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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  May 1, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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everyone really likes it, there are a lot of people who want to see the capital from the water, of course, i was pleasantly surprised that it is possible to take a ride here at the northern river station and see your beauty. the influx of tourists was certainly felt in hotels; this year they began to book large multi-room rooms more often, since russians mainly travel with families. the occupancy rate is very decent, reaching 80-85% from day to day. may holidays continue and if. last year the influx of tourists to the capital was celebrated for the first time date of may, then more bookings fall on victory day, so moscow is again expecting guests. anastasia makhina, maxim gavrilets, egor letvinov, lika dzhevakhishvili, lead. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, we have everything by this time, see you.
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big film premiere, if you get the jews out of here, we’ll introduce you to the title. alexander getsenko. now only soviet people, rabbis, can save them, there are no others here. evgeniy tkachuk. i'm a fort, they definitely won't kill me. i will be with you until the end of my life. fedor dobronravov. sura believes that he will calculate everything, put everything in order. he sees four moves ahead. you need responsible comrades for the campaign, lean on me, comrade kaselev, konstantin kabedsky, save this uni, we have never lost this, this is an amulet, no, this is a device that helps you find your way, jew, you need to get as far away from the camp as possible , a film by sergei ursulyak, i’m glad that we broke away, left, we didn’t leave them, they are following us, righteous man. may 9 on
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rtr. rum, castro, product of stellor group. kalinan bellek - a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury. forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale.
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today on the program: which apples are healthier, red or green? is it true that green apples have less sugar and is it possible to replace sweets with baked and soaked apples? this is what is a breeding ground for good bacteria living in the intestines, and it contains, by the way, which is very important in the skin apples mainly, he suffers from pain in... he needs to go to the doctor, believe it or not , here a person will not help himself in any way, then believe it, we are sorting out myths about health, you said yes, in fact no, let it be, but you didn’t guess, motion sickness in transport, you can cope with the trouble with the help of simple movements. good morning, hello, morning
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is a great time to talk about the most important thing, about health on the russia tv channel, everyone is already dreaming of a vacation, planning where to go, what excursions to attend, and summer traveling, and even outside the city, it’s hello, motion sickness, of course, fortunately for dr. agabkin, there are exercises for this problem, there are, come out, who’s with us? we need a straight line, our task is very simple, we walk heel to toe along this line, turn around and then walk back, 1 2 3 4 5, that is, to begin with, we made sure that we can walk back and forth in a straight line, well , there are at least five meters, then we do the same thing, but we nod, look up, look down, look up, look down,
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turned up and down again, after we can walk calmly, nodding our heads, the exercise becomes more complicated, now we walk, turning our heads from right to left, uh-huh, take a step, look to the side, take a step, look in the other direction, the next one oren , we go and tilt our heads to the right, my god, what is this, as we get better, we gradually speed up, the most difficult thing is when we do it. so we warmed up, well, that is, we control our vestibular apparatus, which is why a person gets motion sickness, because
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mismatch of signals from our body and at this moment signals from our eyes, which , for example, are concentrated in the seats in front, yes they say that we... here we essentially imitate this situation, that is, we walk, move our heads, that is, we experience signals, and at the same time the vestibular apparatus receives irritation from the movement of the head, which leads to activation of the vestibular system, these exercises, by the way, were developed and used to train astronauts at one time, thank you doctor, the exercises are simple at first. look, but their you need to do so as not to get motion sickness. it's time to move on to the sunny and seasonal product of the day section. today this product is our favorite apples. well, where are we without apples?
