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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 30, 2024 5:00pm-5:50pm MSK

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righteous may 9 on rtr. on the russia vesti channel, in the studio of evgeniy roshkov. hello, the main thing is for this hour. immediately three burned bradley infantry fighting vehicles and six shot down american atacoms missiles. the results of the work of our military, on which fronts have their positions improved? burning? candles,
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colorful toys at cropus city hall, so many people died, innocent people in general, and also children also died there, this affected everyone, not only the relatives who lost. today is 40 days since the terrible tragedy. combat veterans are exempt from commissions for payment of housing and communal services. the order was signed by prime minister mishustin, who else will be affected by the benefit? the abbot of the kiev pechersk lavra, metropolitan pavel, was unexpectedly removed from his electronic bracelet. right in the courtroom. well hello, winter, winter. snowfalls covered different regions of russia from arkhangelsk to primorye, at the same time in the khabarovsk territory they are fighting forest fires. and the invasion of deafening cicatas in the usa. there are billions of insects. scientists have no idea what to do with them. and first, russian air defense forces
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shot down six atakom operational-tactical missiles manufactured in the united states, the ministry of defense reported. these missiles were included in the latest aid package, and it is now clear that they were physically delivered to kiev even earlier. directly in the special operation zone in the donetsk direction , our air reconnaissance detected. drone control center, ammunition depot disguised in forest plantations and military equipment. all targets were hit by shock fvedrons. this is footage of drone operators successfully hunting for another american bradley. in total , three such vehicles were destroyed in one day. in the ovdeevsky direction, the ukrainian armed forces’ attempt to rotate its units was thwarted. attacks on enemy personnel were carried out by artillerymen and from the air by the crew of a mi-35m helicopter. on... in this
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video an airstrike with high-explosive bombs with a control module on ukrainian positions at yari hours. in the kharkov region, at a distance of 9 km from the border, lancet was hit by a fuel tanker; it was used to service ukrainian equipment from which it was fired upon belgorod region. and in the kupinsky direction, our fighters defeated the azov terrorist brigade. units of the o west group occupied more advantageous positions. manpower and equipment were defeated. and under ugledar, our attack aircraft managed to capture several strong points at once with the support of drone tanks from the front line of eduardnikov ’s t-80 bv tank in a combat position. army from primorye, the crew quickly
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restrains the equipment, adjusts the coordinates of the targets and opens fire again. objective control means confirm the hit. according to aerial reconnaissance , an enemy stronghold that was hindering the advance of infantry in the southern donetsk direction was destroyed. tankers almost always use the so-called rolling tactics, that is, the crew takes a combat position. fires a short series of shots, for everything, a maximum of 2-3 minutes, immediately after that leaves the position, because anything can come in response, tankers are on duty near the front line around the clock, they usually work in pairs, insure and cover each other, sometimes two cars can have one goals to work, but sometimes there are two goals at once, one works on one goal, the other on another, in different ways, depending on the goals, on the tasks, two cars are waiting for us at once, well, in the reserve area. yes, we shoot back, roll back,
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if the command comes further, the next ones arrive, work further. the tanks are constantly being returned fire, but even in the event of hits, the armor reliably protects the soldiers. for tanks, drones provide such nets, they are also called barbecues, well , kamikazes, so the crews weld in addition, danger may lie on ground, so these mine trawls are installed in front. this tank repeatedly withstood direct hits, but the vehicle never received serious damage , it still works flawlessly on the front line, somehow we stood in the waiting area, and the tank had to be camouflaged, the polka began to work, began to fly in, well... there they ran to the dugout, the tank was cut by shrapnel, of course, but everything was in order, what did you feel at that moment, what did you experience? fear, but no one rubbed off on our crew. a driver mechanic with the call sign crucian carp came from kemerovo, i served a year in the army and decided to sign
