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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 2, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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what happened to you? actually, i left my daughter with my brother and is his brother a good man? good. then you can stay longer. do you want some coffee? well, let's. girl, can i see you? kindly give us two coffees. yes, sure. well, tell me why you are like this. sad and who offended you? hello, on the russia vesti tv channel, in the rina rossius studio and the main topics for this hour. there is such an impressive growth
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in industrial production, construction is growing there. vladimir putin discussed with the governor of the tula region alexei dyumin the pace of resettlement from emergency housing. iskanders they blew up a logistics center that the ukrainian armed forces used to transport military cargo, and two haimers launchers were destroyed near kharkov. 10 years since the great tragedy of the odessa khatyn in the house of trade unions, the survivors today recall the terrible moments of the massacre and how people were burned alive, none of the punishers ever testified. a short sudden death in the usa , the second specialist who discovered gross violations in the production of aircraft died; he was 45. the capacity of defense enterprises
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in the tula region will be increased, about this the governor of the region, alexey dyumin, has just reported to vladimir putin. the president held a meeting with him in novogorev. the main attention is to the participants of the special operation and their families. there are almost 60 regional support measures in the tula region. this includes free education at universities , large discounts on goods and services using the care card, as well as a new fund for free housing. it was created on the initiative of the developers themselves. now they are preparing 50 apartments at once, renovated and furnished. the president asked the governor to talk about what problems there are in the region and how they are being solved, we have such an impressive growth in industrial production, construction is growing there, good indicators in general, but how about one of your main social problems, this is the dissipation of emergency, there is movement there, there is, decide to propose, please, well, in general... i want to say that
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the goals and objectives of socio-economic development, and those tasks that stand within the framework of the national project, are being fully implemented in the turk region, but today i would like to start the meeting with the most important, the most pressing for today day, this is about the most important priority - i provide full support to the participants of our guys who are taking part in the special operation and their family members. social, psychological, medical assistance solve household issues at various levels, we issue housing certificates for the purchase of housing on a priority basis and do this in the shortest possible time and quite quickly. iskander high-precision systems dealt new blows to the military infrastructure of the odessa region. the goal was separation logistics company. post office in the usu
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uses it to transport military cargo; after arriving, a strong fire started on the spot, although ukrainian publications assure that civilian mail was destroyed, the so-called parcels exploded for several hours. in the special operation zone , the supply routes of the ukrainian forces, including the crew of the uragan rocket systems, are being disrupted. the crews hit an armored vehicle parking lot in the kupinsky direction. in kharkovsko. area, missilemen destroyed two launchers of the american haimers system at once. drones accompanied the equipment to combat positions, and then transmitted coordinates for the strike. the brave fighters of the group showed another destroyed abrams tank in the avdiivka direction. and at the moment the t-64 tank was hit, the detonation of the ammunition began in the vehicle. in the south of the dpr, the russian military knocked out another american armored personnel carrier. seating people in the house. trade unions in odessa in 2014
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are a shameful page in the history of ukraine. this was stated today by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. in moscow, on the tenth anniversary of the odessa tragedy, young activists the guards were held. similar actions within the framework of the odessa project, we remember, on the initiative of the young guards and the volunteer company, took place in dozens of other cities of the country, including in the donetsk and lugansk people's republics. a documentary chronicle of the terrible events of 2014 by stanislav nazarov, who 10 years ago filmed a report on the still warm ashes of the house. on the day of the tenth anniversary of the odessa khatyn, alexey brings flowers to the monument to the victims of ukrainian aggression in lugansk. i received a head injury already when we got out of building we were surrounded by a crowd of these
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neo-nazis. glory to ukraine. even 10 years later, the survivors in the house of trade unions remember every minute of that terrible day, and we see these windows through this window, smoke poured out of them, and then people began to, well, crumble, one might say, and break onto the asphalt, they were finished off there, ran. when this is the first time, when people die before your eyes, well , then i understood, for me it was such, well, a shock, one might say, incredible, the first
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clashes with the maidan forces began on the greek square, already on these brigades the dead appeared, where? according to the scenario, which was worked out in dnepropetrovsk, kharkov and donetsk at the end of april, representatives of the military wing of the right sector and football hooligans took part in the nazi march. on the day of the tragedy , the chernomorets and metalist clubs played in odessa. the radicals threw stones at supporters of federalization, batons and iron rods were used to enter, and many militants had firearms . for many odessa residents, the tragedy in the house of trade unions became the line beyond which
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ukraine lost the right to be called a fatherland. the kyiv authorities themselves made them enemies. igor nemodrug was then a participant in the odessa anti-maidan movement. from the house of trade unions, the militants were leading them out along the so-called corridor of shame, i just got hit right here under the eye, one of them accelerated from his feet, although it’s crowded there, they interfere with each other, everyone tries to hit, then they shout, don’t touch them , but nevertheless everyone beat us, and there is a video where we are lying bloody, but they tried to force us to our knees, yes, i, uh, said that i will not kneel, don’t touch, don’t touch, don’t touch! people have not been locked in houses and burned since the punitive operations of the ss division. on may 2, 2014, their followers, ukrainian neo-nazis in odessa showed the whole
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world how far they were ready to go in the outbreak of civil war. that day our film crew also worked in odessa. they gave up, they gave up. the punitive operation of the militants in odessa is reminiscent of the nazi crime during the great patriotic war. odessa is already being called the new want. according to preliminary data, at least 43 people were killed, about 200 people were injured as a result of the clash, among them about 20 police officers. in the next 3 days, mourning was declared in odessa. in may 2014, deputy of the regional council alexey goncharenko, now a deputy of the verkhovna rada , reported on the destruction during the punitive operation.
