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tv   Moskva  RUSSIA1  April 28, 2024 10:00pm-10:41pm MSK

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what remains of the soviet quarter in kabul and why do afghans choose cricket? zelensky’s fate is clearly predetermined. major statements and events.
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the result is obvious. every tv viewer knows that we will show more than others. that's for sure. moscow, kremlin, putin. we look immediately after the news of the week on rtr. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort at rixsas golf villas and suite sharmelshey. a stunning world class golf resort. enjoy
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modern designed rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. have a rest with comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits sharma. rixas premium seagate. the family fun starts here. here every detail is created for yours. discover a real gem on the coast of bodrum, titanic lakshery collection bodrum, exceptional service, incredible. culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere
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of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in world-exciting adventures of incendiary entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic luxury collection bodrum. titanic luxury collection, so, firstly, i should all stand calmly, and secondly, come on, let me finish, calm down everyone, they set a course for a good mood. girl,
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where are you flying to? on arrenman and they are not going to deviate from it. the artists we invited for may 1st still haven’t left. these people will kill anyone who can't stand it now. you will be offered a hot dinner. you had two apples. i ate one. i ate one, that’s it, i’m calling, my patience is exhausted, please call baba iga, now please at the table, odessa steamer, may 1 on rtr, i thought that everything was more serious here, you sit and think, there’s no need to think here, here it’s all. to play or not to play,
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yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, it’s dangerous. love for the game, this is a five-on -one program, i'm oops, five-on-one on saturdays on rtr, you already have someone in mind, and this is your neighbor, the district police officer, it seems
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he can help you, love will overcome everything, from monday to rtr. and in the uk this week there is an epic with the deportation of illegal migrants to africa continued. a bill allowing refugees to be deported to rwanda has finally received royal assent and has officially become law. the controversial idea originated in the government of boris johnson, and began to work under rish sunak. the first group of refugees has already been identified and will go away from the foggy albion in a couple of months, followed by others, then their fate will be a problem for the rwandan government. by the way, when 2 years ago johnson was asked whether refugees from
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ukraine could be deported to rwanda? he is not ruled out this possibility if a ukrainian entered the british isles illegally. poor rwanda. a sub- saharan african country with a predominantly rural population. gdp per capita population is less than $200. 175th place in the world. the former belgian colony suffered for many decades from conflicts between tribes, and in 1990 experienced the worst genocide in history, when more than a million representatives of the tutse people were exterminated. the human rights situation there today is far from... ideal even for expelled migrants from in the uk, rwanda will definitely not become a resort, from the uk, our correspondent, alexander khabarov. of all the possible options for getting rid of unwanted guests, the british authorities chose the most exotic,
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sending them to rwanda. at the london representative office of this country there are no queues for paperwork yet. however, it seems that illegal migrants who are going to be deported there are here... and will not have to stand idle, they will simply be given a one-way ticket. recently, rishi sunak's cabinet removed the last obstacle to this way. the british parliament passed a law declaring rwanda a safe country and gave the green light for the upcoming deportations. we are ready, the system is working, flights will be carried out no matter what happens, and no foreign court will interfere with us. over the past 2 years , more than 76 thousand people entered britain illegally. mostly. refugees from the middle east, asia and africa. the most popular route for them is crossing the english channel. overloaded with people, but windy boats leave france towards england almost daily. british ministers are trying to convince everyone that if migrants know that they
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will be sent to rwanda, then there will be no reason for them to sail. on the day that the law allowing such deportation was passed in london, five people drowned in the waters of the lomanche. the tragedy occurred off the french coast. those left in the boats are delayed on their way. the 57 people who were present perceived this tragedy simply as remaining on board in the boat, preferring not to be rescued. they managed to start the engine again and decided to continue towards great britain under surveillance navy. despite all the agreements and financial investments from britain. the french authorities don't need these people either. it happens that gendarmes pierce boats with a knife near the shore, but on the open sea they don’t even try to stop them. the migrants are then received by british border guards and taken to the english port of dubor. from this moment a long stage of proceedings begins.
