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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 27, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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athlete to the wonderful theater and film actress, honored artist of russia, marina levtova. today , mikhail bryzgalov, musician, honored artist of russia, general director of the russian national museum of music, president of the association of brass bands of brass percussion instruments, president of the association of music museums and collectors, is celebrating his sixtieth birthday. today is april 20, 7 , 2024, hello on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the denis polunchukov studio and most importantly o'clock: russian.
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in many regions affected by floods , the most difficult situation in the tyumen region, the level of the ishim river reached historical values. magadan was covered with snow. there is zero visibility on the roads, wind gusts reach 20 m per second. there is ice on the roads. and the route to the black sea is cleared of heavy trucks. in crimea, the reconstruction of the varantsov palace is nearing completion. and in primorye there is a ratodendron festival. macroeconomic indicators
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at the beginning of this year turned out to be higher than forecasts, inflation in the country is gradually slowing down, and gdp by the end of 2024 may increase by more than 3%. vladimir putin announced this today; the president held a meeting on economic issues via video link from nova garev. the agenda included approaches to financing national development projects and programs, as well as budget parameters. the progressive development of our economy has a positive impact on the federal budget. its income is significantly higher than last year. so in the first quarter, non-oil and gas revenues increased by 43%. in general, federal budget revenues for 3 months increased by more than one and a half times.
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compared to last year, well, this means that our other indicators, including the deficit, are becoming smaller, and in this regard we can confidently say that a solid base is being formed for the growth of budget revenues over the entire six-year horizon, at the same time of course, i think it is necessary for this period to maintain a moderate, conservative approach to budget planning, to concentrate it... the main expenses in those areas that give the maximum effect on the quality of life people, the well-being of russian families, for the development of territories, regions, social spheres, infrastructure. now about what is happening in the special operation zone: fighters from the vostok and center groups have killed over 500 ukrainian militants over the past 24 hours. our units were able to move forward to occupy more advantageous positions. more than ten vzo counterattacks were repelled. navde. in this
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direction, two american armored vehicles shredder and m-88 were shot down. trophies are quickly evacuated from the battlefield, and then our repair units deal with them. report by war correspondent alexander kotsob. under escort, these brothers- in-arms of the vaunted american abrams returned from the front line. soldiers from the repair units of the military center group will patch up their wounds. the base chassis is. the blade group is made in the uk, all optics are made in italy. this is the m1150 schroeder breakthrough assault armored vehicle, with the help of which the ukrainian armed forces militants tried to break through our defense line in the avdiivka direction. a huge seventy-five-ton shredder on the battlefield, as it turned out, is ineffective, firstly, due to due to its size, it is visible from afar, and on top of everything, it is terribly slow... agile. our fighters
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hit this overseas giant with a kamikaze drone. our unmanned aerial vehicle hit the optics, thereby blinding the crew, after which, due to... inexperience, the crew drove into a minefield and an explosion occurred on the rear left side. the tank crews of the armed forces of ukraine abandoned their combat vehicle and did not even try to save it. the crew of the assault vehicle is two people. the driver operates the instruments in a reclining position. and here is the commander's place. you won't turn around. the m1150 schreder engineering armored vehicle was developed on the basis of the m1 abrams tank in the seventies of the last century.
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will install everything on time, its traction on hard ground is too small for evacuating tanks such as abramс, which weighs 60 tons, leopard and so on, i think this machine is useless here, the machine is so ancient and inconvenient that it’s beyond words, i’m a person with an average height, i can
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hardly fit here in the driver’s seat, and here is the commander of a combat vehicle, there is no talk of any modern navigation devices. maybe everything here has rotted a long time ago. it will take no more than 3 days to replace the main components of the units, after which the command of the center group will decide the fate of these trophies. alexander katsuba, alexander malyshev and alexander savchuk, news! the russian military carried out precision strikes on targets behind enemy lines. according to ukrainian media reports, this is the most massive attack in recent times. powerful explosions occurred in several areas that night.
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the weight of one such projectile is more than 200 kg, among themselves the military listeners of the rkhbz troops for external the resemblance calls him a cucumber, behind the harmless nickname is crush.
