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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 2, 2024 8:00pm-9:05pm MSK

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what do you like more, herring under a fur coat or olivier, look what he’s snacking on, alexander grigorievich, well, hello, let me in, there are no forces that could hold him back, this is impressive, your hello, hello, after your interview many new questions have arisen, good , what they are watching, listening to what i say, in the first person, volodya, well done, thank you, at 3:30 in the morning, of course, i must always be in touch, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we will see, we will show more than others, thank you very much , come again. on sunday on rtr. on the russia big news channel, in the studio of evgeniy roshkov. hello, the whole information picture of this thursday is in our issue. “berdychi is under the control of russian
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troops, our military is moving further west. the d-20 operates at a maximum distance of 18. iskanders destroyed two american hymers and two more abrams installations at once. on which fronts did they improve their positions? it was the point of no return. and the house of trade unions in odessa, together with the people, people began to fall, one might say, to break onto the asphalt, they were finished off there, they ran, why didn’t any of them the punitive forces have not yet been punished, a report by stanislav nazarov, who in those days worked there on the kulikovo field. macron does not let up and is now putting forward conditions under which troops will be sent to ukraine; in france this was called an attack of madness. the hungarian prime minister
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is amazed at stoltenberg’s decision to collect another 100 billion for zelensky. this means that nato is counting on prolonging the war for another 5 years. trump accuses biden of starting world war iii, major universities of failing to stop pro-palestinian rallies. kaliningrad, moscow are five times cheaper, subsidized sales have opened. tickets, what you need to know, in the stavropol region they are investigating the mass death of horses at a stud farm, animals were starved and a verdict was given to a gang of scammers in moscow, they deprived the hearing impaired of their apartments, what kind of deception scheme was discovered. russian.
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forces liberated the village of berdache in the donetsk people's republic, the ministry of defense reported. our units were able to improve their tactical position and repel 10 counterattacks. in these shots, soldiers inspect just near berdychi, an american abrams tank that had been knocked out earlier, and another abrams in a forest belt in the ocheretin area attacked lantsep. also in the avdeevsky direction , an interesting example of the bradley infantry fighting vehicle was captured from the enemy. this modification is intended for reconnaissance and fire adjustment. the southern group of troops defeated the formation of mercenaries of the foreign legion. in total, the armed forces of ukraine lost more than 900 servicemen at the fronts in one day. the positions of ukrainian troops on the eastern outskirts of the city of chasov yar are now being scorched by the sun. and this is footage of the impact on the bridge over the mokry yaly river between velikaya novoselka and vremevka. equipment and ammunition were delivered to the ssu through this crossing. near the village of ostroverkhov. the russian aerospace forces
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hit the german iriste anti-aircraft missile system along with its crew with a missile strike. the situation on the front line in the reports of our military correspondents evgeniy podubny about the destruction of two rszzo khaimers and mikhail andronnik, about the combat work of the attack aircraft at yara. western curators of the kiev regime and the command of the armed forces of ukraine, perhaps for the first time decided to use multiple launch rocket systems . american-made to organize terrorist attacks on the belgorod and kursk regions. two rocket systems, ammunition and crews prepared by american military specialists were deployed near kharkov. previously, for terrorist attacks on the civilian infrastructure of the belgorod region, regime militants mainly used czech vampire systems and ammunition with an increased destruction range. the system itself is a modernized version of the council. hail to
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to minimize the threat from the enemy and prevent massacres of civilians, the command staff and fighters of the north group began a systematic hunt for militants. enemy who participated in terrorist attacks. as a result of successful combat work, the fleet of vampire rocket systems of the ukrainian armed forces in this sector of the front was significantly reduced. dozens of enemy rocket artillery crews were eliminated by strikes from the russian army, and now the enemy has decided to use high-precision and long-range systems american made. the destruction radius of the ammunition that the kiev regime uses for the hymers. twice as high as for vampire shells. in addition, the hymers' missiles are adjustable. russian intelligence officers were able to unravel the plan of the regime militants in time and detect the crews of the hymers missile system at the moment of moving to firing positions. here is footage of objective control. the control vehicle and
