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tv   Taini sledstviya-9  RUSSIA1  April 30, 2024 3:15am-4:05am MSK

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yes, the general myhat, i wanted to make an appointment with her at the theater, some zina or zoya answered the phone, i don’t remember anymore, and who accepted the responsibility to convey my words, gratitude and desires to talk with the great actress daronina, and my friend gen kazologin persuades her, i later found out, so that she congratulates me, and i receive... in leningrad a telegram where tatyana doronina congratulated me on my anniversary, said what a wonderful actor i am, a real citizen, and much, much good health , benefits and something else. when the author of the play, alexander volodin, watched the film, he still admitted that my older sister was not ashamed of the picture, but it was simple. poem from skupov to the praises
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of the playwright. alexander moiseevich forgave the director for starring doronina and withdrew all his objections. daronina’s role was immediately appreciated, according to a survey by the magazine soviet screen, in the sixty-seventh year, the year of distribution of this film, and she was recognized as the best actress. in our country, after the film was released in wide release, girls dressed like the accountant nadya, and wore hairstyles to match it, and even tried... to talk in the unique doronin style, i have one drawback, age, once during a tour one person handed viktor sukhorukov a box of marmalade, a photograph of tatyana doronina from soviet times was pasted on its lid , he passed on his marmalade in order to share his feelings for tatyana vasilyevna through sukharukova, who saved his whole life, and i’ll tell you a secret, playing today, happy days, i’m playing
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with this box, although i had absolutely different, but this says something, love is not only in me, i went outside, sat on a bench in the yard and began to look out for her windows, i was sure that she was standing at the window , looking out for what kind of idiot was bothering her, i didn't find its windows. i sat, thought, fantasized and went. the box of marmalade remained lying on the bench. even before soviet viewers watched gheorghe natanzon’s film, elder sister, the film was sent to the decade of soviet cinema in italy. the audience almost went crazy when they saw the beautiful... and bright performer live
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starring tatyana doronina. the local press did not skimp on delight and compared tatyana vasilievna with the main stars of world cinema, marilyn munro, gina labrigida, sophia loren. the european public received her with delight, and back home in the soviet union, tatyana vasilievna was expected to play roles in new iconic films about love.
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hello, it’s time for news on our channel, in the natalya skoda studio, here are some topics for the release: a holiday of russian culture. we set ourselves the task of building bridges. and tear down walls. international the road to yalta music festival takes place in the kremlin palace. chime over jordan. they have the best sound in the world. in the monastery of john pritecha, bells made by voronezh craftsmen were installed. six days of pushkin. the poet's last cycle of poems formed the basis. one of the concerts of
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the light of christ festival. not everyone will be taken into the ark. for me, the relationship between mother and child has always come first. british film catastrophe. peaceful flood is released in russian cinemas on wednesday. final of the international music festival "road to yalta" will be held on may 1 in the kremlin palace. vocalists from 15 countries will perform songs about the great patriotic war in their native languages. anastasia pavlova will tell you how the competitive audition went. this is a soulful performance. slavic slavic language for sashu gačnik is not just a performance, but a mission. for several years now, the artist has been actively traveling around the world and telling western audiences about the culture of the slavic peoples, about the russian world, he considers this necessary, since due to propaganda in europe they often do not see the real picture. i
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culturally they are afraid for a more just world, that’s how i consider myself, because i really can’t remain silent when this happens in the world. the road to yalta festival is one of the most unusual projects dedicated to the great victory. here, songs familiar to us from childhood are sung by vocalists in the languages ​​of the peoples of the world. the festival, as it was, remains a triumph of common sense, because not the whole world has gone crazy. there are wonderful people who are absolutely not going to listen to the falsifiers of history who come to us knowing who the winner is in that great war. the foreigners who came here are, well, people.
