that it turned out that we had students, fencers, and then children appeared. here’s ekaterina, well, let’s first applaud natalya, then the children, yes, yes, we have representatives of three, three generations, here we are, the first older generation, the second generation children, this is ekaterina, our daughter, honored master of sports, olympic champion, multiple winner of the world championships, first-class applause. it’s nice to have a daughter who is an olympic champion, we also have a son who is an olympic bronze medalist, but we didn’t have enough space here, it’s a big dynasty,
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we all have it like this, well, that’s how it turned out, we welcome you to the studio, this is the second half of ours, how to say, this is the granddaughter representing the children, this is our granddaughter, olga, this is the daughter of our son, bronze medalist olympic games in athens, and we also have her with a medal, but she has a medal... she was engaged in fencing, well, then she is a creative person, yeah, a university student, but she was engaged in fiction, and at school she got a medal her from school, she has a gold medal from school, so we also have it, well, also a medal, i must say, a labor medal, yes sergei, ekaterina’s husband, so our son-in-law, son-in-law wants, he is a representative of another sport, he uh . it’s clear that this is an athlete, i think no one has any doubts, no, no, he is a master of sports in swimming, swimming, there is a very big
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attitude that the last, well, it so happened, there were, say, four or five world championships, for which fan trips were organized, organized, they were called 300 spartans, here he is one of these 300, and he is number 1, 2, these three spartans, it’s clear, this is how he understood it from the stands, fencing, it’s quite so complex that there are no questions there, it has to do with fencing, everything is clear, they accepted you into the family, so who will tell? these are the patriarchs, so well, the wife, of course, means this is the head of our family, but first of all, a beloved husband, very beloved, which means he is a wonderful father, one can only envy his children, a magnificent grandfather, a seven-time grandfather, and on top of everything else , a great grandfather, a russian coach, he is an amazing coach, i we... all the time together,
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and i was always surprised how he knows how to find an approach and the right path, and i am in many ways grateful to him that i succeeded as a coach, just like that, listen, well, the most important thing is how you all look at each other, so these views are worth a lot, thank you, thank you for acquaintance, dechenko dynasty, we have the lokaev family, i ask you, anastasia, introduce your family, hello, we are the lokaev family, we came from the city of ulyanovsk, our whole city is watching, cheering, supporting, we are a construction dynasty, these are the main ones, so to speak, builders are our great-grandmother, great-grandfather, they stayed at home, they also watch in front of the tv screens, so let’s say, the work experience of our dynasty is more than 186 years, grandfather, yes, grandfather.
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most of our new city, the captain of our team continues this family tradition not in the game, but in life, dad, here, dad sergei, yes, he builds very beautiful houses with an architectural design, his sister helps him, our nephews are all builders, well, a dynasty, but not all of them, mom, for example, is by profession not a builder, yes, but she, for example, builds dad or builds us, we are a large family, we have cuts. in a good family there is always someone to build, right, yes, especially when there are a lot of children, this is our older sister, polina, so she is building her family, she also already has children, and she also chose a creative one profession, she is the owner of a network of photo studios in our city, which are located in dad’s houses that he builds for her, it’s very convenient, it all looks lovely, wonderful, so, this is our little brother, but not in height, but in age.
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so he graduated from the moscow state university of civil engineering with a medal and i, and now you know, i graduated from the moscow institute of civil engineering and then it was called that now mgsu colleagues colleagues he graduated with a medal and now he is also making big plans for the future reproach yes such and he with i graduated with a medal and i didn’t have any medals, see where i ended up
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, well, they really won, the nominees won at many international competitions in general, in general nastya, nastya, a very cool director, so we have such a multifunctional person, that’s great, great, thank you, we welcome you, wonderful families are big, when we have three children we usually applaud at once, and this is not because it is the year of the family, i would say so, not only because it is the year of the family, but because it is normal. in general , it’s like when you have a big family and work with families and relax, you are watching 100 to one, and this is a family quiz, fun educational, we are starting, we have the first round, a simple single game, so we are starting, this is 100 to one, a simple
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single game, i invite you here to.. . a bit of an architectural and construction question, a bit of a fictitious question, so it’s right here for you, we’re talking about an ancient fortress, so, attention, what must be in an ancient fortress, vladimir, so a tower, a tower must be in an ancient fortress, checking the tower, tower, 17 people answered, the line gate gate gate must be in an ancient fortress wall wall wall wall or gate wall wall wall wall or gate well the wall must
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be in an ancient fortress yes walls with loopholes we come back and i immediately listened to you you next next what must be in ancient fortress, so maybe people have a moat around the walls, we check the moat for
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some reason, listen, if the moat of the bridge is also not the fortress itself, then there must be something in the fortress itself, maybe there are some windows, you think? these are called like this, for example. they called look, people heard the question in such a way that everything they could think of must be in the ancient fortress, then there is another option now inside the fortress.
