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tv   Printsessa i nishchenka  RUSSIA1  May 2, 2024 5:15am-6:50am MSK

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yes, one day is definitely not enough here; you urgently need a guide. hello, my name is diana. unfortunately, i have very little time. and i want to see all the most interesting and beautiful things here. will we have time? of course we'll make it in time. amazing place, shore, quarantine bay. have you requested an express tour? get it. we didn’t even have time to leave the entrance to the museum when irina anatolyevna announced that it was here that an event took place that changed the entire course of russian history. precisely in the 20th century. according to the chronicle of the tale of bygone years, he was baptized here and married the byzantine princess anna, the head of the ancient russian state, prince vladimir, prince vladimir, by and large this is just the cradle of christianity in russia, this is the place, here this is of course the cradle, and even earlier countess uvarova called the ancient kherson russian three or russian pompeii, we have something to be proud, we certainly have such treasures, such beauty, it would seem from ancient times. the city remains only ruins, but
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they look very majestic, this seems to me, a very familiar view, moment, moment, i have something, and there is, well, yes, you are absolutely right, this is the basil... depicted on the two-hundred-ruble bill, it is the symbol and calling card of hersenes. this is a christian temple from the sixth century. such basilicas were built along the coast, they seemed to hug the city from the coast, but perhaps this is the most popular.
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the age of rock paintings ranges from several decades to several thousand years. these drawings were drawn on tammadazh by ancient people. this camel rider. do you see how beautifully the neck is drawn? but here is a picture of a mountain goat, again a rider on a horse, and next to him is an argali. this is a hunting scene. contemporary art, unlike nealite classics, is not so difficult to identify, primarily due to the unexpected plot on the theme of the life of nomads. there are also drawings like this: a car, a nomad’s truck, see here? previously, people roamed on camels, but now we roam on this type of transport. in fact, it is so, a drawing by the local malevich is. a reflection
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of the present, not the past, albeit not as durable as these mountains, this is where we usually stop to honor our people.
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we see how the housewife bows to four corners, she closes the cow, turns to the brownie only for the yard, the yard servant, so that he protects the cow from misfortunes, from the evil eye and from illnesses. what does the owner do? he throws a bunch of hay over himself, showing the cow where she needs to go home. be surprised, the residents of novologda did not keep cows for milk at all, initially, cows were called dung carriers, in our northern region, a zone of risky farming, so there was manure extremely important, much more important even than milk, of course, peasants drank milk and made dairy products, but for themselves, for their families, industrial production was not established, in general they said that in russia at that time there was a technical backwardness...
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unsanitary conditions and the bony views, for example, the peasants believed that modern apparatuses are all from the evil one, from the antichrist, and they themselves, as the peasants said, are similar to the antichrist. but with the advent of railways, with the training of valologians in advanced european experience, thanks to the activities vereshchagina, and the main vologotsky brand was opened, this is vologotsky oil, and we are now going to open it, oops, we are opening it, it’s not so easy to open a brand of mologodsky oil, someone did a good job here. why is the oil still from vologda, not kostroma, not yaroslavl and not arkhangelsk? the peasants said that what is on a cow’s tongue is in her milk, so it’s all about the special herbs
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from the vologda meadows. nikolai vereshchagin taught valagzhan to pocerate the cream, which gave the butter a rich, nutty flavor. well what’s most interesting is that the butter was never called vologda, it was called parisian sweet, in paris it was called st. petersburg. my planet tv channel presents. we began our acquaintance with the production of edged weapons from the weapons settlement, these are the most active workshops, only with ancient technologies for smelting and forging steel. you can try yourself in the role of a master, help, this is it, yes, that is, you take it like this, and this is an old mikha, these are old flashy bellows, they were the same as everything else here here 200 years ago in zolotoustie and we worked in exactly the same way, now you and i are a blacksmith and apprentices, you are a blacksmith, i am an apprentice, but it’s true,
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there’s a good distribution of responsibilities, look, you do it like that there, air comes in here and it heats up, look , that's it, the iron has heated up, and now we will forge it. well, let's launch the hammer, come on, and this is the same hammer that drives the movement of that wheel that is located outside, right, but how to move, my hands are holding my ears, yeah, i still need to hold this thing, it was round, it becomes flat, but this is impossible, the doctor is 90° and... and so all day, and all day, the blacksmith was deaf,