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in russia she is studying to become a teacher, music surrounds her since childhood, her father played the guitar, and her mother sang the song “enemies burned down her own hut, ambi independently translated it into her native malossi language.” emotional, yes, so i thought about the glory of the song and as if i was living, i was living, living, yes, that’s why it was emotional in general and after... the song was performed, i immediately cried. he gives marks for artistry and sincerity; jury member tina eibrener was one last year one of the festival laureates, calls himself a german performer with a russian soul. after the festival, everything and
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nothing changed at the same time. i started building this cultural bridge with russia 10 years ago. after my performance in moscow, of course, i became more popular, some began to love me more, others less. the results of the festival will be summed up on may 1. from 15 participants, the jury will select three laureates, they will receive cash prizes. anastasy pavlova, alexander sodolsky. culture news. the vyacheslav tikhonov international film festival summed up its results 17 moments. for the eighth time, it was held in pavlovsky posad, near moscow, in the actor’s homeland. the grand prix was awarded to the television series operation neman, based on the novel by vladimir bogomolov. moment of truth. criteria for selection of participants. competition of professionalism, psychologism and morality, these were the principles that guided vyacheslav tikhonov’s work. the goal of the festival is to discover new names in cinema. i look at everything, at the dramaturgy, if it is well-made for
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directing, if the director is professional, well i look especially at the acting profession. sad news, she passed away in her ninety-fifth year. she had the idea of ​​​​creating this humorous program, which was embodied by her husband, director, georgy zelinsky. in the satire theater for 70 years, the actress played in more than forty performances and until the last she continued to appear on stage in the production where we are. zoya nikolaevna played a lot in the theater, she was one of the leading actresses, she has such a sharp character, and she was always such an honest person, she always spoke her opinion, it was her principle to never ask for anything and
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never refuse anything; it is a great pity that such pillars are leaving, those who created the glory of our theater. to other topics: pushkin’s six-day period at the concert of the light of christ festival, poems written by the poet in his last summer were read. researchers associate their order with the services of holy week. reporting by anton nikolaev. an unusual event took place at the historical, cultural and educational center of the orthodox st. tikhon humanitarian university evening. bell ringings, texts from the holy scriptures, music of russian and european composers, and poems by pushkin, read by irina kupchenko. the authors called all this together the musical and poetic concert of shestodnev pushkin. pushkin's creativity.
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do not give the spirit of sad idleness, lust for this hidden life and idle talk to my soul. the poem “desert fathers and immaculate wives,” which was inspired by the lenten prayer of ephraim the syrian, is part of the so-called kamenoostrovsky cycle. pushkin created it in 1836. researchers of the poet's work believe that the poem. this cycle forms a certain unity; they are united by the experiences of great lent, holy
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week, and easter. the finale of our composition is a foretaste of joy, this is the mystery of the great saturday, the mystery of the great, the mystery, the mystery of the great peace, when suffering ended, when christ was laid in the tomb, and after that it would seem that all hope for his disciples perished, but after 3 day. where jesus was once baptized on the eve of orthodox easter sounds festive
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blagovest, these are the sound of bells brought and installed at the ancient greek monastery from moscow. the bell tower has not yet been completed, there is no marble cladding, a dome with a cross and even stairs; you have to climb the belfry on wooden stepladders, but the bells are already ringing. igor kanavalov has been creating and studying bell art for half a century; he came here to restore the tradition of a century and a half ago, when many monasteries of the holy land sang with the voices of russian bells. a new, one might say, the first complete ringing of the russian holy land, already newly appeared, this is naturally not the 19th century, not the beginning of the 20th century. and this is the first quarter of the 21st century, so that it absorbs all the best
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of what was in the bells, this is the middle of the second half of the 19th century. the rector, father bartholomew, dreamed of a belfry with a full set of bells. when we started building the bell tower, i had the thought in my head that maybe it was possible to bring russian bells here, because they have the best sound in the world. thank god we did it. we are very proud of this and thank everyone who took part in happy easter. the dream of father bartholomew was brought to life by the moscow orthodox foundation of the archangel michael. the bells are from lily voronezh; the craftsmen believe that their casting surpasses the best russian examples of the 19th century in sound quality. here, on the western bank of the great river, volunteer workers raised and attached multi-ton bells. in almost 50-degree heat, they did it with all their soul, with all their hearts with love, and