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militants from the right sector pelted the house of trade unions with a barrage of molotov cocktails. people jumped out of the windows, some trying to climb down the ropes to escape the fire, but bandera’s men opened targeted fire on them. investigators at the house of trade unions worked only a few hours on the first night after the tragedy. the burned-out trade union building is literally strewn with ampoules with a characteristic odor.
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everything was done to ensure that there were as many victims as possible. none of the punishers who killed people in odessa were punished. 10 years ago, the brutal reprisal of bandera’s opponents of the maidan showed that there was a compromise with the kiev regime. is impossible, and a civil war on one’s own soil will only be stopped by the destruction of all non-nazi
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formations. stanislav nazarov, oksana sergeantova, vesti. the arctic invasion has begun in the capital region; the weather in the coming days will be determined by the anticyclone, which has already brought cooling. thermometers will continue to drop. over the weekend , night frosts will hit the region down to -3°. in the novosibirsk region, winter has already returned; heavy snowfall has covered the northeast.
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friends can’t leave the village, there are pets left here, it’s flooded up to the windows,
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because just like that, we live in someone else’s house, and there are old people and potatoes of their own, it’s like living there, god, they were making money, making money, and now they’ve gone to someone else’s house, they’ve abandoned everything just to save themselves, okay, here’s a little beast. all disabled and sick children were evacuated in advance to a temporary accommodation center, now there are 46 people in the village, the lights in the fence were turned off for safety reasons, a boat crossing was organized for the delivery of food, gasoline for generators, and transportation of people, people are provided with everything they need. according to hydrologists, the water level in the vikulo will rise for about another week, quite possibly reaching its maximum forecast level is 12 m. water level. flood 2017. ksenia usoltseva, maxim
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marchenko, lead tyumen. bam and transip will connect two new lines. the development of key transport corridors was discussed 2 hours ago at a government meeting. the new project approved today includes 24 plots. as a result, the highway's capacity will almost double. prime minister mikhail mishustin also noted that new workers will appear in the far east of siberia. work exceeds 3.700 billion rubles. thanks to this , additional paths will be built, sidings, tunnels, bridges, including those across the amur river, approaches to seaports were organized, stations and platforms were modernized. the expansion of the eastern testing site will also create new opportunities for industrial enterprises, especially in the extractive
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manufacturing sectors. this will also help increase cargo flow and reduce the overall travel time. another topic of the meeting was automobile tourism. the work plan is divided into two stages, and this is not only the construction of roads, but the creation of multifunctional areas with gas stations, motels, shops and children's platforms. the government-approved concept for the development of automobile tourism in russia until 1935 assumes an integrated approach, including an increase in the number of tour trips as a result of its implementation.
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17.2 million people took part. this year, for the first time, residents of the kherson region joined the voting. thus , all four new constituent entities of the russian federation are already participating in the selection of territories for improvement. orthodox christians. today is one of the most important days holy week - maundy or maundy thursday. believers spend time in prayer, receive communion, and after that they begin to prepare for easter. and first of all, on this day you need to think about it.
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through the great miracle, the celebration of the first eucharist at the last supper by the lord and savior, while this miracle is performed, the lord is with us. this is the news, this is what will happen next in the program. the second specialist who discovered gross violations in the production of booing aircraft has died in the united states. colombia breaks off relations with israel stavropol investigative committee is inspecting a stud farm where, as advocates suggest, horses are being starved... about this and more after the advertisement, see you.
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the inauguration ceremony of the president. russian federation vladimir vladimirovich putin. live broadcast: may 7 at 12:00 moscow time on rtr. titanic luxury collection. a hotel for unforgettable experiences rixos sharma.
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only for adults 18+. there will be entertainment throughout. of the day: year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixsos sharmel sheikh is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmel sheikh, the first swiss hotel in the world operating on an all-inclusive system. treat yourself to a holiday where it's elegant. and natural beauty merge into perfect harmony. create memories that will remain in your heart forever. swissotel sharmel sheikh, your perfect. place in the heart of the city. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic luxury collection
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bodrum. exceptional service. incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in world-exciting adventures of incendiary entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic collection bodrum. alexander yatsenko. we have not left them, they are following us. behind us? this is war. we are part of it. in war, shiringa is not chosen. and the jews here are not peaceful people. they are killed by enemies, which means they must fight with enemies. their task is to survive and get there. film by sergei ursulyak. and there is no choice. righteous. premiere. and a chance. available may 9 on rtr: where is your homeland, my brother? and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve,
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former friend, tear away everything that is ours, which was together, what will be left with you, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what impression does this make, and russia comes and the city lives, the program of boris korchevnik.
