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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 30, 2024 11:00am-11:51am MSK

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i said to take the fight on may 6 at rtr.
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on the russia channel, evgeniy roshkov hosts in the studio. hello, the main thing is for this hour. the ukrainian armed forces' ammunition depot destroyed by bradley. our mi-35s are pushing back the enemy in the avdeevsky direction. a report by eduard punigov about the work of tankers on the front line. following the states, germany sends aid to kiev. plenty of ammo for the remaining leopards. berlin itself is under threat.
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there are already billions of them, just in america. in the usa, there is an unprecedented invasion of cicatas, some are frightened by them, and some are delighted. and firefighter day security today in our country. how this service appeared under tsar alexei mikhailovich and how they teach not to be afraid of fire today. russian troops in the special operation zone destroyed the positions of the ukrainian armed forces in the donetsk direction. our air reconnaissance discovered an enemy drone control center, an ammunition depot, and military equipment camouflaged in a forest plantation. all targets were hit by fpv strike drones. and this is footage of a successful hunt by drone operators for another american bradley. in the avdeevsky direction, an attempt by the ukrainian armed forces to carry out rotation of their units. strikes against manpower.
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according to aerial reconnaissance , an enemy stronghold that was hindering the advance of infantry in the southern donetsk direction was destroyed. tankers almost always use the so-called rolling tactics, that is , the crew takes a combat position, fires a short series of shots, for everything, a maximum of 2-3 minutes, and immediately after that leaves the position, because anything can fly in in response. tankers are on duty near the front line around the clock, usually working in pairs, providing insurance and cover. each other, sometimes two machines can work on the same goal, and sometimes there are two goals at once, one works on one goal, the other on another, in different ways, depending on the goals, on the tasks, two machines are waiting for us at once, well, in the reserve area , yes, we shoot back, roll back, if the command comes further, the next one arrives, they work further, the tanks are constantly being fired back, but even in case of hits, the armor reliably protects the soldiers, the main danger to the tanks is kamikaze drones, so...
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the vehicle i've never gotten serious damage is still working flawlessly on the front line, somehow we stood in the waiting area, and the tank had to be camouflaged, the polka began to work, began to fly in, well, they ran to the dugout, the tank was cut by shrapnel, of course, well, everything was in order, that itself did you feel at that moment, what did you experience? fear, but no one rubbed off on our crew, a driver with a call sign... karas came from kemerovo, served a year in the army and decided to sign a contract. i wanted to sign a contract, i arrived, and ended up in the tanks. did you choose it yourself? well, yes, i myself wanted to be a mechanic, a driver. why? i don’t know, i kind of like to operate all this equipment and
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turn the nuts. tankers are on duty along the entire front line, quickly changing positions to provide fire support to infantry units. we work direct fire. at a distance of a kilometer 700 m, well, as close as we can get, we’re working on it, releasing the house curtain and retreating, what are the main targets now, oporniki, manpower, dugout, t-80 bv - one of the main attack vehicles of the vostok group, crews are always there in full combat readiness, the tankers have already hit hundreds of targets. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. in attempts to stop the advance of russian troops, the command of the ukrainian armed forces is throwing untrained fighters to the front line. prisoners talk about this. at first , the soldiers of limited age were told that they would guard the headquarters, and then they were sent to hold positions under the dpr,
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despite the lack of any combat training. about 60 percent of us, probably, all the people are older and are like, well, that’s how it is would be... untrained for military service, we are not prepared, we have not studied anywhere, we have nothing anywhere, we were like watchmen guarding all this, you know, but they didn’t warn anything anywhere, they simply sent, ukrainian formations they are building up forces in areas near the russian border, this is the data our reconnaissance received, artillery immediately attacked the identified targets... igor pikhanov saw. the crew of the bmp-3 is moving forward for combat work. scouts discovered fortified positions near the border of the belgorod region
