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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 29, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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comrade senior lieutenant, will you be the one to eat? no, i understand. hello, on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the irina rossius studio and the main topics for this hour. the crews of su-25 attack aircraft prevented
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the rotation of ukrainian armed forces units. nato equipment is turning into sparkling metal. retired american military pilots are confident that the f-16s will be ineffective in their own zone. zelensky , in the form of an ultimatum, demands from the united states annual support and confiscation of all russian assets. what reaction did his words provoke in the west? flood in the kurgan region gradually recedes. emergency situations ministry employees began a large-scale operation. infection, rescuers in the tyumen region have a lot of work to do, the water level is rising to the highest levels, a trailer from a tractor that literally fell from the sky in the usa is recovering from a devastating tornado, oklahoma and nebraska suffered the most. and gerard depardieu was arrested in paris; the seventy-five-year-old actor is being interrogated in connection with allegations of sexual assault.
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less than half an hour ago, a message came from the northern military district zone about the liberation of another settlement in the ovdeevsky direction, the village of semyonovka came under the control of our military. over the past 24 hours , 1,100 vysu mercenary soldiers, as well as dozens of pieces of equipment, including western-made ones, were destroyed in various areas of the special operation. a new missile strike on ukrainian positions was carried out by the crews of su-25 aircraft. thunderstorms are covering from the sky. russian attack aircraft who are developing the offensive. after attacking the targets , the pilots completed the maneuver and successfully returned to the airfield; the crews of the su-34 fighter bombers used glide bombs to hit the ammunition storage facility. on secondary detonation began in the facility. in the yuzhnodonetsk direction , crews of t-80 tanks worked on enemy fortifications, they broke up a concentration of live forces. equipment in
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the kharkov region, missilemen destroyed a temporary deployment point for foreign mercenaries; according to preliminary information, over forty militants were eliminated, about fifty were injured. and our military took the damaged american abrams tank to the rear. in the coming days, it will become part of a large-scale exhibition of damaged western equipment on poklonnaya hill in moscow. pavel's report prokopenko. the pride of the american military industry is being pulled by two of our tractors. this equipment will no longer work well, the vehicle under the berdych was knocked out by the atgm crew of the center group of forces, the operator corrects the missile’s flight and can accurately hit the target even in motion, which is what happened with abrams. the abrams was towed here , a characteristic mark remained, but what was left of the vehicle itself, everything is already visible here, the weapon is deployed on the turret, this protection is not at all... the blow fell on the rear
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of the tank, this is its most vulnerable part, the ammunition detonated, the car caught fire and completely burned out in a matter of minutes. there was nothing left in the cabin, everything was very burnt out, it’s even difficult to determine what was in what places, now there is a very strong smell of burning. the gun is knocked on its side and lowered down, in this video. will appear before visitors to the trophy exhibition in moscow, today the car will be taken to the capital, they are waiting for a special platform to load this pile of scrap metal onto it. bracelet, yabarkaz, i'm looking around. the crew of this southern motorized rifle infantry fighting vehicle the group of troops received another american, bradley. everything is on record, everything is exactly on target. the armored vehicle was destroyed in the artyomovsk direction. when she left cover and
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thereby unmasked herself, our motorized riflemen often work from open positions, they are called postcards here, we brought in infantry... we also covered the infantry, tanks, went to postcards, now we are working from closed positions, since this is more effectively, our drone crews give the enemy no rest, here are the positions of the ukrainian armed forces, clearly in full view, soldiers slowly walk around trenches, not even suspecting that there is a copter right above them, several drops, the strong point is no longer there, the fuse is removed,
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as former us military pilots think. their opinion is given by business insider. they note that russia's arsenal of surface-to-air systems is more modern and advanced than those encountered in past conflicts. then they worked against iraq and syria with their outdated equipment. at 16 it will be under the gun of russian air defense immediately after takeoff. there is less and less optimism in the west. the swiss building blick cites the forecast of ukrainian armed forces officers that russia will completely take control of donbass by october. ukraine will lose the war, the conflict will freeze and there will be negotiations, the publication quotes one
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of the military men. the main reasons are the lack of personnel, the delay of american assistance and dissatisfaction with the leadership style of the new commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, syrsky, who is not at all inclined to take care of people. the left bank of the dnieper in the zaporozhye region is reliably protected by saratov motorized riflemen. ukrainian armed forces are trying to attack zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant with the help of heavy attack drones. how a strategic site is protected - report by stanislav vasilchenko. here on our right side is nikopol, kopulovka is coming. the location of our enemy. the enemy positions on the right bank of the dnieper are less than 4 km away, says the saratov motorized rifle battalion commander with the call sign neptune. his soldiers are guarding him.
