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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 1, 2024 9:00am-9:41am MSK

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tomorrow is the first hearing, usually they don’t make decisions, so i’ll need money for a lawyer, i’ll go on looking, okay. hello, on the russia tv channel , irina rossius is presenting in the studio.
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from may 1, it will be impossible to buy expired dairy products, and future students will be able to find a job in their specialty even before entering the university. what else will change from today? in georgia, a crowd tried to block parliament; police fired rubber bullets and watered protesters with tear gas. and what did they lead to?
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restrictions on prices for russian oil, which were introduced by the g7 countries, at parliamentary hearings in london, insurers released shocking data. the russian army is developing an offensive in the special operation zone, sergei shaigu announced this today. the minister of defense visited the headquarters of the joint group of forces, where he heard reports from the commanders. they introduced him to the head of the military department. developments to combat ukrainian drones, shaigu also instructed to increase the supply of modern weapons and equipment, primarily strike weapons. for supporting the required rate of advance to ensure the build-up of the combat strength of troop groups. for further actions, it is necessary to increase the volume and quality of military equipment supplied to the troops , primarily weapons of destruction. government contracts have been concluded with industrial enterprises taking them into account. full loading and
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maximum reduction of production time for weapons and military equipment. a new missile strike was carried out this night on the military infrastructure of odessa. according to preliminary data, the headquarters of the southern command of the armed forces of ukraine was hit. in the special operation zone , the su-34 crew worked on strongholds and places where manpower was concentrated. vacuum bombs destroy any fortifications and leave the enemy no chance. after the attack, the pilots perform a coup, avoiding a possible retaliatory strike. fierce fighting is taking place right now in the chasoy yar area, where the defense of ukrainian forces is being weakened by paratroopers. kamikaze drone operators destroyed a us javlin missile site. in these shots , the target of our military is the dugout of the ukrainian formations. in the south of the dpr. fire the attack aircraft are supported by the crews of t-80 tanks. they strike at the rear.
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the subject of a report by eduard punigov. south donetsk direction, vicinity of the village of staromaiskaya. the 394th regiment of the fifth army from primorye is working at the forefront. an assault unit is attacking an enemy stronghold. soldiers methodically defend fortified positions.
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we mainly work in the forest clearings near the entrance to staromayorsk, we do not work in a standard way, but based on what is happening on the battlefield, we evaluate from this and move forward. myself personally, i’m working on this, we think it should be, perhaps somewhere a change, an adjustment, is already beginning. according to tsoval, the enemy is already noticeably exhausted. he doesn’t snap back so much, it happens that they leave their position and leave, but there are, yes, there are some who are at war, and some who are not, most of them have already lost heart. stormtroopers usually work in small groups, move in short bursts, and try to confuse the enemy. close to assault units. crews do not always work; they are located at a distance of approximately 2 km from the advance group; they help adjust the course of hostilities if necessary, provide fire support using komika drones. essentially, these are the eyes of the entire assault group. drone operators warn soldiers of
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possible danger and suggest how best to behave on the battlefield. we are adjusting our assault groups, we are starting them, we are also monitoring them, and we are monitoring the battle. operators. to test yourself in front of your homeland, to show yourself, another attack aircraft with the call sign violinist also went on a special operation for volunteers, how do you feel when you enter the army? the feeling is basically no fear, there is a feeling that i must complete the task at any
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cost. all movements of soldiers during an attack are brought to the point of automaticity, attack aircraft understand perfectly well that the life of the entire unit depends on the actions of each soldier. donetsk direction. a grandiose exhibition of damaged military equipment from nato countries opens today in moscow. the leading developments of the military industry of the collective west, which became trophies of the russian army, will be presented at the site of the memorial complex. the last one was delivered there at night the current exhibit is the american abrams tank. our military destroyed him in the vdeevsky direction. well, from the paving stones of poklonnaya hill , our correspondent grigory vdovin comes into direct contact with the studio. gregory, hello, what are the first impressions of your visitors? good afternoon, friends, indeed, today here on poklonnaya hill the event is truly significant, the exhibition is preparing to open its doors, the official opening is scheduled for 10:00