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maybe an underground passage, and there could be some houses in which people live, i think, who are defending this fortress, maybe houses, really some houses are just a prison, a dungeon, we check the dungeon, the dungeon,
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the prison, the dungeon, no, i say, but you can make one more mistake, it's okay, and move on will go to your rivals, but people are unlikely to be strong in the old days, i think this building definitely is. exams in architecture, let's choose something, choose, choose, whatever we choose, but churches are unlikely, a citadel, a building, a barracks, a citadel, a castle itself, like, well, this one itself, a fortress, maybe really, a castle in a fortress, well there is a deputy inside, well , you can generalize to say, in a word, inside the fortress there is an above-ground structure, there is no such answer,
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it’s okay, everything is ahead, that’s all, sergey, your option, well, i liked two options, the bridge and a barracks, in general there is no longer a barracks building, you see, a building. i, too , was behind the bridge, i really liked this answer, and i like the weather vane, weather vane, ancient fortress version, for some reason it seems to me that this is something like that, well... yes, well, it certainly can maybe, what is the name of this thing , this is a catapult, it’s called, this is a weapon, this is a weapon, i also had a flag, a weather vane, but i’m for the bridge, for the bridge, there could also be stables, a fortress drawbridge, a drawbridge bridge, bridge in general is also good, try, try to go against it, the bridge, as a matter of fact, is not bad, there is no building, everything there answered construction.
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bridge bridge, okay, bridge, no, victory returns to you, and what happened there, well , partly, partly this is fair. because , as you said, on the fifth line there is one thing that you said, but in the end did not say. so, the answer to the question of what must be in a fortress: 24 people built the walls with hospitals, 17 towers, 16 cannons, nine wells, seven iron gates, and between the well and the iron gates, line number five, and there is underground.
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mikhail, those same friends i told you about, i hope they have already accepted my invitation to a boat trip, maxim radugin, up there. it's leaving yourself alone. rest is
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not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. old barrel cognac is a product of the steller group. rixas premium seagate. family fun starts here. here every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens and beauty coral reefs and sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at rixsos premium sigate. rixos premium seagate. сnop gin
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is a product of stellor group. we continue, we have a double game, all the points that will be multiplied by two on the scoreboard, i invite the second team numbers here. ask. and the lokaevs. attention, question. there is such a recreation center, the second line
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is natalya, you have the opportunity to guess the first one, let's get a yacht on a motor ship, a motor ship, the music is playing, well, let's check the music on the ship, yes, we're going back, let's go back, yes, let's continue, and i'll probably give an answer. bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool, bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool, spa center, well, not a spa center, that's something, well, probably a sauna with a swimming pool, let's choose. the bathhouse is more important or the swimming pool is more important, let’s say the bathhouse, it seems to me , yes, different clothes for the bathhouse, after all, we celebrated the holiday in the bathhouse, so it seems to me that this is the bathhouse, why are we checking the bathhouse? bathhouse sauna, bathhouse, sauna, okay, hammam, bathhouse, sauna, let's check,
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there is such an option, this is the fifth line, we didn't have it at the corporate party. wasn't with us corporate party and if something like that, but you dreamed of a corporate party, but if it’s unusual, yes, it seems to me, it looks like a swimming pool, maybe a water park, some kind of park, maybe some kind, for children, for a children’s corporate party, fun, i don’t know where adults go, well , okay, we’ll check out the water park, there’s this, a swimming pool, it’s already a water park, if i were the leader, i would of course do my best, like you like you like that.
