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tv   Lyubov preodoleet vsyo  RUSSIA1  May 1, 2024 9:20pm-10:21pm MSK

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now about other events briefly: tomorrow several streets in the center of south-east moscow will be temporarily closed. so from 16 to 19 there will be no traffic on sections of volgogradsky prospekt and the garden ring. it will also be impossible to drive there after 23. in the evening several embankments will be closed, and from 22 there will be a large stone bridge on the new arbat. tariffs have changed since may 1. travel on regular river transport. on weekends and holidays, a ticket will now cost 300 rubles. on weekdays the price remained the same 150 rubles. let me remind you that you can pay for the trip by bank card, troika card, and also by biometrics. 23 beach areas are being prepared for opening in moscow. swimming pools will appear in eight parks, including khadynskoye pole, sokolniki and dubki. also, swimming areas will be equipped at nine moscow sites during the season.
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rospotrebnadzor warns of the increased danger of ticks. in april , almost 400 cases of bites were recorded in the moscow region; by the beginning of may, this figure had doubled. it is worth remaining vigilant not only in forests, but in parks. maria temnikova, about why a small tick can cause big problems. look, here are frightening shots of a bunch of ticks on the grass and branches in one of the forests near moscow, there are a lot of similar videos on the internet now, april-may is the time when these representatives of the arachnid family, yes, yes, ticks are not insects, they are especially active, they found, here he, the white flag as a symbol of surrender, not people, ticks, in a park near moscow, a specialist and i collected a catch in just a few minutes, and this despite the fact that the grass here is not tall, we take it for inspection, the laboratory of the hygiene center... and
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epidemiology of the moscow region, ticks are brought here for research, now a specialist is just looking at the one we discovered, but here you can only understand its appearance, so you can find out whether it is a carrier of some infectious diseases only in a specially designated room and access there is strictly prohibited. ticks can be extremely dangerous to humans; they carry at least 100 diseases; in just a few holidays , the number of people bitten has increased sharply. the head of the safe internet league was among the victims. i was bitten today tick, thank god, there was a person nearby who quickly saved me from this infection, so be careful, but getting it out is not enough, it is important to send it for examination blogger tasha mulyar was also bitten by a tick, a few weeks later she developed lyme disease or burleosis. i had a sharp pain that came from the center of the knee and seemed to spread throughout my entire leg, but to the point where my vision darkened at that moment, burleosis can amaze. system
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of the human musculoskeletal system, if it is not treated, often develops into chronic forms, from the skin the pathogen can enter through the bloodstream into other organs, and these are the organs of the central nervous system, this is the skin, other areas of the skin, and these are the joints, if you are going on a hike, for a walk, on a picnic, to the dacha, you must follow a number simple rules, grass located near paths is the most dangerous for this, yes, because they are just waiting for a person. how to protect yourself from keys? well, firstly, these are clothes, long sleeves, cuffs with elastic bands, light-colored clothes, ticks are better visible on them, check with a friend a friend, if possible, use a special spray every half hour to help and don’t forget about pets, they also need protection, the spitz bolik almost died after an encounter with a tick. they took all the blood tests and said that he already had piroplasmosis, prepare for the worst. by the beginning of may, more than 24 thousand russians across the country were treated in the hospital after tick bites. in
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the moscow region, there have already been several hundred victims since the beginning of the season. 380 calls to medical organizations regarding tick bites were registered, in three cases the causative agent of lyme disease or baryliosis was discovered in a different way. but the most dangerous disease transmitted by ticks is tick-borne encephalitis, it affects the nervous system and can even lead to death in moscow, the moscow region, so far not a single registered case. the construction site next door, where apartments are being built, suddenly grew in their yard; there are similar problems on the first street of imsky pole, where the land near the house risks turning into a transit highway. about trespassing, denis voskovsky. 24th