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apples are an original, russian fruit. well, wait a minute, this is where i have to protest. well, remember, the myths of ancient greece, apples. apples were already mentioned in the bible, well, that is , in fact, apples, i would say that this is not an original russian product, it is our original earthly product, and today we will talk about the benefits of apples together with our expert. marina sergeevna makisha, nutritionist, member of the national association of dieticians and nutritionists of russia. good morning. is it true that they say that a green apple has less sugar than a red one? well, in fact, this is a myth, because it is not the color, but the apple that affects the sugar content in it, the variety, well, the degree of ripeness, yes, the same variety, which grew in different climatic conditions, can accumulate
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different amounts of carbohydrates. many people confuse low sugar with high acid because they compete for flavor. receptors, what if a sweet apple contains a lot. organic, then it seems less sweet, i want to immediately reassure everyone by saying that the difference in sugar content in apples that are more sour and sweeter, but not so significant that we pay attention to it, so eat those apples that you like best taste, how many calories are in one apple, well, the average calorie content is somewhere around 50 kilocalories per 100 g, what are the benefits of apples, this is a healthy heart, we will remind you that apples are. product for our body are the most important supplier of dietary fiber, both soluble and insoluble, it is this dietary fiber that helps regulate cholesterol in the blood in a certain way, accordingly slowing down the process of fat absorption, increasing
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the level of good cholesterol, and this in turn affects the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, how does this happen, yes, our liver produces cholesterol, it is part of bile, so... when we eat an apple, and the bile that enters the intestines is partially sorbed by that the pectin itself, which is contained in apples, respectively, binds this cholesterol, and then it can no longer get back into the blood. apples that can reduce cholesterol levels by as much as 20%, approximately, the youth of the brain, oh, paying attention to the color of apples, that they are different, and green, red, and yellow, you can see that this product contains many antioxidants, especially polyphenolic ones compounds, which in turn affect precisely the processes of oxidative stress that occur in the body is inevitably under the influence of oxygen and
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reduce the impact of free radicals, well , in fact, on all cells of our body, including brain cells, and this accordingly contributes to prevention, especially. apple skins mainly, for this reason apples, let’s say, well , ours, yes, that is, those that grow here, which are not treated with mineral wax, yes, they, one might say, are of greater priority, healthy intestines, oh, this, by the way, is very it is important to note that both insoluble and soluble dietary fiber, which is rich in apples are needed by our intestines, insoluble fiber helps it move actively, that is, yes, it is responsible for peristalsis, and this is very... very important for the prevention of constipation, that’s just soluble fiber, in particular pectins, of which there is a lot in apples, this is what
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is a breeding ground for good bacteria living in the intestines, and accordingly, it is pectin that helps us maintain normal intestinal microflora, and this is very important for the health of the digestive system, and for our immunity and even for a good mood, therefore, as i say all the time, feeding our smaller brothers, that is, those bacteria that live in the intestines of the good ones... is very important, well, that’s exactly what we do, you see, they are here - they eat pectin and are happy, here there is a nuance in different apples, different contents of this same pectin, the more ripe the apple, the more ripe the fruit, the more pectin this product will contain, but we can even slightly increase its concentration, or rather the availability of these carbohydrates for our body, if we bake apples, for example, baked apples, my friends, we have a story on how
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to make them. attention to the screen. urine is an old russian method of preparing apples. in this form, they not only last longer, but also acquire a number of additional useful properties. small-sized fruits are most suitable for soaking. they can be prepared in three different ways: salt soaking. apples are poured with salt water. and the fermentation process occurs due to fructose from apples. sweet soaking - when sugar or honey is added to the brine. acidic urine: in in this traditional recipe, the brine is made with malt. fermented foods are essentially probiotics for our body. because they contain the same lactic acid bacteria, which are very important for us to maintain the balance of intestinal microflora. can i do a quick quick question? yes or no? bones from. can you eat apples? well, in the quantities in which we have provided, in principle, yes,
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there is nothing dangerous in them, on the contrary, they even contain some substances that will be useful for our body. young apples have more beneficial microelements than in mature ones? well, there won’t be a significant difference, only the content or amount of carbohydrates will differ, yes, the more ripe the apple, the more sugar it accumulates and , accordingly, it will be sweeter, but also more carbohydrate-rich. thank you very much, well, friends, who? have you ever tried pickled apples in your life? there are such people? what are you talking about? horror! try it, of course, thank you very much! today we talked about the benefits of apples, in what form they are best consumed, and we continue to talk about the most important thing. yours job? did you film? yeah, she's in the hospital. in intensive care, it’s not my fault, i’ll find them, i’ll take revenge, i know where he went, nikita, where,
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either you’re getting out of here now, or i ’ll kill you now, stop, it’s your son, love overcomes everything, today on rtr , rest. it's leaving yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. welcome to the newest rix hotel in sharm. an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for happiness