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any story is told by experienced instructors who have more than a hundred combat missions and thousands of unguided rockets fired at the enemy. the final stage of training for crews of heavy flamethrower systems, test firing, where two standards are assessed: time, time
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spent in a firing position and accuracy of destruction, the department pays attention to the vehicle in places, but at the beginning, theory and practical skills are practiced on simulators, precise copies of combat vehicles, algorithm of actions. must memorize both the brain and muscles to the point of automatism. there is a big hunt for tos combat vehicles, and therefore we work at night in order to attract as little attention as possible. and the tank itself... drives in the night, that is, not a single headlight, no flashlight shines on it, it’s just a ghost in the darkness. coordination takes place in different weather conditions, at different times of the day, they use the sun, these combat vehicles from the first days on the fronts of the northern military district, and the modernized version is just right, it is more maneuverable, technologically advanced, and the main thing is that it shoots many times further, strikes not from 6 km, one might say, almost point-blank, from twenty. ruslan bikhbulatov, dmitry cherkasov, alexander bazhenov, lead. the united states announced a new package of military assistance to ukraine worth $6 billion, speaking at
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a meeting of the contact group in the ramstein format, the pentagon chief said that this package would be the largest of all time. we are talking about missiles and projectiles, however, kiev will receive most of them only in a few years, after american military factories have mastered these means. lloyd austin also cast doubt that the zelensky regime will soon receive additional patriot air defense systems. it turned out for washington. with a big problem convincing the allies to donate their batteries, while austin emphasized that the supply of american air defense systems will not solve all of kiev’s problems on the battlefield. as for the patriot systems, the future will show what we can achieve. we will continue to work on this until we find the right solution. i would like to note that ukraine needs not only patriots, but also other installations and missiles. i also want to warn you there is no need to turn petriot into a silver bullet. let me remind you that the day before greece refused to transfer
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american-made missile systems to the ssu, while spain, under pressure from washington, nevertheless agreed to send ammunition for the patriot pvu systems to ukraine. this information was confirmed by the kingdom's minister of defense. also, ukrainian militants will receive armored vehicles and leopard tanks from madrid, the number of which has not been specified. the spaniards promised to deliver the equipment in the next 4 days. for the victory front today from the moscow region the communist party of the russian federation sent another humanitarian convoy to new regions. food, medicine, deception and camouflage camouflage nets, equipment and special vehicles will be delivered to local residents and special forces fighters. an obligatory part of the cargo are postcards and letters that children write to the front. defenders of the fatherland will receive them, symbolically, on the eve of victory day. report by anna semyonova. this is already the 125th convoy, which is the cpr. sends from moscow to novorossiya. today, those
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who fight at the front against nazism and fascism, liberating rare ukraine from americans, nato members and the cia. we don’t go into state bins, we collect it all ourselves. the trucks carry medicine and food, camouflage camouflage nets, special vehicles and even weapons. the latest model, it is two times lighter than those that were at the beginning. some. parts are made to order from fighters, designed and printed on a 3d printer, for example, cats that neutralize tripwires. the guys from the battles asked us to do it for them and send them these markers. so are we we find people who assemble and solder. an obligatory part of the cargo is these colorful postcards and letters that children write to the front. here are 42 postcards that the children made with their own hands with soul and... love, separately letters for military personnel, also written with great love, attention, and
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pay attention, victory, the communist party of the russian federation has been sending such convoys for 10 years now, starting in 2014 year, the composition changes, but the main thing remains unchanged, this convoy is of a fundamental nature, first of all, it is a convoy of solidarity and peace, a convoy for victory, we we can win under one condition, if there is maximum unity and a new financial and economic course. the cars will go to donetsk, lugansk and melitopol. the humanitarian convoy of the communist party of the russian federation, which departs from moscow today, should arrive in time for victory day. along the way, it will be joined by food trucks from the volga region and the north caucasus republics. anna semenova, andre schnay, ivan zamorin and sofia petrosyan, lead. preparations for the upcoming elections to the moscow city duma are being discussed today at the all-russian ldpr rally, it is taking place at these moments in the moscow region.
