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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 1, 2024 5:00pm-5:50pm MSK

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only penalty prisoners go into battle. the tasks are not easy; you will have to act in the enemy’s operational zone. fighters, battle for crimea. attention, everyone will prepare for battle. you are out of your mind, let them go beyond that. and he said to take the fight. may 6 on rtr. hello, on the rossiya tv channel, in the studio, rina rossius and the main topic for this hour: a shot down leopard, bradley abrams, this morning he was literally brought from the underworld. an exhibition
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of captured nato equipment from the northern military district zone opened on poklonnaya gora. shaiguu set new tasks for the defense industry: increase the volume and quality of weapons and military equipment supplied to the troops. but in the united states, the pentagon has disagreements with defense industry companies regarding the supply of weapons to ukraine. the all-russian memory wall campaign was launched at the victory museum and the immortal regiment started today. there will be no traditional procession, but each of us can take part. in large-scale events dedicated to victory day, we’ll tell you how. the bill on foreign agents again provoked clashes near parliament in tbilisi. to disperse the crowd, the police used rubber bullets and water cannon and tear gas. and in indonesia the ruang volcano woke up again. thousands of lightning bolts appeared in the sky, the local airport was closed, and the population was being evacuated. this morning
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an exhibition of captured equipment and western weapons captured in battle opened on poklonnaya hill in moscow. at night, the exposition was supplemented by one of the main exhibits - the american abrams tank, which was recently knocked out in the avdievsky direction. during the first hours , several thousand people came to look at the nato trophies. for convenience, for visitors , information stands were placed near each sample. you can evaluate not only the technical characteristics of the machines, but also see a shot of their destruction. report by grigory vdovin. here you can see the vast majority of armored vehicles supplied by nato countries to the ukrainian troops in more than 2 years of the northern military district, only 32 samples. of the significant ones, only the british challenger is missing, but this is explained by the fact that ukrainian military leaders, their western curators, keep it far from front, they would have brought him too, the rest everything is. here behind... you can see
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a german leopard tank, as they say, not bit, not painted, but if the bit is painted, then quite a bit, but i’m standing on an american abrams tank, of course, this is probably the most interesting object of this exhibition , this morning he was literally brought from near avdeevka, he was shot down in the area of ​​​​the village of berdyche, and here you can see, in fact, that the battle from which he emerged was quite recent, even the burnt horns from the machine gun. there are various little things lying around here that are always found on any burnt-out equipment. are present, here you can see a machine gun, which was even melted, here is molten tin, glass on the armor of this tank, tin or not tin, i don’t know what material it is, but there is more than one of these abrams here, and a whole family, whole of them three, and behind this tank you can see an engineering evacuation vehicle,
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also at the abrams base, followed by a vehicle that was supposed to clear those same minefields in zaporozhye and ensure the much -hyped ukrainian offensive contour, well, as we see, all three of them arrived only to poklonnaya gora, i must say that the technology is of course very interesting, here for each object you can at least try to roughly imagine what happened to it, here, in particular with this abrams. behind you can see the point where the kamikaze drone apparently flew, which apparently destroyed this tank in the end, but in general there are a lot of exhibits here, of course, bradley, and turkish bricks, and products of the ukrainian defense industry, you can see a lot, near each , near each unit there is an employee of the ministry of defense who is ready to give an explanation, besides the abrams, of course, the bradleys, the german leopards, about every specimen. here we are ready
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to tell you that we tripped over our own weight - and the lack of maneuverability on the soft soils of the earth on the territory of svo, the tank was actually abandoned. because, well, they had to run away, let’s say, they couldn’t get it out, that is, it’s not really broken, it’s not painted, well , it’s just a little bit broken, it’s a little bit painted, you can see moscow damage on it, but they had to evacuate and run, already then it was taken by our armed forces, the armored vehicle is designed to transport personal composition, they initially abandoned their armor and installed finnish armor, it turns out 12 mm, they hold it, it turns out to be 7.62 caliber. the caliber is larger - these are 12.7 machine guns, large, it doesn’t hold, of course i didn’t go to war with this, because if a machine gun already pierces everything in it, the slogan of the exhibition history repeats itself, this is the main idea of ​​the organizers, all this has already happened, ours this is not the first time that people have seen
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captured models of equipment in moscow; more than 80 years ago , an exhibition was opened in the gorky park of culture and leisure: captured equipment that was captured by the soldiers of the red army from the army of the third reich of their allies. it should be especially noted that all the cannons, machine guns and, in general, weapons of enemy equipment are not raised, but are specially lowered down, they look at the ground, the semantic point is especially emphasized, this is precisely the defeated equipment, the exhibition is open daily from 10 to 20 hours, entrance until 19, she will work here in the park near the victory museum on poklonnaya hill throughout may until she’s thirty.
