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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 2, 2024 9:00am-9:41am MSK

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a little more, i’m cooking, they let you out, and if you don’t let me go, i have meat. it will burn in the oven, i'll let you go, hello, on the russia tv channel in the studio: these are explosions from iskander's strikes in
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the odessa region, military equipment and fuel reserves were destroyed. and these are hurricanes. in the kupinsky direction, the parking of armored vehicles along with soldiers was eliminated. ukraine is forced to recognize the successes of the russian army in the s-wolf zone. leba again criticized the west for the ineffectiveness of helping kiev, but he himself and his colleagues are not particularly eager to go to the front, preferring to send others to okupas. rubber bullets and tear gas in georgia protests do not subside; police dispersed demonstrators on rustavel square all night. in hungary, the grandiose construction project of rusatom is preparing the site for aspac2, a concrete plant has been built nearby, and already in st. petersburg.
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production of reactors is underway, and subsidized tickets have now become available to all residents of the kaliningrad region; for orthodox christians today is one of the most important days of holy week, maundy or maundy thursday. our iskanders this night attacked the military infrastructure of the odessa region. the target was a branch of the logistics company nova poshta. in isu they use it to transport military cargo. the terminal contained stocks of fuel and lubricants, which caught fire as a result of the attack. a gigantic cloud of smoke rose into the sky and could be seen tens of kilometers away. they disrupt the supply routes of the ukrainian forces, including the crews of the uragan rocket systems. the crews
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hit a parking lot of armored vehicles and concentrations of manpower in the kupinsky direction, identifying the target was helped by aerial reconnaissance. in the kharkov region, missilemen immediately destroyed two launchers of the american hairs missile system. the drones accompanied the equipment to combat positions, then they were hit with precision weapons. near artyomovsk, the russian military burned a ukrainian t-64 tank. it started in the car. hangars with equipment were destroyed as a result of an attack by s-25 attack aircraft, and the rook crew also disrupted the rotation of enemy formations. refueling of our vehicles on the front line is provided by rear service specialists around the clock. report by eduard punigov. tanker drivers don't sit in the trenches, but in reality they risk their lives just as much as other soldiers. every day they deliver fuel to the line of combat contact. the car has no protection, and if it gets here.
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there will be practically nothing left of her outfit. in a special operation zone, tank trucks supplying fuel to military equipment play a key role, therefore, for the enemy, every tanker is a priority target; shells are never spared on them. armor, i’m a corsair, i’m here as expected. refuellers each batch of fuel is always checked, samples are taken, its density and temperature are measured, the fuel is sent to... the front line only if all indicators are normal. a dense forest belt is an ideal shelter for a tanker. a cover group is always on duty nearby, protecting the tank from drones. one such tanker transports 7 tons of fuel, which is enough to refuel a tank company, that is, about 10 combat vehicles. enemy reconnaissance is trying to figure out movement routes, so they have to change constantly. trying to track it down first. birds, copters, then
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we make adjustments, sometimes they work from a mortar gun, a drone, a komikaze, in 15 minutes the soldiers manage to refuel. several infantry fighting vehicles, you arrived at a regular gas station, refueled there, left, but here you need to do everything quickly, suddenly a bird flies there, refueled, left, constantly changing the location, the crew of this infantry fighting vehicle just returned from battle, right into it's time for refueling , a new task has come, and this mobile tanker delivers fuel for cars cars, atvs, drones, tank capacity is 900 liters, it is nimble, short, can... hide everywhere. the fuel service of the thirty-sixth army from buryat is on duty around the clock. everyone understands perfectly well that the success of every offensive operation depends on their work. eduard punigov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. more than half of ukraine's energy systems are damaged.
