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tv   Doktor Anna  RUSSIA1  May 1, 2024 1:30am-2:30am MSK

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the owner ordered, we filled out everything, we rinsed the fixative and breathed through our noses, so what ’s going on here again, they argued over the men, she attacked me with her fists, they too, well... she slipped, fell, lay down to rest , uh-huh, you know, i still have a bruise on my chest, i can show you, everything was as they say?
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excuse me, you are ivan trofenovich, father anna, yes, but how do you know me, and i guessed, uh, it looks like you, and excuse me, who are you? and i’m serge, i’m her friend, i also want to get her out of there, it’s very nice, today is a wonderful day for me fighting spirit, wait, this is her lawyer.
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okay, so savelyeva will be in custody until trial, and this is not prosecutorial humor, but this is a fact. fact, fact. soveliva started a fight, attacked a cellmate, there are witnesses, she had to be transferred to a punishment cell. so, your hypothesis samuil moiseevich was not confirmed. the face of public danger. i wonder who she attacked, exactly? yes, i know a lot. this. it's a case of the pre-trial detention center administration, i was notified about the fact of a fight and about being transferred to a punishment cell, you think i 'll leave it like that, guys, you feel bad for me you know, you need to smoke the pipe of peace with me, and you dug up the hatchet of war, this is a threat, no, just a forecast, i ’m never wrong in my forecasts, in this case i advise you to hurry up, the case has already been brought to court, and i’ll tell you a secret , yes... he will be
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appointed here today, yes, yes, samuil moiseevich, get ready for the trial, the accused is under a heavy charge, she behaves defiantly, she has not repented, she is not cooperating with the investigation, she will get the worst of it. remember, investigator, it will be like this, justification for lack of evidence. liberation, tied here, understand?
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savileva, welcome guests! sovely, i obliged to look, there is no need for this, i have already examined myself, well, tell me, the bones are intact, the internal organs are without ruptures. tissue damage without compromising
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the integrity of the skin, preper ears, or do you need a more detailed history? who do you mean? hang in there, dr. anna. who registered the girl as a prischat, they went completely crazy, on may 1, he says, shows
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moscow, dear,
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titanic luxury collection, titanic delux golf belleg hotel, where every moment is. this is exclusivity. wrap yourself in comfort our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is
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your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. girls, the omelette will be ready in a couple of seconds. who were you with yesterday, i ask where you were, he mocks me completely every day, every night, and who is this, this is your new lover, you will never touch this woman again, that’s understandable, this is complete nonsense, go out marry a man who is neither you don’t love me a bit, a man saved me, but i want to hang myself, kutepova, was it in vain that you contacted me? tamara, you are the best i have. sergey makhovikov, marat basharov, svetlana nemolyaeva. it’s very difficult for him, he begged me to bring you back, i, too, died. new husband,
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on friday at rta. what's happened? where is anya, who is this? this is a friend, i am a friend, so you need to talk to me. yes, yes, ivan valerievich, please accept my
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condolences, thank you, i guess. underestimated, please sit down, i want to tell you something very important. if i die in the next few days, please get an autopsy, or better yet, do it yourself, the fact is that my sores are an excellent cover, you understand, for... why, so when you do the autopsy, pay attention to the connective tissues,
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mucous membranes, there should be traces there, well, you you see, i’m not going to die, ivan valerievich, it’s only a body, anton, a body, i insist, cut it, cold lemonade. icy, why rivers? wait, it's getting ready. serge, do you know what this is? this is one of the last places where you can eat like the coast. so, that means the trial is tomorrow, well, this is impossible, so in the tropics, well, there must be some formalities. ivan trofimovich. in our life everything is possible, that is, you think that this matter is politicized, what? i
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say, you think that this case is politicized, well, of course, think about it, in our case there could not be a fatal accident, so a purely political murder, the one who organized it is up there, your anna is simply competent framed, but release is inevitable in the near future, depending on... how long the trial will drag on? well, why is it illegal? retention, why this meticulous trial? big people brought big money. i know a little about our political elite, that is, the beaumonts, they are cynical and vile people, but they commit crimes only out of great need without any pleasure. either i’m misunderstanding something, or you...
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“say samuil moisevich, but we managed to find out something about nelsky’s folder, it’s not in the inventory, it’s not there, it’s not there, please, thank you, well, friends, long live the sun , let the darkness disappear."
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do you think it will rain at all? she? first , as agreed.