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and the comfort of their parents' children, escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment, enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable vacation. riksas radomis sharmel sheikh. hotel titanic delluxe golf belek, where. every moment is exceptional. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here , each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for unforgettable holiday. first of all, i need everyone to stand still. and secondly, come on, let me give it a go, calm down everyone. they headed for
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a good mood. girl, where are you flying? they are not going to linman from him. deviate. the artists we invited for may 1st still haven’t left. these people will kill anyone who can't stand it now. you will be offered a hot dinner. you had two apples. i ate one, i ate one. that's it. i’m calling, my patience has already run out, please call baba iga, now i’m asking at the table, odessa steamer, today on rtr, ate we are in the yard having a snack in the five of us, pies, filling, egg with jam, all respectfully, you walked around the restaurant, the city
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with your head raised, although on all fours, i’ll put all matters aside. i’ll either kill the horse or set the hut on fire, just so i don’t have to work, right? full house and company, premiere, today on rt, today we will talk about the unobvious causes of muscle pain, let's find out which muscles hurt our guest today, attention to the screen, my name is olga. i am 67 years old, just recently i started to have pain in the muscles in my neck and i i understand where all this comes from, it’s because i sit for a long time, leaning over the phone, and i’m not a supporter of drug treatment, so i do light gymnastics, i tilt my head to the right, left, i do
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circular movements with my head, i do light massage, i knead this zone with my hand, then i do the other with my hand in the other direction, i knead this zone, for a while it becomes easier for me, but then, unfortunately, the pain returns again, so i have a question for you: what can you do? take steps to ensure that the pain never returned. olga, in our studio, good morning, hello, olshka, well , i can advise you from you to sit on your phone less, it’s just logical, logical, because if you sit on your phone like that, you’ll get pain after that. muscles, then it’s completely logical that we need to change something with the phone, or sit in it lying down, for example, or vice versa, reclining, i sit on the phone for a long time, but at night i can’t, as you say, as if yes, here lying there because i sleep at night, i have a lot of time spends on this, why, because i actively manage my social networks, you post a lot of information, it takes a lot of time, you can do i don’t know, behind
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a computer screen, i don’t have a computer, i don’t have a computer, no, yes, i have everything is on the phone, today we will definitely talk about how... how to help you, and we will also talk about what other reasons muscles can hurt. daria aleksandrovna kusevich, rheumatologist, junior researcher at nasonova niereumatology. daria alexandrovna, come out to us. well here it is the reason is clear, yes, i would like your professional comment. of course, this is connected primarily with the load that goes... to the neck area , including the cervical spine, and how the weight of the head is distributed directly below, that is, normally, the weight of the head is carried by the middle part of the back, everything is there is redistributed if we lean over a gadget, or do some kind of office worker syndrome, which is now popular, and we sit over the keyboard, bent over, which
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appears, our head begins to bear the weight cervical spine, our neck goes a little bit. forward, the shoulders twist forward, of course, this leads to the fact that the neck muscles are overloaded and those same spasms appear, pain in the cervical spine, this is a simple option, but sometimes it happens that a person says, but i ’m only looking at the phone to call, yes , i’m not sitting at the computer, but my neck or not the neck, but something else, yes, the muscles still hurt, so let’s talk about the reasons for such a strange phenomenon, we’ll start with stress, the psycho-emotional state. negative, which accompanies a person, why many people notice that during stress , muscles begin to ache, stress is a component that affects everything. our well-being, on the quality of life, it has already been established that in the cells of our immune system, in some cells, in the walls of blood vessels, there are these
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receptors that react very sensitively to stress, they are called adrenergic receptors, so it can be, against the background of stress, increased emotional stress, indeed a spasm in the muscles, why sometimes even women are more emotional? and this is a spasm of the hematoid muscles, the temporomandibular joints, this is this heaviness in the shoulders, which you need to somehow stretch it, give a massage, that’s all, sometimes they even say so among the common people that you carry the entire burden of responsibility on your shoulders , i don’t have stress as such, only social networks, only social networks, but suddenly my subscribers have decreased, this is stress, no, they are increasing for me, also stress, only positive inflammatory. process: during inflammation, our cells are destroyed, this is the intoxication that we feel, an increase in temperature, this aching in
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the muscles, in the joints, this is all directly related to the fact that the body experiences stress of cell damage with the help of bacteria, viruses, in this case the wall of our own cells contains fatty acids, when destroyed our cells release inflammatory components, one one of the most... important is prostaglondin e2, and the more of it, the more intensely we will experience pain, overtraining, that is, the person trained, trained, there is what is called sore throat, yes, that is a post-workout person gets up the next morning and feels that the muscle is so pleasantly elastic, yes, that is, the arms do not bend completely, do not fully extend, but it’s pleasant rather, and there is the so-called delayed-onset muscle pain syndrome, this is when we... pain occurs already a day after training, it lasts in this case for 3-4 days, it is associated with cell damage, which is