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ukrainian foreign minister dmitry kuleba stated this in an interview with foren policy. during the conversation he tried several times covertly humiliate the united states and europe. in particular, he noted that ukraine is maintaining conditions in which. any western country would feel much worse, and then added that despite all the help from the west, russia is more effective. according to kuleba, the eu and states should think about their effectiveness. our units today identified and destroyed new positions of ukrainian formations near the russian border. the militants' stronghold was discovered during aerial reconnaissance. the attack on the coordinates was carried out by the crews of the msta kaubits. how to protect? in from a camouflaged position near the state border , russian artillerymen are preparing for combat work: a long-range self-propelled gun hits enemy targets even in the enemy’s body, near kharkov, reconnaissance discovered the movement of military equipment in the ssu, in
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order to prevent attacks on the belgorod region, it is necessary to neutralize the threat. the self-propelled artillery gun is located on a tracked base, the engine power is 800 horsepower. strength, thanks to its maneuverability, the transport can arrive at any given point, the crew moves to the firing line, a forty-ton vehicle can easily move over rough terrain, this is especially important at the front, you need to work quickly in a coordinated manner, the drones of the ukrainian armed forces can strike at any moment, the soldiers aim the gun at the received coordinates and open fire. 35 05 point the bullet, 35-05, yes. the gun's rate of fire is eight rounds per minute, and the howitzer hits the target. the soldiers say this is a real sniper weapon. high-explosive 152-mm shells destroy the fortified ukrainian armed forces. military equipment was destroyed.
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aerial reconnaissance aircraft are adjusting the fire. russian drones orland 10 is too tough for the enemy's electronic warfare service. this operating scheme greatly increases the efficiency of artillery. intelligence is working.
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it was from this warehouse that they allegedly used ammunition for the enemies and carried out artillery attacks on nearby villages. villages, that is, populated areas. after training on targets, sao goes to reserve positions and waits for the next order. the combat crew is on duty around the clock on the front line, long-range artillery hits the enemy and prevents him from approaching our borders. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region. mobilization in ukraine, even after the tightening of the law, still does not concern officials. kiev prefers to let ordinary citizens into the meat grinder. now, according to the national agency for civil service affairs , the state apparatus numbers 160,000 people, of which only 2.5% are mobilized into the armed forces of ukraine. in absolute numbers, this is a little more than 4,000 people, every fifth of them is a woman. almost 1,200 more ukrainian officials fled abroad altogether. figures of the kiev regime
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will be put on trial as a result of the special operation. about this today on the tenth anniversary of the tragedy in odessa, where they were alive. there are witnesses and detailed footage that captures every thrown molotov cocktail, every fascist cry. it is also significant that there are still no signs of repentance. all this, according to matvienko, confirms that nazism has become part of the kiev regime, which he does not intend to get rid of. to destroy it , efforts from the outside are required, and although the west cynically does not notice the odessa khatyn, there will be no statute of limitations on this case, the perpetrators. won't leave responsibility, the shameful inaction of european and
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international institutions will certainly receive their assessment. documentary chronicle of eyewitness testimony from stanislav nazarov, who 10 years ago filmed a report on the still warm ashes of the house of trade unions. on the day of the tenth anniversary of the odessa khatyn, alexey brings flowers to the monument to the victims of ukrainian aggression in lugansk. i received a head injury when we got out of... later, the survivors in the trade union house remember every minute of that terrible day, and we
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window we see these windows, smoke poured out of them, and then people began to, well, crumble, one might say, and crash onto the asphalt, they were finished off there, they were running, that’s when this is the first thing, when people die before your eyes, uh, well that’s when i realized, for me it was such a, well, shock, one might say, incredibly, the first clashes with the maidan forces began in the greek square, and already the dead appeared at these barrigades. worked in dnepropetrovsk, kharkov and donetsk. representatives of the military wing of the right sector and
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football hoorigans. on the day of the tragedy , the chernomorets and metalist clubs played in odessa. well- equipped radicals threw stones at supporters of federalization. the entrance was guarded by batons and iron bars, and many of the militants had firearms. for many odessa residents, the tragedy in the house of trade unions became the point beyond which ukraine lost the right to be called a fatherland; the kiev authorities themselves made them enemies. igor nemodrug was then a participant in the odessa anti-maidan movement. the militants took them out of the house of trade unions like this: called the corridor of shame. i just got hit right here under the eye, someone accelerated from their feet, although they were there. they interfere with each other, everyone tries to hit, whoever is screaming, don’t touch them, but nevertheless
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they all beat, and there is a video where we are lying, bleeding, so they tried to force us to our knees, but i said that i would not people have not been locked in houses or burned alive since the punitive operations of the division since may 2, 2004. about 200 people were injured, among them about 20 police officers, in the next 3 days in
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mourning has been declared in odessa. in may 2014, a deputy of the regional council, alexey goncharenko, now a deputy of the verkhovna rada, during a punitive operation, reported on the destruction of the camp of the odessa squad. these are the remains of the separatist camp burning, i don’t know if you saw them, the remains of the separatist camp near the kulikovo hall on the kulikovo field. goncharenko was one of the first to enter the burned house of trade unions and helped the militants look for lists of supporters of the referendum. alexander kuzmin, his mobile phone is playing.