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so to speak, they fixed it in russian, i think it will definitely last a century if nothing happens, under the vaults of many orthodox churches and monasteries of the holy land , bells cast in russia have been ringing the gospel for a century and a half; here unique examples of domestic bell schools have been preserved without analogues in russia, where... after the revolutionary years , more than a million bells were destroyed and melted down, but step by step the connections were broken are being restored, the domestic bell ring has been revived. casting returns and the spiritual orthodox russian presence on the earth of christ. sergey pashkov, alexander ivanyuk, anastasia demyanets, news from the river bank jordan. gerard depordieu was detained by french police in a sexual assault case. this was reported by agence francepress. charges were brought against the seventy-five-year-old actor by two
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women with whom he worked on the set. this is the assistant director of the film the magician and the siamese, which was filmed 10 years ago. the second claim came from the set designer of the film green shutters, in which the actor played in the twenty-first year. several similar complaints were previously filed with nadi. he continues to deny all accusations. on russian screens a film by british director mahali bello is coming out. global flood. billed as a disaster film, it transcends genre boundaries and becomes a drama about motherly love set against the backdrop of the apocalypse. stanislav anisimov will continue. not the most typical disaster film received the label in our distribution, worldwide flow, it is rather a characteristic of weather conditions, heavy rains hit london, which led the country to a national disaster, in the center of the plot is the story of the heroine and her newborn child, where to run in search of salvation, if
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the familiar world around has been destroyed almost to the ground. when i read the script. it is based on the very personal experiences of my heroine, that is, it is not just a disaster film with cardboard superheroes, but something more. in fact, the catastrophe here is a subtle, skillful metaphor for motherhood; the main character is forced to rethink her life and relationships with loved ones, set new priorities, and how else, she is responsible not only for herself, but for her child. director mahalia bella recalls that she read the literary source after childbirth, this gave an understanding of the entire structure of the script. i didn’t want to film a tearful parable, but for me the relationship between mother and child has always come first, this is the basis of my film. the film is a deception, here the first
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place is not survival, but adaptation, and this is how the delicate weaving of the emotional relationships of the characters begins. who is close to whom, what is the role of the father and his parents, where to find help and how to free yourself from the suffocating influence of society? the complex issues that the heroines solve would suit a melodramatic story, but here it’s just a catastrophe, not more and no less, this is the only way we can assess the consequences of the decisions the heroine makes; these are not momentary choices, questions of life and death. there are a lot of sudden scenes of spontaneous decisions, along with rehearsed ones.
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i’m guaranteed to be a wood grouse, maybe you can give me this killer’s phone number, i can give it, i can give it, but what’s the point, he’s sitting in prison now, he needs to serve another 10 years in prison, but why do you need a killer? someone's originality, or what? there is only one witness, he
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is the victim, but he refuses to talk, maybe because he is dead, yes, but no maybe so that no one can see anything, there are two huge gardens around, there are people, summer residents walking back and forth from morning to evening, you give it, they’re standing there, but ask, there are crowds standing there, but they arrived later. masha, well , talk, talk to her on the record, what are you doing, that’s enough, go there, talk to them on the record, you understand, they need to fill up with papers, and here you are sharpening your lasses, the bosses should see the amount of work , the capercaillie must be fat, well, buevich took it last week, closed the case, i i looked, opened, two sheets of paper, where is the amount of work, because of this i am now being called to the city, so why is it a capercaillie right away, look, it’s a damn thing, a professional worked, it’s clear, well, it’s a no brainer, but it’s not clear to me, so masha, come on, then, don’t be wise, don’t be wise, she’ll still be busy with wood grouse here, you
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don’t have anything else to do, or something, that wine-blood of yours is coming, let’s start working together with him, but these are not wine-breeders, these are chickens , what difference does it make, chickens, wine-cowers, i said, let's work, that's it, i left, and that’s all with papers, stuff your file with papers, over there, do you happen to have it yet? where is volodya? marya sergeevna, well, old love is stainless, well, imagine that i am a distiller, how can i imagine this, if you are chickens, you are a normal person, let’s go show the crime scene, let you be