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attack, it is foreseen, attempts have been made clear, but as such there is no such thing. the fighters say it is the drones that cause the most trouble. the enemy attacks during the day and at night, so motorized riflemen are always fully armed, during the day they repel attacks from fpv drones, and at night they look out for babuega in the sky. this is the name of ukrainian heavy drones capable of carrying charges weighing up to 50 kg. you can’t see it with the naked eye, you can only see it with a thermal imager, so they already looked at where he was shooting. a fighter with a thermal imager and already concentrated fire, including from a machine gun, we hit her, she fell behind the village, among the saratov motorized rifles the majority are mobilized, here on the front line they carry out the most complex tasks, hold a special
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defense zone, this status was given to it because of the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant located here, the soldiers are ready to prevent the enemy from reaching the facility at any cost, because if the plant is hit, the consequences may not be... kiev has already warned the council of europe. the statement says that for the duration of the conflict, the effect of a number of strategies and articles of the constitution will be limited, including the right to hold rallies in order to abandon the needs of the state. the letter to the council of europe was the country to return to it, the military to confiscate property from citizens for the command to be given the opportunity to send almost a month ago, but western countries have still not responded to it. but kiev now insists on
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new preferences. ukraine is discussing in the united states a long-term agreement on support, including financial support, for at least 10 years, zelensky said. the reuters agency, citing... sources, reported that kiev , almost in an ultimatum form, demanded from joe biden more money, not 61 billion and one-time, but one and a half times more and annually, at worst, ideally... confiscate all russian assets in the usa and europe and give the money to ukraine. 320 billion will allow ukraine to fight until 28, reuters believes. the american side has not yet confirmed zelensky’s words, but nevertheless , the first reaction to them has already appeared. elon musk wrote that ten years of support for kiev would be madness, as the conflict would never end, the entrepreneur pointed out. industrial development in the dpr was discussed today deputy prime minister, head. industrial trade manager denis manturov and the head of the republic denis pushilin. together they visited the yasenovad machine-building
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plant. the company is one of the largest manufacturers in the cis of equipment for field development, as well as the construction of tunnels for transport. mantrov called for more active restoration and commissioning of factory capacities. this will help the region's economy reach self-sufficiency. we see an increase in tax revenues and... that if we move at this pace, then by next year we will definitely have to completely complete the inventory process, and, as you actually say, leave the subsidized format to balance the regional budget; according to this hour , there are more than 26,000 household plots in eighteen russian regions in the flood zone due to the flood on... in the kurgan region
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, water left thousands of houses within 24 hours, the situation is gradually stabilizing, groups of rescuers who were redeployed to help local units are leaving the region. emergency situations ministry employees began large-scale disinfection. in the orenburg region , more than 15,000 houses have already been worked with special personnel, this will allow... to prevent outbreaks of infectious diseases, at the request of residents, rescuers are pumping out water, helping to dry the premises and remove garbage. in the tyumen region , food and medicine are delivered to isolated villages by boat. according to forecasts, the tobol river will remain for another two days. the level of the ishim river has already exceeded its historical maximum. there is a difficult situation on the temen-omsk highway, which could be flooded if the protective dam fails. there is reverse traffic in a dangerous area, the traffic jam has already stretched for... 60 km, ksenia usoltseva reports from the spot.