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they tried to climb down from the fire using ropes, but bandera's men opened targeted fire on them. investigators at the house of trade unions worked only a few hours on the first night after the tragedy. the burned-out trade union building is literally strewn with ampoules with a characteristic smell of a toxic substance, similar to the smell of ammonia. according to eyewitnesses, the dead people who were here during the storming of the trade union building were simply bombarded with these ampoules. material evidence, bullets, substances, fragments of clothing impregnated with an ampoule of an unknown chemical incendiary mixture, countless amounts of evidence were never collected, the lack of an objective investigation all these years helped the kiev regime to cynically manipulate the facts, but in truth, in fact, there was a clear scenario of provocation at the ukrainian demonstration
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, terrorists brought from transnistria and russia opened fire, they were in advance they prepared special toxic substances that were distributed in... the house of trade unions, everything was done to ensure that there were as many victims as possible. none of the punishers who killed people in odessa suffered punishment. 10 years ago, the brutal massacre of bandera’s opponents of the maidan showed that a compromise with the kiev regime is impossible, and a civil war on their own soil will only be stopped by the destruction of all non-nazi formations. stanislav nazarov, oksana serzhantova, lead. in the tyumen region , almost 6,500 people have already been evacuated due to flooding. emergency situations ministry employees monitor the movement of water and warn residents in advance about the need to leave the danger zone. the river and shim, the most dangerous section, added almost 70 cm in a day. in the obad district, a rescuer volunteers strengthen the dam along the federal
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highway. the work is complicated by strong winds, which tear the film and raise waves. in the kurgan region. despite a slight decrease in the water level in tobol, 650 houses and 6,500 summer cottages remain flooded. more than 13,000 people have been recognized as victims of the flood, and they have already begun to receive the first payments. in the orenburg region, where the flood was the worst in the country, 1,500 specialists are eliminating the consequences of the disaster. using professional equipment, water is pumped out and dried. room. orthodox christians today have one. one of the most important days of passion, maundy or maundy thursday, is a time for spiritual cleansing, an opportunity to remember the most ancient gospel events, the last supper, the betrayal of judas, the appearance of the sacrament. special services are held in churches, and after them believers begin preparing easter treats. report by veronica bogma.
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silence in the belfries, services full of chants of incredible beauty and power. the central event of the day. memories of the last supper and the first in human history communion. lent is over, there is a week, every day of which is great - holy week, translated from church slavonic passion means suffering. believers prayerfully live through the suffering of the death of the savior, turning their gaze from themselves from the problems of their soul to christ, who suffered for them. the liturgical texts reflect the events of the last days, hours, moments of his earthly life, arrest, interrogations from...
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the day before in churches, still pray on your knees, they will bow before the shroud tomorrow, already before trinity, such prostrations are canceled. gastronomic restrictions are still very strict, but the market is already in full swing, people are stocking up on easter food. there is a revival in the dairy aisles. when lent was going on, there were fewer buyers, many people were fasting, now they are taking away the vice, milk, sour cream, butter, eggs. yes, definitely homemade with an orange yolk, then the dough. easter cakes and easter gingerbread, which victoria has been baking for many years not only for her family, are waiting in the hospital and sunday school.
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find time and place for god in the busy schedule of your secular, non-monastic life not easy, but possible. veronica bogma, eduard ilin, vladimir shemakov and denis denisov.
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news: rostov-nadon. this is news, this is what will happen next in our program: protests in georgia do not subside, the police dispersed demonstrators on rustalaya square all night. in hungary , they are preparing a site for spagsh 2, production of reactors has already started, and kaliningraders are lining up for discounted tickets. we'll talk about this and more after the ad, see you. the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. live stream. may 7 at 12:00 moscow time on rtr. they say you need
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to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax where there is sun and sea, on the first shore. where everything is included except the head. we know everything about holidays. relax. anexc. welcome to rixos premium magavish sudes & villas in hurghada. where luxury rooms and villas combine with a golden sandy beach, one km long. impeccable service, exquisite cuisine. will make your holiday unforgettable. rixas premium magavish sudes & villas. the holiday you've been dreaming about.
