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tv   Versiya  RUSSIA1  April 30, 2024 4:05am-4:57am MSK

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i was at the dacha with my wife, he didn’t pick up the phone anymore, and was down in the zone, but my wife, i guess, is throwing hysterics, right? well, yes, i called all the hospital morgues, an ambulance, today i went to the police to take a statement, my wife is now at home, yes, give me the phone number and address, what are you, you have all the contacts, uh-huh, uh-huh, but vinokurov brought you a card from dental clinic, yes, a card, here two fillings are all marked, no more information, well, at least two, using them you can compare whether the deceased has a filling or not, and the nature of the filling, nothing is clear here; by the age of 25, our man has already had all his teeth filled. there’s a one in a million chance that this
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will do something, listen, try to figure it out, it’s easy, it’s not a tricky thing, let’s call, i’ll give it, yes, listen, maria, you ’re dealing with yesterday’s explosion, did i come here a man to say that he has information, give it to me, okay, yes, it’s me, well, don’t worry, as i said, the filling is in place, well, no, as i said, there’s a one in a million chance, it worked, well, that’s it not mitrofanov, what are you talking about? hello, come in, the deceased has crowns on these teeth instead of fillings, and, apparently , recent ones, well, i had to be so stubborn that i have to say, aunt, bye, bye, hello, hello, me, now
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excuse me, please, yes, did you find liskov? no, he’s not at work, he didn’t spend the night at home. find his teeth, be sure, perhaps he recently had crowns placed, he should have a detailed dental chart. so, the corpse is not mitrofanov? no, he’s a mechanic, with all that it entails. hmm, an ambush at the apartment, transcribing calls, not ambush, not ambush, spying on his girlfriend. what is her name? lena. okay, make uncle fedya happy, make uncle fedya happy , say hello from me, bye bye, sorry, what did you want to tell me, i wanted to tell you about this.
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where's the money? where is the money? how long is it here? 100,000 dollars, where is the rest of the money, ram, everything you asked for is here, eh!
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well, the first letter with the video arrived to you yesterday, well, yes, yesterday, yeah, why didn’t you immediately come to the police? yes, i was scared, probably the fact is that i only watched the report late at night about the explosion, yeah, but i'll give it a whirl.
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that someone decided to take advantage of the situation to make an easy buck, filmed it all by accident, began to scare others, use it for yourself, accordingly, it seemed to me that... it seemed early on that they blew up not the most sophisticated car, i understand , if a porsche was blown up, the owner didn’t pay someone 100,000 dollars, his car was blown up, there’s a nine, you know, the owner of the nine, he didn’t hold 100 thousand dollars in his hands, we have an inconsistency, i agree, and then this letter where he points me where bring deposit money at 10:00 pm, right? at 10 pm, uh-huh, alexey mikrofanov, such a name doesn’t mean anything to you, mitrofanov, uh-huh, who is this, i saw him somewhere, a security guard in an advertising office, about twenty-five years old, no, i don’t
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know, now, wait a second , look here. wait, well, yes, i saw him, i don’t remember his name, but i definitely saw him, the security guard says, where did you see him? i was on the train with him to moscow the day before yesterday, yes, yes, it’s definitely him, he, he, hello, i’m glad to see you, like sasha, taking him to war they took me away, well, you know very well why i’m here, you better keep your head down. oops, let's go for a ride, ah, ah, shut her up, come here, she didn't answer the phone, she hung up the call, then turned it off altogether, find her, please, if something happens to her, your son will be the first suspect, love will overcome everything, tomorrow on rtr.
