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tv   Versiya  RUSSIA1  May 2, 2024 4:05am-4:57am MSK

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this evening i’m visiting, until 2:00 am. i understand your disbelief, one second. this is my impresario's phone number. his name is pavel. please inquire. yes. can you sit down, i was just coming to tell you that i’m here, what are you doing? that
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without me it would be easier for you, but i didn’t think about it, well, don’t lie, i thought, no, i thought, well , i thought, but i couldn’t help but think, and well, you arranged an interrogation, an honored worker of the art, and your protégé is completely baselessly accuses him of murder, it’s funny to say who, but the night saleswoman store, uh, this, this is your olenka or you, they leaked official information there paper-scrambles, i, who made a thriller out of this with elements of horror, you know, the whole city is covered with newspapers and all this, you know, is on me, and after this is what you're saying, that you didn't think about who would be your new boss, and after me, yes, and you know what they told me in the city committee, and you know, you don't know, but... i'll tell you, i'll tell you, they i
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was told that of their own accord, they will not let me go, they will throw me out, you know, they will put me out with a roar, demonstratively , to the beat of drums and fanfare, rejoice, well , rejoice, shveytsova, this is good news, this is good news for you, but there is bad news, and... if you think that i will enlighten, and you if you continue to work in this very place, then you are deeply mistaken, i was just looking for the killer, using the information that i had, so, so you, what information, what information did you use, the information of this bruised complete, complete drunk, you were motivated by these testimonies, no, i there is a print of a criminal’s shoe, a criminal’s shoe, ha-ha, but you don’t happen to have...
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i’m sure i’m sorry, he has a reinforced concrete alibi, which is confirmed by his friend and housekeeper, absolutely uninterested people, so shvetsova, wait, you see me now, you you understand that you have been working as an investigator for the last 3 days, then i went to work, let me go.
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hello, zoya, please tell me, is staroseltsev an idiot or a scumbag? why? why is this the next question? have you read the article? which one? gradova, don’t pretend and tell staroseltsev that he has very big problems. tell him yourself, you have a phone number, i’m not going to talk to him, you can tell him or not, it’s up to you, but keep in mind that if in 2 days a refutation does not appear in the newspaper, i will do everything so that he goes to prison for libel, oh, i’m telling you, and you’re going to whom, i ’m going to the prosecutor, he accepts, on what issue, i have information, on this case, maybe he can help you. come with me, what
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else? oh my god, excuse me, who are you, toaster? tester, i test computer programs, i work at home, i sit until late, the windows of my apartment overlook this night store, so, then i heard a shot, and i have a camera, a video camera, constantly on. i'm testing a video application for processing images in real time, my camera is constantly turned off, it works, the image goes to the computer, i point the camera at different objects, wait, i've already heard that, or can you be more specific, when i heard a shot, i immediately turned the camera on the window, so you
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took it off, yes, wait, and that the face is visible, how large, well, as large as possible, how i could. stop, come back, more, more, more, stop. it’s better to see the grapes, well, let ’s detain, yes, more precisely, well,
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i need an examination of this film for editing or. this is what you signed, this is this, this is the decree, excuse me, this is for you, what are you pushing at me here, this is footage from a video recording from the crime scene, what kind of video recording, time and date are printed there, this is grape, excuse me, when, well actually, i needed an examination yesterday, well, if i see it today, i’ll be very grateful, and i need confirmation of the time and date of the shooting, yeah. thank you, goodbye, so wait a minute, what is this, these are grapes, uh-huh, yes, yes, i’m taking this matter under personal control, uh-huh, it seems, here.
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open! put doors there. what? are you from a candy store? well, in a sense, from the police. igor dmitrievich, where? at the wedding? on whose? on yours? what the hell, what kind of wedding? naturally, he is counting on this, he thinks that we will not take him to the wedding, we will be afraid of the scandal, of course, when i first saw
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igor on stage, i was not shocked at all, i knew perfectly well that wizards exist. attention, gentlemen, and one, two, three,
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and this is a planned disappearance, igor, come back. good evening, how can i help? where is the wedding in grapes? in the banquet hall, that way, please. oh, girl, what happened? yes , igor, igor has disappeared somewhere, have you seen him? igor, what igor, and my husband of grapes, igor dmitrievich, where did he disappear from? yes, right from the hall, he disappeared. thought it was a trick? check outside.
