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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 27, 2024 2:30pm-2:56pm MSK

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a celebration of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you! welcome to the newest rixsas hotel in sharma elsheikh. riksas radomis sharmelsheikh is an ideal place for a family holiday. where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday. riksas rodomis charmel sheikh. hotel titanic delluxe golf belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and
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enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe golf ticket is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. people's artist of russia and the favorite of all women, sakh mikhailov, celebrates his fifty-fiveth birthday. i am your new neighbor, and part-time, a new district police officer . after graduation we immediately
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agreed to submit an application, well what? wedding, come with us, guys, this is my girlfriend, it was yours, there will be my pain, sasha, sasha, survived, it’s already good, can i hug you, fear, i don’t advise you to complain, if you blurt out a word somewhere, we will you we’ll bury you in the forest, despair, no,
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you’re watching the news, we’re continuing the release. the belgorod region today came under fire from the ukrainian armed forces, again targeting civilians . militants struck the village of voznesenovka in the shibekinsky district with drones , injuring five people, including a teenager. also as a result of a drone crash three cars were damaged. about the situation at this moment alexander korobov. today the village of voznesenovka, shibekinsky urban district , was attacked with help. pilots of fpv drones hit exclusively the civilian population, so one of the drones fell in a parking lot where ordinary cars were parked, four people were injured, among them a seventeen-year-old teenager, all of them were taken to a medical facility, now they are receiving all the necessary help, and one of the victims in very serious condition, another one also went to the hospital on his own resident, he was provided with all the necessary assistance, and he was released for outpatient treatment.
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one of the kamikaze drones attacked a tractor on the territory of an agricultural enterprise, a machine operator was injured there, and he was also taken to the hospital. another of the drones attacked this grain truck, the car was seriously damaged, the tank was broken, there were traces of scattered metal fragments everywhere, a wheel was broken, but the driver was not injured, but now the issue of evacuating the car is being decided, and civilians also suffered... belgorod news region russian court 34 they hit a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces, hit the target with fap-500 bombs, in the zaporozhye section of the sub-rabotina our grata destroyed a fortified area of ​​ukrainian militants, and carried out precision strikes on the enemy with the help of kamika drones.
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the ring around chachovo yar, one of the most key areas of the special operation about the situation on the front line, is tightening more and more . mikhail fedotov at the front-line airfield. 34 are being prepared for a combat mission, the fuel tanks are filled, bombs with correction and planning modules are suspended under the wings, the same ones that terrify ukrainian militants, the plane takes off in afterburner mode. a few minutes later the bomber finds itself in the position area and drops ammunition. aircraft controllers help with the k-52 helicopter and su-25 attack aircraft; they take over unnoticed by the enemy. in order to transfer these goals further to aviation, coordinate these goals and then work on them, this time the missile strike hit an enemy stronghold in
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the avdeevka direction, and this is a missile attack on the zaporozhye front, a fortified area was cleared nationalists have a part-time job, when you know that... that you kind of got in, helped our guys who are there in the infantry or assault troops, when they succeed, you made the job easier, as if it made it easier for yourself. our military carries out a targeted strike on the enemy using kamikaze drones, and now the drone is sent on a combat mission in the belgorod border area. the target was the house in which the ukrainian military was quartered. in the conditions of electronic warfare , our fighters have learned to fly drones, which is called the bull's eye. we have moved on. on analogue broadcasts with the possibility of restoration, when the enemy begins to put pressure, the video signal is lost, the operator stabilizes the drone in the air, raises it to the maximum possible height and returns it - both the control signal, if it begins to be lost, and the video signal. with the help of drones,
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this mortar crew only received reconnaissance coordinates and targets, but it hit dozens of targets on the armored vehicle of the ukrainian armed forces. this is not a simple weapon, one might say, it is unique, it is... primarily for the ukrainian military. michael shrinking to leave him is a good idea, according to fedotov, to lead. in a ukrainian city , a monument to soviet soldiers who died during the great patriotic war was demolished. the sculpture, which depicts a soldier, a girl and
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a partisan, was barbarically thrown off the plinth. the city authorities intend to sell the wreckage of the destroyed monument to the victors of nazism and spend the proceeds on weapons for the armed forces of ukraine. the mayor announced such plans on the eve of may 9. the moldovan authorities, continuing the policy of persecuting all dissenters, conducted another special operation at the chisinau airport. when the head of ggauzia , evgenia gutsul, arrived there from moscow, the police set up cordons around the airport terminal building. then an emergency evacuation was announced at the airport. people were forced to leave the terminal without explanation. the head of gagauzia himself is subject to additional inspection.