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this forge yard is equipped with a modern weapons factory, which i was also lucky enough to get into, the same anvil, the same heating devices are the same blacksmith, that is, essentially nothing has changed much, practically nothing has changed, the equipment has changed a little. the metal is now heated in special electric furnaces, it’s more convenient, you can set the desired temperature ; the steel won’t overheat, but the old furnace is so was not capable. the blacksmith uses a pneumatic hammer, but the anvil is used only to add the finishing touches. the master has made a blank, now it needs to be polished and the shape marked. cut it, cut off the blade, it’s funny, there’s a cutting workshop , a musical one, there’s a lot of work to be done with such noise, finally, the future knife needs to be hardened, that’s it, the fire has passed this weapon, it’s time to polish it and decorate it, this stage is called drawing, on the product or they simply
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put a stamp or decorate it with a special engraving, from the artists the future knife moves to the galvanizing department, where under the influence of current the design is etched onto the steel, here are the blades, and here are the finished ones, what you saw is how they are made, now lena will show us how she checks a ready-made knife, the classic way of checking a knife, and well of course, mamaga, it cuts well, and the knife, the knife is ready, and now it’s in the store, you have a store
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here too, there is a hero, and why not a heroine, a movie heroine, a supporting queen , the greatest actress of the twentieth... century, faina ranevskaya was remembered, except their bright roles with sharp statements, they will become the starting points in our excursion. when i start writing my memoirs, i can’t get beyond the phrase “i was born into the family of a poor oil industrialist,” but faina georgievna was lying a little: on august 27, 1896, in this house, the feldman family welcomed the fourth child, a daughter, who was named fanny. the family was wealthy, the father owned a steamship, tenement houses and a factory. people arrange things for themselves. problems, no one forces them to choose boring professions or marry the wrong people
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or buy uncomfortable shoes, and fanny feldman, already in childhood, chose a profession in life; at the age of 17, she announced to her parents that she was leaving her hometown for moscow to enroll in amhara. i noticed that if you don’t eat bread, sugar, fatty meat, or drink beer with fish, your face becomes smaller, but sadder. and so that our faces do not become sadder, we go to the frekken bock cafe, which was opened not far from the actress’s home by fans of her countrywoman’s talent. my favorite movie heroine performed by ronevskaya is the stepmother from cinderella, and my favorite the cartoon character, voiced by faina georgievna, is, of course, the housekeeper frekken bog from the cartoon malysh and carlson. hello, this is television. “the bronze sculpture depicts ranevskaya in the image of lyalya from the film foundling, they say
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that the actress did not like this role and was irritated every time she heard: “mulya, don’t irritate me.” but people’s love has its own rules, we loved the ironic lyalya , and her image, and an umbrella. the year is 1918, fanny feldman is in rostov, working in a circus crowd and dreams of getting on... this is how the phrase translated from italian sounds: i am
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a good actress, i need this role. after showing the monologue to pavle wulf, she said: i think you are capable, i will study with you. as faina georgievna said, it was wulf who saved me from the street, and i owe it to her that i became an actress.
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know that i am with you forever, even where you cannot reach. cities, big cities, hide you from me, let a kiss fly , no matter where you are now, you know how, i love you, i dreamed about you today, the clouds are floating in moscow, i know not
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sooner and not too late, the clouds are floating towards moscow. and people rush to their nests in this city you can’t be found and it’s such a shame, the clouds are floating, only they can see everything from the sky, the clouds are floating to moscow, i know it’s not too early and not too late, the clouds are floating to moscow, but people are in a hurry. you won’t be able to find your nests in this city and it’s such a shame, but while the monies are swimming, only they can see everything from the sky,
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well, it’s not that difficult. ekaterina mikolovna, the service, i, even the service, could come to me, i would treat you with dumplings, dumplings, dumplings, that’s possible, so let’s go, let's go, let's go. here's katerina mikolovna, you have nothing but the same thing, the hostess has arrived, there's no one to meet you, it's a mess, good evening, inga yuryevna, good evening everyone, well, what the hell, dinner is ready, ready,
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ready, we were also in the restaurant, well, maybe well, they know how to cook like you, delicious, home-style, thank you. so i don’t know if it was necessary, maybe you won’t want to look at it now, no, no, what are you saying, thank you very much, i thought, it’s a new dress, why throw it away, really, of course, falcon , let me wash your car, it’s all dusty, thank you, petrovich, i myself, oh, what a horse you have now, but it’s a wreck of the old one, but you know, i want to drive the broken one here tomorrow, let it sit and i’ll see what’s what, well. .. yeah, in front of the car service, yeah, dress, torn or sewn, sewn up. lord,
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mommies, why two, why two, the same, holy, i'm going crazy, so that means, huh? are you tired of living, which means
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you’re obana, uh, what’s the matter, who are you? so why are you spinning around here and i peeled you this morning and what do you actually need, what do you need from our alyonka, you need to actually say who i am , strictly speaking, it’s clear, but i’m a doctor, oh , you’re a doctor, can you tell me by sight what disability group i have after shell shock, and now i’ll call the police , it’s great, the local boss is my front-line sidekick, you’d better tell me you’re here you're always spinning, what are you doing? answer, stop immediately, mom!