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suspended, the plane takes off from the runway and goes on a mission, within a few minutes su-34 in the sky in the southern donetsk direction , the pilots are dropping guided bombs, and this is the combat work of the tank crews of the western group of forces, the first sighting, second and third shots are right on target. we work from closed positions, hitting enemy manpower, enemy manpower, shelters, dugouts, strong points and the like. defense minister sergei shaigu came to inspect combat work in the northern military district zone and held a meeting at the headquarters of the joint group of forces. to maintain the required tempo of the offensive to ensure a build-up of combat composition of troop groups. for further
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actions, it is necessary to increase the volume and quality of military equipment supplied to the troops, primarily weapons. such new weapons of destruction were demonstrated to the minister by the pairs here.
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ukraine. more and more american companies are refusing contracts as part of assistance to kiev. the report of the congressional accountability office, in particular , indicates that contractors, against the backdrop of rising arms prices, do not want to enter into long-term contracts with the pentagon. fixed cost. well, in addition, the us department of defense has identified logistical problems since the pandemic, which have been aggravated by increased demands from the kiev regime. another problem with electronic components. for weapons, their assembly production time has almost doubled, to 34 months, the report indicates. well, in germany, left-wing radicals attacked the dacha of the head of the rain metal company, this is the largest defense concern in the country. according to bilt, the building was pelted
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with molotov cocktails, it was completely burned down. there were no casualties. activists later explained their actions by saying that rain metal was benefiting from the conflict in ukraine by selling to the kiev regime. armored vehicles and ammunition. about the innovations that come into force today, stores in russia will no longer be able to sell expired milk. from that day on it worked. automatic locking mechanism. the cash register simply will not let the product through if the expiration date has expired or it is not in the system, an honest sign. labeling of this system has also become mandatory on cans of red and black caviar. it is impossible to sell a fake delicacy through a store. the excise tax on wine and champagne has tripled; this will lead to an increase in prices, according to manufacturers' estimates, from 7 to 35%, depending on the brand. from may 15 , it will be introduced for blood relatives and missing people. mandatory dna collection. genomic data will be stored for up to 70 years. now there are almost 28 thousand
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people in the search database in russia, about a thousand of them are children. the main innovation of the upcoming admissions campaign: universities and colleges from may 1, employers begin to place offers for applicants on targeted training on the russian work website. non-state pension funds are required to comply with the so-called cooling-off period. russians now have 14 days to refuse npf services from the date. in honor of may 1 , concerts, folk festivals, car rallies and competitions are held throughout the country. one of the main traditions is trade union actions. more than 2 million russians attended the rally and demonstration. word to alexey petrov. at vdnkh. where the russia forum exhibition is taking place - a solemn event of student groups. a well-known slogan sounds in a new way may
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labor-crud. these collective farm workers have become a real symbol; they remind us a lot about the development of virgin lands. deputy prime minister tatyana golikova addressed the audience, noting that youth employment is a priority for the cabinet of ministers. we are implementing youth employment programs until the age of thirty. we provide career guidance for schoolchildren. we supported your initiative. 60 tons of necessary food materials will be collected and sent to our colleagues.