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ukrainian military. the crew of enemy fpv drones is located there. our fighters have been hunting for them for several days. they are afraid to cross the border, they try everything with drones, drones. attack. modern armed conflicts have shown that attack drones are dangerous weapons, so neutralizing such an enemy is one of the main tasks of russian fighters. the infantry fighting vehicle hits the enemy with a 100-millimeter cannon. the peculiarity of the projectile is that it is practically inaudible when fired, so it is more difficult for militants to determine where the fire is coming from. accurate with a blow, the fighters destroy enemy positions. from the air the crew would work. the aerial reconnaissance crews are correcting, there's a hit, there's a hit, there's a hit, there's a hit, let's get two escapees in there. the crew also fires at the enemy with a standard thirty-millimeter automatic cannon; its shells are capable of penetrating the armor of a tank. the fighters of the unit of the state border covering group are equipped with modern
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weapons and destroy the enemy even as they approach our borders. as a result of the operation, ukrainian attack aircraft operators. enemy drones were neutralized, so it took no more than half an hour. the bmp goes to camouflaged positions, where the crew replenishes shells, and the formidable combat vehicle is ready for work again. scouts using drones monitor the line of combat contact around the clock, the time from target detection to combat work is only a few minutes. the fighters say that the enemy uses kamikaza drones in large numbers, so at the front they pay great attention to security. even when the machine is running, all the time. a man with a weapon is standing, looking above the sky, if a drone is detected, we open fire. in addition, the bmp-3 is equipped with an anti-drone platform and a mobile electronic warfare station; it creates a dome around the vehicle and does not allow enemy
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drones to approach it. powerful rap stations guard the populated areas of the belgorod region, the ukrainian armed forces cannot change the situation at the front, so the enemy is attacking civilians, this ukrainian kamikaze drone was landed. in the grayvoronsky urban district, here these drones were previously perceived as toys, now - as a means of destroying people, there was a cumulative, fragmentation charge. there is also an air defense unit protecting the skies, destroying enemy drones every day. russian fighters created a reliable multi-layered line of defense. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region. germany today handed over to ukraine a new aid package, which included the marder infantry fighting vehicle with spare parts, ammunition for leopard-2 tanks and gepard and arst anti-aircraft guns, as well as several engineering vehicles and 3.00 anti-tank vehicles. american weapons also on the way, as the white house press secretary said, kiev is already
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receiving the first shipments from the renewed support program. nevertheless, skepticism reigns in the overseas press. the new york times writes that while waiting for the equipment in the sssu , they are retreating, and this could threaten the collapse of the entire front. and the wall street journal notes that the formation of the kiev regime had to hold its position for too long, awaiting washington’s decision and bear large costs. losses, against this background in europe they are discussing exactly how far russian units will advance, well, in germany in particular, an expert at the munich university of the bundeswehr believes that the line of contact will shift to kramatorsk in the coming months, and the prime minister of slovakia said the day before that money from the us to the eu will essentially not change anything. robert fitzo emphasized that the funds will simply be spent and stolen. in moscow, where western captured equipment from the special operation zone is on display, another sample was delivered,
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an armored repair and recovery vehicle made in the usa, captured by the russian military in the avdeevka direction. main the purpose of this vehicle is to evacuate damaged armored vehicles from the battlefield. the exhibition of the ministry of defense will open tomorrow, may 1, and will last a whole month. on it you will be able to see more than three dozen samples of the western military-industrial complex. the regional operational headquarters switches to emergency response mode.
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payments to victims are monitored by inspection of the housing stock of roads and bridges, as well as vaccination and sanitary treatment. in the tyumen region , the flood is only gaining strength. over the past 24 hours , the water level in ishim has risen by more than a meter and approached the dangerous mark on the federal highway leading to. omsk has had huge traffic jams for several days now. in the amur region, specialists monitor all major rivers. they are just freed from the ice. according to the latest data, the water level in the amur and zeya is 3 m above normal. and this footage came from yakutia, where on the last day of april the rain gave way to snow. in the west of the republic today a snowstorm and winds of up to 17 m per second are expected. winter does not give up in the coastal region, in the mountains near the eastern coast of the region.
