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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 27, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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hello on the russia tv channel. denis polunchukov is in the studio and most importantly by this hour. russian court-34 parasitized the ukrainian armed forces' control point. air from the car. over the past 24 hours, more than 500 ukrainian militants have been killed and new attacks have been launched on targets behind enemy lines. the united states announced a new package of
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military aid to ukraine worth $6 billion. in ukrainsky they are planning to sell the fragments of the destroyed monument to the victors of nazism for scrap metal. water is receding in many flood-affected regions. the most difficult situation in the tyumen region, level the ishim river has reached historical values. magadan was covered with snow. there is zero visibility on the roads. and the path to the black sea is being cleared from the heavy-duty regions , ticks have become more active in the primorye region, the rhododendron festival, first about what is happening in the special operation zone, fighters from the east and center groups for...
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under escort, these brothers-in-arms of the vaunted american abrams returned from the front line. soldiers from the repair units of the center group of troops will patch up their wounds. the base chassis is the abrams m1 a1 family. otvalnaya band made in uk. all optics are made in italy. this is the m1150 schroeder breakthrough assault armored vehicle, with the help of which the ukrainian armed forces militants tried to break through our defense line in the... direction. a huge
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seventy-five-ton shredder on the battlefield, as it turned out, is ineffective. firstly, due to its size, it is visible from afar, and on top of everything, it is terribly clumsy. our fighters hit this overseas scorch with a kamikaze drone. our unmanned aerial vehicle hit the optics, thereby blinding the crew, after which inexperience, the crew drove into a minefield and an explosion occurred on the rear left side. the tank crews of the ukrainian armed forces abandoned their combat vehicle and did not even try to save it. the crew of the assault vehicle is two people. the driver mechanic operates the instruments in a reclining position, and here is the commander’s seat. you won't turn around. the m1150 schreder engineering armored vehicle was developed on the basis of the m1 abrams tank in the seventies of the last century. it came to ukraine about a year ago. and here is another example of the militant’s weapons. fsu is also
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from overseas and also with history: an armored vehicle m-88. american repair and recovery vehicle, created back in the fifties of the last century. this example was released in the late eighties and weighs 51 tons. and our fighters destroyed it in the avdiivka direction with a precise drone strike. the impact hit the side of the left side of the object, it was pierced, and the engine and transmission compartment caught fire. the vehicle was requested, this armored junk was evacuated from the front line in two stages: engineering reconnaissance and an instant operation to deliver trophies to the rear. this repair for a recovery vehicle is ours the soldiers had already baptized the american abrams as their grandmother; it was on her basis that these heavy tanks were created. spare parts for such equipment are now hard to find, but our specialists assure you that they will restore everything on time. its traction force on hard ground is too small. for the evacuation
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of tanks such as the rams, which weighs 60 tons, the leopard, and so on. i think this machine is useless here. the car is so ancient and inconvenient that i can’t even describe it in words. with average height, i can hardly fit here in the driver’s mechanic’s seat, but here there is a commander of a combat vehicle, there can be no talk of any modern navigation devices, everything here has long since rotted. it will take no more than 3 days to replace the main components of the units, after which the command of the center group will decide the fate of these trophies. alexander katsuba, alexander malyshev and alexander savchuk, news! rosevsky! the military carried out precision strikes on targets behind enemy lines; according to ukrainian media reports, this is the most massive attack in recent times. powerful explosions that night thundered immediately in several areas. in ivano-frankivsk , missiles flew along the burshtynska tes; in kharkov, an airfield and aircraft repair
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plant were hit. in nikolaevskaya , a warehouse with ammunition at the martynovka airfield and a railway station in kherson, controlled by the armed forces of ukraine, were under attack. i note that russia uses high-precision weapons. but before practice, the actions are practiced on special simulators. rustan bikbulatov saw what these combat simulators look like and how training takes place at the training ground. the weight of one such projectile is more than 200 kg between the military personnel of the rkhbz troops call it a cucumber due to its external resemblance; behind the harmless nickname there is crushing power. western military experts
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consider only nuclear weapons more dangerous than russian heavy flamethrower systems. thanks to the thermoboric shells we use, the enemy simply has no chance of escaping anywhere or even surviving. that is, well, it’s just that all that remains is really only ashes after the work of our combat vehicles, ours has no analogues in the world, it destroys both equipment and manpower, temperature of 3.00° and pressure drop, adrenaline goes off scale, you can feel the full power of this machine, you can immediately feel its accuracy, that is, proofreading, all this is at a very high level, straight strength, here is russian strength, soon these... strengths must be shown experienced instructors, who have more than a hundred combat missions and