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most often either a consequence of excess load, or a consequence of an incorrectly selected exercise regimen, or a consequence of the fact that the method itself the training was wrong, indeed in this case the muscles that are subjected to greater stress begin there. lactic acid, which then gives these aching pains, this density in the muscles, what needs to be done in order to cope with this, you need to give a little heat, stretch this muscle, but it is important to stretch it along its course, not against the movement, against the course of the fibers, we will increase this density, intensify this spasm, we can little by little, even at home , stretch these muscles ourselves, yeah, viral diseases are unexpected, although you know, with... flu, sometimes muscles hurt, yes, well, there are some viruses that directly affect muscle tissue, and the most common infections in which such
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severe muscle pain is described are really the flu and flu-like infections, and oddly enough, here this pandemic of a new coronavirus infection has shown us that pain can appear not only at the height of the infection, but also as a consequence, myalgiitis, muscle pain and... joint pain, arthralgia, then convulsions, most often we classify them as electrolyte disorders, in our cells, in order for there to be proper neuromuscular transmission, for ion channels, potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium channels to work correctly, everything must be in the correct ratio, but cramps are most often a deficiency of primarily magnesium, and often, by the way, those who have sugar deal with this. for type 2 diabetes, they say: my legs are twisting along the entire length, and we begin to think, is this a problem in the vessels, or are these the same electrolyte disturbances, we refer
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patient for analysis and we actually detect a low magnesium content, it goes away quite quickly, uh-huh, and how do you react like that, is something familiar to you? yes, i know this, i also sometimes have cramps in my legs, and i too, by the way, then i use magnesium, and after a certain course everything is somehow fine, everything returns to normal. and rheumatic diseases, there is a group of diseases of an inflammatory nature, these are rheumatic, these are systemic diseases, when inflammatory processes occur in the muscles, these are idiopathic inflammatory myopathy, to them include polymyositis and dermatomyositis, there are systemic connective tissue diseases, when muscles can also be affected, but not primarily, this is not the main thing with them, but if we are talking about polymyositis, then this is really... we can see inflammation in the muscles on mri , we can see changes in tests, for example, an increase in creatinine phosphate kinase, which usually does not happen
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for other reasons, for example, if it is... neurological diseases muscle weakness appears, our patients complain quite typically, they say that it appears weakness in the proximal muscles, these are the muscles of the forearm and the muscles of the thighs, it’s hard to sit down and stand low, it’s hard to lift something from above, for example, to get something in the kitchen, for neurological patients everything is different, there is more distal weakness, how polyneuropathy begins, something it tingles, but from the ends and above, it’s understandable here. that here a person cannot help himself, yes, that is, he needs to go to a doctor, he needs to do tests, make a diagnosis, treatment, which is probably extremely difficult. let's talk about those cases when there is still muscle pain, well it’s like our heroine’s, but it’s episodic, that is, it’s somehow connected with some kind of stress, slight motor overload, what can you do to help yourself in this case, here we have a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, it’s worth
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looking at strictly. .. muscles, here we have a warming mass, and there is a cooling mass, if we are sure that there is no inflammation, no swelling, and the area where there is a spasmed muscle is no hotter than the surrounding ones, we can use warming ointments, if we are talking about still an inflammatory process, it is better to use either without irritating components at all, as for cooling and warming components, wherever...
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you sleeplessly toss and turn all night with your old pillows, and wake up completely exhausted and tense, now that’s over, we present the pillow dremaliina swan, a comfortable relaxing pillow that hugs your entire body to optimally align it so you experience the best sleep of your life. the unique shape of the dremaliina swan pillow offers seven comfort zones, that support your back, shoulders, head and neck, arms, hips, knees, ankles and feet. you remain in the most comfortable sleeping position without tossing and turning. unlike conventional pillows, dremalina keeps the spine in an ideal position and the neck at an optimal height. your shoulders and arms will be relaxed. in addition, the dremalina pillow with one pillow prevents your knees from touching each other. it provides soothing relief to the lower back, legs and feet. the dremalina swan pillow is made
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made of breathable hypoallergenic. ocel fabric, it adapts perfectly to any body shape and size, supports your posture in all sleeping positions and ensures good ventilation throughout the night. you 'll sleep better than ever. and most importantly, the drimalina cvon pillow is ideal for those who sleep on their side, back, and also those who sleep on their stomach. the dremalina swan pillow provides optimal sleep for everyone. this is what makes her so unique. experience the best and most comfortable sleep in your life, call and order the unique dremaliina swan pillow for your best sleep for an incredible 5995. but wait, if you call right now, we will reduce the price especially for you, the dremalinost one pillow will be yours for an incredible 39.95, and you will immediately save 20 euro, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited and valid.