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solving three main problems. the first is overcoming the demographic crisis and developing human capital, improving the quality of the environment, overcoming backwardness, and overcoming disproportions in the socio-economic development of regions. the trail brought together more than 400 delegates from different
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regions of russia, here there is a direct transfer of political experience, a three-day marathon of group lectures, master classes from experienced managers and... anniversaries in the party are celebrated, the continuity of the rally is maintained by stands with the founder ldpr by vladimir zhirinovsky and photo illustrations of his life path. the main task today is to help candidates during the election campaign, and then during the elections. also, priorities in party work should be solving problems of migration policy, supporting primary health care and improving
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the education system. at the same time, the party does not hide: fresh ideas and new approaches are needed like air. in many regions, we managed to strengthen our positions, the number of the party is growing, and this is a good sign, in our country there is a very large youth organization in the murmon region, they are candidates in elections, we have a lot of young people, now we will have 50% of the guys directly on the lists who are young, ahead, as the liberal democrats themselves say, great things await them difficult work, fighting against the strongest competitors, but party members are confident that the brainchild of vladimir zhirinovsky is in good hands. alexey kareev, magomed otsaev, maxim shchepilov, egor dolinsky. the number of flooded residential buildings in the country has decreased almost by 3. in many regions that have already overcome the peak of the flood, the water continues to recede; in the tyumen region, the level of the ishim river in the sebat region has reached a historical 12 m. there and in the nearest settlements , an emergency evacuation has been announced. the authorities
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now also have special control over payments to victims. details about ksenia usoltseva. the stop in the tyumen region, in particular in the obatsky district, still remains quite tense. the siren sounds at the district center at 10 am. according to local time , the water level in the ishim river was 11.99 cm, on the federal highway tyumen omsk works continuously. heavy equipment. during a patrol the day before , a small leak was discovered. road rescue services have been working all night and are still working to strengthen the hydraulic structure. it is important to defend the federal road. which connects the east to the west of the country, in the very regional center an emergency evacuation of the population has been announced, an emergency evacuation has been announced, volunteers are entering every house, many streets are already empty, people have taken out their belongings, animals, everything necessary, some move to live with family and friends, others to temporary temporary accommodation. we drove by and looked, the situation is very serious,
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there are buses at collection points where you can evacuate, and volunteers still have to persuade some people to leave their home. there is not a single drop of water here, when the water is here, then when there is water, it may already be too late, it cannot be too late, work to strengthen the tyumen-omsk federal highway continues, it will be patrolled around the clock, traffic is organized in reverse mode. ksenia usoltseva, maxim marchenko, lead tyumen. and a powerful cyclone from the khabarovsk territory came to the magadan region, it brought with it heavy snowfall, wind gusts of up to 20 m/s and black ice on the roads. rescuers. forces are on high alert for the entire upcoming weekend. according to forecasters, bad weather in the region will last until may. lyudmila shcherbakova reports from the snowy streets of magadan. snowfalls and snow on the roads are zero visibility, wind gusts reach 20 m/s. a powerful snow cyclone arrived in the magadan region. it has a particularly serious impact on
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coast of the region. it is now unsafe to travel along the kolyma highway from magadan to the nearest suburban villages. traffic inspectors ask residents to obey the speed limit on the road due to icy conditions. there was no avalanche danger declared in the region, but the snow was wet and sticky, so rescuers advised residents not to travel to mountain passes for now and to refrain from long-distance ski trips. the roads are quite slippery and refrain from all kinds of travel, hunting and fishing trips, among others. the ice on the bays is also unstable sea of ​​okhotsk, the main control forces, the rschs systems are in enhanced mode for the coming weekend, in readiness, well, in readiness to respond to...