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but you don’t believe in his guilt, well, how can i believe in his guilt if at that very time i was sitting in his kitchen, yeah, you insist on this? yes, then how do you explain it? no, i know, it’s a 5 -minute walk from vinogradov’s house to this store, all he had to do was leave for 20 minutes, he didn’t go anywhere, yeah, okay, what’s the story with the wedding? what's the story? the most common story, you know such stories, the young people have known each other for a long time, the young, well
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, the bride, as it turned out at the wedding, knows vinogradov, who is six years old, well , half the country can boast of this, and the groom, they met 2 months ago on tour in rostov. tanya gave igor a huge bouquet during the performance, and then backstage she admitted that she had been in love with him almost since childhood. vinogradov was shocked by the confession. no, you need to know vinogradov. he usually does everything to make it impossible to get behind the stage. he takes care of himself. he was shocked that tanya managed to be behind
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the scenes, yeah, that means tanya from rostov confessed her love to the maestra and he took her to st. petersburg, but no, he didn’t attach any importance to this confession of grapes, but you never know what a girl’s dreams are, she herself came to ...after this concert, uh-huh, she got a job in a flower shop, and she sold flowers in rostov, since then she hasn’t missed a single vinogradova concert, uh-huh, she won the maestro’s heart, well , yes, water wears away stones, but where does she live in st. petersburg? mm, she rented some corner, and
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then vinogradov rented her an apartment in the center, yeah, you ask her, she ’ll tell you everything in detail, i have no doubt, but we’d be happy to, well... neither at home nor on dacha, well, i told you, something happened, yes it happened, your desk ran away and thereby ruined your alebi, tell me, in they weren’t planning a honeymoon, they were going somewhere in europe, first to england, then to france, you organized the trip, yes. “i need information, what time, when, where from, here are all the dates,
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departure, arrival, everything, but what about the bride, i didn’t find the address, do you happen to have an address, tanya”? so, here is her phone number, here is the address, i thought that... you already asked her a long time ago, while you were looking for the newlywed, the inconsolable bride disappeared, tell me, here are the grapes, he did it like his signature number, with a chest, and p-36, but uh, this is igor and i, so this number
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we call it, uh, after the fastest soviet steam locomotive, p-36. this number has always been the locomotive of the program. so can you tell me how he did it? yes, do you really think that grapes gave out to someone the secret of the number on which his entire program hung like a nail? deprive him of this number and there will simply be no grapes. does no one except vinogradov know the secrets of this trick? nobody. yes. but colleagues? no, they guess no more. nobody does anything like this. do you know that vinogradov is called russian? so igor was offended for
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this is a comparison. he considered houdini to be an average magician. goodinny crawls out of the chest behind the screen, and the grapes darken in a second, no one can repeat this, no one, and tanya, the grapes could hardly tell the secret of this trick. i don’t think so, no, i see, thank you, yes, uh, tell me, what flight were the tickets for?