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high pressure jet. a bucket of water is all you need and you are ready to go. or simply connect it to a garden hose and the hydroblast will instantly increase water pressure up to ten times. no matter what kind of water you use, the nanofilter purifies and filters it. hammer smith hydrablast is high performance pressure cleaning without compromise. and just call today order the revolutionary hammer smith hydrablast with its highly efficient 150w motor, powerful lithium battery, five meter high pressure hose and high quality nano filter. and all this will go to you. for an incredible 5995, and if you place an order right now, you will receive a shampoo container and a special spray nozzle for a larger coverage area as a gift, all this is absolutely
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free, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited. the wife is a cook, dishwasher, technician, educator, teacher, seamstress, and the husband tired at work, enough is enough, this is the inscription. premiere on saturday on rtr. we know that physical activity is good for your health, but what exactly is it good for? even a little
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physical activity can, for example, lower blood cholesterol levels. we will heal and amuse our tv viewer, maria, who will be the heroine of the minute of health section. let's learn about our heroine maria, good afternoon, my name is maria, i'm from moscow, i work as an accountant in a construction company, in my free time i'm interested in photography, i like a lot i travel to different countries, continents, photograph nature, sunrises, sunsets, some traditions and generally beautiful places, i am also interested in clay modeling, so i lead a healthy lifestyle, go to fitness. two or three times a week, i like to monitor my nutrition, watch the program, and most importantly, this program has a lot of useful tips, and i would dream and would like to take part, because for me it
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would be an interesting experience, well, then i the whole of russia will see, i would like this, good morning, traveler, works in construction company, an accountant, a lot of hobbies, and he also sculpts and babbles, he also leads a healthy lifestyle, yes, mash, it’s not boring, no, no, on the contrary, i have so much energy that i want to put it somewhere, to direct it in a good direction , mashenka, you will have to answer questions, but not just like that, yeah, while running, yes, okay, when you go sports, what do you do in the gym, i do cardio, just running, stretching, and a few strength exercises exercises, what kind of exercise do we have today? super prize today we have an arrigator for semi-erasing, a necessary thing, please, launch our drug, device, drug, i think it is a drug, after all, it has a positive effect on our health, mikhail
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will ask questions, they will relate to health, there will be 12 of them, you will have one minute to answer all these questions, very simply, just answer yes, no, of course, the more correct answers you give, the higher your chances of winning a prize, because you will have to later... stress destroys teeth, yes, eating grapes with seeds leads to appedicitis, no, lack of sleep can lead to fat liver disease, yes, the risk of heart attack in young... men is higher than in women, yes, tea
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with raspberry jam treats a sore throat, yes, burping is a sign of healthy digestion, no, washing your hair every day is harmful, yes, painkillers are needed wash it down with milk to protect the stomach; no, if the cat is hairless, it is hypoallergenic. yes, that’s it, that’s it, a minute, i literally didn’t have time, one question, what was your biggest race? in general, i walk 10,000 steps every day, at least. now let's find out how you answered correctly or not right, i don't know. the first question was : are low-fat dairy products healthier than regular dairy products? you said yes, actually no, no, because studies show that people who use, in principle, have even a slightly different state of health. worse, which is surprising, but even people with low-fat
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dairy products manage to gain weight faster. dark chocolate slows down skin aging, you said no. but in fact, yes, because it is rich in polyphenols, it has been established that photostress, that is, the effect of ultraviolet radiation on the skin weakens significantly in people who consume dark chocolate. stress destroys teeth, you said, yes, this is true, because stress is very common. the cause of bruxism, when a person grinds his teeth in a dream, it damages tooth enamel, eating grapes with seeds will lead to appedicitis, you thought about it, said no, actually no, before a lot of people sinned on grapes with seeds for seeds and so on, but that’s all cases when surgeons open the abdominal cavity, remove the appendix, they are there neither seeds nor seeds are found, lack of sleep can lead to fatty liver disease, you said: yes, this is true, because it has been established that a lack of sleep
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increases a person’s calorie intake, and it is known that it is an excess of calories that leads to fatty liver disease. are young men at higher risk of heart attack than women? you said, yes, and this is indeed true, according to statistics, at a young age, for about three to five male heart attacks there is only one female, this is why, because men themselves they don’t take care of it, it’s because women have it. female sex hormones protect the vascular wall much more effectively. does tea with raspberry jam treat a sore throat? did you say yes? actually no, because boiling does not have an antibacterial effect; in most cases, a sore throat is either a viral or bacterial infection, and tea will not help here, alas. is burping a sign of healthy digestion? you said no? really no. well, that is, despite the fact that it sometimes happens in people, nevertheless, constant belching is actually here this largely depends on the type of skin, on
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the greasiness of the hair, that is, how much sebum the glands secrete, but in reality, standard recommendations say that you should wash your hair from once a week to two to three times a week, painkillers are needed wash down? it’s really not necessary, because the negative impact on the stomach is not associated with direct damage, that is, when the tablet affects the stomach wall, with a systemic effect on the body, with a deterioration in the blood supply to the mucous membrane. if the cat is without wool, it is hypoallergenic, you said yes, actually no, because the allergy, as such, is not to wool, it is to the protein that is contained in the cat’s saliva, that is.
