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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  May 2, 2024 9:55am-11:00am MSK

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worth seeing live. alexandra bystritskaya, yuri zabolotnikov, mikhail yunusov and pavel letnikov. news. all news is always available on the media platform. we look in the application or on the website, we have everything by this time, see you. a big film premiere, if... if you take me out of here, we’ll introduce you to the rank. alexander yatsenko, now only soviet people, slaves, can save them, there are no others here. evgeniy tkachuk. i'm a fort, they definitely won't kill me. i will be with you until the end of my life. fedor dobronravov. everything will be calculated, everything will be calculated on the shelves will decompose. he sees four moves ahead. sergey makovetsky. i heard that you need responsible comrades for your campaign, get ahead of me, comrade kaselev. konstantin khabensky. save this. wow! we
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never lost this, is it an amulet? no, this is a device used to find the way. comrades jews, we need to get as far away from the camp as possible, film by sergei ursulyak. i’m glad that we broke away and left, we didn’t leave them, they are following us. righteous, may 9 on rtr. rum castra, a product of the stellar group. kalinan belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinanbek, where
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life turns into a fairy tale. today's program is fats. much benefit or great harm. top three non-hazardous fatty foods. they are the stop signal that gives us a feeling of satiety. one or two - dessert spoons, no more. festive heart. the reckoning will come tomorrow. who is at risk? if, god forbid, your heart develops. it doesn't mean that you the next day you should go to the sauna or bathhouse. and get on... a bike. beware
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of infection, can fungus cause vision loss? the eye has been damaged and the person complains of sensations of a foreign body. prediabetes. how to lower sugar without drugs and avoid an inevitable diagnosis. the body was normal, but it became like this, essentially burned out. this is partly due to the improvement of microflora. good morning! hello! in our program we often discuss various myths, some incorrect facts, they often relate to nutrition theory. we we decided to conduct a short survey among our viewers and asked them what in their opinion is the cause of excess weight. let's see what came of it. we asked volunteers from our studio to answer the question: what is the main reason for weight gain in their opinion? some.
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we are sure that stress, hormonal imbalance, and refusal to exercise are to blame; most viewers consider fat in the diet to be the main factor in gaining excess weight. we get fat because of fatty foods. fatty foods lead to excess forest. i think it's fat. 80% is fat food is quite logical. yes. fat is made from fat. in reality, fats are an important part of our diet, they just come in different forms. if we take with you, for example, the yolk of a chicken egg, this, for example, will be a very healthy yolk, just like, for example, in butter, fats are also rather useful, we can take unsaturated fats that are contained, for example , various vegetable oils, olive oil, for example, flaxseed oil, avocados contain such fats, they will also be useful, if we take, for example, trans fats, that is, modified trans isomers of fatty acids that are formed as a result of... the saturation
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of various vegetable oils with hydrogen atoms, this leads to the fact that our cardiovascular system is affected, and such fats can actually lead to the development... of a heart attack, therefore today we have compiled a list of several ultra-healthy products that should definitely be in your diet. what are these foods and why should each of us add fats to our diet? let's discuss this with our regular expert. how to live with a sound mind and long memory? world-renowned gyrantologist svetlana vladislavovna trofimova, professor, secretary general of the world preventive council. degenerative and anti-aging medicine, the president of the russian society of anti-aging medicine will give practical advice for future centenarians of our country. good morning, good morning, why are healthy fats, excuse me, good for our
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body? well, because they are involved in various processes to maintain our functional activity, that is , active for our lives. and it happens when, in pursuit of a good figure, they begin to reduce, sharply reduce the amount of fat consumed, and this, unfortunately, can lead to great disturbances and consequences, primarily due to the fact that fats are necessary for the synthesis of our hormones, this can lead - to infertility, dysfunction of the cardiovascular system, lead to decreased immunity, again. in connection with this, and as a consequence, of course, to accelerated aging, let’s understand why we need healthy fats, well, let's start with this, mikhail, they ensure the absorption of vitamins, there are fat-soluble vitamins, these are vitamins a, d, e, k, they,
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of course, are also necessary to maintain the functions of certain organs, for example, vitamin a, it cannot... be absorbed in our body without fat, and vitamin a is extremely necessary for normal functioning of the retina, in particular rhodopsin is a substance that cannot be formed without vitamin a, and this means that visual functions can be reduced , well, vitamin e is in general, a vitamin of beauty and youth, that is, as i understand it, these vitamins, when they enter our body, look for fat so that it carries them through the intestinal walls, right? prevents the development of depression, studies have been conducted, and it turned out that those women who prefer seafood, especially fatty fish, suffer less from depression and mood disorders than vegetarians, or lovers of meat