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vinogovov wasn’t on that flight, that is, both seats. remained empty, yes, but he could have changed it for another flight, well, he could have, but he didn’t change it, no one took a ticket for this flight to vinogradovo or changed it, but his appearance memorable, yes, by the way, there’s also a strange moment here, that the tickets were bought the day before the wedding, well, maybe it took a long time to decide where to go, they had the right, but no, to prepare for such events in advance, okay, let’s go to the rvd, and i go to the inconsolable bride and back. that's it, bye, come on, who? i called you from the police, distillers. good afternoon. igor
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dmitrievich, didn’t show up? no. well, can i go through? close the door. thank you. so, tanya, you have an idea why your husband disappeared. eat. not just a guess, but confidence. everything after. the article started in the newspaper, how could it be, without finding out anything, without understanding it, he has an absolute alibi, well, you can tell the journalists, i didn’t write this article, by the way, you were at vinogradov’s that night, no, why, what means why, and why do i have to be with him all the time, they had business with the manager, with pavel, what,
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and how do i know, yeah, but you know why grapevine... disappeared from the wedding, it turns out, from -for articles in the newspaper, and not on the day he read it and not after conversation with the investigator, in the midst of the wedding, by an amazing coincidence, 5 minutes before his arrest, when irrefutable evidence appeared that he was guilty of murder, and i don’t mean the article, what do you want from me, i from you. nothing, it’s just that you, as a citizen of russia, have certain obligations enshrined in law. provide the investigation with all the information on a specific criminal case, in an accessible way, i
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told you everything, i myself don’t understand anything, what do you mean, a minute ago you understood everything, but this grapes rented an apartment, but yeah, how are you going to pay for it now? what do you mean? igor will return. were your parents at the wedding? no. and they generally know that you are getting married. i didn’t understand that you were investigating my biography? and her too. you understand, the flight of vinogradovo, i can explain. and why he still hasn’t contacted you is incomprehensible, and this can be explained in three ways: first, grapes
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is dead, which is unlikely, second, you’re lying to me, which is possible, and third, well, you’re so much to him indifferent that he did not even consider it necessary to inform you about his plans, but this is rudeness, right? therefore, i am trying to understand the history of your relationship, in order to understand the goals that grapes pursued , there were no goals, we just love each other, if this tells you anything, it happens, you understand your feelings, i have no doubt, but igor dmitrievich he led himself into this, he wrote to me, sent an sms, where is she? see you soon, i love you, igor, yeah,
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that means it’s the second option, you deceived me, okay, let’s go somewhere, take a ride. meet the investigator, but i told you everything, so repeat, i’m not going anywhere, i said everything, we bet you’ll go, everyone’s attention, we’re entering the german patrol zone, the premiere for victory day, we need to free the skies of crimea from the germans, i ordered transfer the pathan to the 267th regiment, major roman, what do you want, come on?
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welcome to the ranks of those who have stumbled, your homeland has given you a chance to atone for your guilt, only penalty prisoners go into battle, the task is not an easy one, you will have to act in the operational rear of the enemy. fighters, battle for crimea, attention, everything is ready for battle, you are out of your mind, let them go beyond that, he said to accept the battle, on may 6 at rtr, rest means leaving yourself alone, rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is
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rest. we know everything about holidays. anex, i can’t live without thrills and hot passions. in short, that's what she tells him. i want a kid from you. and he’s like, what do you think you should do? she told him. what are you telling me to do there? you're disturbing us from looking here, but we look and hug, let's get together with the whole family, you know how to spend the weekend romantic, marry him, there are five new, beautiful, tender hug stories for you, well guys, advice to you and heaven on the website in the application, i said, we are looking for weapons, yes, but you didn’t say why, to prove guilt vinogovov, that is , a photograph where the crime scene is located is no longer proof, he said that the date and time of the photograph is not at all before... that the date can be set in the settings of the video camera, so that the vinogovovs could have taken it long before the crime, and then prints there is no evidence for a weapon, well, you find it first.