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get ready for the fight, are you out of your mind, let them go beyond that, i said to accept the fight, from monday on rtr, this is the news, we continue release, the investigative committee opened a criminal case on the grounds of cruelty to animals after a mass pestilence of horses in the stavropol region, the owner of a local stud farm kept animals in monstrous conditions without water.
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duto now these social networks, can we go and have a look, since everything is fine, right? i’m not saying that everything is fine, now the investigative team will arrive, so they are checking this information. the investigative team, according to the volunteers on duty at the stud farm, never arrived; grain was literally brought to the horses a few minutes before our film crew arrives. over there, the grain was immediately found, they are urgently delivering it, because the correspondents are coming here now. it didn’t take long for the consequences of such urgent fattening of horses to appear.
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according to local volunteer residents, the owner of the farm doesn’t need horses, he needs the land on which the farm is located, the owner is actually waiting for the animals to die, we work, we see, everyone sees, this was not such a critical situation , like this year, and according to local residents , several dozen horses died because of the defenders. there was no food, even though they kicked us out on time. an inspection of the north caucasus interregional directorate of rosselkhoznadzor confirmed that
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the horses were exhausted and looked bad. there is no safe food, the premises for their life are practically unsuitable, the unsatisfactory condition of the animals, exhaustion, this is a decrease in immunity, which can lead to an outbreak of the disease, which , of course, is a very serious problem. a criminal case has already been opened. on the fact of cruelty to animals at a stud farm in the aleksandrovsky district, an investigation was initiated a criminal case under article 245 of the criminal code of the russian federation. progress and results. sent an appeal to the supervisory authorities. daria yuryeva, artyom merzlenko, dmitry sklerov and dmitry baev: news of the stavropol territory. in the united states, under strange circumstances , the second person who spoke about defects in booing aircraft died suddenly. the engineer, surnamed ding , was 45 years old and led a healthy lifestyle, but
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was admitted to the hospital with complaints of... breathing problems, the patient was diagnosed with a bacterial infection, and soon began to develop organs failed and he died very quickly. 2 years ago dean found gross violations in the production of boeing 737 max. the management ignored the problem and fired dean. another informant who caused a lot of problems for the corporation, named burnett, died in march, his body was found in a car in a parking lot. according to the police, barnett shot himself, and on the exact day he was supposed to give. in another lawsuit against boeing. colombian president gustava petra promised to break off relations with israel today. he named the reason as genocide towards the palestinians. in response, the head of the israeli foreign ministry, israel kats, called peter an antisem and emphasized: israel will continue to protect its citizens, and the president of colombia decided to side with the most disgusting monsters known to mankind. previously, colombia suspended
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all arms purchases. the third international investment forum began in tashkent, with the participation of businessmen, politicians, and experts from more than 90 countries. russia is one of the main investors in the uzbek economy, and there are more and more joint projects. from tashkent, reporting by robert frantsev. central asia as the key to a new geopolitical and economic reality. at the investment forum in tashkent, the president of uzbekistan called for viewing the region as a center connecting the east. west, north and south, this is an invitation to work together. events around the world in recent years have shown the vulnerability of the existing system, disruptions in supply chains, the decline of international trade, and a decline in investment, but a way out of this situation has also become obvious. of course, we understand well what is going on in the world today the battle for investors is unprecedented, but one indisputable fact is becoming increasingly clear: no one country can solve such pressing problems alone. the spirit of mutual trust and respect, the principle
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of mutual support. will remain a solid basis for long-term cooperation. uzbekistan opens its doors to partners. the country will have a new investment law. the land lease period for foreigners will be doubled from 25 to 49 years. in addition, foreign investors are exempt from taxes on dividends for a period of 3 years. we certainly we see enormous dynamics, which the president of uzbekistan also spoke about today. over the past 7 years , legislation has changed significantly. indeed, adjustments have been made that help attract foreign investment today, including , of course, russian investment. russia remains one of the largest investors in uzbekistan. the volume of accumulated investments is estimated at 10 billion dollars. today , more than 150 joint projects worth over 14 billion are being implemented in the republic. well, this is not the limit, now russia and uzbekistan are facing new opportunities for
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cooperation are opening up. openness is programs for industrial cooperation, including special economic zones, and here the door is always open for russia, especially since uzbekistan is a reliable strategic partner of russia in such areas as agriculture, industry, it. uzbekistan does not just invite investment in its economy, it is more than just business; by creating conditions for investment, uzbekistan offers its services as a platform for mutual benefit. robert frantsev, armanbaidau, tatyana safarova, uzbekistan, central asian news bureau. after the big news, watch two episodes of the film love will overcome everything. well, the news is following developments, stay tuned.


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