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products, improve lung function, here it is this is a very interesting story, but the thing is, what’s interesting here is that, for example, carbohydrates and fats are absorbed differently, that is, if carbohydrates are absorbed through the intestinal wall into the circulatory system, then they are subsequently distributed throughout the body, the path of fats is somewhat different, because when they are absorbed, they enter the lymphatic system, further along the lymphatic vessels, they go almost immediately into the pulmonary circulation, first of all they are delivered to the lungs, that’s why, because from the inside our lungs, they are lined with a special substance called surfactan. and this substance, on the one hand, protects our lungs from mechanical collapse, that is, so that they simply do not collapse like a soap bubble, on the other hand, they protect our lungs from hypothermia, yes, because the sulfactant can oxidize and release heat,
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and there are studies that they say that in those places where there is extreme cold, this is the far north, and in the highlands, in these places the consumption of fat in the diet is much higher. than the average, and this is not accompanied by any disorders of fat exchange, well, such as excess weight or for example atherosclerosis, it was noticed that a deficiency of fats in such regions of the far north very often leads to the development of pneumonia, which is not surprising, but fats can contribute to weight loss, and it was noticed that those women who adhered to , let's say diets. with low-fat foods, their rate of weight gain was significantly higher than those women who consumed good fats in their diet. yes. one theory says that this is precisely due to a deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins, then
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there is a woman who did not receive enough of them , she began to eat more of some other foods, trying to replace this deficiency. another theory explains this by saying that fats when ingested. our intestines, they are the stop signal that gives us a feeling of satiety and improved memory; in general, brain cells consist of 60% adipose tissue. saturated fatty acids, they are necessary to maintain not only the structures of the cell membranes themselves, but also to enhance the synthesis of the so-called meilin shell, which allows, facilitates the transmission of nerve impulses from one neuron to another neuron. what can we offer our viewers from healthy fats? let's start, for example, pumpkin seeds, they contain, among other things, fiber. vitamins and also microelements in sufficiently large quantities and zinc, which is extremely
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necessary for the function of our brain, yes, that’s it, let’s move on, flaxseed, it contains one of the omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which is in our body is partially converted into that very important decosohexaenoic acid, which our body actually needs and which reduces depression, atherosclerosis and so on, i’m even afraid... that there’s fish, fish, fish, and this is mackerel, but well, i think , as well as fish, other varieties, fatty varieties of fish, they are extremely necessary, why, because they contain just these polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are involved in all metabolic processes to maintain our life, well, as paracelsus said, everything is poison, everything medicine, everything depends on the dose, yeah, and even such... very healthy products, but you still have to know your limits. yeah, let's say, fatty fish
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are recommended to eat at least three servings a week. well, flaxseed oil is one or two dessert spoons, no more, well, probably a small handful of seeds. seeds are very interesting, there is an observation that consuming a large amount at once is not as beneficial as consuming a small amount regularly, that is, here... not only on the eve of summer, this is exactly what everyone needs it, remember it and add it to your shopping list. thank you very much, today we learned why healthy fats are healthy and how much we need to consume for our body. follow the recommendations of scientific gerantologists, stay young and healthy. we give the floor to academician, cardiologist yuri nikivich belenkov, who will tell you why after the may
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holidays you can end up in the hospital and what to do to prevent this? warrant for ulmysk. love will overcome everything. potap was arrested yesterday because he was digging under the leonovs. take aim, shoot. your brother, boy. introduced him as his son, as you remember, how much teleon you did to us to put an end to lawlessness, i really want to help you, but i don’t know how, she needs to become an outlaw, this is the only option, you yourself know, you you can make sure that they let him go, but who are you, love will overcome everything in the final episode, today on... rtr. rest is leaving yourself
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alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. welcome to the newest rixas hotel in sharmelsheikh. rixas radomis sharmelsheikh. an ideal place for a family holiday. where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms. the largest children's town in the region. wrap yourself in comfort
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by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is your rules. tiitanic deluxe golf bellet - the best choice for an unforgettable vacation, the wife is a cook, a dishwasher, a technician, a teacher, a teacher, a seamstress, and the husband gets tired.