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new for me, colleagues are working, interesting how did the explosive device go off? in terms of? there is one option: the victim gets behind the wheel, turns the ignition key and an explosion occurs. well, well, in that case it is necessary assume that the victim arrived, left the car, went away, at which time the attacker placed explosives. the second option is that the criminal is sitting in the bushes. "having mined the road, he waits for the car to move so he can press the trigger, no, no, no, no, that’s out of the question, there were explosives in the car, sure, there are traces, there is another option,
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the fuse reacts to the victim’s mobile phone, a call rings , they press the answer button, there is an explosion, so what, well, as an option, the question is, if the car was driving, why is the handle in neutral, look. the victim was already dead, the criminal put him behind the wheel and blew up the car. listen, if the corpse was changed beyond recognition, then it could be burned in the forest somewhere without any
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fanfare. this is an option. question. the explosion occurred around one o'clock in the afternoon. fortunately, there were no cars or passers-by nearby at that time. at the moment , only one casualty has been recorded - the driver of the car. his identity has not yet been established because he was at the epicenter of the explosion. badly burned, the investigation is leaning towards the version of a contract murder, alexey nazarov, especially for vtv, so everything is clear, turn it off, the neighbor got scared, called, says, half of the garden there has been blown away by mountains of corpses, okay, let's go back to our sheep, turn it on, yes, come on, yeah, you'll help me, of course. so wait,
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what is this, that head, but you don’t see, yes, i don’t see anything, you have a device in the frame, what device, where is it, glare, shine, close-up from the clock, why should i see everything alone? why do i need you as a director, is there another take? stanislav andreevich, you understand, there are all other takes, completely colorless, tasteless kisses, you know, but you can at least once do a take so that people kiss tastefully, and the actors act normally, and the device is not in the frame, you know,
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sell it to me later, kolya, rewind so that he can see , rewind, come on, from the very beginning, yes, from the very beginning. everything is clear, we’ll find another take, okay, do it, just hurry up, let’s move on.
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no, only the engine number is clear.
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"my dacha is nearby, you were talking to my neighbor, uh-huh, peter, healthy, on blue mazda, so he says, vinokurov, detective, and he was talking, did you see the explosion, no, i didn’t, but i saw this car that exploded, yes, nine, gray, it drove away from the neighboring house, and after 20 minutes pulled away, who was driving, didn’t you pay attention?” “it’s tinted, but you didn’t remember the license plate? no, but it was definitely her, she was also wearing mudguards, like racing ones with inscriptions, so i later saw them at the scene of the explosion, one was lying to the side, the other was hanging from the car, and what kind of neighbor are you? you know, but not so much, we say hello, he recently built a house, some kind of businessman, the house
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is huge, there are two plots on... and his car? come on, he has some kind of cool mercedes, and someone came to him, well, there’s a builder or some kind of foreman, work is in full swing on his site, pipes, finishing, the site is being developed, this is for some contractor came to him, by the way, they just drive zhiguli cars, but you don’t know his last name, no, but you can find out from the board, he has plots 48 and 49, your plot? 39, yeah, yours the neighbor often goes there, but no, well, once a week he makes inspection visits, yeah, but he has work going on every day, i always see their workers on the site, and today he was there, he was there at 12, maybe 11 something... then, his mercedes drove past my fence, there was an explosion at the first one,
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i looked at my watch, uh-huh, uh, thank you for stopping by, you helped a lot, well, that’s the thing, uh... anyway, thank you, all the best , yes, one more thing, we have several houses there on the main line, almost large, cottages, so there probably should be video cameras, one house, i know for sure that he has video cameras, the house, the chairman are standing around the perimeter, so you ask him for the recording, this is a passing car, hello, this is the car. should light up there, you ask where the chairman’s house is, they will tell you, i understand, the chairman’s house, which chairman, i don’t understand anything, chairmen of gardening, you’ll go for fresh air, out of town, but gardening,