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the installation itself are moving towards the fire station, the enemy is preparing to open fire. the command of our forces promptly organized a proactive defeat the strikes were delivered synchronously at two positions where the enemy was preparing to strike. the blast wave is clearly visible. this is one of the rocket systems, destroyed by the iskander operational-tactical complex. the second vehicle was burned by the russian analogue of the haimers system, tornado s. in fact, our troops prevented a major tragedy. strikes from american-made multiple missile launchers could cause serious damage to civilian targets, and of course. people, even if most of the missiles were shot down by crews air defense of the russian army, and usually more than 90% of missiles, are destroyed by our anti-aircraft gunners in the air on approach to belgorod. the enemy continues to gather forces from slobozhanshchina in order to make up for the losses
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that the formation of the kiev regime suffered during a failed attempt to break through the line of military contact that runs along the state border during the preparation and conduct of elections for... the president of russia , our troops daily destroy the personnel and equipment of the armed forces of ukraine here, in addition, part of the transport infrastructure has already been destroyed, which the enemy uses to transport forces and energy facilities that allow regime fighters to prepare for possible attacks. the enemy will continue to strengthen the grouping of its troops located in the kharkov region. the kiev regime will continue to try to increase the intensity of terrorist attacks. so: the appearance of haimros multiple launch rocket systems near the old state border of russia is, of course , another sign that the west is ready to increase the level of aggression; the prompt destruction of these systems is the only an effective method to protect the residents
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of the russian border, especially since the americans react very nervously to such losses. abrams, for example, have already been withdrawn from the zone of active hostilities, of course... this is the result of serious reputational and military losses. evgeny poddubny, alexander pushin. news. at the maximum speed of paratroopers from the u-25, the southern group of troops strikes with unguided missiles at the ukrainian militants who cling to the ruins of the chapel. the speed of the plane does not allow the pilots turn around on the spot, they have to come close to the line of combat contact and carry out. maneuvers are already in the direct line of sight of the enemy. at this time, the aircraft controllers reported that the missiles were right on target. the aircraft, which was already about to be written off before the start of the ied, turned out to be, along with the multi-purpose su-34, one of the most effective. by the number of targets hit. work at military airfields goes on every day,
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from morning until late evening, the pilots have not kept their personal accounts for a long time, it is no longer amenable to any kind of calculation. we have the main task is to support assault groups that... now they are working on the front end, every, let’s say, object we hit is someone’s life saved, and moving forward, further, we will move towards our goal, during each combat sortie, the route, which runs over makeyevka, the pilots are seen off by a second-grader masha with the developing russian tricolors, i always listen when they fly, when you hear something... it will be like this, it means that helicopters are flying, once helicopters and airplanes began to fly, i began to run out from behind the horses, the pilots could not help but thank their little guardian angel for the support that masha was ready to provide to the soldiers at any time of the year and invited her to a real military airfield. our main task was
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to show her our plane, the su-25 rook, on which we work, to give the child those same childhood emotions, the same impression that i hope she has... all her life. the pilots coped with the task absolutely accurately. meeting the formidable stormtroopers was masha’s cherished dream. the girl admits that she still has some left one. i want my second dream to come true.
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my colleague stanislav
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nazarov, who 10 years ago filmed a report at the scene of the tragedy, talks about how everything was then and how it is remembered today. from burning lamps they made up the word odessa, in lugansk, in donetsk they brought fresh flowers to a memorial stone with the inscription “we will not forget, we will not forgive.” for donbass, the odessa events of 2014 became a turning point in history. one of the main ones. demands of the protesters and people who protested in odessa, this was a referendum in which, in as a result of which we tried to create the odessa autonomous republic and get some rights for our, additional rights for our region. alexey albu was among those who staged an anti-maidan in odessa against the kiev maidan; they took to the streets against the coup d’etat that happened in the capital.