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today in russia they celebrate the day of fire protection, one one of the most important services turned 375 years old. on april 30, 1649, a decree on the city deanery was issued, after which permanent fire brigades appeared. today this holiday is for 400 thousand rescuers. who challenge the fire element every day. since the beginning of the year , 60,000 fires have already been extinguished throughout the country. albert musin saw everything as the unit prepares to work in extreme conditions. making their way through flames and smoke, firefighters rush to help the residents of a multi-storey building in anapa. the fire cut off a dozen people in the attic, either jump there or rely on the skill of the rescuers. more than 400 people were evacuated ; 13 people were rescued. heroism in the eyes of those rescued is
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a daily job for firefighters throughout russia, including in the most extreme conditions. we ask about the conditions of the plots. in samara, firefighters had to make their way into the cramped cabins of a pleasure boat. the fire was extinguished in pitch darkness due to dense toxic smoke. it’s easy for even a rescuer to get lost in this. fortunately , the crew managed to evacuate in time. a unique skill of russian firefighters blind navigation. it is honed in special gas and smoke chambers that simulate fires in apartment buildings. an obstacle course in the form of a modular maze can easily change its layout, making the task more difficult. the whole route lasts about 40 minutes, this is in full combat gear, i have it as light as possible, and the firefighters have a thirty-kilogram oxygen cylinder behind them, and with all this they need to complete the task, find the victim, and on a real call also carry a heavy fire hose with them . the essence of training is to first teach save yourself, then save others, so the emphasis is not only on tactics, but on psychology and physical training, getting used to extreme
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temperatures, loud sounds, working as an inextricable link. cases vary, of course, no one is immune from this. well , we work out such moments that we evacuate ourselves, sometimes we get stuck somewhere, that is, accordingly, help is required, there are only a few such complexes throughout russia, they train in them, including specialists from other regions, they are already working on a fire, having experience in working out, they are not so lost, they are not so afraid, they go to victory, they understand the meaning of saving lives, and save their lives, save their lives, today the fire service is one of the most... in the country last year alone, 350 thousand fires were extinguished, 700 people died in them, but another 26 thousands were saved, because the unit is among the best equipped, dozens of types of vehicles, a lot of hand tools, modern fire and chemical protection, plus regular exercises. in kaliningrad, modernity is closely
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intertwined with the heritage of the late 19th century, where the oldest fire station in russia is located. approximately when our unit was built, it was in 1900, i already said, at the same time a network of fire-fighting water supply and city water supply appeared in koeniksberg in honor of the 375th anniversary of the fire service in ingushetia, a mural was dedicated to the heroes, a memorial complex was opened in yekaterinburg in honor of past and present generations of employees and to connect generations. the annual environmental campaign water russia has started in all regions of the country - this is part of
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a federal project that is being implemented according to decision of the president: volunteers clean the banks of rivers, lakes and seas from... pollution, garbage, and also, with the help of flash mobs, draw the attention of the population to the importance of caring for nature and its resources. last year , more than 1.5 million people took part in the campaign, holding 28,000 events, cleaning 38 km of coastlines and removing about 147,000 cubic meters of garbage, which was a real record. a new season of river and sea trips has opened in st. petersburg. the popularity of such trips has grown fivefold in just three years. times, the newest russian ships go on routes, well, for example, from the center of the northern capital to kranstatt, tourists, domchatc, high-speed catamarans, kotlin, kotlin, what views open from its decks, elena volozhanina saw, from the central pier above vortsova to the very heart fartov island,
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the season of water voyages to kronshtat has started in st. petersburg, and high-speed catamarans of the project have entered the line. development of the srednevsky shipyard, the vessel can accommodate up to 200 passengers, the special design allows you to freely pass under the arches of st. petersburg bridges. speed ​​25 knots, an impregnable citadel is directly ahead. the catamaran sails confidently according to electronic charts. the vessel can operate at wave height 2 and wind speeds up to 21 m per second, that is, seaworthiness is very good. the ride is uncomfortable and doesn't shake. stunning views of st. petersburg and the gulf of finland can be admired from the panoramic salon and, of course, from the upper open deck. it's like an additional excursion and no traffic jams. i would like to see in general what the forts look like from the water. why did peter i decide exactly like this? organize forts. and why is this considered the most impregnable fortress. he wants to see it all with his own eyes.