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well, what kind of things are going on with us? serge, here ’s the thing, i’m listening, there was a little trouble, what happened, i continue, in general, the hacker who was working on the archives refused work, you mean it's unexpected. he became an honest man, yes, it seems, it seems, yes, and he returned the money, well, yes, more precisely, he, he did not take the money, please tell me, where is the 10,000 that you received in advance, you know, well, organizational expenses, i ’ll show you the organizational expenses, what organizational expenses, sirsh, listen, please, i’m sure the hacker will do everything, he’s just been short-circuited, we need to put a lot of pressure on him, because i’ll put so much pressure now that it’s not enough. will not seem, you can rest assured, you understand that the day after tomorrow i have to report to the chairman, and if tomorrow evening i don’t have access to the archives, i’ll burn out, and
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there won’t be anything left of you either, you know, serge, serge, wait, then think about everything carefully, think, i give you 30 seconds, hello, yes, who, ah, yes, doctor kalinovsky, hello, what, okay, i'm leaving immediately, goodbye. and now you know that you are gone, remember that our conversation is not over, get out of here, we had an information leak, because of which we do not have access to the database, in principle there is no defense that cannot be passed, it all depends on the quantity. great,
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but if you have everything, we can connect to our main problem, without this database our boss, vitaly sentsov, will burn in a blue flame, what kind of person, a very good person, an honest person, founded a company for 4 years as a leader in software. and some bastard stole all the developments, framed sentsov and brought the company to ruin, uh-huh, good person, you say, uh-huh, well, we need to help a good person, let’s show you where your database is, friend, yes, call the phone, fathers, what are you doing here, renovations, but why do you need renovations if you are going to move? not you, but us, secondly, you need to raise the price, you don’t want to move to a one-room apartment in biberevo, so you can in biberevo, but excuse me, hello, yes, dimka, hello, well, how
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are you , well, and you were afraid, you are late at work, well, until the evening, i kiss you, while, imagine, dimka is late at work, fantastic, yes. aldetta teodorovna, did you promise to show me your photographs? of course, lenochka, let's go, now, let's go, oh, i made some incredible apricot jam, well, that's my strong point! what does all of this mean? good evening, sergey
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dmitrievich, i see you are very excited, i admit, i was also quite excited when i guessed everything. continue, doctor, i understand this is very important for you. for me this is vital. that's what i thought, so i continue. so, observing our patient, i noticed some inconsistencies in her assessments, mental reactions, behavior, after the last session, my suspicions intensified, and so, having made a series of logical conclusions, i concluded that inga yuryevna is simply not the person she claims to be, how can this be, hmm, how can this be? and if i tell you that there is a girl who is similar to your friend, like one drop of water similar to another, are you kidding me, not at all, not at all. life is a very
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amazing thing, sometimes this happens in it, doctor, i ask you not to delay, you have evidence of your hypothesis, of course, but before moving on to evidence, i would like to discuss some details with you, it’s clear that you want money, well, for some reason it’s rude, but i think when you hear everything, you will appreciate my work , doctor. “i work on software for onology clinics at the european level, and if your information really turns out to be valuable, then my partners and i will give you money so that you buy modern equipment according to your list, i hope this form of gratitude suits you, quite, quite , thank you, so here you go listen, there is a girl named alena krymova, so this girl is just like
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inga. got into an accident on the same day, they were both taken to hospitals, one was brought to my clinic and the other to the duty room, i think they were somehow mixed up, so neither you nor i could get anything from the fake blue one, but she’s simply not able to remember what didn’t happen to her, yeah, but then why doesn’t the real inga return home, it’s an accident, she also has amnesia, so what? you will say to this that i am on i’ll say this, you know, this is nonsense, the fact that i drove across the whole city to hear this, goodbye, briad, just a minute, i ask you, admire for yourself, these are two case histories, and also, this is your inga, she same alena, i photographed her in my clinic,
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this is alena, aka inga, i photographed her this afternoon when leaving the photo studio, where, as i understand it, she goes quite often, and that’s not all, here is the address of the photo studio and home address, you talked to her, well, unfortunately, i didn’t succeed, she had defenders, what about your face? that's the whole point. when trying to make contact with the patient, i encountered one person who was guarding her, yes. so, this person managed to introduce himself to the neighbors, and if the police had not arrived in time, everything would have ended quite badly. but i hope you didn't tell her anything. what are you saying, i know how to keep secrets. thank you. i'll compensate.