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coal, coal, gardening coal, uh, not , no, no, no, no, no, what are you saying, i’m not going anywhere, i’m allergic to fresh air, i’m a child asphalt, i’m a child of exhaust gases, i generally languish in nature, take a respirator, with exhaust gases there: by the way, it’s much better than you think, it’s not far from the city, 20 km, no, well, actually our air is 20 km away, and how football is, i'll tell you later, goodbye, goodbye, i can go, yes, yes, yes, goodbye, all the best. stanislav valerievich called, yes mikhaich called, he’s healthy, great, come in, come in, come in,
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what are you going to beat, or something, no, i’ll show you a movie, sit down, sit down here, and how do you tell me professional pyrotechnician, is this explosion staged or real? listen, isn't this the car they talked about on the news? maybe that one, so where did the recording come from? who cares where the recording is from? tell me, is the explosion real or not? yes, it doesn’t happen in reality, here half a kilo of tnt exploded, at least for a second, movie explosions are always more spectacular. we add fire and smoke there, here the guys had a different task, a practical one, listen, did you see this recording in the cops? no, we didn’t see, we didn’t see, why, only strictly
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between us, well, in short, one joker claims that a similar development of events awaits me if i do not pay him 100,000 dollars. yesterday i sent this entry, today a message, and tomorrow at 3:00 in the afternoon, i need to take 100,000 dollars to the trash heap, somewhere on the gunboat, wait, i still don’t understand, why don’t you take this to the cops, because that i want to live, i want to live, your cop, as long as she moves, as long as she raises her arm, leg, i will already be lying dead in the morgue, they will take me out... medical students, but only i ask you, strictly between us, yes, i understand, i understand, so what are you going to do, pay, why the hell s2,
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why don’t you do anything, i’m going to take this ferret by the ass, and the ferret has an ass, i’m sure it does, and it’s pretty close what do you think, one of your own, don’t go to grandma. so, how are you, you can help me with this, oh, manyunya, how delicious everything is, you can’t do anything, you want everything at once, a cookie, and a candy, eat, eat, but i have nothing to please you with, yes, nothing, yes, well, it apparently burned for a long time. until the firefighters arrived, no identification marks, i don’t even hope, burned to the ground, that’s it, wait a minute, death occurred around 11 o’clock, well, well, the explosion
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happened after twelve, someone says even at 13, that’s for sure, yes, 100%, listen, what are you saying, we did something there, yes, no, well, i also said then that most likely there was a victim. already dead at the time of the explosion, here's a brilliant confirmation, wait, are you saying that the driver died an hour and a half before the explosion, died or was killed, what does it say, stroke? come on, give me that, that's right, caused by a painful shock, what is it? was called, we can’t say for sure, because the truth is, well, why, well, if it did burn, well , most likely it was a shock, this is a version, but what we know for sure, well, what, a stroke, mitrofanov, yeah, alexey danilovich . eighty-four, yeah, yes, and
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registration, yeah, yes, that’s it, thank you, come on, welcome to riksas premium magavish sumuds & villas in khurga. where luxury rooms and villas combine with a 1 km long golden sandy beach. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your holiday unforgettable. rixas premium magavish with suites and villas - the vacation you've been dreaming of. a hotel for unforgettable rixos experiences. sharmel sheikh is for adults 18+ only. here
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you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixas sharmelsheikh is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. the fire consecrated on the holy sepulcher is a visible, material evidence of the victory of light over darkness and life over death. convergence holy fire. live broadcast from jerusalem. on saturday at 13:00.
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who do i need alexey mitrofanov, and is he at work? girl, i'm from the police, i need to talk to him, girl! girl, i have the right to break down the door, we are talking about murder, i called the police, you better leave, i’m from the police myself, sasha, hello, listen, we went to the row, large landing 10, apartment 26, come on, i’m waiting. “i thought you were with them, they said they would come
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and dare to break down the door when they came, but half an hour before you, yeah, there were so many of them, two, healthy ones, one for a tatar it looks like it’s slanted, but i couldn’t really see it through the peephole, uh-huh, but what did they want me to do to open the door. why did they need lyosha, why, well, how do i know, it’s clear, but where is lyosha, he ’s in moscow, he left yesterday, in moscow, yes, they sent him for work, yeah, yesterday, that means he left in the morning, but promised to return when, well, actually yesterday i promised to return. he called and said that he was delayed, so when he arrives,
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he will call, and who does he work for and where? security guard in some company, i, i don’t remember what it’s called, something to do with advertising, i don’t i really looked into it, but he has a working phone number. uh-huh, please, phone, phone, uh-huh, oh, premium, yeah. definitely premium, how long has he been working there? 2 weeks, 2 weeks, that means he works as a security guard, and he was already sent to moscow yesterday, yes, why don’t you know, i don’t know, where is his car, probably