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remained alive the next day and gave an interview to our film crew, talking about the horrors that were happening in the trade union house. when the building began to burn, we realized that if we retreated upstairs, to the upper floors, then we we’ll just fall into a trap and in a fire we could all die. we were one of the first inside this building, which became a crematorium for dozens of people. the burned-out trade union building was literally strewn with ampoules with a characteristic smell of a toxic substance, similar to the smell of ammonia.
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they clinged to our guys, that is, they tied pro-ukrainian groups with themselves and began to pull people together, and enveloping the greek perimeter, this is the central part of the city, the greek, creating a ring of encirclement, some of the people began to retreat to the house trade union, anti-maidan activists, the father and son of the long-necked man served 4 years in a ukrainian
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pre-trial detention center on suspicion of organizing mass riots. they were exchanged as prisoners of war of the ukrainian armed forces, and since then both have been fighting against ukraine. here are recent shots of the liberation of avdeevka, where a son was wounded; his father was putting on a bandage right on the battlefield. heroic family. they were dehumanized, calling the victims kebab from colorado. here is an interview with the then head of the presidential administration pashinsky. by the way, he was later accused.
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today in odessa it is forbidden to mention the tragedy, the house of trade unions is cordoned off by the military and flowers brought to the village are already a sign of resistance of those who are not afraid of repression. none of the killers was ever brought to justice; the militants' punitive operation in odessa is reminiscent of the nazi crime during the great patriotic war. odessa is already being called the new khatyn, according to preliminary data , 43 people died in the smaller world, as a result of the collision, about 200 people were injured, among them about... twenty employees the police have declared mourning in odessa for the next 3 days. point of no return for all opponents of maidan. i just got hit right here under the eye, one of them sped off from his feet, although it’s crowded there, they interfere with each other, everyone tries to hit, someone is shouting, don’t touch them, but nevertheless they all hit, and there is
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the video of us lying there was bloody, but they tried to force us to our knees, yes, i said that i would not kneel. none of the survivors wanted to kneel, so they ended up, first in the militia donbass, and then in the ranks of the russian army, now leading a special military operation against the kiev regime. stanislav nazarov, andrey grigoriev, oksana serzhantova, news. today a presidential decree on the conferment of high state awards and titles was published. the hero of russia star was awarded to a centenary veteran of the great patriotic war from dagestan, ibrahim pashasa. he took part in the battles of stalingrad and kursk, liberating kiev, lvov and warsaw. belgorod governor vyacheslav was awarded the order of courage glodkov for his dedication in the performance of his professional duty. medals for saving the dead were awarded to artyom danskov, islam khalilov and nikita ivanov, the same teenagers who led people out of
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the crocus cityhall concert hall during the march terrorist attack. well, another award - the title of honored journalist of the russian federation was awarded to our colleague arkady mamontov. about sixty different measures to support special operation participants and members of their families are in effect today in the tula region. he spoke about this at... a meeting with vladimir putin governor alexey dyumin, he said that the region is actively supplying front-line fighters with the necessary equipment, increasing production at defense factories, the president, in turn, noted the high pace at which industry is developing in the region and inquired about the progress of resettlement of emergency housing. about the conversation alexey golovko. the president begins the conversation with the tula governor by listing the achievements of the region, which include alexey dyumin. has been carrying out for 8 years, such an impressive growth in industrial production, the construction there is growing, the overall indicators are good, as with one of your main
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social problems, this is the resettlement of emergency housing, there is movement there, i want to thank you for continuing the federal program for the resettlement of emergency housing, which means we have completed the previous stage ahead of schedule. regional projects are currently being implemented, this amounts to over 900 million rubles. and 230 have already been resettled in pima. when resolving housing issues, unconditional priority is given to the families of participants in a special military operation; they also receive certificates for the purchase of housing. in total, in the tula region there are almost six dozen different measures to support military personnel and their families. through the defenders of the fatherland foundation they receive medical, psychological, and social support.