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hello, how is the service going, listen, this is the case, yesterday at one traffic police station they told me that they brought a broken gelding to you, let’s say, you need to see who you are, his owner wants cut off the insurance completely, and i need to fill out the policy, just give me 5 minutes. yes,
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you don’t need 5 more minutes, put it there, that’s it, yeah, thanks. comrade mayer, here he is, this one, the insurer, this one, what are you guys, who
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are you, a guy, so what am i? here it is, but i ’m finishing everything, get out of here, wait, i need a couple more minutes, valya, i said, this, this is mine. damn it happened. the clouds are floating to moscow, i know, it’s not too early and not too late, the clouds are floating to moscow, and people are rushing
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to their nests, you can’t be found in this city and it’s such a shame, but for now they’re floating. thank you, borotan, no problem, contact me, well, you better paint the walls, why are you yelling, we’ll paint it soon, by the way, you’ll pay 47 rubles for the common pot for paint, but where the hell did you get drunk again, i wanted to borrow from you myself.
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the resigned one was agitated, and alena dmitrina, what else are you thinking here, and i took the initiative to provide our society with decent living conditions, what? simply put, i want us to go to separate apartments, i a... from here, i’m not going anywhere, that’s it, amba, period,
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get together, you, you,
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i know what to say, varvara, i can joke, look into the eyes, i remember the train station at midnight. soviet union, afghanistan. forever fell in love with a nurse with the exalted name of a barbarian. this was when their training company
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was stationed over tashkent. reciprocated the courtship of the young soldier, i don’t know the details, the mouth was sent under contact. hearts in love were simply destined, no need, no need to hang my head, all my life i hung on this nail, let it hang in hiding, but fate ordered them to meet again, yeah, makarych was sent away. to the hospital under
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krasnodar, varvara found him there, but the illness caused by the shell shock progressed. semyon became violent, seizures began, so, and i’ll take the phone when i’m over... if you please, tell this to your underground worker, it’s clear that semyon himself rejected his beloved, really... then, almost a year later in treatment, semyon
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tried to find the barbarian, of course, he is still trying to find the barbarian, he sends out letters to all the hospitals with a link to this address, of course, that means they are after this address. cash, but it can no longer be found this barbarian once and for all, now there are so many opportunities on the internet alone, i’m afraid elena dmitrievna, semyon makarovich doesn’t even know about the internet, after all, he still has a black and white tv, he recently repaired it, such a sad story, 20 years, like peterarka’s . slaurs. kesh, what is the full name of
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the makarchevskaya dema heart? dubavets. varvara ignatievna. and what? and dimka’s task is to search. dubovets, laura. romantic. oh, this zeal, i was the very first to come, i actually haven’t left yet, i appreciate it doubly, coffee, no, thank you, i’ll probably have enough, accept the job. why did i decode your
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encrypted information, wait, what, what, are you serious, i’m going to sleep, yes, hello, what, hello, what are you, okay, i’ll be right there, i have an emergency at the restaurant, i have a sensation at work, so, first to you, then to me, and well, the star, oh, well done, can you imagine what awaits us ahead, mark leonidovich is simply delighted with our work, you know, two or three photo sessions and... i’ll be able to buy myself the car i wanted , and i decided to leave
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the communal apartment, well done, it’s high time, great, lalya, oh, why can’t we hear, yes, i’m coming, i’m coming, yes, i’m coming, it turned out well, yeah, great, listen, fedor, yesterday my neighbor showed me her father’s work, photographer, yeah, a lot of beautiful views of moscow, and a military man, do you think something can be done about this, i don’t know, well, in general, of course, retro is now... in demand, well, she has films, films, films, it’s interesting, you have to look, i can show them to you, well , look, the main thing is what you want to make of it, is there an exhibition or ?
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“serge, is it really you, sergey bragin, forgive me, we haven’t met before, it may well be that i’m lena, that is, ingrit, forgive me for something, maybe you’re inga, where are you from, i apologize, but what do you actually want from our model, yes, maybe offer a contract, yes, yes , that’s exactly what i need.” and so, honey, offer the guest something to drink, come on, come on, yeah, great.