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and he’s like, what are you thinking about doing, and she ’s crazy to him, that you’re moving back and forth, you’re interfering with watching, and we’re watching and hugging, let’s get together with the whole family, you know how to spend a romantic weekend, get married, there are five new, beautiful ones for you , tender hug stories, but guys, advice to you, further on the site in the application, there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because in them power. beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh, it’s amazing how
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delicious everything is , as my mother says, fuck off your godfather, this world is worth seeing. snake charmer is the oldest profession in india; they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. a secret to the whole world. on sunday on rtr. serge, i can't make you happy. anna fira and anna saveli look the same person. this is the analysis of edinka. everything was going well until you showed up. and what do you want? for you, dr. anna, the final episodes are on rtr today. good morning. we met
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the may holidays, this is good weather, going out of town, to the country, to eat, drink something, then, as a holiday gift to the cardiologist, this is what i just outlined, it’s called a holiday heart, let’s listen to two charming patients who contacted me, we are the solovyov family, i... svetlana, i’m 39 years old, next to me is my husband nikolai, he is 43 years old. and we have a tradition of gathering around a large round table to celebrate birthdays and holidays. naturally, at the feast there is a lot of rich fatty food, and alcohol cannot be avoided. and as a side
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effect, the next day we have health problems, pain in the right side. all this happens after feasts, we have such a question, the may holidays are ahead, we also have fun feasts with friends, relatives and friends, and we want to ask how to minimize problems with health, come in, we'll sort it out, good morning, hello, yeah, yes, i see, yes, this is what nikolata has, we call it overweight, so as not to offend our patients, i understand your problem, that's what you think, why does this happen the next day,
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the punishment is probably a punishment for having a good time, in principle, yes, the point is that... alcohol itself, ethanol, does not have an arrhythmic effect, but alcohol is broken down in the body, first into acetal rigitis , and then to cetate, that’s it this product has a pro-arrhythmic, as we say, effect, it takes time, here it is, interesting, here’s everything, very everything, yes, everything you love, everything you eat during the holidays, yes, yes, liver begins... to process at night, and at night it begins to slowly break down alcohol, the process is the same, in fact, it is an overload. the body and fatty foods, spicy foods, and alcohol, but spicy and fatty foods quickly act on the liver, it immediately
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shows that it’s hard for it, yeah, alcohol is gradually collapsing already started working on the heart, please show us what happens when the heart is festive, so, first, increased blood pressure, yes, nikolai’s is already 140 to 90, especially taking into account your excess... well i don’t know, with eighty-sixth gasoline, how it will go, it’s bad, yes, but if it’s good with ninety-five, it will fly, that’s about the same thing the body does, alcohol is like
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ninety-eighth gasoline, that is, you understand, it gives energy, and energy fast, the body is lazy, in order to get barbecue energy, it needs to break down fats, then triglycerides, then break it down some more, then break it down to glucose, and then consume energy, that is, time... and it also requires energy for this, why does the body need to waste its energy on breaking down something, yes, that’s why he spent energy from alcohol, everything else is undigested fats, uh-huh, uh-huh, we went somewhere, well, to different places, the liver, but not only, the pressure increased, the body weight increased, what’s happening, the diaphragm shrank , and it’s harder to breathe, shortness of breath appears, shortness of breath, sleep opno, as we say, so to speak, snoring, you ’re looking at water, i’m not looking at water, the exact
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body weight, the first sign of a festive heart is arrhythmia, interruptions in the heart, so, these are interruptions, arterial hypertension, obesity, oops, this is the holiday heart syndrome, not only the holiday heart, if there is a holiday syndrome, what to do, i can’t say, no, here, that’s all the red cross, but you know what a thing, thanks to the fact that we have very long holidays, very , yes, yes, yes, there is one nuance here, if this do it once, then, well, here, well, at least like this, like this, i’ll close it, if i do it twice, like this, if i do three like this, i’ll open it, that is, in short, it’s all the same one way or another. if you can, well, you’re the housewife, yes, there’s olivier here , yes, well, yes, it’s already warm, the next day there’s olivier, it’s generally bad, generally bad, that