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a contract, i wanted to sign a contract, i arrived, ended up in tanks, became a deputy, or, well, yes, i myself wanted to be a mechanic, a driver, why, i don’t know, i kind of like driving all this equipment and nuts twist. tankers are on duty along the entire front line, quickly changing positions to provide fire support to infantry units. we work direct fire, at a distance of 700 meters, well, as close as we can get, we work it out, release the house curtain and retreat. what are the main goals now? the t-80 bv is one of the main attack vehicles of the vostok group. the crews are always in full combat readiness. the tankers have already hit hundreds of targets. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. germany today handed over a new aid package to ukraine, which
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included marder infantry fighting vehicles with spare parts, ammunition for leopard-2 tanks and gepard anti-aircraft guns, as well as several engineering vehicles and 300 anti-tank vehicles. american weapons are also on the way, as the white house press secretary said, kiev is already receiving the first shipments from the renewed support program. nevertheless, skepticism reigns in the overseas press. the new york times writes that while waiting for equipment , the ukrainian armed forces are retreating, and this could threaten the collapse of the entire front. and the wall street journal notes that the formation of the kiev regime had to hold its position for too long, awaiting washington’s decision and incur large losses. against this background, in europe they are discussing exactly how far russian units will advance, well in particular in germany, an expert from the munich university of the bundeswehr, believes that the line of contact will shift to kramatorsk in the coming months. robert fitzo said the day before that money from
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the us and eu will essentially not change anything. he emphasized that the funds would simply be spent and stolen. western captured equipment has been exhibited from the special operation zone; today another example was delivered, an armored vehicle made in the usa, captured by the russian military in the avdievsky direction. it was intended for the evacuation of damaged armored vehicles from the battlefield. the exhibition itself the ministry of defense will open tomorrow on may 1 and it will last a month. there you will be able to see more than three dozen samples of the western military-industrial complex. german leopards, american bradley and humby. french.
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on the eve of the opening of the exhibition on poklonnaya hill, the western press, of course, could not ignore its equipment, as the times writes, the exhibition of war trophies reflects moscow’s confidence in... the viceroy of the kiev pechersk lavra today unexpectedly had his preventive measure softened, a court in kiev ruled remove the electronic bracelet from metropolitan pavel, which was immediately made. a year ago, amid large-scale persecution of the canonical uoc, the clergyman was accused of inciting
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religious hatred and justifying russia’s actions. pavel was first sentenced to house arrest, and then the preventive measures were changed to detention. ukrainian orthodox church. the document includes written evidence from various dioceses of the uoc, as well as expert opinions. there has been no reaction yet. today is 40 days since the tragedy in kroku city hall near moscow. march 22 group armed terrorists opened fire on people and set fire to the auditorium. 145 people became victims of the attack. a memorial service for the victims was held at the site of the terrorist attack. all day.
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honor those who died, today is 40 days, you understand that we ended up more or less, well , like lucky tickets, or something, we ended up next to the exit, here they met the one who saved them, alexey osanushkov, works as a security guard, in that evening he was on duty at the concert and was not at a loss, rushed to help, took people out into the street through the underground floors, i started everyone up people, and then the rescuers already came down there, the smoke was like milk, i went out three times, pulled out of the smoke, dragged, dragged, well, i inhaled, people... walk to express their pain, grief, cry, support each other, leave photographs of their close friends who died
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that day, there are photographs of entire families, here are notes with words of condolences, they even bring pictures, many specially come here from other cities, we were all affected by this tragedy and the entire novosibirs orbit, today i am with plane, i immediately well, i just couldn’t help but come here, especially since i work with stars, work at concerts, and of course, well, after this event it’s very alarming, a terrorist attack occurred, not so many people died...