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” “they climbed up the table, through the window of my office, here’s the result, something valuable is missing, valuable, money , the proceeds from my table, don’t you keep the money in the safe, you were cooing here with the punks, you thought they’d say thank you, i i don’t believe that the boys did this, but who should do it, the food was missing from the kitchen, they couldn’t”? by order of the hostess, i put the table in the yard, we fed them here for free, and i immediately said that there was no need to do this, that we will attract the hooligans and only scare away the clients. i don’t know why the alarm didn’t work, maybe i forgot to turn it on or off? okay, let’s go into the yard, let’s see. well, in general,
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the version is plausible, i’m telling you again that they couldn’t. to do this, we almost became friends, they had to do everything today come together, they will come now, why, we would detain them all together, let’s make signs, we’ll make a raid on names, wait, but if they come, it means they don’t know anything and are not guilty, you think it’s interesting, let’s do this, let’s put everything , how...
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hello, nikolaevich, well, what do we have here, cool , everything is in full swing, everything is back to normal, now we can calmly complete the project, damn, great, well, dimka, well done, how are you doing? it worked out, well, i sat, thought, sat, thought, i encoded this
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program, and then i couldn’t decode the files almost a week, and he... you mean you were able to do it overnight? well, come on, come on, come on, come on, everyone here is our own, well, in general, i also sat on this program for more than one day, i mean, i mean, one person brought it to me, asked me to hack it, i agreed, then i thought , refused and did not take money from chaos for this, from whom, from chaos, do you know him, well... there is one such small bug there, he is engaged in dirty deeds there. stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, how did this chaos get to us? a i think i know. well. bragin mentioned this name several times on the phone. serge, yes, oops,
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ah, that’s it. good afternoon, dear inga, what? how do you know my nickname? nickname? but that’s your name, excuse me, nothing, nothing, a lot of interesting things awaits you and me, let’s go. please come in.
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it seems to me that i’ve been here before, well, the french call it déjà vu, déjà vu, perhaps you’re right, déjà vu, yeah. i can, can i guess, well, try it, so, sokmango, for example, then vermouth, bravo, it looks like you know more about me than i do myself, it’s very possible, but we haven’t met before, your face is familiar to me from somewhere, it may well be, there are so many mysteries, i made the right choice beautifully, but i don’t understand what you’re talking about, you want to get rid of amnesia, where are you from? you know, i know, i’m too
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much, but i know you, inga, meet me, mouse, this is our life, shut up, don’t open it, ugh, what vulgarity. what did you want to talk to me about? listen, i want to make you an offer, what, should i sing a duet? why not? you never considered it vulgarity, it was your favorite pastime. but first, inga, i want to introduce you to one person. can? hello, allow me to introduce myself, igor endrievich kolinovsky, doctor. inga, very nice. oh my god, uh huh. don't worry, your reaction is completely normal for someone who is experiencing memory loss. forgive me, don’t worry,
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please don’t worry, everything will pass now, it’s okay. well, now, if you want your memory to return to you again. is this what you want? yes. amazing. then i suggest changing the environment to a more suitable one. yes, let's change the scenery, please. they will come, they will definitely come, let’s hope i’ll go to meet them, well, well, come in, come in. come in, don’t be afraid, you’re the boss,
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don’t worry, first i’d like you to walk around the apartment on your own, listen to your feelings, we won’t interfere, we’ll stand here in the corridor, please, inga, there’s a secret connected with this house, and you must... and now solve it.
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well inga, you remembered that, that i should remember what, what do you want from me, i ’m tired of your riddles, that i’m tired, i’m going home, you understand, that’s it, that’s it, that’s enough, everything is fine, we all need to calm down, i think that’s enough for a start, go home , so home, please take the patient home, uh-huh, okay,
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hurry up guys, lunch is getting cold. alena dmitrievna, i found you. i know that i will find you. alevna dmitrievna. i knew that i would find you. maybe you want to change your testimony, testimony, yeah, what testimony?
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where have we arrived? home? this is your home. yes. what do you allow yourself? have you really not understood anything yet, have you quarreled with your husband? with dimka, yes, what a dimka, your husband, vitaly sentsov, and you and i decided to deceive him, and you took a flash drive from him, it’s such a small thing, and now tell me where did you take it, where did you put this flash drive, so you need a flash drive, we, we need this flash drive, a golden key.
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brute, what a brute you are, how wrong i was about you, inga, wait, you misunderstood, wait.