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at the station, in the parking lot he said he would leave it? yeah, he has a gray nine, right? yes, wet asphalt. clear. thank you. that's it, can we go? certainly. if you had opened the door, we would have talked in your apartment. by the way, one more question. and alexey, when he was at dentist? for a long time? half a year ago. and what? which clinic? don't remember? yes, not far from us on kondratievsky. clinic 32 32 turns out to be in moscow, what mitrofanov, how they played, but i don’t know, not before, you found the owner of this suspicious dacha, but he
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left somewhere a long time ago, i’m here on the board, i took the coordinates, so here’s another record . i didn’t find out, but you turn the leaf over, general director, oh, premium, and the address is the same, this is it, yes, oh, that is, again i’m all the key. i found information, in the same premium llc he worked as a security guard, the owner of the girl, now the late mitrofanov, yesterday and today, according to his girlfriend, he was in moscow, but he
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was actually at the general’s dacha, i wonder what he was doing there? i suppose so. the director was guarded, he is also a security guard. so, it means that the nine drove past the chairman’s house at 11:25, and it’s still about five minutes to go to the place of the explosion, if you don’t rush, everyone heard the explosion at half past twelve, that is , about an hour was lost, yeah, but if we assume that there were two people in the car, one alive, the other dead, then... it took just a whole hour to put the twink behind the wheel and mine car and wait until the road is empty. it looks like it, but then liskov should be second. and here on the recording there is his volvo, he also had to return along this road to gardening. well, in general, the chairman copied me everything that was on the recording and liskov was no longer at the dacha then. well, this
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is not his volvo. do you have a number? and they gave me a position on the board, after all. now, uh-huh, well, everything comes together, he means we’re looking for liskov ahead, uh-huh, let’s go.
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good afternoon, hello, hello, i need eduard alexandrovich, and for what reason? question, personal, uh-huh, here you go, uh-huh, kavun, nikolai, head of service. security, eduard alexandrovich is not there yet, but yeah, maybe i can answer your question? well, actually , the main question is, when will he be, and how to contact him? we ourselves cannot yet contact him in any way. there was a meeting scheduled for 10 o'clock, he didn't show up, his home phone didn't answer, and his cell phone was out of range. i already sent the secretary to his house to find out, well, you never know what happened, apparently she hasn’t arrived yet, hasn’t called back, maybe she’s really still with you let's chat? yes, please come in, please, thank you, have a seat, and lyosha mitrofanov,
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yes, he works for us, i recommended him, by the way, we served together in the same hot spot, in the caucasus, well, yes, in chechnya, i was in the company, well, the guy was hanging around without a job, i just had a place open up, so he took it. something happened, well, we’re still finding out, and mitrofanov is now at work, no, it’s not his shift, what was he doing, no, no, why did he go to moscow, to moscow, mitrofanov, why should i, yes i know , he went to moscow yesterday, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, yes, yes, i forgot. but this is a purely career trip, documents had to be taken to our partners, he left in the morning, returned in the evening, did you talk to him after returning, no, i
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mean, he called me from moscow, said, conveyed everything as agreed, i’ll tell you now, that means , he had tickets for 18 and kopecks, this is a high-speed train, it arrives in st. petersburg around 23, why did he go to moscow? but to our partners, this is commercial documentation, but can you be more specific, yeah, the name of the company your partners, a trade secret, but you know what, try to talk to liskov and dord aleksanovich yourself, maybe he can tell you something in more detail, yes, nikolai alexandrovich, you can, well... did you find solez? no, i did not find it. eduard aleksandrovich did not spend the night at home today, the day before yesterday at about 11 am he spoke with his wife,
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was at the dacha, he did not pick up the phone again, and was out of the zone. yeah, but the wife, i guess, is hysterical, right? well, yes, i called all the morgues, hospitals, ambulances, and today i went to the police to file a statement. is your wife home now? yes, give me your phone number and address, what are you worth, lizenka, all the contacts you have, yeah, but vinokurov brought you a card from the dental clinic, yes, a card, there are two fillings marked, that’s all, no more information, well, at least two, can you compare them, is there a filling? deceased or not, but the nature of the filling, there’s nothing here...


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