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and the partners who have joined this program are small and medium-sized businesses, private stores, networkers, there are already about thousands of them. the program "time of heroes 71", the numbers refer to the region number, helps soldiers returning from the front find themselves in a new life. they are compensated for the cost study at universities, the opportunity to obtain a second professional education free of charge. entire fairs are held where local businesses are targeted. they are looking for the necessary specialists, and you can retrain, and that means they offer, of course, if in my specialty, and the tut enterprises need workers, the factories of the arms capital of russia work
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around the clock, equipment is coming off the assembly lines, the army needs it, the civilian industry is not lagging behind, good the increase in the industrial production index is 6%, every year, very ok, please, the share of manufacturing is also 112%, good so far. the production capacity of defense enterprises is being increased, quite a lot of money is being invested, and tula is also becoming one of the centers for training specialists in managing drones. a center for unmanned systems has been opened at the slobodka training ground; a conventional section of the front with trenches and strongholds has been recreated there. the training of operators is close to the conditions where our military personnel are located, these include defensive actions, offensive actions, a. learned to get around and make some decisions, since the opening of the center, there have already been 15 graduations, hundreds of people
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have received a military specialty, which is now so necessary on the front line. alexey head, natalya lundovskaya, kirill volkov, lead. an orange level of weather danger has been declared in the moscow region, the reason is the invasion of the arctic anticyclone of the sbarinsky sea, which may bring by the weekend. the region experiences night frosts down to -3°. but winter has already returned to the novosibirsk region. on it snows all day in the northeast, precipitation in the regional center. according to forecasters, temperatures may be below normal throughout this month. snowfalls have returned to the tomsk region. this is what the banks of the op river look like now. a prolonged cold spell has arrived in the sverdlovsk region. and this is footage from the vikulovsky district of the tyumen region. due to the record flood of the ishim river. more than a thousand local residents had to be urgently evacuated, this is what our correspondent ksenia usoltseva reported from the scene. this is what two streets in the village of zaborka look like now
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vikulovsky ra. and in the kurgan region, despite the gradual decrease in the level of the tabol river , another 650 private houses remain flooded, and some of them still stand in water up to their roofs. hungary is preparing to receive the largest part for its new paks-2 nuclear power plant, which is being built by russian specialists, the shell of a nuclear reactor, which is also called a melt trap, weighing 730 tons and the height of a four-story building, will travel by sea from our country and arrive at the site in just a few weeks. about, what is happening at the construction site now, why engineers had to take into account the habits of local birds. from the city of paks.
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reportage. the construction of the century for hungary both in terms of tasks and scale, paks-2 will be built by 10,000 people. the construction of the nuclear power plant has not yet begun, only preparations are underway, and work is already being carried out around the clock, so as not to waste time on delivery, a reinforcement shop and a concrete plant are being built next to the site. npps have not been built in the eu for 15 years, and russian peaceful nuclear technology has never existed in the european union at all. pagsh-2 will be the first. first rosatom specialists also have to solve non -core problems. sanctions complicate the work of an international project where a number of western companies have contractual obligations. the french company fromatom confirmed its participation in the project under certain conditions, and we have already fulfilled all these conditions with them. siemens, a german company, has also confirmed its participation in
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the project today. its production began a month ago in st. petersburg. there is also cooperation with foreign partners. rosatom recently organized a seminar for those who wanted to work in the pagsh 2 project. up to fifty companies were waiting, 140 arrived. russian rosatom and a german company. they are working together to strengthen the soil under the future station, you see these multi-colored circles, these are all piles, there should be 23 thousand of them under one power unit alone. the drill goes to a depth of thirty meters, soil, cement and water are mixed underground so that it hardens to a monolith and prevents groundwater from flowing under the station. pack 2 with two new reactors will stand next to pack 1,
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which is in the background.
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plots have been allocated for housing construction, new roads have been laid, specialists will have families and children over the danube bridge, it is almost ready, we have modernized schools, kindergartens, hospitals, we are planning to build new infrastructure facilities, to make the construction possible, we had to comply with tripartite safety requirements, russia as a manufacturer, hungary as a customer and the european union, where construction deadlines are as important as nest deadlines.