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you can already see the forts. on april 10, a new season of sea excursions around the six legendary kronshtadts began. aka the black fort, a hotel and a museum dedicated to domestic epidemiologists will be opened there, a cable car will be built, this season they will also launch catamarans from peterhofa to kranstadt and back, catamarans from st. petersburg to kranstadt. start in the morning starting at 15. last flight time remains open. this season, passenger catamarans will make at least six trips daily from the center of st. petersburg. with increased demand on the line, they are ready to launch additional ships to increase the number of trips to 14. the museum and historical complex of the island
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of forts is also ready to extend opening hours on those days when there will be especially many visitors. elena volozhanina, denis mirnov, sergey larichev, vesti petersburg. well, further in our issue there are reports about explosions that thunder in kharkov, in georgia they open the true plans of the us and nato. in saudi arabia, rains flooded the ancient medina, and billions of tsikat flooded america. and about everything right after a short advertisement. tyaana, hello, glad to see you. how are you, how is sasha? he was drafted into the army, well, you know very well why i’m here, and you better keep a low profile. oops, let's go for a ride. come here. she didn't pick up the phone and hung up. completely turned off, please find her, if something happens to her, your son will be the first suspect, love will overcome everything, today
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on rtr. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leorests, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmelsheikh, the first swiss hotel in the world operating on an all- inclusive system. treat yourself to a holiday of elegance and natural beauty. merge into perfect harmony, create memories that will remain forever in your heart. swissotel charmel sheikh is your ideal place
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in the heart of the city. there are places that are fascinating because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, ready squad, explore, nature. dear, just incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here,
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try it, oh, it’s amazing how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth it see him, a snake charmer is the most ancient profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its the owner, in secret to the whole world, on sunday on rtr. big film premiere, if you get the jews out of here, we’ll introduce you to the title. alexander yatsenko. now only the soviet fish people can save them. there are no others here, evgeniy tkachuk, i am a fort, they definitely won’t kill me, i will be with you until the end of my life, fyodor dobronravov, he will calculate everything, he will figure everything out, he will put everything in order, he
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sees four moves ahead, sergei makovetsky, i heard, you need responsible comrades for the campaign, rely on me, comrade kaselev, konstantin kabensky, this is it we save, wow, we have never lost this, this is an amulet, no, this is a device that is used to find. comrades jews, we need to get as far away from the camp as possible, film by sergei ursulyak, glad that we broke away, left, we didn’t leave them, they are coming after us, righteous man, may 9 on rtr, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose you are your homeland, a soldier, whom you serve, a former friend, tear everything away. ours, which was together, what will you have left? they went against god, toured all the liberated territories, what an impression
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produces, russia comes and... the city lives, boris korchevnikov's program life and fate from monday to friday on rtr, you watch the news, we continue at these moments , reports of explosions are coming from kharkov, while there are only photographs from the scene, ukrainian media write about arrivals in the area of ​​cossack lopan and the suburbs, the regional center. accurate information about the destruction. no, the air raid alarm is still sounding. let me remind you that the russian military is carrying out precision strikes on infrastructure facilities that are used for the transfer of reserves, militants of western equipment. new units formed from volunteers today went to the special operation zone. all of them entered into contracts with the defense forces and underwent professional training at the russian special forces university.