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titanic luxury collection bowrum the wife is a cook, a dishwasher, a technician, a teacher, a teacher, a seamstress, and the husband is the mouth... at work, enough is enough, this is the inscription on a chinese maternity hospital, my name is kiwi, the honor of my grandfather, and my name is igor, honor of the twentieth olympic games, my grandfather had no children, my father had no children, where are you from, i’m from minsk, izmailovsky park, the premiere is on sunday on rtl, yes, hello, i need vinokurov, vladimir. i'm listening to you. i am liskov's wife. premium told me that you are looking for my husband. have a seat. well, have you found it? i'm
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just trying to get through to you, there 's no news yet. and you? in the morning, when he went to the dacha, i already told you, your captain called me, i don’t remember the last name, utkin, kurochkin, yes, kurochkin, it’s clear, but you don’t have a photograph of your husband with you, you do have it now. there’s also this question, your husband has been going to the dentist for a long time, but what does this have to do with it, well, there’s this concept, i don’t
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have the right to present it yet, he got crowns done a month ago, uh, in which clinic? we have our own dentist, we’ve been treating our teeth with him for 15 years now, i can give you the phone number, let’s do it. yes, hello, the concept is changing, at 10 pm on kanonersky island, maybe mitrofanov will be there, where on kanonersky, in a vacant lot, i ’ll explain everything to you later, yeah, shoot the chicken from mitrofanov’s house and pick me up with this expectation, well, to end up on a gunboat at 30, if the concept doesn’t change, doesn’t change, i’ll call you back, yeah. do you think he was killed? no, what are you talking about,
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the investigation just needs it, maybe keep me informed. well, there aren’t enough enlargements, but i
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’m seriously asking you, should i take this to the cops or not, i think this is an article, what an article, something like this, you deliberately deprive a person of his sight, why should you give an order for this or something, he’s between other than that he came at me with a pistol, with real, and when you were preparing the explosion you knew about it, and if you knew, you didn’t go to the police, before you should have gone to the police, i told you while you were white and fluffy, i remember what you said, i remember that i now there’s nothing to do, nothing, you’ve already done everything, but the main thing is that i recognized this bagman, you know him, no, have you decided somehow? in short, he and i traveled together on the same train, in the same compartment, to moscow, on the train, yes.
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he won't come, and if he comes, it won't be today. well, you know, leaving that amount of money next to the trash bin overnight is risky. you never know what do homeless people walk around here when they are sorting garbage? yes, complete nonsense. in fact , it turns out that mitrofanov blew up his car with the corpse of his boss, who had a stroke an hour earlier with one single purpose: to blackmail random fellow travelers in the moscow-st. petersburg train compartment. no, i think he blew up a car with a corpse in order to disappear from... the list of the living, and blackmail is already a side effect, but besides kutasov
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there were two more in the compartment, interestingly, mitrofanov tried to blackmail them, marya sergeevna, here i have a feeling that you are looking for logic there where it doesn’t exist, it can’t exist, this is a typical medical case, he could basically blackmail anyone, any car enthusiast in order to get 100,000 from him, but what if he sent out 100 sms messages, and wait to see who bites first, that’s right, he could to blackmail anyone, started with the neighbor in the compartment, so what? it means he started, he may have finished with it, but what difference does it make, it doesn’t matter, this is not the easiest sacrifice, you had to find out your first name, last name, phone number, but he didn’t say a few words to kutasov, didn’t give him a business card or a phone number either, oh well , problems, find out a mobile phone, so why, on the internet you can go to any car sales site, upload a movie and please, wait for 100,000 dollars when they bring it to you on a gunboat, okay, do you have coordinates for your neighbors? yeah, that’s how it is now, here’s
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korolenka and alsukhev, uh-huh, well, let’s go.
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well, you're up, come in.
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where is my money? what money? which you erased from me on the train? that's bullshit! brad, nonsense! it will be when i make a lula kebab out of you, if you don’t say, listen, look around, i live well, what do i look like train thief, but listen, let's think logically, you were traveling on the train, yes,
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your money was stolen on the train, yes, how much was stolen from you, how much? half a million was stolen from you, what rubles? and what? dollars? why are you sure that it was on the train that they stole from you? why are you so sure that it was i who stole this money from you? because you are the only one who decided to give the money to the blackmailer, that is, to me, that means they... were, i didn’t decide anything, i didn’t decide anything, you understand, i thought it was a joke, i thought it was one of my employees, you know, he was joking, he will come to work with his face painted, we will all laugh, by the way, i
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handed over the video recording of our meeting to the police, you see, the police have a recording of our meeting, don’t believe me, look in my office, in the closet, look, the police are already on their way here, you understand, she will be here any minute, they will come here with machine guns, you, you need to run, you need to run, i didn’t take your money, i didn’t see it in my eyes, i didn’t take your money, you know? i need my half a million dollars, lord, where can i get it, where am i? i’ll take half a million dollars, i’ll get
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you this money tomorrow, i’m for... an apartment, today, i can get it today, we’ll go to my friend, i’ll take the money from him and give it to you and that’s it, no, i’ll tell you where to bring the money , he will bring you and leave, and then i will let you go, help!