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pleasant types of electricity bills, thanks to peaceful atom, tariffs in hungary some of the lowest in europe. denis davidov, denis sokolov, oleg dubinin, news from hungary. days died in a hospital bed, dean was 44 years old, a month and a half ago a former boeing engineer was found dead, he was supposed to testify in court about the kind of defects allowed in the manufacture of aircraft. on the day
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the hearing was scheduled, john barnett was found in his car with a bullet in his head. over the past six months, boeings have been involved in various incidents 17 times. one of the liners came off. the door is right in flight time, and the other - the landing gear wheel. almost all of these incidents were the result of manufacturing defects. deepening the strategic partnership became the main topic of negotiations, which were held this evening in tashkent by the president of uzbekistan shavkat mirziyoyev , assistant to the head of the russian state maxim oreshkin. he heads our delegation at the international investment forum. our country is now implementing more than 150 large ones. joint projects amounting to more than $140 billion, robert frantsov reports from tashkent. central asia as the key to a new geopolitical and economic reality at the investment forum in tashkent, the president
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of uzbekistan called for viewing the region as a center connecting east, west, north and south. this is an invitation to work together. events in recent years around the world have shown the vulnerability of the existing system, disruptions in supply chains, and the decline of the international one. trade, a reduction in investment, but a way out of this situation also became obvious. of course, we are well aware that today there is an unprecedented struggle for investors in the world, but one indisputable fact is becoming increasingly obvious: no country can solve such acute problems alone; the spirit of mutual trust and respect, the principle of mutual support, will remain a solid basis for long-term cooperation. uzbekistan opens its doors to partners. the country will have a new law on investments, and the lease period for land for foreigners will be fixed. doubled from 25 to 49 years. in addition, foreign investors are exempt from taxes on dividends for a period of 3 years. we certainly see enormous dynamics, which the president of uzbekistan also spoke about today. in 7 years
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the legislation has changed significantly and adjustments have actually been made that help attract foreign investment today, including , of course, russian investment. russia. remains one of the largest investors in uzbekistan. the volume of accumulated investments is estimated at $10 billion. today , more than 150 joint projects worth over 14 billion are being implemented in the republic. but this is not the limit. now new opportunities for cooperation are opening up for russia and uzbekistan. creating conditions for investments, uzbekistan offers its services as a platform for mutually beneficial dialogue. robert frantsev, arman baidauletov, tatyana safarova, uzbekistan, central asian bureau. news. rub 3.700 billion allocated by the government for the modernization of bama and the trans-siberian railway. mikhail mishustin announced this today at a meeting with deputy prime ministers. an increase in the volume of transportation with friendly countries will provide additional
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income to the budget for solving social issues, such as projects for the improvement of villages and cities, for which 17 million citizens voted online in a month and a half. what else is being discussed? approaches to seaports have been organized, stations and platforms have been modernized, the expansion of the eastern testing area will create new opportunities for industrial enterprises, especially in the extractive manufacturing sectors. another task
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that the president set for the government is to double the domestic tourist flow to 140 million people per year. according to the results of surveys in tsom over the past 5 years, every third resident of russia went on a tourist trip to car. for 49% of respondents the main thing. leads to the coast of crimea, it is already packed, on may holidays and in the summer more than 50,000 cars pass through here per day. we’re already thinking about flying on a plane, just because of this piece. to relieve this part of the road, by the twenty-ninth year a new dzhubga sochi highway will be built. the intensity of traffic on the m-12 road towards tatarstan these days has increased almost seven times, and in 6 years the number of tourist trips around the country should increase to 47 million from the current 27. government. developed a development concept autotourism, which will unite the efforts of government