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is, they made less, ate it, yes, and of course, this, well and undoubtedly, yes, here, look, of course, sports, of course, cycling, of course, swimming, who likes what more, there is one trick here, this is for you svetlana, some advice for the future, right? you need to take advantage of your husband’s weaknesses when you talk about physical activity, but if he likes to walk, there is no need to force him to ride a bicycle, if he likes to swim, there is no point in forcing him to play tennis, if, god forbid , a rightful heart develops, this does not mean , that the next day you should go to the sauna or bathhouse and get on a bike, if this happens, don’t be lazy, consult a doctor, you understand that it’s the holidays,
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don’t forget to take medicine, like this conversation, dear friends, about a right heart, thank you very much, thank you again, happy holidays, good health to everyone, and don’t come see me the day after your banquet, but come visit me for a consultation when the holidays are over, and i give the floor to my colleagues. right now, the section “ask a doctor”, where dr. agabkin answers questions from residents of russia. so, the first question is sergei
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viktorovich. women suffer, more often than not, so there is such a big question of correct making a diagnosis, because, unfortunately, in our country, migraine is very often called any type of headache, in fact , statistics say that migraine is only one of almost 180 types, it is a fairly specific type of headache, firstly, when half of a person’s head hurts, secondly, the pain is quite intense, thirdly, against the background of this pain, a person
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cannot do any business. as for the prevention of attacks, that is, their reduction, here, in fact, everything is well known, regular physical activity, times and this is breathing exercises, two, this is a sufficient amount.
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the timing of endoprosthetics does not affect the introduction of hyaluronic acid into the joint. if we are really talking about the need for endoprosthetics, this is most often the third degree of osteoarthritis, that is, when not only the articular cartilage is destroyed, when the bone is already destroyed under this cartilage, in this case, most often hyaluronic acid does not help much due to the fact that it is destroyed pro-inflammatory enzymes contained in the compound liquid. here in this case, its effectiveness is very insignificant, we will return to you in just a few minutes, advertising on the russia tv channel, attention to everyone, we are entering the german patrol zone, premiere for victory day, we need to free the skies of crimea from the germans, i ordered the pathans to be transferred to the 267th regiment major roman, what do you want, come on?
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welcome to the ranks of those who have stumbled, your homeland has given you a chance to atone for your guilt, only penalty soldiers go into battle, the task is not an easy one, you will have to act in the enemy’s operational center. "fighters, battle for crimea, on mom, everything will get ready for the fight, you are out of your mind, let them go overboard, he said to take the fight, from monday on rtr, hotel for an unforgettable experience rixas sharmelsheikh, only for adults 18+, here you will have entertainment
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throughout the whole day: year-round performances of the best djs from all over the world and comfortable rooms. rixas sharmelsheikh is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created for admiration, i promise, i will correct myself, your son drank endlessly when he got drunk with us.
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new life. no, you don’t have such a new life, you do, no, if you want, tomorrow i ’ll introduce you to my fiance, fiance, yes, first you and i need to sign, what are you, a new husband. on friday at rtr, you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he’ll come to your house himself, let’s get started, he’ll always help, we’ll train on how to walk on ice correctly, he’ll always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asbestos, how take the medicine correctly. a bowl of macaroni and cheese will always help, it's a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried lard cards, i sleep, that’s how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust
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100% will make you happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. dr. myasnikov on sunday on rtr, for the new executive director, on saturday, oh well, you are having an affair with a married man, you are amazing, amazing, she is happy, i can see it, i have some kind of anxiety all the time, you will have to travel with us s... committee: why? you have been detained on suspicion of setting fire to the company's warehouse, it is obvious that someone was it’s profitable to put you, every mistake has its own price, there will be no culprit, there will be no insurance, that is, you, you want you to take
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the blame, and the lawyer promises that he will get you a suspended sentence, i trust you, only you, and roman, do you trust him, do you think he is not involved in this story? error premiered on saturday on rtr, we continue the section “ask the doctor right now” dr. agabkin answer the next video question, attention to the screen. hello, my name is larisa timchuk, i’m from the city of stupino, i wanted to ask such a question, now spring has come and these weather swings have begun.