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on the first street of yamskoye pole they did not object to the construction of a residential high-rise next door, they even gave up one and a half meters of yard for a while for landscaping; they greatly regretted it. the gate that opens into our yard. there is no flow of transit vehicles yet, but the house is not yet inhabited, there will absolutely be traffic jams here, i am not the boss on this matter. the management rarely visits the site; we received only a written response to our request, in which it was reported that the passage leading to the neighbors is a fire road, and will be used only in emergency cases. the traffic management project does not provide for special markings to prohibit parking of vehicles on the territory of a residential building, but if you can park in the driveway, then what kind of firefighter is he, people are sure. that they want to build an ordinary road through their yard, this is illegal construction, on massfilmovskaya street the confrontation has escalated to such an extent that meetings between residents and builders take place only under the supervision of the police, just like on the first street of yamskoye pole, we are talking about the boundaries of the plots. the developer is planning here on
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our land, the reversal of its technology. the crews leveling the site for luxury apartments chose to hide behind a fence, hence the emotional story. about how for the king and sons, this is how the name of the future zhika is translated from english, trees are being cut here , wires are being pulled, people had to be in uniform, the methods of work so outraged the teaching staff of moscow state university living in the neighboring houses that the terms of intonation were maintained, as they say in folklore style, you see the cable is coming, what the hell are they, this cable coming to our house, the electrification of the facility happened quickly and spontaneously, the workers , without asking anyone, just got it. key to the basement and connected the wires to the networks of the residential building. in addition, the outline of the construction site changes every now and then, adding new cabins and fences. we privatized the area around the house, they are starting to turn this area around, how they expanded the area, how in the golden area
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of ​​​​moscow five hundred square meters of land were taken away. today on masfilmovskaya, as they say, you can’t pass, you can’t pass. signs prohibiting stopping installed. the perimeter has been hidden behind black bags for developers for now, but construction equipment has already turned moving along the sidewalk into a dangerous quest. amazing! at the same time, the company's management comments on the situation in the sense that the rights of the owners of apartments in neighboring buildings are allegedly not violated, since what is happening under their windows does not concern them. residents have nothing to do with the ongoing development project or the developer of the project. the developer works in moscow. in accordance with the current legislation of the russian federation and moscow. professors and associate professors, who are also local residents, insist that we are talking about numerous violations in the field of construction, environmental and fire safety legislation, and requires a comprehensive inspection. denis voskovsky, maxim gavrilets, ilona agasieva,
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victoria makarova, news. this concludes our release. all news is always available on the media platform. we look in the application or on the website. well right now. we are watching the new episodes of the film love will overcome everything. wormwood grass gave me bitterness, bitter glory carried by the wind, over the river euston,
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a peal. sick ringing, born of pain, bitter guilt, silence in the heart, drunk to the dregs, bitter words, like wormwood. grass, yes, we’re taking you, we’ll take you, wait,
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you can’t go there, they won’t let you in anyway, we ’ll inject you with a sedative, you’d better go and lie down, and you’ll arrive tomorrow morning, my girl! damn you, these leonovs. and hi, armen, don’t you want to tell me anything, about, how about, i thought there was a reason?
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wait, you wanted this too, right? i mean, we did this together, well, we wanted it, well, between nothing between us, no, that is, i understand, it was a mistake, that is, i should have, i shouldn’t have, well, it turned out like this, let’s forget, let’s go as before, but it won’t work out like before, if for you it was a mistake , i don’t know, i... for me no, i
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can’t work with you anymore, why, why? i ’m quitting, how do you quit, are you crazy, why are you quitting, you’ll pay me back when you can, listen, you’ve completely blown the lid or something, well, work at least until... come on, my dear, the pressure is already good, ok, i’ll call later, what did they say, how did she come to herself, the main thing is that they found her on time, our doctors are excellent and the toxicology is excellent, tan, at least don’t lie to what the doctors said, the body is young, everything is fine, what i did , idiot, why did i leave my sleeping pills
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in plain sight, after all, i saw her condition, maybe we should go to the hospital after all, now the injection will take effect, and you go straight to sleep, tanyusha, you insist that, of course, i won’t sleep, yeah , yes. well , maybe you'll still come with us? natasha, well, i can’t handle things, you know, i should blink your eyes, how everything is already on the roslabon, dad, so let me replace you, well, just tell me what to do, i’ll do it, i know how you ’ll do it, then i won’t clean it up at all, no natasha, you and kostya are traveling together, and we’ll wave at the sea more freely, okay.