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only three trucks. hospitals in lugansk and donetsk will receive personal hygiene kits, clothing, medicines for repair teams working in front-line zones, chainsaws, generators, nails, food packages for civilians. traditionally , communists are also active on may 1. here they are handing out the leftist press, the communist party of the russian federation is my life. are leftist ideas in demand today? it is necessary. lenin said that without socialism there will be no progress. books are laid out on the benches, which cannot be found in every store. this is the year forty-eight, for example, take the pedagogical poem, makarin. and this is a bitter one, also old, up to forty years old. books are not sell, exchange for the same rarity. at the monument.
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days, the fate of the russian world, russian civilization and our great russia depends on how our work goes! may day is celebrated in donbass, a cleanup day was held in makeyevka, flowers were planted in one of the local parks, a playground was painted, activists of the first movement held a race among schoolchildren and students. you could pass the gto standards at the other end of the country in vladivostok, or visit a fairy-tale village in the russian my history park. the reenactors club has set up a corner, dedicated to russia of the 9th-11th centuries, each attribute and
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costume is made by hand. there is a forge, where our blacksmith forges in shark. and here you can try on chain mail, hold a real sword and shield in your hands. in addition, colorful flags are raised on ships today, and this is the motofest festival in kaliningrad, where military equipment is presented thanks to the baltic fleet. a separate exhibition is dedicated to weapons from the great patriotic war. retro cars also aroused great interest among visitors. alexey petrov, sergey zanin, stanislav ponomarenko, natalya lundovskaya, irina kharlamova and andrey netreba. news. and today. spring labor day vladimir putin awarded the title of heroes of labor to five russians for outstanding labor merits and many years of conscientious work. among them are workers of factories, machine-building enterprises, and design bureaus from various regions: buryatia, krasnodar territory, arkhangelsk, kursk and moscow regions. well, in addition, the teams of five
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enterprises that made a great contribution to the development of domestic industry were awarded a badge of honor for success in work. the first ones. may today is traditionally celebrated not only in our country; trade union demonstrations take place in dozens of cities around the world, but not always peacefully. the most violent clashes in the morning unfolded in turkey, where, despite the authorities’ ban on holding events at the taksim site, political activists from different parties called on supporters to go there. as a result , security forces had to use tear gas and rubber bullets. and demonstrators used banner flag poles as baton spears. this is footage from france, there on labor day , the national police and gendarmes traditionally work hard. in nanties , protesters began smashing store windows; in lyon, at least 17 local
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residents were detained who brought brass knuckles and knives with them. there is also unrest in paris, the first ones have already begun. clashes with law enforcement officers; in total, 270 rallies are planned throughout the republic, where up to 150 thousand people can come. now to other topics. large waters are shifting to the northeast of the tyumen region; the ishim river rose by 84 cm in one day. several settlements are completely cut off from roads, residents are sharing footage of flooded streets, and the situation is being monitored from drones. and the cameramen are filming practically. around the clock, which allows the operational headquarters to quickly make decisions. in the kurgan region, a moderate increase in water is recorded in one of the districts; in most areas, the flood is declining, but the tobol river has not yet returned to its usual course. from 15 to 30 cm are lost per day. in buryat , the consequences of the hurricane are being eliminated; the strongest wind demolished billboards, roofs, constipations, bus stops traffic lights. utility services cut down
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fallen trees and remove garbage. well, power engineers work in a special mode, so... in the republic of buryatia, a large-scale fire occurred at night; snt kirpichnik, where we are now, suffered the most from the disaster. in snt, located in the vicinity of ulanude, a fire destroyed 17 country houses, there were no casualties, since 12 of them were empty buildings, there were no people permanently living in the partnership. 21 areas were damaged, of which five buildings, summer option, the houses were completely closed, there were no people in them, because at that time they were at their place of registration. the preliminary cause of the fire, established by the ministry of emergency situations, was the whipping of electrical wires as a result of hurricane winds. the day before , fire raged in the republic for the same reason in several areas at once. investigators are at the place of work, we establish the cause