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this manifests itself primarily not so much because of a deficiency of vitamins, because in modern man it must be said that nutrition, in many respects, is not as strictly tied to the annual cycle as it was for... the tian there 200 years ago, basically we are talking specifically about fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, fluctuations in daylight hours, fluctuations in humidity, temperature, that is, when it changes, there is a change, first of all , climatically, and here it seems clear when this disappears, yes, when these changes decrease, well, in other words, one of these good examples is the average daily positive temperature, that is, if we are talking about something that... is characterized by the fact that it is warm during the day, cold at night, this is characterized high humidity, that is, when the snow melts, these streams are murmuring, this is characterized by strong winds and so on, when the night temperature steadily goes above zero, that is
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, there is no frost, so we can say that spring ends and spring begins summer, most often we are talking about the month of may, that is, there is even a joke that all the months without the letter re are those. months, when we seem to have a warm time, and as soon as the letter p appears, the autumn-winter period already begins. well, now questions from the studio, please, good morning, very often at night i have very, very strong sudurik and leg syndrome, and at the same time my feet also hurt, it’s so tight that i can’t stand it, i wake up, i’m standing, walking very... around the room, my question is, what’s wrong with me? to do this, please tell me, well, firstly, it is necessary to conduct a study of the condition of the veins, lower extremities, ultrasound, because such night cramps are often common, they can be a symptom of varicose veins. the second
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is to assess the microelement status of the body, because a deficiency of microelements, such as calcium or magnesium, can cause such convulsive conditions, blood, yes, do a blood test, look. is there such a hard shortage , yes, if there is, it is necessary make up, that is, as such a temporary measure, i can recommend doing a stretching exercise before going to bed, and... and one that is quite long, that is , stretch the back of the thigh for 2-3 minutes, for example, the inner thigh muscles, that is, so that they after stretching they relax, this often leads to the symptoms decreasing. thank you doctor. we give the floor to ophthalmologist dmitry dmentiev, who will tell you how a fungus can cause vision problems and what to do, to... prevent this, good morning,
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oddly enough, many probably don’t know this, a large number of parasites and fungi live in our body, there are conditions in which fungi begin to multiply and cause a pathological state in our body. including the pathological condition of our eyes. so, candidiasis of the eye. how an infection caused by fungi can cause vision loss. mushrooms, fungi, grow, reproduce and become active best at a temperature of approximately 37°. for fungi, habitat, the human body is very comfortable and favorable. what they can do perfectly under certain current situations and
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conditions of the state of our body. now let's talk about how fungus can get into the eye and what changes it can cause to our eyes. with reduced immunity , the eye was damaged, you see, a small discharge appeared from the eye, conjunctivitis or keratitis began, that is, mechanical damage. and the fungus got not only onto the surface of the eye, where it constantly may be present, it’s not scary, but in this situation it got inside and began to multiply and give certain symptoms, which can lead to fungal conjunctivitis. fungal keratitis, who is theoretically at risk
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of candidiasis, this is a common disease, people with weakened immune systems, diabetes mellitus, netropinia, hypothyroidism and pregnancy, oddly enough, pregnancy is not a pathological condition, but a kind of borderline state between health and ill health and pregnancy can reduce immune protective. the body's response to fungal penetration. in the early stages of the disease, at the beginning of infection, as a rule, a person does not notice any complaints or make any complaints. uh, the disease begins asymptomatically, but gradually as candidiasis develops, as fungi multiply and the affected area increases, symptoms appear, which we see on...
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purulent discharge may appear, as a rule, it is a yellow discharge, they appear more in the morning, after nights when the eye is closed, accumulate and in the morning there is a lot of discharge, increased lacrimation, that is, the more the disease progresses, the more tears are released and the eye actually runs, you can see a characteristic yellow color on the eyelids... all this is associated with purulent discharge, which concentrates on the eyelids on the eyelashes, the person complains to the sensation of a foreign body in the eye, a feeling as if a moth has gotten into it, and finally, deterioration of vision, the cornea may become cloudy and it is not so easy to cure this disease, what kind of prevention do we need to carry out so that the fungus that is located, in any case, it is in the environment, so that it does not penetrate
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the eye and cause unpleasant consequences, contact with people who suffer from a fungal infection must be avoided, of course, direct contact if the surface of the eye is damaged can trigger the transmission of infection, do not touch your eyes with dirty hands, protect your eyes from hypothermia or direct sunlight, direct ultraviolet light can... cause surface changes, cause some cracks on the surface, microcracks, and it is easier for fungus to penetrate, and finally, observe the use of contacts. people who use contact lenses are at greater risk of getting a fungal infection, because the lens is removed and put on constantly, using daily contact lenses, we remove the risks of getting a fungal infection, and those patients who wear monthly,
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weekly lenses, of course, these lenses must be treated with special solutions at the moment when a person takes them off at night... the lenses should not be stored in water, they should not be stored in a regular solution that does not contain disinfection, in order to avoid a breeding ground for fungal infection on these lenses, which, when placed on the cornea, the same infection can easily spread there into the eye. follow the rules of personal public hygiene: we are for cleanliness, take care.