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seven correct answers and seven attempts to find the coveted sign behind these letters, let there be a prize, but they didn’t guess the mistake, so then another one, again m, and on um went, we have masha, well... i’ll have a third one , i want to open everything, as it were, there are four attempts left, oh, let it be oh, oh, let it be oh, oh, no again, well, let it be l, let it be, let it be, but no, well, let it be the top one, ah, they were sick, they were sick, the letter c modestly hid the word prize behind it, that’s all the same, thank you very much for participating in our program,
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if you want to know even more answers to questions about health, then all episodes of our program can be found on the online menu platform, look, application on the website, look, .ru, and we continue talking about the most important thing. now there will be a topic that worries many people, these are calluses. many people are embarrassed to wear open shoes because of calluses; others don’t want to buy shoes at all because new shoes chafe. and i really want it to be comfortable in the summer. nice, beautiful, most importantly, doctor, have you had corns for a long time? and you know, i’ll tell you now, just literally 2 weeks ago, what were you doing? and new sneakers on the treadmill? calluses traditionally appear for me, which means in early may, yeah, when i arrive at the dacha i start frantically digging for something on my hands, well, this is mikhail, because you don’t even
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use gloves, and in winter, when you’re wearing gloves, but still you you remove snow, unusual physical activity, you spend a long time with a shovel and how are the calluses too? how to remove calluses correctly, we will find out from our expert. vera pavlovna berezovenko, epidemiologist, padologist. good morning. good morning. in general, what are calluses, why do they bother us? this is a skin reaction. our skin has a great protective function. and we get calluses from pressure on the skin, friction on the skin. a wet callus is a blister. it means the shoes are not yours, they rub your heel, as a result of this, well, the epidermis, dermis, the layers of skin are separated, i urge you that if you have such a callus, and if you managed to see it, and the blister is still intact, do not touch this
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blister, try to isolate this callus so that this blister does not burst, the skin will recover, then this blister... you can simply remove the crust, that’s all , most often it happens that you have rubbed, wow, it takes off, there is already blood there, it hurts and the bubble has burst, what to do in this case, it’s elementary, it’s early, so you need to do something, treat it, you probably have meramethine at home, chlorhexidine, they treated the wound, put the ointment on everything, you are doing bandages, treat this callus, everything will heal, everything will heal, let's talk, what kind of calluses are there? here they are, as i understand it, the first callus is a wet one, this is what we told you, this is what worries you, first of all , core calluses, the core appears on the fifth finger, they pressed, narrow custom, everyone knows this, uh-huh, there’s a hard callus here, again a core that goes there, there comes
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a moment when you, wow, can’t walk, that’s it, then you start inventing something like that at home , and you also went to the pharmacy, the pharmacist gives you...