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there is a new one based on this center. before being sent to the north military district zone, volunteers undergo intensive training on the basis of the russian special forces university named after vladimir putin, military instructors who have received international recognition work with them, and classes provide vital experience in tactical medicine. we train each volunteer so that he can effectively provide assistance to himself and his comrade. over the course of 11
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years, the special forces university has turned into a real forge of professional fighters. the day before, the son of the head of chechnya, adam kadyrov, was appointed curator of the military training center. not only volunteers, but also elite special forces from all over the country undergo training at the russian special forces university. now we are with the fighters of omon akhmat-1, the assault on akop, where extreme concentration and accuracy are important. the day before, some of the fighters riot police also headed to the north military district zone. there is intensive training in all areas, everyone gives 100 and is ready to complete any task at any time, turning the bottom slightly, moving the chambering handle to the rear position and releasing it, that is , throwing the cartridge out of the chamber, instructors explain everything as clearly as possible, volunteers hone every movement until they are fixed at the level of reflexes. preparation for military service here was very smart, it was fire, frontiers,
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medicine, evacuation, the soldiers were ready, for sure, there are questions, no way, akhmat, strength, training, provision of volunteers, as well as all fighters of chechen units in the northern military district zone under the personal control of the head of the republic. he often comes, asks the head of the university, how, what, if, what is needed to resolve these issues immediately, have a positive attitude, quickly get to friends in the trenches, they are already waiting for... long-awaited, so comrades, take part , join our ranks, the volunteer special forces detachment akhmat escorts the head of the regional headquarters of the northern military district and the head of law enforcement agencies of the republic. first of all, as we always say, it's brotherly support, support each other. you have chosen the path of a true warrior. since the beginning of the special military operation, more than 17 thousand volunteers have undergone training in the chechen republic, thanks to
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the support of the regional society. the development of testing promising drones for our army was today assessed by denis manturov and ruslan tsalikov, the deputy chairman of the government and the first deputy minister of defense visited one of... the training grounds in in the rear zone of a special operation, where they practice destroying targets that simulate cover, control points and enemy equipment. new copters have the means to conduct reconnaissance around the clock in any weather conditions. the uniqueness of this drone as a whole comes from the build quality. the guys approached competently, with a good approach, this can be said about the drinking, but roughly the quality of the details.
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11 thousand criminal cases have already been initiated in ukraine. women are also subject to registration, as local media write, the commanders of the armed forces of ukraine announced recruitment for the first history of ukraine, a women's unit of drone operators. today is 40 days since the terrible tragedy in crocus city hall.
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a new memorial was organized near the concert hall building in the morning, people bring flowers, candles and toys in memory of those killed in the terrorist attack. funeral services will also be held in krasnogorsk. on march 2, terrorists broke into the building, opened fire on visitors with automatic weapons and set fire to the auditorium. the attack killed 145 people and injured more than 550. upholding traditional values ​​in russia and breaking away from the global influences have become the main reason why the united states perceives our country as its main adversary. this is the opinion in an interview with american journalist tucker.
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so this is hardly an accident, not some irrational shift, but something deeper. canada, which wants to create a precedent for the seizure of frozen russian sovereign assets, has not been able to pass the corresponding bill for more than six months, and some western countries are completely opposed, for example, germany, as writes... all street publications journal in berlin seriously fear that such a practice will ultimately allow other countries not only to demand, but to receive reparations from the german authorities for the second world war. journalists, in particular , recalled that poland is seeking payments in
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the amount of more than a trillion dollars, and greece - another 300 billion. and in the event of the seizure of russian assets, they will all be able to demand the same in relation to berlin, which will become a real nightmare for the germans. the west is using ukraine as a battering ram against russia and dreams of doing the same with georgia, about this spoke the speakers at the rally, which took place in the center of tbilisi. this time it was organized by the ruling georgian dream party, in support of the government's law on foreign agents. speaking to citizens, the founder of the party, bedina ivanishvili, said that the law is necessary to strengthen the sovereignty of the country .