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of the fire, count the victims, record the property that was destroyed in the fire, employees of the fire testing laboratory are also working on site, which focused on establishing the cause of the outbreak. the fire was extinguished; about 70 people, personnel and 19 units of fire equipment were involved in extinguishing the fire. the total area of ​​the fire in the suburb of ulanude was 17,000 m2. the fire was completely extinguished by 4:00 am local time. together with firefighters and rescuers, they fought the fire all night. volunteers began work on a special commission that will determine the extent of the damage caused by the fire. the republican authorities promise to quickly provide assistance where permanent housing has been damaged. all necessary measures are being taken. emergency services are
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inspecting the affected areas, a total of 10 fires were recorded in ulanudy, all of them have been extinguished, and debris removal continues at the fire-brick site to assess the consequences of the disaster. tatyana kostagova, oleg onosov, vesti buryatiya. in the krasnoyarsk territory, on the occasion of the centenary of the writer viktor ostavye , a national center dedicated to his legacy was opened. in the writer’s homeland, in the small village of ovsyanka, there is already a memorial complex, where people come from all over the country fans of his work. he volunteered to go to war and wrote a lot about it, creating stern, honest images in his works, rather than the simple literary path of a real siberian. ilya kanavin. here is my office, uh-huh, little ones, there is a room there, then there is a kitchen, in total, only 28 m2, that’s enough.
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after the father returned from the camps, he remarried and the stepmother literally survived as a child; she had enough children of her own. ostafiev became a deddomovite; he will tell what it was like decades later in the book of theft. everything he he wrote autobiographically, slowly, painstakingly, accurately to the touch, with kindness and love.
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terrible work, it’s so terrible, to give such material that tears the soul , the war is good, so i always say, no, let’s write how good everything was, well, it
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wasn’t good there, you can’t romanticize the war, there were four in polina, when at night in one mother irina died in bed with her. viktor petrovich, overcoming the resistance of the guardianship authorities, took his granddaughter and raised her as a daughter, a daring, rebellious rebel. school, home, horse riding. his books, the main ones of which are the king fish, are about people, the taiga, about the indestructible, deep present, the taiga near astav rustles with its branches and every needle. his heroes are almost never simply good or bad, alive, and therefore different within themselves, never judged by them and as if embarrassed by
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their own primordial nobility. before the war , i completed only six classes, but of course, during the war no one gains knowledge; on the contrary, it decreases. he studied with books, read avidly all his life, even in the war, where he went to volunteers in forty-two, he, a railway worker with... had to bury the children of besieged leningrad, who died right on the train on the way to evacuation, did not survive, refused armor, was wounded three times, the last concussion was a shrapnel in the head at the very end of the war, that’s where the damaged eye came from, the writer is losing his head and he’s still illiterate, and besides, you can still work with him, so to speak, but otherwise the literate guys are just now coming, there are a lot of them coming, it’s still much more difficult to say with them, but we mean, due to illiteracy, sometimes it means... so we could quickly find ours style, harsh, like everything from him, in fact , he studied all his life, in fifty-nine, already an accomplished writer, he entered the literary institute, his legacy 15.
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news: krasnoyarsk, ovsyanka. this is the message, this is what will happen next in our program. the immortal regiment launched in russia today, a large-scale event dedicated to victory day. six georgian security forces were seriously injured at a protest in tbilisi, and more than 60 people were detained. and in indonesia the ruan volcano woke up again. this is not only discussed after the advertisement. see you.