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am, that is, there are literally the last minutes left before the opening, the crane was working until last moment, i left the site just recently, well, it should be noted that... there is really something to look at here, the absolute majority of armored vehicles supplied by nato countries to the ukrainian troops for more than 2 years in the northern military district are presented here, a total of 32 samples, of the significant ones so far, only the british challenger is missing, but this can only be explained by the fact that the ukrainian military leaders and their western curators are keeping it far from the front line, so we can say with a high degree of confidence that they would have brought it too too, everything else is there, and the german leopard is american. what is called barefoot, but given the circumstances of how it fell into the hands of our military, as they say, we didn’t
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come up with this, i suggest listening to a fragment of an interview with a representative of the russian ministry of defense, this is not the first time our people have seen a captured one. lowered down, they look at the ground, the semantic point is especially emphasized, this is precisely the defeated technology, the exhibition is open daily from 10 to 20 hours, entrance until 19, here on poklonnaya hill, this place is significant, slogan at the exhibition, history repeats itself, it should also be noted that there will be employees of the ministry of defense near the enemy equipment, who
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will be ready to answer questions from visitors, the exhibition will run here in the park near the victory museum on poklonnaya hill throughout may until the thirty- first day, colleagues, i invite everyone. it’s very interesting here, thank you, gregory, my colleagues and i thank you for such a wonderful live broadcast, let me remind you that our correspondent worked on poklonnaya hill. so the pentagon is trying to convince. germany, the netherlands, poland, spain and greece. so far, only athens has responded to the statement from washington. the greek military said they would not transfer anything. american entrepreneur elon musk is sure that no supplies will help ukraine. he wrote that russia will in any case liberate four former ukrainian
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regions that have already become part of it following the results of the referendum. the only remaining question, according to musk: will russia take odessa? now to other topics. big water is shifting to the northeast of the tyumen region, the ishim river rose by 84 cm in one day. several settlements are completely cut off from roads, residents are sharing footage. flooded streets, the situation is monitored from drones, operators are filming almost around the clock, which allows the operational headquarters to quickly make decisions. in the kurgan region, a moderate increase in water is recorded in one of the districts, in most areas the flood is declining, but so far the tobol has not gone and entered its usual rush. from 15 to 30 cm disappear per day. buryat liquidates the consequences of the hurricane, strong winds blew away billboards, roofs, and fences. energy.
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the storm damaged the wires and caused a large fire in the vicinity of ulanu. report by tatyana kostygova. a large-scale fire occurred at night in the republic of buryatia. the snt brickworks, where we are now, suffered the most from the disaster. in snt, located in the vicinity of ulanude, a fire destroyed 17 country houses, without incident... investigators are working, establishing the cause of the fire, compiling a count of victims,
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recording the property that was damaged in case of a fire, employees of the fire testing laboratory are also working on site, which is focused on establishing the cause of the outbreak, the fire was extinguished, about 70 personnel and 19 units of fire equipment were involved in extinguishing the fire, the total area of ​​the fire in the suburb of uland was: the fire was completely eliminated 4 morning local time. together with firefighters and rescuers , volunteers fought the fire all night. a special commission has begun its work to determine the extent of the damage caused by the fire. authorities the republics promise to quickly provide assistance where permanent housing has been damaged. all necessary measures are being taken. help where the damage has occurred will certainly be provided promptly, but in general, not all the results have yet been summed up. emergency services are inspecting the affected areas, a total of 10 fires were recorded in ulanudy, all
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of them have been extinguished; at the site of the santakirpichnik fire, debris removal continues to assess the consequences of the disaster. tatiana kostygova, oleg onosov, lead buryatia. in russia today in honor of may 1st there are concerts, folk festivals, car rallies and competitions. one of the main traditions is trade union actions. this year they are held under the motto: decent work for everyone, a guarantee of well-being. in the far east of kolchina. blooming may. the vladivostok holiday is already in full swing. ksenia's report of the holiday canceled the wind and fog that are so characteristic of spring in the city by the sea. the asphalt is also blooming with colors, children dedicate drawings to may day, in which there is no place for dark tones. music and dancing, holiday mood in every city square. the first of may in vladivostok is not only city festivities, but also flags at dawn.
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we’re just not building, right here on the site. on the territory of the russia my story park, everyone could pass the gto standards or visit the fairy-tale village. the reenactors club has equipped a corner dedicated to russia, where.