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according to the regional information center in the tyumen region, intensive water growth continues in three districts at once, obatsky, uporovsky and vikulovsky, and it is recommended to move children of people with limited mobility and sick people to safe places. as for the water level in the ishim river near the village of obadskoye, according to the latest data it was 12 m 15 cm and this is another maximum in the entire history of observations. all attention, now in federal highway tyumen-omsk. reversible traffic is organized here, because of this serious traffic jams accumulate; according to the traffic police, the traffic jam totals almost 60 km on both sides. the water in certain areas is already higher than the asphalt level on the federal highway, the protective embankments are working, but the waves are washing them away, so today the main task is prompt detection, filling these embankments and strengthening them. a decision was made to take technological breaks,
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alexander mor reports in his telegram channel, in order to minimize traffic jams. underway work to strengthen hydraulic structures in the vikulovsky district downstream of the ishim river, the evacuation of people to temporary accommodation centers continues. the situation is very serious, if, for example, we talk about dams, we maintain the height, but there is a natural receding of the body. dams, so risks always exist and evacuation is necessary. they are preparing to meet high water in the region on the tabol river, the wave comes from the neighboring kurgan region, per day the water there rises by 30-40 cm, now the level is already above 7.5 m. there is a possibility that there will be reached a historical maximum. ksenia usoltseva, maxim marchenko, lead tyumen. in the south of russia, the first strawberry harvest is ripening under the warm sun. in open ground, it will appear in stores in markets in may, now you can buy greenhouse varieties. edema
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strawberries successfully compete with imported ones; first of all, they are sweeter and more aromatic. every year the production of this berry in our country increases by almost 20,000 tons. report from astrakhan by galina pustokhailova. rows of lush greenery, in contrast - many bright red shiny berries. weighty fruits early strawberries on andrei andreev's farm were... collected less than a week ago, they work in the greenhouse from 7 am, before it gets too hot, the harvest is a whole month ahead, i think, we go out earlier than the open ground, this is of course a big plus. well, then there were no losses last year, how much frost knocked out a lot of our harvest this year , i’m really happy with agriculture. the farmer started with growing flowers for about 20 years, and a few years ago he mastered all the features of caring for strawberries, both in open, so in closed ground, i identified the varieties most suitable for the astrakhan climate, grant funds helped in this undertaking, with
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this money the agrarian purchased a greenhouse, i don’t know, for some reason... i fell in love with it, so with these the bushes are so green, the way they grow, i like the direct impact of them, i don’t know, with flowers it’s more difficult, here it’s somehow, i don’t know, i liked this plant, there are more than 3.00 strawberry bushes of the alba variety growing here, it’s different early ripening, berries are uniform and large, average weight 40 g, easy to tear off at harvest, juicy, aromatic, have a sweet taste with a slight sourness, on average per day in a greenhouse. because now it is ripening under the rays of the generous astrakhan sun. speaking of quality. according to the farmer, the taste and size of the red berry largely depends on the renewal of the beds. now that the plant has worked for one year, we
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remove it and plant another young plant in its place. well, it’s annual after all. the larger the berry, it comes out earlier, the product turns out better, the strawberries are sold immediately, they come straight to the first harvest greenhouse, it is also distributed to local shelves, the collection is planned throughout the season, only in the greenhouse it will continue until the beginning of june, in the open ground they will work until late autumn. galina pustokhailova, viktor novoseltsev, marat bisharov, conduct the astrakhan region. the actress shone on its stage for 70 years. for the first time on the big screen she appeared in one of the episodes of ryazanov’s carnival night, but she was remembered by television viewers and movie lovers for the legendary tavern of 13 chairs. the role of mrs. teresa brought her all-union fame, the actress received bags
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letters from all over the country. in total, zoya zelinskaya has 35 films and tv series. here is your portrait about... this is news, here is what will happen next in our program: the french police took depordieu into custody, a trailer for tractors that literally fell from the sky in the usa are recovering from a devastating tornado, in russia today they congratulate volleyball legend gennady shepulina in 70 years old. more on this after the ad, see you. alexander yatsenko, we did not leave them, they are following us. this is a war behind us, we are part of it. jews are here not peaceful people, they are killed by enemies, which means they must fight with enemies, and the task is to survive and get there, film by sergei orsulyak, and there is no choice, the righteous man, premiere, but there is a chance, may 9 on rtr. rest is leaving
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yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about vacation. anex.
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titanic luxury collection bodrum rixsus premium. family fun starts here, every detail is designed for your enjoyment, enjoy the water park for children, lush green gardens and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea, immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at rixos premium segate. rixos premium seagate.
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there are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history. conquer! the order is ready! explore, nature, mother, dear! just incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, try the taste, oh, your eyes widen, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, a snake charmer is the most ancient profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on sunday on rtr, provocation is
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an acquisitive behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our world, orientalism is a photo parallel agenda, continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch the first podcasts we watch on saturday, simply, simply, i love you, i’m not afraid of losing, it looks like i’ll have to resolve the issue of divorce, that’s obvious. anatoly rudenko, tatyana kazyuchers: a man called me last night, demanded to come, threatened that he would set fire to the warehouse, you know him, why set me up, i haven’t yet understood where all
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the strings are coming from, but there is an assumption, a mistake, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, this is news, we continue to release, investigative committee filed a criminal case. case of an armed attack by militants on a traffic police post in korachay-cherkessia. two policemen were killed and four more were injured. they were taken to the hospital in serious condition. the terrorists were destroyed by return fire. they are believed to be involved in another crime, the shooting of a police car a week ago. report by bulat shakiev. an armed raid on the outskirts of karachaevsk occurred that night at approximately 23:20. the sounds of gunfire could be heard throughout the valley. these are the employees law enforcement agencies are shooting back from bandits at a traffic police post in the village of mara ayagy,
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five attackers themselves drove up in a nine, threw an explosive device and opened fire, the battle was fatal, unfortunately, on both sides, all the raiders were eliminated on the spot, these are all local residents, ruslan and akhmat elkanovy, kazbek dzhezaev, ruslan semenov and vladimir overyanov, according to some sources they already did this at the end of april. this time they were not allowed to do this, but at a great cost; according to the ministry of internal affairs, two people died as a result of the clash seconded police officers to the ministry of internal affairs of russia in the kurgan region, two employees of the traffic police, the traffic police, the ministry of internal affairs of the korachaevo circassian republic, as well as a commented employee of the russian guard were injured. investigative department for the city of karachaevsk regional investigative.