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the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. live stream. may 7 at 12:00 moscow time on rtr. welcome to rixsas premium magavish suth& villas in hurghada, where luxury rooms and villas combine with 1 km of golden sandy beach. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your vacation unforgettable. rixa with premium magavish suds & villas, the holiday you've been dreaming of. we invite you to
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at home with timur kizikov on sunday on rtr, your work, did you film? dash, she’s in the hospital, in intensive care, it’s not my fault, i ’ll find them, i’m languishing, i know where he went, nikita, where? we go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed, any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge about
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health. dispel myths and help you find out the truth, how to act, in order to land well, you need to warm up before, what to pay attention to, each risk factor should be. tablet: where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. it takes two decades from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take care of your complex body. take care of yourself and be healthy. about the most important things from monday to friday on rtr. this is news and we continue to publish: six georgian security forces were seriously injured at a protest rally in tbilisi, another 63 people, according to the local ministry of internal affairs, were detained during a multi-hour
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confrontation between demonstrators and police. at night, representatives and supporters of the opposition again came to the parliament of the republic to express dissatisfaction with the law on agents, but very quickly the peaceful protest turned into riots on the avenue. happened the day before in the center of tbilisi. the result of a street confrontation that the police are shot with fireworks, canisters with tear gas instantly fly towards the protesters and fall straight into the crowd.
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water cannons and rubber bullets are used. nevertheless, hundreds of protesters are trying to break through the cordon to block the entrance to parliament so that deputies cannot leave the building. thousands of people began to gather in the center of tbilisi in the afternoon to prevent the adoption of the law on foreign agents; at what was supposed to be a peaceful protest, people wearing masks appeared almost immediately, hiding their faces insults were thrown towards the police and the crowd tried to block the entrances, everything instantly escalated into a massive clash with the security forces, the police were trying to push back the roaring mob. from the walls of the legislative assembly , barricades begin to appear on the streets, bus and truck drivers block roads, protesters break down and dismantle street cafes, a general probe should protect against water cannons, and
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european union flags appear among the protesters. the crowd is shouting, there is no russian law, although georgian deputies have repeatedly stated that the bill is transparent. foreign influence is a copy of the american one, but the protesters cannot be convinced and a new wave from rustavelli avenue is trying to block parliament. at the height of the protests , georgian president salame zurabishvili addressed the minister of internal affairs with a demand. she called on the security forces to immediately stop the violence, the police, who at that moment had fireworks charges flying from behind the barricades, the president seriously convinced that. peaceful and does not threaten anyone. i appeal to the minister of internal affairs cases calling for an immediate end to the dispersal of a peaceful demonstration, the use of disproportionate force, and violence against young people who came with their bare hands. the action is peaceful and does not pose
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any threat to order in the capital. opposition politicians also came to support the dissenters; they deliberately began to provoke the police, and then, with tears in their eyes, they assured the cameras that such aggression on the part of the special forces was nothing. justified, what the police are doing is illegal, people held a peaceful protest, you see what the police are doing, they are behaving illegally, but our people will never give up, the georgian people will win this battle, only closer to midnight the special forces were able to push the protesters away from the entrance to parliament, but there were still barricades on the approaches to the legislative assembly, until 40 am , shots were heard in the center of tbilisi, the police used tear bombs... as a result of the protests , six police officers were seriously injured, 63 people were detained. sergey samokha, news. russian missile forces hit headquarters of the operational command of the armed forces of ukraine. the ministry of defense reports this. a series of powerful explosions
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occurred this night in odessa. according to the ukrainian military, three iskanders were used. despite the fact that local residents are afraid to film the consequences of the strikes due to threats from the sbu. all these appeared several photos in which the giant is visible. column of smoke. during the day , the railway tracks in kharkov were attacked; there is a logistics hub there, which the usu uses to transport military equipment. in the vicinity of chasovo yar operator of our fpvidron. destroyed the ukrainian t-64 tank. after the impact , the ammunition detonated in the car and it was completely burned out. near the village disputed in the northern direction. according to the positions of the ukrainian armed forces, the sentsipyok heavy flamethrower system was used in the forest plantation. in the chernigov region, our artillery destroyed a large ammunition depot, and this is footage of objective control over the destruction of a field depot. the drone operator accurately dropped a grenade on a pile of enemy shells. aviation in the kherson direction. destroys your fortification an isabami in the southern donetsk direction lancet in