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now you will calm down, put yourself in order, wash your face, go, open the door and say that everything is fine with you, yes, but if it’s the police, if anyone comes in here, these will be the last people... you’ll see, come on, who's there, the police, what happened, i didn’t call the police, alsufev lives here, well, yes, it’s me, and what happened, well, something happened, open up, please, well... everything on the floor, i ’ll knock him down now, trunks on the floor, trunks on the floor,
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don’t bully, you’ll add 3 more years to yourself, you hear, living room, to the living room, to the living room, a day maximum, we’ll lock you up, let’s come to an agreement, you hear, let’s come to an agreement, now is mitrofanov’s last chance, let’s agree, come on, just the two of us let's leave, one careless move, so you received the first letter the day before yesterday, but why didn't you immediately contact the police? what would it do, what would it do if i converted? well, five professionals,
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big men, couldn't detain one single psychopath. we were saving another psychopath. this psychopath, by the way, broke out on his own. okay, okay, quiet, that's it, quiet. why did you decide he was a psychopath? uh? maria sergeevna, yes, maria sergeevna, do you really think that this guy is a normal person, you should listen to what he is saying, and what he is saying, can you be more detailed, this is a whole hollywood scenario, so it turns out that he was traveling on a train, and like all normal people, i drove with you in your suitcase.
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like, whoever brings the money stole it, and why did he decide that the money was stolen from him on the train, what do you think, i try not to think about it at all, i’m just beyond the logic of a maniac, maybe he didn’t have any money at all , and he says that he had money, that it was stolen from him and that now he must give it to someone tomorrow, yeah, and for the sake of this money... he is ready to kill, that is, you got the impression that mitrofanov behaved like a man who was backed into a corner, yes he behaved, he behaved
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like a psycho, half-cut, who needs to be isolated from society, you see, by the way, i developed a brilliant plan on how to catch him, by the way, according to my plan, everything went well, if this plan had come true, he , mitrofanov, would be sitting here right now. .. happened thanks to the amazing performance of professionals, he would have been sitting here, somewhere, in handcuffs, yeah, but this wasn’t in the refrigerator, okay, and you didn’t get the impression that someone other than us was hunting him, you you know, it arose, so, i even know who, who, these are the people to whom he i owe half a million, yeah. when you were on the train, did you see any luggage or a case? when i was traveling with him on the train, i noticed he had some kind of luggage, a case, okay, where
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did he keep it for luggage? you know, i noticed he kept it on the luggage rack, can you imagine, like everyone else, because we were traveling like this, a sitting train, you know, there was nowhere else to put luggage, but he got off somewhere, you know, if he got off where something at a speed of 200 km/h, he would have been flattened, that is, he didn’t get out of the compartment, he got out of the compartment, so he had... something with stomach, uh-huh, he kept running to the toilet, then some fool pulled the stop valve, the train stopped, people ran out to see what happened, i ran out too, your mitrofanov was sitting in the toilet at that very moment, so, probably, then his money was stolen, maybe, maybe only when
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he returned to the compartment, yeah. sat and had a satisfied face, like that of a person who had just checked the money, counted everything on the spot, and you know, i’m not an investigator, but if at that moment he didn’t have enough at least one dollar, he would have already raised a fuss then, that is, you think he will continue to look for money or a thief, i’m sure of it, but what else can he do, run away, no, he’s not that kind of person, allow yourself a first-class vacation with leorts, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for
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you. rixa with premium sighet. family fun starts here, with every detail designed for your enjoyment. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at rixsus premium sea gate. rixas premium segate jackdaw, what a surprise, i have my own business, a country cottage, a car, in general everything is fine, but how many children do you have, i’m not married yet, you’re lucky with a man that there are no shortcomings, not many, no, don’t be afraid, that they will leave, other people’s happiness haunts you, you will have
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a permanent job, like, what kind of job? where? ganya takes you to her personal driver. stolen happiness is always bitter. this is a very good wine. open it up. family happiness on saturday on rtr. i've been waiting for you forever. i was in such a hurry to meet you. finally she came. spring is warm, sunny, bright, the russia exhibition has bloomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition, hello,
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yes, hello! yes, could you come to us now? you see, actually , today i wanted, there is news about edurasanovich, not by phone, okay, yes, of course, i will come, yes, hello, hello, come in, take off your clothes, thank you. sit down, i'm listening to you, something with eduart
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aleksanovich? the news is not particularly cheerful, eduard alexandrovich died, i can’t go into details yet. you understand, there is an investigation going on, all hell, yes, a lot was tied to it, yes, of course, almost everything was tied to it, our company, it is essentially of a purely servicing nature, we represent... invoices for advertising , no, advertising, no orders, no money, everything was tied only to his connections, he died, that
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they killed him, and you have a lot of accounts, what kind of accounts, advertising? accounts, well, yes, you say that you are engaged in placement bill advertising, well, yes, yes, yes, yes, our company, premium, is one of the two largest in this market segment, in addition to advertising accounts, we have more than one and a half thousand of them, banners, banners, light consoles, in general, well, everything this outdoor advertising is a huge spectrum, well, if you are one of the two market leaders, then you probably didn’t have to look for customers, well, they’re just standing in line, like...