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asylum cases are processed in britain not even for months, but for years. all this time, migrants need to be housed somewhere and feed. after a series of scandals due to terrible conditions. hotels are designated in migrant temporary detention centers. in the london heathrow airport area, some hotels are now completely occupied by such people. migrants are still arriving and the costs for... this work permit is enough, because if you stay in such a place for a long time, for example, several months or several
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years, then for many people it paralyzes the brain, they rely only on benefits. samina moved to england 2 years ago, she fled from afghanistan, now waiting for her fate to be decided, hoping that she will be lucky and not be sent to rwanda. it will be terrible, even humiliating, but what can you do, you have to accept things as they are. what are the options? first batch? migrants are promised to be deported in 10-12 weeks. the british home office says only 150 people will be sent. auditors estimate that deporting each of them would cost the treasury £1,800,000. overall cost of the project is already half a billion pounds, although not a single migrant has yet been sent. a hostel with the self-explanatory name nadezhda in the rwandan capital kigali, built with english money, has been for 2 years... we have an entertainment area, a field for mini-football, basketball and volleyball, and
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there are also smoking areas. rwandan authorities say they are ready to accept migrants even tomorrow. people should remember that this partnership has been in place for 2 years and has a budget to take care of the migrants once they arrive in rwanda. have money for their temporary residence, for paperwork, there is everything necessary to ensure their life. in rwanda, everything is planned, there is money, everything is in place. there are no volunteers among the migrants yet who want to go to rwanda. i'm under a lot of stress and i only think about this rwanda. those who do not wish to travel have the right to appeal to the home office. there is still the european court of human rights. it is still unclear how the bans imposed by him will be circumvented. the un high commissioner for refugees said that the agreement between the uk and rwanda are contradictory. uk asylum seekers will be transferred to rwanda until
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their claims to prevent asylum are examined under this treaty. rwanda's national asylum system will then be responsible for considering their need for international protection. people displaced to rwanda, even if they are granted refugee or humanitarian status, will remain in rwanda. this agreement proposes an asylum model that undermines global solidarity.
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no, i think there is an exception for sending people from rwanda to rwanda. they are from congo and are at war with rwanda. from congo? well, rwanda is a different country, it's not congo, is it? they are ready to push migrants anywhere, as long as they are away from england. the british government discussed options for agreements with countries such as batswana, costa rica and the ivory coast. james cleverley went to italy this week and the problems are the same and even bigger. in january
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, the italians entered into an agreement to send migrants to albania, where they are ready to accept 36 thousand people annually. they will be kept in temporary accommodation centers while the italian authorities decide on their future fate. the agreement between italy and albania was also condemned by the un high commissioner for refugees and numerous human rights organizations. they create double standards for asylum seekers who will be detained in these centers in albania, without any interest in ensuring that legislation is in line with european and italian ones standards. there is no shortage of critics. french president emmanuel macron, speaking about the agreement between britain and rwanda, said that he did not understand how people could be deported to third countries unknown to them. we are creating a geopolitics of cynicism that imparts our values ​​and will lead to the creation of new dependencies, and which will turn out to be completely ineffective. a stone's
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throw from the university of sarbona, where macron spoke, police pulled people out of the tents that had settled on the shore. the olympics will be held in paris this summer, and such spectators not needed here. this is another example of the social cleansing that occurs in paris before the olympic games. the police are evacuating all the camps in paris because they want to see paris clean for the olympic games and for tourists. they don't want to see paris as a city full of migrants and asylum seekers. the un estimates that 270,000 migrants made their way to europe through the mediterranean alone last year. this year there will be another 50 thousand, so an army of millions is being formed, people of no use to anyone and ready for anything. mayor of the port city of vimrø, where this week five migrants drowned while trying to cross the lomanche, i am sure that the british started the story with rwanda in vain, those who are aiming to get to britain cannot be stopped by horror stories. when the british migration minister
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was here last time to do a walk-through and see what they were funding, i spoke to him. and he said that they were going to vote on the rwandan bill, and i told him that this would not change the situation at all. in 4 months of this year we have already crossed the lomanche to the english coast 6,500 people. alexander khabarov, ilya murdyukov and denis lisitsam. news of the week, london. sergei zenin continues a series of, in my opinion, most interesting reports from our neighbors, the afghans. today is about life in kabul after. close your eyes and you will never determine what kind of city it is: tehran, cairo, baghdad, islamabad, in kabul too, the sounds of car horns do not stop during the day, everyone honks with or without reason, just out of
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habit, east, and they are used to driving like that too. the city will be jammed with traffic jams, in the city now you don’t fear for your life, even if there are terrorist attacks in in crowded places are still possible, but earlier in the middle of belodnya they could easily poke a pistol and demand a wallet, now it’s difficult to imagine such a thing, the taliban quickly restored order, the weapons were taken away from everyone who was not entitled to it, the bandits were caught, the most inveterate
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were shot or hanged, the rest were sent for the grille, someone else is hiding... there were problems with security, now we arrived in the city calmly, and i understand that this is thanks, including to you, you are doing a great job, how is the situation in general, thank you for your kind words, we really we were able to restore order in kabul, traffic on the road doesn’t count, we’ll sort it out, the main thing was the explosion... thank you, good luck to you, thank you, any firearms need a permit, these guys have it, they are the city’s security service, they noticed us a long time ago, we learned that they were russians, and a conversation began. so which one of these guys do you think is jealous of the other one? well,
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of course, the one to my right. he has a real trouble-free machine in his hands, and i don’t even know what it is, but he’s polished or something, polished, no, no, polished, polished, it doesn’t exist like this, it’s like this right now in 1967. it’s still working this year , this is a kalashnikov, this is not american rubbish, this is a good hubass, which one is better? of course, he, that is, go and envy him, the city seems to have sighed with
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the departure of the coalition troops, 20 years of occupation of afghanistan have disappeared like a bad dream, if they speak with gratitude about foreigners, then only about the soviet ones, who were here for almost 40 years back. the russians built all over afghanistan, did everything. the russians helped them we didn’t care about the people anyway, they helped us a lot. these are the russians. the americans only bombed and killed. there was no benefit from them. the russians united us. abdul wahit knows what he is talking about, he is a native of kabulul. i've seen a lot in my 65 years. he saw the war several times; it had only just ended for him. peace came to his area, beyond which he had never traveled, albeit without joy.