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we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmelsheikh, the first swiss hotel in the world operating on an all-inclusive system. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. create memories that... forever in your heart. zvishotel charmel sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city. discover a real gem on the budrum coastline. titanic luxury collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in world-exciting adventures of incendiary entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort, the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic collection bodrum. we have not left them, they
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are following us. this is a war behind us, we are part of it. in war, shiringa is not chosen. the jews here are not peaceful people, they are killed by their enemies, which means they must fight their enemies ; their task is to survive and get there. and there is no choice, righteous man, premiere, but there is a chance, may 9 on rtr. on holy saturday, on the eve of easter christ's resurrection in the very heart of the holy land, thousands of believers pray for a miracle. the fire consecrated on the holy sepulcher is a visible, material evidence of the victory of light over darkness. and life above death. descent of the holy fire. live broadcast from jerusalem. on saturday. at 13:00, attention,
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everyone, we are entering the german patrol zone, the premiere for victory day, we need to free the skies of crimea from the germans, i ordered paton to be transferred to the 267th regiment, major roman, so for you, give romanov, who mr. imprisoned, then
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n they are leaving, he said to take the fight, from monday on rtr, this is news, we continue to prepare everything for battle, are you out of your mind, let the release, the red danger level was announced this night in the parliament of georgia, there are again mass riots in the square in front of the building, a crowd , which is protesting against the law on foreign agents, threw stones and firecrackers at the police; in response, special forces dispersed the protesters with rubber bullets, water cannons and tear gas. chronicle of the confrontation that has been going on for 2 weeks with mikhail fedotov. opponents of the foreign law agents who, immediately after its adoption, again came to the center of tubilisi, are increasingly reminiscent of ordinary pogromists. here is a crowd trying to break down the gates in front of the georgian parliament. when this fails, they simply block
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the service entrance with garbage. the police forced out supporters of the georgian opposition party from rustavelli avenue several times, tear gas and water cannons entered the entrance, but the protesters returned in the crowd, one could see obvious instigators who warmed up the people, here is one of them breaking surveillance camera, apparently to make things more difficult for the police in the future. american normative act, however, judging by the statements of opposition leaders , the reasons for the protest are no longer as important to them as its fact itself. well, i think it's not just about the law, we want to be part of the european union. i think that people's willingness to fight for their european future is so high that we
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will definitely. i am following the situation in georgia with great concern and condemn the violence on the streets of tbilisi. georgia is at a crossroads. we expect the government georgia will immediately take the measures it has committed to take as a candidate country for eu accession. eight people were injured during the night standoff with security forces. morning. mikhail fedotov, news. colombian president gustava petra promised to break off relations with israel today. he cited genocide against palestinians as the reason. in response, the head of the israeli foreign ministry, israel-katz, called peter an antisem and emphasized that israel will continue to protect its citizens, and the president of colombia decided to take sides
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the most disgusting monsters. known to mankind. colombia previously suspended all arms purchases from israel. rusatom has begun production of reactor units for the pagzh-2 nuclear power plant, which is being built in hungary. huge and heavy hulls are planned to be delivered to the site from st. petersburg along the black sea and danube. the construction of the nuclear power plant is proceeding on schedule, despite the sanctions. report by denis davidov. there are still a few kilometers to pakshi station, but the scale of the grandiose construction project is felt. already at the entrance, kilometers have been laid around the nuclear power plant new roads, a bridge across the danube has been built, the first concrete will be poured on the site itself by the end of the year, the concrete plant for the grandiose project is already ready, a reinforcement shop is being built nearby, paks-2 will be the first station in the eu built using russian technology, here rosatam specialists have to decide and non-core tasks, sanctions complicate the work of the international project. siemens, the german company
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also... today confirms its participation in the project, of course, time will tell, and if something goes wrong, then we already have it. your options, including implementation on russian systems. there will be a lot of russian in the hungarian nuclear power plant. the main thing is that the domestic reactor, which is considered the safest in the world, will withstand a strong earthquake and withstand an airplane crash. they started building it in st. petersburg a month ago. the russian rosatom and the german company bower are now working together to strengthen the soil under the future station. do you see these colorful circles? these are all piles, there should be 23,000 of them under one power unit alone. the drill goes to a depth of thirty meters. underground soil, cement and water are mixed so that it hardens to a monolith, preventing
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groundwater from flowing under the station. paks-2 with two new reactors will stand next to packsh 1, in the background of which a grandiose construction project is underway. the first hungarian nuclear power plant has been in service for 40 years and supplies the country with almost half of its total power.