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their years of life about the innovations that come into force today: stores in russia will no longer be able to sell expired milk. from that day on, the automatic locking mechanism began to work. the cash register just doesn't will let the product pass if the expiration date has expired or is not in the system, an honest sign. labeling of this system has also become mandatory on jars of red and black caviar. it is now impossible to sell a fake delicacy through a store. the excise tax on wine and champagne has tripled. this will lead to an increase in prices, according to manufacturers' estimates, from 7 to 35% , depending on the brand. from may 15 , mandatory dna collection will be introduced for blood relatives of missing people. genomic data will be stored for up to 70 years. now there are almost 28 people in the search database in russia, about thousands of them are children. the main innovation of the upcoming admissions campaign for universities and colleges
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, from may 1, employers begin to place offers for applicants for targeted training at... non-state pension funds are required to observe the so-called cooling-off period, russians now have 14 days to refuse npf services from the date of conclusion of the contract without any penalties. and from this day on, the limit for free transfers through the fast payment system has increased 300 times. now you can transfer up to 30 million rubles between your accounts in different banks. in the krasnoyarsk territory on the centenary of the writer victor. opened a national center dedicated to his legacy. in the writer’s homeland, in the small village of ovsyanka , there is already a memorial complex, where fans of his work come from all over the country. he volunteered to go to war and wrote a lot about it, creating stern and honest images in his works about the difficult literary path of a real siberian. ilya kanavin. this is my office.
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yes. there is an upper room, then there is a kitchen. only 28. threshold of the house where he has been creating for the last 20 years it’s enough like this, you’re going to go to viktor petrovich osafiev, this is his office, what is this, this is this one, yeah, he talked about it 28 m2, this is the whole house, seriously, yes, this is the whole house, what’s this, this is 9 km, he never asked anything from the authorities, from the leaders, about the leaders without a call, he wrote with some accumulated fatigue, they only devastated decay. he was 7 years old when his mother drowned in the yenissei; she was sailing in a boat on a date with her husband, who, as was customary in the thirties, was imprisoned for sabotage. victor was orphaned for the second time after his father returned from camps, he remarried, and his stepmother literally survived vitya, his children are enough. ostafiev became a deddomovite; he will tell what it was like decades later in the book
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of theft. everything he wrote was autobiographical, leisurely, painstakingly, precise to the touch. tries to tell about ostafiev, how he knew him, how he feels, but we keep talking about how many we have, how many territories, how much we have earned, how much we have collected, how much of what, and what kind of people are we? this was the question that worried viktor petrovich most of all. the boys are still playing completely different merciless performance "starfall". it, like
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the sibiryachok theater itself, was created by the writer’s granddaughter, polina. i couldn’t resist asking: isn’t it scary to give such soul-rending material to very young people? it’s a terrible work, it’s so terrible, the war is good. so i always say: no, let’s write how good everything was, well, no. seriously, he began to write about it many years after the victory, his books, the main ones of which are the king fish, about people, the taiga,
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about the indestructible, deep present, astafiev’s taiga rustles with its branches with every needle, you can breathe in, his heroes are almost never just good or bad, alive, which means they are different inside themselves, never judged by them and seem to be embarrassed.
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his legacy is 15 volumes, each page of which he wrote with an ink pen. the creator of nature gave me my parents, my parents gave me my life. my dear fatherland, she created my destiny. i am not their judge, nor their pointer, nor their ideological mentor, the stern kindness of viktor ostafiev. this is news, this is what will happen next in our program: in georgia, a crowd tried to block parliament, the police shot
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they sprayed protesters with salinity gas with rubber bullets. in the usa, in different states , the police again dispersed students who supported palestine. we'll talk about this not only after the commercial, see you. attention, everyone, we are entering the german patrol zone. “premiere for victory day, we need to liberate the skies of crimea from the germans, i ordered the transfer of the pathan to the 267th regiment, major roman, what would you do, come on, you are standing romanov, which mr. planted, then a special thank you from me personally, let’s go dance , nikolaevich, i don’t i dance, doesn’t dance and doesn’t drink, here she is, you have officer’s shoulder straps and behave like the last one? welcome to the ranks of those who have stumbled, your homeland has given you a chance to atone for your guilt, only penal prisoners go into battle, the tasks are not easy,
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you will have to act in operational enemy, fighters, battle for the crimea, attention, everyone is ready for battle, you are out of your mind, you are walking from above, i said to accept the battle, on may 6 at rtr they say you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest, you need to rest beautifully, but rest. necessary, where the sun and sea are, on the first coastal one, where everything is included except the head. we know everything about relaxation, relax. annex welcome to the premium magavish villa in hurghada, where luxury rooms and villas combine with gold.