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songs from the bottom of my heart, andrey malakhov's evening show, today on rtr, immerse yourself in the world of luxury and comfort at rixsas golf villas and suites. beyond them all, a stunning world-class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy the modern design of the rooms and luxury villas ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits sharma. discover
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a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic lakshery collection bod. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury collection bodrum. you are watching 100k alone. what is our task? open we can handle it, if you ask, it will be polite, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much is 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much, who is at work,
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speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor , i'm an oak tree, chopping, no, plucking, problems, with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don't know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for headaches, god forbid now beep if you win , then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr, everything between us is given in the past, i’m with yua now, but i love you i’ll beat you back anyway, and you’ll be my wife, don’t be too upset, if anything happens, call me, lord, what’s this, you ’re a relative of ours, that’s right, sister, nastya was looking for you all evening, your phone was turned off, and where were you at night? ? yura, you will go from
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8:00 to 12. i killed no one, i will do everything to free him, i promise, we will get you out, you know, kirill says that kirill says, don’t let my affairs interfere, i really want you was happy, i'm happy with you, city of brides, today tomorrow on rtr, today we... which may concern everyone, this disease is gaining furious momentum, every year the statistics scare us more and more, already every fifteenth russian is a hostage to it, and meanwhile scientists predict that by 2050 more than one and a half billion people on the entire planet will suffer from it, this is sugar diabetes,
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but if you notice a change in blood sugar levels in time, the disease can be stopped without medications and even without complex therapy. we decided to conduct a study among our viewers, measure their sugar levels. attention to the screen. we offered volunteers from 35 to 55 years old who have not been diagnosed with diabetes.
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let's start with you, what's your name? natalia! did you know that your blood glucose levels are high? i knew about a year ago. a year ago, and what are your actions? well, i limited myself a little in sweets and milk, i began to eat less, and move more. and it doesn’t matter, sugar can be 6.2, and 6.5, and not like you, probably, good morning, what’s your name? my name is nikolai, i am about a year ago. i quit smoking, i replaced it with sweets, i started to observe how the components seemed to be floating
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my beginning diabetes mellitus, so you can say, and in your family someone had diabetes , yes, in our female line, on the female line , he came and did a medical examination and passed and they told me that these were the results, well, did you do something after that, no no, you just know i measure how i maintain my sugar, i still crave sweets. you measure your sugar, it doesn’t drop, you continue to eat sweets, i continue, that is , you do nothing, nothing, but you are generally some kind of unique person, thank you, maybe you exchanged numbers with someone, yeah, or blood, like you name? natalya, natasha, 35 years old natasha, thin , slender natasha, thank you, young, sugar 6 and 4, how is it, and i generally try not to eat sweets, but lately i have to binge on stress chocolate, lastly, how much have you been bingeing on? chocolate for the last year or two or three, two months. what to do in such a situation when you do not pay attention to
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diabetes, but it comes by leaps and bounds. let's discuss this together with our expert. alexey vladimirovich zhito, endocrinologist, therapist, cardiologist, candidate of medicine sci. good morning. good morning. hello. i ask you to. why is this happening? people find out about their diagnosis too late, unfortunately, firstly, this is due to the fact that diabetes mellitus, an increase in sugar, is a silent disease, that is, the symptoms practically do not manifest themselves at all, the symptoms are general fatigue, pain, thirst, people walks more often, produces urinary descents, sometimes it is weight gain, sometimes weight loss, that is, this is all very individual, usually in our everyday life we ​​simply do not run around we pay attention, because the symptoms are very mild, well, we can still somehow correct this... situation in order to prevent the development of diabetes; our heroes are pre-diabetes, yes, that means we understand two