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this is no such answer to the resort, resort, come on, resort, country resort, of course, well, look, well, a big good company takes country resort, beach resort, they live by the sea, yes, maybe a company, by the way, in sochi tents, no, no, no, in a hotel, in a hotel, yes, but
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if we are talking about big ones, and where else, yes, well, the beach, let's do this, because... a motor ship or a yacht, 35 people said, the base is in an unusual place, in the end they rented a vacation - 14, a swimming pool, a water park 11, a bowling alley - 10, a bathhouse or sauna 9, a hotel by the sea, five, expensive, but it’s beautiful, 168.73, it was
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a double play, we continue on the air 100 to one. we continue, we have a triple game, i invite the third number of teams here, family echenko, olympic champion, ekaterina, a family of builders, polina, the city of ulyanovsk, so, our next question.
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teacher, well, yes, teacher, teacher, yes, well, he teaches first-graders, it seems to me that he should show by example, mom, soap frame, soap frame, well, let's check, teacher, teacher, 33 people, come back, come back, so , olga, it’s your turn, i’m wondering if your generation writes anything at all, i write at the university, why? i like it, i like it, it’s just, well, it’s more convenient to remember, there’s still a colligraph such, well, there is such a profession, you are an employee of the passport office, but everything is already there, everything is printed there, everything is there. great signature, what
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other ideas, well, we can check the calligrapher, let's check it out, let's, of course, look like this, we have on the list, engraver, engraver, engraver, yes, beautiful, gift items, it would be very nice if doctors, they probably wrote beautifully, yes. but they definitely don’t do this, well, it is quite possible that there may be such an answer, of course, yes, i repeat once again the question, in what profession is it important to have, it is important, well, the doctors obviously don’t care, but maybe some salesman who writes, uh, well, here are the price tags, well, who writes the price tags, price tags, who writes, the computer mostly writes, yes, well, yes, it seems to me some artist designer , designer, designer, designer, it seems to me, designer, designer, what about you? well, let's say a designer, well, let's say a designer, he must have, of course, this is something like this, i have - the certificate on my belt
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was that i am a company clerk, i have it written, and a company clerk, but if they had seen my handwriting, i would have been immediately , i don't know, documents, who fills out the documents, carry out the work, i have a couple of musician friends. with which the company musicians were the company clerk, it’s better not to hear what the manufacturer is good at, this one is sitting in the personnel division no no, said the clerk no the clerk in any in the personnel department on somehow that’s who writes down, well, okay, let’s check the case the manufacturer let’s go the clerk. no, well, here we have such a word, but you know it, on the eighth line i didn’t get into dobla,
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well, who should have a good prochek, secretary, must have a good check, it seems to me, a schoolboy, whose profession, wait, stop, profession, mom, what, what profession, yes, must have, wait, no, not that, not that, by the way, a writer could be answered because well, it’s also people who are fast. here is the clerk, the one who fills out the documents, there nearby, nearby, of course, you just need to name it, because when people answered the question, they named the specific institution where it is necessary, probably, what is the name of the person who fills it out at the zaksa, probably , passport officer, passport officer, come on, passport officer, passportist, or at the tax office, okay, let’s check, passportist or?
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we open the fifth line, because you had this option, doctor, everyone
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talked about it, but no one decided to open it, because of course it’s poor. as much as they have to write, to say that they have perfect handwriting is not necessary, finally, the sixth line, a rare profession, but people answered like this, a chronicler, no more, no less than 292168 - it was a triple game, we are moving on, ahead of us us game in reverse, you are watching.