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let me remind you that for several weeks now there have been rallies in tbilis, clashes with the police, channels in parliament, everything is around the law on foreign agents, the president of the country promised to veto it, the deputies cannot to come to an agreement yet, force and special means are used against demonstrators on the streets, the number of people injured in the fights is already several dozen, threats of removal. classes did not help in the usa today , a new wave of pro-palestinian protests, students were harshly detained. hundreds of people were in police custody, and rallies
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affected 16 states and at least 20 university campuses. in virginia, young people clashed with the police. in response to the bottles and boards, security forces used tear gas. and rubber bullets, in columbia university of new york in defense of demonstrators, teachers you... george washington's statue of the first american president was vandalized, activists wrote on the appostament that the educational institution was inciting a genocidal war. a few hours ago, the israeli air force launched
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a new attack on hezbollah positions in southern lebanon. earlier, two anti-tank missiles were fired from there and exploded in the border areas. no casualties have been reported yet. meanwhile, as it became known, egypt has submitted new proposals for a ceasefire in the gaza strip to representatives of the palestinian hamas movement. the document agreed with tel aviv, in particular, provides for the release of up to 40 israelis.
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old testament egyptian plagues in an american way, the united states is awaiting an invasion that has not happened for centuries. this spring, experts are calling for preparations for billions, and maybe trillions , of tsikatas that will appear in several states of the country at once. and they are already here. social networks are filled with photos and videos, on which residents of the central and southern states of america find in their yards. there are hordes of insects on the streets,
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hatching as the earth warms up. but entomologists warn that this is only the beginning, two broods of cicatas at once, which have been waiting in the wings underground for more than 10 years in the form of larvae, are preparing to get to the surface and take over thirteen american states for at least the next month, the natural cycles of different broods of insects coincide once a century , the uniqueness is that these two broods appear simultaneously for the first time since 1803. scientists reassure the threats to humans from agricultural crops; cicadas, unlike locusts, are a well-known inconvenience to... the chirping sound, which in places where insects gather in noise level can
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reach the volume of a jet engine, the 911 hotline has already begun to receive calls from frightened citizens. people think they hear a siren, as if an alarm or fire alarm, or maybe an emergency warning system, has gone off . however, the life of the insects themselves, like scientists predict. this month will be more reminiscent of a horror film of real zombies from the cicatas can be made by the pathogenic fungus massosporium cicadin, which will probably infect some of the individuals after their appearance, as a result of which the insects can become more aggressive, the parasitic fungus itself will then completely take over the behavior of the host, forcing it to move over long distances, carrying spores with them. the spores enter the insect's body from this moment and the cicadas are in power. fungal parasite in the abdomen of each fungal
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spores accumulate in an infected cicada, and eventually the back part of the cicada's body, including the genitals, falls off, and a white fungal plug appears in its place. only supporters of unconventional food preferences are eagerly awaiting the peak of the tsikat invasion of america. this new orleans restaurant has updated its menu for the season. we cook different dishes, salty, sweet and i like to tell people that...
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water and mud have flooded medina, an ancient city and religious center with almost two million people the population has plunged into chaos, and the forecasts are not reassuring, repeated downpours can be expected in the coming days; in the united states, in the cities of oklahoma and other states, order is being restored after a series of destructive tornadoes that hit these territories a few days ago,
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power supply has been almost completely restored, but now house repairs will take significantly longer . the death toll according to the latest data was five. in the ivanovo region they will pay student maternity capital - a million rubles, this is even more than the federal payments. they decided to introduce this support measure in the region during the year of families to help young parents who are still studying at universities. philip eroshenkov will continue. fourth year student ksenia fedotova is finishing her diploma. defense ahead. state exams, the girl is studying psychology-education and has already decided to connect her destiny with children. i like working with children and generally immersing myself in children’s education, because this is our future. ksenia herself has not only a diploma in her future; in the summer another event will happen in her life, even more
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important - the birth of a daughter. i have already decided that i will call her vasilisa. there will be no problems with the crib or baby things, my sister will help in word and deed, but i would like to solve the housing problem. this news. governor stanislav voskresensky announced this news at the regional family forum. the head of the ivanovo region emphasized that it is designed specifically for students. after consulting with them, he made this decision. so we propose to introduce special regional student capital for families who have a child in the event when mom and dad are students. the size of such