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the village of uspenovka hit a tanker at the very moment when the american m-133 armored personnel carrier was being refueled. footage of the assault on ukrainian positions on this section of the front in a report by military correspondent eduard punigov. south donetsk direction. the 394th regiment of the fifth army from primorye is working at the forefront. an assault unit is attacking an enemy stronghold. soldiers methodically defend fortified positions. come in, come in, ukrainian armed forces soldiers are being smoked out of fortified dugouts using grenades. opornik is an extensive network of trenches and firing points. the group is led by a commander with
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the call sign saval, at the front this name is well known to many soldiers, saval’s attack aircraft carried out dozens of successful offensive operations, we mainly work in the forest regiments near the staromarsk shelter, we do not work in a standard way, but based on what happens on the battlefield, from this we evaluate, we go forward, i personally work at... a distance of approximately 2 km from the advance group
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, they help correct the course of hostilities , if necessary, they provide fire support using kamis drones. essentially these are the eyes of the entire assault group. drone operators warn soldiers of possible danger and suggest how best to behave on the battlefield. we are adjusting our assault groups, we are starting them, we are also monitoring them, and we are monitoring the battle. drone operators always try to operate from camouflaged positions. being in an open area is too dangerous, of course, if they find a place where uavs are sitting, yes, all the art of the world goes there, there were some attacks on you, well, there were arrivals, but on us nearby there, well, so that they never hit us right on target, the senior grenade launcher of the assault group came here from transbaikalia, he himself came to the military registration and enlistment office and signed a contract, and why did he decide to sign, well, he wanted to test himself in front of his homeland... show another an attack aircraft with the call sign violinist also went
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on a special operation for volunteers, what do you feel when you enter the eye , the feeling is basically no fear, there is a feeling that i must complete the task at any cost, all the movements of the soldiers during the attack brought to the point of automaticity, attack aircraft understand perfectly well that the life of the entire unit depends on the actions of each fighter. eduard punigov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. in kyiv. at these moments, they are dismantling the monument located under the famous arch of friendship of peoples, which symbolizes the reunification of russia and ukraine. the monument, consisting of twenty multi-ton elements, was erected in honor of the pereyaslav rada. we are talking about a key historical event, a meeting of the cossacks led by hetmen bohdan khmelnytsky in the middle of the 16th century, when the decision was made to unite the territory of the zaporozhye army with the russian one.
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against the backdrop of the disastrous situation at the front in ukraine , raids on forced mobilization are being intensified, they are trying to catch draft dodgers at specially organized checkpoints, and they are catching not only people; one of the vyinkom in zaporozhye in one day, citing mobilization, illegally seized four trucks and a minibus at once. now he faces up to 12 years in prison, and this is footage from the city of dnepr, this is how a local resident reacted ironically to the presentation he gets a summons right on the street, but get on with your life. in kharkov, footage of the empty central market is posted on social networks. most of the sellers left the city, despite local authorities reporting no panic evacuation. the border areas of the belgorod region are again under attack from the ukrainian armed forces; this morning, militants attacked the village of voznesenovka in the shibekinsky urban district with drones.
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several buildings were damaged; the day before , five attack drones were shot down in the skies over the region to prevent shelling. destroy ukrainian firing points terrorists. report by vynkor igor kikhanov. crew to the gun. the artillery crew of the d-20 howitzer prepares the gun for firing. on the territory of a neighboring state , intelligence officers discovered enemy military equipment and fortified positions. ukrainian militants tried to get close to our borders in order to attack populated areas of the belgorod region. 30 yes to the gate 58:30 turnaround 58:30 yes in a matter of minutes russian artillerymen aim their guns at the target and open fire, one by one high-explosive fragmentation shells fall on the enemy 122 mm caliber, they leave no chance for the enemy, penetrating even well-fortified
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dugouts and artillery units of the covering group. borders destroy enemy military equipment camouflaged positions in the ssu. the soldiers call their howitzer a legendary weapon. it is rapid-fire, hits over a long distance, and also uses guided modern projectiles called krasnopol. despite the long distances. russian artillery hits the target. this is the result of long study and training. behind each fighter has vast combat experience and dozens of destroyed military equipment of ukrainian militants. according to the russian military, on the contrary.