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they did not have time to use them, but the investigation into the raid continues. vlachakiev, evgeny radaev, andrey chastyakov, news. the united states is counting the damage after a series of powerful tornadoes that passed through five states. the hardest hit areas were oklahoma and nebraska. the tornadoes destroyed hundreds of houses and cars and destroyed a huge distribution center. the wind lifted the air and threw everything back to the ground. one driver's dash cam recorded how a tractor trailer almost flew out of the sky. in oklahoma , at least four people became victims of the elements; the governor declared a state of emergency in the state . levne has once again struck the usually dry omani saudi arabia in
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stormy places in several places. streams of water and sand washed away the roads, heavy rain with large hail unexpectedly struck the capital of turkey, damaging cars, awnings of shops and outdoor cafes. some streets were flooded with water, but none of the residents or guests of ankara were injured. french police today took gerararo depardieu into custody. the legendary actor was accused of sexual harassment. we are talking about the events of the fourteenth and twenty-first years. he came to paris for interrogation from belgium, where he has lived since he renounced french citizenship. in russia today they congratulate the volleyball legend, the famous coach gennady shepulin is 70 years old. it was he who gave the national team and his home club belogorye a unique winning style, with
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which... he achieved triumph in many tournaments, which means that the mentor has medals at the olympics, world and european championships, as well as winning titles at the club level, about the path that shipulin went through danilo makhalin will tell you what the athletes say about him. at this point, considering what you have done for russian volleyball, how happy and satisfied are you with what happened? all this time? well, i’m really happy, it’s my destiny. presented such a huge gift that it is impossible to erase either from me or from the history of the country; as it turned out, the gift was received not only by gennady shipulin himself, but also by volleyball fans throughout russia and beyond, having the opportunity to observe a truly great career of a coach and a manager, you don’t have to have some sort of playing career behind your back, you just need to be a fan of your business, that’s
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gennady yakovlevich for me. he's a fan, he's in one face was the coach, and the president of the club, he could have sat in his chair and watched volleyball as a president, but he was eager, always eager to fight, and shipulin not only identified and secured russian men's volleyball at the very top of the world level, he actually designed the whole generation of cult players, and now coaches, i generally came as a kid back to belgorod and gennadich perhaps to some extent replaced there when my parents had not yet arrived, we young people always looked into his mouth, and indeed he is probably the smartest person can motivate any person, there is gennady yakovich, who, i would say, took a lot of risks, took responsibility, from a beach volleyball player, whom no one anywhere had ever known, had never seen, to become a libero for the national team in six months, twice in sydney and.. chipulin
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climbed to the olympic pedestal with the national team, and his native club belogorye , with him at the helm, won everything possible. any club tournaments in russia and the world that generally exist from national cup championships to the club champions league world championship. this is the european champions league, when we beat meka in italy, won gold medals, when the dalasport newspaper said that something needs to be done with volleyball, otherwise shipulin will be around for a long time. trample our grounds with dirty boots, let's go, it means we're going to the club world championship, it was the first time that the belogorye team participated there and as the team captain i saw that we were a little relaxed, so when he arrived, he talked to everyone, he excited everyone, got everyone in the mood, and thanks to his arrival in brazil, we were able to win club world championship, until 2018 shipulin was the president of belogorye, but left his post along with the end of sergei tityukhin’s career, the whole stadium applauded them for a long time.
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we were strong, we are still strong, we have such great players, we have such potential, we have such a younger generation, we have such a federation, after all, nikolai platonovich patrushev is with us, but everything is going on the right path, and this path is just beginning, daniil makhalina, artyom grigoryan, semyon shapchenko, elena fenoshina, karen melikyan, lead the way! after the big news today watch two episodes of the film "love overcomes everything." well, we continue to monitor developments , stay tuned. an office romance, about the war, probably, yes, again about the service, maybe we shouldn’t? yes, no, not good, we promised. so, well, voladezh, are you bored?


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