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and again you, let's get out of here, ah-ah-ah, what is this? sausages sausages, why the hell are you here again? wait a second, your job? did you film? yes, i was filming it, only she, she asked me herself, i really didn’t know what she needed for her clients, she found it unlikeable, decent for a date, they told you, herself asked, the girl tried to poison herself, now she is in a coma. 110 ukrf, incitement to suicide for 132, you and your friend
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will go, dad, what is this, there is an examination for 132, what did you do with the girl, we just sat, drank, that’s all, she then undressed, but we took pictures purely for fun . dad, i didn’t rape her, if that’s what you’re thinking about, i ’ll swear to you now on the memory of my mother, they didn’t do anything to the girl, so get out of here? i don’t even know why she wanted to get drunk, maybe she fell in love with me, dad, well, let’s go, let’s go,
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zoya mikhailovna, maybe you can eat, what, i ’ll cook porridge for you, thank you, i don’t want it. but it was i who ruined everything, i couldn’t cope with my daughter, i thought i wouldn’t repeat the mistakes with my granddaughter, you remember my natka, but it was i who separated her from her boyfriend, from mishka kuzyakin, i was afraid that she would marry him, he to the army, and i told her all sorts of crap about him, i thought that she would forget him. she leaves, leaves for the city, goes to college, it turned out the other way around, she left dasha to me, she ran away, i don’t know now where she is, what’s wrong with her, what’s wrong with dasha it happened, it’s not your fault, zoya mikhailovna,
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it’s my fault, i ruined everything, i was afraid that gossip would spread, i was silent, i had to ring the bells, i couldn’t protect dasha, if only my girl was alive, everything will be fine with her, zoya mikhailovna, at the hospital they said her condition is stable, as soon as you can visit her, she loves you very much, and you love her, you just tell her about it more often. sorry, how much longer? well, wait, now i ’ll sell the funds and i’ll come right away, well, let’s fill it out. 550, yes, yes, and lyuba, when she returns, it’s a mess here, just wait,
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i’m telling you, i’ll be right back, hello, hello, i’m... shoes, shoes, shoes, and these are yours, they cleaned the heel, and where’s the karaganda, thank you. lyuba where, how do i know now, lyubo, where just don’t go far, yeah, okay, during the intermission we’ll drink champagne and praise the play, or scold, you know, i was at
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the trekrashova opera when i was still a student, the then nokovo bolshoi drama theater came, but it’s interesting how modern it is.
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you don’t see the person is bad, and you eat, come on, it wasn’t enough to die of hunger because of this girl, in short, i was thinking, maybe that’s all photomontage, by the way, yes, they put the head on someone else’s body, now they make videos like this one at a time, you can insert it directly from porn, but wait with your girlfriend, you are the person who is with her in the photographs, you know, you still need to look for such scum? just like that, he did everything, and you fell for it, you also insulted the girl, what did you say to her, after what i told her, she’s unlikely to forgive me, give me an evening, mom, meet me, this is dima, dima, this my mother, svetlana sergeevna, it’s very nice,
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hello, mutually, hello, tanya i told you so much about you, i hope it’s good, exceptional, it’s just inconvenient that tatyana attracted you, no one attracted me, i was attracted myself, i want to help, i ’ll sit with lyosha while you are being examined. thank you very much, grandma, hello, hello, my sweet, how are you, i’m good, yes, lyoshka is already trying to read books with all his might, thanks to you, mom, what are you doing, yes, well, let’s go, otherwise we’ll be late, yes, ok, let's go. lord, are you home? yes, natalya alexandrovna, just finished, sit down, okay,
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tell me, how are you? oh we're a lot we are rehearsing, we don’t have enough energy for anything else. really, what are you talking about? do you have the strength to glue other people's men? don’t worry about it like that, i understand everything. so listen to me carefully, i offer you mutually beneficial cooperation, you must seduce my husband, what exactly are you doing, only before we were enemies, and now i will be your friend, why do you need this, most importantly, why do you need this, you will get my husband and... you need to be in bed with him at the right time in the right place, i'll tell you when, and you won't