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it’s worse with this, you’ll sit at home for 2 days, you’ll live, you’ll go to court.
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yes, annechka, everything is much more serious, that’s all, that’s it. these are not mistakes of the investigation, this is someone methodically drowning you, who will never know, but our task is to flounder with all our might in order to attract the attention of a passing vessel. anya, is there anything else you want to tell me? and about dollars, about delaxin? about what dollars? annechka, today during a search of your house 50,000 american dollars and an unopened package of diloxin were found, lord, how found? well, someone opened your door and
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threw you in. so, what about mom, what’s wrong with mom? anya, calm down. mom is okay, she wasn’t at home, tell me, do you know who could have done this? i don’t know, i don’t know who needs all this, i don’t know, this complicates our case much more, especially since the trial is tomorrow, well, it’s happened again and not in such situations, samuil moiseevich.
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ivan valerievich, brusman is asking you to come, but why can’t he come in? apparently not, okay, i’ll come in, mate!
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the name is ivan oleevich, sit down, i ’ll stand, the conversation is not short, sit down, sit down, considering the grief that befell you and the state of your health, we decided that we will treat your decision to go on a long but paid
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vacation with understanding and respect. state, your state that you are thinking about, i know. why are you getting into this? why do you need it? you ’re not a bad doctor, a good doctor, ivan valerievich, but why don’t you love me so much? what does love have to do with it? the mentor sees in his student a continuator of his work, but i don’t see there is a successor in you. i saw it before, now i don’t, in whom do you see, in soveleva or in anton, maybe he is also susceptible to weaknesses, well , i don’t have what they have, you have a good head, bad hands, it’s empty here,
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the doctor should let you in the patient through his heart, become one, a doctor with talent. therefore, i don’t have enough of it, yes, how do you know what i feel during the operation, yes, i remember all your operations by heart, i don’t take my eyes off your hands, you may have talent, but in another way, the main thing is that there is talent, ivan valerievich, do you know we have talent? not so important, we need knowledge, right here, knowledge is quite enough,
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you see, ivan valerievich, but you underestimate me. well, tell me, recent surveys have shown
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that ratings are declining, how are they declining, why? many people sympathize, well , they sympathize with her now, until the point is over, everything will pass, they will forget, so guys, tomorrow, as agreed, don’t be late, that... but no, you know who, you are doctor tulp, i’m saying it right, mikhailov, acting chief physician, ribbon, yes,
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please prepare an order for the appointment of an acting person, in whose name, as in whose name, vyacheslav igorevich mikhailov will be done. sometimes the runny nose of fate robs people of their sense of smell, they stop hearing the smell of wise advice, strong words, beautiful, yes , i know you have difficulties, but we can help you, well, what will be our task, a small uprising in the center of the city, a few snipers , few corpses. nothing special, no, no, gam spartakovich, this won’t work, we don’t need it, an uprising is possible, but without corpses, okay, without corpses, but then everything should turn out impressive, let’s do it,
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now next, you know, i have a lot of influential rich friends, yes, i am aware, such people sometimes want to do some noble deed, yes, yes, for example, charity, well, for example, help and support. these are tailless bulls, and if we are people, everything is fine with us, then there is no topic that cannot be agreed upon, don’t worry,
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everything will be fine. the order is ready, thank you, i did everything right, i praise you, glory, glory, glory, i’m just the very beginning, you hear, the very beginning, what are you talking about, well, you should be happy, thank you, what are you doing? you know, brusman, when he signed the order of appointment, he put forward one condition, well, the order was signed, which means everything is in order, but you are not interested in what the conditions are, marrying me, you think it’s normal, well, you agreed, so it's fine, what about you?
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well, thank you, well, what am i, what am i, i’ve been agreeing for a long time, why? oh, okay, i'll explain to you, there are two reasons. first, i am a weak woman, so i need a husband, not brusman, second, i a strong woman, that’s why i need a husband like you, and what kind of me is promising. promising, he and you will be very, very good together, i won’t let anyone hurt you, and i won’t tell anyone about the volunteer, what are you talking about, i mean, what does the volunteer have to do with it, well, i have nothing to do with this, you understood me? i have
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nothing to do with this, well, i understood, i understood, you understood me, that’s right, you tell everyone that, you understood me, yes you understood, thank you, i understood, you’re saying everything correctly, you grabbed him savagely, like a shepherd dog, you so to everyone say words, although no, it’s better to remain silent, you’ll think, some kind of voluntary.