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we are probably okroshka, we need to be simpler, hut, who is guaranteed cosmic success? i take responsibility for this answer, we have a powerful intrigue, 100 to one, 100 years ago, on sunday on rtr, bourbon steersman - a product with stelar group kalimon belek - a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan belek, where life
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turns into a fairy tale. veda vodka, a product of stellar group. welcome to the newest rixas hotel in sharmelsheikh. riksas rodomis sharmelsheikh is an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms with the largest children's playground. region and an unforgettable vacation. rixsas radomis sharmel sheikh. rum, castro. product of steller group. we continue. our game is the other way around. we have a tight score of 168.292. the denichenko dynasty and
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the lokaev family are fighting for victory. in today's game. the game is the opposite means that the most expensive answer is the answer on the sixth line, and there you can earn 240 points and, accordingly, get ahead. attention, question. the most famous song by viktor tsoi and the kino group. 20 seconds to think. i call the ear, if not, our task is to guess the sixth, if possible, in first place, fourth and so on, 20 seconds, we answer, you start, the most famous song of the movie group, which in
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your opinion will be in sixth place on this list. and aluminum cucumbers, once again, aluminum cucumbers, aluminum cucumbers, the answer accepted, we also had a version, we also had this version, then we will put the cuckoo, aluminum cucumbers, cuckoo, the answers are accepted, now we look at the scoreboard, so, well, what song, blood type, do you think comes first , yes, open, blood group, 15 points, what next, what did you remember, changes, changes are required by our star named the sun, open the second line, and there is a star named the sun, which is in third place, open the third line, and the cuckoo, please , we are waiting for changes, we open the fourth line, and
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the eighth-graders were all surprised, after the scoreboard we saw night, sadness, a pack of cigarettes and so on, but cuckoos. well, okay, i’m not tired of opening, opening the fifth, opening the sixth, maybe opening the sixth! well, i am glad that you, of course, simultaneously decided about aluminum cucumbers, but according to the rules of our game, the team that is behind had to answer first,
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the team of the lokaev family received 180 points, 472,408, a big game for the winners, you look 100 to one, we continue. we let's continue, we have a big game, there are five questions in the big game, you will answer separately, if you score 200 points in total, then you will receive the main prize, 200 or more, the main prize is 100,000 rubles. they say it was not in vain that we went to moscow. so, okay, now you have to split up, one of you, into the room, you go into the scary black room, okay, so, five questions, 20
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seconds, are you ready, yes, so, what are textile shoes called, mokosins ? what are children allowed on the streets? bubbles made from meat, cutlets. kettle, what is it? infuser. what is it mint? ah, chewing gum. well, okay, great answers, let's check them out. what are textile shoes called? you said makosins. makosins. three people gave this answer. it’s good that children blow on the street, you said, soap bubbles, bubbles, soap bubbles, there are 36 points, because 36 people
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answered that way, then the question was, what is made from meat, you said, cutlets, cutlets, and just like you 29 people responded. next is the teapot, what is it like, you chose a teapot, a teapot, 14 people answered with you, not bad, finally the last one, the fifth you had a question, what is mint, and you said, chewing gum, chewing gum, and this brings you,
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the news is that polina scored more than half the required points, 106, congratulate her on this, well done, very cool, yes, but this means that she gave some very popular answers, and there is a good chance that you will answer the same, if you answer the same, we will remind you with this... sound, which means that you should immediately give a different answer, uh-huh, good, yes, and the good thing is that you have not 20, but 30 seconds, great, well, i'm done with all
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the news for you, we can start, no, hurry up, everything will be, five questions, 30 seconds and, as anastasia tells you, everything will be fine, well, let's start, what are textile shoes called? ? what do children let on the street? balloons. what is made from meat? ground meat. the teapot, what is it, porcelain. what is minty? chewing gum, candy, great, we received five answers, we’re checking, checking your answers, please, so, textile shoes, mokosins, polina said, that’s three points, you said shoes, yeah, and just like you answered, one person, slippers, and the most popular answers, of course, sneakers were said by 19 people
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, slippers were said by 31 people out of 100. what are children allowed on the street? you said balloons, balloons are released, eight people are allowed, boats are 21 people, the most popular answer is the one given by polina: soap bubbles, 36 points. next, what is made from meat? did you say minced meat? and 14 people also answered, which is not bad, but 20 people answered roast, and polina again gave the most popular answer here: 29 people said cutlets. kettle, he which one, porcelain, they said, are you? and this gives
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us 7 points, a teapot, polina said, a teapot can be hot, 25 people answered, and an electric kettle, it happens, 26 people answered, well, finally, well, finally, what happens mint, chewing gum, the most popular answer,
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st. petersburg, ulyanovsk, see you again with our families. hello on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the studio of denis polunchukov and the main thing for this hour: the russian su-34 hit a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces. air from the car, over the past 24 hours
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more than 500 ukrainian militants were killed and new attacks on targets behind enemy lines.


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