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and business in the construction of infrastructure. a number of key tasks: first of all, this is the development of road service facilities, including multifunctional zones, which will include traffic stations, motels, food outlets, shops, service stations, playgrounds, roads pass through, we know from the picturesque places of our country, for example chuysky tract, they will all be equipped with observation platforms. tourism. such great opportunities for income multiplication, the multiplier usually depends on the development of the sphere tourism is about five, that is, for one job there are five in related industries, and this is also a serious incentive for attracting investment, and of course it is very important to involve all russian subjects in the concept, including the most remote corners of our large country, what objects improvement should first of all be decided by local residents with the help of:
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for the first time this year , residents of the kherson region joined the system. all-russian online voting is already a unique format. but about 4,400 territories selected residents, people see changes, moreover, these territories open up new opportunities and prospects for the development of small medium-sized businesses. mikhail mishustin announced that, on behalf of the president, another competitive project for the improvement of public spaces in the far east will be extended, the winners will receive from 50 to 300 thousand rubles. anna semyonova anastasia sirikova and ksenia vyachina, news. the long-awaited event has started in kaliningrad. now such tickets can be purchased by all residents of the kaliningrad
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region, and not only by beneficiaries, as was the case earlier. the demand turned out to be so great that a few hours later, airlines were even forced to suspend online sales, and the decree created gigantic queues. about the reasons for the excitement. marina naumova. long before the opening of the airport, people begin to make lists and form a queue. postponed planned trips to wait for sales and fly at a reduced
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fare, because i am going for an operation, and i pay for the operation, 400,000, i barely collected it, and i need to get on a subsidized ticket, because this is extremely important for me, i am a pensioner, the most popular destinations for kaliningrad residents are moscow and st. petersburg, now in the summer schedule the number of flights, for example, in the capital , operations will double, airlines will operate more every day. two dozen flights to moscow. the special fare to st. petersburg is 3,500 rubles one way, and to moscow 3,800. the benefits will extend to several more areas - yekaterinburg, murmansk and arkhangelsk. for the russian exclave, this is compensation for being isolated from the main territory of the country. with this year, neighboring states closed even transit passage for cars with russian license plates. oksana’s family used to travel in their own car and went on vacation to crimea.
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the idea is to allow, through this program, kaliningrad residents to travel freely throughout the territory of our country, to fly to moscow and st. petersburg. to other cities, the ministry of transport of the federal airlines has worked on this issue. today aeroflot has opened a hotline by calling where you can book a cheap air ticket. elena's daughter and alexei, a student at the higher school of economics who studies in st. petersburg, managed to take advantage of this opportunity. she flies home here to us in kaliningrad 4 times
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5 times a year, and previously she had to spend a lot of money on tickets, now thanks to subsidized tickets. there will be an opportunity to fly more, the child is very happy. discount air tickets will also be available to nonresident students studying in the kaleningrad region; a special form of document is currently being developed for them, with which they can confirm their status. marina naumova, evgeniy bekish, alexander naumov, vyacheslav olinov, lead kaliningrad. you are watching big news, this is what will happen next in our program. in odessa it was destroyed by hurricanes. the base of the ukrainian new post office, which was engaged in the supply of weapons and ammunition to the ssu. macron does not let up and puts forward conditions under which he will send troops to ukraine. in france, this was already called an attack of madness. in stavropol , they are investigating the mass death of horses at a private horse farm; the animals were starved and not given
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water. verdict for a gang of swindlers in moscow. they they deprived people with hearing impairments of their apartments, what kind of deception scheme? revealed. inauguration ceremony . may 7 at 12:00 moscow time on rtr.