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the parking lot in front of the crocus is empty, the island of the burnt concert is clearly visible hall, fences are installed at the entrance, those rooms that were not damaged by the fire are also closed, but access to the memorial is free and everyone is allowed here, as we see, there are a lot of them. anastasia litvinova, victor prikhodka, lead. combat veterans were released from bank commissions for payment of housing and communal services. prime minister mikhail mishustin signed the order today. this benefit will begin on july 1. also on the list are relatives of dead or deceased veterans, including those of the great patriotic war; along with them
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, pensioners, disabled people and parents of large families received the right to pay for housing and communal services without fees. on the eve of may 1, the exhibition “labor dynasties” opened at vdnkh in moscow. the multimedia project is designed to show the continuity of generations, service profession, business and state. the organizer of the first exposition was
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the garden of memory. the venue was the memorial complex to soviet soldiers and partisans. activists of youth movements, students, and representatives of trade unions took part in a flower-laying rally, and then planted dozens of trees on the territory of the memorial in memory of the fallen defenders of their homelands. in the tyumen region, the peak of the flood on the tabol river has moved another week. the ishim river should have stabilized yesterday, but it continues to grow; according to the latest data, it is 12 m 22 cm. emergency situations ministry employees are on duty around the clock on the tyumen-omsk federal highway. until the water recedes, traffic in the area will be reversed. in the kurgan region, the situation is monitored using drones.
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rescuers on boats patrol the flooded area. during the next departure from. cold water pulled out a man who was trying to swim to his dacha. in the northern urals, the weather presented residents with an unpleasant surprise. in the perm region there were frosts and snow fell. plus two. well, hello, winter winter. plus two on the street. it's april 30th. a similar picture was observed today in the north-west of the country in siberia. snowfalls of varying intensity occurred in arkhangelsk. irkutsk regions, altai republic, yakutia in primorye. and in the khabarovsk territory, where the weather is now hot and windy, the forest fire season has begun. and from there, anna kolchuk's report. powerful gusts of wind drive the fire, which literally surrounds the construction site. from the air it becomes the scale is clear. this is a holiday island. to
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prevent the flames from reaching people, the helicopter crew hovers over the river over and over again, takes on water and hurries to the site of the fire. all the residents of khaborovsk, whose windows faced the amur river, observed such fury; the left bank was completely engulfed in fire. in total, 20 discharges were carried out and 60 tons of water were discharged. at the same time, a group of rescuers works on the ground, walking along the edge of the fire with backpack fire extinguishers, and so on for more than 5 km. the pals came to the islands literally with the first ships, apparently, despite warnings, summer residents fight garbage with matches. in the amur region, they probably also haven’t heard about a special fire-fighting regime, the result in these frames: the fire came close to the village of blueberry, 10 firefighters were transferred to the site, who, together with air forest protection officers, extinguished the fire for several hours. extinguishing the fire is complicated by strong, gusty winds; firefighting efforts are being carried out jointly with the air forest protection service to
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prevent the flame from spreading to the populated area within 24 hours. almost 180 thermal points, half of which fell dead wood, the fire traveled almost 30 km. a special fire regime has been introduced throughout almost the entire region, with the exception of only the far north, which means that the ban on lighting fires is backed by fines ranging from 10,000 rubles for citizens to 800 for enterprises. if a fire destroys property, there is a risk of criminal liability, but most importantly, given the speed at which the flame spreads, even a small fire can cost someone their life. a... roman matveev, vesti khabarovsk. a large-scale environmental campaign, water of russia, began throughout the country today. this is part federal project, which is being implemented on the initiative of the president. volunteers clean the banks of rivers, lakes and seas from pollution, and also, with the help of flash mobs, draw attention to the importance of caring for nature and its resources. last year
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, more than 1.5 million people took part in the campaign, removing a total of 38 km. paris, and scientists don’t know what to do with billions of cicatas. in a couple of minutes we ’ll be back, we’ll tell you everything, the front line, we fly over the sea, we approach the bridge, the fritz checks out. opens fire, that's what we have fighters will be used as a tool for the germans, battle for cream, premiere, may 6 on rtr.
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stories were told, i was bold in a white tuxedo, and i’m starting, here in the pile mark antolyevich zakharov is leaving, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told. i'm like a man, a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how many more ahead, i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i surrender everything with joy, let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizyakov, on sunday on rtr, on saturday, simply, simply, i love you, i'm not afraid to lose. it looks like i'll have to deal with the issue of divorce, that's obvious. anatoly rudenko. tatiana kazyuchets. a man called me last night, demanding to come and threatening to set the warehouse on fire. do you know him?
