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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  May 1, 2024 4:56am-5:16am MSK

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they will bring me to me in handcuffs, how is that? yes, as an accomplice in murder, sit down, address of the committee, you know, makarova lane 15, yes, i’m waiting for you until four, ask shvetsova, that’s it, sorry, i forgot how, nastya, yes, hello, nastya, i’m listening to you, eh, i, i found it in my mailbox today, here. this, these are the keys to the car, from andryushina, yeah, and the car, the car was standing in the yard, when i went out, it was locked, everything is fine, yeah, you drove it, no, i just, i just thought, there are prints there, well, right, you thought right, oh yes, also, i found it guide. seat, this is probably
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the one who was driving, dropped it, and andrey, no-no-no, andryusha, andryusha didn’t smoke, yeah, strange cigarettes, i’ve never seen those, but i saw them once, at a corporate party in the crime building, i smoked the same cigarettes there. andrei’s boss, but i honestly don’t remember his name, afanasyev, yes, afanasyev, no, but she came to the theater, but as i understand it, she attended beletsky’s performance exclusively, but it can’t be that no one there knew where she lives, who told you that beletski collected. buy
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apartment, but everyone there knows about it, it was actually a choral performance, well, he was friends with someone, boss, what do you want me to do in 40 minutes in a drunken stupor to find out the whole ins and outs of their theatrical relationship, well, you don’t need everyone, what are you doing, he said what? wait, on kronverskoe, what's on kronverskoe? beletsky lived with her on kronverskoye for some time, and does gromova live on kronverskoye? yes, yes, yes, here is kronversky. so here’s the phone number on
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petrogradskaya, yesterday after my visit this aleftina called petrogradskaya, yes, andryush, give me the address, come on, petrogradskaya, yeah. yes, marya sergeevna, and ol, you were going to the laboratory. listen, please give them this for their fingers. afanasyev's fingers should be here. ask for it to be done urgently. afanasyeva? yes, and as soon as they do, let them call me. thank you. excuse me, marya sergeevna, hello, can i come to you? hello, are you coming to see me? yes, well, come in, have a seat. thank you. well. what
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's happened? and marya sergeevna, i heard that afanasyev was arrested, detained, well , it doesn’t matter, they were detained, marya sergeevna, i i came to tell you only one thing, i ’ve known george for almost 10 years, yeah, he’s a decent person, a workaholic, well, a fanatic of his business, i didn’t imagine that what i ’m telling you would become, well, actually a death sentence for him, if i knew this was coming, sorry for interrupting you. i must reassure you, in addition to your testimony, there is other evidence of afanasyev’s guilt. yes. moreover, there is a witness that the credestroy company is involved in a fraudulent scheme. what are you talking about? yes, the result of which to date has been two corpses. yes. this witness is the girlfriend of the deceased biletsky. she is a lawyer. and she directly communicated with the fraudster who sold biletsky an apartment from the credestroy company. therefore, i hope that with her help we will find out the scammer. i suspect that
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the credestroy company will have to look for a new director, a nightmare, you understand, the company will not exist, yeah. so, in a nightmare i can’t imagine that georgy participated in some kind of scam, he is so sensitive to the reputation of the company, well, i told you, listen, sergey, these are lyrics, but we have facts, and these facts categorically indicate that afanasyev is not only a fraudster, but also a murderer. like this. yes. however, we'll wait and see. everything will depend on gromova. they brought gromovo, here she is, uh -huh, well, excuse me, it’s time, yes, yes, of course, i understand, i’ll call you, okay, all the best, hello, come in, margarita,
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have a seat. so, i am investigator marya sergeevna shvetsova and i am leading the case of the murder of oleg beletsky, as i understand it, your friend. do you suspect me of murder? of course not, guys, don't run too far. so, as i understand it, you helped your friend biletsky when buying an apartment. what kind of apartment?