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everything. potaps were arrested yesterday because they were digging under the leonovs. take aim, shoot. your brother introduced this guy as his son, as you remember, how much these leons you did to us to put an end to lawlessness, i really want to help you, but i don’t know how, she needs to become an outlaw, this is the only option, you you know, you can make sure they let him go, but who are you? love will overcome everything. what task do we have to open the whole board? can we handle it? ask, who is smart? which character from pushkin's works does everyone know the name of? what is
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7.8? 7.8, 7.8, as many as you like, whoever is at work, speaks a lot and loudly: if you answer, then with humor, i cut down oak trees, don’t pluck, problems with water, electricity, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else , geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache and god forbid, now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr, the front line, we fly across the sea and approach the bridge. pris uncovers himself, opens fire, is this what the germans are going to use as a weapon? fighters, battle for crimea, premiere, from
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monday on rtr. big news is on air, we continue our broadcast. powerful explosions thundered that night in odessa, a massive blow was struck at facilities that are involved in supporting the armed forces of ukraine, including the novy warehouses. even the threats of the sbu did not help the forms of space. eyewitnesses in odessa filmed how the flames and column of smoke rose tens of meters, and this
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shot from surveillance camera. the blow hit the warehouse of the ukrainian new post office. according to the company, the missile destroyed not only the sorting depot and the department itself, but also more than 15 tons of online orders. but the nature of the explosion and its consequences indicates that most likely the main customer of this batch was the ukrainian armed forces. and the strike disrupted the delivery of weapons and such high-precision and effective work on the demilitarization of ukraine with the destruction of western supplies is on the rise, which is recognized by the former ukrainian people's deputy gabko. it is important that in the middle of the country it is important that inside the country the places where stormshadow and other types of weapons are stored are not drained, russian missiles do not fly there and destroy our replenishment of ammunition for high-precision long-range weapons. kiev has long been using extensive mail logistics for the military; after hacking internal servers , hackers posted data from
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ukrainian mail shipments, thermal imagers and drones, and the same structure is directly used for transporting heavy equipment. on these the footage shows that tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and other armored vehicles are transported across the territory of ukraine in completely ordinary- looking trucks of the ukrainian post office. losses of large shipments of western weapons. countries sharing the principles and approaches on which they will build further actions, after which communication with russia can take place, and russia can
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take part in the negotiations, because you are right, in the end it is impossible to end the war without the participation of both sides. however, moscow has already clearly stated that attempts to present russia with an ultimatum following the summit are initially doomed to failure, all work must be based on the realities on the ground, and they are getting worse for kiev. options are being discussed on french airwaves.
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as a result, there are great doubts about the success of the ongoing mobilization, which means that the deal concluded by the west with kiev, money in exchange for manpower, is under threat. against this background , french president macron became more active in a lengthy interview with the magazine. even in the photo, presenting himself as a pan-european thinker, macron again frightened russia and the possibility the rapid death of europe, as well as the retreat of the united states, all with the same conclusion that ukraine must survive at any cost. do you confirm your words about the possible sending of ground troops to ukraine? absolutely, as i already said, i do not exclude anything, because before us is someone who does not exclude anything, if the russians broke through the front line, if
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there was a request from ukraine, which is not the case today, to us. i would rightfully have to ask myself this question. macron insists that by doing so the west will place russia in conditions of strategic uncertainty. however, the idea with the sending of troops before this , all key nato allies had already most definitely been dismissed. but the alliance seems to be actively taking on the new levy on the armed forces of ukraine, amounting to tens of billions of dollars. now nato wants to pump another 100 billion dollars into this war. we received this offer on tuesday. nato wants to collect these 100 billion dollars from member countries. this means that nato is counting on prolonging the war for another 5 years, and we know what risks this brings. but it is also well known what profits this has already brought to the western political and military-industrial circles. alexander khristenko, maxim shchepilov and kirill vyachin, conduct. on the eve of easter, the kiev regime is increasing pressure on the canonical
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ukrainian orthodox church. the sbu confirmed that it delivered. metropolitan luke of zaporozhye and melitopol is suspected of inciting religious hatred, as if during the service he expressed disdain for parishioners of other faiths. by them they usually mean schismatics from the ocu who seize churches. was previously in custody metropolitan arseny of the svyatogorsk lavra was imprisoned without the right to post bail; this priest allegedly voiced his disposition right during the liturgy. posts of the armed forces of ukraine near kramatorsk, although in fact the metropolitan simply reported discrimination against parishioners, whom the authorities prevented from getting into the monastery by placing an armed checkpoint on the road. patriarch kirill of moscow and all russia, in an address to the primates of local churches and international organizations, emphasized that the persecution of believers in ukraine is acquiring the features of total anti-religious terror. in
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the united states today began to harshly suppress anti. israeli protests were started by joe biden, who in a special address stated that protests in support of palestine went beyond acceptable limits. the president's position was supported by congress, which approved the law to combat anti-semitism. at the moment , almost 1,500 protestors have already been arrested in the states, the vast majority of them are students. our staff correspondent in the usa talks about how the fight against liberal youth could affect biden’s chances of being re-elected.