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here it is, finally! big film premiere, if the jews are from here you will be brought out, we will introduce you to the rank, this is us, this is the front line, this is where we bring you out, from the director of the liquidation, this is what you keep, what is this, remember, this is what we have never lost, even in the worst times, what they do, they they pray, they greet saturday, stop greeting it,
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saturday will come anyway, they have been praying for this for 200 years. but you don’t know how to say groom in hebrew, huson, stop, you witch, eyes, stop, i want to talk, i need two who can shoot, i can do everything, just show me. you need to be able to eat, you need to rest beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on
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the first coastline, where everything is included, except for your head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex. wife, this is a cook, a dishwasher, a technician, a teacher, a teacher, a seamstress, and... this is the inscription on a chinese maternity hospital, my name is givi, the honor of my grandfather, and my name is igor, the honor of
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the twentieth olympic games, my grandfather had no children, father had no children, and where are you from, am i from minsk? ismailovsky park, premiere on sunday on рrt, order to lower, love will overcome everything. and he tells you, love will overcome everything in final episode, today on rtr.
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how can we manage without potatoes? i bought you a gift, what is it, tickets to the theater. so what will be our plan of action? plans, well, for starters, we won’t show it, everything is fine, all the cards are in our hands, first,
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we declassified the files thanks to dima, this is very good, second, we know about serge’s insidious plans, which is also important, so we work as before and finish all the cases, but the sersh will not sit quietly, he is now the head of the company, he has access to customers. to the chairman, yes, yes, you're right, alex, he’s right, serge has everything except one thing, which is talent, the most he can afford is to take advantage of the fruits of other people’s labors, our labors, ours, ours, but we won’t allow him to do this, but how, catch, i have an idea, come here, i suggest sending serge in the right direction, yeah. so to speak, by the way, do you remember the program that we had at the very beginning of development, and so you are proposing to change this non-working program and pass it off as a finished
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product, but how to do this is for this alex, we have dima, listen, i ask you, change the secret files in the program to these non-working ones and encode them again and post them on the blues. with a little blue box, believe me, he’ll buy it, you’ll do it, uh-huh, brilliantly, we ’ll succeed, and you’re really for me... well , of course, your husband won’t quarrel? well, senechka, he will be only happy, and katya and semyon petrovich, and we will all live together in a big, cozy house, just be patient a little longer, okay? i'll be patient for a bit! here's a smart girl! come on, come out!
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well, that’s it, we’ve arrived, go to your people, let’s go together, you know, how happy you guys were, you know, it’s a quiet hour, and i don’t want to disturb anyone, then i still have some things to do in the city, i’ll do everything and come back, i promise , i don’t want to lose you again, you will come back, really, of course, have you ever let me down? “that’s it, go, svetlana vladimirovna will scold me, she won’t, my god, it’s you, and i see some kind of car has pulled up, and sinya is with you, he’s had a blast , you brat, svetlanochka vladimirovna, don’t scold him, he was looking for me, after all , yes, lord, everyone searched for you, go to the detachment, i’ll talk to you later, we just lost our feet without you, you threw down the phone, didn’t answer the phone,
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good afternoon, hello , masha, make me coffee, a spoonful of sugar and a drop of milk and a hot, hot kiss, just tell me. mashenka, why don’t you love me so much, and by the way, i’ve been heading this company for a while now, the chairman has been looking for you since the very morning, and so insistently that if you don’t answer him, i’m afraid to head something, you it won’t take long, after all, you shouldn’t underestimate me, i want coffee and connect me with the chairman, yeah, now.
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hello, hello! hello, hello, alexey ivanoch, hello, this is sergey brakin, yes, yes, listen, you have no reason to worry, the preparation process is almost complete, i am starting to prepare for the presentation, yes. “thank you very much, all
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the best, we are sitting in this house, he says, everything is like this, like this here.” hello, hello, look, they’re driving around in cars, they’ve still got a job, the deadlines. good morning,
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good morning, good morning, alena is a good girl, a girl, but you can weigh her all at home, but what did they have for pichi. and hygiene came first of all, the atamansha, hello, you are plotting again, semyon
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makarovich, what do you know, but remember my word flint. this is a miracle, but he’s handsome, i’m telling you, but even, well , there’s already a bud, yes, listen, len, listen, alyonka, but you won’t look at mine today, otherwise they can’t sleep without your fairy tales, keshka with they've been beating for an hour, len, hi, listen, the agency called twice, they want to look at the apartment, but makarych, listen, i’ve run into nothing, i don’t know. what to do with it, oh, milk, good afternoon, elenochka, why did you come back so early today, it seems you are having a photo shoot, oh, you know, alen, i
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figured out how to modernize your juicer, take it, i’ll walk there. sometimes i even drew feasts, let's go see, yeah, yeah, yeah, thank you, i'll be right there. did you cut your hair?