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capital will be 1 million rubles. in addition to the maternal capital that already exists in the country, which was established by vladimir vladimirovich putin. deputies of the regional duma have already made the necessary changes to the law, parliamentarians emphasize that such amounts are out of the question in other regions, families where both parents or the only students can count on a million rubles, and the mother must be no more than 24 years old. funds can be used to improve housing conditions and obtain education child to receive a monthly payment in the amount of the child’s threshold minimum. thus, the total amount that can be counted on. rub. significant support for a young family, the girl says, she has already started looking for a cozy house for herself and her daughter, somewhere in a quiet corner. philip eroshenko, victor ivanov, vesti ivanova. in russia, a law on the management
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of livestock by-products comes into force today. now they must either be processed or stored at specially equipped sites; violators will face serious fine. about how farmers learn to work. conditions and where we live, our children and grandchildren don’t come to visit us, because there’s just an incredible number of flies, we’re like a landfill, stinking heaps in a field that’s taken out every day a few kilometers from the village. residents say that some of the waste is poured into the river, the pipe comes from a local poultry farm. here the banks were all covered in white , fat and feathers, everything
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flowed out of this pipe, like something out of a poultry factory. and this is footage from the small krasnoyarsk village of antsir, livestock products flowing into the kan river. a local resident started a farmstead in the courtyard of his house. the farm is located on the bank of a river; when it rains, everything runs into the river. the owner does not respond to requests from residents, and the fines are also his. they don’t scare you, the residents turned to you, you, as the head of the administration, what are the actions of the case, the commission went to them, issued an order for violation of the rules of landscaping, okay, then, well, that is, that’s all, the foul-smelling problem throughout the country has already been solved several times years, now a single set of rules has been approved, improper handling of products livestock farming will now be punishable by serious fines, the relevant law has already been signed, sanctions will be applied to violators during processing, transportation, storage, unprocessed... livestock products must be stored only on specialized sites, in this case it is made of concrete and almost 3 m filled , it can also be an area with
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a clay cushion, there are no specific technical requirements, the main thing is that by- products do not get into the soil. according to the new rules, manure can be used as organic fertilizer, but for this, farmers must process the product so that it meets all safety indicators, the rosselkhoznadzor controls this area. special attention. we will pay attention to those farms that we classify as extremely high or high risk, if we establish, as part of an agreement with the prosecutor's office, control and supervisory measures, inspections there , for example, not plans, that a by-product of livestock farming or manure carries the threat of the spread of the flood, then we will use accordingly those norms as. the new law applies only to peasant farms of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities; fines for officials range from 30 to 40,000 rubles. for entrepreneurs a maximum of 60,000, for legal entities 350. if the violation led to
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an epidemic, the amount increases several times. for legal entities, up to suspension of activities for 3 months. eggs and larvae of helminths, salmonella, streptococcus may be contained in high concentrations in manure, which can create an unfavorable epidemiologically situation, some farms are already working according to the new rules, but there are also those for whom the transition turned out to be painful, few farms can afford storage and manure handling technology, this is available only to large farms, a normal manure storage costs from ten million or more processing technologies, such as biogas and manure separation, will also cost 10 million and more, the law and rules for handling... livestock by-products are based on previously established requirements, it
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by and large combines them into one document; of course, there is an appeal from individual regions where, in principle, no provisions of the law were implemented; for them, of course, when transitioning to a new law , additional ones arise... the main goal of the law is still in order to increase soil fertility, experts hope that there will be fewer discharges of environmental pollutants; the law comes into force on may 3. ainur valakhmetov, maria tementyeva, andrey shner, konstantin veselov, andrey rubanov. news. after the big evenings news, today watch the new episodes of the film love will overcome everything, but the news continues to monitor the development of events. stay with us. there is not enough pressure in the garden hose, tired of
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endlessly cleaning everything with your own hands, we present the hydroblast from hammer smith, a fast, simple, very convenient gun for washing with...


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