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are you afraid that i will tell him about your proposal? of course, it’s your business, but you and i together will end up with nothing, and then, well , who will he believe, you or me, and if i refuse, you’ll fly out of the competition, straight out the winner, and you? and i have freedom and money tomorrow. well, we agree, i act, that by the time i returned, you had already had a whirlwind romance, alexander yatsenko, we didn’t leave them, they are following us, after us, this is war, we are part of it, in war sheringa is not chosen, and jews here are non-peaceful people, they are being killed by enemies, which means they must fight with enemies, their the task is to survive and get there. film by sergei ursulyak and there is no choice, righteous man, premiere, but there is a chance, may 9 on rtr,
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allow yourself a first-class holiday slezorts, elegant details, a holiday of the refined. variety of entertainment, golden beach and azure waves. lio rezards, we are here for you. rom castro is a product of the stellar group. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort at rixsas golf villas and suite sharma shech. a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy modern design
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rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits sharma. manccher whiskey is a product of the stellor group. rixas premium. family fun starts here, with every detail created for your enjoyment. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at rixsus premium siagate. rixos premium seagate. montechoca cognac. product of steller group. hello. hello. tatiana, come in
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to me. for a moment, here are the results of the tests in the laboratory, you know, we will not be able to accurately differentiate the type of crest of your mother, it is either angiosarcoma or hemandiosarcoma, and understanding what kind of sarcoma it is depends on the choice of treatment tactics, with these two sarcomas it differs, yeah. what to do? well, it is necessary to send it to moscow for a review to determine the type of tumor. you can get a microscope from them there, eye dystologists. yes of course. doctor, tell me, do these types of tumors respond well to treatment? but on your stage, the five-year survival rate is 50 to 50%. so it makes sense to fight. after 10 days, call the registrar. i think there should already be a conclusion. yes yes. well,
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why don’t they tell me anything, what kind of tans are they, how long do i have left, calm down, please, the doctor wants to send the biopsy slides to moscow for an accurate conclusion, so don’t worry, please, okay, and to hell with it, how long do i have let me go, i’ll live as long as i can. antosh, what happened to you, what happened? fell, your rib was broken, i thought so, you need to trampunte go, do an x-ray, but there’s no need, just give me some kind of pill, otherwise i won’t be able
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to breathe, so what pill? you have arms there, there, there, but everything is fine, where did you fall from, from what height? i didn’t fall, what happened, they beat you up, they ran over me, it was at work, so you need to call the police, but you don’t have to mess with them. no need to make a fuss, lena, just do something, you can without an injection, you can’t, get up, let’s go, yes, anton.
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just quickly, thank you, hello. dash, sash, it’s you, hello, call dasha, please, i can’t, zoya mikhailovna, i understand, she doesn’t want to talk to me, but i have something very important, i need to tell her, she’s in the hospital, in intensive care, what’s wrong with her, she tried
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to commit suicide. ruben is already quite an adult; he is finishing his fifth year. i met a girl from the course, amina. i’m surprised, without anyone’s help, i found an armenian girl among thousands of girls. onaid says she is beautiful, smart. and i am silent. it’s
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impossible to choose, but i met kazaryan a couple of days ago. with my daughter, with karina, such a beauty has grown up, she graduated from medical school, works as a dentist, suddenly you like her, uh, oh, what, uh, he tsks, he, why are you tsking, listen, how old are you, and you have no wife, no children, no family, you don’t like anyone, every time, when someone starts to tell me...
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what a witchy lake you have, i remember, the music is all novels, novels, well, on the other side,
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i’m tired, for most people just getting into the oncology center building is already a serious stress, but when there’s no such reason ... cheerful, yes, but it could have been worse, you helped once again, thank you, that’s it who is probably tired, no, i just have such a superpower to save people, i’ll go, or maybe you’ll stay, i’m still sleeping with lyoshka, i’m posturing. at home, for you, then what ’s the point, look somewhere now for the night, and in the morning i’ll prepare a signature omelette, of course, then,
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of course, i’ll stay, go? i'm sorry, yes, i'm sorry, what happened, i'm out of town, yes, yes, yes, i understand, i'll be right there. well, i’m left without amli, what happened, they’re transporting a serious patient with a cranial brain injury, we have to go, this is what the doctor looks like superman,