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houses are also no exception, they are gradually falling into disrepair, no major repairs, no even cosmetic repairs, no one invests not a penny, such an attitude towards everything, as long as there is a roof and the house stands, we will live in it, oleg ivanovich gontsov, a man of legend, fought in afghanistan for 7 years, and then came here for many more years on affairs of afghan veterans, his current this is the fiftieth visit with our film crew, do you know about the country? so many that it’s enough for a whole series, here in kabul a club of russian wives was formed, these women married afghans and lived here,
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there were quite a lot of them in the microdistrict, they were not only from women from russia, this and ukraine, well, that is, from all over the soviet union, some of these women , after the departure of our troops and the change of power , remained here, according to my information, during these battles and did not disrupt the order somewhere. ten women disappeared into obscurity. there were still good times for afghans until 1973. monarchy. suffice it to say that under king zakir shah, women were not only allowed not to wear a cheddar, but also given the opportunity to receive higher education and vote in parliamentary elections. afghanistan then supported very good relations with the soviet union. the koran does not say that allah is against communism. so why should we fight it? that's what the king said. almost every year he came to moscow, and from here to leningrad, petigorsk, evpatoria, a unique photo, zakir shah
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visits the artek pioneer camp in crimea, here is another collage from the artek wall newspaper. in seventy- three, the king of afghanistan was dethroned by his brother, and the monarchy ceased to exist. but the people remember the royal family. a huge tower rises above kabul pantheon. in the center of the colonnade there is a black coffin, it’s really not real, right under the grave of zakirschach there is a real necropolis for tourists, in this underground gallery they were going to bury all the members of the royal family, it is illuminated by natural light, the sun’s rays break through the ceiling, they say that if you make a full circle according to the gallery, then any dreams will come true, there really is peace here.
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in afghanistan they are not sure, but historians say they know for sure: the grave you just saw belongs to great-great-grandfather, zakir shah, sultan mohammed khan, considering that it was built in 1861, it has been preserved quite well; afghans honor the memory of their ancestors. entrance to the underground
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dogar, it is too big and noisy, but we don’t have such a view from this mountain at home, there are generally mountains all around, the city itself is at an altitude of 2.0 m, this is a real capital, it now looks like a big lake among the mountains, we come here every friday, we’re just walking, looking, these are the meetings that are taking place in afghanistan, they are so unexpected that in another place, i haven’t seen anything like this, we were literally working just now, and tell me, well , the situation is such that...
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at the same time, the national flag, that the afghan team is still among the top ten, their sports uniform has been on for 3 years already no, and international competitions are not allowed, the unrecognized white flag of the taliban in the islamic emirate of afghanistan does not have an anthem,
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spiritual leaders believe that music. corrupts muslims and should be banned, which is why afghan cricketers sing the words of the anthem in the stadium a country that no longer exists, democratic afghanistan. maybe this confuses some people , but not the fans, there are millions of them, those who pray for the team at home, and those who are ready to travel for a day on crossroads to get to the game, afghans are passionate fans, and allah often smiles on them, how... the team has already amazed the whole world, defeating the current champions and two former medalists, defeating england, pakistan and sri lanka. after another victory in the locker room , the team no longer sings the old anthem, but the ancient afghan song. the meaning of the words is clear, we fought and won honestly, and there are also words there: happiness rarely comes to the poor. but
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life still goes on, we are further exploring afghanistan, in the next broadcasts the unofficial capital of pashtun kandahar, and you will also find a story about how the taliban defeated one of the worst evils on the planet. sergey zenin, alexey yaldin, shchikova and oleg ivanovich gontsov.