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salami and herbs, and then cut off the top layer, unscrewed the rod, so far so good, i don’t recommend doing this, firstly, you can’t steam it, and secondly, when you cut off the steamed skin, you injure a healthy layer of skin and your skin will immediately respond, after 2 days it grows even more, it defends itself, unscrew the rod, well, excuse me, but can you see it at all, you understand that you have to unscrew it, but this is fraught, you can get an infection, get a wound... a sore process, well, this there may be an abscess, the following method, here we have it, helps electrical tape, this is an old folk method, you need to use it to seal the callus for a couple of days, then remove it and the callus will fall off,
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this device, it was lying around idle for 20 years, now its finest hour has come, and i don’t recommend doing this, i had the same ones in in the office, which they found a device there, they began to saw from the heart everything they could, i say again, in order to do it correctly, you need to know how to do it, in this case, again, an infection, yeah, you will get not just a purulent process, you you can get your finger scalded and so on, and this is fraught with terrible things. consequences, you don’t need to do this at home, thank you very much, vera palovna, please, today we found out why calluses occur,
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what they are, and how to deal with them, right now the women’s health section with dr. tatyana shpovovalenko, how to prepare your skin for summer, we'll look, further in the program, at women's health, how not to harm your skin in the spring, and what products will really help it. cleaning floors is a tedious and messy
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look 100 to one, what is our task ? open we can handle it, if you ask, then with the preparation, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, what is 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much is it already, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i am an oak, chop, no, pinch, problems. with water, electricity, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for headaches, god forbid now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr , now you run
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along the path through the forest, there will be a car waiting for you, understand? i understood, faster, while trying to escape, the notorious anna savelyev was shot, they didn’t wait, i don’t understand what to do next, i’ll tell you what will happen next, dr. anna, today on rtr, good morning, we continue. talk about the most important things on the russia tv channel. hello everyone, today we will talk about how to prepare our skin in the spring so that it is beautiful, so that it is radiant and healthy. about those skin care products that, firstly, can be used at home, which are affordable, and which, probably, every woman should have in her cosmetic bag. and naturally, this topic is very
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relevant; it is important for women that their skin looks great. of course, because skin is primarily a reflection of our health. our tv viewer elena contacted us. let's find out her story. hello, my name is elena. summer is coming, and of course, you want to greet it with beautiful, rested, glowing skin. but, unfortunately, after winter my skin is not rested, not radiant, on the contrary, it’s kind of lifeless, even peeling in places. in fact, i really like homemade masks in my skincare routine, for example, my favorite is oatmeal with egg and olive oil; in the summer i enjoy using berries, and cucumbers, these masks have always helped me, somehow refreshed and invigorated my skin, but now somehow i don’t see any results, so i
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thought, maybe you can advise me which one... this is an effective home method, like the skin improve your health, how to put it in order a little, so that you can meet the summer with all your might. elena, today in our studio, please come to us, good morning, good morning, good morning, elena, your skin always reacts like this to the change of seasons, always and in general i have very dry and thin skin by nature, it is transparent, but in my youth it was very beautiful.
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diagnostics are needed, because a lot depends on the skin type itself, sometimes the skin type is finely wrinkled, sometimes it is oilier, more dense, depending on this , care products and procedures are selected, the general state of health is also very important, for example , with iron deficiency anemia, with other deficiencies, possibly easton, definitely endocrine diseases, yes, especially in women after 45 years, you can see that the skin. starts to fade very quickly thinning means that first of all you need to pay attention to your hormones. elena, how are your hormonal levels? since i am a girl of 50 plus, age-related changes also affect me, and of course i notice that it is becoming more and more difficult to take care of my skin. let's talk about what not to do with your skin in the spring. how not to harm your skin with chemical peels. an absolutely
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wonderful procedure for skin renewal. they are different, there are superficial peelings, there are medium peelings, but deep peelings now, as a rule, are no longer are used, surface peels can generally be used year-round as long as you cover them. medium peels are not recommended for use, because they can lead to an inflammatory process in the skin and, when in contact with the sun, cause, well, for example, hyperpigmentation, with hard scrubs, and hard scrubs are generally not recommended for use not only in the spring, but all year round, especially for those patients who have skin sensitivity or, for example, inflammatory elements, acne formation, because microdamages intensify inflammatory processes. following this, you can cause an exacerbation of the skin disease and also hyperpigmentation, which you don’t want, peeling, cracks, all this will be guaranteed on your skin if you use scrubs, for example, with a peach pit, large
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, large, large, this is not advisable to use on your face , skin resurfacing, here it is possible to get post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, pathological pigment deposition after resurfacing, but in cosmetology this is considered... that resurfacing is still winter procedures, so, in the spring there is no need for chemical peels, hard scrubs and skin polishing, what is needed, let's see, creams with hyaluronic acid have a very beneficial effect on the skin, that's when dry skin receives hyalurnic acid, when it attracts water, it automatically it’s like a sponge, it swells, becomes denser, densely moisturized... the skin, of course, is more protected from external influences, and generally has a general anti-inflammatory rejuvenating effect. can be used hyaluronic acid in various serums, which are absorbed quite quickly because they have a lighter
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texture in creams, and hyaluronic acid works very well together with vitamin c. the level of hyaluronic acid in the skin generally decreases with age, for what reasons? we go to bed late and don’t get enough sleep. more about smoking, nicotine, first of all, this is not a disease of the lungs, it is even a disease of our microcirculation and it disrupts microcirculation, including the surface of the skin, so this is the drawback blood supply, it is very difficult to restore a healthy appearance to the skin of a smoker; it is better to stop smoking altogether, but patients often say, but i don’t smoke regular smokes.