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let’s go. conscript alexander escaped from a military unit captain vetrov, we need your help, from our kovalev, born in 2005, he is armed, according to our information he is not, perhaps he will try to get help from his mother living at lesnaya street, i know the address, great, we hope
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for your assistance in detaining the dessert. taña, taña, taña! what's happened? when was the last time you talked to sasha? at our house, you were just there. have you talked to him about dasha? no, why? where is dashkin's phone? by grandma? well, i guess i don’t know, but what happened? apparently, sashka found out about dasha and ran away from army. lord, how did you escape, where? tan, in general, i went to the city, i’ll try to intercept him at the hospital. and you stay here by chance. if he returns, we will need to detain him, wait, i don’t understand anything, we
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’re wasting time, if the police find him earlier, they won’t arrest him, he faces a prison sentence for escaping, and if we bring him back ourselves, then there’s a chance to get him off from this matter, that’s it, come on, i ’ll try to find someone with whom i can leave lyoshka, i’ll come for her too, maybe you’ll come with us after all? well, i told you that i can’t, i have a lot of things to do, that's it, my dear, sit down, well, will you miss your folder? well, yes, but will you look after your mother? uh-huh, well, that’s it, that’s it, then i’ll leave her in good hands for now, dear. you too behave well, i
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have eyes and ears everywhere, but i can’t promise that, i should have come with us, natasha, natasha, you should have been spanked before, yes, he came, yes. listen, come on, hold him back, as agreed, i’ll be there soon, that’s it, come on, dad, there’s a cormorant in our computer club , let me go, i’ll go there, yes, just don’t touch him, okay, follow him and punch, dad, i got it, and don’t light up, yes i got it, i got it, hello, earrings, hello, busy,
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let’s stir things up today, yes, my guys left, i’m alone, yes, we’ll take the girls, well, in general, okay, i’ll tell you to flood it now, yeah, that’s it, i’m waiting, come on. attention, everyone, we are entering the german patrol zone, the premiere for victory day, to liberate the skies of crimea from the germans, i ordered the transfer of the pathan to the 267th regiment, major roman, what would you like, come on, you mean romanov, who mr. imprisoned, then to you from me personally , special thanks to, let's go vote, blah nikolaevich, i don't dance, i don't dance, i don't drink, here she is , what a specimen...
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titanic luxury collection old barrel cognac product of steller group. welcome to rixsas premium magavish suths and villas in hurghada. where luxury rooms and villas combine with a 1 km long golden sandy beach. impeccable service, exquisite cuisine. make your holiday unforgettable. rixas premium magavish suths and villas - the holiday you've been dreaming of. gin cnop. product of steller group. we invite you welcome you to the swiss hotel sharmel sheikh. the world's first swissotel operating on an all- inclusive system. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. create memories
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that will stay in your heart forever. swissotel charmel sheikh is your ideal place in the heart. bourbon starsman, a product of the steller group, the wife, this is a cook, a dishwasher, a technician, a teacher, a teacher, a seamstress, and the husband is tired at work, enough is enough, this is the inscription on a chinese maternity hospital, my name is givi, honor of my grandfather, and my name is igor , twenties olympic games, my grandfather had no children, my father had no children, and you... yes, i’m from minsk. izmailovsky park. premiere on sunday. on rtr. oh, thank you very much. i will try to return as soon as possible. lyoshka is still sleeping, eat some porridge there, cook some cereal for him in a jar
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in the kitchen. don't worry, we'll sort it out. yes, that's it, thank you. call me if anything happens, yeah. where is the resident going, go and put on a boot, oh, i’ll have future doctors too. well, how is this possible, but without a shoe cover, don’t stomp, hello, galya, you can go faster,
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goytsy usually stand there, will you pay fines for exceeding them? as much as you can say, just please, let's hurry up, dash, forgive me, please, can you hear me, dash, i love you, very much, come back to me, please. can you hear me, can you hear me? dash, he'll regret this. sasha, what? it's not
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my fault. lord, of course it's not your fault. there was a photo montage in these photos, and i believed like a fool that you were hugging this freak, that he was touching you, even, why are you, it’s true, i don’t remember anything, what they did, they? it hurts me, i'm sorry, dash, i i’ll find them, i’ll find them, i’m pining, no need, let’s leave, forget about it, okay, okay.