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thousands of unguided rockets fired at the enemy, show their masculine character, masculine charisma, as if they are not afraid of anything, no obstacles, how to behave on the battlefield. final stage training of crews of heavy flamethrower systems, test firing, where two standards are assessed: time. the time spent in the firing position and the accuracy of the hit, the department’s attention to the vehicle in places, but first theory, practical skills are practiced on simulators, exact copies of combat vehicles, the algorithm of actions must be memorized by both the brain and muscles to the point of automatism. there is a big hunt for tos combat vehicles, so we work at night in order to attract as little attention as possible, and the tank drives by itself in the night, that is, not a single headlight, no flashlight lights it up, just this. a ghost in the darkness, coordination takes place in different weather conditions, at different times of the day, they use the sun, these combat vehicles have been on the fronts of the northern military district since the first days and the modernized version, tosochka, it is more maneuverable, technologically advanced, and most importantly it shoots many times further, it does not strike from 6 km, one might
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say, almost point blank, from twenty. ruslan bikbulatov, dmitry cherkasov, alexander bozhenov, lead. the united states announced a new package of military aid to ukraine worth $6 billion. speaking at a meeting of the contact group in ramstein format, the pentagon chief said that this package would be the largest of all time. we're talking about missiles and projectiles. however, kiev will receive most of it only in a few years, after american military factories have mastered these funds. lloyd ustin also questioned whether the zelensky regime will soon receive additional patriot air defense systems. it turned out to be a big problem for washington to convince the allies to donate their batteries.
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spain, under pressure from washington, nevertheless agreed to send ammunition to ukraine for pvtriot complexes this information. the spaniards promised to deliver the equipment in the next 4 days. and now about the flood situation. the number of flooded residential buildings in the country has decreased by almost 3. in many regions that have already overcome the peak of the flood, the water continues to recede; in the tyumen region, the level of the ishim river in the village of yabatskoye has reached. details
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from ksenia usoltseva. the flood situation in the tyumen region, in particular in the obatsky district, still remains quite tense. the siren sounds at 10 at the ride center morning. local time, the water level in the ishim river was 11 m 99 cm on the tyumen-omsk federal highway. heavy equipment is constantly working. during a patrol the day before, a small leak was discovered. road rescue services have been working all night and are still working to strengthen the hydraulic structure. it is important to defend the federal road that connects the east and west of the country. and in the district center itself, an emergency evacuation of the population was announced. an emergency evacuation has been announced. volunteers go into every home. many streets are already empty. people they took out their belongings, animals, everything they needed. some are moving to stay with family and friends, others are in temporary temporary detention centers, we drove by and looked, the situation is very serious,
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there are buses at the collection points where you can evacuate, volunteers still have to persuade some to leave their home, there is not a single drop of water here , when the water will be here, when the water will be here, it may already be too late, it cannot be too late, work to strengthen the tyumen-omsk federal highway continues, it will be patrolled around the clock, traffic is organized in in reverse mode, a powerful cyclone from the khabarovsk territory arrived in the magadan region, bringing with it heavy snowfall, wind gusts of up to 20 m/s and ice on the roads. rescuers put the force on high alert for the entire upcoming weekend. according to forecasters, bad weather in the region will last until may. lyudmila shcherbakova reports from the snowy streets of magadan.
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region, it is now unsafe to travel along the kolyma highway from the especially serious impact on the coast of magadan to the nearest suburban villages, traffic inspectors ask residents should observe the speed limit on the road, there is no warning, half the danger in the region was not announced, but the snow is wet in... so the rescuer recommended that residents not go to mountain passes for now, to refrain from long-distance ski trips, the roads are quite slippery, and also to refrain from all kinds of travel, hunting trips, fishing trips, including, the ice on the bays of the sea of ​​okhotsk is also unstable, and the forces of the main control system, the rschs system, are in enhanced mode for the coming weekend readiness, in readiness to respond to possible drawn situations. the port of magadan operates as usual, the runway is cleared every hour, long-haul aircraft
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arrive on schedule, pilots of small aircraft serving intraregional destinations make decisions about departure individually, visibility is poor, some flights have been postponed. according to forecasters, the bad weather will continue in the magadan region for several more days, and quite a large amount of precipitation will fall. precipitation, the weather will only improve by the middle of next weeks. lyudmila chervakova, rustam akhmetov, host magadan. large-scale maneuvers are being completed in peter the great's left area. missile boats of the pacific fleet in the sea of ​​japan carried out joint firing of mosquito cruise missiles. the target, which was located at a distance of 90 km, simulated a conventionally enemy warship. the sailors did an excellent job and completed all assigned tasks. the planes recorded an accurate hit on the target. naval aviation of the pacific fleet. the route to the black sea is cleared of