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then this can be used from childhood, but the truth is that you need to make sure that the creams also contain ceramides and other useful elements, that there are no allergens, a cream with peptides, peptides are sequences of amino acids that perform completely different functions in the body, they are signal, that is, in order to speed up some processes, immunological, splitting, are those that restore the structure of dna, that is , completely different functions, so which one is contained in the cream. a peptide will perform that function, otherwise peptides are called enzymes or enzymes, so you can see that imzyme powders are being used, which perform the function of exfoliating the skin, that is
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, a kind of peeling. nowadays you can increasingly find other peptides in cosmetics, they are of bacterial origin or even animal origin, so they are called upon restore the dna structure, well, for example, the enzymes photolyase, endonuclease, this is what can restore cells after solar damage, cut out the dna structure, and accordingly the cell will be restored to perform its functions. firstly, like any cosmetic product, it must be taken for a certain period of time, that is, it must be a course, but peptides are actually now recommended for use after 35-40 years. peptides are an active product and in many ways it is preventive, that is, it prevention of age-related changes, so be patient. these are my favorite products with sun protection factors. active exposure to solar radiation causes premature aging and signs of photoaging. this is a decrease in skin tone, that is, a slowdown in the production of collagen
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and elastin, and the appearance of dilated skin sensitivity vessels. this is the appearance of hyperpigmentation of age spots, which in turn reveals age. also, for some dermatological diseases, the use of spf is highly recommended, so really. it can be used all year round, according to some recommendations it is necessary to look at the ultraviolet index, it should be higher than three in order to use sun protection, if the skin is lighter, then it is worth using a higher protection factor, that is, ideally for fair skin it is protection factor is 50, you need to apply a teaspoon of the product to the face and neck, that is, it is a fairly dense layer, then this factor will be guaranteed to be provided, and you can really teach a child to do this, because that he also understands that this is his protection, and of course, in order for the skin to look radiant, you also need to eat very properly, your diet must contain fiber.
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these are certainly polyunsaturated fatty acids, and of course microelements and vitamins should also be included in the diet, they also help improve the nutrition of our skin. maria sergeevna, and regarding masks with fruits, vegetables, and berries on the face, how useful is this? you know, i am a doctor, not only a dermatologist, but also an allergist and i can say the fact that some fruits can cause allergic reactions, inflammatory processes, and contact dermatitis, so of course a mask. as for fruits, i would prefer products that have already undergone clinical studies, they are publicly available, and it is also worth remembering that some plants can be photosensitizers, for example, when milk from dandelion gets on the skin, it begins to darken, that’s why to avoid causing hyperpigmentation, it is better not to take risks. elena, thank you very much for coming to us, i hope that you use our tips and you will walk around looking beautiful and radiant all summer long.
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premiere for victory day, we need to free the skies of crimea from the germans, i ordered paton to be transferred to the 267th regiment, major romanov, why don’t you get tired of ramanov, who mr. imprisoned, then a special thank you from me personally, let’s go dance, blagod nikolaevich, i don’t dance, we dance, we don’t drink, here she is, like your officer’s shoulder straps, he behaves like the last one.
11:00 am
welcome to the ranks of those who have stumbled, your homeland has given you a chance to atone for your guilt, in the battle is being fought only by penalty soldiers, the task is not easy, you will have to act in the operational rear of the enemy, fighters, the battle for the crimea, attention, everything will be prepared for battle, you are out of your mind, let them go beyond that, i said to accept the battle, may 6 at rtr. hello on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the irina rossius studio and the main topics for this hour. shaigu set new challenges.
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defense industry, increase the volume and quality of weapons and military equipment supplied to the troops. but american defense industry companies refuse contracts as part of assistance kyiv. what?


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