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carrying money, nikolai, we’re talking about the murder of your general director, don’t doubt that i will get all the necessary information, it’s commercial, it’s non-commercial, secret or not, all the information that will be needed to investigate this case, if you resist, of course. will complicate my task, but in retaliation i will generously share all the identified violations of your business activities with abep and other interested structures. i have no doubt that the investigation will affect you directly.
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on the contrary, if you help me and answer my questions honestly, i promise to use only information that is directly related to the murder. this is the proposal. sorry, yes, i can’t talk now, later, thank you, it’s hot, yes, no, it’s cold, okay. okay, okay, i’ll tell you everything, but not on the record and not in court, without questions,
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also, you know, i know, not all the information, of course, i’m not an ordinary employee of the company, but believe me, leskov knew. more, now, let’s agree that a commercial agreement is not the same thing as a crime, we agreed, i’m listening to you, the question is the same, to whom did mitrofanov take the money, to moscow. vector plus oo, general director, we are without an appointment, kodumtsev, reskov always worked with him only directly, the money
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was intended for kadomtsev, kickback? yes, the fact is that they were placing a very large order from a large western farm on our accounts. mitrofanov kept the change, but didn’t deliver it. this is what i don't know. i know that i was at liskov’s with the kodomets. a very serious telephone conversation when medrofanov arrived in moscow, i don’t know the essence of it, but there was some kind of overlap, something happened, and liskov asked me that when metrofanov returned to peter, i would immediately deliver it to him at any time of the day or night. have you contacted him? no, his mobile phone was turned off, i went to the station, i knew the train in... he was moving to a carriage, a place and he didn’t arrive, but you never
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managed to contact him, mm, no, no, okay, and if we assume that mitrofanov... did not deliver the money to dekodomtsev, but this is generally possible, of course it is possible, let’s assume that mitrofanov’s money was stolen on the way, come on, come on, who will be the victim in this situation, well, except for kadomtsev, who didn’t received half a million dollars, and was probably very upset, it’s all about the details... in my opinion, this is mitrofanov and liskov directly, of
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course, well, each of them will probably blame each other, what do you want to say that lyoshka mitrofanov killed liskova, i’m almost sure, but no, it’s nonsense, nonsense, i ’ve known lyosha mitrofanov for 10 years, he served as a conscript with me, yes, that’s what he said, he’s an activist, he’s normal. guy, what did liskov have to do for mitrofanov to fail him, and if liskov set him up, that is i sent the mask to kodomets without money, of course.
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could it be, there are also pink spots on the face, like ringworm or something, like ringworm right away, ringworm, just paint, paint, painter, what? why a painter? just pink paint? so why can’t you catch him so red? or maybe he, maybe he walks in morange, well, in short , you’ll find it, well, give me 10 more pieces, i’ll give it to the sticklebacks, here you go! i have a liter, yeah, i understand,
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it will be 2 liters if you find it, yes, write it down, kodomtsev sergey aleksandrovich, general director of vector plus llc, okay, i’ll talk to the muscovites, listen, van, just need to find something killer on him, hmm, but what exactly, you understand, do i need from him... the knowledge that he received a kickback of half a million dollars, you know, it would be killer and he would already be in prison, that’s not a fact, wait, did he get this kickback? i don’t know, i don’t know, but what i should have gotten is exactly that, so, give me the details, we’ll pin him down with this kickback, and we’ll send him to negotiate with you, listen, brilliant, come on, let’s do this, thank you, you know that i i’ll fax you all his data now, good luck, yeah, go ahead, thank you, bye, bye, hello, may well, yes, well, nothing yet, one transport worker from the station
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says that he saw this spotted one, but he didn’t recognize him from the photograph, the spotted one says spotted one, but not the same one, i think, maybe this mitrofanov infected someone else with his spots, he brought a printout, well, yes, here is a printout from this phone, i think that this is a useless matter, because he turned off the phone as soon as he talked to a girl from moscow, well, yes, this is 6 hours it was, but the home operator, yeah, listen, maybe they’re there now they are on guard, you think so, well, yes, mitrofanov’s friend, she said that on the day of leskov’s death they were also there, they were interested in this mitrofanov, i think they are interested in him now, in general they need to check, but i