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why set me up? i haven’t yet figured out where all the threads are coming from, but i have an idea. error. premiere on saturday rtr. 1st of may. he says moscow is showing. well, you know perfectly well why i ’m here, and you’d better keep your head down, oops, let’s go for a ride, but shut it up, come here, i didn’t
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answer the phone, i hung up the call, then turned it off altogether, please find her if something happens to her , your son will be the first suspect, love will overcome everything, today on rtr, on the air, we continue our broadcast, ukrainian formations are building up forces in areas near the russian border, this is the data our intelligence received, on the targets that were identified, right there artillerymen and motorized riflemen worked. about how the belgorod region is protected. igor pikhanov. the crew of the bmp-3 is moving forward for combat work. scouts discovered fortified positions of the ukrainian military near the border of the belgorod region. the calculation is located there. enemy fp vrodov, our fighters have been hunting for them for several days. they are afraid to cross the border, they are trying to attack us with drones and drones. modern
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armed conflicts have shown that shock. drones are dangerous weapons, so neutralizing such an enemy is one of the the main tasks of russian fighters. the infantry fighting vehicle hits the enemy with a 100-millimeter cannon, especially the projectile in that it is practically inaudible when fired, so it is more difficult for militants to determine where the fire is coming from. with an accurate strike, the fighters destroy enemy positions. from the air, the work of the bmp crew is corrected by aerial reconnaissance officers. hit, hit, hit, there's a hit, let's get two fugitives there, the crew is hitting the enemy, also a standard thirty-meter automatic cannon, its shells are capable of piercing the armor of a tank, soldiers of the cover group unit state borders are equipped with modern weapons and destroy the enemy even as they approach our borders. as a result of the operation, the ukrainian attack aircraft and the operators of the enemy drones were
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neutralized; this required no more than... a position, where the crew replenishes the shells and the bmp spends half an hour on the camouflaged formidable combat vehicle, ready for work again. scouts using drones monitor the line of combat contact around the clock, the time from target detection to combat work is only a few minutes. the fighters say the enemy is in large numbers they use kamikaza drones, so at the front they pay great attention to security measures. even when the machine is running, there is always a person standing with a weapon. looks at the sky, if a drone is detected, we open fire. in addition, the bmp-3 is equipped with an anti-drone platform and a mobile electronic warfare station. it creates a dome around the car and prevents enemy drones from approaching it. powerful rap stations protect populated areas of the belgorod region. the armed forces cannot change the situation at the front, so the enemy is attacking civilians. this ukrainian drone kamisa was landed in the grayvoronsky urban district. that's
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drone data. previously, they were perceived as toys, now as a means of destroying people, there was a cumulative charge, fragmentation, air defense units are also protecting the sky, destroying enemy drones every day, russian fighters have created a reliable multi-layered line of defense. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region. development of testing promising drones for our army was appreciated today by denis manturov and ruslan tsalik. the deputy chairman of the government and the first deputy minister of defense visited one of the training grounds in the rear zone of the northern military district, where they are practicing the destruction of targets that imitate shelter, control points and enemy equipment. new copters can conduct reconnaissance around the clock in any weather conditions. the uniqueness of this drone as a whole is due to the build quality, the guys approached it competently, with a good approach, this can be said about the performance, and roughly speaking, the quality of the parts.
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the calculation of irkutsk will be represented by omsk unification at all-army tests. new units formed from volunteers today went to the special operation zone.
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the day before, some of amon’s fighters also headed to the north military district zone. there is intensive training in all areas, everyone gives their all and is ready to complete any task. at any time, slightly turning the bottom, we move the chambering handle to the rear position and release it, that is, we throw the cartridge out of the chamber, the instructors explain everything as clearly as possible, the volunteers hone every movement until will not fix them at the level of reflexes. preparation for military service here was very smart, it was firing lines, medicine, evacuation, the soldiers are ready, for sure, there are questions, but not at all. akhmat sila, training, provision of volunteers, as well as all fighters of chechen units in the northern military district zone under the personal control of the head of the republic, he often comes, asks the head of the university, how is it, if anything is needed, to
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resolve these issues immediately, positive attitude, to get there quickly to our friends in the trenches, they are already waiting for us, so comrades, take part, join our ranks, a volunteer special forces detachment, escorted by the head of the regional headquarters of the northern military district and the head of the law enforcement agencies of the republic. first of all, as we always say, this is brotherly support. support each other. you have chosen the path of a true warrior. at the beginning of the special military operation, more than 17 thousand volunteers were trained in the chechen republic. thanks to the support of the regional public fund, all fighters are provided with modern ammunition, equipment and food, those wishing to join the ranks of the akhmat special forces. regional authorities also cover travel expenses. artur mustaev, zelimkhan buntyshev and aslan laluev, conduct the chechen republic. in an attempt to stop the advance of russian troops, the command of the ukrainian armed forces is throwing untrained fighters to the front line.