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sergey viktorovich, yes. sergei viktorovich, the chairman is calling you, will you answer? yes, of course, hello, you press the button there, hello? inga yuryevna, we cleaned everything up and replaced the vases with new ones, yes, yes, inga yurina, we have everything ready, we can open, inga yur, i prepared it there for the boys, yes, yes, thank you.
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let's get acquainted again, come on! oh, damn, happiness!
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who? inga yurievna, who came to you here? inga yuryevna? are you crazy? yes, i will. of my works, i’m finishing vitalia’s project, yeah, i figured it out on my own, so i’m inviting you to the presentation on friday, thank you. yes, by the way, the chairman has already congratulated me, the only thing is, you know, what, what, that’s what
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business, sit down, here, uh, i, as the head of the company, want you to completely stop working and disband your team as unnecessary, especially since i myself am recruiting... new employees , by the way, the chairman is already me too approved of this, uh-huh, good, m, and i, you, and now let's talk about you, of course - taking into account your merits, you, naturally, can stay working in the company, but, but you are not satisfied with the role of a simple one? an employee, that's right, but if i were you i wouldn't
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worry, with your qualifications, you'll find place in any office, right? well, thank you for your frankness, i can go, uh-huh, yes, yes, and i can wait for the chairman, easy, vitaly, uh-huh, but you are my best friend, honestly, considering your contribution to the common cause, well, you i'm sorry, business is business, yes, yes, i understand, it's nothing personal, so, comrade, our task is to prevent the enemy from strengthening his defenses into the wings, the premiere is for victory day, but i only
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have four planes on the move, i received the order, do it, take off like snow up to your waist, takes off, check, commander, engines rise, the temperature is off the charts, if losses are detected, losses cannot be avoided, carry out, fighters, battle for crimea, from monday on rtr, we are going to the doctor for... help you will only need five ingredients that will benefit the entire
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body: from the onset of the disease to its manifestations take two decades, so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take comprehensive care of your body, take care of yourself and be healthy. about the most important things from monday to friday on rtr. everything between us is in the past, i’m with yura now, but i’ll beat you off anyway, and you’ll be my wife, don’t be too upset, if anything happens, call me, lord, what is this, you’re our relative, that’s right, sister, nastya i was looking for you all evening, your phone was turned off, and where were you at night, yura?
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“sorry, i changed something here, i wouldn’t be surprised if my great father, a diplomat, spoiled my sister, it’s hard for me to say that about my father, my father is a school teacher, he lives with his mother feodosia, they work in the same school and love each other, then this is definitely excluded, okay, i'm kidding, i was actually born in london, my father worked there for 7 years as a diplomat. as far as i know,
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he did not go to feodosia either before or after. he is alive, he died. nothing, like sentsov, still scares you with a divorce? no, he’s wonderful, last night we were with him, oh, well, well done, genius, how did you manage to convince people ? , by the way, i got a job with yours, with my ksentsov, are you cooking for him? trains. you spoiled him so much for nothing. any talent must be realized; this cannot be done with such people. i told him something like that too, somehow. well, sentsov still eats dumplings. yes, katya and i are cooking. i don’t even
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know what we have to do with you. to do to your friends, you’re afraid, and you’re afraid, well, let’s get to know each other, little sister. we’ll be there, don’t hurt my homeless boys, i promise, thank you, good evening, inga yuryevna, good
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evening, dear. what is it? like what? asterisks? you and i planted asters together on my english lawn? yes, it seems the adventures are just beginning. what did you say to inga yurna? nothing, where is sentsov? eating dumplings in katerina mikolovna’s kitchen, what does it smell like here again? varenichki, i knew it, be careful, inga yuryevna, hello, dear, sentsov, you should at least wipe your lips, what’s wrong with you,
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it’s okay, it’s a hard day, i’m sorry. oh, inga yuryevna has arrived, parnova milk, drink it, what are these, these are dumplings with sour cream, very tasty, eat it, inga yuryevna. well, very interesting taste, hello to fashion models, how are you, good, how are
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you, i’m doing just fine, at work appreciate, they say, soon. receive as much in a month as you previously did not receive in a year. great! listen, by the way, i found a forward to drive dubovets, who? you asked me, remember, to find me on the internet? well, i climbed and found it. alain, listen, i miss you. wait, what? it’s okay, i’ll cook dinner now. so, wait, ridka and i have already prepared everything. we need to call urgently. i am now. just, well, hello, golden cage,
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hello, yes, alyon, dubovets, he found her, i ’m telling you, dimka is a genius, yes, yes, wait, this is the tanker’s girlfriend, agents, huh? well, who's with them? talk? well, for me, of course, oh, no, wait, for you, i’m sorry, who are you talking to, your friend, i’ll call you back. more secrets?