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yes, of course, looking for a pistol hidden in a magician’s apartment means where are his tools? where is the magician’s kit? no, really, there must be a cylinder somewhere and... igor dmitrievich never did this at home. yeah, well, let’s talk about this in the investigative committee, so as not to get out of hand. moreover, i have a few more questions for elena sergeevna. he has a workshop where he stores his props. but where she is, i don't know. and you don’t even guess. and
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i don’t even guess, yeah, but if it turns out that you are hiding something, then you have something to do with the disappearance of the killer, that is , you are covering for him, and according to criminal law this is called complicity in a crime and is punishable, i only know the phone number, but i’ve never been there i wasn’t, come on, when did you receive the sms, yesterday? when the wedding was about two hours after he disappeared, uh-huh, there were no more messages from him, no, what did you talk about with your parents, that from the phone of your apartment, which grapes rented for you, before the wedding, and most it’s interesting that after that several calls were made to your parents in rostov, but
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what? you talked to your parents, you understand that there is a killer on the loose, and that he escaped, i talked to my mother, she called me on my mobile phone, and i called back from the city line, so, they were generally against the wedding, my father said that will kill igor if the wedding takes place, yes, no, he just said that, yeah, what did you and mom talk about? “well, i was getting married after all, for the first time in my life, we discussed it, she wanted to come, but her father didn’t let her go, he said that he had lost already a daughter, she doesn’t want to lose her wife, yeah, but what bothered your father so much, the age difference, well, of course, igor, he ’s 5 years older than my father, his father doesn’t call him anything other than a pedophile, it’s understandable.” well, on the other hand ,
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what to expect, but i didn’t expect anything, i didn’t tell them at all, well, about the relationship, but how did they find out, i don’t know, apartment, apartment nine, oh, i’m looking for witnesses, it’s good if someone there were keys to the apartment, i ’ll try to find them. hello, good afternoon, why didn’t you tell the investigator anything about this?
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apartment? well, i, he’s here, yes, i ’ll explain everything to you now, you have the keys, no, the wedding, i was the first to notice, there was one man, not one of the guests, just a stranger, i noticed him at zaks’s, he was staring at vinogradov, a wedding, well, this is a common thing, grapevine was often recognized, and... besides, it’s a wedding, why doesn’t he open it to us? wait, okay, he, he won’t open, we have a prearranged call, in short, i didn’t attach any importance to it, but then i saw this man in the restaurant, he was clearly watching igor, i warned igor, but he didn’t either attached importance to this, this man was sitting in
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the next room. where are the grapes? i was here in the morning, then i called him, he didn’t answer the phone, i started to worry, we agreed that he wouldn’t go anywhere, so i... was driving, and why did you hide that you know where the grapes are? well, i ’m saying, in short, i noticed that this man had a pistol with him, it was in his jacket in his bosom, some kind of thriller, in short, as soon as this man appeared at the door of the hall, vinogradov immediately disappeared, and this man too, but what kind? mysterious story, us only a man with a gun is not enough for the full picture, listen, okay, call, let's go, yeah, yeah,
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i don't know where he is, i called him all morning today. so, do you have the keys to this apartment? no, not from this one, igor dmitrievich. okay, that's it, open up. how many rooms are there? one and a kitchen. oh, look in the kitchen, uh-huh, did he live here
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when he was cooking, the new number could disappear here for weeks, fedya! we've seen the gun before, yes, it's a prop, igor used it in one act, call the brigade. yeah, listen, man who told your parents all the details of your affair, well, he couldn’t help but know how it would end, you understand that he deliberately wanted to upset your wedding, i understand, i thought so too, so what did they come up with, well, who would benefit from it, well
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, what have you you have a lot of enemies, or what? yes, yes no, well, little things, but someone didn’t want this wedding? many were not delighted, igor’s housekeeper simply hated me, his friends didn’t take me seriously either, and klishnev, and what about klishnev, well, of course, he didn’t really like this marriage, he didn’t like it that way he especially demonstrated in front of me that at least the honeymoon was on his mind, well, imagine, igor would be there for a whole month. pulled out of concert activities, of course, he was dissatisfied, i understand him, and he knew the phone number and address of your parents, no, no, no, he wouldn’t, what do you mean, it was all more at the level