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i do not agree with the interpretation of the holodomor as a selective genocide of the ukrainian people. many of pyotr petrovich’s statements are downright government character. what is at least such a conclusion worth? ukraine will not find happiness in a confrontation with russia. or this? they are making us into a battering ram against russia. europe, ukraine, with its history. history, which has been common with russia for a thousand years, ukraine, which has common heroes and common saints with russia, is in canonical orthodox unity with russia, europe does not need such a ukraine. i wondered how one could maintain such bright optimism.
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a state built essentially without foundation, since we are giving up everything, it reminds me of such a plant we have in ukraine, probably in other places, perekotipol, it is such a ball, green, and then, in the fall , the leaves fly off, and this ball remains torn from the root.
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zelensky’s fate is clearly predetermined. in rare footage of our program. who needs these signs at putin’s event? when everyone wants to get as close as possible, it's all the more interesting to learn the details. yesterday i wanted to call you, but you were so busy, there was no way to connect with you. i was able to reach you get through what you felt, our program does not sleep at night, is extremely attentive during the day and the result is obvious, every tv viewer knows that we will show more than others, that’s
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for sure, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we watch immediately after the news of the week on rtr. welcome to the newest rixas hotel in sharmelsheikh. riksas radomis sharmelsheikh is an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's a town in the region and an unforgettable vacation. riksas radomis sharmel sheikh. we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmel sheikh, the first swiss hotel in the world operating on an all- inclusive system. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge in
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perfect harmony. create memories that will remain in your heart forever. swissotel charmel sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city. titanic deluxe golf hotel belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. indulge yourself in a first-class holiday with liorets, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, golden
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beaches and azure waves. liu resorts, we are here for you. and i, anna ivanovna, am very glad that you are my doctor, i immediately liked you, i love you, everything will be fine, urgently, the unexpected death of andrei volunteer shocked russia, you have been officially presented with unification, facing the dream, you don’t want to tell me anything more from narcotics not...
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from monday on rtr. we go to the doctor , we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor as... any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge about health. we dispel myths and help you find out the truth. how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up beforehand. what should you pay attention to? each risk factor should have its own tablet. where to look for help? will need just five ingredients that will benefit everything. body: two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation
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, so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take care of your complex body. get over yourself and be healthy. about the most important things, from monday to friday on rtr. big film premiere. if you lead the jews out of here, we will present you for promotion. this is us, this is the front line, bring us here. from the director of liquidation, save this, that this? remember, we have never lost this, even in the worst times. what are they doing? they pray, they greet the sabbath, stop greeting it, it’s saturday anyway, they ’ve been praying for this for 2 thousand years, but you don’t know how to say the groom in jewish, huson, stop, stop, i want to talk, i need two.
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may 9 on rtr. us secretary of state blinken came to china this week for a three-day visit ; he was greeted as german chancellor olaf scholz without ceremony, red carpet fanfare , like scholz, blinken demanded that china stop supporting russia, because how and scholz, the pompous blinken came to put pressure on china and set conditions; in the middle kingdom they know how to behave with such people. it is clear that the us secretary of state left beijing with nothing, and china,
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as if in mockery during blinken’s visit, demonstrated its economic power. just in those days, an international motor show was held in beijing. china, which has already overtaken everyone in the production and sale of cars in the world, presented developments that were never even dreamed of. from china, our sobkor, alexandrsky. for the state department chief, this round of us-chinese negotiations never... became a diplomatic breakthrough, after all, blinken flew with the firm intention that beijing will put the squeeze on, which is probably why he first went to a basketball match, to get ready for an attacking game, but on the political field in china, american techniques will not end with a three-pointer, but during negotiations with the head of the people's republic of china, i had to remember politeness. president biden has asked me to return here to continue the important agenda that you both outlined in san francisco to deepen.
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on the part of the united states, we have already introduced sanctions against more than 100 chinese legal entities, export controls and so on, and we are fully ready to move forward and take new measures. in general, everyone understood that it did not work out to win beijing over to its side in the ukrainian conflict, no matter how much it would have been wanted on the eve of putin’s imminent visit to china, although washington strengthened its negotiating position as best it could, the senate voted for the allocation.


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