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quite a large amount of precipitation will fall for several days, the weather will only improve in the middle of next week. lyudmila chermakova, rustam akhmetov, host magadan. the route to the black sea is cleared of heavy cargo. today, on the m4 don highway in the krasnodar territory , a restriction on the passage of trucks weighing more than 15 tons began to apply. on fridays, at weekends and holidays, trucks will only be able to move at night and early in the morning. this way, it will be possible to relieve the flow of traffic and reduce the traffic load on the highway during rush hours, when tourists go to the sea on weekends. report by anna sorokina. new road signs have appeared on the m4 don highway, and the busy section of the road to the black sea
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is temporarily cleared of heavy trucks. 66 such complexes are installed at each crossing so that every driver who drives a heavy truck understands that he is prohibited from driving there during this period time. new travel rules came into effect today; they apply to trucks with a maximum permissible weight of more than 15 tons. the passage for the sea is the highest point of the m4-don highway; it is known not only for its beautiful views of the main caucasian ridge, but for its steep climbs. in the summer
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, more than 50,000 cars pass here per day, a third of them are trucks, this is at least twice the number of cars that the road is designed for, and it is surrounded by mountains and does not always allow you to overtake slow-moving vehicles. on coast for a weekend with children, of course this will decrease. travel time, and motor ships, when they do not travel during the day, will... in order to have much more time on the road to let vacationers through to the black sea coast. the restriction for heavy goods vehicles applies to and from the coast every holiday season from 2020. half of all accidents in the area from the hot spring to the turn to dzhubga occur in the summer. this measure allows you to reduce accident rates and increase throughput due to leveling vehicle speeds on weekends and holidays. limitation of movement.
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spectators, three dozen world premieres and more than 200 competitive out-of-competition films. in the capital, the results of the forty-sixth moscow international film festival were summed up and the winners were awarded. thus, the jury recognized the film shame by mexican director miguel salgada as the best film; he received an award for his contribution to the development of cinema. yes, it owes a lot to the great soviet cinema, i loved it, i love it, it has always been a reference point for me, film 100
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years ago, it topped the russian film distribution industry; in just a week, the film became a leader and won the hearts of thousands of viewers. an adventure story based on the story by kir bolychev was released with the participation of our tv channel, and this is not a remake or a literal film adaptation of the book. 100 years ahead, this is a new life. the author's universe in modern film language, only the main characters remain unchanged, anton demidov will tell you why this film cannot be missed, in general, this is a guest from the future, the universe of kira bulychev on the big screen, the authors did not reshoot the cult a soviet picture, new adventures await your favorite heroes, a whole generation of children and adults has been brought up on books, on this film adaptation, you want to conquer
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your underdeveloped planet. the film has a star cast, konstantin khabensky, fyodor bondarchuk, victoria isaakova, the role of one of the space pirates was played by alexander petrov. it’s a great gift for any artist to play such an unreal character. great movie, cool script, 100%. alisa selezneva will have to make a time jump and save her family, the milky way and 13 galaxies. this movie is suitable for family viewing. don’t be afraid to take it with you and take your children, adults, grandparents, everyone will enjoy it. viewers across the country have already appreciated the film. this is such a way to return to childhood, this is a beautiful fairy tale, of course, incomparably filmed. very wonderful story, well done, sometimes you want to cry, you want to laugh. cool movie, great, i ’ll go watch it again, it’s the best movie i’ve seen in the last year. moscow, moscow. after watching, most people move on on social networks to take part in
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a nostalgic flash mob. under the hashtag i 100 years ago everyone posts their school photos, i plunged into childhood, felt all these emotions again for myself. 100 years ago in all cinemas across the country, don’t miss it on the big screen. anton demidov, dina fitisova, lead. you're watching the news, that's what we'll talk about later in our program. ukrainian militants fired at the belgorod region and targeted civilians. the capital region was covered in rain and thunderstorms this morning, drowning by...
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what are they doing? they pray, they celebrate saturday, well, stop celebrating saturday and so come, they have been praying about this for 2,000 years, but you don’t know how to say the groom in jewish, khrusn, stop, stop right there, i want to talk, i need two who know how to shoot, i can do everything, just show me how, we have a grenade, he wants to throw it for his dad, for his older brother. from all kofmans. film by sergei ursulyak. and the task is to survive and get there. and there is no choice. righteous. but there is a chance. may 9 on rtr. rest is to leave yourself at peace. rest means not thinking about anything.
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