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heavy cargo. today on the m-4-don highway in in the krasnodar territory, a restriction on the passage of trucks weighing more than 15 tons began to apply. on fridays, weekends and holidays, trucks will only be able to move at night and early in the morning. how will it be possible to separate the flows and reduce the traffic load on the highway during peak hours, when tourists go to the sea on weekends? reportage. anna sorokina. new road signs have appeared on the m4 don highway. the congested section of the road to the black sea is temporarily freed from more cargo. 66 such complexes are installed on each junction so that... every driver who drives a heavy truck understands that he is prohibited from driving there during this period of time. new travel rules came into effect today; they apply to trucks with a maximum permissible weight of more than 15 tons. travel for them is closed on fridays, saturdays, sundays and holidays. heavy trucks will be able to continue their journey at night from 21:00 to 8:00 am. the restrictions did not affect other days of the week;
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heavy truck drivers are adapting to the new rules. we travel, for example, to abkhazia for border. i need to have time to deliver perishable goods, traffic jams are around the clock here . changes have affected the area from the hot spring to dzhubga, during the holiday season it is the busiest, this is a ridge pass 360 m above sea level, the highest point of the m4 don highway, it is known not only for its beautiful views to the main caucasian ridge, but with steep climbs, in the summer more than 50 thousand cars pass here per day, a third of them are freight, this is at least twice the number of cars... that the road is designed for, but it passes surrounded mountains and does not always allow you to overtake a slow-moving vehicle. on the coast for a weekend with children, of course, this will reduce the travel time, and the technical ships, when they do not travel during duma time, will be able to make the journey much more efficiently, allowing vacationers to get to the black sea coast. the restriction for heavy goods vehicles applies to and from the coast every holiday season from 2020. half of all accidents in
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the area from the hot spring to the turn to dzhubga occur in the summer. this measure allows to reduce the accident rate, increase throughput due to leveling vehicle speeds on weekends and holidays. the restriction on the movement of large cargo will remain in effect until september 15. anna sorokina, valery pyatov, mikhail kertoki, anna nekos, news, krasnodar region. with the onset of heat in russian regions, ticks have become more active, which can be carriers of serious diseases. there are already hundreds of victims, and not only in the south. countries where it has already become significantly warmer, but in the central region, the may holidays with traditional barbecues and trips to nature are ahead, how to protect yourself, alexander usatenko will tell you. now veronica walks cautiously along the embankment, wide trousers are a thing of the past, now the girls are wearing skinny jeans tucked into socks. a month ago , after school, she was walking along the shore, where she caught
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a tick. i looked because i think there might be some kind of scratch. treat it, and there’s a tick, then my mother and i took it to the doctors, who determined that this tick was a carrier of baryliosis, fortunately, no infection occurred, i’m probably glad that i still have insurance, i have a child vaccinated, that treatment, that is, we can’t i had to, yes, well, i just took antibiotics, cases of suction are also recorded in krasnodar. and the stavropol territory, rostov, kaliningrad, lipetsk, pskov regions, all this is serious, dangerous, because there is a playground nearby, children run around, people with dogs, walk with animals, so you need to take this seriously, you can easily bring it home, high activity in the urals, in the forest instead of berries on the bushes there is a scattering of ticks, on every branch, on
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every blade of grass on the top of the head there are ticks, so i just walked through, i took off eight of myself, the most an effective way to protect against tick-borne encephalitis is vaccination, it is free for children, adults at their own expense or through insurance. according to the scheme, the first injection should be done in the fall, constantly, we get vaccinated after 3 years, there are a lot of diseases, so we often go to the forest, so we have to protect ourselves. for those who did not have time to be vaccinated according to the standard schedule, there is an emergency only two injections. approximately 2 weeks, but immunity will not be formed immediately; it is better to postpone trips to the forest. after the second dose, we still recommend not visiting a natural focus, because immunity begins to form, that is, a person needs a month to protect himself for the winter season. vaccinations and attentiveness are the main components of a safe trip to the forest, so that a picnic in nature is not overshadowed by a trip to
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the hospital, there are a few simple rules. visit with caution during peak activity. even in city parks, pay a lot of attention to clothing, ideally wear a special suit with traps for arthropods, but if this is not the case, then tuck your pants into your socks and treat repellent. after a walk, you need to carefully examine yourself. over the past week , 78 cases of arthropod suction have been registered; in total , 113 people have contacted doctors in the region since the beginning of the season, of which 39 are children, some from... doctors suspect tick-borne viral encephalitis in two injured krasnoyarsk residents, and one resident of the uzhursky district is suspected of having siberian tick-borne typhus. it is worth noting that these diagnoses. not yet confirmed. with the arrival of warmer weather, the activity of bloodsucking animals increases every day. may holidays are ahead with traditional barbecues and nature trips. experts recommend refraining