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passions for sweets, what kind do you have? passion, i forgot, sweet flour, sweet sweet flour, sweet flour passion, you can somehow correct this to lower the level, and maintain yourself in at least some form, of course, fortunately diabetes, and even more so prediabetes - it is partially reversible condition, that is, if we are talking about diabetes mellitus, then... it can be corrected and the body can be maintained in a normal state, if we are talking about prediabetes, impaired glycemia on an empty stomach, then here we can turn it off for many, many years, so how since it’s very fortunate that our heroes underwent such an examination and i hope that they will listen to our recommendations today, well, so that they listen, i would like to show them this little trick: sugar in our body is not just some kind of metaphor for sweets life, in fact, sugar... in our body is normal only as long as it is kept in a strictly certain amount, as soon as this amount begins to increase, reaches
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a certain critical level, and all this... is accompanied by a hyperreaction of our body with the release of a large amount of insulin, insulin, again in itself, is harmless as long as it is in normal concentrations, but when there is a lot of it, and there is a lot of it when there is a lot of sugar, this leads to the fact that sugar and glucose begin to actively interact with human tissues body, what happens after this? the process of total... various tissues begins, that is, the walls of blood vessels begin to collapse first, kidney cells begin to collapse, heart cells, retinal cells begin to collapse, all this happens unnoticed, quietly, that is, we have actually accelerated this process by tens, maybe even thousands of times, insulin will also negatively affect the blood vessels, impairing
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blood supply, ultimately all this... will lead to diabetes sooner or later will lead to complications such as diabetic retinopathy, retinal damage, nephropathy, kidney damage, arthropathy, joint damage and so on, in general, the body was normal, it became like this, essentially burned out, that is, we will try to correct this without drugs, of course , at this stage, to begin with, of course, we will discuss the treatment of dietary and physical activity, i will give you... notepads and pens, all the doctor’s advice that he will give, which you see fit, and i advise you to write everything down, write it down , let's start with products, that is, in principle, we can carry out such, you know, a traffic light, the red light is no way, the yellow one is ready, and the green one says, move forward, the way is open, accordingly, all products can be divided into two categories, those that can be eaten calmly and not to think about it, respectively
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, those that are not worth eating at all and those. which you can sometimes afford, so let’s start with those that you can certainly afford, what is it? what do you think, vegetables and fruits? absolutely true, but here you need to understand that not all vegetables and fruits are equally beneficial or equally safe for patients with already impaired sugar levels. in particular, it is more useful, naturally, in general - these are vegetables, but here too there is an exception: vegetables, some vegetables contain a large amount of sugar, for example, these are starchy vegetables, potatoes. therefore , we limit potatoes to such patients, of course, we do not prohibit them, but we strongly limit them; we allow sweet plums, oranges, peaches, fruits, but in the first half of the day, if possible, it is advisable to eat fruits where it is perhaps with peel, for example, apples, pears, chilled if possible and still in limited quantities, high-sugar fruits, that is, fruits with a high content,
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grapes, bananas, we also limit. again, banana, banana rose, for example, because there are very ripe bananas with a lot of sugar, there are unripe ones with less sugar, green ones, well , half-green ones, yes, yeah, so let’s move on, bran, bran is a very good product, we add it to the cart and allow it to be taken by our patients to consume, bran is a product with a low glycemic index, it delays the absorption of carbohydrates and thereby prevents the development of diabetes, how do you feel about rice? polished by the way. in fact, we allow it for patients, but we also mean that rice is a carbohydrate component. if we boil rice, then the carbohydrates go into a boiled state and become digestible quite quickly. do you know, there is a life hack on how to lower the glycemic index? rice the japanese use this; when they cook rice, they add vinegar to the water. and studies have shown that it actually reduces the glycemic index of the final
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rice porridge. in the same way, adding rubles, for example, to which ones? now there will be a farewell to the slav, because as i understand it, this is categorically impossible, categorically impossible, yes, this is impossible, this is also not worth it, this is also impossible, firstly, sugar is added to some meat products, that is, moment we also mean, and secondly, great the amount of fatty acids contained in such products disrupts the binding of glucose to receptors, but there are
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some more tips besides diet, yes, let's... talk about them, we'll start with drinks, what's better to wash it down with, studies show that chicory in this case is an excellent option because... the probiotic fiber, inulin, which is contained there, has a hypoglycemic effect, this is partly due to the improvement of the microflora, the microflora improves, the processes of inflammation in general are reduced in in the body, a decrease in inflammation processes is accompanied by a decrease in insulin resistance, that is, everything in the body is interconnected, even the intestines, friends who drink sycory, well , it happened sometimes, but mostly coffee, i tried that, i didn’t like it at all, yeah, there’s a green one for you i love tea. so you sometimes drink, replace coffee, tsekuri, let's move on, it is very important to adhere to the correct regime, and