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also told reporters that her visit to moscow was fruitful; in the russian capital she held negotiations with members of the eec, where they agreed to develop interaction in the fields of culture, education and medicine. poland blocked the exit of ukrainians who several dozen vehicles were imported into the country, including equipment intended for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine. reported. that at the checkpoint, for reasons still unknown, polish border guards got into an altercation with truck drivers from square, after which the military blocked their exit from the country. how it all ended is also unclear, but it is clear that the degree of tension on the polish-ukrainian border is only growing every day. instead of
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military cargo, 1,400 liters of juice and nectars were sent to ukraine. ukrainian- made products blocked by polish inspection, they allegedly do not... import any agricultural products from a neighboring country. several powerful tornadoes struck the central united states, with violent tornadoes reported in new nebraska, iowa and texas. tornadoes in these states damaged and destroyed hundreds of homes, with at least four casualties reported. one of the tornadoes crossed the highway, knocking over a truck. the whirlwind also reached the airport in amaha, after which flights had to be temporarily stopped. about 10 thousand consumers are still... out of electricity. the damage has yet to be assessed, but meteorologists warn of a new threat of repeated
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tornadoes. and moscow was hit by heavy rain and thunderstorms this morning; a third of the monthly rainfall fell in just an hour and a half. roads and sidewalks disappeared under water. the city's emergency services are working in enhanced mode. rain is forecast for the rest of the day. footage from the streets of the capital. in the report by sergei samokha. prerequisites. the impending troubles appeared closer to dawn, when most muscovites were still sleeping, lightning began to flash over the city one after another, but a wall of rain fell on moscow closer to noon. in almost all areas of the city, the streets were flooded most heavily under overpasses and in tunnels where there was low ground. drivers understand that they need to move slowly, because they don’t know how deep the puddles are ahead. well, let 's swim? there are practically no people on the streets, those? those who are caught by bad weather outside try to hide inside shops and cafes; at the exit from the metro there are huge crowds who want to go out
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in the pouring rain. the peak of the storm lasted only about an hour, but during this short time a third of the rain fell in moscow. monthly precipitation norm, and judging by the weather forecast, a second wave awaits us in the afternoon. the volume of water that fell overnight was colossal, about a bucket for every square meter of the city. all this flowed into the narrow passages of the roads, in short, the flood, the main thing is not to get up. the biggest danger for motorists at such a moment is not a flooded interior, the worst thing is to get a water hammer from the engine, it is an instantly immobilized car, and expensive engine repairs, and apparently, this is exactly what happened to a taxi in the east of the capital. the driver did not calculate the depth of the obstacle and actually sank the car. tough, tough! the heavy rain was known in advance, so 300 mos
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drainage crews came out to patrol the streets. thanks to the efforts of public utilities, critical flooding was avoided. the water went into livnyovki as quickly as it had filled the streets an hour earlier. according to weather forecasters, there will be rain and strong winds in the city until the end of the day. there is heavy traffic now on mkat in the area of ​​warsaw highway. on the last working day before the holidays, drivers are advised to take pay attention to the weather and reschedule your trip out of town. for the morning. sergey samokha, georgy mayorov, lead. today the denouement of the terrible story that took place in krasnoyarsk became known. labai was taken from his owner, who dragged him tied to a car. the woman was unable to load the large dog into the car. as a result, the owner couldn’t come up with anything better than tying the dog to the trunk and then going about her business. as a result, residents watched as the barely alive kolobay, gasping for breath, tried to keep up with the car. and they talked about it in police. and so today it began. it is known that the dog was handed over to volunteers for treatment, maintenance, search for new owners, let
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’s scratch an ear, let’s scratch a day, on the southern coast of crimea the reconstruction of one of the famous architectural monuments of the vorontsov palace is nearing completion. the builders have already replaced the engineering structures, and the surrounding area is currently being improved. however, work does not prevent tourists and residents of the peninsula from going on amazing journeys through time and touching the culture of the 19th century. report by maria tyamnikova. personal chambers, we found
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some auditory pipes in the closets there. there is a version that the second floor was being renovated, where not only the house but the garden were bugged, behind the trilby fountain, there was supposedly a secret door, and through these holes the responsible employees listened, which diplomats say, counting on complete confidentiality. the yalta conference is one of the most interesting episodes in the history of the palace, but this place became famous much earlier. opens from the roof of the vorontsov palace. magnificent views on one side of the mountain aipetri, on the other side by the sea. actually, it was for these views that prince mikhail vrantsov fell in love with these places and decided to build his summer residence here. the son of a russian diplomat, a hero. 1812 and the governor-general of novorossiya mikhail vorontsov was educated in great britain, was well versed in english culture, he entrusted the development of the project to the architect of foggy albion, edward blore, but the palace did not turn out to be purely english, the strict forms of the castle in the tudor style on the one hand, and the light breath of the east on the other. washington irving's book the first american writer's tale