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1 km long. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your vacation unforgettable. rixas premium magavish suites & villas. the holiday you've been dreaming about. we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmelsheikh, the first swissotel in the world operating on an all-inclusive system. give yourself a break. where is elegance and natural beauty merge into perfect harmony. create memories that will stay in your heart forever. swissotel sharmel shaikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic luxury collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible
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culinary. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic lakshery collection bodrum. we go to the doctor and take up a lot of his time with empty complaints. and we don't go to the doctor when i seriously need to go. warned to know.
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the most important information from the most competent sources, take care of your body comprehensively, take care of yourself and be healthy, about the most important things, from monday to friday on rtr. your job, were you filming? dash, she's in the hospital, in intensive care. it's not my fault. i will find them, i yearn. i know where he went. nikita, where? either you get out of here now, or i’ll get out of here now. wait, it's your son. love overcomes everything. today on
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rtr. this is news, we are continuing the release. police in tbilis dispersed opponents all night bill on foreign agents. the protesters tried to build barricades, and special forces had to use stun grenades, rubber bullets, pepper spray and water cannons to restore order. as of this moment, more than 60 people have been detained. six police officers were injured during the clashes. chronicle of events by sergei samokha. the police are shot with fireworks, canisters with tear gas instantly fly towards the protesters and fall straight into the crowd. water cannons and rubber bullets are used. still hundreds protesters are trying to break through the cordon to block the entrance to parliament so that deputies cannot leave the building. thousands
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of people began to gather in the center of tbilisi. in order to prevent the adoption of the law on foreign agents, at what was supposed to be a peaceful protest, people wearing masks almost immediately appeared, hiding their faces , insults were thrown towards the police and the crowd tried to block the entrances, everything instantly escalated into a massive clash with the security forces. police are trying to push back the roaring crowd from the walls of the legislative assembly, in the streets barricades, bus drivers and...
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rybeshvili begin to appear. she called on security forces to immediately stop the violence. the president, in all seriousness , convinced the police, who at that moment were receiving fireworks from behind the barricades, that the protest was peaceful and did not threaten anyone. i appeal to the minister of internal affairs to immediately stop the dispersal of a peaceful demonstration, the use of disproportionate force, and violence against young people who came with their bare hands. the action is peaceful and does not represent no threat to order in the capital. support. opposition politicians also came who agreed, they deliberately began to provoke the police, and then, with tears in their eyes , they assured the cameras that such aggression on the part of the special forces was unjustified. what the police are doing is illegal, people held a peaceful
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protest, you see what the police are doing, they are behaving illegally, but our people will never surrender, the georgian people will win this battle, only closer to midnight, the special forces were able to push back. buzzing from the entrance to parliament, however, there were still barricades on the approaches to the legislative assembly. until 4 am , shots were heard in the center of tbilisi, the police used tear gas canisters, and the crowd went home only closer to dawn. sergey samokha, news. in the united states , the confrontation between students supporting palestine and law enforcement officers is growing. reports of clashes are coming from universities in various states. the nypd blocked it. all approaches to columbia university were blocked throughout the entire surrounding area. students barricaded themselves in one of the buildings. they demand that the university sever all ties with academic institutions in israel. with the permission of the university administration, the police entered the building through the windows. about 100
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people were detained. in florida, at the university of tampa , police used gas to disperse protests. there are victims among students. israel itself still threatens to launch a ground operation in rafah, from which it is being dissuaded. all allies, including washington, the palestinians , their neighbors, are preparing for a possible new round of aggravation, our reports from the middle east correspondents sergei pashkov and alexander bilibov. the israeli army is preparing to clear the city of rafah in the south of the gaza strip. there, almost on the border with egypt, there are several battalions of militants from the zedim al-qassam brigades. the top hamas leadership may be hiding there. we will fulfill the military tasks assigned to us. we 'll go in.