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honestly don’t understand what’s the point in waiting for him at home, when i’m driving, it’s clear that he won’t show up at home, listen, it’s a no brainer, it means he has information, and if these guys don’t have information... it’s known, it’s quite possible that they just fell on her tail and are waiting for her to will meet with darling, in general it would be very useful for us to take them, well, for sure they i sent the kodomites, they would have completely surrendered him, one can only dream about this, well, hell, in any case, send this lena to me, well , let’s see if someone is following her or not, if not, in the end i’ll just talk to the girl, oh, and then i’ll just drive around in traffic jams, by the way, did you find out who it’s registered to? the number from which lena was called was 90356. would you like to find out? naturally, marya sergeevna, i obey, good luck. hello, nikolai petrovich, yes, yes, the subscriber is not registered on the network. something happened? do you want to kill me? yes that
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happened? like what? do you know who called me just now? well, how do i know, i’m not listening to you. thanks for that, if you’re not lying, you know who called, barsukov called me just now, you know, barsukov, and you, look there, it’s red, yes, i spent half an hour, i listened for half an hour, i couldn’t get a word in, and he inserted, he inserted everything, inserted, such words, in such, you know, turns, he didn’t understand anything, it doesn’t matter. but i still got the general direction, mashenka. please tell me what you have with this kadomtsev, and with me and kodomtsev, nothing, but with you, don’t turn the fool on, but i didn’t turn it off, well, well, wait, stop, stop,
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so, excuse me, so on your own tip, and the bepovitsy stuck there kodomtseva, and i, yes, what, what not, don’t, don’t, don’t, everyone gave you up, everything, everyone split, mashenka, mashenka, you understand that kodomtsev is the brother of the boss for the moscow rubop, and even his sister , and you understand that kodomtsev was supposed to receive a bribe of half a million dollars, so what is this, what is this case, well, this is a case about an explosion, but the security guard mitrofanov must... hand over the money to malkodomtsev, he did not deliver the money, he captured his boss leskovo, presumably he tortured him, he had a stroke, he died, he put this dead boss in the car, then he blew up the car, so, stop, stop, wait, wait, did you get into this business or something, and what was i supposed to do, look at it from the side, but close it, i should have closed it
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right away, close it right away, you know, you, what are you, you, do i look like kovin, look, i look like kovin, unfortunately well, because i'm smarter than kovin. i’m more perspicacious than kovin, you understand, i won’t give it to you, you just entered, you just entered this business, who did you run into, kodomtsev, you understand what kind of people are behind him, behind him, you understand who will crawl out, you understand, but close it immediately, i won’t close anything, i won’t, well, if you want, fire me, or i ’ll write a statement myself, dismissal will seem like a sweet dream to you, you know, if you continue to dig in this direction, you understand that... you plant, it’s not for me it’s necessary, let abeb occupy himself with this, it’s strange that he’s still free, it’s on their conscience, what kind of conscience, what kind of conscience are you talking about, there’s an instinct of self-preservation, if it’s atrophied in you, then i’m like your friend, i forbid you to do it , you see, for me kodomtsev is just an important witness, you know, just an important witness, if you don’t pin him down with these
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kickbacks, he won’t say anything himself, masha, you can’t pin him down, you know, you can’t pin him down, neither with kickbacks, nor sunsets, nor roll-ups, no tackles, no pressure, in short, you don’t have this witness, no, i understand, no, you understand, we agreed, that’s it, we agreed, we agreed, that’s it, i respect, i respect, now i respect, now i respect, we agreed, and what else? but i respect, i respect, tomorrow after our house, i dreamed.
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elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. create memories that will stay in your heart forever. swissotel charmel sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city. alexander yatsenko. they haven’t left them, they are following us, after us, this is war and we are part of it, in war they don’t choose ranks, jews here are not peaceful people, they are killed by enemies, which means they have to fight with enemies, their task is to survive and get there, a film by sergei ursulyak, and there is no choice, right, premiere, but there is a chance, may 9 on rtr, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in
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our family. orientalism is some kind of parallel hanging. continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform let's watch. the first podcasts we watch. well i already i talked to the investigator, listen, you talked to the authorized representative vinokurov, well, yes, vinokurov, his last name, you need to talk to the investigator shveitsova, so they can’t talk together, i told them everything, listen, of course they can’t, why, why , yes, because they haven’t spoken to each other for 5 years, but how is it, how vinokurov was going to marry her, suddenly...
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yes, it’s cool, len, oh, i beg you, this is between us, of course, of course, listen , how do you assemble an investigative committee to get there, it’s on the ligovka, but i don’t know, minibuses go there, well, actually, i thought you’d take me there, i just don’t have time, i don’t have time, i still need a sobering station, pick up vinokurov, okay, okay, then i on a minibus, yes, come on,
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it would be nice if the minibus arrived on time, that would be very cool, we would have time to drink coffee, so i also want a program, what program to get there, don’t be upset,


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