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sentsov, don’t start, okay? actually, i'm getting ready for work, we've been cyclone all night. well, okay, won't you even kiss me? oh yes. of course, what kind of disgusting smell do you smell? actually, you bought this adicalon for me yourself. yes, you know very well, such an unusual smell, interesting, so i went, bye bye.
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inga, i can’t do this anymore, me too. i’ve lived here for so many years, everything is foreign, i understand, for me in this house, too, everything is foreign, and sentsov with variniks, it’s not about sintsovo, you know, it seems to me that this accident put everything in its place, we met our soul mates, i met dimka, and i met vitaly, what should we do now, but let them choose, they can do it themselves, let’s give them a chance, and how we will do this, we have an idea... fedor, father, let’s meet in the photo studio, bye.
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thank you. everything is fine with us, yes, everything is fine, i double-checked it myself all night, insisting that the program was good, the chairman himself arrived, you’re worried, yeah, good evening, dear friends, today i want to remind you...
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he is with us, sergei dmitrievich. mr. brakin, as i see, you are already familiar with mr. houseov. this is mistake. it's stupid
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to deny it, bragen. among other things, there is very interesting evidence against you, mr. klinovsky. wait, wait, i think this is a huge misunderstanding. so, comrade, i am a businessman. and... this is my company, you know, and in general , the presentation of my program takes place here, you know? no, serge, this is not your program. this is exactly what the chairman is talking about right now. a most unique project. we were all extremely surprised by the product provided by mr. bragin, in fact it is small and not with the best additions, an old development, immediately we receive a program developed by mr. sentsov, gentlemen, this is a revolution, i congratulate mr. tsentsov and give my word to the winner, thank you, kind again evening, dear friends, i would like to thank
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all those who... believed in our endeavors and together with us did this modest, but very necessary work for people, thank you, i’m ready, i too, maestro, you are the best. no, thank you, thank you, uh-huh, bye, come on, what are you doing, sit, yes, so i decided to check the protection just in case, the protection, yeah?
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well done, how are you in this place, serge, well , actually, this was once your place, now it’s free, so i was wondering if you should become my partner, well, for example, as an executive director, so to speak , with expanded powers, thank you, of course, i’m for it, and lenka will be happy, lenka is a wife, a wife. we're going to fly to paris for russian week fashion, let me go? yes, no problem, dim, especially since i was also going to take a week off, i’m planning very serious changes in my personal life, and excuse me, but finally, where are you? well, i'm worried, i know, yes,
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good, for me. makes an appointment, that's it, i ran, let's leave alex, bye, bye, hello, len, well, i lost you completely, well, when, yes, okay, yes, yes, that's it, i'm running, yes, yeah, oh, and you what are you doing here? am i dating my wife? yes, me too. yes, maybe a coincidence? or maybe a prank? maybe no one? strange. oh, i don't understand anything. yes, silence. well, let's wait.
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my wife, no, this is my wife, it can’t be, fantastic, it can’t be, damn it, or it’s my wife, this is the number. and what am i saying, yes , hello, hello, how hello, after all, it can’t be, but i don’t understand anything, and you? boys, did you
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mix anything up? no, 100%. bye, bye, bye, bye, so, to
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congratulate the birthday girl, the floor is given to the head of the largest family in our commune, to kentia, uh-huh, kesha, say yes. our entire communal apartment reminds me of the rk-1690 rocket, there is separating and first stage v7, stabilizer and nozzle, pin 16 sigma fairings, there is even a 730 engine that runs only on liquid rocket fuel, girls, but you are olga teodorovna. are the main pride of our missile, the warhead, but this is a clear exaggeration, don’t tell me, our s-700 in all its indicators, i’m somehow
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confused, continue, olga teodorovna, we have a double holiday, i also want to drink to inga, she she found us an agent, we picked her. our options, we're settling in, finally, oh, wait a minute, what are we going to do? to do with semyon makarch, he doesn’t agree, but what about the tanker, well, he locked himself in his room, won’t let anyone in, and i take semyon makarovich, looking ahead, i want to say that today another surprise awaits us, i would like from to give you this gift from all of us and on my own behalf, i am very grateful. what is this? oh!


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