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the further south, the tougher. i'm no longer allowed in the police officers have weapons at the ready than the campus, all my things were left there, we probably won’t even be allowed to take the exams. columbia university in new york has already switched to remote work, it all started from there, and before it had time
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to subside a little, it flared up next door. at fordham university. barricades inside the building. the tents were set up right in the corridors of academic buildings in the famous lincoln center, posing. in front of the support group, which is located outside, they sing freedom to palestine. the protesters, of course, consider themselves freedom fighters, but none of them, as it turned out, really want to go to deprivation, protest is protest, and lunch is on schedule. we are required to provide food because we, as students, pay for food, you don’t want students to die from lack of water or?
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it is the vague formulations that allow the law to be twisted in any direction, which is why it is also criticized by the right, like congressman matgets, who believes that even the gospel can be banned, and the left, because
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it violates freedom of speech, only biden remained silent, or rather, remained silent. we will not protect participants in violent protests. when violence occurs, it is illegal, damaging property is not a peaceful protest. this is illegal, vandalism, trespassing on private property, breaking windows, forcing campus closures, canceling graduations, none of this is a peaceful protest. the consequences of this comment are still difficult to predict, with the left wing of the democrats, liberal youth have gathered on it, they are quarreling more dearly to themselves, their inner-party coalition is bursting at the seams and biden is not of his own free will, in the end i had to choose a chair to sit on. we must remember, young people do not vote, only 20% of people under 30 actually go to the polls, parents, students and those with small children are more important here,
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biden now has a real opportunity to condemn anti-semitism, chaos, violent riots, but he not a very good speaker. a bad speaker and his voice disturbs him at a closed event, the us president complained that he had a cold at the wrong time, protests flare up, it is increasingly reminiscent of 1968 with his speeches against war in vietnam, the peak of the confrontation was then the dim party congress in chicago. 650 arrested, more than a thousand wounded, the chicago seven, this is exactly about those events. half a century later, there are protests again in america, the democratic convention will again be held in chicago. what do you think the democratic convention in chicago will look like? it looks like it will make the 1968 convention look like disneyland. this could be the defining moment
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of the election season, just as it was 56 years ago. people will see the chaos on their screens and say: enough is enough, we want restoration law and order. the republicans have a party convention scheduled in wisconsin and will go there during the break between court hearings in new york. trump spoke in general phrases, but what really frightened the democrats was his interview with the milwacky journal sentinel, in which the republican candidate promised to accept the results of the november elections only if the elections were held fairly, otherwise he threatened to raise his supporters to fight. something similar.
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spoke on january 6 before the storming of the capitol. biden's supporters are confident that those events, against the backdrop of what could happen already in november will seem like a cakewalk to america. over the past 4 years, the ingredients for an explosive political cocktail have had time to brew, and new ones are being added in the form of the same protests at universities. valentin bogdanov, ivan utkin and maria egorova, lead the usa. in these. they are trying to block off the heroes' square, they are already heading towards parliament, a few hours ago buses with special forces arrived there, and although the deputies did not work today, having canceled the plenary session, the authorities fear new large-scale unrest, as happened last night.
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the protesters erected barricades, threw stones and smoke bombs at the police, and the security forces responded by using water cannons, rubber bullets and tear gas. it was possible to take control of the situation only in the morning; the fact that the pogromists acted in an organized manner and were directed from abroad was most clearly demonstrated by the american reaction to the events. the us ambassador to georgia in her statement openly supported the opposition and complained that the georgian authorities are attacking the defenders of the sovereignty of the republic, and this, according to her washington and brussels. unfortunately, the ruling party seems to be full. usa and european
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union. the united states is echoed by the european union; the head of the european commission did not fail to remind georgia of its european path as a candidate country for the eu. i am following the situation in georgia with great concern and condemn the violence on the streets of tbilisi. georgia is at a crossroads; we expect the georgian government to immediately take the measures it has committed to take as an eu candidate country. in the meantime, special forces are preparing for new unrest in tbilis, the authorities estimated that during the two days of pogroms , about ten security forces were injured, some had to be hospitalized.


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