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well, not just, okay, hello, hello, hello, what about sanechka, have you seen her? i think that in about 20 minutes we will see her all, uh, thanks. so the passage here is closed, come in from the other side, what are the rules, these are the rules, what to do, okay, thank you.
2:00 am
hello hello! i don’t understand where sersha is, he’s coming, he’s coming, he didn’t come to your notes, boy, open up, well , where are they, somewhere far away.
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please sit down.
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please pay special attention that the version about negligence or medical error completely excludes the examination data. the drug that caused this one's death.
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to earn such a sum honestly, our accused would have to work for 14 years, just think about this figure, so the investigation convincingly proved both the guilt of the accused and the presence of a selfish motive. silence, i will remove you from the room, the representative of the defense has the floor.
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let's go out, hands behind our backs, yes, i'm walking, walking, walking, hands behind my back, yes, excuse me, but can you explain where to go now, let's go, you know, we need to they will look for us.
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i'll explain why. a terrible killer who committed his crime, and did it in a very strange way. he carefully preserved the ampoule and syringe, and left his fee and the printed packaging of the deadly drug in a visible place. after that, he waited patiently, for about two hours, for them to come to arrest him, knowing that arrest was inevitable.
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i note that it was during this belated period of decline that money and drugs were found. next, where is the examination of locks on office doors? are you sure that that night she alone opened this door? i’m not sure, because any employee could have taken the key to the office to make a duplicate, and if so, then there should be fingerprints in the lock, there should be traces, well, at least fresh scratches, so your honor, i protest, this is a provocation, i’m like a representative of the clinic’s management thinks that this is complete nonsense, i protest, we have an examination of the fingerprints taken by sambul, but it’s interesting, i want. cut it off, bring it,
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yeah, we read, no other prints were found during the examination, yes, only fingerprints, the accused, sit down, i ask you to familiarize yourself with the results of the independent examination, i protest, this examination was not announced, well, that’s right, we didn’t have time, you scheduled a court hearing so urgently that you didn’t even prepare yourself. i took out the ampoule, used a syringe to pump out
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the contents and gave it to them for research, it turned out that the factory-packaged ampoule had been handled by four other people before me, this is a real examination of a real simple ampoule, but for you this is a fantasy from the elders of zion, given to us all in the past. i now with yura, but i will still beat you off, and you will be my wife. don't be too upset, if anything happens, call. lord, what is this? you are our relative, right? sister, nastya was looking for you all evening, your phone was turned off, and where were you at night? yura, you will go from 8 to 12. i didn’t kill anyone, i will do everything to get him freed, i promise,
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we will get you out, you know, kirill, he says that kirill says, don’t let my affairs interfere, i really want you was happy, i'm happy with you, city of brides, on thursday friday on rtr. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. indulge yourself in a first-class holiday with leo
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resorts, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, golden beaches and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. wife, this is the cook. dishwasher, technician, teacher, teacher, seamstress, and my husband is tired at
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work, enough is enough, this is the inscription on a chinese maternity hospital, my name is givi, honor my grandfather, and my name is igor, honor of the twentieth olympic games, ted had no children, my father had no children, where are you from, i’m from minsk, izmailovo park, premiere on sunday on rtl. for the new executive director, on saturday, come on, are you having an affair with a married man? you are amazing, amazing, she is happy, i can see it, i have some kind of anxiety all the time, you will have to go with us to the investigative committee, why, you were detained on suspicion of arson of the company warehouse, it is obvious that someone benefited from you put, every mistake has its own price, no
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there will be a guilty party, there will be no insurance, that is , you, you want you to take on the wine, and the lawyer promises that he will get you a conditional sentence... “i trust you, only you, and roman, you trust him, you think, he is not involved in this story, it’s a mistake, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, explain where you are going, it’s difficult to explain what you want to do, but explain where you are taking him, and sit down, what do you mean by this, that an investigation was not carried out, but if it was carried out, then it is biased. we have a fact, there is an ampoule, clean as a tear, with fingerprints on it. only my client. what does it mean?