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of grumbling , and deliberately upset the wedding, no, he understood that igor needed this wedding, he treats igor with great reverence, yeah, yes, mar yes, fade, you salt, and not only, the distillers arrived, there was a big company, including vinogradov, oh, vinogradov was found, yes, only he was dead, the body was found in the kitchen, the gun was lying around, come on, uh-huh, bye, thank you, this is definitely suicide, where am i from? i know, but there could have been more blood, yeah, don’t forget to send a note to graphology, what note, what, of course, a suicide note, if you can, forgive me, i didn’t want to kill her, the signature, what kleshnev says, says his handwriting, you never know when repentance will overtake you, of course, distillers, okay, let's go into the room, the bullet is the same, judging by the entrance hole
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, they were shot from the same weapon, and you can describe this man, this wedding party, well , yes, here you go, he is about 50 years old, not an old man , still of average height smart, maybe a military man, but was vinogradov being chased by someone? at zaks's, and then at the restaurant. has anyone photographed a wedding? yes, many, but now only the blind don’t have a camera. tell me, can you find these records for us? i will try. have you been here often? no, only when necessary. i wonder why
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is the photo cropped? when was the last time you contacted? last night, this morning i tried to call him, but he didn’t pick up. was he drinking? no, quite a bit on patronal holidays, well, now you can tell us why he made this raid on the store, i don’t know, he just left the apartment, literally for 20 minutes, said that he was stuffy and needed a walk, between by the way, on his right hand there are marks from handcuffs and also, in a garbage can i found this, what kind of medicine, an expensive specific drug, is used for gashe disease, and the deceased
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suffered from gashe disease, and what kind of disease is this, well, it’s severe hereditary, with age it manifests itself as softening of bone tissue and dementia, dementia, uh-huh, no, of course not, marry me, you’ll get on your knees , it’s true that you will get married, you can’t do that with me, so how? are you ready to come in? soon we will become a family. you have been detained on suspicion of the murder of volgin, leonid ivanovich. city of brides, thursday friday on rtr.
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and my husband gets tired at work, enough is enough, that’s enough inscription on a chinese family house, my name is givi, the honor of my grandfather, and my name is igor, the honor of the twentieth olympic games, my grandfather had no children, my father had no children, where are you from, am i from minsk? ismailovsky park, premiere on sunday, on rtf, it’s my fault. i promise i will improve. your son drank constantly, and when
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he got drunk he beat me. we have a new life. i don’t have such a new life for you. yes, no. if you want, i will introduce you to my fiancé tomorrow. first you and i need to sign. what are you talking about? new husband. on friday on rtr. thank you. thank you, that's it, we're off, we'll see you at the table, hurray, we're off, here , here he is, stop, this man, are you sure, yes, it's him, the man with the gun, yeah, somewhere did i see this face? “i saw him in the photograph, this is the father of the bride, tatiana, uh-huh,
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who, this is vinokurov, oh god, what happened, open it. tanya, you deceived me again, your father was at the wedding, so what, this doesn’t change anything, now ? the fact is that our expert is inclined to think that your husband was killed. there are several details that do not allow it. think it's suicide. for example, there are no traces of gunpowder on vinogradov’s shirt, which would have been there if the shot had been fired from a distance of less
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than a meter. it turns out that you can shoot yourself from a distance of a meter while holding a pistol in your hand. dad didn't kill. why are you so sure? he could not. i know i'm with him. she said, he couldn’t even know about this apartment, i didn’t know about it, not like he, when you were talking to him, i called him at the hotel, immediately after igor disappeared, asked him to come to the phone, when he heard my voice, he hung up, but he was in the hotel, it was yesterday at 9:00 pm, and there were about ten grapes killed, well, if his father didn’t track him down before ten, then he had no chance then find igor, tanya, you have no faith, you constantly... deceive us, so call the hotel, by the way, how did you know where your father was staying? my mom told me, i called her, what kind of hotel is it? well, volodya, the examination won’t be until monday, so we’ll wait, well, clearly, well, what
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do you think, is this murder or suicide? not i know, there’s still a mark from the handcuffs, i don’t know, that’s it. yes, there was kolugin, he was like that, he stopped at 306, he stopped, he left, yes, he left on saturday, i also called him a taxi, what company? taxi three sevens, we work with them, yes, thank you, boss, do you know that vinogradov’s apartment is for sale? where did you know this? the housekeeper was split, and the details were at the meeting. yeah, volodya, i talked to our housekeeper. she