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with medals for military valor, for zhukov. with the help of drones, reconnaissance officers monitor the gray zone around the clock; as soon as militants are detected , artillery is involved in neutralizing the enemy. long-range weapons are camouflaged on the line of combat contact; the enemy is trying to respond to our fighters with kamikaze drones. here is the grid hanging so that either they throw a drone or a kamikaze, it gets tangled up and... no explosion occurs, and camouflage, of course, is also there in front of the gun, ukrainian rocket launchers are destroyed, mortar positions in su, artillery are marked with orders and medals, the soldiers say, the reward is not the main thing for them, every destroyed target means thwarted attacks on peaceful cities and saved lives. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod
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region. columbia university's failure to deal with a hamas gang was a glaring flaw manuals. this was discussed today in the american congress just at the moment when the new york police launched an assault. barrier cordons were set up within a radius of two blocks, first pushing back those who occupied the roadway, and then entering the campus through the windows, where radical students barricaded themselves. the day before, they , wearing masks, burst into a building in manhattan and destroyed hamilton hall, and after blocking the entrances and exits, other protesters handed them everything they needed to the second floor by rope. president of the university.
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the outcome of the summit meetings is still unknown, but the biden administration views these consultations as the last hope for a ceasefire and stabilization of the middle east. more than 12 thousand residents are now being evacuated in indonesia, where the ruang volcano has awakened and thousands of lightning bolts have appeared in the sky. today. impressive night images gave way to no less frightening daytime ones, a column of smoke and ash has already risen to a height of 19 km, the
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danger level in the disaster area has been raised to the maximum, in the administrative the airport in the center of north sulawesi province has been closed, leading to the cancellation of 40 flights, the eruption has already damaged several houses, and there are threats of a tsunami. the immortal regiment launched in russia today, a large-scale event dedicated to the day.
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this is not an all-russian event, it is international and anyone can do it, but you need to understand that the action unites tens of thousands of people all over the planet. the memory wall campaign is just one of many formats for holding the immortal regiment. for example, in order to be a hero on victory day, you can go to the website polkrf. .ru, create a portrait of the winner and print it out in a photo studio, and then apply it to a t-shirt as a print. this way, your
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hero will always be with you on victory day, and in general you can make this a good tradition, many people keep these t-shirts at home, every victory day, whole families wear them on this day and go with their heroes. in chukotka , portraits of soldiers and commanders of the red army are pasted onto car windows. this is my grandfather, kugai nikolai vasil. he is a veteran of the great patriotic war, his feat is not forgotten, we remember, we are proud. and in the khante-mansi autonomous okrug, pilots of the bars aerobatic team paste the image of the winners onto the duralumin fuselages and canopies, as they call the cockpit glazing of their light-engine aircraft. we collect portraits, launch a campaign on our social networks, people send them to us, stick them on our sides, and then take them off. members of one of the football teams took to the field with portraits of heroes, natives of the mountainous republic, on their
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t-shirts. my t-shirt depicts the hero of the soviet union, submariner magomed gadzhiev. i congratulate all veterans of the great patriotic war, all dagestanis, on their holiday, victory day. in the city on the neva, on the legendary cruiser aurora, these days a portrait of another famous military sailor, commander-in-chief of the navy of the soviet union, nikolai kuznetsov, appeared. portraits of heroes of the great patriotic war, holders of the order of glory, heroes of the soviet union, with information about themselves and their exploits will be placed in public places, parks, squares. all these formats allow everyone whoever wants to take part at any convenient time and the more people choose for themselves, there may be more than one. there are several formats, the larger the scale of the immortal regiment will be in this:


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