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what? night, an intruder sneaks into the office and opens the office door. larionov is not interested in castles. was it a master key or was it a duplicate key? enters the office , climbs into the closet, takes out a box with the drug, takes out the ampoule, wipes it thoroughly so as not to leave his fingers, i emphasize, carefully, destroys all those prints that were ever on it, and after that, after that he, he makes... a murderous substitution, that's it, your honor, defense demands that the case be returned for further investigation, that my client be immediately released, that larionov be suspended from work , that an internal investigation be ordered, how much do you take yourself for granted, is it normal,
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soveliva could have erased her fingerprints, she could have erased someone else’s in order to leave her own? serge, you’re here, but where am i, okay, maybe i ’ll take the bag off my head, try it.
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very good, oh god, thank you, lord, thank you, listen, what are you, a believer or something, but a believer, i say, actually i’m baptized, yes, well, it’s clear, the bastards came up with a good idea, they scared us, and from they got rid of us everything was brilliant, they came up with a bad idea, they didn’t intimidate anyone, they just provoked them, they had to kill, of course, but now it’s all over for them, i’ll find them, damn, okay, i need to go find the car, that’s it, i have friends, i understand your point desire to burn out your colleague, you can , of course, write larivan off as an idiot or a half-educated person, but somehow it doesn’t work out, i read
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his service record, larionov is a most experienced professional, when such a bison is unexpected. is becoming stupid, there must be very good reasons for this, these reasons must be found, defender, i deprive you of your word, your honor, i am dumb like charlie chablin, let him rot in prison, silence in the hall, a break is announced until tomorrow, everyone is free.
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yes, there is a certain interest. joseph brusman, head of the crime scene, so to speak, director of the clinic. oh, you know, all this is somehow very offensive, our famous clinic appears in such a case, this is some kind of injustice, you know, you assume, of course, i believe, this is the clinic of the famous professor nilsky, can you imagine, he died yesterday, not withstood the death of his wife, oh, please accept my sincere words. well, how can i tell you, all his
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materials, and this, i assure you, is a most valuable scientific research, he handed over to your humble servant, but can i ask you for an interview, say, say, tomorrow morning, to be honest, i don’t like interviews, i’m a modest person , not public, if it’s early tomorrow morning, because then the continuation of this... yes, imagine, i’m off to work, well, see you at work,
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hello, moiseevich, i’m a newspaper correspondent. komsmolsky bulletin, i was at the trial, i saw how you performed, i was shocked by your performance, thank you, could you do me the honor and give me an interview, yes, but the process is still underway, but why not, a pr man wouldn’t hurt, you know, you have 20 minutes of time, perhaps, there ’s a cafe nearby, let’s go, i’ll show you, in general, let’s go, i have the first question for you, tell me, have you started doing this business a long time ago? yes, hello, hello, hello!
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lord, what's going on? it was you who killed him, sovelya.
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hands facing the wall, weapons, drugs, valuables there are things, i immediately realized that it was you who killed the volunteer. you won’t survive here, but i will help you get comfortable here, you are mine.
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oh, savelyeva is on her way out. st. petersburg news on the air of the russia channel, olga rostova is with you, hello, the topics of this issue. we switched to bikes. traffic police officers in st. petersburg and the leningrad region opened their motorcycle season. long way through traffic jams. at what stage is the overhaul of the federal highway r-23. about what is our business.
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we’ll tell you the right one in the rough language of a poster: the new exhibition in st. petersburg is almost biblical history in the theater for young spectators, premiere, a new reading of ostafiev's story, the king of fish. accident in the primorsky district in the morning at the intersection of kolomyazhsky test avenues, an accident involving public transport occurred and a child was injured. the moment of the collision was recorded by a cctv camera. the footage shows how the trolleybus turns left, but approximately in the middle of the intersection it is rammed by a tram. from a strong push, the heavy car almost falls on its side. a four-year-old boy was injured inside the car. with a head injury the child was hospitalized in a condition of moderate severity. the police are conducting an investigation
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to establish all the circumstances of the incident. passing non-stop today , the penultimate rehearsal of the victory day parade took place on the palace square. this time, all participants put on full dress uniform, and military equipment was lined up in columns. before the start of the passage, a theatrical performance on the theme of the great patriotic war. all the higher military schools of st. petersburg, officers of the headquarters of the leningrad district, students of cadet classes and young army men. the first rehearsal has already passed. at the beginning of april, but the training was not so massive, only combat units practiced movements around the area, this time the parade was completed by combat vehicles led by the legendary t-34 tank. as the organizers emphasize, for the parade participants it is an encouragement, not an obligation. it’s hard, not physically, we are physically ready to endure any