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from long trips into the forest and taking care of your loved ones. alexander usatenko, andrey grishkov, natalya gormashova, ksenia mirokyans, sergey larionov, elena goleeva. news. 39.00 spectators, three dozen world premieres and more than 200 more competitive out-of-competition films. the results were summed up in the capital. the forty-sixth moscow international film festival awarded the winners, so the jury recognized the film shame by mexican director miguel zalgada as the best film, an award for contribution to the development of cinematography was achieved by director sergei ursulyak. the golden saint george was presented to him by the president of the film festival, nikita mikhalkov. this is for me, that is, it doesn’t matter to me, but for the contribution of cinema to me, i would say so, it would be. the best in me, so to speak, is
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what is, yes, the little that is, it owes a lot to the great soviet cinema, i loved it, i love it, it has always been a reference point for me, the film led the russian film distribution 100 years ago, in just a week the picture became a leader and was won. thousands of viewers, an adventure story based on kilychev’s story was released with the participation of our tv channel, and this is not a remake or a non-verbal film adaptation of the book. 100 years ahead, this is a new life in the author’s universe in modern film language, only the main characters remain unchanged, anton demidov will tell you why this film cannot be missed. in general, this is a gosya from the future. the universe of kir bulychev on the big screen. the authors did not remake the cult soviet film, new adventures await their favorite characters, a whole generation of children and adults was raised on
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books, in this film adaptation, of course, now it will be very interesting how such a talented team of creators continued this project, what do you want, to conquer your underdeveloped planet in the film zersky. viewers all over the country have already appreciated the film, it’s such a way to return to childhood, it’s a beautiful fairy tale, of course it’s incomparably shot, a very wonderful plot, well done, sometimes
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you want to cry, sometimes you want to laugh, cool film, cool, i’ll go watch it again, it’s the best film for the last year that i saw, moscow, moscow, after after viewing, most people go to social networks to take part in a nostalgic flash mob; under the hashtag i am 100 years ago, everyone posts their school photos. i... plunged into childhood, felt all these emotions again on myself. 100 years ago, in all cinemas across the country, don’t miss it on the big screen. anton demidov, dina fetisova, lead. you're watching the news, that's what we'll talk about later in our program. russian so-34s hit a ukrainian armed forces stronghold. the capital region was hit by rain and thunderstorms this morning, drowning underground transitions, cars float. we will also show the rotodendron festival in primorye. beautiful shots, about this not only immediately after the advertisement, stay with us, i’m your new neighbor, well, and a new part-time district police officer, after
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the release we immediately agreed to submit an application, well, what a wedding, come with us, guys, this is my girlfriend, she was yours, will be mine, pain, sasha, sasha, survived, it’s already good, can i hug you... i’ll hug you, fear, i don’t recommend complaining, if you blather a word somewhere, we’ll bury you in the forest, despair, no, no evidence, no testimony, yes there will be, please do not interfere with an honest fair investigation, when you disappeared without explanation, what was it honestly, do not be afraid of anything, tanya, you are an amazing woman. love overcomes everything. from monday on rtr. welcome.
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here you will find people of different professions and animals of different breeds, but they have one thing in common: sincere, strong friendship. love the white fluffy one. i said, i want a white cat, here they come, oh, you’re good, to caress the obstinate one, he likes to grab there with his claws like that, tame the biting one, voice, voice, give me a paw, give me a paw, well done, well done! to warm up a stray , a parrot flies from the sky onto my shoulder, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance you're in a hurry, guys, i need to feed the hamster, you're among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, today on rtr. maybe i
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’m happy for the first time, happy, sunday, for example, i told my daughter that she was adopted as soon as i took her from the orphanage, mom, dad, i adore you, hello, hello, i’m yours mom, real, maybe we’ll meet, a test that not everyone can stand, who is she anyway? is this some kind of money scam? can i hug you? katya is not a stranger to me, she is my mother! katya is needed money! a test that not everyone will dare to take. you won't refuse to take a dna test, will you? have you received the result? mila, we will explain everything to you! fly feather! sunday on rtr,
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you are watching the news, we continue the broadcast: russian su-34 hit a ukrainian armed forces stronghold, the target was hit with fap-500 bombs. the ministry of defense spoke about the work of supersonic fighters in the zone of responsibility of the vostok group of forces. and in the zaporozhye sector, while working for our cities, they destroyed the fortified ukrainian militants. targeted strikes on the enemy. applied using drones kamikaze, the ring around chachovo yar, one of the most key areas of the special operation, is tightening more and more. about the situation at the forefront , mikhail fedutov. the su-34 is being prepared at the front-line airfield.


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