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hamas, destroying their military infrastructure. these huge bulldozers , armored and protected from outside shelling, are destroying operational tunnels. investigates all violations of the law as soon as possible the actions of the international criminal court are an attempt to paralyze israel's very ability to defend itself. the government and people of israel categorically reject this serious threat to our
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security. the situation today can swing in any direction. at this moment , the head of the american state department , antony blinken, arrives in israel, whose mission in this situation is difficult and difficult to accomplish. sergey pashkov, alexander ivanyuk. despite a significant reduction in the pace of hostilities, the confrontation between hamas combat units and idf units did not stops even for a day. according to the kator
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tv channel al-jazeera, fighters of the islamic resistance movement in battles with the israelis almost universally switched to guerrilla warfare tactics using improvised explosive devices, ambushes, and this strategy is successful. the humanitarian situation in the gas sector still remains difficult; regular airdrops of food and basic necessities cannot change it in any way, but the system has been virtually destroyed. health enclave are now trying literally piece by piece. we do not plan to open the entire hospital, as it was before, but there is a minimum package of services that we expect from secondary medical institutions of this level. maternity ward, operating theatres, emergency department, pediatrics, intensive care unit and neonatal unit. despite the fact that international pressure on israel for a ceasefire in gaza is growing, tel aviv does not seem to... intend to abandon plans for an offensive on rafah, the southernmost
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the city of the enclave, where over a million refugees now remain. the parties are now discussing a new plan proposed by egypt, according to which at least 20 hamas hostages can return home within 3 weeks, and israel must cease hostilities in the enclave during this time. the answer to this proposal may be given during the next round of negotiations, which is expected to take place in cairo this week. alexander bilivov, dmitry shcherbakov and maria bolatvina. news: middle east. limitation of prices for russian oil, which introduced by the g7 countries, led to the strengthening of the shadow market for maritime transport. this was discussed at the international club of insurers. in a statement presented at parliamentary hearings in london, experts stated that the restrictions were already working poorly, and with the growth of shadow operations they are becoming increasingly unfeasible and, therefore, useless. the club added that due to sanctions pressure , about 800 tankers left the organization. this signals a big change in the global shipping system
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. stopped 64 years ago reconnaissance flights of american aviation in the airspace of our country. before this, spy planes were inaccessible to the russian air defense, but on may 1, 1960 , soviet anti-aircraft gunners intercepted an american aircraft for the first time in the skies over the urals. the powers pilot managed to eject and was arrested. new declassified data about this case in the report by mikhail yakunin. may 1 is not just a holiday for iya medvedeva, but also the anniversary of a historical event that she witnessed in 1960 in the sky above a pop was heard in the povarnya village, and then a paratrooper appeared in one of the vegetable gardens, the first ones approached, he immediately raised his hands, there was no pistol, nothing, then he came to this one. only later did the name of the pilot, who turned out to be americans, become known; his name was
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francis harry powers. soon kgb officers came for him. several more groups combed the area and interviewed witnesses. powers took off into the sky from an airfield in pakistan and was to complete its flight in norway, flying through the territory of the soviet union. by using highly sensitive cameras along the way collecting data on ussr defense facilities. the americans considered the lokhita 2 spy plane inaccessible to soviet missiles. none of them knew then that the ussr had already put on combat duty this s-75 dvina mobile anti-aircraft missile system, which, by the way, was produced in sverdlovsk, at the kalinin plant. this rocket could rise to an altitude of 30 km, while spy planes flew at an altitude of 20-23 km. at the trial, the american spy did not deny his guilt, especially since all the collected the evidence was against him, including weapons and flight maps. powers was sentenced to 10 years in prison, with the first
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years to be served in prison, but already in 1962 he was exchanged for the soviet intelligence officer rudolf abel. decades later, historians put forward their own versions of the spy’s visit to the ussr. we believe that the main purpose of this flight of the spy powers was, after all , to photograph the area north of the oral sea, where at that time there was still a rather secret facility, the baikanur cosmodrome. incident with the u2 plane put an end to the americans’ plans to continue reconnaissance flights over the ussr, well, francis harry powers himself, having returned to america, soon left military aviation for civilian aviation. he died on august 1 , 1977 in the crash of a helicopter he was piloting. mikhail yakunin and arthur narsesov, leading the urals. well, next we will talk about the events of the capital region.
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