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prisoners talk about this. first, the limited age soldiers are told that they will guard the headquarters, and then they are sent to hold positions under the line in the dpr, even despite their absence. meanwhile, the verkhovna rada stated that already 1,500 ukrainian military personnel have received disciplinary punishments for refusing to follow orders or leaving a military unit without permission. another 11 thousand criminal cases have been opened against draft dodgers, this is new data from the
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country’s prosecutor general’s office. the leaders in the number of refusals are transcarpathian, nikolaev and dnepropetrovsk regions. another pursuit of military commissars for a future soldier of the armed forces of ukraine took place in khmelnitsky. those who are hiding from. mobilizations abroad cannot obtain new documents, but as the french publication mont writes, europe will help ukraine return draft dodgers. the prime minister and the president of lithuania were the first to speak out in support of such a measure. on social networks , ukrainians of military age are already complaining that even dogs have more rights. this is my dog's international passport. with this passport, my dog ​​travels to any country in europe and the world, in ukraine they created such freedom that my dog ​​now has it. more rights than a citizen of ukraine himself, if you are abroad and suddenly need to draw up some documents, you need to return from canada, spain, i can do it from france to ukraine, but my dog ​​doesn’t, i can do it in any country in the world.
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ukrainians are ready to risk their lives to leave the country, in tisza border guards discovered two more bodies, this is already the 24th case of the death of draft dodgers who tried to swim across a mountain river in the romanian gras. the next day , another group of fugitives dug under the fence and, with nodal mattresses in their hands , set off towards the shore . in kharkov , schoolchildren are already being prepared for mobilization, while in the video there are only students under the new law women are also subject to registration for mobilization. as local media report, the commanders of the armed forces of ukraine announced the recruitment of a female unit of drone operators for the first time in the history of ukraine. well , deputy prime minister of ukraine yulia... sviredenko proposed increasing the number of female sappers, since kiev stands for gender equality. upholding traditional values ​​in russia and breaking away from global influence have become the main reason why the united states
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perceives our country as its main adversary. this is the opinion in an interview with american journalist takir carlson expressed by philosopher alexander dugin. the conversation took place earlier in moscow, and the video was recorded. according to cnn, he will make every effort to
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turn his criminal trial into a political asset, moving from the courtroom to the election campaign and back again. according to new tv channel polls , the gap between the former and current us presidents is growing alarmingly quickly, and not in biden’s favor. well, in particular, if back in january 46% of respondents supported trump, now there are already 49%, and they are ready to vote for the current owner of the white house. only 43%, that's 55 dissatisfied with his work as head of state. canada, which wants to create a precedent for the seizure of frozen russian sovereign assets, has not been able to pass a corresponding law for more than six months, and some western countries are completely opposed, for example, germany, as the wall street journal writes, berlin is seriously afraid that such a practice would ultimately allow other countries not only to demand, but to receive
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reparations from the german authorities for the second world war. journalists, in particular, recalled that poland is seeking payments of more than a trillion dollars, and greece another 300 billion. and in the event of the seizure of russian assets, they will all be able to demand the same in relation to berlin, which will become a real nightmare for the german economy. the french authorities have begun to work on the eve of the olympics. paris from migrants, who, contrary to custom, have not yet shown any resistance. without any clashes or incidents, law enforcement officers managed to eliminate the illegal camp in one of the squares of the french capital. the operation was carried out before dawn. about a hundred young illegal immigrants from africa obediently folded up their tents, a few proceeded to the police bus to go to the transit center. most of them got confused. in search of a new haven. in moldova
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, the first court hearing against the head of gagauzia, evgeniy gatsuul, had to be postponed for a month today. and the official reason is the lack of a translator into russian. supporters of the politician picketed the courthouse from the very morning, including with posters in russian. and hutsul was greeted with jubilation at the exit of the building. we know very well that this is a fabricated criminal case, which is not based on anything.