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load, it’s hard mentally, god forbid, we will be worse than our grandfathers. here, which trains military personnel for the troops law and order, is famous for the fact that we have always valiantly fulfilled our assigned tasks with honor. during the rehearsal, nearby streets were closed to traffic and pedestrians, however, both st. petersburg residents and city guests reacted to this with understanding. the dress rehearsal for the parade is ahead. due to the major overhaul of the federal highway r-23, this is the highway from st. petersburg to pskov. further to the border with belarus, drivers sometimes spend several hours in traffic jams, road workers say it’s worth the wait as they transform highway when its reconstruction is completed, vyacheslav novozhilov found out. federal highway r-23 or kiev highway, length is almost 500 km, at one end of the highway is st. petersburg, at the other is the border with belarus, along the way is
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pskov. the route is busy, commercial and touristic. traffic in some places reaches 20,000 cars per day; ipskovitan andrei alekseev regularly travels along this road. we go to the st. petersburg side here to work, so for us it’s like saying, the faster we get there, the better it is for us, we’ll just have more rest, faster let's get home. andrey pronounces the driver’s truism for a reason. recently, the journey has begun to take longer due to reconstruction of traffic jams on the route. my comrades stood for 7 hours when... something will go very wrong, thank god i didn’t stand for that long, a maximum of 45 minutes, an hour, well, maybe a little more, while many drivers recognize the need to widen the road, instead of two lanes on the section from 80 to 11 km they will have four, and a dividing line will be installed barrier, it will reduce the risk of accidents when leaving the the oncoming lane, naturally four lanes, this will increase, or rather reduce, the time of movement
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there on the highway simply by several times, because it is also loaded with cargo. their car will not need to be overtaken in oncoming traffic, cctv and speed cameras will be installed , a weight control point is also planned, where we met at the beginning, it will be planned to install an automatic weight control point. there are now five reverse sections on this section; traffic on them is regulated by a traffic light. time intervals are constantly being adjusted, to reduce traffic jams. if you get from traffic light to traffic light, sometimes there is such a failure, and of course, yes, it takes quite a while, well, a long period of time. and now we got there successfully. okay, we're done. the contractor has certain people who monitor this, who are there themselves. well, on friday, this is in the direction of mskogov, on sunday in the direction of st. petersburg, they drive by themselves, look, stand in traffic jams, specially mark the time, and of course they try to regulate it, the section from 97 to 11 km is a contractor
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promises to be completed this year, this section is almost finished, this means laying sand, crushed stone and asphalt layers, from the eightieth to the 97th kilometers the soil is strengthened, the soft marshy soil is replaced with sand. on... future lanes, forest and bushes are being cut down, they plan to complete the repairs here in the fall of next year, in the village of sorochkino some work has been done, say, on the right side of the roadbed, on the construction of road pavement, culverts have been installed, in sorochkino and four more in populated areas the road goes noise barriers will be installed through them, and the contractor will also arrange ramps to the sites of local residents. drainage will be done - along the entire road, sidewalks, uh, pedestrian crossings will be made, which means, again, in two stages, about twenty pedestrian crossings with controlled traffic lights will be made, uh,
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the road will be fully illuminated, lighting poles will be installed, a real test awaits motorists ahead , may holidays. after numerous requests from drivers, the customer contractor agreed to remove the reverse restrictions on all sections up to the twelfth. we remove the signs, remove the traffic lights and people drive along the two-lane road that exists; we will finish the asphalt here and open a second lane on the new asphalt. subsequently , the roadsides will be replanted with grass, the fauna will be taken care of from the trees given over to scab, the workers will remove three nests of ayests, and now the birds are settling into new places. vyacheslav novozhilov, yuri moroz, sergei larichev, news from the leningrad region. the police are opening the summer season. traffic police officers began patrolling the roads on motorcycles. u state traffic inspectors of st. petersburg and the leningrad region 20 service bikes. all with high speed characteristics. these allow you to overtake even the most daring
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offender on the road. in anticipation of the season , motorized platoon officers received additional training, improved their skills in driving official vehicles, and also underwent emergency response training. the condition of the equipment was checked during the drill inspection. it was conducted by the deputy head of state. region igor nikishin. the task for the entire period of traffic police in st. petersburg, leningradskaya the opening of the motorcycle season to reduce the severity of the consequences of road accidents, that is, to reduce the number of people killed in road accidents and those injured, and, accordingly, the control that is placed on the head of the heads is to reduce road traffic.


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