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completely lost her housework and told me the whole truth. means like this: the apartment is put up for sale. buyers, it turns out, have already arrived today, and the price, by the way, is almost half the market price, who put it up, who? kleshnev, why is he so scared? yes, because according to the will, all of vinogradov’s property goes to lishnev. wait, but he found out that vinogradov was killed in the evening and immediately put the apartment up for sale. we have to take it, but we have to. but the housekeeper, who now has absolutely nothing to lose, told me that, by the way, all the grapes from the apartment didn’t go out at night, hmm, yes, yes,
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mash, you understand that another day or two and we ’ll miss him, do you have any doubt that this is his doing, but everything fits together, klishnyov. vinogradov’s closest person, he is generally his only heir, sooner or later he will become the owner of two apartments, a dacha and a decent amount of money, then tanya appears, a wedding for him is a disaster, and he understands that changing the will is the next logical step, and he kills vinogradov, well done, but how does the murder of the saleswoman fit into your theory? or maybe klishnev drugged vinogov and put him out the door, gave him a pistol with one cartridge, so that he would shoot himself, and he ran out and killed the first saleswoman he came across, but klishnev turns this into a plus, and he makes sure that vinogov tries
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to arrest him, organizes him escaping from the wedding, somehow driving him into the workshop, and handcuffing him, scaring him. you understand that i have nothing against klishnev, only a motive, but thank god, we don’t go to jail for a motive other than your thoughtful theory,
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it is clear that we will never prove whether kleshnev was in the workshop after vinograd ran away from the wedding. no, i think he was, and he returned there because he forgot something, but we don’t know why he came back, what he forgot there, marya sergeevna, there are other people’s prints on the pistol, right. the fingerprints don’t belong to the deceased, uh-huh, maybe kleshnev forgot it in the workshop, the fingerprints are on the pistol, you can take the scoundrel, well,
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wait, we have kleshnev’s fingerprints on something, of course, he took it in the workshop i took the cup in my hands, i took it, there must be good fingers there, i can take it for an examination, wow, we’re wasting time, well, then leave the wind in the field, well, don’t go to grandma’s, no, it’s too early. “we are at home, if anything, maryaevna, there is one strange thing here, if we assume that vinogradov was killed immediately after disappearing from the restaurant, then this could not have happened earlier than 80 pm, but he needed to somehow get to the workshop, well, here so it is written, the murder occurred between 8 and 9 pm, yes, but they were found on the victim’s right hand. marks from handcuffs, they could not have appeared in 5 minutes, that is, at least 2 hours, but he had to sit in them, so, that
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is, the murder occurred no earlier than ten, it turns out that why was he handcuffed in the first place, oh, okay, glucirase was found in the blood, clearly... the symptoms of the drug's disease are expressed, wait, you talked to vinogradov, well, you saw in him the signs of a sick person, yes, no, no, well, although if he took this imigulation once, you would know that what kind of disease is this, the subscriber is unavailable, leave a message after the beep. turned off, damn it, he still had to wait,
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but he won’t go far until he sells the inheritance, and if he gives the power of attorney to a realtor or lawyer, he will transfer the money to klishnev’s account, the number of which we are unlikely to ever find out. it’s pointless to go to his apartment, we need to find a lawyer who drew up the will: we’ll kill two birds with one stone, take a copy of the will as proof of the motive and put it on the outside, she’ll lead us to klishneva, and where we’ll find him, and the housekeeper doesn’t know, well, from where , and she has the agent’s phone number, he brought it buyers there, well, he should have left it, yes , what for, he has his own key, probably klishnev gave it to him, boss, why, listen, you haven’t bought an apartment for a long time, and, in my opinion, you too, where are you going, for
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the catalogue, well done, tanya , tanya's father. kalugin. so. so. so. tatyana claims that her father returned to the hotel around 9. yes, but he could have arrived there after the murder of vinogradov. well, theoretically, if you don’t take into account the marks from the handcuffs, trust the experts. yes, considering that he could have left the hotel after talking with daughter.
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yeah, go ahead and visit the inconsolable widow. okay, come on!


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