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this means getting at least 8 hours of sleep a day, how much do you sleep, well, five hours, a nightmare, and sometimes you are five, but sometimes i can imagine and allow 10 and 12, by the way, this is also not a good story, because studies say that not getting enough sleep, and oversleeping, that is, less than 7 hours more than 9 hours, they have the same negative effect on the development of diabetes, we are giving you these things so that you get a good night's sleep, sleep is very important, melatonin is especially relevant for us, it is a hormone that again reduces inflammation, again reduces insulin resistance, and melatonin improves digestive processes, that is, all together it gives... an improvement in the condition of our patients, and then, of course, physical activity, that is, here i can give a universal recommendation: choose what you like,
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you like lifting weights, barbells, dumbbells, do it, you like swimming in the pool , swim, you need to find the type of physical activity that you don’t mind, you like doing it, you have this kind of walking, in theory probably walking and a swimming pool. practice, that is, what you really like, i have been boxing for 5 years, oh, but in fact there is one trick, if, for example, a person has nothing at all comes in, he says: there’s enough to do at home, there’s no time to deal with all this nonsense, there’s a very interesting study that shows that additional weight during everyday activities can lead to a good effect of reducing insulin resistance, that is, look, there’s such a simple thing, like this weights. that is, for example , just even going for a walk, but you can put them on, that is, they put on practically, well, almost like a backpack, it’s normal, when did such a thing exist, such a backpack, a good
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backpack, unloaded, ready, just don’t hit, ok, i’m getting weaker, oh, how long do you walk like this, you really put it on, even if you walk all day, indeed, it’s very smart to say that it’s not just dynamism. if a patient has been diagnosed with pre-diabetes, we recommend performing some small physical activity after eating. in this case , it could be walking, naturally we don’t strain our abdominal muscles after eating, naturally we don’t bend over after eating, this
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is understandable, but walking significantly improves our well-being and if we exercise a week at least 150 minutes, that is, just a little more than 20 minutes a day, then the risks of diabetes are reduced several times, and some other icing on the cake, as i understand it, but this is not the icing. these are spices, in fact, here we have different spices, this is cinnamon, this is cloves, in fact, cardamom can also be used, these are the spices that reduce insulin resistance, not only advice, but gifts, and cinnamon is sweet, it is sweet , but it is a natural sugar that practically does not increase our glucose levels, moreover, our patients often ask: does cinnamon really reduce sugar levels? we jokingly answer them that if you don’t use any sweets instead of cinnamon, then of course yes, that is, if we replace with sweet cinnamon, then the sugar level decreases, appetite decreases and with this
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the overall health improves, so of course we try to replace and we can also add cloves to different dishes, that is , there are a lot of options. i remind you that if you want to review the episodes of our program, you can find them online media platform. let's look at the application on the website. the doctors gave you advice, wrote everything down, i hope you received gifts, i suggest we meet with you in this studio in a month and take a look. who's sugar level has decreased and who's sugar level has decreased very much? deal? agreed, of course, agreed, sit down, we have started an experiment and will check how much you can reduce sugar levels in a state of prediabetes without the use of drugs. thank you for spending this morning with us, we wish you a good day and a great day health. see you on russia tv channel!
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everything between us is in the past, i’m with yura now, but i’ll beat you off anyway, and you’ll be my wife, don’t be too upset, if anything happens, call me, lord, what is this, you’re our relative, that’s right, sister, nastya i was looking for you all evening, your phone was turned off, and where were you at night?
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today tomorrow on rtr, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear off everything that is ours, which was together, what will remain with you, they went against god, went on tour. russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program life and destiny, from monday to friday on rtr. so, comrade, our task is to prevent the enemy from strengthening his defenses in krim. premiere for victory day. yes, i only have four aircraft on the move, i received the order, carry it out. how to take off? waist-deep snow, it's taking off, check.
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commander, the engines will stop, the temperature is off the charts, if detected, losses cannot be avoided, carry out touches, fighters, the battle for crimea, from monday on rtr. you are watching the news on the russia channel, hello, andrey shevtsov is in the studio.


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