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you were threatened, which means you have nothing to tell me, absolutely, then i will tell you, when biletsky paid money for an apartment in a small agency, you, as a lawyer, carefully checked the agreement and did not find any catch in it, you even went to the construction site and looked at pit, especially since... it wasn’t listed, the head of the sales department klyuev, who himself was
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unpleasantly surprised by this story, told you about it, promised i vowed to figure everything out, i really asked you not to go to the police, i was afraid for the reputation of the company, but you continued to look for the agency you were with... so that all the shareholders would be in the same position as us, yeah, but once in the office, he encounters a swindler, recognizes him, tries to detain him, even wound him with a clerical knife, but was killed with a dagger just given to klyuev. but the swindler
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killed two birds with one stone, eliminated beletsky, who thirsted for his blood, and frames klyuev, who is also digging the ground to find scammers and, by the way, finds them, but dies, what? klyuev was killed? yes, then i don’t understand at all why you need me, you know everything. i have nothing to add, i will repeat my question, they threatened you, yes, they called you at work and at home, of course, then the question is, all the employees
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of the cross-construction building were there for the new year holidays, did you see the realtor there with whom you entered into an agreement? no, he wasn’t there, yes, listen, we looked at the fingers on the pack, afanasyev’s fingers, here. thank you, i have ice cream, well, margarita, i should make you happy, the criminal is in the cell, more you... no one will threaten you, i 'll call you, so you caught him, yes, come home, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye.
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stop, let the girl go. let's be silent, oleg, fedorchuk,
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i want to do it. confession, dad, keep quiet, and klyuev and beletsky, i killed, i know, debts, counter, take them both. dad, i didn’t want my son’s hand,
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here is afanasyev’s alibi. now it’s clear with whom he spent the evening when klyuev was killed. how did you guess? did you guess it? well, how? first, afanasyeva brought a pack of cigarettes to klyuev. i realized that afanasyev is not guilty. well what's it just set up? moreover, it was framed by a person who knew exactly what the evidence was. his fault is not enough, well, then fedorchuk is the only one who could absolutely
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control the construction site. then, when he came to me, everything became clear, he came to clarify, and now there is enough evidence against afanasyev? i provoked him, told him about gromov, like that. yes, hello, i need an investigator. shvetsova. i'm shvetsova. i'm boar. who? kaban andrey timofeevich, i'm gone. and, andrey timofeevich, you know what, come tomorrow. okay, but you just said it, and you can do without things. seriously? okay, goodbye, happy new year. with new happiness. dima,
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it’s so early, there are still 3 hours until the new year, you’re at home, at home, stuffed peppers. opens fire, is this what our fighters will use as bait for the germans? battle for crimea, premiere, from may 6 on rtr. five of us ate an appetizer in the yard, pies, filling, eggs, all with respect. you walked around the restaurant, proudly raising your head, although on all fours,
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i’ll put everything aside, either i’ll kill the horse, or i’ll set the hut on fire. only wouldn't work, right? full house and company, premiere on may 1 on rtr. so, firstly, i should all stand calmly, and secondly, come on, let me give it up, calmly everyone, they set a course for a good mood, girl, where are you flying, and are not going to deviate from it. artists invited by us. as of may 1, they still haven’t left, these people will kill anyone who can’t stand it right now, you will be offered a hot one already, you had two apples, i ate one, i ate one,
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that’s it, i’m calling, my patience is running out , odessa steamship on may 1 on rtr posters on the tv channel culture, theater, music, fine arts may 1. the bolshoi and maly theaters present a joint opera and drama performance for the 150th anniversary of the world premiere of the play snow maiden by alexander nikolaevich ostrovsky, for which he wrote the music.
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and long-time muse of andrei voznesensky. the rukavishnikov estate in nizhny novgorod presents more than 2.0 pieces of porcelain and glass in open storage. among the exhibits are ancient greek ceramics, chinese and japanese porcelain, italian majolica, venetian glass, russian gzhel, as well as a product of western european and russian porcelain manufactories of the 16th centuries. on the centenary day of the birth of viktor petrovich ostafiev, the krasnoyarsk opera and ballet theater named after vorostovsky presents an evening of ballet in the last bow based on the works of the writer, artistic director of the project vladimir vasiliev. at the kazan drama theater named after kochalov the premiere performance of hamlet based on shakespeare's tragedy. production, musical solutions and costumes by alexander slavutsky. ilisoversaladze's solo concert will take place in the large hall of the st. petersburg philharmonic. works by schubert, brahms, liszt and prokofiev will be performed. the ballet bright stream to the music
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of dmitry shestakovich is performed at the mikhailovsky theater. direction and choreography by alexander am. the opera by akhmet zhubanov and latif hamidi abay is performed at the astana opera theater. directed by giancarlo del monaco. musical director alan buribayev. the musical theater ander wien is broadcasting george frideric handel's dramatic oratorio theodore until 12 august. the play was staged by stefan herheim.


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