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of the alhambra was then so popular that the south façade resembles it in its design. spanish alhambra, the palace of muhammad i, built at a time when spain was under arab rule. as expected, according to the fashion of those times, the owners were interested in botany, and dozens of species of shrubs and trees have been preserved in the garden today. this spreading plane tree, a real symbol of the palace, was planted at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. the roots grew so much that they literally pierced the entire area, a silent witness many historical events. this is the fountain of mary's tears, unique. a replica of the famous bakhchetarai fountain, but here it has an independent history, in memory of pushkin, this fountain was installed here. carara marble for the fountains was brought from italy, the lions are also made from it, they say that churchel recognized himself in one of them and wanted to buy it, but they did not sell it. incredibly, during the great patriotic war, all this luxury was saved from looting. the advance of the soviet soldiers was too rapid, destruction came
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later, when in the fifties they decided to open a health resort in the palace. paintings, furniture, antique dishes are unique. the vorontsov library was taken to different parts of the soviet union. years later, all this had to be collected bit by bit. today the museum complex is being restored to its original form. thanks to the federal targeted program, the blood on the main five buildings of the museum was replaced. the process of overhauling all utilities has begun . the builders changed engineering communications. will be installed in the park soon cctv camera lighting, specially brought cameras will be installed. a big event today in sirius, there was a lecture on the model of public administration for students and young scientists, it was held by dmitry grigorenko for the leadership of the government as part of the program for the development of a personnel management reserve. one of the key topics was
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the issues of digitalization in management, including the use of artificial intelligence. according to grigorenko, this speeds up the process. for the main events of the last seven days, news of the week with dmitry kiselyov, see on sunday at 20:00, this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev, look on sunday, he will finish off ukraine, he will not save zelensky, but he will spoil russia. a good day for america and
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europe. why did biden send atak ms long-range missiles to kiev? that the calculation is whether russia will use nuclear weapons if nato troops enter ukraine to destroy russia. for those who didn’t believe us 10 years ago, once again about radioactive ash, let’s go, why captured ukrainians are going over to the side of russia and are now fighting for us, alexander sladkov about a special detachment the legendary maxim krivonos. and what's on the fronts? set them on fire, surround them! 10 years since the monstrous massacre in the house of trade unions in odessa. more than a hundred odessa residents were burned alive. arkady mamontov about how the west-fed nazis then mocked those who thought in russian. with shouts, glory to ukraine,
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they simply broke their heads with metal rods. and sergei zenin from the secret tomb of the afghan rulers, they say that if you make a wave circle around the galley, then any dreams will come true, what is left of the soviet quarter in kabul and why the afghans choose cricket, news of the week, sunday 20:00, the first in history has started in primurye... the rhododendron festival includes excursions, photo exhibitions and environmental events. travel companies have already prepared special routes to places where the mahogany tree blooms. there are a huge number of species of this tender in nature. only six shrubs grow in primorye, and some of them will not be found anywhere else in russia. hundreds of tourists now dream of seeing this primrose; they are not even afraid that they need
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to climb steep rocks. festival they plan to make the mahogany holiday for primorye a holiday similar to the cherry blossom period in japan. vesti monitors developments in russia abroad. stay with us. do you toss and turn sleeplessly all night with your old pillows and wake up completely stressed out? it's over now! introducing the dremalina swan pillow - a comfortable lounging pillow that hugs your entire body and optimally aligns it so you experience the best sleep of your life! the unique shape of the dremaliina swan pillow offers seven comfort zones, which support your back, shoulders, head and neck, arms, hips. knees, ankles, feet. you remain in the most comfortable sleeping position without tossing and turning. unlike conventional pillows, dremalina keeps the spine in an ideal position and the neck at
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humor, grotesque, comedy, anecdotes, funny poems, parodies, couplets, clowning, monologues , filletons, sketches, genre songs, etsetara, etsetara, my friends, well, this is a must. especially at the beginning weekend. goethe wrote: nothing shows the character of people more than in what they find funny, and mikhail zadornov already said what is closer to us. nature helps you live, love helps you survive, and a sense of humor helps you survive. in the beginning there will be clowning. girl, katya is a sponsor. one girl. young people wanted to become bold, when there is a desire, well, let’s go girl, you’ll get crazy, there’s your own comfort
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and coziness,


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