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shoe covers, put on shoe covers, uh, you ran away, what now, it doesn’t matter, sasha, you have to return to the army, otherwise it will be worse, first i ’ll deal with these freaks, and then i’ll return to the unit, okay, don’t, please, sash , don’t, sash, sash, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, everything is fine, i’ll call everything will be fine, wait, sasha, just, just don’t do anything stupid, sasha, wait, sasha. wait, sasha, damn, everything’s fine, go worry, yes, tanya, i missed him, if not
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worry, i know where he went, just don’t say that he went to the leonovs, i’ll intercept him, i ’ll come there too, right now. no need, to the hospital, let's go to the broom, i'll show you there, nikit, well, you'll be there soon, that's it, i'm rushing at all speeds, yes, he's already about to leave, it seems to me, hold him back, bro, like damn, but i'm not i know how to lock the door, there is no door here, damn it, then i don’t know how it is here, let’s think of something creative somehow, well damn, who’s smart here, and you’re done? go away, yeah, how much from me? 300 rub. we have, by the way, today there is a promotion: an hour of play for free, would you like to take advantage? no, i’m not in this
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area, let the young people play, it seems there is no connection, sorry, we’ve been having problems with the terminal all day today, goodbye, but take the card, take the card.
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creature, listen, don’t worry so much, i remembered his number, now we’ll try and find him.
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crap! well, let’s shake it, you’re not in the mood yet, i want to get everything done, since i’m single today. well, dear, let's go, take a steam bath, i'm for any kind of activity, except for a hunger strike, go, i'll sit, today
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's party is yellow, okay, whatever you think, we're waiting for you, seryozha, i'm waiting for you, come along. quiet, quiet, just right, a guy, young, was here, what a guy, but wait, there was some, please check the cameras, this is important, he wants to attack nikita, damn it, the cameras are turned off. who are you, guy, where is nikita, how
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did you get here, guy, who cares, where is nikita, i ask, do you even know? who am i, i don’t care, nikita, where, so, wait, wait, so, second post, second post, report what you have there, second post, well, sit down, sit down, let’s talk calmly, we can still decide how- then in a peaceful way, why did i upset ours so much, do you want a watermelon? sweet as honey, or are you out of here now, i turn a blind eye to trespassing on private property , an attempt on the life of a regional prosecutor, or i ’ll fail now, and nothing will happen to me for it, i’ve already done that, well, choose, wait, this is
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your son . sergei petrovich, forgive me, i don’t understand, get out of here, yeah, what are you talking about? sasha, our son, mom, tell me that you just came up with this, right? no, son, this
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is your biological father, sergei leonov. kovalyu, are you completely crazy, what are you doing? be grateful that there was no oath, otherwise there would have been such a noise. thank you. you thought about your mother, but about the boy she adopted, an adult man
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has no right to live with his emotions, yes, i understand, you... to avenge dasha, but nikita her, yes, they took these stupid photos, got her drunk , but there was nothing, nothing else happened, i’ll put them in prison, both father and son, their whole company, i you... for 2 minutes, you say goodbye, let’s go part, son, forgive me, mom, you’ll be with me for the rest of my life i lied, i hate you, we're done, we can go.
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it's okay, no, don't worry, i i’ll try to make everything better, yes, thank you, i’ll go, you raised an honest, decent son, but will he be able to live normally with this honesty and decency of his among? such leonovs, you’re happy, i don’t know, these are all some kind of emotions, the main thing for me is that i don’t bother you with respect, not everything is working out yet, but i’ll do everything for this, okay, i’ll go and take him.
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masya, nothing there, but silence for now, i brought you something to eat, well, what did you say to yours, but nothing, i just stole everything from the food, come on, come on, eat, i’ll take the containers later so that there were no questions. and you ’re going to hide like this for a long time, or rather it’s a duty to them, just live in peace, but it’s not so simple there, masha is probably worried, she can call her,
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tell her that everything is fine with you, no need, she knows less, sleeps more soundly, you got yourself into a mess, of course, but if that’s the case, you might as well get out of town until things calm down. damn, kovalev, i’ve already changed this for a day. so, how did it go? where are my clothes? they took him, did you find that freak? let's not talk about this, but i'm tired. was this a photo montage? yes, i knew it. what a battalion commander speaks? nothing special. he said, i’ll probably live to see the oath. was that even possible ? well, where were you looking? yes, you take the oath with your head for everyone. who else knows? platoon commander, company commander and
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duty officer, no one else. okay, i'll make an agreement with him. go make sure the boys don't talk. decide to go? go to eat. here you go, you saved the old man from shame. for the first time
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on television, the performer of the most popular children's song in our country. how many students are there in the school, tell me. songs from the bottom of my heart, andrey mal's evening show, tomorrow on rtr, they say, you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest. you need to have a beautiful rest, but you need to rest where the sun and sea are, on the first coastline, where everything is included except
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your head. we know everything about vacation.


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