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even the main sponsors of chisinau confirm that moldova is actually mired in systemic corruption and that selective justice operates in the republic. the us state department report indicates that moldovan law is not applied equally to everyone and is often for politically motivated reasons. as confirmation of these conclusions, here’s how...
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with russia, already in 2014 and 22, they put ukraine in an even more difficult situation. home the cause of the global war party's aggression against georgia.
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threats of suspension have not helped in the us today, a new wave of pro-palestinian protests. the students were detained harshly. hundreds of people ended up in police stations there. rallies affected 16 states and at least 20 university campuses. in virginia, young people went head-to-head with the police . in response, the security forces used bottles and boards.
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on one of the main orthodox holidays , activists of the popular front will be delivered to the special operation zone. 6 thousand bags will be sent to the nun of the holy cross convent in the moscow region. parishioners and sunday school students also took part in preparing the baked goods. in addition to the bags , humanitarian aid, food, clothing and basic necessities will be delivered to residents of the kharkov region. easter bags will be brought from the ivanovo and tula regions.
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a few days ago, the power supply was almost completely restored, but the repair of buildings will clearly take much longer, the number of victims according to the latest data amounted to five people, the state of emergency continues to operate in the state. the united states is facing an unprecedented infestation of insects this year, primarily cycatas. according to experts, this will be a catastrophe like the country has never seen. about this in the report by dmitry melnikov. old testament plagues of egypt in an american way, the united states is awaiting an invasion that has not happened for
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centuries. this spring, experts are calling for preparations for billions, maybe trillions. tsikat, which will appear immediately in several states of the country, they are already here, social networks are filled with photos and videos in which residents of the central and southern states of america find hordes of insects in their yards on the streets, which hatch from larvae as the earth warms up. but entomologists warn that this is just the beginning, two broods of cicatas at once, which have been waiting in the wings underground for more than 10 years. in the form of larvae they are preparing to emerge to the surface and take over 13 american states for at least the next month. natural cycles of different broods insects coincide once a century, now.
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chirping, which in places where insects gather can reach the noise level of a jet engine, the 9:1 hotline has already begun to receive calls from frightened citizens. people think they hear a siren, as if an alarm or fire alarm, or maybe an emergency warning system, has gone off. however, the life of the insects themselves, as scientists predict. this month will be more reminiscent of a horror movie; pathogenic cicatas can make real zombies the fungus massosporium cycadina, which will probably
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infect some of the individuals after they emerge, as a result of which the insects can become more aggressive; the parasitic fungus itself will then completely take over the behavior of the host, forcing it to move long distances, carrying spores with it. the spores enter the insect's body; from this moment the cicadas are in power. advances in the west, this year promises to be
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fruitful and no one will go hungry. in which it has been active for several years in the coming weeks, the number of tsikatas will be increase to tens of millions, and i hope that we can get our hands on some of these insects so that we can serve them as a specialty. compared to the trendy frying of cikata larvae, the simple insect t-shirts that have begun selling in some states now seem like a conservative relic. for some reason, the american media especially emphasizes that the last time such an invasion of the us central committee was experienced was under president thomas jefferson. no analogies are drawn with today, however, jefferson then managed to be re-elected to a second term. what the insect infestation means for biden is unknown. after the big
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evening news, watch the new episodes of the film love will overcome everything, all the news is always available on the media platform, watch the app or on the website the news continues to monitor developments. stay with us. cleaning floors is a tedious and messy process that turns into torture for you, your back and your arms. forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours, stop using broom dustpan, use a gromos vacuum cleaner, which does not...


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