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only environmentally friendly and the construction of the second nuclear power plant and the work of the first are known to those who walk around. the danube, whose waters cool the reactors, is two steps away: pleasant types of electricity bills. thanks to peaceful nuclear energy, tariffs in hungary are among the lowest in the world. europe. denis davidov and maria bolatvina, news from hungary. the us treasury has threatened to introduce new restrictions on the sale of artificial intelligence chips to china. deliver to beijing. only slow chips that cannot be used on an industrial scale will be possible. well, chinese engineers have already proven that they can do just fine without western technology. the latest developments in the field of artificial intelligence were presented at a media forum that opened in beijing.
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what are these technologies capable of and how are they going to be used in china? our correspondent in china alexander baletsky. neither the artists nor even the programmers spent minutes on this animation; at most they printed the text about what exactly it should be. video, then click the mouse and the artificial intelligence created everything itself. unlike american trash, which generates a minute-long video, the development of tsinghua university creates only sixteen-second videos, but for now, the realism of the image, experts admitted, is already maximum. artificial intelligence has not yet achieved the ability to create feature-length films with a single click. us there is still a long way to go, however, once...
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one of the risks associated with artificial intelligence is information risk, this involves the creation of false information, including deliberate manipulation and deepfakes, which can pose significant risks. creating clear mechanisms for regulating the use of neural networks in the information field is difficult, but fundamentally necessary. the general position of the participants of the forum organized by the chinese media corporation. in the hall is the head of vgtrk olek dobrodeev, supervisor. law, others add. it is important
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that there is a balance between innovation and compliance with the fact that the chinese media group has led the process of creating artificial intelligence, because the media must be responsible for using it as a tool, and not replacing humans, not replacing real reporters on the ground. it has been possible to create any background on television for a long time, even now, even in beijing, even in moscow, but if you return to china, here the virtual studio is no longer actively used media as well as commercial platforms. and the emphasis in them is already on virtual presenters who independently broadcast the sale of goods and services at least 24 hours a day, without stopping. the world's first virtual news presenter in china appeared 5 years ago, then it was called a breakthrough, but it did not catch on, because the trust of the viewer is important, and this is still not about virtual reality, and it is one thing to use a neural network when working with archives and entertainment content, the same chinese media group is creating taksely tv shows and children's animation, completely different news. where messages fabricated by jpt chats,
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especially with fake video footage, can provoke economic political crises, weapons in information wars, the same productions from white helmets in syria , the question of using personal data arises if we are talking about other people’s video messages generated by a neural network. in china , such ai videos are necessarily labeled, and for distributing false information fabricated by bots, there is criminal liability, and here this is clearly enforced... beijing. in sales of subsidized air tickets have started in kaliningrad. this year the program has been expanded and is now available not only to beneficiaries, but to everyone who has a residence permit in the region, as well as to nonresident students. thanks to government support, you can fly to st. petersburg for 3,500 rubles. to ekaterinburg for 8.
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marina naumova found out what other destinations are subject to special rates. since the first days of sales , there has been a huge demand for cheap air tickets in the region, queues have formed, and people are making their own lists. to register or to book valid air tickets, you need to come to the ticket office or airline representative office. the program is designed for residents of the kaliningrad region, so you must have a civil passport with local registration. i'm a resident. kaliningrad region, i need to travel on a subsidized ticket, because i am going for an operation, and i pay 400,000 for the operation, i barely collected it, and i need to get on a subsidized ticket, a special fare to st. petersburg is 3,500 rubles one way to moscow 3.800, it is expected that in the near future time, cheap tickets will be available in online services, the queues will disappear, due to the influx of tourists, in the summer we have very expensive tickets from 20,000 one way, this is very... a lot, subsidized ones cost 3,800, the difference
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is quite big, you can stand in line, for me and my family of four, instead of 100 thousand, but i save a fair amount of money, that’s why we’re worth it. benefits will extend to several more areas: yekaterinburg, murmonsk and arkhangelsk. for the russian exclave, this is compensation for being isolated from main territory of the country. starting this year , neighboring states have banned even transit for cars with russian license plates.
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further about the events of the capital region. my eyes and nasal mucosa are starting to tingle. and the birch tree began to bloom actively, followed by the bird cherry tree. what do allergy sufferers need to know so that there are no reasons for tears? walk along the old moscow streets and watch the sunrise in gorikovo park.
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five new excursion routes have been developed in the capital. and the pushkin museum opened a volume.


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